PDL :: Volume #4

#308: Eye-sore thorn in the side

General Gongsun?” “公孙将军?” Qi Hao and another military officer, after seeing male Sun Yan, complexion immediately changed. 奇蒿和另外一名将领,看见公孙岩后面色马上变了。 Especially Qi Hao, sees to clench jaws after male Sun Yan's behind Qin Shi, is stepping the stride before rushing roars: „Is brat, you are stirring up trouble? Dares to disturb General Gongsun to rest, courts death!” 特别是奇蒿,看见在公孙岩身后的秦石后咬牙切齿,迈着大步就冲上前怒吼一声:“臭小子,是不是你在惹事?竟敢打扰公孙将军休息,找死!” . 咻。 Speaks, among Qi Hao the palm winds brings the miserable cold current, then grasps toward the face of Qin Shi. 说着话,奇蒿的掌风间带起凄凉寒流,便朝秦石的面庞抓下。 Sudden, let surround the heart that the prisoner just subsided also to mention the throat immediately. 突如其来的一幕,让围观囚犯刚平息的心马上又提到了嗓子眼。 This what situation? 这什么情况? Bang! 轰! , Qi Hao the face fluctuates unexpectedly, the wind-drift sand in ground curls up the slender hurricane to surge, over a thousand wisps of hurricanes such as the cane lock tightens Qi Hao, strikes him striking to depart over a hundred meters far. 蓦地间,奇蒿的面庞变幻一下,地面上的流沙卷起成纤细的飓风涌动,上千缕飓风如藤锁般勒紧奇蒿,一击将他给击飞出上百米远。 Rumble! 咕噜! Makes way in the following prisoner immediately, wonderful wormwood solid falling on the ground. 在后面的囚犯马上让开,奇蒿结结实实的摔在地上。 In side, the Liufeng corners of the mouth shoulder to wipe the ridicule toward on: Really is an idiot!” 在旁边,柳峰嘴角朝上挑起抹嘲弄:“真是个白痴!” Fell to be puzzled in the wonderful wormwood whole face of ground, is startled the small eye to look toward male Sun Yan: General Gongsun you are!” 摔在地上的奇蒿满脸不解,怔了怔小眼睛朝公孙岩望去:“公孙将军你这是!” Does not have the thing of eyesight price!” “没眼力价的东西!” Male Sun Yan angrily rebukes, at once pays no attention to Qi Hao radically, shouts to another military officer: Qingyun, has a look Li Qi to have died.” 公孙岩怒斥一声,旋即根本不理奇蒿,冲着另外一名将领喊道:“青云,去看看李琦死没死。” Another star receives the command, he like the wonderful wormwood like that idiot, after should not, setting out that has not asked leaps to Li Qi by, the finger sweeps in Li Qi's tip of the nose place, under: General Gongsun, is angry.” 另一名将领得令,他可不像奇蒿那般白痴,应一声后没有多问的起身跃到李琦旁边,手指在李琦的鼻尖处一扫,楞下:“公孙将军,有气。” Um, has a look to be saved, can revive has revived to him, a Spirit King Realm labor force do not waste.” Under male Sun Yan's serious in speech and manner point, after at once, said toward Qingyun: Was right, under the multi- attendances this boy, I do not want to see the second time like the tonight's matter!” “嗯,看看有没有救,能救活就给他救活了,一个王灵境的劳动力别浪费了。”公孙岩不苟言笑的点下头,旋即顿了顿后又朝青云道:“对了,多照顾下这小子,像今晚的事我不想看见第二次!” Said that this saying, before he searches the hand to push to Qin Shi. 说完这话,他探手将秦石推向前。 hears that sound, the surrounding prisoner was all shocked, the big eye must jump to be the same probably: General Gongsun said a moment ago that what said?” 闻声,周围的囚犯全被惊呆了,大眼睛好像要跳出来一样:“刚才公孙将军说,说什么?” What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Day, what origin is this boy? Does General Gongsun get rid to guarantee him personally? Was this also a prisoner?” “天啊,这小子到底是什么来历?公孙将军亲自出手保他?这还是不是囚犯了?” The prisoner who follows Li Qi, suddenly bursting out laughing does not have the words. 跟随李琦的囚犯,一时间哑然无话。 By the sandpile hundred meters away, Liu Tingting was helped up by several little brothers, her charming almond eyes shoulder toward on, look are somewhat strange to the beautiful pupil of Qin Shi. 在百米外的沙堆旁,刘婷婷被几个小弟扶起,她娇媚的杏眼朝上挑起,望向秦石的美眸中有些怪异。 Wang Pang was frightens to urinate, urinated. 王胖则是吓尿了,是真的尿了。 He has not expected, Qin Shi really has such big background, the intestines of regret were at heart blue. 他万万没料到,秦石竟然有这么大的背景,心里后悔的肠子都青了。 Qingyun has been startled being startled similarly, as matter that the military officer takes care of the prisoner, these years he is also the first time heard, but faces male Sun Yan he actually not to dare to question that is only the nod accordingly: Yes!” 青云同样怔了怔,作为将领照顾囚犯的事,这些年他也是头一次听说,但面对公孙岩他却不敢质疑,只是点头应声:“是!” Simple confession, male Sun Yan caressed to successor dynasty Qin Shi say with a smile steadily: Was good, this time you can consider relieved, remembers that do not make me and others too long.” 简单的交代一下,公孙岩才抚了抚长须后朝秦石笑道:“好了,这次你可以安心考虑了,记得别让我等太久。” ! 咻! The voice has not fallen, in the dust sand curls up the billowing local conditions, the male Sun Yan wind-drift sand becomes the intermittent tornado, sets out, even if toward airborne escapes. 话音未落,尘沙中卷起滚滚风土,公孙岩脚下的流沙成阵阵旋风,起身纵然的朝空中远遁。 Male Sun Yan leaves, the surroundings immediately the raising intermittent hiss, many prisoners including Qi Hao and Qingyun two military officers, are relaxing of cannot bear. 公孙岩离开,周围马上就升起阵阵嘘声,诸多囚犯包括奇蒿和青云两名将领,都是忍不住的松了口气。 Psst! 吱吱! Crawls to set out, Qi Hao stares in the Qin Shi presbyopia to dodge the corridor to be pungent, the fist was pinched by him psst makes noise. 爬起身,奇蒿凝视秦石的老眼中闪过道辛辣,拳头被他捏的吱吱作响。 Looks back movement that sees Qi Hao, Qingyun helpless revealing forced smile, before stepping, has patted under him: He he, have not thought that this boy is not simple.” 回首看见奇蒿的动作,青云无奈的露出苦笑,踏上前拍了下他:“呵呵,别多想了,这小子不简单。” „It is not simple, after is a prisoner, I must make him attractive!” Qi Hao contorts one's face in agony scolds one fierce. “不简单,也终归是个囚犯,我一定要让他好看!”奇蒿呲牙咧嘴的厉声呵斥一句。 complexion of Qingyun changed: Urged you not to act sloppily, otherwise General Gongsun looked up, your I must unable to eat to capture walking.” 青云的面色变了变:“劝你别胡来,否则公孙将军查下来,你我都要吃不了兜着走。” hear that, the wonderful wormwood green face is calm some, to Qin Shi huh, flicks the sleeve departs. 闻言,奇蒿青色的面庞才冷静些许,冲着秦石哼哧一声,才拂袖离去。 Is looking at Qi Hao of receding, Qingyun relaxed, smiles bitterly to the Qin Shi direction, then ringing shouts toward the surroundings prisoner: „The words of General Gongsun you heard a moment ago, matter that later is politer to stone Qin, has again today, criminal law handling!” 望着远走的奇蒿,青云松了口气,冲着秦石的方向苦笑一声,然后朗朗的朝周围囚犯喊道:“刚才公孙将军的话你们都听见了,以后对石秦都客气些,再有今日的事,刑法处置!” Surrounding prisoner complexion is not quite attractive, most of them are Li Qi and Liu Tingting person. 周围的囚犯面色都不太好看,他们大多数都是李琦和刘婷婷的人。 But, some people worry about some people to like, Han Zai inexpensive smiles has covered the whole face, excited goes forward to hold Qin Shi, the admiration of whole face said: Big brother, you were too graceful, General Lian Gongsun stand to help you!” 但,有人忧就有人欢喜,韩仔的贱笑已经覆盖满脸,兴奋的上前抓住秦石,满脸的敬佩道:“大哥,你太帅了,连公孙将军都站出来帮你!” Worthily is greatly noisy north hum!” “不愧是大闹北呜呜呜!” Just started, Qin Shi also enjoyed, but changed to these words his resolute face, after held Han Zai, inserted in his head the sand pit, forehead exudation cold sweat. 刚开始,秦石还蛮享受,但到这句话他刚毅的面庞就变了,一把抓住韩仔后将他的脑袋插进沙坑里,额头不由的渗出冷汗。 Cracks a joke, he is the Qin Shi matter, certainly cannot be known by the bystander. 开玩笑,他是秦石的事,一定不能被外人知道。 Otherwise, male Sun Yan estimated that does not help him, but can butcher him personally? 否则,公孙岩估计就不是帮他,而是要亲手宰了他吧? Before two archives, Qin Shi, but clear remembering, Queen Xiao Chong mentioned specially must investigate thoroughly his handwriting. 之前在两张公文上,秦石可是清晰的记得,肖宠皇后特意提起过要彻查他的字迹。 Confesses, Qingyun left. 交代一番,青云离开了。 After he leaves, which does the surrounding prisoner also dare to treat same place? Is looking in the Qin Shi vision like damn, starts running away at once one by one. 他离开后,周围的囚犯哪还敢在原地待着?一个一个望着秦石的目光中像见鬼一样,各个拔腿就跑。 Was being held by two youth in Liu Tingting of distant place, just before leaving has the profound meaning looks at one toward Qin Shi, the little cherry lips open and close slightly, partly makes a sound sighs turns around to leave. 在远处的刘婷婷被两名少年扶着,临走时颇有深意的朝秦石瞄一眼,一点点的樱唇微微开合,半响才叹息的转身离开。 The surrounding person almost disperses, remaining Liufeng several people. 周围的人差不多都散开,就剩下柳峰几人。 Liufeng flicks the sleeve ringing laughs, one step steps around said to Qin Shi: He he, your boy, which is really is not willing to stop.” 柳峰拂袖朗朗大笑,一步迈上前后冲秦石道:“呵呵,你小子,真是在哪都不肯消停啊。” Liufeng big brother chatted, if not for you help me win the time, I cannot wait for that old fogy to catch up.” Arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest to Liufeng, Qin Shi said right. “柳峰大哥说笑了,若不是你帮我争取时间,我也等不到那老家伙赶来。”对柳峰拱了拱手,秦石说的没错。 But these words, made Liufeng and the others be shocked, Liufeng stunned growing up mouth: You already know that General Gongsun can help you?” 但这句话,却让柳峰等人惊呆了,柳峰愕然的长大嘴巴:“你早就知道公孙将军会来助你?” He has the matter to ask me, naturally does not hate me dead!” “他有事求我,当然舍不得我死!” „Does General Gongsun have the matter to ask you?” “公孙将军有事求你?” The corners of the eye of how many people twitch up and down, the surroundings were all stunned about the prisoner who Qin Shi did not know, was actually this boy where sacred? 几个人的眼角上下抽搐一番,周围对秦石不了解的囚犯全愕然了,这小子究竟是何方神圣? Sucked the tongue, Liufeng early knew in the Qin Shi non- pond the thing, but has not actually expected to exaggerate this situation unexpectedly: What matter is?” 咂了咂舌,柳峰早知道秦石非池中之物,但却万万没有料到竟会夸张到这种地步:“是什么事?” Hey, the secret cannot reveal.” “嘿嘿,天机不可泄露。” In the black pupil of Qin Shi dodges the corridor none remaining, feels disappointed beckons with the hand to several people, then drags the light miraculous glow to enter toward the tent. 秦石的黑眸中闪过道精光,非常扫兴的冲着几人摆摆手,便拖着淡淡的灵光朝帐篷中走进。 Gets such answer, various people somewhat disappointed droops the face. 得到这样的答案,诸人有些失望的耷拉起脸。 Han young following Qin Shi. 韩仔则屁颠屁颠的跟上秦石 On sandy soil nearby support, Liufeng is surrounding the chest, depends gently above, looks is burying the black robe youth in tent, in the heart to reveal some ripples. 在沙土旁边的支架上,柳峰环抱着胸膛,轻轻靠在上面,望着埋没在帐篷里的黑袍少年,心中不禁的流露出些许涟漪。 Is noisy Burning Sky Sect can not really worthily the peaceful fellow, but does not know that this time meets in East District ends by what kind of situation?” The thinking of Liufeng follows the heart to beat, pupil zhong ignites the blazing ray. “真不愧是闹的焚天宗不得安宁的家伙,只是不知道这次在东方区域又会是以怎样的情况来收场?”柳峰的思索伴随心脏跳动,眸zhong燃起炽烈的光芒。 Later, he clashes many brothers to call one. 之后,他才冲诸多兄弟们招呼一声。 Bang! 砰! But when various human desire must turn around to leave, in the Qin Shi tent dull thumping sound, wipes the shining miraculous glow likely midsummer the tulip, is in full bloom to open. 但在诸人欲要转身离开的时候,秦石的帐篷里闷响一下,一抹金灿灿的灵光像盛夏郁金香,怒放而开。 ! 咣啷! Following close on, the Han Zai thin and small body is falling to fly, sitting maliciously on the ground, dirty is looking in the tent, put in great inconvenience: Big brother 紧跟着,韩仔瘦小的身躯就摔飞出来,一屁股狠狠的坐在地上,灰头土脸的望着帐篷内,委屈极了:“大哥” I love the woman!” “我爱女人!” In the tent transmits spirited cursing angrily. 帐篷内传来激昂的怒骂。 The sudden farce made Liufeng and the others stare staring, at once immediately is suddenly enlighted, smiles to turn the audience. 突然的闹剧令柳峰等人愣了愣,旋即马上恍然大悟,笑翻全场。 The dim light of night elapses, wipes fish-belly white, from the East raises. 夜色逝去,一抹鱼肚白自东方升起。 In the morning, the first dawn disperses Xiadade, has illuminated Scarlet Flame Empire most East. 清晨,第一道晨曦散下大地,率先照亮了赤炎帝国的最东方。 The day just dawn, Qi Hao had driven the prisoner to protecting country big patches. 天刚蒙蒙亮,奇蒿已经驱使囚犯对护国大阵进行修补。 Originally, Qingyun is confessed that Qin Shi does not need him to patch, but Qin Shi is actually not willing, to be same as everyone / influential family. 本来,青云是交代秦石不需要他去修补,但秦石却不肯,非要和大家一样。 Cracks a joke, to him, patches to protect country Gu Zhen restores the strength, he will not let up such good opportunity. 开玩笑,对他来讲,去修补护国古阵就是恢复实力啊,他可不会放过这么好的机会。 Had the beforehand upholstery, when is one's turn the third group of people go on stage, Qin Shi familiar and easy and protects country Gu Zhen to relate on, starts to shut the item to carry on the repair of spiritual power. 有了之前的铺垫,轮到第三拨人上场时,秦石轻车熟路的和护国古阵联系上,开始闭目进行灵力的修复。 Two days of time, daytime Qin Shi and all people repair to protect country big together, from absorbs rich spiritual power to take the nutrient, night then in Fu Wen while unmanned time absorber. 两天时间,白天秦石和诸人共同修复护国大阵,从其中吸取浓郁的灵力作为养分,夜晚便趁着无人时间吸收体内的符文。 During this, Li Qi restored, but he does not dare to look for the trouble of Qin Shi again, the whole person follows listless after the third group of people. 这期间,李琦恢复了,但他再也没敢去找秦石的麻烦,整个人没精打采的跟在第三拨人身后。 Liu Tingting also throughout remains silent, two day time except for patching protects country Gu Zhen the period, how has almost not seen her to take a walk. 婷婷也始终保持沉默,两日时间除了修补护国古阵的期间,几乎没见她怎么走动过。 Their under the hands / subordinates prisoner, afterward is defeated and dispersed after Qin Shi this many, original about 300 people of only remaining trivial hundred people. 就连两人手下的囚犯,经过秦石这事后都溃散不少,原来的近300人只剩下区区百人。 Middle most people, then joins the Liufeng hanger-on. 当中大部分人,则是加入柳峰门下。 Some people even on own initiative look for Qin Shi, inquired that Qin Shi does have to form oneself influence the meaning, but Qin Shi does not prepare to wait for a long time in this area north of the Great Wall day firmly, his body may many matters not do, therefore then hints these people to seek for Liufeng. 有一些人甚至主动找上秦石,询问秦石有没有要组建自己势力的意思,但秦石可不准备在这塞外天牢久待,他身上可还有许多事没做呢,所以便示意这些人去寻找柳峰。 Short, the area north of the Great Wall day had in history on the 2nd firmly the biggest turmoil, the influence of Liufeng suddenly becomes middle the hugest influence. 短短两日,塞外天牢发生了史上最大的动乱,柳峰的势力一举成为当中最庞大的势力。 But all people know that these merit must sum up in one person, is: Shi Qin. 但所有人都知道,这些的功劳都要归结于一人,便是:石秦。 The 3rd day setting sun opens. 第三日的夕阳拉开帷幕。 The shining soft light from the West sprinkles, appears a different kind beauty on the sand of wilderness motley actually. 金灿灿的柔光自西方洒下,斑驳在荒漠的沙地上倒是显现出一种别样的美。 Stops work for the day!” “收工!” The sound that this service follows Qi Hao resounds lags behind to end, all prisoners were exhausted, excited call revelry. 这一次的服役伴随奇蒿的声音响起拉下落幕,所有囚犯都累坏了,兴奋的呐喊狂欢。 Reorganizes for night, tomorrow morning great power will be firm!” After stopping work for the day, Qi Hao and Qingyun have gathered together the under the hands / subordinates prisoner, Qingyun steps around waves to hint to all people. “整理一夜,明早回天牢!”收工后,奇蒿和青云拢了拢手下的囚犯,青云迈上前后冲着诸人挥手示意。 The hears that sound prisoners are puff dispersing. 闻声囚犯们都是喘着粗气散开。 Under protecting country ancient, Qin Shi two Cheng seal reclamation wipes the pale golden miraculous glow finally, looks at the fabricated air wave heart to have does not abandon. 在护国古阵下,秦石两手成印的收回最后一抹淡金色的灵光,望着虚妄的气浪心有不舍。 Finally smiles bitterly, he wields to the air wave starts, in the heart meditates: I will come back, next time comes back then to help you scatter the mark of blood robe person!” 最终苦笑一声,他只是冲着气浪挥下手,心中默念:“我会回来,下一次回来便帮你驱散血袍人的印记!” ! 呜! In hundred zhang (333m) high air wave hears the sobbing sound, responded to Qin Shi. 百丈高的气浪中传来呜咽声,回应秦石 In these three day in invisible communication, Qin Shi protected country Gu Zhenjing to have many favorable impressions to this, therefore he will certainly come back. 在这三日里无形的沟通中,秦石对这护国古阵竟是产生了不少好感,所以他一定会回来。 The farewell protects country Gu Zhen, the Qin Shi slender finger income sleeve, was welcoming the golden soft light of West with Han Zai Liufeng and the others, enters toward the tent. 告别护国古阵,秦石修长的手指收入袖筒,和韩仔柳峰等人迎着西方的金色柔光,朝帐篷内走进。 ! 咻! But has not gone out several steps, the body that Qin Shi drops out black trembles slightly, footsteps that just took float in midair, stops. 但没走出几步,秦石黑抛下的身躯轻微一颤,刚迈出的脚步悬浮在半空中,停顿一下。 Two wipe the limpid murderous intention behind to curl up. 两抹清澈的杀机在身后卷起。 Has been startled being startled in his nearby Liufeng: How?” 在他旁边的柳峰怔了怔:“怎么了?” hears that sound, the Qin Shi train of thought follows cool breeze to draw, at once in the black pupil flashes through some cold brightness, looks separately after behind two directions: He he, all right, is only some people, thought that I am their eye-sore and thorn in the side.” 闻声,秦石的思绪伴随清风收拢,旋即黑眸中闪过些许的寒光,分别朝身后的两个方向望去:“呵呵,没事,只是有些人,觉得我是他们的眼中钉和肉中刺啊。”
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