PDL :: Volume #4

#307: Sudden helper

I have killed you.” “我杀了你。” Looks is pouring in place Liu Tingting miserably, Li Qi's face becomes flushed, strikes to shake flies Liufeng, even if after setting out, cuts the half-way remnant shade under the moonlight, presses up to Qin Shi. 望着惨倒在地的刘婷婷,李琦的面庞涨红,一击震飞柳峰,纵然起身后在月光下划破半道残影,直逼秦石 Big brother! Brother Shi!” “大哥!石老弟!” Stopping that Liufeng staggers behind, with shouts one that Han Zai worries. 柳峰踉跄的停下身后,和韩仔担忧的呼喊一声。 ! 咻! The cold wind broken ear, Qin Shi looks askance toward direction staring that the sound conveys rapidly, the both feet under black robe series treads, after moves out of the way several meters far. 冷风破耳,秦石迅速侧目朝声音传来的方向凝视,黑袍下的双脚跟着连环踏地,朝后挪开十几米远。 „To run?” “想跑?” Li Qi's offensive is exceptionally valiant, does not wait for Qin Shi to stand firm the body advantage of terrain stimulation of movement such as the difficult situation palm wind rolling to curl up in the dust sand, wickedly covers to the chest of Qin Shi under. 李琦的攻势异常彪悍,不等秦石稳住身形便催动如惊涛骇浪的掌风在尘沙中滚滚卷起,冲着秦石的胸膛就恶狠狠笼罩而下。 The blue miraculous glow is the nighttime sky star meteor crashes likely, aggressive. 碧蓝色的灵光像是夜空星陨坠落,咄咄逼人。 Holds the wind to force, to make the Qin Shi knitting the brows peak, black sending tree top slightly after curls up: Couldn't shunt?” 掌风逼迫,令秦石不禁的皱起眉峰,黑色的发梢微微朝后卷起:“躲不开了吗?” Unavoidablily, he lifts the hand to welcome. 不得已下,他抬手迎上。 Bang! 轰! Two palms dash, Qin Shi body toward retroceding several meters far. 两掌冲撞,秦石的身躯不禁朝后退开十几米远。 Is once more joyous in nearby prisoner: Snort, big brother Li Qi lost one's temper, this time no one could save this boy.” 在旁边的囚犯再次欢悦而起:“哼,李琦大哥动怒了,这次谁都救不了这小子。” Big brother Li Qi, revenges for the Ting elder sister!” “李琦大哥,替婷姐报仇!” With the grating cheers, the Qin Shi single-handed brace on the rear sand, is forces to stop the body, the black robe was dyed by the dust somewhat distressed. 伴随着刺耳的欢呼声,秦石单手撑在后方的沙地上,才算是勉强将身躯停下,黑袍被尘埃染的有些狼狈。 Boy, is you courts death!” “小子,是你自己找死!” Li Qi rubbish, opens the attack that gathers greatly not to have the least bit to be vague greatly, moves mountains toward the Qin Shi surging volume falls once more. 李琦毫不废话,大开大合的攻击没有半点隐晦,排山倒海般的再次朝秦石涌动卷落。 Brother, I help you!” “老弟,我来助你!” In the rear area, Liufeng clenched teeth to take a step to go forward. 在后方,柳峰咬了咬牙迈步上前。 Scram!!” But Li Qi like taking gunpowder, just jumped onto before Liufeng the instance, wipes the evil spirit the star meteor volume. 滚开!”但李琦像吃了火药一样,在柳峰刚跃上前的瞬间,一抹凶煞的星陨卷地而起。 Bang! 砰! quick and violent offensive in clouds tuck dive. 迅猛的攻势在云霄翻腾。 Liufeng that blood just congealed, was compelled to draw back directly: Hissing this is Spirit King Realm Middle Stage fully? This time troubled!” 血手刚刚凝结的柳峰,直接被逼退:“嘶这就是王灵境中期的全力吗?这次麻烦了!” Concentrate! 凝! But this short moment, was Qin Shi has actually won a lot of time, his cold black pupil closed, wiped the purple quiet fire to offer a sacrifice , after dividing into two, changed into two golden light Buddhist relics. 但这短短的片刻,却为秦石争取了不少时间,他冷冽的黑眸闭合,一抹紫色幽火祭出,一分为二后化为两道金光舍利。 Big Buddhist relics decide!” “大舍利决!” , Two Buddhist relics such as the clouds great hibernation of insects, overflows the golden halo that suddenly opens likely is the first day of diminished version, swallows vitality in the surrounding air, suddenly. 戛然间,两道舍利如云霄巨蛰,四溢而开的金色光晕像是缩小版的朔日,将周围空气中的生机吞噬,骤然而起。 Carves the insect small technique, rough sea waves thousand kills!” “雕虫小技,巨浪千杀!” The evening however, Li Qi's strong tiger body trembles, two arms open like giant ape Xiong Xiong, go through the wild with rage startled day the deep blue ocean waves, bribes the sand dust. 暮然间,李琦健硕的虎躯一颤,两臂如巨猿般雄雄撑开,辗转成狂怒惊天的碧蓝海浪,染指沙尘。 Sees this, all Renjie stared staring. 望见这幕,诸人皆是瞪了瞪眼。 Trembled trembling in the rear Liufeng, in the heart is somewhat anxious: Is 5-Step martial arts?” 在后方的柳峰颤了颤,心中有些焦虑:“是五阶武学?” This boy died, the rough sea waves thousand killed, but big brother Li Qi's unique skill.” “这小子死定了,巨浪千杀可是李琦大哥的绝招。” Bang!! 轰隆隆!! The spray rolling falls, the blue silver curtain is washing billowing spiritual power. 浪花滚滚而落,碧蓝色的银帘洗涤着滚滚灵力 But what is accidental, two golden light Buddhist relics in rough sea waves, not only not shatter, supports unexpectedly by strenuous efforts orders the rough sea waves unable to approach half step. 但意外的是,两枚金光舍利在巨浪中非但没有破碎,竟然苦苦支撑下令巨浪无法逼近半步。 Both move, produces the fierce tornado to rip open the earth, the surrounding tent was eradicated directly, shakes departs over a hundred meters far. 两者触碰间,产生剧烈的旋风将大地撕开,周围的帐篷直接被连根拔起,震飞出上百米远。 Some prisoners do not dare to approach, was shocked completely: How possible? Did he thousand kill to keep off unexpectedly big brother Li Qi's rough sea waves?” 一些囚犯根本不敢靠近,全部被惊呆了:“怎么可能?他竟然把李琦大哥的巨浪千杀挡下了?” „, Monstruous talent!” “呵,妖孽!” The corners of the mouth twitch, Liufeng have no alternative ridicules one. 嘴角抽搐一下,柳峰无可奈何的笑骂一声。 Looks tears the spray in the rough sea waves the Buddhist relics, Li Qi's face is similarly dignified, after clenching teeth, roars: Gives me to break!” 看着在巨浪中扯开浪花的舍利,李琦的面庞同样凝重,咬了咬牙后怒吼一声:“给我破!” Bang! 砰! Among loftily the ocean waves vertical more than ten meters high, intense hydraulic pressure swallows the Buddhist relics in the spiritual power tuck dive. 傲然间海浪纵起十米多高,强烈的水压在灵力翻腾间将舍利吞噬。 Bang! 轰隆! Two Buddhist relics blast out, seems the natural moat poor way. 两枚舍利炸开,好似天堑穷途。 He he, isn't a difference entire boundary, really good?” “呵呵,差一整个境界,果然还是不行吗?” The Qin Shi split lip angle raises slightly wipes the forced smile, in the pupil is doping some chill in the air, looks askance stares toward the rear clouds in: Hasn't arrived?” 秦石略微干裂的唇角扬起抹苦笑,眸中掺杂着些许寒意,侧目朝后方的云霄中凝视:“还没到吗?” Puff! 噗! The sand dust rolls up and pushes along, in the blue color and golden light doping, such as the ghosts and demons body leaps suddenly, flood the five fingers of fluorescent evil spirit are congealing to gather together, press up to the Qin Shi forehead to puncture. 沙尘卷动间,碧蓝色和金光掺杂中,一道如鬼魅的身躯骤然跃出,一道泛着荧光凶煞的五指凝合,直逼秦石眉心刺下。 Boy, suffers to death!” “小子,受死!” Li Qi calls out one, the palm quickly leaps. 李琦嚎叫一声,掌心迅速跃下。 Unavoidable takes back the black pupil, Qin Shi deep inspiration, the under foot rapid after escapes, golden scales produce on the flesh. 不得已的收回黑眸,秦石深深的吸口气,脚下迅速的朝后远遁,一身金色的鳞甲在肌肤上产生。 Bang! 轰! The attack fails, Li Qi actually unhurriedly revolves in the midair, follows close on the under foot to slip, is sideways to dissipate in the nighttime sky, leaps forward Qin Shi behind. 攻击落空,李琦却不慌不忙的在半空中旋转一圈,紧跟着脚下打滑,一个侧身消散在夜空中,跃入秦石身后。 Bang! 砰! Flurried, the Qin Shi unprecedented centralized spirit, walks randomly in the palm wind of liking thunder reverberating in one's ears by thin spiritual power and psychic force. 慌乱中,秦石前所未有的集中精神,凭借稀薄的灵力和精神力在如雷贯耳的掌风中游走。 Bang! 轰隆! But why does not know, Qin Shi is only unceasing moving aside, actually the disagreement Li Qi head confrontation, the cold vision once for a while changes the Western clouds, probably is waiting for anything. 但不知为何,秦石只是不断的躲闪,却不和李琦正面交锋,冷冽的目光时不时转向西方云霄,好像在等待着什么。 Crash star meteor!” “坠落星陨!” Holds the wind to rotate, Li Qi consecutively for several times lets slip, making him lose the patience gradually, the star meteor does not know together when falls from the sky in the vault of heaven, everywhere spiritual power such as overflow Jiang Hong, approaches torrentially. 掌风转动间,李琦连续几次失手,让他渐渐的失去耐心,一道星陨不知何时在苍穹上陨落,漫天的灵力如泛滥江洪,滔滔逼近。 Rear indifferent chill in the air made the Qin Shi eyebrow peak one pressed, the whole person was instantaneously stiff, criticized the damn latter two feet to make an all-out effort to catch up on the ground, fires into the clouds. 后方漠然的寒意令秦石眉峰一蹙,整个人瞬间僵硬一下,暗骂该死后两脚在地上狠劲发力,冲向云霄。 But is the moment, Li Qi's sharp mouth provokes supinely wipes the evil radian, the body after slightly under two merges in the chest, congeals seal: Kongtong rain!” 但就是片刻,李琦的尖嘴挑起抹邪恶的弧度,身躯朝后微微仰下将两手合并在胸膛,凝结成印:“崆峒雨!” Bang! 砰! Two star meteor star meteors struggle, such as nine days of tour dragon circling half-turns, bind the sand dust to fire into Qin Shi. 两道星陨星陨挣扎而出,如九天游龙盘旋半圈,裹着沙尘冲向秦石 Bang! 砰! This strikes, Qin Shi moves aside without enough time, cannot the underside open to transfer the back, in the palm binds the gentle halo frontage and star meteor moves. 这一击,秦石来不及躲闪,不得以下侧开身将背脊转开,掌心中裹起柔和的光晕正面和星陨触碰。 Bang! 轰隆! Bang, intense recoil transmits in the palms, making the tigers mouth of Qin Shi split two bloodstains, tightens the body with the strength suddenly after escapes hundred meters. 巨响一声,强烈的后坐力在掌间传来,令秦石的虎口不禁裂开两道血痕,旋紧身躯借力猛然朝后遁开百米。 About hundred meters, black pupil of Qin Shi low and deep. 百米开外,秦石的黑眸低沉至极。 Sigh But at this time, wiped the miraculous glow to transmit from Qin Shi Sea of Consciousness, makes his face in consternation, at once the side opens the vision to welcome toward the rear nighttime sky, provoked the smile: He he, came finally?” 但这时,一抹灵光自秦石识海中传递,令他的面庞愕然楞下,旋即侧开目光朝后方的夜空迎去,挑起微笑:“呵呵,终于来了吗?” „Will you only hide?” “你就只会躲吗?” Had not realized that Qin Shi difference, the Li Qi stiff physique, jumps once more. 并未察觉秦石的异样,李琦挺直身板,再次跳起。 But this time, Qin Shi is completely at ease, slender both hands draw in the sleeve, looks somewhat teases to Li Qi's black pupil: He he, this time, does not hide.” 但这一次,秦石却坦然自若,修长的双手收拢进袖筒之中,望向李琦的黑眸中有些戏谑:“呵呵,这一次,就不躲了。” That prepares to suffer to death!” “那就准备受死吧!” Li Qi puzzled has gawked staring, at once roars, after two fingers curl up the miraculous glow, condenses points, punctures to the Qin Shi eyebrow peak. 李琦不解的愣了愣,旋即怒吼一声,两指卷起灵光后凝聚一点,冲秦石的眉峰刺下。 spiritual power of fingertip is abundant, the prisoner who command surrounds stared staring puzzled: What does he want to make? Gave up?” 指尖的灵力雄厚狂野,令围观的囚犯不解的瞪了瞪眼:“他要做什么?难道放弃了吗?” Snort, opposes with big brother Li Qi, courts death!” “哼,和李琦大哥作对,找死!” The excrescence of Wang Pang whole face high and low fluctuates, excited calls out one: Brat, making you wild, this time you died!” 王胖满脸的赘肉上下浮动,兴奋的嚎叫一声:“臭小子,让你猖狂,这一次你死定了!” Pinching tightly fist that Liufeng and Han Zai worry about, but compares Han Zai, Liufeng actually calm many: This boy, what trick is also playing?” 柳峰和韩仔担忧的捏紧拳,但相比起韩仔,柳峰却镇定不少:“这小子,又在耍什么花样?” Stares at the complexion dazzling light space, the Qin Shi actually unhurriedly corners of the mouth slightly shoulders toward on, after pointing out single-handed, reveals three fingers: Three!” 凝视面色刺目的光宇,秦石却不慌不忙的嘴角微微朝上挑起,单手举出后露出三根手指:“三!” Um?” “嗯?” The slight sound falls, able to move unhindered Li Qi in dust sand has been startled being startled. 细微的声响落下,纵横在尘沙中的李琦怔了怔。 Two!” “二!” Brat, what are you counting?” “臭小子,你在数什么?” In Li Qi xin of speeding away the bewildered raising stock is scared, gets angry howling one: Is counting you also to live how long?” 疾驰的李琦心中莫名其妙的升起股恐慌,怒嚎一声:“难道在数你还能活多久吗?” Not, I in number, how long you can also live.” “非也,我在数,你还能活多久。” Qin Shi is staring at two fingertip, distance in his forehead square inch position, in black pupil strange solemn congealment, the last finger sets level gradually, said fierce: One!” 秦石盯着两道指尖,距离在他眉心处方寸的位置,黑眸中诡异的俨然凝结,最后一根手指渐渐放平,厉声道:“一!” Bang! 砰! A character just resounded, suddenly bang, the dust sand of ground blasts out loudly. 一字刚刚响起,突然巨响一声,地面的尘沙轰然炸开。 Wild with rage spiritual power transmits from the highest heaven, such as the big dragon is thunderous, the cloud layer kilometer away was broken directly. 狂怒的灵力自九霄传递,如巨龙雷鸣,千米外的云层直接被震碎。 Xiong male dust sand such as dreadful wild waves, the raising hundred zhang (333m) has. 雄雄尘沙如滔天骇浪,升起百丈有余。 Sudden crack, making the prisoners who surrounded stare staring in consternation, this fulmination too exaggerated. 突如其来的炸响,让围观的囚犯们愕然的瞪了瞪眼,这一声爆鸣实在太夸张了。 Some strength bad prisoners, were stunned directly. 一些实力不济的囚犯,直接被震晕过去。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Actually is who won?” “究竟是谁赢了?” Definitely is Li Qi “肯定是李琦” The big brother two characters have not fallen, puff! 大哥两字尚未落下,噗! A dull thumping sound resounds from the dust sand , a form of bloodstained flies upside down straightly, even if departs over a hundred meters far. 一声闷响自尘沙中响起,一道血迹斑斑的身影笔直倒飞,纵然飞出上百米远。 Li, big brother Li Qi?” “李,李琦大哥?” Prisoners who just prepared to cheer, entire was suddenly scared, was the distressed form that this flew upside down, not just in their eyes like the myth man, Li Qi? 刚准备欢呼的囚犯们,一时间全傻眼了,这倒飞出的狼狈身影,不正是他们眼中如神话般的男人,李琦吗? The Han young and Liufeng have gawked staring, the same half sound has not gotten back one's composure. 韩仔和柳峰愣了愣,同样半响没回过神。 Deathly stillness, silent, complete silence. 死寂,沉默,鸦雀无声。 Over a hundred binocular light stare in a big way looks askance at toward the dust sand. 上百双目光瞪大的朝尘沙中睨视。 Sigh Dust dispersing that the miserable cold wind rolling up and pushing along sand and crushed stone, will cover up together. 一道凄凉的冷风卷动砂石,将遮掩的尘埃飞散。 The next instant, two form standing erect in, binds tightly the youth of black robe, without doubt is Qin Shi. 下一霎,两道身影矗立其中,一名裹紧黑袍的少年,无疑是秦石 In front of Qin Shi, is a middle-aged man, the man wears the golden yellow armor, the armor vaguely is reflecting the time under the dim moonlight. 秦石面前,是一名中年男子,男子身穿金黄色铠甲,铠甲在朦胧的月光下依稀的反射着流光。 The time motley earth, the people of audience were shocked. 流光斑驳大地,全场的人都惊呆了。 Yes, is male General Sun Yan?” Who does not know is, cannot bear calls out one, follows close on the atmosphere to be lit to the altitude of full house. “是,是公孙岩将军?”不知道是谁,率先忍不住的嚎叫一声,紧跟着气氛被点燃到爆棚的高度。 All people do not dare to believe is staring at the middle-aged man, this man is not just one of the area north of the Great Wall day firm two big Profound Spirit Realm big those who are able, male Sun Yan? 所有人不敢置信的盯着中年男子,这男子不正是塞外天牢的两大玄灵境大能者之一,公孙岩吗? What's wrong, what's the matter?” “怎么,怎么回事?” General Gongsun in this? He, why does he want to help this boy?” “公孙将军怎么会在这?他,他为什么要帮这小子?” With Li Qi's prisoners, shrank the neck all of a sudden, especially Wang Pang, scared. 跟着李琦的囚犯们,一下子缩了缩脖,特别是王胖,吓坏了。 He has not expected, male Sun Yan unexpectedly for Qin Shi over? 他万万没有料到,公孙岩竟会替秦石出头? In the dust sand, male Sun Yan's Jinjia glistens: Boy, you may be really brave enough, if a moment ago that attack were hit by the frontage, feared that was your poor life does not have?” 在尘沙中,公孙岩的金甲闪亮:“小子,你可真够胆大,刚才那攻击若是被正面击中,怕是你的小命就没了吧?” He he, I believe General Gongsun, may not hate me dead, isn't?” Facing the male Sun Yan's words, shrugging of Qin Shi not to accept as correct, is completely at ease. “呵呵,我相信公孙将军,可舍不得我死,不是?”面对公孙岩的话语,秦石不以为然的耸了耸肩,坦然自若。 Um?” “嗯?” Is looking at the Qin Shi appearance, male Sun Yan has gawked staring, at once the arm rest laughs: Ha Ha, the good courage, worthily is Demonic Talisman Master, I let the matter consideration that you consider how?” 望着秦石的模样,公孙岩愣了愣,旋即扶手大笑:“哈哈,好胆魄,不愧是符魔师,我让你考虑的事情考虑的怎么样了?” Was considering.” “正在考虑。” I rescue your life, should you repay my?” Hears the Qin Shi words, male Sun Yan's complexion is somewhat disgruntled. “我救你一命,你是不是该报答我一下?”听到秦石的话,公孙岩的面色有些不悦。 Qin Shi actually searched the hand, smiles one: You do not save me, the opportunity that I consider does not have, therefore I considered that now isn't is repaying you?” 秦石却探了探手,笑一声:“你不救我,我连考虑的机会都没有,所以我现在考虑不已经是在报答你了吗?” You “你” A few words, made opening mouth of male Sun Yan was dumbfounded, silent half sound that finally complexion became flushed, under helpless point: Young fellow! But you remember, my patience is limited, you may probably grasp well!” 一句话,令公孙岩哑口无言的张了张嘴,最终面色涨红的沉默半响,无奈的点下头:“好小子!但你记住,我的耐心有限,你可要掌握好了!” Qin Shi shrugs, smiling of not to accept as correct. 秦石耸了耸肩,不以为然的笑笑。 What's the matter? What did here have?” At once, Qi Hao and another general come, see in the gigantic sand pit, the whole body is Li Qi of blood, was shocked. “怎么回事?这里发生了什么?”旋即,奇蒿和另一名将军闻风而来,望见硕大的沙坑中,满身是血的李琦,愣住了。 General Gongsun?” “公孙将军?”
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