PDL :: Volume #2

#199: Golden phoenix

Is your Evil Spirit ?” “是你邪魔?” The Qin Shi body trembles, the pupil opens in vain. 秦石身子一颤,眸子徒然睁大。 Jie Jie, the kid, cannot think really that you such quickly did arrive at the purgatory tower? Wants many thanks you actually, making this king revive.” “桀桀,小家伙,真想不到,你这么快就来到了炼狱塔?倒是要多谢你,让本王苏醒过来。” The Evil Spirit sound reverberates in Totem, at once the intonation transforms suddenly: Then your body, this king borrowed!” 邪魔的声音在图腾内回荡一声,旋即语调猛然转变:“那么你的身子,本王借用了!” Bang! 轰! The voice just fell, such as Jiang Hong Fanlan strength, blasts open in Qin Shi within the body suddenly, before quiet spiritual power, was awakened by the strength with great difficulty again, is eager to try once more, erupts. 话音刚落,一股如江洪泛滥的力量,在秦石的体内猛然炸裂,之前好不容易沉寂的灵力,被力量再次唤醒,再次跃跃欲试,爆发出来。 Volume!” “额啊!” Within the body manic, Qin Shi puff the spout blood, the right hand buckles firmly on the left hand, the sharp nail cuts the flesh of left arm slightly maliciously, pouring of whole body convulsion in altar, pain to swaying back and forth of going crazy. 体内狂躁,秦石噗的吐出口鲜血,右手牢牢扣在左手上,略微锋利的指甲将左臂的肌肤狠狠划破,全身痉挛的倒在祭坛上,痛苦到发疯的打滚。 Shi’tou!!” 石头!!” Shu Zhongyu one startled, she cannot hear the Evil Spirit sound, everywhere worries with anxious holding in the arms Qin Shi: Shi’tou, you? How suddenly this?” 书中玉一惊,她听不见邪魔的声音,满目担忧和焦虑的搂住秦石:“石头,你怎么了?怎么会突然就这样?” „” “啊” By suffering Qin Shi, was seen Evil Spirit Totem expanded to his chest, nine blood pupils show the scarlet blood light. 备受煎熬的秦石,眼看邪魔图腾已经扩展到他的前胸,九只血眸透出猩红的血光。 He by the last will, holds the Shu Zhongyu skilled artist, trembling puts out the cold air/Qi in the gaps between teeth: Elder Sister Yu walked Evil Spirit to awake quickly, you walked quickly!” 他凭借最后一丝意志,一把抓住书中玉的妙手,颤巍巍的在牙缝间吐出冷气:“玉姐快走邪魔要醒了,你快走!” „Does Evil Spirit regain consciousness?” 邪魔苏醒?” The Shu Zhongyu heart shakes, at once in her beautiful pupil completely obviously anxious, shaking down head of making an effort: I do not walk me not to walk, how can like this? Just wasn't all right?” 书中玉心头一震,旋即她美眸中尽显焦急,使劲的摇下头:“我不走我不走,怎么会这样?刚刚不是还没事?” Do not ask that walks quickly!! I must unable to control my body.” Qin Shi can feel, just like spiritual power spirit snake in bloodlines, bit by bit sneaks into his Sea of Consciousness, is striving for the right to control of body with him. “别问快走!!我要控制不住我的身子了。”秦石能感觉到,有一股灵力正如灵蛇般在血脉中,一点一点的窜入他的识海,正在和他争夺着身体的支配权。 He knows that this certainly is Evil Spirit , shoving open Shu Zhongyu that for this reason he makes an effort: Gets out of the way quickly! I do not know that meets Evil Spirit to seize to abandon me, actually to have anything, asking you to walk me not to think that quickly you were injured!” 他知道,这一定是邪魔,为此他使劲的推开书中玉:“快走开!我不知道,一会邪魔夺舍掉我,究竟会发生什么,求求你快走我不想你受伤!” Does not want “不要” Shaking the head that Shu Zhongyu makes an effort, tight surrounds the Qin Shi arm, offers a sacrifice to within the body all spiritual power, the whole body sends out the light fluorescence to wrap Qin Shi: I do not walk me do not walk to ask you, do not catch up with me to walk, is together good!” 书中玉使劲的摇头,紧紧的环抱秦石手臂,将体内所有的灵力祭出,全身散发着淡淡的荧光包裹秦石:“我不要走我不要走求求你,不要赶我走死,也一起好不好!” Elder Sister Yu 玉姐 The bursting out laughing that the flash, Qin Shi shocks, he does not have to speak again, because he knows, no matter he said anything, Shu Zhongyu will not walk, finally on the contrary is the forced smile of getting over an emotion. 一刹那,秦石震撼的哑然,他没有再说话,因为他知道,不管他说什么,书中玉都不会走,最后反倒是释怀的苦笑。 He he, is really the bad karma, my Qin Shi what Dehe can, be able to make you such beautiful unexpectedly, if the angel beautiful woman does abandon the life for me?” The Qin Shi forced check corners of the mouth, the right hand arm holds in the arms Shu Zhongyu, hugs is very tight: „Won't you regret?” “呵呵,真是孽缘,我秦石何德何能,竟然能让你这么美若天仙的美女为我舍命?”秦石牵强的勾一勾嘴角,右手臂搂住书中玉,搂的很紧:“你不会后悔么?” Cannot with you in the same place, unable.” At this moment, Shu Zhongyu did not have the past laughter again, her words were very earnest are very sincere, proceeds from the bottom of one's heart. “不会能和你在一起,就不会。”这一刻,书中玉再也没有以往的嬉笑,她的话很认真很真挚,是发自肺腑。 Qin Shi laughs wildly one suddenly, under painful suffering, instead reveals happily: Good, he he, has Elder Sister Yu entire life so, husband duplicate what Qiu? My Qin Shi this whole life, was the value!” 秦石突然狂笑一声,在痛苦的折磨下,反而露出欣慰:“好,呵呵,一生有玉姐如此,夫复何求?我秦石这辈子,算是值了!” Under point that Shu Zhongyu makes an effort, did not go to try to stop Evil Spirit again, is only clever walking arm in arm in the Qin Shi bosom, when this final matter of life and death, she cannot hide the truth from the innermost feelings again the love. 书中玉使劲的点下头,再没有去试图阻拦邪魔,只是乖巧的依偎在秦石怀中,在这最后生死攸关之际,她再也瞒不过内心的爱意。 She does not have anything to expect that only wants to accompany in this finally in the Qin Shi side. 她没什么期望,只想在这最后陪在秦石的身边。 Elder Sister Yu do you know? I do not fear death, did not fear really that I am only unwilling am corroded by Evil Spirit , the Qin Shi will is getting more and more fuzzy, he uses the final god knowledge, the forced smile sound: Some of my many enmity have not reported that Burning Sky Sect also gets off scot-free was unable to help the snow heart find the bleeding robe person, I am unwilling I not to be willingly!” 玉姐你知道么?我不怕死,真的不怕,我只是不甘”被邪魔侵蚀,秦石的意志越来越模糊,他用最后的神识,苦笑声:“我还有很多仇没报,焚天宗还逍遥法外还没能帮雪心找出血袍人,我不甘我不甘心啊!” Silently listens to Qin Shi to relate that Shu Zhongyu cried 默默的听着秦石诉说,书中玉哭了 Two people, in Tenth Rank of purgatory tower, like this depend in side of altar, was waiting for the death silently, has not struggled, not scared, only then sentiment. 两个人,就在炼狱塔的第十层,这样靠在祭坛的旁边,默默的等待着死亡,没有挣扎,没有恐慌,只有浓浓的情。 Bang! 嘭! At this time, suddenly the phenomenon presently, the shining ray, blooms on the Tenth Rank wall for the first time together, the intense ray wrapped them firmly, making them be startled. 这时,突然异象乍现,一道金灿灿的光芒,在第十层的墙壁上绽放,强烈的光芒将两人牢牢包裹,令两人一惊。 Is this golden light?” “是这金光?” Qin Shi is fierce quickly grasps the meaning of something, this golden light he remembers that in the ninth strata time, was this golden light has saved him. 秦石猛得一激灵,这金光他记得,之前在第九层时,就是这金光救了他。 Really, under golden light package, original alienation Evil Spirit suddenly law-abiding some, moving restlessly spiritual power was also compelled to draw back by the golden light, making the Qin Shi pain weaken several points. 果然,在金光的包裹下,本来狂乱的邪魔突然安分些许,躁动的灵力也被金光逼退开,令秦石的痛苦减弱几分。 „, Was saved?” “得,得救了?” Qin Shi questioned breathed heavily a thick air/Qi. 秦石质疑的喘口粗气。 Shu Zhongyu is everywhere puzzled, simultaneously looks in the direction of golden light illumination with Qin Shi. 书中玉满目不解,和秦石同时朝金光照射的方向望去。 Cry “唳” Incisive sounding, resounds through in purgatory tower Tenth Rank, sees only in the golden light, a shining phoenix, is whipping the gorgeous wing, works loose on the wall, makes dark Tenth Rank you honor my humble home. 一声尖锐的鸣叫,响彻在炼狱塔第十层,只见在金光中,一只金灿灿的凤凰,拍打着绚丽的羽翼,在墙壁上挣脱,令黑暗的十层蓬荜生辉。 This, what thing is this big bird?” “这,这大鸟是什么东西?” Qin Shi narrows the eyes to focus, amazed looking to shining phoenix. 秦石眯着眼,惊诧的望向金灿灿的凤凰。 „Is this golden phoenix?” Shu Zhongyu gains ground, shows surprised expression. “这是金凤凰?”书中玉抬起头,露出惊讶的表情。 Slightly obviously questioned that Qin Shi twists the brow: Elder Sister Yu, what is this golden phoenix?” 略显质疑,秦石拧下眉头:“玉姐,这金凤凰是什么?” Golden phoenix, was antiquity god beast, was full with existence that the real dragon looked disdainfully mutually “金凤凰,乃上古神兽,是足矣与真龙相互睥睨的存在” Explained, Shu Zhongyu while reverent merged in the front two: Legend, sees the golden phoenix, will have lucky arrival, it is symbolizing the god beast of auspicious omen.” 一边解释,书中玉一边虔诚的将两手在胸前合并:“传说,看见金凤凰,就会有幸运降临,它是象征着祥瑞的神兽。” Looks disdainfully with the real dragon?” “和真龙睥睨?” Under the Qin Shi support the body, he may, no matter any auspicious omen non- auspicious omen, but everywhere the curious darkness shouted one: Strange, does this golden phoenix, where from come?” 秦石支撑下身子,他可不管什么祥瑞不祥瑞,只是满目好奇的暗呼一声:“奇怪,这金凤凰,是从什么地方来得?” Promised in the heart hopes, Shu Zhongyu opened the eye suddenly, the racket of being suddenly enlighted starts, said: I understood, this golden phoenix, by seal in Tenth Rank Desolate Beast!” 在心中许下愿,书中玉突然睁大眼,恍然大悟的拍下手,道:“我明白了,这金凤凰,是被封印在第十层荒兽!” By seal in Tenth Rank Desolate Beast?” “被封印在第十层荒兽?” Qin Shi stares at heart, at once felt has the possibility very much, before Evil Spirit Totem from ninth start, swallowed below Eight Rank all, but only this Tenth Rank, has not bribed throughout, moreover Tenth Rank Desolate Beast, has not surfaced throughout. 秦石心里一愣,旋即感觉很有可能,之前邪魔图腾是从第九层开始,将下方八层尽数吞噬,但唯独这第十层,始终没有染指,而且第十层荒兽,也始终没有浮出水面。 Now a saying, is actually so fair. 现在这么一说,倒是合情合理。 Then said that was this golden phoenix has saved us?” Under wiping that Qin Shi rejoices cold sweat. “那么说,是这只金凤凰救了我们?”秦石庆幸的抹下冷汗。 But at this time, a beautiful elusive sound, such as the oriole had Gu Ban to reverberate in his mind suddenly: Kid, do not rejoice too early, I suppress the Tun Tian demon Monarch's strength Baleful Qi of your within the body, is not existence that I and others can contend with.” 但这时,一道优美空灵的声音,如黄莺出谷般突然在他的脑海中回响:“小家伙,别庆幸太早,我只是将你体内的煞气压住吞天魔君的力量,可不是我等能够抗衡的存在。” hears that sound one startled, Qin Shi stares the big eye, looks toward the golden phoenix: Yes, is you are speaking?” 闻声一惊,秦石瞪大眼,朝金凤凰望去:“是,是你在说话?” He he, naturally is I.” “呵呵,当然是我。” The delightful sound should, the golden phoenix bone-chilling cold pupil, frame is helping one another in difficult time, on Qin Shi and Shu Zhongyu of mutual dependence, her sound was very gentle, has been full of the holy strength: Cannot think really that these ten thousand years pass by, can see unexpectedly once more so sincere, no ** do not have the sentiment of impurity 甜美的声音应一声,金凤凰凛冽的眸子,定格在相濡以沫,互相依靠的秦石书中玉身上,她的声音很柔和,充满了圣洁的力量:“真想不到,这万年过去,竟能再次见到这般真挚,没有**没有杂质的情” Qin Shi and Shu Zhongyu looking at each other eye, loving has not spoken. 秦石书中玉对视眼,含情脉脉却没有说话。 He he, the kid, you have moved me, now shortly after I assign, bestows my Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality in you , helping your strength.” The golden phoenix sounds, shakes Tenth Rank. “呵呵,小家伙,你们感动了我,如今我命不久矣,就将我的内丹赠送于你,助你一力。”金凤凰鸣叫一声,震荡十层 The next second, does not wait for the Qin Shi start to talk, the golden photosphere, finds out in the golden phoenix mouth together suddenly, middle full is the warm supple strength, glancing bit by bit to the Qin Shi forehead. 下一秒,不等秦石开口,一道金色的光球,突然间在金凤凰口中探出,当中满是温暖的柔力,一点一点的瞟向秦石眉心。 The golden photosphere sneaks into the forehead of Qin Shi, making his whole body tremble, sees only him not to get back one's composure, within the body then transmitted roaring that Evil Spirit struggled, was swallowed spiritual power that came becomes moves restlessly, finally was quiet. 金色光球窜入秦石的眉宇,令他全身不由一颤,只见他尚未回神,体内便传来邪魔挣扎的咆哮,被吞噬而来的灵力变得躁动,最终沉寂。 Evil Spirit Evil Spirit deep sleep?” 邪魔邪魔沉睡了?” Kid, Tun Tian demon Monarch, is permanent ancient two big Venerable one of the kings, is good because of him now is only the young spirit body, depending on my this and other small and weak strengths, can play several points of suppressed but this suppression actually, long-time, you will strive in the future for fortunately!” The voice of golden phoenix resounds once more, weakening bit by bit, weakly to slight. “小家伙,吞天魔君,乃恒古两大尊王之一,好在他如今只是幼灵体,凭我这等弱小的力量,倒是能起到几分压制但这压制,长久不了,往后你就自求多福吧!”金凤凰的声音再次响起,一点一点的变弱,弱到细微。 Qin Shi shakes at heart, in his opinion this golden phoenix, is he has seen the strongest powerhouse, even if Zhao Yan, Fufeng, with the mysterious person who initially whirled away Lo Hsueh Xian, appears in front of this golden phoenix base and low cannot withstand 秦石心里一震,在他看来这金凤凰,已经是他见过最强的强者,就算是赵岩,扶风,和当初卷走洛雪娴的神秘人,在这金凤凰面前都显得卑微不堪 But, does this golden phoenix in front of Evil Spirit , say unexpectedly small and weakly base and low? 但,这金凤凰在邪魔面前,竟然自称弱小卑微? Actually this is Evil Spirit what origin? Permanent ancient two big revere the king, what is this? 邪魔究竟是何来历?恒古两大尊王,这又是什么? Riddle topic one after another, blasts out in the Qin Shi mind. 一团一团的谜题,在秦石的脑海中炸开。 But he knows, now does not intertwine this matter time, hurries to feel grateful toward the golden phoenix: Senior feels grateful your graciousness of life-saving, the younger generation insolvent.” 但他知道,现在不是纠结这事的时候,赶忙朝金凤凰感激道:“前辈感激您的救命之恩,晚辈无力偿还。” Ha Ha, the kid, do not thank me, might as well thank the miss of your side well “哈哈,小家伙,别感谢我,不如好好感谢你身边的这位姑娘” The body of golden phoenix is gradually light, finally puts aside toward looking to Shu Zhongyu, said: Small girl, your desire, only then you can realize to let loose the hand does!” 金凤凰的身躯渐渐淡薄,最终撇开头朝望向书中玉,道:“小丫头,你的愿望,只有你自己能实现放开手的去做吧!” Spoke, the golden phoenix has turned head, the surface wields the starting sleeve toward Qin Shi, the golden ray sneaks into Qin Shi within the body together, ringing laughter: Finally, gives you share big present, slowly digs.” 说完话,金凤凰回过头,面朝秦石挥动下手袖,一道金色光芒窜入秦石的体内,朗朗笑声:“最后,送你份大礼,慢慢去开掘吧。” The voice falls, the body of golden phoenix changes pale, bit by bit until transparent, finally thorough disappearance in purgatory tower Tenth Rank. 话音落下,金凤凰的身躯变淡,一点一点的直到透明,终于彻底的消失在炼狱塔第十层 The golden phoenix disappears, Tenth Rank returns to the ice-cold boundless darkness in once more, only remaining Qin Shi and Shu Zhongyu two people, all resemble anything not to occur, all actually changed the appearance. 金凤凰消失,第十层再次回归到冰冷无涯的黑暗中,只剩下秦石书中玉两个人,一切好像什么也没发生,一切却又变了样子。 But what is most important, they are living. 但最重要的是,两人都还活着。 Crossed half sound, Qin Shi has gotten back one's composure, traces the body not to discover the difference, at once in has not gone into seriously, toward bows a bow at present, was the gratitude to the golden phoenix. 过了半响,秦石才回过神,摸了摸身子并没有发现异样,旋即没有在去深究,朝着眼前鞠上一躬,算是对金凤凰的感激。 Completes these, his curious turning the head: Elder Sister Yu, did you make a vow a moment ago? Unexpectedly golden phoenix being moved?” 做好这些,他好奇的转过头:“玉姐,你刚才许了什么愿?竟把金凤凰给感动了?” „?” “啊?” Shu Zhongyu has a scare, beckoning with the hand that the small face blushing, makes an effort at once: Does not have, nothing.” 书中玉吓一跳,小脸唰的羞红,旋即使劲的摆摆手:“没,没什么。” Nothing?” Qin Shi brings back the evil corners of the mouth, hey bad said with a smile: Said quickly is actually what desire? Doesn't want to accompany together the desire that with your male god lifelong what cannot withstand?” “没什么?”秦石勾起邪恶的嘴角,嘿嘿的坏笑道:“快说究竟是什么愿望?不会是想跟你男神厮守终身什么不堪的愿望吧?” Smelly Shi’tou, dies “臭石头,去死” The Qin Shi words, annoy Shu Zhongyu incisive roaring. 秦石的话,惹来书中玉尖锐的咆哮。 Two people, on Tenth Rank, like this have to hit the noise, probably all returned at first. 两个人,在第十层上,就这样有打有闹,好像一切又回到了起初。 But only they know that in this short time, had been through repeatedly two secondary dead, was because of this, they treasure this type to hit to be able now to make, day that can laugh heartily. 但只有两人知道,这短暂的时间中,历经了两次生死,正是因为这样,他们更珍惜现在这种能打能闹,能欢笑的日子。 Buzz humming sound! 嗡嗡嗡! At this time, on the Qin Shi body surface, sent out the golden ray suddenly, before was boundless spiritual power that Evil Spirit used, was awakened again, one after another rose in his within the body. 这时,秦石的体表上,突然间散发起金色的光芒,之前为邪魔所用的磅礴灵力,再次被唤醒,一股一股的在他体内崛起。 But this time, these spiritual power do not have the manic fondness of countryside again, instead appears especially compatible. 但这次,这些灵力再也没有狂躁的野性,反而显得格外亲和。 This, what's all this about?” Qin Shi puzzled blinking. “这,这是怎么回事?”秦石不解的眨眨眼。 Shu Zhongyu stares, being suddenly enlighted said excitedly: I understood, this is the big ritual that the golden phoenix finally said that it uses the Daoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality to purify Shi’tou your within the body manic spiritual power, you quickly its absorption, this to your whether there is wondrous use.” 书中玉一愣,恍然大悟的激动道:“我明白了,这就是金凤凰最后说的大礼,它用内丹将你体内狂躁的灵力净化石头,你快将其吸收,这对你有无上妙用。” hear that one happy, Qin Shi is similarly excited. 闻言一喜,秦石同样激动起来。 But must know that Evil Spirit had swallowed the entire purgatory tower a moment ago, several thousand Desolate Beast spiritual power, although these spiritual power are not existences that he can control now completely, but absorbs a point, even if extremely one, for him is archery target breakthrough. 可要知道,刚才邪魔足足吞噬了整座炼狱塔,数万荒兽灵力啊,尽管这些灵力不是他现在能全部掌控的存在,但吸收一点,哪怕万分之一,对他来说都是质的突破 Therefore, Qin Shi no longer delays, sits cross-legged to sit down in the center of altar, dilution bit by bit within the body boundless spiritual power. 为此,秦石不再耽搁,在祭坛的中央盘膝坐下,一点一点的稀释起体内磅礴的灵力 When Qin Shi falls into to contemplate, the beautiful pupil of Shu Zhongyu winked, middle flood strong love, muttering sound: Desire I want with you, to live accompanying, dies to follow, simple so.” 秦石陷入冥想,书中玉的美眸眨了一下,当中泛起浓厚的爱意,喃喃自语声:“愿望么我只是想和你,生相伴,死相随,简单如此。” --------- --------- PS: Thank the WAP station: Miniature sprouts the little schoolmate, earnest reading and gave the comment. PS:感谢WAP站:迷你萌小同学,认真的看书并且提出意见。 Several readers were also asking that said a chapter has the loophole, said that one will unable to withstand the outside spirit pressure, one will say also Desolate Beast to swallow, spiritual power vanishes. Actually, before I send the chapter, has thought this issue, but has not gone back to change finally. I thought that this receiving thousand years iron rules, pile up the thousand years spiritual power, is impossible to vanish immediately, definitely needs a process, thanked fellow readers' support. 有几个读者也在问,说上一章有漏洞,说一会承受不住外界灵压,一会又说荒兽吞噬,灵力消失。其实,我发章节前真想过这个问题,但最后没回去改。我只是觉得,这种秉承千年的铁律,积压千年的灵力,不可能马上消失,肯定需要一个过程,感谢各位读者的支持。
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