PDL :: Volume #2

#198: The origin of purgatory tower

Manic spiritual power continuous spilling into Totem. 狂躁的灵力源源不断的涌进图腾 A blood pupil, in the foreheads of Evil Spirit , blooms the scarlet ray. 一只血眸,在邪魔的眉宇间,绽放出猩红的光芒。 Volume!” “额啊!” The Qin Shi whole body trembles, spiritual power in within the body rises dramatically immediately. 秦石全身一颤,体内的灵力顿时飙升。 But these spiritual power, cannot use for him, instead has filled the wildness of Desolate Beast, brings the unprecedented pain to him. 但这些灵力,并不能为他所用,反而充满了荒兽的狂野,给他带来前所未有的痛感。 Volume!” “额啊啊!” Web piercing ache, resembles the whole body to seep in the bloodshed of seething with excitement, by the scalding hot flame incinerator, Qin Shi spirit vein, the root bone, the blood, was devastated all. 钻心刺骨的疼痛,就好像全身沁在沸腾的血海中,被灼热的火焰焚烧,将秦石灵脉,根骨,血液,尽数摧残。 What's the matter? The whole body must explode probably is the same” “怎么回事?全身好像要爆炸一样” Qin Shi crawls on the ninth flagstone, the outside is withstanding thousand times of gravity spirit pressures, within the body encounters the manic strength impact, made his skin color rapid change, from time to time was red, from time to time purple, the will became more and more fuzzy. 秦石匍匐在第九层的石板上,外界承受着千倍的重力灵压,体内遭到狂躁的力量冲击,令他的肤色快速转变,时而红,时而紫,意志变得越来越模糊。 Shi’tou what's the matter? Don't frighten the elder sister?” Shu Zhongyu similarly startled stares, anxious shouted one. 石头怎么回事?你别吓唬姐姐?”书中玉同样惊愣,焦急的喊一声。 She tries to search into Qin Shi within the body spiritual power, helping him slow down the pain. 她试图将灵力探入秦石体内,帮他减缓痛苦。 But spiritual power just offered a sacrifice, has not bumped into the body of Qin Shi, all of a sudden was burnt down completely, Qin Shi this time body, is similar to blazing, fearful scary. 灵力刚刚祭出,尚未碰到秦石的身体,就一下子就被焚烧殆尽,秦石此时的身子,就如同炽热的太阳,可怕的吓人。 Damn Shi’tou, your within the body spiritual power is too strong, must release to be good, launches the pore quickly, discharges spiritual power!” Shout that Shu Zhongyu is worried about. “该死石头,你体内灵力太强,必须要释放出来才行,快将毛孔展开,将灵力排出啊!”书中玉担心的呼喊声。 Qin Shi closes tightly jaw, how could doesn't he want to eject these damn spiritual power? These spiritual power have gone far beyond the load of his body, if continues again, explodes the body to perish is sooner or later matter. 秦石咬紧牙关,他又何曾不想将这些该死的灵力全部抛出?这些灵力已经远远超过他身体的负荷,如果再继续下去,爆体而亡是迟早的事。 However now, his body did not listen to direct, these wild spiritual power, consistently revolve around the Evil Spirit Totem, bit by bit was slurped by Evil Spirit . 但是现在,他的身子已经不听使唤,这些狂野的灵力,就始终围绕在邪魔图腾的附近,一点一点的被邪魔吸食。 „It is not wonderful, this Evil Spirit probably in regaining consciousness “不妙,这邪魔好像在苏醒” Sees only, Evil Spirit Totem under the stimulation of spiritual power, inflation bit by bit, above is glittering the swarthy evil ray. 只见,邪魔图腾灵力的刺激下,一点一点的膨胀,上面闪烁着黝黑邪恶的光芒。 Bang! 嘭! At this time, a dull thumping sound, resounded on the left hand arm of Qin Shi. 这时,一声闷响,在秦石的左手臂上响起。 The Qin Shi look is startled, stares the big eye toward the left hand looks, in the pupil disclosed that the faint trace despairs. 秦石眼神一怔,瞪大眼的朝左手望去,眸子中透露出丝丝绝望。 Sees only Qin Shi to wear the sandal wood bracelet in hand throughout, under the expansion of Evil Spirit evil strength, the break that finally is unable to withstand the load, scatters all of a sudden on the ground. 只见秦石始终戴在手上的檀木手链,在邪魔邪力的扩张下,终于不堪重负的断裂,一下子散落在地上。 This sandal wood bracelet, once put the Suppressing Jade utensil, initially Qin Tianqing specially gave Qin Shi, is used to weaken the Evil Spirit method. 这檀木手链,是曾经盛放崩玉的器物,当初秦天擎特意交给秦石,用来消弱邪魔的手段。 „Did bracelet break this to be how possible?” The Qin Shi look stares in a big way, reveals to be flustered and surprised. “手链断了这怎么可能?”秦石眼神瞪大,露出慌张和惊讶。 Now sandal wood bracelet break, Suppressing Jade Burning Sky Sect a thousand-mile away, he does not dare to imagine does not have Evil Spirit under fetter, actually to have any fearful matter. 如今檀木手链断裂,崩玉又远在千里之外的焚天宗,他不敢想象没有束缚下的邪魔,究竟会发生什么可怕的事。 Buzz humming sound ~! 嗡嗡嗡~! Really, bracelet break, Evil Spirit Totem probably works loose the wild animal of shackles, sends out rock the earth roaring, the jet black light burr leaves one after another. 果然,手链断裂,邪魔图腾就好像挣脱牢笼的野兽,散发出震天动地的吼叫,一道一道漆黑的光芒刺出。 With covers black light, Totem bit by bit along the arm expansion of Qin Shi, in the foreheads opens the second blood pupil unexpectedly. 伴随着黑光笼罩,图腾一点一点沿着秦石的手臂扩张,眉宇间竟然张开第二只血眸。 Opening of second blood pupil, has not made Evil Spirit stop. 第二只血眸的张开,并没有令邪魔停下。 Third. 第三只。 Fourth. 第四只。 Fifth. 第五只。 Ninth 第九只 The entire nine blood pupils, open in the foreheads of Evil Spirit , in each blood pupil was disclosing bloody Baleful Qi. 整整九只血眸,在邪魔的眉宇间张开,每个血眸内都透露着血腥的煞气 This time Evil Spirit , left hand arm complete coverage of Qin Shi, was growing the unicorns of nine blood pupils in an instant, gradually becomes from the embryonic form vigorous and healthy, bit by bit expands toward the body of Qin Shi. 此时的邪魔,转眼间已经将秦石的左手臂完全覆盖,一只长着九只血眸的麒麟,从雏形渐渐变得健壮,一点一点朝秦石的身上扩张。 „Was I dying?” “我要死了么?” At this moment, Qin Shi felt that he left death near especially. 这一刻,秦石感觉他离死亡格外的近。 Shouting that Shi’tou Shu Zhongyu shouts oneself hoarse, offers a sacrifice to within the body complete spiritual power, but in the Evil Spirit front, actually appears small and weakly cannot withstand. 石头书中玉声嘶力竭的呼喊,祭出体内全部的灵力,但在邪魔的面前,却显得弱小不堪。 Bang! 轰隆! Suddenly, a deafening sound, resounds in the ninth place above. 突然,一声震耳欲聋的声响,在第九层的上方响起。 Hears the sound, the original god knows weak Qin Shi, restores several points of will suddenly, astonished supine beginning, looks along the position that the sound resounds: „Does this sound convey from Tenth Rank?” 听见声音,本来神识微弱的秦石,突然间恢复几分意志,惊愕的仰起头,沿着声音响起的位置望去:“这声音是从第十层传来的?” At this time, incisive sounding, transmitted in the Tenth Rank position, sees only together the Saint splendor bright golden light, such as the scarlet date of summer bloomed in the ninth central circular newel stair mouth place, one covered Qin Shi. 这时,一声尖锐的鸣叫,在第十层的位置传来,只见一道圣辉熠熠的金光,如夏日的赤日般在第九层中央的旋梯口处绽放,一下将秦石笼罩。 By the ray package, the Qin Shi body was trembled, making his whole body warm is very comfortable. 被光芒包裹,秦石的身躯一颤,令他全身暖洋洋的很舒服。 Under the sweep of golden light, the proliferation of Evil Spirit stops unexpectedly gradually, spiritual power in within the body gathering is also finally calm and steady, not in manic. 在金光的笼罩下,邪魔的扩散竟然渐渐停止,体内集聚的灵力终于也安稳下来,不在狂躁。 What's the matter? Was Evil Spirit suppressed?” This sudden, making the Qin Shi look one startled, at once is excited chuckling to oneself. “怎么回事?邪魔被压制住了?”这突如其来的一幕,令秦石眼神一惊,旋即是兴奋的窃喜。 While he is filled with the doubts time, sees only the surrounding several thousand times of spirit pressures, unexpectedly also bewildered disappearance. 正当他满心疑惑的时候,只见周围数千倍的灵压,竟然也莫名其妙的消失。 Shi’tou, are you how is it?” 石头,你怎么样?” Shu Zhongyu worries flutters Blazing Book. 书中玉担忧的飘出焚书 I am all right Qin Shi to shake down head, heavy inspiration. “我没事”秦石摇下头,沉沉的吸口气。 Shu Zhongyu min lower jaw: What's the matter? How this did Totem stop suddenly?” 书中玉抿下嘴:“怎么回事?这图腾怎么突然间就停止了?” Does not know, but I can affirm that all these are related with this golden light.” Qin Shi crawls to set out on the ground, vision looks toward the central circular newel stair along the golden light. “不知道,但我敢肯定,这一切都和这金光有关。”秦石在地上爬起身,目光沿着金光朝中央的旋梯望去。 hears that sound, Shu Zhongyu is suddenly enlighted, for this reason she does not have to ask, but some fear said low voice: Shi’tou, we get down quickly this place, was too strange.” 闻声,书中玉恍然大悟,为此她没有多问下去,只是有些后怕的小声说道:“石头,咱们快下去吧这地方,太诡异了。” Gets down?” “下去?” Qin Shi, at once the corner of the eye dodges the corridor weak none remaining: Died dies one time, must take a look at this purgatory tower, was actually any origin!” 秦石楞下,旋即眼角闪过道微弱的精光:“死都死一次了,怎么也要瞧瞧这炼狱塔,究竟是个什么来历!” „Do you think on Tenth Rank?” In Shu Zhongyu heart one tight. “你想上第十层?”书中玉心中一紧。 Naturally, gives up here?” Qin Shi firm response, his heavy inspiration, along the golden light, treads at once gradually toward Tenth Rank. “当然,难道在这里放弃?”秦石坚定的回应一声,旋即他沉重的吸口气,一步一步沿着金光,朝第十层踏去。 Shu Zhongyu wants to stop, but she too understood Qin Shi, finally under was indecisive, but opened mouth has not actually opened the mouth. 书中玉想阻拦,但她太了解秦石了,最终犹豫不决下,只是张了张嘴却没有开口。 Qin Shi treading gradually to the ninth central circular newel stair on, ninth is very far with the Tenth Rank distance, used the time of half tea, Qin Shi to go out of the circular newel stair. 秦石一步一步的踏到第九层中央的旋梯上,第九层和第十层的距离很远,足足用了半盏茶的时间,秦石才走出旋梯。 He just went out of the circular newel stair, the front surface is the Tenth Rank picture. 他刚走出旋梯,迎面就是第十层的景象。 Tenth Rank, was still jet black profound, was only here not fearful spirit pressure. 十层,仍然是漆黑深邃,只是这里并没有可怕的灵压。 In the position of Tenth Rank midpoint, the small altars, the altar center is sending out the light dim light, the dim light center has one mysterious law. 在第十层正中央的位置,有一个小小的祭坛,祭坛中央散发着淡淡的幽光,幽光中央有一个玄奥的法阵。 This law is divided into eight sides, eight side abutments, in the abutment are implementing fearful spiritual power separately, in each abutment is inlaying a character, separately is: Dry, Kun, Xun trigram, shakes, the ridge , the Gen trigram, exchanges. 这个法阵共分八方,八方分别有一个卡槽,卡槽内贯彻着可怕的灵力,每个卡槽内都嵌着一个字,分别是:乾,坤,巽,震,坎,离,艮,兑。 Eight sides revolve, becomes the Eight Diagrams. 八方旋转,自成八卦。 Sees the present strategy, Qin Shi at heart one startled: How possible?” 望见眼前的阵法,秦石心里一惊:“怎么可能?” Shi’tou, how?” Shu Zhongyu anxious question. 石头,怎么了?”书中玉紧张的问句 This strategy I know that executes demon day, initially in Qin Family, was this executes demon day, by Suppressing Jade was an eye, the Evil Spirit blockade.” Qin Shi very affirmative accordingly. “这个阵法我知道,是诛魔天阵,当初在秦家的时候,就是这个诛魔天阵,由崩玉为阵眼,将邪魔封锁在其中。”秦石很肯定的应声。 Executes demon day?” “诛魔天阵?” Shu Zhongyu stares, narrows the eyes to focus on the silent meeting, at once she becomes aware suddenly suddenly, startled [say / way]: I understood, I all understood!” 书中玉一愣,眯着眼沉默一会,旋即她突然恍悟,惊道:“我明白了,我全明白了!” Elder Sister Yu, what did you understand?” Qin Shi slightly is puzzled. 玉姐,你明白什么了?”秦石略显不解。 This purgatory tower, if I have not guessed wrong, is not anything practices sacred place, but should be the location seal restricted area.” Under Shu Zhongyu considers, said sentence. “这炼狱塔,如果我没猜错,并非是什么修炼圣地,而应该是处封印禁地。”书中玉斟酌下,开口说句。 Seal restricted area?” Qin Shi has been startled being startled. “封印禁地?”秦石怔了怔。 Um, before, because this executes demon day, myriad Desolate Beast seal in purgatory tower, because of Desolate Beast by seal, can therefore produce spiritual power continuously, causing here spiritual power purity to be astonishing.” Shu Zhongyu answered. “嗯,之前,正是因为这个诛魔天阵,将炼狱塔内的万千荒兽封印,因为荒兽只是被封印,所以能源源不断的产生灵力,导致这里灵力的纯度惊人。”书中玉解释道。 You meant, spiritual power that we absorb, is also the Desolate Beast production?” “你的意思是说,我们吸收的灵力,全是又荒兽产生?” Right.” Shu Zhongyu affirms to say. “没错。”书中玉肯定道。 Qin Shi is suddenly enlighted, pats the forehead: No wonder, now Desolate Beast of here seal is swallowed by Evil Spirit , therefore the spirit pressure also vanished with spiritual power 秦石恍然大悟,拍下脑门:“难怪,现在这里封印的荒兽邪魔吞噬,所以灵压和灵力也就随之消失了” Um, because the layer is higher, Desolate Beast of seal is stronger, spiritual power and spirit pressure are also getting stronger and stronger.” Under Shu Zhongyu, she ponders a meeting at once, said: Is only I am very curious, is actually where sacred, can unexpectedly several thousand Desolate Beast, the seal in this purgatory tower.” “嗯,因为层数越高,封印的荒兽越强,灵力和灵压随之也就越来越强。”书中玉点下头,旋即她又沉思一会,道:“只是我很好奇,究竟是何方神圣,竟然能将数万荒兽,封印在这炼狱塔中。” hears that sound, Qin Shi also stern, this purgatory tower exists for several thousand years, even several thousand years, nobody knows its origin, that in other words these Desolate Beast enough by seal several thousand years? 闻声,秦石也正色起来,这炼狱塔存在数千年,甚至数万年,没人知道它的来历,那也就是说这些荒兽足足被封印了数千年? Shi’tou, you look at altar center!” 石头,你瞧祭坛中央!” When Qin Shi thinking, Shu Zhongyu calls out in alarm one. 正当秦石思索时,书中玉惊呼一声。 Qin Shi stares, after having gotten back one's composure, looks in the direction that Shu Zhongyu refers, at once his whole person fierce was shocked. 秦石一愣,回过神后沿着书中玉所指的方向望去,旋即他整个人猛的被震撼住。 Evil Spirit ?” 邪魔?” Sees only in the strategy central altar, is carving a gigantic ominous beast. 只见在阵法中央的祭坛上,雕刻着一尊硕大的凶兽。 What is most important, this Desolate Beast Qin Shi has seen, all over the body jet black mysterious, Long Shoushi the body, does the horse's hoof antler, in the foreheads bloom nine blood pupil this is not being Evil Spirit on his arm? 最重要的是,这尊荒兽秦石见过,通体漆黑神秘,龙首狮身,马蹄鹿角,眉宇间绽放着九道血眸这不就是他手臂上的邪魔吗? Look, this below carved characters.” Shu Zhongyu said the sentence. “瞧,这下面刻了字。”书中玉说句。 Qin Shi diligently maintains calm, the eye looks toward the altar , the below of altar has one line already the slurred handwriting. 秦石努力保持冷静,眼睛朝祭坛下面望去,祭坛的下面有一行已经模糊不清的字迹。 He narrows the eyes to focus to stare in the handwriting: Tun Tian demon Monarch?” 他眯着眼盯在字迹上:“吞天魔君?” „, Is this Evil Spirit real name?” Qin Shi these four character records at heart, looks at firmly at once toward the following handwriting in that actually unexpectedly jumps over will look in the future heart China , Vietnam make a vow to be startled. “难道,这就是邪魔的真名?”秦石牢牢将这四个字记载心里,旋即朝后面的字迹上看下去,却不料越往后看心中越发心惊。 Here records unexpectedly is the origin of purgatory tower. 这里记载的竟是炼狱塔的来历。 Purgatory tower, ten thousand years ago, stems from Tun Tian demon Monarch, is builds up to make for disciplinary punishment myriad Desolate Beast.” “炼狱塔,自万年前,出自吞天魔君,乃为了惩戒万千荒兽而炼造。” Rumble, cannot think that this purgatory tower, stems from the hand of Evil Spirit unexpectedly?” Qin Shi choking mouth spit maliciously, frightened [say / way]: Cannot think that ten thousand years ago, Evil Spirit has this fearful strength?” “咕噜,想不到,这炼狱塔,竟然是出自邪魔之手?”秦石狠狠的噎口吐沫,惊悚道:“想不到,在万年前,邪魔就有这种可怕的力量?” Um all sources, return to Evil Spirit on your hand unexpectedly, no wonder a moment ago on ninth, running out that it will wreak havoc crazily, and relaxed breaks this to execute demon day.” The Shu Zhongyu similar shock is incomparable. “嗯一切的源头,竟然又回到你手上的邪魔上,怪不得刚才在第九层,它会疯狂肆虐的冲出,并且轻松的破开这诛魔天阵。”书中玉同样震惊无比。 Um this Evil Spirit was too fearful.” “嗯这邪魔太可怕了。” Shi’tou I now am really curious, actually your Qin Family is any origin, can actually seal fearful monster.” The Shu Zhongyu pursing the lips lip, sighed one. 石头我现在真好奇,你们秦家究竟是什么来历,竟然能够封印这种可怕的怪物。”书中玉抿了抿嘴唇,叹一声。 Shaking the head of Qin Shi forced smile, said: Do not guess blindly, this issue I also intertwined for a long time, but does not have the brow throughout no matter what, the motion of this purgatory tower, is shocking but not dangerous finally 秦石却苦笑的摇摇头,道:“别瞎猜测了,这个问题我也纠结了许久,但始终没有眉头不管怎么说,这次炼狱塔的行动,总算是有惊无险” Is shocking but not dangerous? Naive!” “有惊无险?天真!” But at this time, vigorous sound, blasted out in the Tenth Rank space together suddenly. 但这时,一道浑厚的声音,突然间在第十层的空间中炸开。 The Qin Shi pupil is startled, this sound he that familiar, calls out in alarm one suddenly: Is your Evil Spirit ?” 秦石眸子一怔,这个声音他是那么的熟悉,猛然间惊呼一声:“是你邪魔?”
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