PDL :: Volume #2

#200: Shocks for 15 days

Rainbow Cloud City. 虹云城 After the purgatory tower opens. 炼狱塔开启后。 One group of common people regarding in this, they everywhere anticipate and curious, urgent want to know that this crowd of Luo Family younger generation, can actually support for several days in Rainbow Cloud City. 一群百姓们围绕在这,他们满目的期待和好奇,一个一个迫切的想知道这群洛家的晚辈,究竟能在虹云城内撑上几天。 Family Head, you said that in this junior, who can the time in the tower supporting be longest?” One crowd manages with the elder, in question that by Luo maple tree is ready to fight. 家主,你说这次小辈中,谁能在塔内撑的时间最久?”一群执事和长老,在洛枫旁边摩拳擦掌的问句 In the tower, is their descendants. 在塔内,很多是他们的儿孙。 Considers, Luo maple tree crosses the hands behind the back the vertical response sentence: Made me say that did not have the accident, should be Qin Young Master 斟酌一下,洛枫负手而立的回应句:“让我说,不出意外,应该是秦公子 I look not necessarily.” Luo porch in side, some snorting contemptuously snort sentence: This Qin Young Master, although the actual combat capability is very strong, but majority with the aid of external force, own only then Broken Spirit Realm Middle Stage, on the contrary is two Young Master, Broken Spirit Realm Late Stage, I felt that the hope is very big.” “我看未必。”洛轩在旁边,有些嗤之以鼻的哼句:“这秦公子,虽说实战能力很强,但大多数是借助外力,自身只有破灵境中期,反倒是二公子,破灵境后期,我感觉希望很大。” External force?” “外力么?” Regarding the words of Luo porch, Luo maple tree smiles one, has not responded. 对于洛轩的话,洛枫只是笑一声,并没回应。 But his actually bright mirror, is no one can draw support from the external force, in the Broken Spirit Realm Middle Stage situation, an enemy three, and gains the victory. 但他心里却明镜,可不是谁都能借助外力,在破灵境中期的情况下,一敌三并且取得胜利的。 Smack! 碰! When discussed unceasingly, suddenly transmitted an ear-spitting fulmination, Shimen of purgatory tower from inside to outside was shoved open, one group of Luo Family disciples, being panic-stricken ran away in the tower. 在议论不断的时候,突然传来一声震耳的爆鸣,炼狱塔的石门由内而外的被人推开,一群洛家弟子,惊慌失措的在塔内逃窜出来。 The face of this group of disciples was occupied frightened, the appearances of stumbling resemble damn, was distressed. 这群弟子的面孔被恐惧占据,一个一个跌撞的模样好像见了鬼,狼狈极了。 Luo maple tree and Luo Family elder see this, first is under wrinkle the eyebrow, but sees mostly is only the collateral branch disciple, instead relaxes some: Yeah, can insist such for a long time, was very good.” 洛枫和洛家长老见到这幕,先是不由的皱下眉,但见到大多只是旁系弟子,反而放松些许:“哎,能坚持这么久,已经很不错了。” Actually unexpectedly, these disciples run up to nearby Luo maple tree, shouting that startled allows to change colors: Family Head, is not, we cannot insist, is this purgatory Tarry has Desolate Beast, has Desolate Beast.” 却不料,这些弟子跑到洛枫跟前,一个一个惊容失色的大喊:“家主,不是,我们不是坚持不下去,是这炼狱塔里有荒兽,真的有荒兽。” hears that sound, Luo maple tree wrinkles eyebrow, somewhat is at once disgruntled: Could not insist, could not insist, compiled this rumor unexpectedly? Did not think that loses face?” 闻声,洛枫皱下眉,旋即有些不悦:“坚持不了,就是坚持不了,竟然编造出这种谎言?难道不觉得丢脸吗?” Several juniors stare, they see purgatory Tarry, Desolate Beast resurrect on the wall, but hears the words of Luo maple tree, actually does not know how should explain. 几个小辈一愣,他们是真的看见炼狱塔里,一个一个荒兽在墙壁上复活,但听见洛枫的话,却不知道该怎样解释。 Father, what they said is, Tarry has Desolate Beast really!” “爹,他们说的是真得,塔里真的有荒兽!” At this time, sees is only holding the wall that Jin Xin whole body was scarred, went out of the purgatory tower. 这时,只见洛金鑫全身伤痕累累的扶着墙,走出炼狱塔。 Luo maple tree and Luo Family elders stares, hurries to welcome goes forward to support Jin Xin, said puzzled: Jin Xin, three Young Master, what's the matter? Is you who who injures?” 洛枫和洛家长老们一愣,赶忙迎上前扶住洛金鑫,不解道:“金鑫,三公子,怎么回事?是谁打伤的你?” By supporting, yellow Jin Xin, if works loose the nightmare, breathing heavily of making an effort several thick air/Qi: Is Desolate Beast, in purgatory Tarry, the Desolate Beast entire job that on the wall carved!” 被扶住,黄金鑫如挣脱噩梦,使劲的喘上几口粗气:“是荒兽,在炼狱塔里,墙上雕刻的荒兽全活了!” Bang! 轰! A few words, Luo maple trees and several deacons are startled. 一句话,洛枫和几个执事一惊。 A person said is the monster, possibly fabricated a rumor intentionally, but two people, three people, ten people? 一个人说是怪物,可能是故意造谣,但是两个人,三个人,十个人呢? Did this fabricate a rumor really? Obviously is impossible. 这真的只是造谣吗?显然不可能。 The audience who surrounds, after glimpsing Jin Xin, does not know in the purgatory tower to have anything, curious discussion: Yeah, you said that this Luo Family three Young Master are so distressed, can on to several?” 围观的观众,瞥见洛金鑫后,并不知道炼狱塔内发生什么,好奇的议论道:“哎,你们说,这洛家公子这么狼狈,能上到第几层?” I estimated that in Luo Family junior, fiercest can also on arrive at Fifth Rank, moreover in Fifth Rank, a day cannot insist.” “我估计啊,洛家小辈里,最厉害的也就能上到五层,而且在五层,一天都坚持不住。” Um, Fifth Rank, limit?” “嗯,五层,极限了吧?” The discussion that all common people, direct keeps. 各方百姓,指指点点的议论不停。 Realizes the situation to be serious, Luo maple tree grabs Jin Xin's hand: Your Second Brother, with Qin Young Master?” 意识到事态严重,洛枫抓住洛金鑫的手:“你二哥,和秦公子呢?” I do not know that the Second Brother and Qin Young Master, on two people Seven Rank, I stopped getting down Jin Xin to make an effort to inspire to Sixth Rank, was calmed down by oneself. “我不知道,二哥和秦公子,两个人上七层了,我到六层就停了下来”洛金鑫使劲吸口气,让自己冷静下来。 Seven Rank? 七层 Luo maple tree and Luo Family elder are startled. 洛枫、洛家长老一惊。 Hundred of surrounding are stares amazed. 围观的百更是惊诧瞪眼。 Seven Rank? Can two juniors, unexpectedly on to Seven Rank?” “第七层?两个小辈,竟然能上到第七层?” Not real? Initially Wei Family governed the purgatory tower time, many elders may unable to get up this Seven Rank, probably Wei Family big Young Master, arrived at Seven Rank.” “不是真的吧?当初魏家掌管炼狱塔的时候,就连很多长老可都上不了这第七层,好像魏家公子,才到第七层。” Said that did not permit you to forget, Luo Family son-in-law's magical powers?” “说不准你们忘了,洛家女婿的神通了?” Um, this Qin Young Master, was really too fierce, now Miss Luo Family is not, I must marry him!” “嗯,这秦公子,真是太厉害了,现在洛家大小姐不在,我一定要嫁给他!” „, Do you, marry him? Does not illuminate itself.” “切,就你,嫁给他?不照照自己。” What's wrong? Hello, could not marry, I for the slave was a maid!” “怎么?就你好,嫁不了,我为奴为婢!” One group of common people were clamoring, the ray that several feelings of love rippled, two braving golden light of staring, such resembled Qin Shi to come out from the purgatory tower, immediately must throw to tear into shreds to be the same it. 一群百姓喧哗着,几个春心荡漾的光芒,两眼直勾勾的冒着金光,那样子就好像秦石从炼狱塔出来,马上就要扑上去将其撕碎一样。 But at this time, Luo maple tree and Luo Family elders have not been its proud, instead is dignified the eye. 但这时,洛枫和洛家长老们并没有为其骄傲,反而是凝重起眼。 Two people in now Seven Rank, but purgatory Tarry, if eternal truth Jin Xin said that had been covered entirely them to be dangerous by the monster. 两个人现在上了七层,但炼狱塔里如果真如洛金鑫所说,已经被怪物布满的话两人就危险了。 Father, do not worry, Second Brother and Qin Young Master, definitely did not have the issue.” Jin Xin restores some, after seeing worry of Luo maple tree, goes forward to hold him to care about the sentence. “爹,别担心,二哥和秦公子,肯定没问题。”洛金鑫恢复些,看出洛枫的担忧后,上前扶着他关心句。 Um waits again.” “嗯再等等。” Under Luo maple tree, can only now like this. 洛枫点下头,现在只能这样。 The time flies, three livelihoods take turn. 时间飞逝,三个日月交替。 When the 1st date dusk, Luo Family entered the disciple in purgatory tower to come out, the remaining Luo river called, they did not have the message with Qin Shi throughout. 早在第一日黄昏的时候,洛家进入炼狱塔的弟子就已经全部出来,就剩下洛一鸣,和秦石两人始终没有音讯。 Now, they did not have the news. 如今,两人仍无消息。 „It is not good, I go to take a look!” Luo maple tree cannot repress finally, prepares to enter purgatory Tarry to take a look personally. “不行,我进去瞧瞧!”洛枫终于按耐不住,准备亲自进炼狱塔里瞧瞧。 But at this time, he just arrived around the purgatory tower, sees only on the front door of purgatory tower to condense golden knot suddenly, ties to puncture together the golden light suddenly, strikes to hit the chest of Luo maple tree. 但这时,他刚走到炼狱塔跟前,只见炼狱塔的大门上突然凝聚起金色的结界,结界中猛然刺出一道金光,一击击中洛枫的胸膛。 Smack! 碰! Luo maple tree has not gotten back one's composure, does not have golden light to repel dozens meters far directly. 洛枫没回过神,没金光直接击退数十米远。 Family Head!” 家主!” Luo Family person one startled, rushes to support Luo maple tree. 洛家人一惊,纷纷冲上去扶住洛枫。 Stands in the following person, calls out in alarm one, what strength is Luo maple tree? That is Spirit King Realm Middle Stage, Rainbow Cloud City second expert, struck to be able the strength that he struck to fly to be too fearful. 站在后面的人,一个一个惊呼一声,洛枫是什么实力?那可是王灵境中期,虹云城的第二高手啊,一击能将他击飞的力量太可怕了。 Looks quickly, is two Young Master!” “快瞧,是二公子!” The sound, interrupts the trains of thought of all people together. 一道声音,打断所有人的思绪。 Several people are startled, Luo maple tree is hurries to stand up, the vision looked at the past toward the purgatory tower. 几个人怔愣下,洛枫更是赶忙站起身,目光朝炼狱塔望过去。 Sees only in the purgatory tower, a frail form, the step limps staggers to go out. 只见在炼狱塔内,一个单薄的身影,步履蹒跚的踉跄走出。 Second Brother, two Young Master, are you all right?” “二哥,二公子,你没事?” Luo Family person, everywhere curious pursues to ask. 洛家人,一个一个满目好奇的追上去问。 Was supported by various people, called to be obviously soft, in his look was somewhat lax, beckons with the hand: Didn't have, is all right I to treat for several days in inside?” 被诸人扶住,洛一鸣明显松软下来,他眼神中有些涣散,摆摆手:“没,没事我在里面待了几天?” Three days “三天” Yes, two Young Master, you were too fierce, has treated in inside unexpectedly for three days!” “是啊,二公子,你太厉害了,竟然在里面待了三天!” Is listening to all people the discussion, called the look somewhat to be lax, lowered the head has not spoken. 听着诸人的议论,洛一鸣眼神却有些涣散,低下头没有说话。 Under his recollection, these three days he treats in purgatory Tarry, completely because of by Desolate Beast stonkering in first day, spiritual power in purgatory tower, vanished does not see. 只是他回想下,这三天他待在炼狱塔里,完全是因为被荒兽击昏早在第一天,炼狱塔内的灵力,就已经消失不见。 Three days “三天么” Called twittering talks to oneself, remembered anything suddenly: Was right, Qin Shi father, Qin Shi? Did he come out?” 洛一鸣呢喃自语一声,突然间想起什么:“对了,秦石爹,秦石呢?他出来了吗?” Qin Young Master?” “秦公子?” Luo maple tree, shakes the head: „Weren't you on together Seven Rank?” 洛枫愣一下,摇摇头:“你们不是一同上七层了吗?” Seven Rank? I got up Eight Rank.” Cry shakes down the head. 七层?我上了第八层啊。”洛一鸣摇下头。 Bang! 轰! The atmosphere instantaneous full house, all people stares the greatly inconceivable eye to look to calls. 气氛瞬间爆棚,诸人瞪大不可思议的眼睛望向洛一鸣。 Eight Rank, Eight Rank, what concept is this? 八层,八层,这是什么概念? Luo maple tree is two is sharp-eyed light to dodge, grasps the hand that called, said: Good, good, good, worthily is the son of my Luo maple tree, can on Eight Rank!” 洛枫更是两眼精光一闪,一把握住洛一鸣的手,道:“好,好,好,不愧是我洛枫的儿子,能上第八层!” In side, Jin Xin actually knit the brows, feels some not too to question of taste: That is not right, Second Brother under you Seven Rank time, hasn't seen Qin Young Master?” 在旁边,洛金鑫却皱起眉,感觉有些不太对味的问句:“那不对,二哥你下七层的时候,没有看见秦公子吗?” hears that sound, Luo maple tree several people have gotten back one's composure, puzzled looking called. 闻声,洛枫几人回过神,不解的望向洛一鸣。 Stared by the people, called actually at heart one tightly: Seven Rank? He how in Seven Rank?” 被众人凝望,洛一鸣却心里一紧:“第七层?他怎么会在第七层?” Not in Seven Rank?” “没在七层?” One group of disciples, everywhere puzzled. 一群弟子,一个一个满目不解。 Luo maple tree is so, tight bridge of the nose: He and did you get up Eight Rank?” 洛枫更是如此,紧紧鼻梁:“难道他和你上了八层?” No!” “不!” Cry shakes down the head, at once the look becomes somewhat heavy: He, on ninth!” 洛一鸣摇下头,旋即眼神变得有些沉重:“他,上了第九层!” Ninth?” “第九层?” Suddenly, under field bursting out laughing, quietly like stagnant water. 戛然,场下哑然,沉寂如死水。 All people all stare the big eye, dumbfounded looks at to call. 所有人全都瞪大眼,目瞪口呆的望着洛一鸣。 Rumble finally, who does not know is, the choking mouth spit that cannot bear, said startled: Ninth? On Qin Young Master ninth? Is this impossible?” “咕噜”终于,不知道是谁,率先忍不住的噎口吐沫,惊慌道:“第九层?秦公子上了第九层?这这不可能吧?” Yes, did not say that the thousand years can on not surpass the five fingers to the ninth people? Wei Family lives in probably on to ninth, how this Qin Young Master can he?” “是啊,不是说,千年来能上到第九层的人都不超过五指吗?魏家家住好像都才上到第九层,这秦公子他怎么能?” All kinds of questions, Luo maple tree same thick eyebrows one horizontal, pats shoulder that called: „A cry, what you said is the real matter? Qin Young Master he, really on ninth?” 各种各样的质疑,洛枫同样浓眉一横,拍住洛一鸣的肩膀:“一鸣,你说的是真事?秦公子他,真的上了第九层?” Um called, under point. “嗯”洛一鸣顿下,点下头。 Then, all people do not have the words, begins to look in abundance supinely toward the purgatory tower , the vision frames in the ninth position 这下,所有人无话,纷纷仰起头朝炼狱塔上望去,目光定格在第九层的位置 This Qin Shi, short half a month, has really brought too many shock to them. 秦石,短短的半月,实在是给他们带来了太多的震惊。 In behind, Piao Quan the black robe crosses the hands behind the back, smiles special is happy: Worthily is my person, can unexpectedly on to ninth.” 待在后面,朴泉黑袍负手,笑的特别开心:“不愧是我徒儿,竟能上到第九层。” Um.” Under point that what Yan approves, he is not short in the Rainbow Cloud City time, knew about the purgatory tower that to praise sighed: Does not know how long he can treat in the tower.” “嗯。”何岩认可的点下头,他在虹云城的时间不短,对炼狱塔非常了解,赞叹道:“就是不知道,他能在塔内待上多久。” The people are treating in surprised Middle Stage. 众人在惊讶中期待着。 The time passes gradually, a day, two days, three days, seven days. 时光荏苒,一天,两天,三天,七天。 In an instant, purgatory tower opens already for seven days, this has surpassed the past Luo Family old ancestor's record, nobody can the time in the purgatory tower treating be longer than seven days. 转眼间,炼狱塔开启已经七天,这已经超过了当年洛家老祖的记录,没人能在炼狱塔待的时间比七天更久。 However Qin Shi had not come out. 但是秦石仍没出来。 This too has exaggerated, the person mind that the command surrounds is somewhat intense. 这太夸张了,令围观的人心神有些紧张。 Ten days. 十天。 In an instant, ten days pass by, Qin Shi was still the non- message has not come out. 转眼,十天过去,秦石仍是了无音讯的没出来。 At this time, one group of people, from starting excitement, bit by bit was obliterated mental, became no longer believes. 这时,一群人,从开始的兴奋,一点一点的被磨灭心智,变得不再去相信。 „Won't father, Qin Young Master have an accident?” Jin Xin hesitant, is pinching fist question. “爹,秦公子不会出事了吧?”洛金鑫犹豫下,捏着拳问句 Do not talk nonsense!” A Luo maple tree look anger, maliciously scolds one, at once is nipping the lower lip, looks to the purgatory tower: Person who snow Xian likes, he will certainly not have an accident!” “别瞎说!”洛枫眼神一怒,狠狠的呵斥一声,旋即咬着下唇,望向炼狱塔:“雪娴喜欢的人,他一定不会出事!” Was ten days.” “可是十天了。” Ten days fall on the atria of various person, all people hit to tremble. 咣啷,十天落在诸人的心房,所有人打个哆嗦。 Yes, ten days, even if said that is seven days, perhaps some people are also willing to believe that but these ten days broke the purgatory tower thousand years iron rules, can Qin Shi break this miracle really? 是啊,十天了,哪怕说是七天,或许有人还愿意相信,但这十天已经打破了炼狱塔千年的铁律,秦石真的能破开这个奇迹么? „The third child, do not talk nonsense, Qin Young Master strength you were not do not know that he definitely was all right.” Cry gets angry breaks Jin Xin, actually also lacks self-confidence at heart. “老三,别瞎说,秦公子的实力你不是不知道,他肯定没事。”洛一鸣嗔怒的打断洛金鑫,心里却也没底。 Some common people, cannot wait here, they all are the disappointed sobbing sounds, in went home no longer to believe Qin Shi respectively. 一些百姓,在这里等不下去,他们全是失望的唏嘘声,各自回到家里不再相信秦石 Walks, do not wait, definitely was dies, but also thinks that was what fierce role, ruined oneself unexpectedly in this purgatory Tarry?” “走吧,别等了,肯定是死里了,还以为是什么厉害的角色呢,竟然把自己葬送在这炼狱塔里?” Idiot, has a skill spatially, the brain is not long.” “白痴,空有一身本事,却一点脑子没长。” Told him, asking him not to show off power, did not listen, dead getting what one deserves.” “都告诉他了,叫他别逞强,非不听,死了活该。” This group of common people, all are the goods that person with no mind of his own has no mind of one's own, sees the Qin Shi seven days of not purgatory towers, turns into the ridiculing satire that shuts out from the boast. 这群百姓,全是墙头草随风倒的货,见秦石七天没出炼狱塔,一个一个从吹嘘中变成嫌弃的揶揄讽刺。 In rear area, what Yan and Piao Quan in this. 在后方,何岩和朴泉在这。 Lao does Piao, how you see?” Under what crag touches the beard. “老朴,你怎么看?”何岩抚摸下胡须。 He he, do not worry, this boy, where no matter arrives, must make a move, I believe him, certainly can come out!” Piao Quan does not have the expression, actually very firm response sentence. “呵呵,别担心,这小子,不管到哪里,都非要弄出点动静,我相信他,一定能出来!”朴泉没有表情,却很坚定的回应句。 what Yan stares, shaking the head that finally smiles bitterly: Hopes that he will not disappoint your trust.” 何岩一愣,最终苦笑的摇摇头:“希望他不会辜负你的信任吧。” 11 days. 11天。 13 days. 13天。 Past that the day suffers day-by-day difficultly, the person of waiting are getting fewer and fewer, the person who believes are getting fewer and fewer, finally the Rainbow Cloud City person had recognized that Qin Shi dies in the purgatory Tarry's fact. 日子一天一天难捱的过去,等待的人越来越少,相信的人越来越少,最后虹云城的人已经认定,秦石死在炼狱塔里的事实。 15 days 15天 The entire half a month is glossy. 整整半月溜光。 All return probably tranquilly, the Rainbow Cloud City person starts respective busy, nobody concerns Qin Shi again. 一切好像回归平静,虹云城的人开始各自的忙碌,没人再去关乎秦石 Piao Quan, what crag they frowned. 朴泉、何岩两人皱起眉头。 Only Luo Family person, these 15 days throughout unwavebering defends in this painstakingly. 唯独洛家人,这15天始终死死的苦守在这。 Mental was smoothed by grinding finally, Luo maple tree whole body trembles: Hasn't hoped really?” 心智终于被磨平,洛枫全身一颤:“难道真的没希望了么?” He is looking at the purgatory tower, he wants to take a look, but present he cannot go, he regards Qin Shi is Lo Hsueh Xian's reading thinks that now Qin Shi is also actually uncertain of one's fate, he despairs: „, The heaven must do such renounces?” 他望着炼狱塔,他想要进去瞧瞧,但现在的他根本进不去,他将秦石当成是洛雪娴的念想,现在秦石却也生死未卜,他绝望:“难道,苍天非要做的这么决绝吗?” He he, is really tenacious, for half a month, unexpectedly also in this and other deceased people?” “呵呵,真是固执,都半个月了,竟还在这等那个死人?” At this moment, suddenly transmits the satire of ridiculing. 就在这时,突然传来道揶揄的讽刺。 The Luo Family person stares, Luo maple tree looks back, sees only in Luo Family behind, Wei Bing leads the Wei Family several hundred disciples, surrounds the Luo Family person all round, making him one startled: Wei Bing, what do you want to make?” 洛家人一愣,洛枫率先回首,只见在洛家的后面,魏兵率领魏家数百弟子,团团将洛家人包围,令他一惊:“魏兵,你要做什么?” What makes? Naturally is makes you die!” “做什么?当然是让你们死!”
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