PDL :: Volume #18

#1715: Ten Fang Dian begins

Qin Shi just Longqi, Long seal, Long resolute three brother and sister's curse broke, this he also wants to defeat one by one, but Evil Spirit startled drank at this time suddenly, that becomes huge netted Tun Tian removed void extremely quickly, making Qin Shi has to stop, his split vision looks toward the essence and blood of other 33 vine end, criticizes the sound: Was a pity really that is only poor.” 秦石刚将龙崎,龙印,龙毅三兄妹的诅咒打破,本他还想要在逐一击破,但邪魔这时突然惊喝,那本来成一个巨大网状的吞天虚空极快褪去,令秦石不得不停止下来,他余光朝着其余33道藤蔓尽头的精血望去,暗骂声:“真可惜,只差一点。” Does not have the means that here obstructing day Baleful Qi is greatly strengthened , can only support the time of partly burning a joss stick depending on me now, first leaves this, since knows the reason of this curse, after leaving here, you achieve boundary great accomplishment, can dazzling the strength of light Divine sword uses completely, at that time was coming this to eradicate this curse not to be late.” Evil Spirit said. “没办法,这里的遮天煞气极强,凭我现在也只能支撑半炷香的时间,先离开这,既然知道这诅咒的缘由,等到离开这里以后,你达到界境大成,能将炫光神剑的力量完全用出,那时候在来此破除这诅咒也不迟。”邪魔道。 Under Qin Shi , can only so, at once he lower the head to look at three essence and blood in the hand now: Is good because, these time has the harvest.” 秦石点下头,现在也只能如此,旋即他低头望了眼手中的三道精血:“好在,这一次不是没有收获。” The word, he has several points of helpless sole to fly high to overstep, on his back extremely quick rises to remove mines the wing, an arrow step, leaps toward this deep deep pool upper extreme. 言罢,他才带有几分无奈的脚掌凌空踏过,在他背脊上极快的升起雷翼,一个箭步,朝着这深潭上端飞跃出去。 From beginning to end, Laofoye above this deep deep pool, sees broken water of Qin Shi throughout from that deep deep pool, since he glitters shamelessly several points of excitement, although, how he does not know the situation, but just fluctuation under this deep deep pool, truly these years never had appeared, just he in the sky, obviously felt that deep deep pool to present some fissures, he goes forward saying: Little friend, how?” 从始至终,老佛爷始终在这深潭之上,一见到秦石从那深潭当中破水而出,他老脸闪烁起几分激动,尽管,他也不知道情况如何,不过刚刚这深潭下的波动,确实这些年来从未出现过的,刚刚他在上空,明显感受到那深潭出现些许的裂痕,他上前道:“小友,如何?” Under Qin Shi hesitates, helpless shaking the head: I have made contribution, but the strength under this deep deep pool is too strong.” 秦石迟疑下,无奈的摇摇头:“我尽力了,但这深潭下的力量太强。” Laofoye seeing that presbyopia sinks, although has several points disappointedly seems is expected is the same, forced smile sound: Might as well, I early should know that initially the Ocean Group took great pains, my Long Jia kun here, how untying easily, if cannot untie this curse, my Long Jia pa wanted really neverly recurring, the heaven was unfair.” 老佛爷见状老眼一沉,虽是带有几分失望又好似预料之中一样,苦笑声:“无妨,我早该知道,当初溟组煞费苦心,将我龙家困在此处,怎么会轻易的解开呢,但是若是解不开这诅咒,我龙家怕是真的要绝后了,苍天不公啊。” Senior, you do not need actually such violent thinking.” The word, the Qin Shi big hand spreads out, three essence and blood float gently from his palm. “前辈,你其实不必这样极端的想。”言罢,秦石大手摊开,三道精血从他的手掌中轻轻漂浮起来。 This is!” Sees three essence and blood, frantic that the Laofoye presbyopia changes. “这是!”见到三道精血,老佛爷老眼变的狂热。 Is the dragon prints their essence and blood , can only rescue their curse depending on my present strength, but the senior does not need to be worried that gives me some time, within three years, I will certainly think the means to eradicate this curse completely.” Qin Shi said. “是龙印他们三人的精血,凭我现在的力量也只能解救出他们三人的诅咒,但前辈不必担心,给我些时间,三年之内,我一定会想办法将这诅咒完全破除的。”秦石道。 Laofoye is wild with joy, satisfied [say / way]: This sufficed! They, are my Long final younger generation, so long as their curses relieve, my Long then can continue to extend passes on the incense and candle, the baby, really does not know how should thank you.” 老佛爷狂喜,满意的道:“这就够了!他们三人,是我龙家最后的晚辈,只要他们三人的诅咒解除,我龙家便是能够继续延传香火,小娃娃,真是不知道该怎么感激你。” Senior polite we must sooner or later become the whole families.” Qin Shi forced smile sound, although to initially the procedure of Laofoye and person emperor was very discontented, but, Longqi was innocent, his status man, cannot link this acting not to have. “前辈客气了咱们迟早要成为一家人的。”秦石苦笑声,尽管对当初老佛爷和人皇的做法十分不满,但是,龙崎却是无辜的,他身份一男儿身,总不能连这点担当都没有。 Laofoye is startled, at once cracks into a smile, he has several points of ridicule at once to Qin Shi says with a smile: He he, what the little friend said that if you are not responsible for my granddaughter, I will not let off easily your.” 老佛爷一怔,旋即咧嘴一笑,旋即他带有几分嘲弄的冲着秦石笑道:“呵呵,小友说的是,你要是不对我孙女负责,我也不会轻易放过你的。” Qin Shi curls the lip, if he is really irresponsible, but also was not worried how really this Laofoye ability he, in any case, is your pit granddaughter, what relations has with me? But this saying, Qin Shi naturally at heart is thinking, hesitant, he said: But the senior, please younger generation now, have not been able to a Longqi status, I now unable to take care of oneself, now stains the relations with me, does not have the advantage to her, when all finished, I will give her a confession.” 秦石撇撇嘴,他要是真不负责,还真不担心这老佛爷能耐他如何,反正,是你自己坑自己孙女的,跟我有什么关系?但这话,秦石自然只是在心里想想,犹豫下,他道:“但前辈,请恕晚辈现在,还不能给龙崎个名分,我现在自顾不暇,现在跟我沾上关系,对她没有好处,等到一切结束,我会给她一个交代的。” This point might as well, small girl, as if have her stubbornness, if she does not make anything to move your matter to come out, she not because you and she will have the relations, will hold to your, the small girl, will be I looks to grow up, although her some princesses will get sick, since childhood was favored to drown by me badly, but in the bone, has my arrogance of Long.” Laofoye said with a smile. “这一点无妨,那小丫头自己,似乎也有着她的倔强,她要是不做出什么感动你的事出来,她也不会因为你和她发生关系,就粘着你的,那小丫头,是我看着长大的,虽然她有些公主病,从小被我宠溺坏了,但是骨子里,却有着我龙家的傲气。”老佛爷笑道。 Qin Shi nods, in the mind recalled that words of Longqi, he does not hope actually Longqi makes any piffle. 秦石点点头,脑海中回想起龙崎的话,他倒是不希望龙崎做出什么傻事来。 Chen the love, is extremely selfless and great, that type likes him really like in appearing on Longqi. 陈焉的爱,太过于无私和伟大,那种爱他真的不像在出现在龙崎身上。 Old fogy, few idle talk, tries to get close, first kept your promise to say again.” At this time, Evil Spirit curled the lip to say suddenly. “老家伙,少废话,套近乎,先兑现你的诺言再说。”这时,邪魔突然撇嘴道。 Laofoye is startled, at once is light smiles, his big hand picked up at this time, the miraculous glow flashed past together, on the big hand that in he always danced very dry cut a blood-stained mouth, several drops were disclosing the essence and blood of hadrosaurus strength flowed out extremely, he said: Kid, this is my Long Clan purest essence and blood, this essence and blood absorption, the dragon strength of your within the body also along with pure that it will change, but, I do not suggest you now its absorption.” 老佛爷一怔,旋即淡淡一笑,他大手在这时托起,一道灵光一闪而过,在他十分枯老婆娑的大手上划破一道血口,几滴透露着极强龙力的精血流出,他道:“小家伙,这是我龙族最为纯正的精血,将这精血吸收,你体内的龙力也会随之变的精纯,不过,我不建议你现在将其吸收。” Why?” Qin Shi received the essence and blood, the black pupil first is frantic, the purest dragon blood, that absolutely is extremely rare existence, but after hearing the words of Laofoye, he actually slightly reveals puzzled. “为何?”秦石接过精血,黑眸先是狂热,最为纯正的龙血,那绝对是凤毛麟角的存在,但听闻老佛爷的话后他却微微露出不解。 „The situation and average man in your within the body are different, if the average man will obtain my pure Long Xueding to stiffen, but you if now absorbs, not only will not stiffen, instead also will also possibly weaken your strength.” “你体内的情况与常人不同,若是常人得到我纯正龙血定会变强,但你现在若是吸收,非但不会变强,反而还可能还会削弱你的力量。” Under Laofoye stop, said: In your within the body, besides the dragon strength, the phoenix strength, the strength of Longfeng, is in the world the most ancient and sacred strength, is actually quite similar to the soul strength and spiritual power, is hard altogether to melt, but your within the body, the strength, completely seems to be well distributed the strength of Longfeng, making it coexist, but had that strength to be well distributed, established under some balanced condition, if you have absorbed my essence and blood, the dragon bloody stool of your within the body will be awakened, is the real dragon degree, but the phoenix strength of your within the body was actually not pure, once so, then. Will appear unbalancedly, at that time, the phoenix strength of your within the body must be suppressed, even is very possible, made a false counter-accusation by the strength of my dragon clan, such, you, although has the genuine dragon strength, but will actually lose the phoenix strength.” 老佛爷停顿下,道:“在你体内,除了龙力,还有凤力,龙凤之力,乃是天地间最为古老和神圣的力量,却与灵魂力与灵力颇为相似,难以共融,但是你体内,似乎有一股力量,将龙凤之力完全调和,令其共处一身,但就算有那力量调和,也是建立在某种平衡的条件下的,如果你吸收了我的精血,你体内的龙血便会被唤醒,达到真龙程度,但你体内的凤力却并不纯正,一旦如此,便。会出现失衡,那时候,你体内的凤力必会受到压制,甚至很可能,被我龙族之力反噬掉,那样,你虽拥有真正的龙力,但却会丧失凤力。” Qin Shi hear that, is then suddenly enlighted, if loses the phoenix strength, that truly puts the cart before the horse, the pure dragon strength is no doubt formidable, but not necessarily has his Longfeng fusion strength. 秦石闻言,便是恍然大悟,若是丧失凤力,那确实是本末倒置,纯正的龙力固然强大,但却未必有他龙凤融合的力量强。 But, you, if can find with the phoenix clan bloodlines that my bloodlines match, when at that time, you also activated two bloodlines, your strength of Longfeng, not only will not be weakened, instead will go to the purest situation, at that time, was peak of strength of your Longfeng!” At this time, Laofoye said with a smile: He he, the Longfeng consubstantiality, is really a miracle, I somewhat anticipated actually that after you these two strengths activate completely, will be what kind of degree.” “不过,你如果能找到与我血脉相匹配的凤族血脉,等到那时,你将两种血脉同时激活,你的龙凤之力,非但不会被削弱,反而会达到最为精纯的地步,那个时候,才是你龙凤之力的巅峰!”这时,老佛爷笑道:“呵呵,龙凤同体,真是个奇迹,我倒是有些期待,你将这两股力量完全激活后会达到怎样的程度。” Under Qin Shi, but wants to obtain phoenix clan purest essence and blood this is not an easy matter. 秦石点下头,但想要得到凤凰族最为纯正的精血这可不是件容易的事。 However might as well, beast, he sooner or later must go in any case, in his hand is also taking Seven Colored Auspicious Cloud Snake , that foot endures an ominous beast clan that has compared with Longfeng, the imperial family most precious faith token, calculates that he poured has not seen Xiaomi Cai for a long time, how also does not know her now in beast, but also rejoiced, these year of Xiaomi Cai not side her, otherwise initially when the world of human beings, by the Xiaomi Cai disposition, certainly will not give up. 不过无妨,反正兽界,他是迟早要去的,他手中还拿着七彩祥云蛇,那足矣堪比龙凤存在的凶兽一族,皇室最为珍贵的信物呢,算一算,他倒也是许久没有见过小米彩了,也不知道她现在在兽界如何,但也庆幸,这些年小米彩没在她身边,不然当初在人界时,以小米彩的性格,一定不会善罢甘休的。 Many thanks senior!” Accepts the essence and blood, Qin Shi does not forget to hold the fist in the other hand the expression of gratitude to Laofoye. “多谢前辈!”收下精血,秦石不忘对老佛爷抱拳道谢。 Should be I thanks you to be right.” “应该是我谢你才对。” Laofoye caresses must say with a smile, at this time beside that cavern, suddenly being correct form in this time extremely quick falling, that form, was an elder of dragon clan, at this time he entered the cavern, the [say / way] by the Laofoye ear said several gently, was then cloudy along with the complexion of it Laofoye, the presbyopia was strange. 老佛爷抚须笑道,这时在那洞窟之外,突然有道身影在这时极快的落下,那身影,是一名龙族的长老,这时他进入洞窟,在老佛爷耳旁轻轻道说几句,随之老佛爷的脸色便是阴沉下来,老眼古怪。 Sees this hesitant, Qin Shi, finally asked: Senior, what matter does Long have?” 见到这幕,秦石犹豫下,最终还是问道:“前辈,龙家有什么事吗?” The master looks to Qin Shi, forced smile sound: Actually my Long was your Qin Gong.” 老爷望向秦石,苦笑声:“倒不是我龙家是你们秦宫。” Qin Gong?” The Qin Shi pupil color is suitable changes, rapid [say / way]: Senior, Qin Gong how?” “秦宫?”秦石眸色顺变,急促道:“前辈,秦宫怎么了?” Laofoye can realize obviously that said Qin Gong two word-time in him, the smiling face on side Qin Shi face, started restraining of faint trace, gloomy that one type made the person palpitation, slowly emerged, in the meantime, cold and gloomy killing intent, along with it surging. 老佛爷能明显察觉到,在他道出秦宫二字时,身旁秦石脸庞上的笑容,开始一丝丝的收敛起来,一种令人心悸的阴沉,缓缓的涌现出来,同时,森冷的杀意,也是随之涌动。 Laofoye forced smile sound: „Is this then the anger of this kid? Pouring is really fearful, was really and past person emperor is exactly the same.” 老佛爷苦笑声:“这便是这小家伙的怒火么?倒真是可怕,真是和当年的人皇一模一样。” Is ten Fang Dian, Sanqinggong as if desirably conceals the news that you had not died, the surrounding has not known that now you resurrected, but now, under ten Fang Dian summons, about thousand sea palaces responds, encircled Qin Gong, as if, wanted to annihilate Qin Gong!” But Laofoye said. “是十方殿,三清宫似乎刻意隐瞒了你没有死的消息,外围如今还不知道你复活了,而如今,在十方殿号召下,近千座海宫响应,将秦宫围剿,似乎,是想要将秦宫歼灭!”老佛爷无奈道。 The Qin Shi complexion changes, how this matter saw that is ten Fang Dian is stirring up trouble, by the disposition of official script, Qin Shi is very clear, he on own initiative will certainly not provoke ten Fang Dian, let alone Qin Shi is not, they also will certainly restrain, that in other words, is ten side palaces on own initiative is looking for trouble, but Qin Shi is also clear, this trouble, cannot certainly be inseparable from Sanqinggong. 秦石脸色一变,这件事怎么看,都是十方殿在挑事,以隶书的性格,秦石很清楚,他一定不会主动招惹十方殿的,何况秦石不在,他们一定也会有所收敛,那也就是说,是十方殿主动在找麻烦,而秦石也清楚,这一份麻烦,一定与三清宫脱不了干系。 Qin Gongke did have the casualties?” Qin Shi asked. “秦宫可有伤亡?”秦石问道。 Laofoye does not know that he turns around to look toward that Long elder, under the elder is hesitates first, but sees Laofoye to tacitly consent to that he finally is under the helpless point, said: Situation is not optimistic, but well in having a girl, achieves the boundary, the boundary in the surrounding, is quite rare, she blocks ten Fang Dian not small firepower, but presented the casualties.” 老佛爷也是不知,他转身朝那名龙家长老望去,那长老先是迟疑下,但见老佛爷默许,他才终是无奈的点下头,道:“情况并不乐观,但好在有一名女孩,也是达到界境,界境在外围,还是比较罕见的,她一人挡住十方殿不小的火力,但是已经出现伤亡了。” Bang! 轰! The air of Qin Shi whole body evaporates instantaneously, is erupts four different color roaring flame in Qin Shi within the body unexpectedly. 秦石周身的空气瞬间蒸发掉,在秦石体内竟是爆发出四道不同颜色的烈焰来。 That four Wang Huo, unexpectedly embodiment under the Qin Shi anger. 那四道王火,竟是在秦石的怒火下具象化。 Cruel killing intent, does not cover up in the Qin Shi foreheads together. 一道暴戾的杀意,在秦石眉宇间毫不遮掩。 Good ten Fang Dian!” Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, he showed the ferocious smiling face however at this time unexpectedly suddenly, the Long elder saw that smiling face feels unexpectedly absolutely terrified, seems, he saw under this smiling face, ten Fang Dian was destroyed the ruins the appearance. “好一个十方殿呢!”秦石捏紧拳,他这时竟突然露出狞然的笑容,那龙家长老见到那笑容竟都是感到毛骨悚然,好似,他已经见到在这笑容之下,十方殿被摧毁成废墟的样子。 Finally got rid? That do not blame me!” Qin Shi deeply inspires, although he early then expects, ten Fang Dian will not be certainly law-abiding, but has not actually expected them so unable to calm down, but this is also good, has given his enough reason, ruins ten Fang Dian. “最终还是出手了吗?那就别怪我了!”秦石深吸口气,尽管他早便是料到,十方殿一定不会安分,但却没料到他们如此沉不住气,但这样也好,也给了他足够的理由,毁掉十方殿。 Qin Shi deeply inspires, at this time turned around to say to Laofoye: Senior, that younger generation then in advance left!” 秦石深吸口气,这时转身冲老佛爷道:“前辈,那晚辈便是先行离开了!” Under Laofoye, he knows that present Qin Shi, nobody can block him, let alone he has not stopped the Qin Shi necessity, present Qin Shi, one year ago already was quite the same as different, 12 god pill's gods assigned the body, was doomed these 7000 sea palaces, because of his appearance once more, will raise one to circle is the confusion that Sanqinggong is unable to end. 老佛爷点下头,他知道现在的秦石,没有人能够拦下他,何况他也没有阻拦秦石的必要,如今的秦石,与一年前早已是浑然不同,12颗神丹的神命体,注定这7000海宫,将会因为他的再次出现,掀起一场绕是三清宫也无法收场的混乱。 --- --- Today this one, because the following chapter is quite important, is in 7000 sea palaces the most essential part, the human outside area, will write quite to be strenuous, tomorrow will go home, the refresh time will inform in the group after the proficiency. 今天就此一更,因为后面的章节比较重要,是7000海宫里最为关键的部分,人在外地,写起来会比较吃力,明天回家,更新时间会在到家后在群里通知。
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