PDL :: Volume #18

#1714: Skeleton Kofuji

When enters the deep deep pool, the Qin Shi complexion changes slightly, although there is Tun Tian to protect the body void, was still made him feel extremely the loathing strength in this deep deep pool unexpectedly, obstructed the day Baleful Qi to be unceasingly same like the toxin, seemed in extremely quick swallowed Tun Tian to be void, wants to try to camouflage it. 当进入深潭当中,秦石脸色微微变动,尽管有吞天虚空护体,在这深潭之中竟仍是让他感受到极为厌恶的力量,遮天的煞气不断如毒素一样,好似在极快的吞噬着吞天虚空,想要将其试图遮蔽。 Boy, here Baleful Qi is not simple, should initially obstruct, my present Baleful Qi that the day heyday stays behind, does not have the means to swallow, gradually, instead will be camouflaged, once were camouflaged, here incantation seal, will pull out your essence and blood leaves, by the seal in this, such, you also will be received then the limit of this curse, makes the best use of the time, do not delay, first clarifies the reason of this curse, obstructs day Baleful Qi, has not cursed the ability, here, has certainly other strengths.” Evil Spirit said. “小子,这里的煞气不简单,应该是当初遮天全盛时期所留下的,我现在的煞气,没办法吞噬,久而久之,反而会被遮蔽住,一旦被遮蔽,这里的咒印,也会将你的精血抽离,然后被封印在这,那样,你也会受到这诅咒的限制,抓紧时间,不要耽误,先弄清楚这诅咒的缘由,遮天煞气,是没有诅咒能力的,这里,一定有其他的力量。”邪魔道。 Under Qin Shi, he also realizes good of this deep deep pool. 秦石点下头,他也意识到这深潭的不俗。 This deep deep pool, seems wants compared with outside huge many, its interior has the overlapped space probably, enough over ten thousand meters, at this time, Qin Shi under deep deep pool fast walks randomly, but has not actually discovered the difference, finally, Qin Shi, but within stops before vine, in the end of that vine, seems sharp claws of devil is the same, such as the eagle claw grabs translucent precious pearl, in the precious pearl is a drop of essence and blood, such as an amber is the same. 这深潭,远比外界看上去要庞大的多,其内部好像有着重叠的空间,足足有上万米,这时,秦石在深潭下快速的游走一圈,但却并未发现异样,最终,秦石无奈间停顿在一根藤蔓前,在那藤蔓的尽头,好似一只恶魔的利爪一样,如鹰爪抓着一颗半透明的宝珠,宝珠内是一滴精血,如一枚琥珀一样。 Qin Shi calmed down saying: Since is not this obstructs the day Baleful Qi reason, that issue should then emerge in these vines, just Long Qianbei said that so long as can take out their essence and blood of Long, then can relieve this curse, I try first, can cut off this vine.” 秦石定了定神道:“既然不是这遮天煞气的缘故,那问题应该便是出现在这些藤蔓里,刚刚龙前辈说,只要能将他们龙家的精血取出,便能解除这个诅咒,我先试试,能不能将这藤蔓斩断。” The Qin Shi word, his arm empty shakes, sharp eight glow sharp knife blade are offer a sacrifice, since knows here uncommonly, Qin Shi has not then kept the hand, uses to dazzle up the Divine sword directly, Qin Shi holds up in the chest the Divine sword, another finger gathers, sweeps on sword edge, in the mouth talked over the law to decide: Eight glow kendoists!” 秦石言罢,他手臂虚晃,一把锋利的八芒利刃便是祭出,既然知道这里不凡,秦石便是没有留手,直接用出炫光神剑,秦石将神剑在胸膛举起,另一只手指并拢,在剑刃上一扫,口中念叨法决:“八芒剑道!” Bang! Dazzles in the light Divine sword, immediately then ejects eight different light beams, each is having this day within rare heterogeneous strength, eight lethal weapon on that inserting in dazzling light Divine sword is also glitters the none remaining to come, eight none remaining gather instantaneously, the fusion, becomes sharp sword glow flies high to that strange vine is even if under dividing. 砰!炫光神剑之内,当即便是击出八道不同的光束,每一道都是拥有着这天地间罕见的异种力,那嵌入在炫光神剑上的八块凶器也是闪烁起精光来,八道精光瞬间聚拢,融合,成一锋利的剑芒凌空冲那诡异的藤蔓便是纵然劈下。 Bang! 轰! A fierce bang, the sword glow chops to chop on that vine, but that vine not only does not have the damage of least bit, from that vine, surges unexpectedly suddenly extremely the evil spirit strength, such as the shell is together common, fierce counter-attack to Qin Shi, that shell of strength, is endures ratio boundary great accomplishment strikes unexpectedly fully, Qin Shi was startled at this time slightly, his personal appearance fierce craziness draws back several steps, but circles is so, he cannot move aside completely, was still is given the severely wounded chest by that shell, made his within the body five senses miscellaneous grains, if not he suppressed not to live in the yawn, That emerges in the fresh bloody stool to oral cavity is sprays. 猛的一声巨响,剑芒劈砍在那藤蔓上,但那藤蔓非但没有半点的损伤,从那藤蔓当中,竟是突然涌动出极为凶煞的力量,如一道炮弹一般,猛的反扑向秦石,那炮弹的力量之强,竟是堪比一名界境大成的全力一击,秦石这时微微吃惊,他身形猛的狂退数步,但绕是这般,他也没能完全躲闪开,仍是被那炮弹给重伤胸口,令他体内五味杂粮,若非他强忍住没有张口,那涌入到口腔里的鲜血便是喷洒出去。 Boy, swallows back! Otherwise your essence and blood exposition, will receive immediately then here curse!” Evil Spirit shouted to clear the way. “小子,咽回去!不然你的精血暴露,马上便会受到这里的诅咒!”邪魔喝道。 Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, swallows in blood the abdomen, at this time his black pupil serious looking to that vine, dazzled the light Divine sword struck fully, including the common boundary was completely vigilant, but this vine, unexpectedly undamaged, relaxed kept off it? Moreover can hit back, this strength, Qin Shi, only then in the initial three palaces main guesses that has experienced. 秦石捏紧拳,生生将鲜血吞回腹中,这时他黑眸严肃的望向那藤蔓,炫光神剑的全力一击,连寻常的界境圆满都要警惕,但这藤蔓,竟然完好无损,轻松的将其挡下?而且还能还手,这种力量,秦石只有在当初的三殿主身上猜啊经历过。 „Do these vines, have the strength of ultra boundary?” “这些藤蔓,有超界境的力量?” Should not be the ultra boundary, the boy, you looks there!” At this time, Evil Spirit raised eyes to say suddenly. “应该不是超界境,小子,你看那里!”这时,邪魔突然举目道。 Qin Shi has gawked, at once is suitable for the power and reputation going, the vision falls the places of these vine packing connection finally, is sky over that deep deep pool float the skeleton skull, Qin Shi narrows the eye, he just struck, in that skeleton skull is to glitter unexpectedly the ancient strange light comes, Qin Shi said: Is that skeleton?” 秦石愣了下,旋即顺势望去,目光最终落回那些藤蔓盘根交汇之处,正是那深潭上空悬浮着的骷髅头骨,秦石眯起眼,他刚刚一击,那骷髅头骨内竟是闪烁起古怪异光来,秦石道:“是那骷髅?” Em, the boy, approaches, I think that I knew what's the matter!” Evil Spirit said suddenly. “恩,小子,靠近一点,我想我知道是怎么回事了!”邪魔突然道。 Under Qin Shi, this flies high leaps sets out, his slowly closes up toward that skeleton, when he approaches the skeleton, Evil Spirit spreads Baleful Qi, moving slowly above that skeleton, along with it, that skeleton is explodes to shoot the huge wildness, Evil Spirit narrows the eye, after feeling that strength, definitely said: I knew, is bone Kofuji's incantation seal!” 秦石点下头,这才凌空的跃起身,他缓缓的朝着那骷髅靠拢,当他临近骷髅,邪魔煞气蔓延,缓缓的触碰在那骷髅上方,随之,那骷髅便是爆射起巨大的狂怒,邪魔眯眼,感受到那力量后肯定道:“我知道了,是骨头古藤的咒印!” Skeleton Kofuji? What is that?” “骷髅古藤?那是什么?” Skeleton Kofuji, is a violent poisonousness, is a growth in skeleton skeleton plant, this plant, has the greatly strengthened big contract strength, is one type can the strength that the person soul and world connect, once by skeleton Kofuji's contract force control, once goes beyond the contracted domain, that will then suffer the world infliction from god, initially, obstructed the day truly to train many skeleton Kofuji, moreover on went nutritiously with his own blood, but has not thought that used here unexpectedly!” Evil Spirit said. “骷髅古藤,本是一种剧毒,是一种生长在骷髅骨骼身上的植物,这种植物,拥有极强大的契约力,是一种能将人魂与天地连接的力量,一旦被骷髅古藤的契约力控制住,一旦超出契约范围,那便是会遭受到天地神罚,当初,遮天确实是培养了不少的骷髅古藤,而且上用他自身的血液去滋补的,只是没想到,竟然用在了这里!”邪魔道。 Qin Shi narrows the eye: „Does that have the means to explain?” 秦石眯眼:“那有办法破解吗?” „The law of explaining, cuts off this skeleton Kofuji, was the same with your just method, but in this skeleton Kofuji, fused has obstructed the day the blood, just you used to dazzle the light Divine sword to divide to chop, was obstructed day Baleful Qi to weaken, optical elastic that just made a false counter-accusation, obstructs a day of strength.” Evil Spirit said. “破解之法,就是将这骷髅古藤斩断,和你刚刚的方法一样,但在这骷髅古藤之内,融合了遮天的血液,刚刚你用炫光神剑劈砍,便是被遮天煞气削弱,刚刚反噬出的光弹,也是遮天之力。”邪魔道。 Obstructs the day the strength?” Heaviness that Qin Shi slightly changes. “遮天的力量么?”秦石微微变的沉重。 Em, depending on your my present situation, cannot break this strength.” “恩,凭你我现在的情况,根本破不掉这力量。” „Doesn't that have other means?” “那难道就没有其余的办法么?” Also has, but grasps not in a big way, meets me to use Tun Tian to be void, temporarily seals up here obstructing day Baleful Qi, but you only then the extremely short time, you must cut off skeleton Kofuji within this time.” Evil Spirit said. “也不是没有,但把握不大,一会我用吞天虚空,暂时将这里的遮天煞气封住,但你只有极为短暂的时间,你必须在这时间之内将骷髅古藤斩断。”邪魔道。 How long?” “有多久?” Partly burns a joss stick.” “半炷香。” Only then partly burns a joss stick?” Qin Shi has been startled, this time also was too rather urgent, even if has not obstructed the day the strength to assist, this skeleton Kofuji also has the greatly strengthened defense, wants in partly burns a joss stick, wrecks it completely, this in him, difficult such as to ascend to heaven now. “只有半炷香?”秦石怔了下,这个时间未免也太紧迫了些,就算没有遮天的力量相助,这骷髅古藤也是有着极强的防御,想要在半炷香内,将其完全击毁,这于他现在而言,难如登天。 Can try?” Evil Spirit saw that the worry of Qin Shi asked. “要试试么?”邪魔看出秦石的顾虑问道。 Under hesitates, Qin Shi nods finally, in any event must attempt, Evil Spirit sees the Qin Shi nod then also should, at once he also said: Kid, how regardless of the result, after partly burns a joss stick, your I must leave here, otherwise at that time, not having Tun Tian to aid void, once in your I fell into to obstruct the day to be void, will not have the opportunity to escape again, even if were I, did not have the means.” 沉吟下,秦石终是点点头,无论如何总要尝试一下,邪魔秦石点头便也是应下,旋即他又道:“小家伙,无论结果如何,半炷香后你我必须要离开这里,不然那时,没有吞天虚空护佑,一旦你我陷入进遮天虚空里,将再无机会逃脱,就算是我,也没有办法。” Under Qin Shi, Evil Spirit sees that being separated Qin Shi slowly, but he has not been displaying the void strength anxiously, as if in giving the Qin Shi setup time, the Qin Shi hand imprint changes continuously, several in addition holds martial arts to die after the body, Qin Shi deeply inspires, turns around to the Evil Spirit light point, both hands tight gripping grasps to dazzle up the Divine sword, vision staring to that skeleton central Kofuji. 秦石点下头,邪魔见状才缓缓的脱离秦石,但他并未急着施展虚空之力,似乎在给秦石准备时间,秦石手印连续变动,几道加持武学全部陨落在身体上后,秦石才深吸口气,转身冲着邪魔轻点下头,双手紧紧的攥握着炫光神剑,目光凝视向那骷髅中央的古藤之上。 Received the Qin Shi signal, Evil Spirit stretched out the arms at this time finally, that first nine items of black Qilin fierce appearances, to the human an endless aggression, along with it, from the Tun Tian mouth, put out a mysterious soul bead suddenly, Qin Shi know that was the Evil Spirit demon soul, has not thought that by the Evil Spirit strength, wanted to suppress this to obstruct the day, needs to use the demon soul to be good unexpectedly. 收到秦石的信号,邪魔这时终是张开双臂,那一头九目黑麒麟狰狞的样子,给人一种无尽的霸气,随之,从吞天口中,突然吐出一颗玄奥的魂珠,秦石知道,那便是邪魔的魔魂,没想到,以邪魔的力量,想要压制这遮天,竟也是需要动用魔魂才行。 This is Qin Shi saw for the first time that present Evil Spirit displays fully, that seems can Tun Tian bite the place the huge empty shade to spread from his shadow rapidly, like that the great strength, making Qin Shi feel to tremble with fear, but is so, the pressure of Qin Shi moral nature is bigger, in addition Evil Spirit is so formidable, the obstructing day of that heyday actually formidable? He wants to be an enemy with the Ocean Group, is an incomparably difficult road. 这是秦石首次见到,如今的邪魔施展出全力,那一副好似能吞天噬地的巨大虚影从他影子内急速蔓延,那般巨力,让秦石感到惊颤,但越是如此,秦石心底的压力便是越大,邪魔尚且如此强大,那全盛时期的遮天究竟有多强大?他想要与溟组为敌,是一条无比艰难的路啊。 When the Tun Tian empty shade disperses, Yonabaru this obstructing day forms two extremes void instantaneously, seems world that is divided into, presents a piece level in the center, made two strengths at this time is to all lose the effect, Evil Spirit at this time rapid shouting to clear the way: Boy, while the present!” 吞天的虚影散出,与那原本的遮天虚空瞬间形成两个极端,好似一分为的天地,在中央出现一片断层,令两股力量在这时皆是失去效果,邪魔这时急促的喝道:“小子,趁现在!” Qin Shi can feel, the obstructing day of deep Tannei suddenly is void stiff, the Qin Shi almost fierce leaping forward upper air, on the arm the blue vein rolls, the drinking sound that he makes an effort, transfers into within the body spiritual power the palms, in changes from the embodiment from the palms, integrates to dazzle up the Divine sword, becomes wan character sword glow, since the under foot of Qin Shi is also surges the golden ocean current, the third imperial sacrifices sea revolves, along with it in that Qin Shi now under two big violent martial arts, a great strength fierce chops fully toward that skeleton Kofuji. 秦石能够感受到,深潭内的遮天虚空突然僵硬住,秦石几乎猛的跃入高空,手臂上青筋滚动,他用力的喝声,将体内灵力调动入手掌间,在从掌间化形具象,融入进炫光神剑,成一卍字剑芒,而在秦石的脚下也是涌动起金色洋流,三世禅海运转,随之在那秦石如今两大极端的武学下,一股巨力凶猛的朝着那骷髅古藤全力劈下。 Bang! 砰! A bang, what extraordinary accident is, in this that skeleton Kofuji, in presenting the effect of making a false counter-accusation, obviously by Evil Spirit the strength of Tun Tian counter-balancing, Qin Shi looked at steadily at this time, stares at that to pass through the two strengths in skeleton, is hopeful, must succeed, he only then this opportunity, Ka! Cha! is sudden, a disruption of neutral tone, above that skeleton, presents the slight fissure unexpectedly, this makes the eye pupil of Qin Shi pleasantly surprised. 一声巨响,出奇意外的是,这一次那骷髅古藤之内,并没有在出现反噬之效,显然是被邪魔吞天之力给抵消去,秦石这时目不转睛,盯着那贯穿进骷髅之内的两股力量,充满期待,一定要成功,他只有这一次机会,咔嚓!突然,一声轻声的碎裂,在那骷髅之上,竟是出现细微裂痕,这让秦石的眼眸惊喜。 But unexpectedly, that fissure, be only square inch, is is actually not able to extend the slightest, at this time, the Qin Shi black pupil changed extreme gloomy: „, It is not good?” 但不料,那裂痕只有方寸,却是再也无法延伸出分毫,这时,秦石黑眸变的极度阴沉:“难道,还是不行吗?” Boy, do not pay attention to that skeleton Kofuji, now is impossible to relieve this incantation seal depending on your strength completely, first broke that vine, the bloodlines in that vine, as if have a resonance with the blood of your within the body, is disintegrating this curse from the interior, can relieve one is, the time are not much!” Evil Spirit said. “小子,别理会那骷髅古藤,现在凭你的力量不可能完全解除这咒印,先破了那根藤蔓,那根藤蔓内的血脉,似乎与你体内的血液有所共鸣,正在从内部瓦解这诅咒,能解除一个是一个,时间不多了!”邪魔道。 Qin Shi one startled, at this time his fierce turning around, saw only, essence and blood twinkle dim light in vine, with the Qin Shi mutual attraction, Qin Shi was startled unexpectedly really first, when the Yin-Yang strength when immediately his dantian place sank revolved, he one startled: „Is that essence and blood, the essence and blood of Longqi? No wonder, can produce the resonance with my blood, formerly that sexual intercourse, as if made the Yin-Yang strength of our within the body fuse mutually.” 秦石一惊,这时他猛的转身,只见,一根藤蔓内的精血闪烁幽光,竟是与秦石真的相互吸引,秦石先是一怔,随即当他丹田处沉落的阴阳力运转起来时,他一惊:“那精血,是龙崎的精血?难怪,会与我的血液产生共鸣,先前那次交合,似乎让我们体内的阴阳力相互融合。” Thinks of this, Qin Shi in the idle talk, does not wave to divide a sword that flies high, that sword-light direct puncture on that vine front amber, that amber breaks immediately, inside essence and blood drops, then surges instantaneously toward the Qin Shi palm, such as a docile lamb is the same, quiet lying down in the Qin Shi palm, after rescuing the curse of Longqi, Qin Shi a vision revolution, fell on two Kofuji at this time, from that two Kofuji, the Qin Shi similar feeling to some familiar, is Long seal, and Long Yi. 一想到这,秦石不在废话,挥手凌空的劈出一剑,那剑光直接击穿在那藤蔓前方的琥珀上,那琥珀当即破碎,里面的精血滴落,瞬间便是朝着秦石掌心涌动来,如一温顺的小羊一样,静悄悄的躺在秦石掌心,当解救出龙崎的诅咒后,秦石这时目光一转,落在两根古藤上,从那两根古藤中,秦石同样感受到些许的熟悉,是龙印,和龙毅的。 Bang! Bang! Qin Shi draws out the hand once more, other two vines, even if cuts off, immediately after attaining three drops of essence and blood, Qin Shi nod of satisfied, is only this time, does not fly back without any results, when he again wants to defeat one by one, the Evil Spirit Baleful Qi sudden rebellion, extremely quick returning in the middle of nine items of black Qilin empty shades, Evil Spirit at this time fierce working Qin Shi, shouted to clear the way: Boy! Time to! Leaves this quickly!” 砰!砰!秦石再次起手,将其余两根藤蔓纵然斩断,随即拿到三滴精血后秦石满意的点点头,只是这一次,不是无功而返,而当他再欲逐一击破时,邪魔煞气突然暴动,极快的退回进九目黑麒麟虚影当中,邪魔这时猛的抓起秦石,喝道:“小子!时间到了!快离开这!”
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