PDL :: Volume #18

#1716: Returned to Qin Gong

I knew, but you are also careful, now my Long Jia's curse has not relieved, otherwise, I personally get rid, helping you remove these barriers.” Laofoye has not stopped Qin Shi, but after simple observing closely next , is to let the opening. “我知道了,但你自己也小心一点,如今我龙家的诅咒没有解除,不然,我就亲自出手,帮你扫除这些障碍了。”老佛爷没有阻拦秦石,只是简单的盯住下后便是让开路。 Qin Shi affected smiles, Laofoye, is Longxu, after all was the right-hand man of past person emperor, from him, let Qin Shi in this foreign land, felt the feeling of several points of family member, Qin Shi smiles, his complexion suddenly is at once cloudy, wiped the extremely terrifying cruel aura the air that put out from his oronasals to expand, quick, was faints in the surrounding space, making that Long elder keep silent, making him feel that Qin Shi seemed is Asura who in the hell killed to ascend to heaven is the same. 秦石感动的一笑,老佛爷,也就是龙须,毕竟是当年人皇的左右手,从他身上,也让秦石在这异乡,感受到几分亲人的感受,秦石一笑,旋即他脸色突然阴沉,一抹极为恐怖的暴戾气息从他口鼻间吐出的空气里扩张开,很快,便是晕开在周围的空间里,让那龙家长老都是噤若寒蝉,让他感觉秦石好似是地狱里杀出升天的修罗一样。 Leaves to Qin Shi, the elder exhales the tone, just Qin Shi, him unexpectedly stopped including the breath, he said vigilantly: This kid, good terrifying aura, although the strength has not gone to the situation in that startled world, but this imposing manner, actually did not lose to the initial person emperor.” 一直到秦石离开,那长老才呼出口气,刚刚秦石在,他竟是连呼吸都停止下来,他警惕道:“这小家伙,好恐怖的气息啊,虽然实力还没达到那种惊天地的地步,但是这气势,却是丝毫不输给当初的人皇啊。” Laofoye smiles lightly: This is natural, in the past the person emperor had said assuredly, this boy is the child of true destiny, is in the human the dragon, in the dragon the host.” 老佛爷淡淡一笑:“这是当然,当年人皇笃定的说过,这小子才是真正的天命之子,是人中之龙,龙中之主。” In human dragon that elder alone muttered the sound, this under point: He he, Sanqinggong this time had troublesome.” “人中之龙”那长老独自喃喃声,这才点下头:“呵呵,三清宫这次有麻烦了。” Laofoye smiles understandingly, has not talked too much again, but at this time his presbyopia changed, shortly after that cavern, Qin Shi just left, together the beautiful figure suddenly flies high to fall, such as the female of immortal shade, blocked the Qin Shi way together. 老佛爷会意而笑,并未再去多言,但这时他老眼一变,在那洞窟之外,秦石刚离开不久,一道倩影突然凌空落下,如一道仙影之女,挡住秦石的去路。 Qin Shi saw that immortal shade is startled: Longqi?” 秦石见到那仙影一怔:“龙崎?” „Do you want to leave?” Longqi comes straight to the point to say. “你要离开了?”龙崎开门见山道。 Under point that Qin Shi has not concealed, Longqi also very directly said: I go as you like, I am your person, although I had not obtained your approval, but before then, I have followed side you.” 秦石没有隐瞒的点下头,龙崎也是十分直接道:“我随你去,我已经是你的人,虽然我还没有得到你的认可,但是在这之前,我会一直跟在你身边的。” Qin Shi hears that sound cannot bear the forced smile, at this time Laofoye leapt to caress from the cavern must say with a smile: Little friend, Longqi said right, since her curse has relieved, making her follow also to might as well in your side but actually.” 秦石闻声忍不住苦笑,这时老佛爷从洞窟中跃出抚须笑道:“小友,龙崎说的没错,既然她的诅咒已经解除,让她跟在你的身旁倒也无妨。” At this time, Long Yinlong Yi also caught up, heard the curse of Longqi to be relieved reveals the shock. 这时,龙印龙毅也赶来,听闻龙崎的诅咒被解除露出震惊。 Old gentleman, was the curse of Longqi relieved?” Long seal pleasantly surprised [say / way]. “老爷子,龙崎的诅咒被解除了?”龙印惊喜道。 Not is only Longqi, you and Long Yi should thank Qin Xiaoyou, you three people of curses were relieved.” Under Laofoye stop, said with a smile suddenly: Your three, went to the surrounding along with Qin Xiaoyou, the surrounding, might as well actually, but Sanqinggong got rid, you were also good to look after mutually, made Sanqinggong know that my Long, was not good to bully.” “不光是龙崎,你与龙毅都应该感谢秦小友,你们三人的诅咒都被解除了。”老佛爷停顿下,突然笑道:“你们三个,都随秦小友去外围吧,外围,倒是无妨,但三清宫出手,你们也好相互照顾一下,也让三清宫知道,我龙家,不是好欺负的。” Long seal and Long resolute eyes pupil twinkle is pleasantly surprised, Long Jia cursed does not know how long puzzled their, now relieves, how to be unhappy? Long seal grateful flies high to hold the fist in the other hand to Qin Shi, he has known that Laofoye cursed to Long Jia has extreme being offended, was therefore, he had not sought for the other half, did not have the means to extend passes on the incense and candle of Long, but now, he actually does not need scruples these, he said: Qin brother, the obligation did not say thanks, later obtained my Long seal place to call one usefully freely.” 龙印和龙毅眼眸闪烁惊喜,龙家诅咒不知困扰他们多久,如今解除,怎么不喜?龙印感激的冲秦石凌空抱拳,他一直知道,老佛爷对龙家诅咒有着极为的介怀,也是因此,他一直没有寻找另一半,没办法延传龙家的香火,但现在,他却不必在顾忌这些,他道:“秦兄,大恩不言谢,以后有用得到我龙印的地方尽管招呼一声。” The Qin Shi forced smile, the moral nature is actually circles, plan in mind fast turn-around, just like Laofoye said that the surrounding might as well actually, by his present strength, ten Fang Dian , he in addition did not fear, but ten Fang Dian subordinated Sanqinggong, although present he practices the second Dharmakaya, with 12 god pill, but, before has not achieved boundary great accomplishment, most can also encounter the standing place invincible position with sect Yuanzi, but wanted instead to kill it, was actually dream of a fool. 秦石苦笑,心底却是盘旋一下,有一个计划在脑海快速运转,正如老佛爷所言,外围倒是无妨,以他如今的实力,十方殿,他尚且不惧,但十方殿直属三清宫,虽然如今的他练成第二法身,和12颗神丹,不过,在没有达到界境大成前,最多也只是能与宗元子交锋立处不败之地,但想要将其反杀,却是痴人说梦。 If three Yuan child also get rid, he instead may fall into to the disadvantageous place. 而若是三元子同时出手,他反而可能会陷入到不利之地。 Thinks of this, Qin Shi turns around saying: Laofoye, the younger generation has the incident to request.” 想到这,秦石转身道:“老佛爷,晚辈有一事相求。” „The Qin little friend said freely.” “秦小友尽管说。” I think, during I return to the surrounding, can make the dragon print three people to harass to Sanqinggong.” “我想,在我回外围期间,能让龙印三人对三清宫进行骚扰一番。” Laofoye hear Yanleng, but he lived for several thousand years, the city palace is extremely deep, the moment is to then understand the Qin Shi intention said: Little friend wants to make Sanqinggong take , had my Long Jia's curse been eradicated?” 老佛爷闻言愣了下,但他活了数万年,城府极深,片刻便是明白秦石用意道:“小友是想让三清宫误认为,我龙家的诅咒已经被破除掉?” Truly is this, such Sanqinggong will also restrain a point.” Qin Shi said. “确实是这样,这样三清宫也会收敛一点。”秦石道。 Under Laofoye, this truly is good means that but he has not complied, but turns around to solicit the dragon to print three people of opinions. 老佛爷点下头,这确实是个不错的办法,但他并未答应,而是转身征求龙印三人的意见。 I do not go, I must with you.” Longqi indifferent [say / way]. “我不去,我要跟着你。”龙崎冷漠道。 Long seal and Long resolute squint, at this time helpless smiles: Qin brother, this, Longqi with you, I and Long resolute they harassed Sanqinggong is.” 龙印和龙毅相觑一眼,这时无奈的一笑:“秦兄,这样吧,龙崎跟着你,我和龙毅两人去骚扰三清宫便是。” Qin Shi smiles bitterly, but also can only so, he realize that now from the beautiful pupil of Longqi that firmness, as if must tell Qin Shi, only if you have killed me, otherwise I with deciding you were same, Qin Shi has to nod: Also good, that Longqi then with me.” 秦石不禁苦笑,但如今也只能如此,他从龙崎的美眸中察觉到那份坚决,似乎是要告诉秦石,除非你杀了我,不然我跟定你了一样,秦石只好点点头:“也好,那龙崎便跟着我吧。” Finally, Qin Shi cannot throw off Longqi, but reason that Qin Shi does not want to take Longqi, is worried about Longqi anything actually, the strength of Longqi, or the background of Longqi, surrounding nobody can injure to arrive at her, because, Chen in the surrounding, he does not know the agreement that two females reach, was worried at heart, when two females meet, can be what kind of scene. 最终,秦石也没能甩掉龙崎,而秦石之所以不太想要带上龙崎,倒不是担心龙崎什么,无论是龙崎的实力,或是龙崎的背景,外围都没人能伤到她,只是因为,陈焉在外围,他并不知两女达成的共识,心里不禁担心,等到两女见面时,会是怎样一副场景。 Shaking the head that but the moment, Qin Shi makes an effort: Does not manage, if Lian Chen that pass cannot pass, in the future will return to the world of human beings do not die will pass thoroughly?” 但片刻,秦石用力的摇摇头:“不管了,若是连陈焉那关都过不去,将来回到人界不是要死的透透的?” Qin Shi long breathes a sigh of relief, braces oneself, his personal appearance left from beast of Long at this time finally void, leaves that piece to extend unceasingly such as the mountain range of Longji, once again returns to the middle of that endless deep sea, Longqi follows in him behind. 秦石长舒口气,硬着头皮来吧,他身形这时终是从龙家的兽界虚空离开,离开那片延绵不断如龙脊的山脉,再度的回到那无尽深海当中,龙崎跟随在他身后。 From Long to surrounding Qin Gong, circling at the Qin Shi speed, least also required half a month time, this uses deep-sea area space transmission, but now, Qin Shi is impatient, he does not want to wait for tiny bit, because, always one minute, Qin Gongbian many one minute of dangers, when leaving Long, the eye pupil of Qin Shi changed such as the ice hole was ordinary. 从龙家到外围秦宫,绕是以秦石的速度,最少也需要半月时间,这还是利用深海区域当中的空间传送阵,但现在,秦石已是迫不及待,他一分一毫也不想等待,因为,每多一分钟,秦宫便多一分钟的危险,在离开龙家时,秦石的眼眸变的如冰窟一般寒冷。 Outside Long, the Qin Shi stop lower part of the body, his deep inspiration, he lifted up high suddenly at this time suddenly the big hand. 在龙家外,秦石突然停顿下身,这时他深深的吸了口气,他突然将大手高举起来。 „Do you want to tear into shreds the space?” Longqi saw that the Qin Shi stance is startled. “你想撕碎空间?”龙崎见到秦石的架势一怔。 Under point that Qin Shi has not concealed, this is he can think of most quickly the most direct means. 秦石没有隐瞒的点下头,这是他能想到最快最直接的办法。 Under point that Longqi hear that, has not talked too much, although her some innumerable words want to say that but was swallowed back by her finally completely, because was together through tople days and Qin Shi, she understands gradually that the Qin Shi disposition, was decides, how regardless of other people stopped not to be impossible to change, especially, this matter also involved him the life of person of caring, right, she was the young lady of Long, but this status, was perhaps useful to others, but actually did not affect to his Qin Shi, since she wanted to be the Qin Shi woman, that must learn to restrain, receives her young lady's temperament., The society is a peaceful girl, learns one, forgot own status, only remembers one are the girl of Qin Shi woman. 龙崎闻言,并未多言的点下头,尽管她有无数话想说,但最后全部被她咽了回去,因为通过这些日子与秦石相处,她渐渐明白,秦石的性格,是一个自己决定下来,无论旁人如何阻拦都不可能改变的,特别是,这件事还涉及到他所在乎之人的性命,没错,她是龙家的大小姐,但这一身份,或许对别人有用,但对他秦石却毫无作用,她既然想要做秦石的女人,那就必须要学会收敛,收起她那大小姐的脾气。,学会做一个安静的女孩,学会一个,忘记自己身份,只记得自己是秦石女人的女孩。 Qin Shi, one day, I certainly will make you be willing on my bed! Rests side me! But not with that mean method!” The Longqi moral nature pledged, she thinks her first time, unexpectedly planning not to have by own grandfather, moreover in oneself lost in the situation of recalling, the eye pupil was flood red, but this did not affect, the determination of her moral nature. 秦石,有一天,我一定会让你心甘情愿的上我床!睡在我身边!而不是用那种卑鄙的手段!”龙崎心底发誓道,她一想到自己的第一次,竟然是被自己爷爷给算计没的,而且还是在自己失忆的情况下,眼眸便是泛红,但这并不影响,她心底的决心。 She takes one time, one time called to integrate the water breast with the Qin Shi body and mind crazy tangled up. 她要一次,一次与秦石身心叫融入水乳的疯狂缠绵。 Qin Shi deeply inspired at this time, this is he uses the strength of space for the first time, formerly had the blood sorcerer is the blood sorcerer is operating, blood sorcerer's strength to space grasps very adeptly, void Gu Mo, has given him inherent the superiority in the space, but does not have the means now, blood sorcerer this time very professional, when he most needs closes up. 秦石这时深吸口气,这是他首次自己用空间之力,先前有血巫师在都是血巫师在操作,血巫师对空间之力的掌握十分娴熟,虚空古魔,给了他在空间上与生俱来的优势,但如今却是没办法,血巫师偏偏这次十分敬业,在他最需要的时候闭关起来。 Tears into shreds the space?” “撕碎空间么?” Boy, you, here was away from the distance of Qin palace carefully, even if were many space array of mages does not dare to have 100% assurances, once inspired the space storm, will be very troublesome.” Evil Spirit said. “小子,你自己小心一点,这里距离秦宫的距离,就算是许多空间阵法师都不敢有100的把握,一旦引动空间风暴,会十分麻烦的。”邪魔道。 Under Qin Shi, but so, he was still decided to wrestle. 秦石点下头,但就算如此,他仍是决定搏一把。 Qin Gong, has been encircled now, gives his time not to be many. 秦宫,如今已是被围剿,给他的时间并不多。 „, Waits for me!” “诸位,等我!” Ten Fang Dian! Is you brings upon oneself! I did not mind, in surrounding, helping you remove!” “十方殿!是你们自找的!那我不介意以后在外围,帮你们除名!” Regarding resources that ten Fang Dian has, Qin Shi is in itself also the saliva for a long time, his oneself does not care actually, but if can use for Qin Gong, Qin Gong the strength, met suddenly to increase surely, Qin Gong, was the homicide returns to the world of human beings the capital, therefore in any event, he decided the meeting to let Qin Gongbian was formidable. 对于十方殿所拥有的资源,秦石本身也是垂涎许久,他自身倒是不在乎,但若是能为秦宫所用,秦宫的实力,必定会暴增,秦宫,是他杀回人界的资本,所以无论如何,他都定会要让秦宫变的强大起来。 Qin Shi long breathes a sigh of relief, the arm turns into Long Claw finally, before his body starts to twist void gradually, disruption. 秦石长舒口气,手臂终是变成龙爪,他身前的虚空开始渐渐扭曲,碎裂。 Bang! Bang! Bang! A series of explosives, Qin Shi at this time that space smashing, with stepping into of Longqi compound stride void middle. 砰!砰!砰!一连串的爆响,秦石在这时将那空间粉碎,与龙崎并列的大步的踏入进虚空当中。 But at this point, remote surrounding. 而在此时,遥远的外围。 Near three years, leaves from the deep sea source pond, Qin Shi left Qin Gongbian is nearly three years. 近三年的时间,自深海源池一别,秦石离开秦宫便是近三年之久。 Present Qin Gong, already was not past Qin Gong, under the toba tartars palace and Luo Shenggong assisting, with the official script friendly management during, Qin Gong promoted in the status of surrounding rapidly, but during this, Chen resigned from Luo Shenggong Palace to advocate one, transmitted Luo Shenggong to Luo Yan hand, she has been replacing Qin Shi, was looking after this giant sea palace. 如今的秦宫,早已不是昔日的秦宫,在拓跋宫和罗生宫的相助下,和隶书友善的管理当中,秦宫在外围的地位飞速提升,而这期间,陈焉辞去罗生宫宫主一位,将罗生宫转交给罗燕手中,她一直代替着秦石,照看着这巨大的海宫。 During this, is makes the innumerable sea palaces be jealous, therefore under ten Fang Dian summons, many sea palaces all responded, wants to slice from Qin Gong this giant cake, was only they as everyone knows, this cake, was they are unable to hope to attain, so long as dares to put out a hand toward the cake, will all suffer destroying of devil, but that devil, on road. 这期间,也是令无数海宫眼红,所以在十方殿号召下,诸多海宫皆是响应,想要从秦宫这块巨大的蛋糕上分一杯羹,只是他们殊不知,这一块蛋糕,是他们根本无法企及的,只要敢朝着蛋糕伸出手,皆是会遭受到恶魔的摧毁,而那只恶魔,正在路上。 In Qin Gong, this time Qin Gong encircled watertight. 在秦宫,此时的秦宫被围剿的水泄不通。 In that Qin Gong eight sides, has about thousand sea palaces, hundreds of thousands of powerhouses. 在那秦宫的八方,有着近千海宫,数十万的强者。 But in these powerhouses, the beautiful figure woman's head covering is competent together, that beautiful figure renounces society and lives alone blocked Qin Gong with the tender body. 而在这些强者中,一道倩影巾帼不让须眉,那倩影遗世独立的用自己娇躯挡住秦宫。 In her jade eye is glittering unceasingly the spooky cold brightness, seemed is passing on to all people, wants to destroy Qin Gong, then first killed her. 她那玉眼中不断闪烁着幽幽寒光,好似在向所有人转告,想要摧毁秦宫,便先杀她。 Chen! Present Qin Gong, is the spent force, are you seriously iron core must oppose with ten side palaces?” “陈焉!如今的秦宫,已是强弩之末,你当真是铁了心要与十方殿作对?”
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