PDL :: Volume #18

#1711: Helping somebody in doing good

The time passes slowly, how long after does not know, from the remote 7000 sea palace deep places, central blood Chi Li of Long hills high mountains, the black pupil closed for a long time few year's ends opens the black pupil together, in the pupils of widow who does not remarry, suddenly since the twinkle the mighty waves, in his corner of the eye, unexpectedly are somewhat moist, Qin Xuexin that changes final every single word or phrase, now still in his ear bank reverberation. 时间缓缓流逝,在不知过去多久后,从遥远的7000海宫深处,龙家群山峻岭的中央血池里,一道名黑眸闭合许久的少年终是睁开黑眸,那古井无波的眸间,突然闪烁起波澜,在他的眼角,竟是变的有些湿润,沁雪心最后的一字一句,如今仍是在他耳畔回荡。 Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, all seem like the illusion, but that moves clearly in him feels, the fact that is actually not able to conceal, half sound, he deeply inspires, the black pupil gradually changes is firm: World of human beings, no rush, how long could not want, my Qin Shi will then come back.” 秦石捏紧拳,一切好似像梦幻一样,但那真切打动在他心里的感受,却是无法掩盖的事实,半响,他才深吸口气,黑眸渐渐变的坚决起来:“人界,别急,要不了多久,我秦石便会回来。” Snow heart, is waiting for me.” Qin Shi said gently that immediately he remembers when the sword sect, Fufeng is blue their spoken languages to Qi, the whole body sweeps across the icy blast suddenly, under the Qin Shi black pupil raises to kill intent together, his sneering sound: He he, monster dusk! If my Qin sect were injured by the least bit, my then slaughter Chaos Domain, personally tore into shreds you!” “雪心,等着我。”秦石轻轻道,随即他想起在剑宗时,扶风对奇青两人的言语,周身突然席卷起一道凛冽寒风,秦石黑眸之下升起杀意,他冷笑声:“呵呵,妖暝!若是我秦宗受到半点伤害,那我便屠了乱域,亲手将你撕碎!” Present Qin Shi, has enough arrogance, although he has not achieved the ultra boundary now, but that 12 god pill's destiny body is doomed his future road. 如今的秦石,有着足够傲气,虽然他如今并未达到超界境,但那12颗神丹的天命体已是注定他将来之路。 Qin Shi is not anxious, now the urgent matter, must adjust steadily own vitality, making own foundation solid, made with the second congealing of Dharmakaya and demon soul, this was immediately his most important, he raised eyes, looked toward blood Ikenohata, hesitated for a long time, he had not left eagerly, is away from the foundation to be stable, he was still also some distances, he decided that completed these distances, was leaving here. 秦石不急,现在当务之急的,是要将自身气血调稳,令自身的根基扎实起来,和第二法身及魔魂的凝造,这才是当下他的重中之重,他举目,朝着血池之上望去,迟疑许久,他仍是没有急于离开,距离根基稳定,他仍是还有些距离,他决定将这些距离完成,在离开这里。 After because he leaves here, he wants these 7000 sea palace anybody, cannot look down upon him easily. 因为当他离开这里后,他要这7000海宫任何人,都不能在轻易的小视他。 He must make Sanqinggong pay the price! 他要让三清宫付出代价! That black pupil, at this time once again closed, but outside at the same time blood pond, the Long people were still the stop above that clouds, calculated that Qin Shi this breakthrough, is exhausts for one year, Longqi the black eyebrow coloring eyebrow was light at this time, somewhat worried saying: „Hasn't he come out? Six months ago, god pill then appeared, what can be meets is dangerous?” 那黑眸,在这时再度闭合,而与此同时的血池之外,龙家众人仍是停顿在那云霄之上,算下来,秦石这次突破,已是耗尽一年时间,龙崎这时黛眉轻蹙,有些担忧道:“他怎么还没出来?半年前,神丹便是出现,会不会是遇到什么危险了?” Long seal smiles bitterly saying: „It is not clear, destiny that but he makes, the momentum truly is somewhat huge, but the danger should not have, the small girl, do not worry, the load bearing destiny, is not an easy matter, let alone he is the homemade together secret, gives him again some time.” 龙印苦笑道:“不清楚,不过他所造出的天命,声势确实是有些巨大,但危险应该不会有,小丫头,别担心,承载天命,不是件容易的事,何况他是自创一道天机的,再给他些时间。” Longqi purses the lips, although did not feel relieved at heart again has not actually talked too much. 龙崎撅撅嘴,尽管心里不放心却没有再多言。 This was realized by Laofoye, the Laofoye mouth awry smiles: He he, the girl, said with grandfather that moved really?” 这一幕被老佛爷察觉,老佛爷歪嘴一笑:“呵呵,小妮子,和爷爷说,是真的动心了吗?” Grandfather!” The Longqi jade surface is charming, small sound track: Also is not you, has decided a marriage to others, otherwise who will have a liking for his kookaburra!” “爷爷!”龙崎玉面娇羞,小声道:“还不是你,给人家定了门亲事,不然谁会看上他那个呆瓜!” Oh?? He he, that is also good, since my granddaughter does not want, that the grandfather was looking for one to you, who is important cannot have my granddaughter to be important, thinks, if you move, perhaps the grandfather can help you.” The Laofoye accent said with a smile. 哦?是吗?呵呵,那也好,既然我孙女不愿意,那就算了,爷爷在给你物色一个,谁重要也不能有我孙女重要么,本来还以为,你要是真的动心,爷爷兴许能帮帮你呢。”老佛爷调笑道。 The Longqi jade surface changes, said hastily: Does not want! I do not want others! Do not give me to look for carelessly!” 龙崎玉面一变,连忙道:“不要!我才不要别人呢!你别给我胡乱物色!” Ha Ha! Then, you also dare saying that doesn't move?” “哈哈!就这样,你还敢说不动心?” Pursing the lips that Longqi is not convinced: Is, he is so overbearing, who will move vigor that but, Naha said that truly was the warm heart!” 龙崎不服气的撅撅嘴:“本来就是,他那么霸道,谁会动心啊但是,那霸道的劲,确实是挺让人暖心的!” Longqi wants saying that initially Qin Shi several times got rid, that was facing sect Yuanzi three people still to be without turning a hair, fierce, cut-throat, revealed the fang, all actually to protect the appearance of behind person, could not bear reveal to wipe the delightful dimple. 龙崎想道,当初秦石几次出手,那在面对宗元子三人仍能面不改色,狰狞,凶狠,露出獠牙,一切却是为了守护身后之人的样子,忍不住露出抹甜美笑靥。 At this time, Longqi thinks [say / way] that suddenly anything resembled: Grandfather, you just said that can help me? Is what meaning?” 这时,龙崎突然想到什么似的道:“爷爷,你刚刚说,能帮到我?是什么意思啊?” Laofoye smiles lightly: Looks at your anxious appearance!” 老佛爷淡淡一笑:“看你猴急的样子!” At once, the Laofoye big hand drives, seems has lotus flower together to bloom, immediately presents a blood bead in the middle of the lotus root of lotus flower, his palm makes an effort slightly, that blood bead then gently falls, sinks to the middle of that blood pond, instantaneous, that blood bead as if in the blood with blood pond produces some resonance, the extremely quick spread in trim blood Chi Li, made the blood pool boiling. 旋即,老佛爷大手拖动,好似有一道莲花绽放,随即在莲花的莲藕当中出现一颗血珠,他手掌稍微用力,那血珠便是轻轻落下,沉入进那血池当中,瞬间,那血珠似乎与血池内的血液产生某种共鸣,极快的蔓延在整片血池里,令血池沸腾起来。 Laofoye put out a hand at this time a finger of blood pond, said: Goes, when you arrived below, you naturally can know how must do.” 老佛爷这时伸手一指血池,道:“去吧,等你到了下面,你自然会知道要怎么做的。” Under Longqi hesitates, but does not understand freely, she actually cannot bear want Qin Shi to admit her, she has not asked simply, even if leaps, at this time, the submersion in the middle of the boiling hot blood pond, saw this suddenly, the Laofoye corners of the mouth shows the strange smiling face, said with a smile low voice: He he, the old fogy, this time, may be you are planning oneself grandson, does not have the least bit to relate with that life standard, but does not have the means that I have defended for tens of thousands years to you in this, this small repayment, should be, when the shelled peanuts cooked the cooked rice, the boy did not comply, must comply!” 龙崎迟疑下,但尽管不懂,她却是忍不住想要秦石接纳她,索性她也没有多问的纵然一跃,在这时,突然沉没在滚烫的血池当中,望见这幕,老佛爷嘴角露出诡异的笑容,小声笑道:“呵呵,老家伙,这一次,可真的是你在算计自己孙子,跟那命格没有半点关系啊,但没办法,我在这给你守了几万年,这点小小的回报,也是应该的,等到生米煮成了熟饭,那小子就是不答应,也必须答应!” Longqi enters the blood pond, she has not experienced the desert, but appears in Qin Shi void directly. 龙崎进入血池,她并未经历沙漠,而是直接出现在秦石所处的虚空里。 Just entered this void, Longqi then slightly frowns, she is felt unexpectedly the blood in within the body was dry and hot, quick, on her forehead, then flows out the fragrant perspiration, at this time her vision revolution, never the distant place saw before Qin Shi that the stele sat cross-legged to sit in meditation, her beautiful pupil one happy, hastily before lithe jumping onto. 刚一进入这片虚空,龙崎便是微微蹙眉,她竟是感觉到体内的血液燥热起来,很快,在她额头上,便是流出香汗,这时她目光一转,从不远处见到在石碑前盘坐入定的秦石,她美眸一喜,连忙轻盈的跃上前。 Qin Shi!” Longqi light nan, what has not expected, when she puts out a hand to move Qin Shi, on the Qin Shi flesh unexpectedly reveals the extremely frantic temperature. 秦石!”龙崎轻喃一声,但未料的是,当她伸手去触碰秦石时,秦石肌肤上竟是流露出极为狂热的温度。 This makes Longqi surprised, worries saying: Qin Shi, you? Your body is quite hot!” 这让龙崎惊讶,担忧道:“秦石,你怎么了?你身体好烫!” Longqi hugs Qin Shi in the bosom, at this time Qin Shi closely knit the brows, the complexion changes very ugly. 龙崎将秦石搂在怀中,这时秦石紧紧皱眉,脸色变的十分难看。 Qin Shi also still had consciousnes at this time, he cannot bear curse angrily the sound in the moral nature: Damn! This sudden dry and hot what's the matter? Good heat 秦石这时还尚有神智,他在心底忍不住怒骂声:“该死的!这突然的燥热是怎么回事?好热” At this time, Qin Shi saw Longqi, the black pupil changed suddenly, he seemed thinks of anything to be the same, the anger of his vision hyperemia stared to that stele. 这时,秦石见到龙崎,黑眸突然变动,他好似想到什么一样,他目光充血的怒瞪向那石碑。 Damn! Did this bastard, intoxicate in this blood pond unexpectedly? I by your Sir! You plan me!” “该死的!这混蛋,竟然在这血池里下了毒?我靠你大爷的!你又算计我!” At this time, Qin Shi in idiot, wants to understand the matter whole story, he formerly raised to the person emperor these Xu's favorable impressions, in void that this time suddenly changed, but, in he cursed angrily, on that stele the twinkle galaxy silver light, was very suddenly gorgeous, together only then the empty shade of palm of the hand size reluctantly float, the human the emperor smilingly was looking at Qin Shi, said with a smile: Kid, scolded like this I this was the elder must by the retribution.” 此时,秦石在白痴,也是想明白事情原委,他先前对人皇升起那些许的好感,在这时顿然间变的荡然无存,但是,在他怒骂之间,那石碑上突然闪烁星河银光,十分绚丽,一道只有巴掌大小的虚影勉强悬浮,人皇笑眯眯的望着秦石,笑道:“小家伙,这样骂我这做长辈的可是要遭报应的啊。” What do you mean?” The Qin Shi angry glare said. “你这是什么意思?”秦石怒目道。 The person emperor caresses must smile: Yeah, does not have the means that initially I made a bet with Longxu that fellow, unfortunately loses, as for the gambling stake, will then be the future lets my posterity, married his posterity of Long, will be two being a go-between marriage affinity, but, has not actually expected, the later generation of Longxu that fellow, truly will be some beauties, so the beautiful woman in beautiful woman country's, linked me not to see in the past, the baby, my this was also helps somebody in doing good.” 人皇抚须而笑:“哎,没办法啊,当初我与龙须那家伙打赌,不幸输掉,至于赌注么,便是将来让我一后人,娶了他龙家的后人,也算是两家牵线姻缘,不过,却没料到,龙须那家伙的后辈,确实是有些姿色,这般倾城国的佳人,当年连我也是没见过,小娃娃,我这也算是成人之美了。” Helps somebody in doing good your Sir! Your this called to take advantage of somebody!” “成人之美你大爷的!你这叫趁人之危!” Qin Shi roars, at this time his fist gripped psst makes noise, has not thought that also had been suspended in the end one emperor, although, his sentiment to Longqi is also very complex, but this is not he picture that wants to see, at this time, his unwavebering looking angrily at person emperor, the human the emperor actually radically no longer paid attention to him, is only saying with a smile of smiling: He he, leaves is so angry, you also very much struggle obviously, I happen to helped you make the choice, hesitant, likely was not my Qin Family person, let alone, besides this, I will give you other gift, calculated my this, when senior should do.” 秦石怒吼,他拳头这时攥的吱吱作响,没想到到头来还被人皇摆了一道,虽然,他对龙崎的感情也十分复杂,但这绝不是他想要见到的画面,这时,他死死的怒视人皇,人皇却是根本不再理会他,只是笑眯眯的笑道:“呵呵,别这么愤怒,你自己明明也很挣扎,我正好帮你做出了选择,犹犹豫豫,可不像是我秦家人,何况,除了这个以外,我还是会送给你们两个件别的礼物,也算我这当前辈的应该做的。” The word, that stele blasts open suddenly, from the middle of that stele the sudden bracelet leaves two rays, extremely cloudy, together to positive, two strengths, have sexual intercourse on the vault of heaven mutually, finally sneaks into Qin Shi and Longqi within the body unexpectedly respectively. 言罢,那石碑突然炸裂,从那石碑当中突然跳脱出两道光芒,一道极阴,一道至阳,两股力量,在天穹上相互交合,最终竟是分别窜入进秦石与龙崎体内。 These two Yin-Yang pure Yuan fruits, are in the world the strength of most Yin-Yang, but, the average man is actually not able by the common way absorption, to compromise the Yin-Yang, performs the matter of men and women, enjoys the beauty of world, just now can its absorption, the Yin-Yang pure Yuan fruit, send in your within the body by me now separately, then, is you enjoys oneself younger generation happy time!” The person emperor said with a smile. “这两道阴阳纯元果,乃是天地间最为至极的阴阳之力,不过,常人却是无法以寻常的方式吸收,必须要调和阴阳,尽男女之事,享人世之美,方才能将其吸收,如今阴阳纯元果,已是被我分别送入你们体内,接下来,就是你们享受自己晚辈幸福的时候了!”人皇笑道。 Bastard!” Qin Shi cursed angrily the sound, at this time the empty shade of person emperor actually thoroughly vanished. “王八蛋!”秦石怒骂声,这时人皇的虚影却是彻底消失。 At this time, Qin Shi moral nature one cold, that evil fire gushed out from the surging emotions, changed even more intense, let his look is appears some empty shakes, his within the body arrived at the acme dry and hot, the body no longer is controlled unexpectedly, he turned at this time suddenly sets out, engages in self-examination Longqi according to under the stele stage, that made person mental association handsome, was full of the endless traces of spring. 这时,秦石心底一寒,那邪火从心潮涌出,变的越发强烈,让他眼神已是出现些许虚晃,他体内燥热到极致,身体竟是不再受控制,他这时突然翻起身,反身将龙崎按在石碑台下,那一幕,不由让人联想翩翩,充满无尽的春意。 At this time, Longqi slightly one startled, her Bei Chi bit the red lip, subconscious was wants to work loose, similarly, she, although admired Qin Shi, but actually does not want so to loss of chasty, but did not wait for her personal appearance to move, from her moral nature, was raises dry and hot, blur that her beautiful pupil instantaneously changed, wiped the bath fire combustion, was makes her heart turbulent unexpectedly, making her whole body be incapable. 这时,龙崎微微一惊,她贝齿咬住红唇,下意识的便是欲要挣脱,同样的,她虽爱慕秦石,但却不想如此失身,只是不等她身形挪动,从她心底,也是升起燥热,她美眸瞬间变的迷离,一抹浴火燃烧,竟是让她芳心动荡,令她全身无力。 Qin Shi at this time, exposes the primitive beastly nature finally, his big hand faced forward to search, tore into shreds the gauze skirt of Longqi that mask luster of the skin, from the jade surface of Longqi, wiped the delicate fragrance to head on, makes its thorough crazy, he poked head to kiss, both hands started random walk that kept on Longqi, similarly, Longqi in receiving blood pond traces of spring, with the influence of that extremely cloudy fruit, also loses the final resistivity finally, she stretched out the arms, twines on the Qin Shi nape of the neck, they were in this spacious stele, the tight sexual intercourse, imitated, if Yin-Yang, water ** Friendly. 秦石在这时,终是暴露出原始的兽性,他大手朝前一探,一把将龙崎那遮挡玉体的纱裙撕碎,从龙崎的玉面间,一抹清香扑面而来,令其彻底的疯狂,他探头吻下,双手开始在龙崎身上不停的游走,同样的,龙崎在受到血池春意,和那极阴之果的影响下,也终是丧失最后的抵抗力,她张开双臂,缠绕在秦石的脖颈上,两人便是在这空旷的石碑台上,紧紧交合,仿若阴阳,水**融。 In that piece of empty space, is only the remaining these two tender breathing heavily sounds gently, with full traces of spring that such as in three months the sweet-scented osmanthus package blooms. 那一片空荡的空间里,便是只剩下这两者轻轻的娇喘声,和如三月桂花包绽放开的满满春意。 This condition, how long does not know to continue, after sexual intercourse, they all are fall into the middle of the long-time deep sleep. 这种状况,不知持续多久,一番云雨之后,两人皆是陷入长久的沉睡当中。 However during this period, their bodies all have the change, as if there is strength of exchange Yin-Yang in two human bodies, made their courage vigor at this time is to all change was quite pure, but Longqi, from the young girl, turned into the genuine woman finally, in that lazy facial features, were many some to make the beauty that one immersed. 但是在这期间,两人的身体却是皆有变化,似乎有阴阳之力交流在两人体内,令两人的血气在这时皆是变的极为精纯,而龙崎,也终是从少女,变成了真正的女人,在那慵懒的面容上,多出些许令人沉醉的美色。 When Qin Shi opens eyes once again, the clothing that surroundings everywhere scatter, his head pain, in the mind glitters, is a crazy picture, lets his black pupil fierce one cold, but when he looked again to that still in the female of sleeping soundly, such as the small lamb was the same, the corners of the mouth revealed delightful smiling, he was actually soft, revealed to wipe helpless smiling. 秦石再度睁开眼时,周围是满地散落的衣物,他脑袋不禁一痛,脑海中闪烁起的,皆是一番疯狂的画面,让他黑眸猛的一寒,但当他再望向那仍在熟睡的女子,如小羔羊一样,嘴角露出甜美的笑,他却是不由的软了下来,露出抹无奈的笑。
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