PDL :: Volume #18

#1710: In village young girl

Leaves the snow and ice plain, Qin Shi then does not have the scarlet flame to continue to stop over again, he crosses hundred moist regions to go toward that place far away mountain village that initially the donkey such as the flower said that that mountain village, leaves with the boundary of blue snow sect in the sword sect, therefore does not want freely very much, but Qin Shi actually must pass by the sword sect, the sword sect, here is his wound, these years, he has suffered the innumerable betrayals, he has not borne a grudge, but only has the sword sect, Qi's blue choice, was been grieved by him. 离开冰雪平原,秦石便没再赤炎继续逗留,他一路横穿过百潮区域朝着当初驴如花所言的那处偏远山村前去,那山村,在剑宗与青雪宗的分界线出,所以尽管很不愿意,但秦石却仍是要路过剑宗,剑宗,这里是他的伤,这些年,他遭受过无数次的背叛,他从来没有记恨过,但唯有剑宗,奇青的选择,让他心痛。 But besides Qi azure, the Qin Shi opposite party blue actually was still full of the gratitude, he still still remembers that now initially in the god domain, side blue loftily independent keeping off before his body, was speaking that spoken language gently, so long as Qin Shi were on the 1st my sword sect disciple, my sword sect, was his forever backer. 但除了奇青外,秦石对方青却仍是充满感激,他现在还犹记得当初在神域空间,方青傲然独立的挡在他身前,说着那轻轻的言语,只要秦石还是我剑宗弟子一日,我剑宗,便是他永远的靠山。 Qin Shi deeply inspires, he sentiment to sword sect is very complex now. 秦石深吸口气,他如今对剑宗的感情十分复杂。 It can be said that he leaves scarlet flame, is indebted many kindness, with the origin of this ability is the sword sect, 36 inheritance carte and tierces, samsara martial arts: Sword blood traceless, including the infant of sword demon, with the donkey like the flower, these, is tows him among hobbling completely with sword sects, perhaps, this whole life is doomed with the sword sect to have this disaster, such as under the scarlet flame, in that sword tomb, he evaded not to be possible in the past to evade, assigns the standard to predict is the same. 可以说,他离开赤炎,承蒙最多恩惠的,和这一身本领的来源便是剑宗,36道传承剑术,轮回武学:剑血无痕,包括剑魔之婴,和驴如花,这些,全部是牵引他与剑宗间的牵绊,也或许,他这辈子注定要与剑宗有此一劫,如当年在赤炎之下,那剑冢之内,他避无可避,命格所预言的一样。 Qin Shi deeply inspires, stepped into within the boundaries of sword sect at this time finally. 秦石深吸口气,终是在这时踏入剑宗的境内。 Now Fang azure, already not in sword sect, Qin Shi is forced to leave, lets Fang Qingzhong is disappointed to the sword sect, she chooses to go out to travel for pleasure, as for the present where, is actually nobody knows that what accident is, sword sect these years kindness to Qin sect, Qin Shi originally not like in sword sect stay, but, he unexpectedly sees one, lets one that he does not dare to believe. 如今方青,已是不在剑宗,秦石的被迫离开,让方青终是对剑宗失望,她选择外出游历,至于现在所在何处,却是无人知道,但意外的是,剑宗这些年对秦宗的恩惠,秦石本来并不像在剑宗逗留,但无意间,他竟是见到一幕,让他不敢置信的一幕。 In sword sect Youlin, flies high the frail beautiful figure to renounce society and live alone together, seems in waiting for any person is the same, Qin Shi in quiet forest not far away, when he sees that person, moral nature slightly one startled: Is she?” 在剑宗幽林里,凌空一道单薄的倩影遗世独立,好似在等待什么人一样,秦石在幽林不远处,当他见到那人时,心底微微一惊:“是她?” Qin Shi frowns, that blue long skirt, with the solemn simple and elegant appearance, is doomed she is this day within pet, but these, are unimportant, making Qin Shi have a vivid memory, can judge her status, biting cold chill in the air around her tender body, lets on the treetop of that quiet forest, freezes the light ice crystal, very dazzles beautiful. 秦石蹙眉,那碧蓝色的长裙,和端庄素雅的容貌,注定她是这天地间的宠儿,但这些,并不重要,让秦石记忆犹新,以至于能一眼判断出她身份的,是在她娇躯四周彻骨的寒意,让那幽林的树梢上,都是冻结起薄薄的冰晶,十分炫美。 what is cold?” Qin Shi knits the brows: She how in sword sect?” “何舒寒?”秦石皱眉:“她怎么会在剑宗?” Qin Shi stops the footsteps suddenly, is determined to find out, the short two years, what cold tenderness accommodates palely, can look that in the two years she is older, is her like that degree, already can the bracelet leave the years the brutality, guarantees the youth not to be old, but this time she, the temple are unexpectedly many several white hair, the jade surface hesitation, suddenly, sky over her, presents in addition together the beautiful figure, same renounces society and lives alone, devastatingly beautiful, is only that beautiful figure, compares what to be cold, unexpectedly is more vicissitudes. 秦石突然停下脚步,决心一探究竟,短短两年,何舒寒的娇容苍白,能看出来,这两年她苍老许多,达到她那般程度,早已能跳脱出岁月的残酷,保青春不老,但此时的她,鬓角竟是多出几丝白发,玉面踌躇,突然,在她上空,出现另一道倩影,一样是遗世独立,倾国倾城,只是那倩影,相比何舒寒,竟是更多的沧桑。 Qi is blue!” Qin Shi fierce grips the tight fist, the production hatred that the moral nature has not come. “奇青!”秦石猛的攥紧拳,心底没有来的产生恨意。 Their two do, meet with here? In eight territories, two most people of noble character and high prestige.” Qin Shi knit the brows, he concluded that these two worlds, have certainly any unknown secret, simply, he hides in the corner, being quietly here waits and sees them, concerned about the Yuan Bo incident, making him understand, during patrolling, cannot extremely make widely known. “她们两个,在这里会面?八域中,两名最为德高望重之人。”秦石皱起眉,他断定这两人间,一定有着什么不为人知的秘密,索性,他隐藏在角落里,悄无声息的在这里观望两人,碍于袁博一事,让他明白,神游期间,也并不能太过张扬。 What is accidental, two beautiful figures meet with, as if not too many exchanges, but squints, reveals forced smile that has same problem, turns around along with it point matter, stares toward the distant place, as if and other, the decisive person comes this truly. 意外的是,两名倩影会面,似乎并没有太多的交流,只是相觑一眼,露出同病相怜的苦笑,随之点事转身,朝着远方凝望,似乎在等另一名,真正具有决定性的人来此。 Suddenly, sky over that quiet forest, dim that the vault of heaven suddenly changes, like a whirlwind that sweeps away scattered clouds, fills the manic space storm to tear into shreds to hold up the day together suddenly, from that space fissure, is goes out unexpectedly together, lets form that Qin Shi ten thousand have not expected. 突然,在那幽林上空,天穹突然变的昏暗,风卷残云,一道充满狂躁的空间风暴突然撕碎擎天,从那空间裂痕里,竟是走出一道,让秦石万没料到的身影来。 Yes, he?” The Qin Shi black pupil is startled, feeling that moral nature has not come several unlucky, because he knows that the emergence of this form, will possibly subvert him formerly all cognition, because, every time sees him, must change some path in his lifeline. “是,他?”秦石黑眸一怔,心底没有来的感觉到几丝不祥,因为他知道这个身影的出现,很可能会颠覆他先前所有的认知,因为,每一次见到他,都必会改变他生命线中的某种轨迹。 He he, two have waited for a long time, meets on the way slightly some troublesome, delayed slightly some.” The voice of Fufeng is very neat, actually surrounds in ringing the universe, seems he is this day orthogonal is then same. “呵呵,两位久等了,途中遇到些小麻烦,稍微耽误了些许。”扶风的声音十分清爽,却是在朗朗乾坤之间环绕,好似他便是与这天地平齐一样。 Sees Fufeng, two beautiful figures smile bitterly, all reveals the full helplessness. 见到扶风,两名倩影不由苦笑,皆是露出满满的无奈。 At this time, Qi blue cold Dao: „Is Fufeng, actually when a head? Initially, your a few words, making me not hesitate the most outstanding disciple to keep them out my sword sect for ten thousand years, moreover must put to death personally, the noisy my sword sect was dispirited, person that I most loved was also abandons me to go! Now, before I 3000, owes you, now has repaid! What do you want to make?” 这时,奇青率先冷道:“扶风,究竟什么时候才是个头?当初,你一句话,让我不惜将我剑宗万年来最为出色的弟子拒之门外,而且还要亲手诛杀,闹的我剑宗人心涣散,我最挚爱的徒儿也是弃我而去!现在,我3000年前所欠你的,如今都已经偿还了!你又要做什么?” Regarding Fufeng, what coldly similarly is maintains the vigilant manner. 对于扶风,何舒寒同样是保持警惕的态度。 Initially, I promised you, got rid to that boy, was is only safe for the insurance snow heart, but the snow heart left my blue snow sect now, do not want to use my blue snow sect to do any matter!” what cold [say / way]. “当初,我答应你,对那小子出手,只是为保雪心平安,但现在雪心已离开我青雪宗,你别想要利用我青雪宗做任何事!”何舒寒道。 Fufeng smiles lightly: Two should not be excited, I have the hard thing to bring up, but two, although felt relieved that this time I found two, what does not take two to make for me, I am only pass on to two one, the Ocean Group started to take action, how long their big hands will unable to want then to fall from the sky here, before then, I hope that two can guarantee Qin sect the safe, was to a that boy confession is not?” 扶风淡淡一笑:“两位别激动,我也是有难言之隐,不过两位尽管放心,这一次我来找到两位,并非是要两位为我在做什么,我只是来转告两位一句,溟组已经开始行动,他们的大手要不了多久便是会陨落这里,在此之前,我希望两位能保秦宗无事,也算是对那小子一个交代不是么?” This is natural, did not need you saying that we will also do.” Qi blue look bitter and astringent saying with a smile: This is also only one, slightly matter that can make up for that boy.” “这是自然,不用你说,我们也会去做的。”奇青眼神苦涩的笑道:“这也是唯一一个,能稍微弥补那小子的事。” Under Fufeng then satisfied point, but when he just wanted to leave, what said coldly suddenly: „Is Fufeng, actually why? Can you so toss about that boy? You did not fear that he one day, can't support this huge pressure, Beng Diao?” 扶风这才满意的点下头,但在他刚欲离开之际,何舒寒突然道:“扶风,究竟是为什么?你们非要如此的折腾那小子?难道,你就不怕,他真的有一天,撑不住这巨大的压力,崩掉么?” Person demon consubstantiality, the world abandons the child, all these already became the fates, this was the road that he evaded not to be possible to evade, relax, he will not collapse.” Fufeng said with a smile lightly, at once his personal appearance slowly dissipates on that day arched, alone left behind Qi azure and what the cold two beautiful figures. “人魔同体,天地弃子,这一切早已成定数,这是他避无可避的路,放心吧,他不会崩的。”扶风淡淡笑道,旋即他身形才是缓缓消散在那天穹之间,独自留下奇青与何舒寒两名倩影。 Two beautiful figures smiled bitterly at this time, in the eyegrounds are to all reveal reluctantly. 两名倩影在这时苦笑一声,眼底间皆是露出无奈。 Then in abundance leaves, but actually nobody knows that at this time outside that quiet forest, a youth everywhere shocks. 这才纷纷离开,但却无人知道,此时在那幽林之外,一名少年满目的震惊。 All these, reveal the truth finally, after Qin Shi partly makes a sound, suddenly reveals to wipe the superficial smiling face. 这一切,终是真相大白,秦石半响后突然露出抹浅淡的笑容。 Originally Qi azure and what initially got rid coldly, really do not drive me to commit suicide original, the sword sect has not given up me.” Qin Shi deeply inspires, this solved him to tie actually wholeheartedly. “原来奇青与何舒寒当初出手,并非是真的要置我于死地原来,剑宗并没有真的放弃我。”秦石深吸口气,这倒是解了他的一心结。 Instead makes him grip the tight fist angrily: „Does that damn life standard really want to play me while still alive? Has circled such a great-circle, for can make me fascinated?” 只是反而让他更加愤怒的攥紧拳:“那该死的命格真是想要活活玩死我啊?绕了这么个大圈,为的就是要让我入魔?” He he, nowadays, I am a person of non- person, demon appearance, within the place of altruism survival, I then opens one piece on this day again, my institute of taking shelter!” Qin Shi deeply inspires, the personal appearance then leaps forward the upper air, the moral nature is actually suddenly bright, cold hatred changes to sword sect and what, also finally in this time divergence gradually. “呵呵,也罢,现如今,我已是人不人,魔不魔的样子,这天地间再无我生存之地,那我便自己开辟出一片,我的容身之所!”秦石深吸口气,身形这才跃入高空,心底却是变的霍然明亮,对剑宗与何舒寒的憎恨,也终是在这时渐渐的散去。 But what he believes that bans the territory and flamings territory these two big territories, is clear wish makes him die without the burial ground. 但他坚信的是,禁域和炽域这两大域,是真切的想要让他死无葬身之地。 As for the Chaos Domain gentle breeze territory, already was existence that he must execute. 而至于乱域和风域,早已是他必诛之的存在。 Now, Qin Shi only wants to go to that mountain village, sees at the same time that destiny rough girl. 现在,秦石只想去那山村,见一面那命运坎坷的女孩。 Under place of poor hardship, flowed the rill to pass through from the precipices, has moistened the local people, in this rill on the way, one, only then the hamlet of hundred families, the common people in that hamlet, were all crossing the early rising sunset but the life of rest, the boy caught fish the hunting, the girl arranged the clothes to weave a fishing net, had the satisfaction of hidden world actually, circling was Qin Shi so, walked myriad li (0.5km) road, saw the shape shape ** disposition, was peacefully is given to move by this. 在一处贫寒疾苦之地,一条从山岩间流淌下的小溪穿过,滋润了一方百姓,在这小溪的途中,有一只有百户人家的小村庄,在那小村庄里的百姓,皆是过着日出而作日落而息的生活,男孩捕鱼狩猎,女孩编衣织网,倒是有种隐世的惬意,绕是秦石这般,行走万千里路,见形形**的心性,也是不由被这份安静给打动。 In that brook upstream, has together the ice-cold rock, in that rock on carries, the young girl sits cross-legged to sit, blue luxuriant lets fall the waist. 在那溪流上游,有一块冰冷的岩石,在那岩石的上端上,有一少女盘膝而坐,一头碧蓝色的秀发垂落腰间。 Qin Shi stopped at this time, is looking at that young girl in the front of that rock, he reveals to wipe the smiling face suddenly. 秦石这时停顿下来,在那岩石的前方望着那少女,他突然露出抹久违的笑容。 Snow heart!” Qin Shi light nan gently, in mind flashes before, completely was they initially the picture under that unfeeling cliff. “雪心!”秦石轻轻的轻喃,脑海中闪现起的,全部是两人当初在那绝情崖下的画面。 Qin Shi shout gently, although Qin Xuexin cannot hear, but he cannot bear shouted. 秦石轻轻的呼喊声,尽管沁雪心听不到,但他还是忍不住的喊出。 Suddenly, that the closed eye pupil, opened at this time for a very long time unexpectedly suddenly, during that was icing for a long time is cold turned into the blue beautiful pupils, suddenly presented several points of unusual mighty waves, she does not dare to believe is looking at present, the empty world, her min gently under the red lip, the jade eye is moist. 突然,那久久闭合的眼眸,竟是在这时突然睁开,那在许久冰寒之中已经变成蓝色的美眸间,突然出现几分少有的波澜,她不敢置信的望着眼前,空荡荡的世界,她轻轻的抿了下红唇,玉眼却是不由湿润起来。 Is you Shi’tou!” “是你吗石头!” Qin Shi is wild with joy, nod that he makes an effort: Is I am I!” 秦石狂喜,他用力的点头:“是我是我啊!” Qin Xuexin cannot see him, is unable to feel existence of Qin Shi, her jade eye suddenly changes is crazy, she stands up, crazy about hopes, in the vision has endless falling in love. 只是沁雪心并不能看见他,也无法感受到秦石的存在,她玉眼突然变的疯狂起来,她站起身,疯狂的左右盼望,目光中带有无尽的爱上。 Shi’tou! Shi’tou! You where! You where?” 石头石头!你在哪里!你在哪里?” Was you came back right? Yes you are right?” “是你回来了对吗?是你对吗?” I know that is you! Do not hide me! Do not hide me! You come out to see me!” Qin Xuexin suddenly sob like tears person. “我知道是你!不要躲着我!不要躲着我!你出来见我啊!”沁雪心突然哭泣的像个泪人一样。 Qin Shi at this time, did not have the slight means! He grips the tight fist maliciously, the moral nature feels the endless stabbing pain. 秦石在这时,却是没有丝毫办法!他狠狠的攥紧拳,心底感到无尽的刺痛。 At this time, a youth ran to go forward suddenly, he saw the Qin Xuexin appearance small sound track: Elder sister! You? Do not cry!” 这时,一名少年突然跑上前,他见到沁雪心的样子小声道:“姐姐!你怎么了?你不要哭!” Suddenly, Qin Xuexin calmness gradually, she looks at that immature youth to reveal to wipe the happy expression. 突然,沁雪心才渐渐的冷静,她望着那稚嫩的少年露出抹浅浅笑意。 Elder sister is all right, the elder sister has remembered some painful event!” The Qin Xuexin impetuous heart is gradually calm. “姐姐没事,姐姐只是想起了些伤心事!”沁雪心浮躁的心渐渐冷静。 Suddenly, Qin Xuexin smiles, she sits cross-legged in this on that rock, was speaks in the past her and Qin Shi intravenous drip to that youth unexpectedly. 突然,沁雪心一笑,她在此盘坐在那岩石上,竟是对那少年讲起当年她与秦石的点滴。 That line of clear tears, flow out from the corner of the eye of Qin Xuexin, Qin Shi such peaceful side Qin Xuexin, has listened to these him is also being the story of engraving on one's memory. 那一行清泪,从沁雪心的眼角流出,秦石就这样安静的在沁雪心身旁,一直听着那些他也是铭记于心的故事。 To, his god has read, is gradually light. 一直一直一直到,他的神念,渐渐淡薄。 He knows that his patrolling opportunity, soon must end once more, he finally alone nan gently. 他知道,他的神游机遇,即将要再次终结,他最后轻轻的独喃。 Snow heart, waits for me!” “雪心,等我!” But Qin Xuexin story, finished in this, she looks at the open area that Qin Shi god was reading to be, although she could not see, she was still [say / way] gently. 沁雪心的故事,也是在此结束,她望着那秦石神念所在的空地,尽管她看不到,她仍是轻轻的道。 Qin Shi! This for a lifetime, I most did not regret, then meets you under that unfeeling cliff.” 秦石!这一辈子,我最不后悔的,便是在那绝情崖下遇见你。” Qin Shi! This for a lifetime, the heaven by the disaster hardship life body, I always thinks the heaven is unfair to me, but I have not thought now, because the heaven has granted me you.” 秦石!这一辈子,苍天以灾厄命体,我总认为苍天对我不公,但现在我不这么认为了,因为苍天将你赐予了我。” Qin Shi 秦石 You, if clear road dust, concubine if muddy cement.” “君若清路尘,妾若浊水泥。” Vicissitude varying potential, when does meeting agree?” “浮沉各异势,会合何时谐?” Hope for the southwest wind, passes away into Monarch to cherish.” “愿为西南风,长逝入君怀。” Qin Shi I and others you!” 秦石我等你!” Knows my intent to feel Monarch to pity, this sentiment must ask the day!” “知我意感君怜,此情须问天!”
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