PDL :: Volume #18

#1709: Mystical Yuan Bo

After leaving Desolate Town, Qin Shi stops successively in the scarlet flame palace wall, here present is the cores of hundred moist areas, was ninth territory Qin sect Sect in it place. 离开荒镇后,秦石先后又停顿在赤炎皇城,这里如今已是百潮地区的核心,也是第九域秦宗的宗门所在之地。 Here, many powerhouses, all are the gathering in this, is headed by that drunkard, Lin Yu Hua Ling and the others all in this. 在这里,诸多强者,皆是汇聚于此,以那酒鬼为首,麟宇花零等人皆是在此。 Saw that the scarlet flame is calm and steady, Qin Shi relaxed, but before leaving scarlet flame, Qin Shi experiences one, he is the curious place. 见到赤炎安稳,秦石才松了口气,但在离开赤炎前,秦石又是经历一处,他一直便是充满好奇的地方。 Scarlet flame three big restricted areas, snow and ice plain. 赤炎的三大禁地,冰雪平原。 Scarlet Flame Empire, hearsay from founding of the nation at the beginning, taboo that three that then when the ancient times prolonged the life is to exist cannot be broken, three restricted areas, took the time vortex as it, it is said there can the stand-by time, change the samsara, made the myriad things, seized Tianli, is only present there, was actually somewhat incredible, seemed some strength appears externally to be the same, in the past, the night of Qin Shi full moon was for the first time fascinated, when Qin Xuexin was it attains the person emperor decided the demon bead, then in the middle of that time vortex, nobody knows that initial Qin Xuexin experienced anything, but knows that she decided the demon bead to take out the person emperor finally, Gives Qin Shi. 赤炎帝国,传闻自建国之初,在远古延年之时便是存在的三个不可触犯的禁忌,三个禁地,其中,以时间漩涡为之最,据说那里能够停止时间,改变轮回,造万物,夺天力,只是如今的那里,却是有些荒诞,似乎是某种力量外露出来一样,当年,秦石首次满月之夜入魔,沁雪心为其拿到人皇定魔珠时,便是在那时间漩涡当中,没人知道当初的沁雪心经历了什么,只是知道,她最终将人皇定魔珠取出,给予秦石 The second restricted area, the fine wine volcano, the hole of 300,000 meters deep flame, Qin Shi initially arrived its , there, is he hears the bloodthirsty demon to honor for the first time, the god is pregnant the birthplace that the god sets up, the present god is pregnant the god tree, is aiding the entire scarlet flame, the rhizome alternation under each inch land of scarlet flame, now, the god is pregnant the god tree, used for Qin sect, was pregnant the god tree through the god, the foot waits and sees the entire scarlet flame. 第二禁地,琼浆火山,300000米深的火焰之窟,秦石当初亲临其下,在那里,也是他首次听闻嗜血魔尊,神孕神树的诞生地,如今的神孕神树,更是护佑着整座赤炎,根茎穿插在赤炎的每寸土地之下,现在,神孕神树,也是为秦宗所用,通过神孕神树,足矣观望整座赤炎。 But this snow and ice plains, is the third restricted area, place that nobody has bribed. 而这冰雪平原,则是第三禁地,一直无人染指的地方。 Qin Shi still remembers, when his second time leaves the scarlet flame, in Scarlet Flame Empire the mysterious influences of spread trim hundred ultra regions buy here, moreover buys with the large sum of money, Qin Shi is not fully correct throughout, has the mysterious influences of many help to Qin Shi: Non- gate auction room. 秦石犹记得,在他第二次离开赤炎时,一个在赤炎帝国以至于蔓延整片百超区域的神秘势力将这里买下,而且是用重金买下,一个秦石始终猜不透,却对秦石有着不少帮助的神秘势力:无门拍卖行。 Qin Shi initially was curious, Yuan Bo bought that snow and ice plain is so-called what uses. 秦石当初便是好奇,袁博买下那冰雪平原是所谓何用。 Now, he patrols this, happen to can taking the opportunity go to that snow and ice plain to find out, the Qin Shi speed is extremely fast, the snow and ice plain in the scarlet flame Northwest, Qin Shi quickly then arrives here, the snowy mountain that ten thousand li (0.5km) outside the snow and ice plain, is reaching to the sky, the snow white white snow, matches by the immortal said that such as the Tianshan fairyland, dazzles beautiful extremely, but similarly, is the piercing ice is cold, Qin Shi is the god reads this merely, actually can still feel that foot frozen penetrating heart ice-cold. 如今,他神游来此,正好可以借机去那冰雪平原一探究竟,秦石速度极快,冰雪平原在赤炎西北方,秦石很快便是抵达这里,在冰雪平原外万里,是一座座高耸入云的雪山,皑皑白雪,配以仙云,如天山仙境,极为炫美,而同样的,是刺骨的冰寒,秦石仅仅是神念来此,却仍是能感受到那股足矣冻彻心扉的冰冷。 Bypasses a snowy mountain, has a plain in the snowy mountain center, stretches to the horizon, except for the white snow, does not have the slight life, Qin Shi in ten thousand meters upper air bird's eye view, circling has seen the innumerable magnificent scenes, could not bear is shocked several points: „Is this three big restricted areas snow and ice plains? So cold, fears is below Heaven Realm, divides the second to be frozen the ice sculpture, no wonder initially in the scarlet flame, nobody dares to bribe here.” 绕过一圈雪山,在雪山中央有一平原,一望无垠,除了白雪,没有丝毫生灵,秦石在万米高空鸟瞰而下,绕是见过无数大场面,仍是忍不住被震撼几分:“这就是三大禁地的冰雪平原么?这般寒冷,怕是天境以下,分秒钟被冻结成冰雕,难怪当初在赤炎,无人敢染指这里。” Qin Shi deeply inspires, at this time he did slightly hesitant, suddenly personal appearance extremely quick drop. 秦石深吸口气,这时他稍作犹豫,突然身形极快的下降。 Bang! 砰! But suddenly, when he just wanted close to the snow and ice plain, an invisible barrier flies high to open, read his god unexpectedly blocks firmly, in that barrier, presented ripples, such as the hydrosphere was the same, this made Qin Shi be startled, knits the brows: Has knot? Moreover, this knot can prevent my god to read unexpectedly?” 但突然,在他刚欲临近冰雪平原之际,一道无形的屏障凌空张开,竟是将他的神念牢牢挡住,在那屏障上,出现一丝一丝的涟漪,如水圈一样,这让秦石一怔,皱起眉来:“有结界?而且,这结界竟能阻挡我的神念?” Formerly, Qin Shi came and went out scarlet flame palace wall, Desolate Town Qin Family, similarly had knot, moreover these knot, have been his for many years achievement, but under patrolling, reads to his god did not respond that now knot of this snow and ice plains, can stop unexpectedly him? This lets the embarrassment that the Qin Shi complexion slightly changes. 先前,秦石出入赤炎皇城,荒镇秦家,同样是有结界的,而且那些结界,都是他多年来的成果,但在神游之下,对他的神念却是毫无反应,如今这冰雪平原的结界,竟能将他阻拦住?这让秦石脸色微微变的难堪。 ! Suddenly, the form leaps together extremely quickly from that knot, that black imperial robe is encumbered, without doubt, is Yuan Bo. 咻!突然,一道身影从那结界当中极快跃出,那一席黑色的龙袍缠身,无疑,是袁博 Yuan Bo from tying middle goes out, look occurrence slightly changes, but after the moment, his vision sudden revolution, sharp falling on Qin Shi. 袁博从结界当中走出,神色微微的发生变化,但片刻后他目光突然一转,锐利的落在秦石身上。 Qin Shi moral nature one startled: „Did he, discover me?” 秦石心底一惊:“他,发现我了?” But half sound, the Yuan Bo look restrains some shaking the head. 但半响,袁博眼神才收敛些许的摇摇头。 Shouted! Narrow squeak!” Qin Shi relaxed, was he considers thoroughly evidently. “呼!好险!”秦石松了口气,看样子是他多虑了。 But at this time, big, behind found out from him suddenly, together extremely ancient trace lift-off, unexpectedly was suddenly the Qin Shi surrounding air ignition, making the Qin Shi god read, unexpectedly was the clear feeling blazing, his black pupil startled, fierce turning around, this impressively detected that a face of smiling appeared in him behind, Yuan Bo said with a smile: He he, Qin Sect Master, did not see for a long time.” 但这时,一只大手,突然从他身后探出,一道极为古老的纹路升空,竟是突然将秦石周围的空气点燃,令秦石的神念,竟是真切的感受到炽热,他黑眸一惊,猛的转身,这才赫然发觉,一张笑眯眯的面庞出现在他身后,袁博笑道:“呵呵,秦宗主,好久不见啊。” You, can you see me?” Qin Shi startled [say / way]. “你,你能看见我?”秦石惊道。 Yuan Bo smiles, at once sizes up Qin Shi to say up and down: Patrolling chance? He he, evidently, has achieved the boundary?” 袁博一笑,旋即上下打量秦石道:“神游机缘?呵呵,看样子,已经达到界境了啊?” Qin Shi moral nature once more one startled, does Yuan Bo actually also know the patrolling chance? 秦石心底再次一惊,袁博竟然也知道神游机缘? Qin Sect Master should not be surprised, pursues commerce obsolete for many years, from working as is also reading many ancient books, patrols this chance, has heard actually several times, today actually for the first time sees.” Yuan Bo said with a smile. “秦宗主别惊讶,老朽从商多年,自当也是阅览过不少古书,神游这种机缘,倒是听闻过几次,今日却是首次见到。”袁博笑道。 Qin Shi narrows the eye, the face is very heavy: He he, won't Mr. Yuan, so be perhaps simple? Even if you know the patrolling chance, you can explain, how do you see my?” 秦石眯眼,面庞十分沉重:“呵呵,袁老板,恐怕不会这么简单吧?即便你知道神游机缘,那你能解释一下,你怎么看见我的吗?” This? He he, this obviously reads fire, is a special method, can your surrounding air burning, but not the burnt air, naturally has to read the strength to protect the body, actually, I cannot see your, I can see, but you who comprised of the air, but, your appearance, I cannot forget.” Yuan Bo said with a smile. “这个啊?呵呵,这是显念火,是一种特殊的手段,能将你周围的空气燃烧,而没有被燃烧的空气,自然是有念力护体,其实,我是看不见你的,我所能看见的,只是由空气组成的你,但是,你的模样,我可是忘不掉的。”袁博笑道。 Obviously read the fire?” Qin Shi has sucked the tongue, at once his black pupil narrows the eyes to gather, the vision suddenly changes that snow and ice plain. “显念火?”秦石咂了咂舌,旋即他黑眸眯合,目光突然转向那冰雪平原。 He he, Mr. Yuan, you in this snow and ice plains, create the so huge momentum, does not know that is actually so-called what?” “呵呵,袁老板,你在这冰雪平原,造出如此巨大的声势,不知究竟是所谓何事啊?” He he, Qin Sect Master, advised politely one, the patrolling opportunity, rare, bumped into one time, was inferior that many had a look at the person who these you cared about, why waste time here?” Yuan Bo ingenious unwinding Qin Shi, under his stop, said at once suddenly: Naturally, you must know, all that I make, naturally cannot harm the scarlet flame and Qin sect, otherwise, initially Chaos Domain got rid, so long as I opened eyes to close one's eyes, the present scarlet flame, perhaps was became the ruins?” “呵呵,秦宗主,奉劝一句,神游机遇,百年难遇,碰到一次,不如多去看看那些你关心的人,何必浪费时间在我这里呢?”袁博巧妙的绕开秦石,旋即他停顿下,突然又道:“当然,你要知道,我所做的一切,自然不会危害赤炎和秦宗的,不然,当初乱域出手,我只要睁只眼闭只眼,现在的赤炎,恐怕便是已经成为废墟了吧?” Qin Shi fierce staring, this Yuan Bo words are watertight seriously, but instead makes him in the secrets to this snow and ice plains more curious. 秦石猛的瞪眼,这袁博的话当真是滴水不漏,但反而让他对这冰雪平原之内的秘密更加好奇。 Qin Shi deeply inspires, but immediately situation, he naturally is unable how Yuan Bo, he finally is helpless smiles, nods: He he, what Mr. Yuan said that the younger generation has affronted actually, I not in perhaps these day this, the scarlet flame must exhausted Mr. Yuan look.” 秦石深吸口气,但当下的情况,他自然是无法奈何袁博的,他终是无奈的一笑,点点头:“呵呵,袁老板说的是,倒是晚辈冒犯了,我不在的这些日此,赤炎恐怕还要多劳烦袁老板照顾。” This could rest assured that I and Qin sect, since is the cooperation, unless it is absolutely essential, is not willing to lose such good partner.” Yuan Bo smiles, but hesitation moment, his sudden vision such as eagle-eyed, extremely bone-chilling cold said to Qin Shi: Moreover, do the brave words advise politely one, the little friend now in 7000 sea palaces?” “这放心,我与秦宗,既然是合作关系,不到万不得已,也不愿意丧失这么好的合作伙伴。”袁博一笑,而沉吟片刻,他突然目光如鹰眼,极为凛冽的冲秦石道:“另外,豪言奉劝一句,小友如今可是在7000海宫?” Em? Do you know 7000 sea palaces?” “恩?你知道7000海宫?” He he, the coincidence, did some business with there several sea palaces a short time ago.” Yuan Bo circle with a laugh said in the past. “呵呵,巧合而已,前不久和那里的几座海宫做个些生意。”袁博笑呵呵的圆过去道。 Qin Shi actually narrows the eye, this Yuan Bo status, he more and more feels now good. 秦石却是眯眼,这袁博的身份,他现在越来越感到不俗。 Little friend in 7000 sea palaces, I wants possibly to encounter some mishaps, this mishap, needs a turning point to melt, actually as for this turning point is anything, must seek depending on little friend, I cannot add on too big busy.” Yuan Bo said with a smile. “小友在7000海宫,我想可能会遭遇些不测,这不测,需要一契机化解,至于这契机究竟是什么,就要凭小友自己去找寻了,我也帮不上太大的忙。”袁博笑道。 The Qin Shi complexion sinks slightly, the black pupil of his widow who does not remarry starts the mighty waves. 秦石脸色微微一沉,他古井无波的黑眸掀起波澜。 From this Yuan Bo, is makes him feel several points of repugnant flavor unexpectedly. 从这袁博身上,竟是让他感受到几分讨厌的味道。 But stemming from the politeness, Qin Shi was still held the fist in the other hand smiles: He he, that many thanks Mr. Yuan, I can actually Dogariu intent.” 但出于礼貌,秦石仍是抱拳一笑:“呵呵,那倒是多谢袁老板了,我自己会多加留意的。” That should better such being the case, little friend comes back, I then did not delay you.” Yuan Bo smiles, at once is returns to the middle of that knot. “那最好既然如此,小友回来,我便是不耽搁你了。”袁博一笑,旋即便是回到那结界当中。 When Yuan Bo departs, Qin Shi flame all around gradually is put out, by the cold strength freezes of this snow and ice plains. 袁博离去,秦石周遭的火焰才渐渐熄灭,被这冰雪平原的寒力冻结。 Qin Shi stares at that back, moral nature is feeling the inexplicable pressure. 秦石凝望着那背影,心底感受到莫名的压力。 This Yuan Bo, really looked down on him, must be careful he to be good!” Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, he thinks that Yuan Bo is a very fierce merchant, after all does not have an auction room, in hundred moist areas, has thousands of year history, compared with the influence that the scarlet flame early has, but now looks like, as if so is by no means simple, this Yuan Bo, as if knows that any huge secret, but this snow and ice plains, are its one. “这袁博,真是小瞧他了,必须要当心他才行!”秦石捏紧拳,他原本只是以为,袁博是一名很厉害的商人,毕竟无门拍卖行,在百潮地区,有着千万年的历史,是比赤炎更早存在的势力,只是现在看来,似乎并非那么简单,这袁博,似乎知道什么天大的秘密,而这冰雪平原,便是其一。 He he, might as well, when I return to the world of human beings, I will certainly clarify!” Qin Shi deeply inspires, this helpless departure snow and ice plain. “呵呵,也无妨,待我回人界,我一定会弄清楚的!”秦石深吸口气,这才无奈的离开冰雪平原。 Qin Shi has not expected, can run into a wall in snow and ice plain, but Yuan Bo has not exposed simply now any to the scarlet flame disadvantageous lackey. 秦石没料到,在冰雪平原会碰壁,但索性袁博如今还没有暴露任何对赤炎不利的爪牙。 But what Qin Shi does not know, leaves shortly after from the snow and ice plain, in the most deep place of that snow and ice plain, the Yuan Bo black pupil suddenly changes is coldly severe. 秦石不知的是,从冰雪平原离开不久,在那冰雪平原的最深处,袁博黑眸突然变的寒厉起来。 He he, the time may plan evidently us flies.” At this time, before the Yuan Bo body, suddenly presented a female, female waist like weeping willow, eyebrow, if the wind blade, in this extremely cold place, actually also put on just the foot the fine gauze long skirt of mask luster of the skin, was quite charming, but if Qin Shi here, will certainly shock because of this female. “呵呵,看样子,时间可能会比我们计划的快一些啊。”这时,从袁博身前,突然出现一名女子,那女子腰如垂柳,眉若风刀,在这极寒之地,却也只是穿着刚刚足矣遮挡玉体的轻纱长裙,极为妩媚,而秦石若是在此,一定也会因为这女子而震惊。 This female, Qin Shi has seen unexpectedly, not just initially in the quiet courtyard palace, the family background enticed the seductively attractive girl of canine tooth, the ancient tattoo above that milk-white bosom was especially obvious. 这女子,秦石竟是见过,不正是当初在幽庭殿,出身诱惑虎牙的妖女么,那酥胸之上的古老刺青格外明显。 Em, must make the best use of some time, our duties are to then turn on this snow and ice plain seals, as for this boy, has Fufeng, does not need us to worry.” Yuan Bo smiles to say. “恩,要抓紧些时间,我们的任务便是开启这冰雪平原封印,至于这小子,有扶风在,不用我们操心。”袁博笑眯眯道。 Also good, assigns the standard to revolve, the war of that second world, evidently is shortly after the distance.” The female said with a smile. “也好,命格旋转,那第二次天地之战,看样子是距离不久了呢。”那女子笑道。 All, looked at this kid, what load bearing life standard was not he, the standby standard present world, who will be the winner, now was unable the conclusion, if we cannot snatch before the Ocean Group, that all will be doomed into the futile effort.” Yuan Bo heaved a deep sigh, the presbyopia was also serious that changed, but invisible within from his eye pupil, impressively was since the twinkle the glorious golden light, seemed can with this day and uneven existence, when that golden light was born, including ten thousand meters clouds, suddenly dispersed, the dew made a debut the setting sun. “一切,就看这小家伙了,承载命格的并非他一人,待命格现世,鹿死谁手,现在还无法定论,如果我们不能抢在溟组之前,那一切都将注定成为徒劳。”袁博长叹一声,老眼也是变的沉重,而无形间从他的眼眸里,赫然是闪烁起悠久金光,好似是能与这天地并齐的存在,在那金光诞生之际,连万米云霄,都是霍然散开,露出道久违的斜阳。 Tens of thousands years! Must start!” “几万年喽!要开始了!”
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