PDL :: Volume #18

#1712: Has the supernatural object birth

Perhaps yeah, this silly thing, oneself has not known the good and evil, delivering to this came by her pit her grandfather.” Qin Shi sighed the sound painstakingly, at once he shot a look at eye that already the stele that blew up vanishes thoroughly: This bastard, oneself can meet this type ancestor who does not have the right occupation, poured is really I have also poured the mildew of several lifetime, any nonsense helped somebody in doing good clearly is makes a bet to lose, made the gambling stake with the happiness of his younger generation, this bastard!” “哎,这傻丫头,自己恐怕都还不知道善恶,就被她那坑她的爷爷给送到这来了。”秦石苦叹声,旋即他瞥了眼那已经炸毁彻底消失的石碑:“这混蛋,自己能遇到这种没正行的祖先,倒也真是我倒了几辈子的霉,什么狗屁成人之美分明就是自己打赌打输了,用他晚辈的幸福去做赌注,这王八蛋!” Qin Shi thinks, the root cannot bear straight itchy, but the matters concerned occurrence, he does not have the means to make that irresponsible matter now, his helpless [say / way]: This small girl, although the temper was unkind, but actually also had little experience of the world, several times for me, did not hesitate the life and death, can achieve this step for my Qin Shi, I truly was owe her to be many, but how must they confess with the snow heart 秦石想一想,牙根就忍不住的直痒痒,但如今事宜发生,他却是没办法做出那种不负责任的事,他无奈道:“这小丫头,虽然性子刻薄了点,但却也是涉世未深,几次为我,也是不惜生死,能为我秦石做到这一步,我确实是欠她不少,只是要怎么跟雪心她们交代” Under the Qin Shi corners of the mouth twitch, initially he has then pledged, Qin Xuexin, Shu Zhongyu, Yu Luocha, he will use his complete love, favors to drown their three people of life, although, had many powerhouses in this world, harem in groups, was not the strange matter, but, this to his Qin Shi, was different, Qin Xuexin, or Shu Zhongyu and Yu Luocha, his Qin Shi, owed them too to be many are too many, in the past, Qin Shi was also only Scarlet Flame Empire one from the North District pursued mourning watchdog, but these three girls, when most painstakingly have not actually abandoned the slightest. 秦石嘴角抽搐下,当初他便是承诺过,沁雪心,书中玉,玉罗刹,他会用他全部的爱,去宠溺她们三人一生,尽管,在这世上有许多强者,后宫成群,也是不奇怪的事,但是,这对他秦石而言,却是不一样,无论是沁雪心,亦或是书中玉玉罗刹,他秦石,欠她们的都太多太多,当年,秦石还只是赤炎帝国一个从北方区域被追赶的丧家犬,但这三名女孩,却是在最苦之时未曾离弃分毫。 Yu Luocha, it may be said that is the Qin Shi wife who shared husband's poverty, Qin Xuexin, is Qin Shi this lives the most unforgettable female friend, Shu Zhongyu, is that understood that Qin Shi explains the Qin Shi friendship benefactor, he should, the poor its life, repay their sentiments, but these 7000 sea palaces, oneself unexpectedly were carelessly are also now many two to worry, thought of this, Qin Shi then could not bear the headache. 玉罗刹,可谓是秦石的糟糠之妻,沁雪心,是秦石此生最为难忘的红颜知己,书中玉,是那个懂得秦石解读秦石的知遇恩人,他本应该,穷其一生,去偿还她们的那份情,但如今这7000海宫,自己竟是胡乱又多了两个牵挂,一想到此,秦石便是忍不住头疼。 Ok, the matter occurred, wants also to be useless, oneself love them.” Qin Shi deep sigh sound, Longqi, or Chen, is his Qin Shi is not also able to give. “算了,事情已经发生,多想也是无用,自己多疼爱她们吧。”秦石长叹声,无论是龙崎,亦或是陈焉,都是他秦石无法割舍的。 At this time, that fair beautiful figure moved, the beautiful pupil that opened that rippling feelings of love lazy, when she saw the upper body of Qin Shi scarlet fruit, a wisp of cool breeze has stroked from her luster of the skin, making her moral nature one startled, when she saw on that stele some bright red, the jade eye was under is moist, she with the tattered clothing shade luster of the skin, put in great inconvenience the appearance looks fiercely to Qin Shi. 这时,那白皙的倩影慵懒而动,睁开那荡漾春心的美眸,而当她看见秦石赤果的上身,一缕凉风从她玉体拂过,让她心底一惊,当她见到那石碑上些许的嫣红时,玉眼却是唰下湿润起来,她猛的用破烂的衣物遮拦玉体,一副委屈极了的样子望向秦石 Why, why!” Longqi gets angry to look to Qin Shi. “为什么,为什么!”龙崎红着眼望向秦石 The Qin Shi deep sigh sound, said: This blood Chi Li, as if the feeling emotion toxin, just we were poisoned.” 秦石长叹声,道:“这血池里,似乎有情毒,刚刚我们都中毒了。” „Can a poison, arrive at my pure? Your this, how making me do in the future?” Longqi gets angry to say. “一句中毒,难道就能抵过我的冰清玉洁吗?你这样,让我将来怎么做?”龙崎红着眼道。 The Qin Shi moral nature is also angry, but he is looking at Longqi of tearful, actually cannot live the least bit to be mad, yes, quibbled in any event, whether stemming from the conscience, profited, was his Qin Shi, he deeply inspired, finally was helpless going forward, grasped Longqi gently, low voice [say / way]: Is unfair to me to be responsible for you, I will compensate your.” 秦石心底也是愤怒,但他望着泪汪汪的龙崎,却是生不起半点气来,是啊,无论如何狡辩,是否是出于本心,占便宜的,都是他秦石,他深吸口气,终是无奈的上前,轻轻的抱住龙崎,小声的道:“对不起我会对你负责的,我会补偿你的。” I want the status!” Longqi suddenly cunning [say / way]. “我要名分!”龙崎突然狡黠道。 Qin Shi is startled, feels to the change of Longqi actually helpless. 秦石一怔,倒是对龙崎的变化感到无奈。 But half sound, Qin Shi actually shakes down the head, this makes the jade surface of Longqi suddenly gloomy, she pinches tightly the fist: Lecher! Your this, does to be responsible for? I come Long, inborn noble, you want me, with you nameless unqualified in the same place? This is impossible!” 但半响,秦石却是摇下头,这让龙崎的玉面突然阴沉起来,她捏紧拳:“登徒子!你这样,也就做负责吗?我出身龙家,天生高贵,难道你要我,跟你无名无分的在一起?这决不可能的!” I am not do not give you status, is I have not been able to give you now! I owe in the family the human to be too many . Moreover the responsibility on my shoulder are also too many, I now, but Longqi, you , if willing to wait for me, my Qin Shi this whole life, will decide however will not take you.” Qin Shi affirms to say. “我不是不给你名分,是现在我还不能给你!我欠家中之人太多,而且我肩上的责任也太多,我现在,真的给不起,但龙崎,你若肯等我,我秦石这辈子,定然不会负你。”秦石肯定道。 Longqi purses the lips, is somewhat suffering from injustice, but she finally is but smiles, [say / way] that self-ridicules: My Longqi that he he, I know, although there is a Long prominent family work, but your Qin Shi actually not necessarily looks when eye, this point, initially Chen looked for me, I then early should realize that Qin Shi, I know , compared with these girls of your side, although I do not know that you have several females in the world of human beings, but, the light is Chen one person, my Longqi then cannot compare, she to your love, surpasses her, she regards you such as all, such as life.” 龙崎抿着嘴,有些委屈,但她终是无奈而笑,自嘲的道:“呵呵,我就知道的我龙崎,虽有龙家显赫的家事,但你秦石却未必看的在眼里,这一点,当初陈焉找我时,我便早该意识到的,秦石,我知道,跟你身边的那些女孩比起来,虽然我不知道,你在人界有几名女子,但是,光是陈焉一人,我龙崎便是比不得,她对你的爱,远超过她自己,她视你如一切,如性命。” Qin Shi, you did not compare to speak any responsible words, Qin Shi, my Longqi, although this whole life was arbitrary, but I was actually not the tactful person, your Qin Shi has rested me, was not the pride of your Qin Shi, but was being honored of my Longqi, was my Longqi picked up a bargain, I know, if did not have this time, you were very difficult to accept my, how although Chen helped me again, under your moral nature was also very intolerable I.” 秦石,你也不比说什么负责任的话,秦石,我龙崎虽然这辈子蛮横,但是我却并非是不知趣之人,你秦石睡了我,并非是你秦石的骄傲,而是我龙崎的荣幸,是我龙崎捡了便宜,我知道,如果没有这次,你是很难接受我的,尽管陈焉再怎样帮我,你心底也很难容下我。” But Qin Shi, my Longqi, does not want to make that type to make you have to have a deficit merely the woman of heart, my Longqi, wants, with their same loves, my Longqi, at least wants to sober, making your Qin Shi rest me, at least makes me feel these Xu's residual heat, this time, does not make the number, Qin Shi, I can wait for you, one day, I will make you believe that at least my Longqi to your love no less than their any person, you are the sincerity is willing to accept me, is willing to rest me.” “但秦石,我龙崎,不想做那种仅仅让你有亏欠之心的女人,我龙崎,想要的,是和她们一样的爱,我龙崎,至少是想清醒的,让你秦石睡我,至少让我感受那些许的余温,这一次,不作数,秦石,我会等你,会有一天,我会让你认为,至少我龙崎对你的爱不少于她们任何一人,你是真心的愿意接受我,愿意睡我。” One year, ten years also good, hundred years how? My Longqi can wait!” A Longqi character character, said. “一年也罢,十年也好,百年又如何?我龙崎都等得起!”龙崎一字一字,道。 At once, she luster of the skin package, in this time tip of the toe such as the dance butterfly treads spatially, gently toward that blood Ikenohata leaps suddenly. 旋即,她突然将玉体包裹,在这时脚尖如舞蝶踏空,轻轻的朝那血池之上跃去。 Qin Shi that alone leaves behind, at this time was actually the delay in same place, partly after making a sound, he not knowing whether to laugh or cry. 独自留下的秦石,这时却是不禁呆滞在原地,半响后他才不禁的哭笑不得。 This silly thing!” “这傻丫头!” The Qin Shi deep sigh sound, he shakes the head simply, just like he said is the same, this will live to decide will not lose Longqi, but his condition, is not nowadays suitable to bring Longqi, making Longqi continue when Long this stable cradle, poured is also a good matter, at least must wait till him, had an ability, returned to here again, picked her to be good. 秦石长叹声,索性他摇摇头,正如他所言一样,他此生定不会负龙崎,但现如今他的状况,却是不适合带着龙崎,让龙崎继续在龙家这稳固的摇篮里,倒也是件不错之事,至少要等到他,有所能力,再回到这里时,接走她才好。 Qin Shi shakes the head, this not in considering thoroughly leaps sets out, this blood Ikenouchi's time is one year, in 7000 sea palaces feared that gives birth to many accidents, he left Qin Gong, was some date and time, should be the time goes back. 秦石摇摇头,这才不在多虑的跃起身,这一次血池之内的时间长达一年之久,7000海宫之内怕是又生出不少变故,他离开秦宫,更是有些时日,该是时候回去一趟。 Qin Shi thinks of this, he leaves from the blood pond. 秦石想到这,他从血池当中离开。 When he goes out from the blood pond, the Long people all waited for outside the blood pond, but Longqi actually already disappeared at this time. 当他从血池中走出,龙家众人皆是在血池外等待,但龙崎这时却是早已不见踪影。 Laofoye sees Qin Shi, [say / way] of smiling: Kid, how is it? You do not need too to thank my.” 老佛爷见到秦石,笑眯眯的道:“小家伙,怎么样?你不必太感谢我的。” Qin Shi stared Laofoye, this never proper thing, is really such as a person emperor welldoing, cracks a joke with oneself granddaughter's happiness unexpectedly? He did not fear the own racket don't the buttocks acknowledge mistakes? But concerned about the rank of Laofoye, he also has to smile bitterly: Your this times, may be the assurance toss about really great.” 秦石瞪了眼老佛爷,这个老不正经的东西,真的是如人皇一副德行,竟拿自己孙女的幸福开玩笑?难道,他就不怕自己事后拍拍屁股不认账吗?但碍于老佛爷的辈分,他也只好苦笑:“你们这次,可真的是把握折腾不浅。” Ha Ha! The young people, should like this, occasionally flow swiftly to alleviate heat-producing factors are also the good deeds, is helpful to leading a pious life on adjustment.” Laofoye Ha Ha said with a smile. “哈哈!年轻人吗,就应该这样,偶尔泻泻火也是好事,有助于修行上的调节。”老佛爷哈哈笑道。 Qin Shi is thorough, his zaili society Laofoye, he did not turn around to look simply at this time toward Evil Spirit several people, takes back the waist Blazing Book, before Evil Spirit gathers up with a smile, is teases: He he, kid, this how is it? Has the beautiful woman to deliver the mouth, feels well?” 秦石彻底无奈,索性他不在理会老佛爷,这时他转身朝着邪魔几人望去,将焚书收回腰间,邪魔笑着凑上前,也是调侃道:“呵呵,小家伙,这一次怎么样?有美人送上嘴边,感觉不错吗?” Gets the hell out! You also ridiculed me! You clearly know that my present condition, a Chen has not known how should confess, now makes a Longqi! You outside, how do not know that is blocking?” “滚蛋!您也嘲笑我!你明知道我现在的状况,一个陈焉还不知该如何交代,现在又闹出个龙崎来!你在外面,怎么不知道拦着点?” Why can block? The matter of men and women, the book was world Yin-Yang compromising said that let alone should this your harvest not be small?” Evil Spirit said. “为什么要拦着?男女之事,本就是天地阴阳调和之说,何况这一次你的收获应该也不小吧?”邪魔道。 Qin Shi is startled, he then startled however resounds, human emperor finally that so-called Yin-Yang pure Yuan fruit, in has sexual intercourse after Longqi, his within the body, actually multiplies the strength of extremely intense Yin-Yang, as if made his oneself, adapted to this day between aura, the Yin-Yang fusion in his within the body, instead became a good strength, can transfer by Qin Shi willfully, at this time Zhengan static in dantian place deep sleep. 秦石一怔,他这才惊然响起,人皇最后那所谓的阴阳纯元果,在与龙崎交合后,他的体内,却是滋生出极为强烈的阴阳之力,仿佛令他自身,也是更适应于这天地之间的气息,在他体内的阴阳融合,反而成一股不俗的力量,能任意由秦石调动,此时正安静的在丹田处沉睡。 After this time, Qin Shi boundary also strives much, original foundation not steady he actually clearly tries to find out the boundary great accomplishment shackles. 经过这一次,秦石的境界似是也精进不少,本来根基不稳的他却是真切摸索到界境大成桎梏。 Yeah, does not know that is happy is sad.” But Qin Shi said that at this time he will explode the flame bead to pick up, that explodes the flame bead is actually exceptionally peaceful, this makes him feel the surprise, by the disposition of blood sorcerer, this Eight Diagrams, will not miss: He? Such peaceful?” “哎,也不知道是喜是悲。”秦石无奈道,这时他将爆炎珠拾起,那爆炎珠却是异常安静,这让他感到诧异,以血巫师的性格,这种八卦,可不会错过:“他怎么了?这么安静?” You in this year of blood pond practice, he idle the safe, enters to explode in flame Zhu the space jade belt, carried on well distributed with the formerly crack spatial stone, now should find the way to construct that space strategy.” Evil Spirit said. “你在血池修炼的这一年,他闲来无事,将空间玉带入爆炎珠内,与先前的裂空石进行调和,现在应该正在想办法建造那座空间阵法。”邪魔道。 Qin Shi is startled, saying with a smile of satisfied: He he, is actually rare, this fellow is so positive, but this is also good, when this time my load bearing destiny, suddenly obtains a patrolling chance.” 秦石一怔,满意的笑道:“呵呵,倒是难得,这家伙这么积极,不过这样也好,这一次我承载天命时,突然获得一次神游机缘。” Patrolling chance?” Evil Spirit was to reveal the color of envying at this time, the patrolling chance was above the boundary under some turning point, blending between soul and world, once experienced the patrolling chance, certainly some more or less harvests, circling is the Evil Spirit so day will revere, yearned very that Evil Spirit said excitedly: „Is your this patrolling chance, where?” “神游机缘?”邪魔这时都是露出羡慕之色,神游机缘是界境以上在某种契机下,灵魂与天地间的交融,一旦经历神游机缘,一定会或多或少的有些收获,绕是邪魔这般天尊,也是十分向往,邪魔激动道:“你这神游机缘,是所去何处?” Is the world of human beings.” Qin Shi said. “是人界。”秦石道。 World of human beings?” Evil Spirit is startled, at this time actually slightly knit the brows: This has felt strange, patrolling chance that I know, often is the bracelet on this day within, or some day material rare treasure cavern, has the place of mesona present world, takes the chance by this, why you actually return to the world of human beings?” “人界?”邪魔一怔,这时却是微微皱眉:“这就奇怪了,我所知道的神游机缘,往往都是跳脱这天地间,或是某个天材异宝的洞穴,或是有仙草现世之地,以此作为机缘,你为何却是回到人界?” Qin Shi helpless spreading out hand: Possibly is the heaven looked that I too miss the hometown, therefore delivers me one time to return to the opportunity that the world of human beings has a look.” 秦石无奈的摊开手:“可能是老天看我太思念家乡,所以就送我一次回人界看看的机会吧。” Is impossible! This is impossible!” But suddenly, the Evil Spirit affirmative interruption said: Patrolling chance, certainly is in world the resonance of treasure and soul, otherwise, will be will not appear absolutely, the boy, you will recall carefully, will the place that your patrolling chance just presented be where?” “不可能!这绝不可能!”但突然,邪魔肯定的打断道:“神游机缘,一定是天地间珍宝与灵魂的共鸣,不然,是绝对不会出现的,小子,你仔细回想一下,你神游机缘刚出现的地方是何处?” World of human beings Burning Sky Sect.” “人界焚天宗。” Burning Sky Sect?” Evil Spirit knits the brows once more, but after partly makes a sound, he affirms saying: In Burning Sky Sect, must have the supernatural object present world surely!” 焚天宗?”邪魔再次皱眉,但半响后他肯定道:“焚天宗内,定要有神物现世!” You said that in Burning Sky Sect, will have the supernatural object birth?” At this time, traded Qin Shi to be startled, he has not thought of the patrolling chance actually, had this view unexpectedly, this patrolling, the main energy used above missing, but looks at the Evil Spirit serious appearance now not like the lie, that i.e., did Burning Sky Sect have the supernatural object to be born really? “你是说,焚天宗内,会有神物诞生?”这时,不由换秦石一怔,他倒是没有想到神游机缘,竟是还有这种说法,他这次神游,主要的精力都是用在思念之上,但如今看邪魔严肃的样子不像假话,那就是说,焚天宗真的有神物要诞生?
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