PDL :: Volume #17

#1706: Separates to empty to discussing, load bearing destiny

Under Qin Shi hesitates, at once then follows that empty shade, under the influence of that empty shade, they have bypassed the stele, enters to this vast galaxy most deep place, in that most deep place, one sits the stage, the empty shade jumps lithely, float, in that sits on the stage, along with it, this vast space, seems in submitting to that this time was to change, in the world each grain of dust, in this time extreme respect. 秦石迟疑下,旋即便是跟上那虚影,在那虚影的引领下,两人一直绕过石碑,进入到这浩瀚星河的最深处,在那最深处里,有一坐台,虚影轻盈跃起,悬浮在那坐台上,随之,这浩瀚空间,好似在这时都是变的臣服,天地间每一粒尘埃,在这时都极为的尊敬。 Qin Shi had licked the dry corners of the mouth at this time, the moral nature is also the germination respect cannot help but. 秦石这时舔了舔干涩的嘴角,心底也是不由自主的萌生敬意。 This was in the past, in world strength?” The Qin Shi moral nature said. “这就是当年,天地间至极的力量吗?”秦石心底道。 Resembling sees the doubts of Qin Shi, the human the emperor smiled: Baby, says with me, present is Qin Family, what appearance?” 似是看出秦石的疑惑,人皇笑了笑:“小娃娃,和我讲讲吧,现在的秦家,是什么样子?” Qin Family?” Qin Shi grips the tight fist suddenly, corners of the mouth reveals several to wipe the bitter and astringent ridicule: Is open about the facts the senior, present Qin Family, I do not know that is any appearance I now, is this day abandons the child, but Qin Family should not have the matter, has kept Desolate Town that in the past the older generation said that has never left there.” 秦家么?”秦石突然攥紧拳,嘴角露出几抹苦涩的嘲笑:“不瞒前辈,现在的秦家,连我也不知道是个什么样子我现在,是这天地弃子,不过秦家应该没有事,一直留在当年先辈所言的荒镇,从未离开过那里。” Desolate Town?” The person emperor has gawked, at once actually somewhat sigh with emotion saying with a smile: He he, it seems like that this in society's accident, truly is above I expects, in the past I confessed Qin Family cannot leave, there, may north the world of human beings, the liveliest region.” 荒镇?”人皇愣了下,旋即倒是有些感慨的笑道:“呵呵,看来这世间的变故,确实是超乎我预料很多啊,当年我交代秦家不许离开的时候,那里,可还是人界北方,最为繁华的地域呢。” Now, is only a poor and pedantic small town.” “现在,只是个穷酸的小镇子。” Qin Shi said with a smile, at once Desolate Town that he understands, with Qin Family, 1510 passing on to human emperor, when the Qin Shi character fell last, in the eyeground of person emperor, was actually seems experienced tens of thousands years of evolution, but the person emperor has not had too many accidents, nod that as if has expected: Em, this is not strange, on this day within, does not have the strength of bloodlines, can leave behind the incense and candle to be very rare.” 秦石笑道,旋即将他所了解的荒镇,和秦家,1510的转告给人皇,当秦石最后一字落下,在人皇的眼底,却是好似经历了几万年的演化,但人皇并未有太多的意外,似乎有所预料的点点头:“恩,这也不奇怪,在这天地间,没有血脉之力,能够留下香火已经很难得了。” At this time a person emperor thread of conversation revolution, asked to Qin Shi: He he, has the baby, these years, suffered many hardships? Do you hate me?” 这时人皇话锋一转,冲秦石问道:“呵呵,小娃娃,这些年,吃了不少苦头吧?你恨我吗?” Qin Shi smiled, spoke frankly very much: Said that calculates that has hated, in the several years, I tossed about great, but in just in Long, did not hate, does not have the means that who makes me surnamed Qin, my father always said with me that I am the Qin Family children, must have the acting of Qin Family children, bumps into the accent ancestor, has to accept fate.” 秦石笑了笑,很直言道:“怎么说呢,算恨过吧,这十几年,我可是被折腾的不浅,但就在刚刚在龙家的时候,就不恨了,没办法啊,谁让我姓秦呢,我老子总和我说,我是秦家的儿女,就要有秦家儿女的担当,碰到个不着调的老祖宗,也只好认命了。” Ha! Young fellows, interesting!” The person emperor smiles insolent, spiritual power of that piece of space then instantaneously falls from the sky. “哈哈哈!好小子,有意思!”人皇张狂而笑,那一片空间的灵力便是瞬间陨落。 At this time, Qin Shi narrowed the eyes to focus, he has been able to transfer the soul strength, after soul finding out slowly fell when person emperor body, he can feel, human the emperor present light, but actually really existed, he said: Senior, you, had not considered can resurrect?” 这时,秦石眯着眼,他已经能调动灵魂力了,当灵魂缓缓的探出后落在人皇身上时,他能感受到,人皇如今的淡薄,但却是真实存在的,他道:“前辈,你难道,没考虑过要复活么?” The person emperor smiles lightly: Is bathed in blood?” 人皇淡淡一笑:“浴血阵么?” Qin Shi one startled, obviously has not expected, the human the emperor actually knows to be bathed in blood, but he truly is this idea, is bathed in blood to help the soul to mold fleshly body, if the person emperor can resurrect, that wants to subside on this day within turmoil, will be naturally easier, Qin Family, does not need to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, even if the Ocean Group obstructs the day to reactivate, similarly must think over to be the same. 秦石一惊,显然是没料到,人皇竟然知道浴血阵,但他确实是这个想法,浴血阵能助灵魂重新塑造肉身,如果人皇能复活,那想要平息这天地间的动乱,自然会容易很多,秦家,也不必在苟延残喘,就算是溟组遮天复活,同样也要掂量一样。 But half sound, the human the emperor shakes the head saying: Is impossible, I keep here remnant soul, if as expected should by today, pass today, this is together remnant the soul, shortly will be then nothing left, I keep this to be together remnant the soul, has not thought anything reactivates, but wants to have a look at you, my this Qin Family posterity.” 但半响,人皇摇摇头道:“不可能的,我所留在这里的残魂,如果不出意外的话应该就截止到今日吧,过了今日,这一道残魂,便会在顷刻间荡然无存,我留这一道残魂,也是没想过什么复活,只是想要看看你,我这秦家的后人。” Why?” Qin Shi puzzled [say / way]. “为什么?”秦石不解道。 Assigns the standard, the destiny is difficult to go against.” The person emperor said with a smile. “命格啊,天命难逆。”人皇笑道。 Qin Shi moral nature fierce trembles, assigns the standard, these years are puzzled he for a long time, making him hate for a long time, even the disgusting thing, but why do not know, proposed from the person emperor mouth that make Qin Shi have a huge constriction, at this time, he deeply inspired, was held responsible his moral nature for a long time doubts finally: Senior, this so-called life standard, actually refers to what?” 秦石心底猛的一颤,命格,这些年困惑他许久,让他憎恨许久,甚至恶心的东西,但不知为何,从人皇口中提出,却让秦石有一种巨大的压迫感,这时,他深吸口气,终是问出他心底许久的疑惑:“前辈,这所谓命格,究竟是指什么?” The person emperor smiles, look undeformed serious, actually Qin Shi is very difficult to imagine is anything, can make the person emperor also probably feel that dreads. 人皇笑笑,神色却无形变的严肃,秦石很难想象究竟是什么,能够让人皇也要感到忌惮的。 Assigns the standard, he he, I did not say certainly, you have thought that so-called life standard is I? Is I, has been operating, is I, has been guiding you, arrives gradually today?” The person emperor said. “命格,呵呵,我也说不准,你是不是一直以为,那所谓的命格便是我?是我,一直在操作,是我,一直在引导你,一步一步走到今天的?”人皇道。 Nod that Qin Shi has not concealed, he formerly truly thinks with Evil Spirit that is this ancestor in pit. 秦石没有隐瞒的点点头,他先前和邪魔确实都以为,一直是他这老祖宗在坑自己。 Person emperor helpless shaking the head of said: He he, I do not have that big skill, Tun Tian that fellow is also enough stupid, he and I have on this day within strength similarly, he should be very clear, on this day within, nobody can know in advance the future, nobody, can control other people, as for the so-called life standard, I have seen one time, but I am not clear, actually that is anything, that is I, when this day within makes a great show of one's talents.” 人皇无奈的摇头道:“呵呵,我可没那么大的本事,吞天那家伙也是够蠢的,他与我同样拥有这天地间至极的力量,他应该很清楚的,这天地间,没人能够预知未来,也没人,能够操控他人,至于所谓的命格,我见过一次,但我并不清楚,那究竟是什么,那还是我在这天地间锋芒毕露的时候。” At that time, I with obstructing the day Tun Tian three people of three points of world, but the Ocean Group obstructs the day the influence actually day by day to see to increase, is indistinct the influence to probably press me and Tun Tian arrogance, but the Ocean Group, does not know is concealing anything, as if has any huge plot, this point, I do not know now that in the past all factions the person of investigation was not one not returns, then flew back without any results.” “那时,我与遮天吞天三人三分天下,但溟组遮天的势力却日益见增,隐约间势力有要压过我与吞天的气焰,而溟组,一直不知在隐瞒什么,似乎有着什么巨大的阴谋,这一点,我现在也不知道,当年所有派出去探查的人不是一去无回,便是无功而返。” „, My night view celestial phenomenon, actually unexpectedly, suddenly entered to a piece of extremely mysterious space on the 1st, in that space, seemed the vast universe, world all, as if are unable the bracelet to leave the control of that piece of space, in that space center, the giant slates, among the slates as if can bribe the samsara to be ordinary on this day, I have a vivid memory now, that slate was fixed throughout, but above actually vaguely, several lines of small characters, completely changed my idea.” “有一日,我夜观天象,却不料,突然进入到一片极为玄奥的空间,在那空间里,好似浩瀚的宇宙,天地一切,似乎都无法跳脱出那片空间的主宰,在那空间中央,有一巨大的石盘,石盘间仿佛能染指这天地轮回一般,我现在还记忆犹新,那石盘始终是固定的,但上面却依稀,有几行小字,彻底改变了我的想法。” In that several lines of small characters, disclosed ten thousand years later transformations, let my clear understanding depending on me, was impossible to change on this day a samsara.” “那几行小字里,透露出万年后的转变,也让我真切的明白凭我一人,是决不可能改变这天道轮回的。” „Is that slate, then the life standard?” Qin Shi startled [say / way]. “那石盘,便是命格?”秦石惊道。 The person emperor nods with a smile: Em, starts me not to believe that but all as if are deferring to his direction to change, finally I am the choice believe finally, will decide on this day the safety, will transmit to my later generation, will be you, your birth world, was the date of life standard revolution.” 人皇笑着点头:“恩,开始我也不信,但一切似乎都在按照他的指引所改变,最终我终是选择相信,也决定将这天地安危,转交给我的后辈,也就是你,你的诞世,便是命格运转之日。” In the future perhaps, you also will see that so-called life standard on the 1st.” The person emperor said with a smile. “将来或许有一日,你也会见到那所谓的命格。”人皇笑道。 Qin Shi is suddenly silent, he felt once more their stupidity, hated for a long time nonsense life standard, radically isn't own ancestor? But was own ancestor, planned unexpectedly also in that life standard? That life standard, actually is also what? Why has to control others' strength? 秦石突然沉默,他再次感觉到自己的愚蠢,原来自己憎恨了许久的狗屁命格,根本就不是自己的祖先?而自己的祖先,竟然也被算计在那命格当中?那命格,又究竟是什么?为何拥有能够操控别人的力量? Qin Shi pinches tightly the fist, the hatred of moral nature burns. 秦石捏紧拳,心底的憎恨又燃烧起来。 Actually regardless of this life standard is anything, I will certainly look for it.” Qin Shi said. “无论这命格究竟是什么,我一定会将其找出来的。”秦石道。 Em, the kid, you already has the life standard, that certainly will have the opportunity to meet.” “恩,小家伙,你既身怀命格,那就一定会有机会遇见的。” But, the baby, everything cannot act with undue haste, this world pure strength, is I consumes this day within strength that the strength of all bloodlines rob, here, can concentrate to make your new life standard, but, the baby, within leading a pious life will be forever without limits on this day, that boundary, can actually you stride, actually must think your good fortune.” The person emperor said with a smile. “不过,小娃娃,凡事不可操之过急,这一处天地精纯之力,是我耗损所有血脉之力抢夺的这天地间一股力量,在这里,能凝造出你新的命格,不过,小娃娃,这天地间的修行永无止境,那一个境界,你究竟能不能跨入,却是要看你自己的造化了。”人皇笑道。 Qin Shi nods, he also knows that practices a way, although innate skill is important, but can decide that truly a person of leading a pious life end, often is the opportunity, these years, his opportunity is good, actually does not know how then can be, but this time, the communication with person emperor, is makes him know, the matter about that so-called life standard, simply, he does not worry now, since that life standard wants to control itself, oneself are then being suitable for his several years, sooner or later one day, he will find out these sources, then, 11 solutions. 秦石点点头,他也知道修行一途,天赋虽然至关重要,但真正能决定一人修行尽头的,往往是机遇,这些年,他机遇不错,却不知接下来会是如何,但这一次,与人皇的沟通,却是让他知道一些,关于那所谓命格的事,索性,他现在并不着急,那命格既然想要操控自己,自己便是在顺他几年,迟早有一天,他会将这些的源头都摸清楚,然后,11解决。 Baby, I must your, be now my final bloodlines strength, the load bearing destiny will certainly consume the giant essence and blood, without the inheritance of strength of bloodlines, circling is innate skill is extremely good, every flesh body, is impossible to succeed, now, I will give you my final bloodlines, with this, goes to the load bearing only to be your destiny, the kid, within, must from my hand, hand over on your shoulder on this day.” The person emperor said. “小娃娃,我现在要给你的,是我最后的血脉力量,承载天命必将会消耗巨大的精血,没有血脉之力的传承,绕是天赋极佳,凡人肉躯,也不可能成功的,现在,我会将我最后的血脉给你,用此,去承载只属于你的天命吧,小家伙,这天地间,就要从我之手,交到你的肩膀上了。”人皇道。 Moreover, the kid, you must be careful the Ocean Group, similarly knows the life standard, not only then your I, the Ocean Group obstructs the day is to see the life standard similarly, initially I in the space of that nihility, was saw that a wisp obstructed day Baleful Qi, as if wanted that life standard camouflage, but as if, initially obstructed the day the strength, cannot achieve this step, was therefore, the Ocean Group, will certainly do everything possible, wanted your life.” The word, human emperor suddenly stop evil ways: Was right, can Suppressing Jade also on you?” “另外,小家伙,你要小心溟组,同样知道命格的,不光只有你我,溟组遮天同样是见到过命格,当初我在那片虚无的空间里,便是见到一缕遮天煞气,似乎是想要将那命格遮蔽,但似乎,当初遮天的力量,并不能做到这一步,也是因此,溟组,一定会想方设法,要你的命。”言罢,人皇突然停顿下道:“对了,崩玉可还在你身上?” Qin Shi stares, nodded: Continuously, but I have not been able to utilize.” 秦石一愣,点了点头:“一直在,只是我还无法运用。” That is good, your present strength, is unable to use Suppressing Jade is very normal, the true power of that thing circles is most flourishing I, is unable to use, but, that thing, the no small matter, you must wear frequently on the body, its safety, is the key of life standard, in the future after treating you will use the Suppressing Jade strength completely, you will understand.” “那就好,你现在的力量,无法使用崩玉也很正常,那东西的真正力量绕是全盛的我,也无法用出,不过,那东西,非同小可,你一定要时刻戴在身上,它的安危,是命格的关键,将来待你全部动用出崩玉的力量后,你会明白的。” As for Tun Tian, his nature is spatial, bad is not wicked, must look that who eagerly anticipates him, use well, he will become you in the future the biggest boost, boy, certain, must block to obstruct the day the plot, otherwise, within, feared on this day will be life Tu Tan, will not have any all again.” The person emperor deeply inspires, at this time, the bright red bloodlines, gushed out from the stele of that distant place finally together, such as a bubbling spring same sputtering on the body of Qin Shi. “至于吞天,他本性为空,不善也不恶,要看谁人来引领他,好好的利用,他会成为你将来最大的助力,小子,一定,一定要拦住遮天的阴谋,不然,这天地间,怕是生灵涂炭,不会再有任何的一切。”人皇深吸口气,终是在这时,一道鲜红色的血脉,从那远处的石碑之下涌出,如一涌泉一样溅射在秦石的身上。 When these essence and blood fall, the Qin Shi tiger body trembles fiercely, his surrounding world moves restlessly instantaneously, these incomparably pure strength seemed by the ancient times is summoned, at this time, changed to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) blue glow unexpectedly, crazy poured into Qin Shi within the body fiercely, the Qin Shi personal appearance trembled, almost instantaneous, he felt that spiritual power in within the body rose crazily, in the world of his dantian most deep place, incomparable huge, but that changed such as the strength of spring, finally at this time directly on, finally steady framing in the middle of that day palace. 当那些精血落入,秦石的虎躯剧烈一颤,他周围的天地瞬间躁动,那些无比精纯的力量好似受到远古召唤,竟是在这时,化作万丈青芒,疯狂的灌入秦石体内,秦石身形猛的一颤,几乎是瞬间的,他感觉体内的灵力疯狂崛起,在他丹田最深处的世界里,变的无比巨大,而一股如清泉的力量,也终是在这时迎头而上,最终稳稳的定格在那天宫当中。 Finally, that half god pill, in the Qin Shi meat at present, smoothly is unexpectedly thorough, that tenth god pill who gradually changes finally is the condensation. 终于,那半颗神丹,竟是在秦石的肉眼下,渐渐变的光滑透彻起来,那久违的第十颗神丹终是凝聚而成。 Ten god pill, load bearing destiny! 十颗神丹,承载天命!
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