PDL :: Volume #17

#1705: Person emperor

Qin Shi is startled, this point truly is a questionable point. 秦石一怔,这一点确实是个疑点。 Why is? Hopes me, oneself begin, having ample food and clothing?” This saying says, Qin Shi thought one resemble the idiot. “是为何?是希望我,自己动手,丰衣足食吗?”这话说出口,秦石都觉得自己好像白痴。 Laofoye laughs, shakes the head saying: Naturally is not, in the past I also asked the excellent emperor, degree that after all in the past, the human the emperor was, is, smiles the arrogant vault of heaven that the world all yearned, talked and laughed merrily, his destiny inheritance, was many person several cannot seize, but, his response actually lightly smiled, he threatened, his degree, merely was a beginning, in the future sooner or later one day, his younger generation, will exceed him, can fight with this day, seizes life of this day, broke to pieces place of this day, the achievement life standard.” 老佛爷哈哈一笑,摇头道:“当然不是,当年我也对此问过人皇,毕竟当年,人皇所达到的程度,是天地一切所向往的,笑傲天穹,谈笑风生,他的天命传承,是多少人几世也夺不来的,但是,对此他的回应却是淡淡而笑,他扬言说,他的程度,仅仅是个开端,将来迟早会有一天,他的晚辈,会超越他,会与这天斗,夺这天命,碎这天地,成就命格。” He said that future you, are his two destiny, cannot be joined to your heavenly body!” Laofoye light [say / way]. “他说,将来的你,是他的两个天命,也配不上你的天体!”老佛爷淡淡道。 The brief how many words, truly made Qin Shi and Evil Spirit are one startled, was this so high affirmation? 简短的几句话,确实令秦石邪魔都是一惊,这是一种何等之高的肯定? Evil Spirit narrows the eye, he holds asking that anything resembles suddenly: Old fogy, is that life standard, actually what?” 邪魔眯起眼,他突然抓住什么似的问道:“老家伙,那命格,究竟是什么?” He he, the demon Venerable, I have said that sooner or later you then know that when you also will be very certainly interested at that time, but now, discusses these, was actually lasts early, the kid, this blood pond, was a person of emperor left your final same to boost in the past, was not considered as the boost, if placed the ancient times, when the world inaugurated, your load bearing destiny, was not a difficult matter, present world, thin desolate, was actually only then this blood Ikenouchi's world, can leave together the destiny again, kid, takes a look, he left your gift, this also will be in world. Last destiny.” Laofoye said. “呵呵,魔尊,我说过,迟早你便会知道的,等到那时候你一定也会很有兴趣的,不过现在,谈这些,却是为时早了些,小家伙,这血池,算是人皇当年留给你的最后一样助力,也不算是助力,若是放在远古,天地初开时,你承载天命,并非难事,不过现在的天地,稀薄苍凉,却是只有这血池之内的世界,能够再出一道天命,小家伙,去瞧瞧吧,他留给你的礼物,这也将是天地间。的最后一道天命了。”老佛爷道。 At this time, Qin Shi lowering the head of slowly, the moral nature had not actually waked up in the shock, he looked at that is seeming is summoning the strange blood pond of his soul, has not thought that sought for a long time secret, suited his destiny, like this appeared unexpectedly? Moreover, is a brand-new destiny, Qin Shi somewhat feels extremely flattered. 这时,秦石缓缓的低下头,心底却仍是在震惊中没有醒来,他望着那好似在呼唤他灵魂的古怪血池,没想到,寻求许久的天机,适合他的天命,竟然就这样出现了?而且,是一道全新的天命,秦石有些受宠若惊。 Boy, goes quickly, so long as you can attain the destiny, has the enormous boost to the practice of your second Dharmakaya.” Evil Spirit at this time pleasantly surprised [say / way]. “小子,快去,只要你能拿到天命,对你第二法身的修炼也有极大助力。”邪魔这时惊喜道。 Qin Shi raised eyes at this time, looks at each other with Laofoye, Laofoye caressing gently must nod: Goes, the kid, making me look, you destiny of load bearing, is actually the what kind of world.” 秦石这时举目,与老佛爷对视,老佛爷轻轻的抚须点头:“去吧,小家伙,让我瞧一瞧,你所承载的天命,究竟是个怎样的世界吧。” At this time under Qin Shi, flew high holds the fist in the other hand to Laofoye. 秦石点下头,这时凌空的冲着老佛爷抱拳。 Many thanks senior!” “多谢前辈!” Finally, Qin Shi is not delaying, his Mou Zu the vigor depth has inspired, because he knows that then he must experience, will change his lifetime giant accident, when the aura is stable, he calms down, such as a hawk raids the expansive sky to leap forward toward that endless blood pond under. 终于,秦石不在耽搁,他牟足了劲的深吸口气,因为他知道接下来他所要经历的,将是会改变他一生的巨大变故,当气息稳定,他才定下心来,如一鹰袭长空般朝着那无尽血池之下跃入。 Laofoye looks is entering Qin Shi to blood pond, his corners of the mouth were also to crack at this time into a smile, seemed the extrication is the same: He he, tens of thousands years, old fogy, I complies with your matter, completed finally! Has not disappointed you.” 老佛爷望着进入到血池当中的秦石,他嘴角这时也是咧嘴一笑,好似解脱一样:“呵呵,几万年,老家伙,我答应你的事,也总算是完成了!没有辜负你啊。” When Qin Shi enters blood Chi Qian, an invisible light covers, in the flash blood infant of sorcerer and sword demon, peaceful Blazing Book all pulled out by that light including his waist to throughout, sees that Qin Shi first is slightly one startled, at this time Evil Spirit said in the upper air: Boy, should not be surprised, on this day within, can only hold together the life, all thing of having mystical powers, are not all able to enter.” 秦石进入血池前,一道无形的光影笼罩,在一瞬间血巫师与剑魔之婴,包括他腰间始终安静的焚书皆是被那光影抽离出来,见状,秦石先是微微一惊,这时邪魔在高空道:“小子,别惊讶,这天地间,只能容纳一道生灵,一切有灵之物,皆是无法进入。” Creates life of this day, must think you.” The blood sorcerer was also to grin at this time to say. “创这天命,就要看你自己了。”血巫师这时也是咧嘴道。 Qin Shi under the point, afterward vanished in that blood Chi Li at this time, when Qin Shi enters to the blood pond, that continuous mountain range changes suddenly, is becomes a giant carapace is unexpectedly same, the central blood pond will arm firmly comprehensively, these, feel including the Long disciples shocking, under Long seal corners of the mouth spasm, forced smile sound: He he, has not expected , the origin of this boy, unexpectedly such terrifying.” 秦石这时才点下头,随后消失在那血池里,当秦石进入到血池当中,那连绵的山脉突然变动,竟是成一巨大的龟甲一样,牢牢将中央的血池全面武装起来,这些,是连龙家弟子都感到震惊的,龙印嘴角抽动下,苦笑声:“呵呵,真没料到,这小子的来历,竟然如此的恐怖。” Em, calculates that our probably their Qin Family person.” Long Yi said at this time. “恩,算下来,我们好像还是他们秦家的人呢。”龙毅这时道。 But regarding these, Longqi actually has no interest to ask that her jade surface has several points to worry, she then harbors destiny inheritance, naturally fully realized that load bearing together destiny difficulty, that will be will possibly appear makes a false counter-accusation. 而对于这些,龙崎却是无心多问,她玉面带有几分担忧,她本身便是怀有天命传承者,自然是深知承载一道天命的艰难,那是很可能会出现反噬的。 Girl, relax, the bloodlines of that person, but must including this day arched probably dread, together the destiny, is being doomed he he, the hearsay day has eight buckets, the phoenix divides one bucket, seven buckets were Qin! Actually nobody knows that circling is phoenix that bucket, is this family grows, the strength of Nirvana he he, really fondly remembers.” Laofoye said. “小妮子,放心吧,那个人的血脉,可是要连这天穹都要忌惮的,一道天命,是注定的呵呵,传闻天有八斗,凤凰分一斗,七斗都属秦啊!却没有人知道,绕是凤凰那一斗,也是这个家族所衍生出来的,涅槃之力呵呵,真是怀念啊。”老佛爷道。 At this time, Qin Shi penetrated in the middle of that blood pond. 这时,秦石深入在那血池当中。 Just entered that blood pond, the aura of Qin Shi within the body then seemed independently transfers, produced the intense resonance with that surrounding bloodshed, in blood Chi Li, Qin Shi felt the incomparable shock, because the spiritual power density in this blood pond, unexpectedly is several thousand times of tens of thousands times between present world? Here, he can see spiritual Qi to exist with naked eye, such as young and clevers are equally fine. 刚一入那血池,秦石体内的气息便好似自主调动起来,与那周围的血海产生强烈共鸣,在血池里,秦石感到无比震惊,因为这血池里的灵力浓度,竟是如今天地间的几千倍几万倍之多?在这里,他是能用肉眼看得到灵气存在的,如一只只小精灵一样精美。 After entering this blood pond, Qin Shi faints from fear the discovery, this blood pond huge is above his imagination, does not seem such simple from the outside, here, has ten thousand li (0.5km) length and breadth unexpectedly, to the blood pond, is an incredible desert, that desert, eight sides are infinite, cannot look at the end. 进入这血池后,秦石才惊觉发现,这血池之庞大远超乎他的想象,并非是从外界看上去那样简单,在这里,竟是有着万里广袤,一直到血池之下,是一片荒诞的沙漠,那沙漠,八方无限,一眼望不到尽头。 Qin Shi knits the brows slightly, in the middle of this desert, he actually does not know where should toward before enters. 秦石微微皱眉,在这沙漠当中,他却是不知该朝何方向前进。 Yeah, these time can only depend on me, comes as one desires.” But Qin Shi said that at once he toward the north, is his moral nature direction walks slowly, this walks, is tens of thousands li (0.5km), time slowly is passing, is only the Qin Shi surrounding picture, has not actually had the change of least bit, seems how, regardless of he walks, the front world is the same. “哎,这一次是真的只能靠我自己了,也罢,随心而来吧。”秦石无奈道,旋即他朝着北方,也是他心底的方向缓缓走去,这一走,便是几万里,时间缓缓的流逝着,只是秦石周围的景象,却是没有发生半点的变化,好似无论他怎样走,前方的世界都是一样的。 Suddenly, Qin Shi finally is stop lower part of the body: This way is not good, is not only unable the load bearing destiny, I sooner or later also to be consumed dead in this.” 突然,秦石终是停顿下身来:“这样下去不行,非但无法承载天命,我自己迟早也会被消耗死在这。” Here, has certainly the outlet.” “这里,一定有出路的。” Qin Shi wants saying that at this time he was staring at the vault of heaven, he suddenly black pupil slowly closed, found out the strength of own soul fast. 秦石想道,这时他凝望着天穹,他突然将黑眸缓缓闭合,将自身的灵魂之力快速探出。 Bang! However, his soul strength just left, a startled day great strength falls from the sky from ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), unexpectedly is fierce hits to return to within the body his soul strength. 砰!然而,他的灵魂力刚出,一股惊天巨力从万丈陨落,竟是猛的将他灵魂力击中回体内去。 Puff!” That strength suddenly, making Qin Shi defend, a blood sprays. “噗!”那力量之突然,让秦石防御不及,一口鲜血喷洒出去。 He startled looking however to that day place: What's the matter? Isn't here, able to use the soul strength?” 他惊然的望向那天地:“怎么回事?这里,无法用灵魂力?” At this time, Qin Shi wanted to take back the Yuan god, entered to his Sea of Consciousness, actually unexpectedly he startled however discovered that he could not achieve unexpectedly, he is unable to take back the Yuan god, is unable to regard Sea of Consciousness, at this time, the Qin Shi complexion changed was heavy, it seems like that this load bearing destiny, imagine him was more difficult. 这时,秦石欲要收回元神,进入到他的识海当中,却不料他惊然发现,他竟是做不到,他根本无法收回元神,也无法内视识海,这时,秦石脸色变的沉重起来,看来这承载天命,远要比他想象当中的更加艰难啊。 Since the ten years, since the Qin Shi practice soul strength, the soul strength has the tremendous role throughout, today is unable to use unexpectedly suddenly, unavoidably makes Qin Shi at heart rash, but, him continuously deeply attracts several tones well, makes steady, now is not the anxious time that own blood changes, must make oneself change calmly is quite good. 这十年以来,自从秦石修炼灵魂力,灵魂力始终有着巨大作用,今日竟突然无法动用,难免让秦石心里毛躁,但好在,他连续深吸几口气,让自身的血液变的平稳起来,现在不是焦躁的时候,必须要让自身变的极为冷静才行。 Simply, Qin Shi is stops going forward unexpectedly, sits cross-legged to sit down in the middle of that desert. 索性,秦石竟是停止前进,在那沙漠当中盘膝坐下。 Qin Shi is looking at this distant desert, this walks in an instant is of half a month, similarly the outside also passed half a month, on carapace that during this period, sky over that blood pond, the mountain range composes, was still the crowd was crowded, Laofoye was the people of head here was anticipating was looking under, at this time, that blood Ikenouchi, suddenly experienced some fluctuations, Laofoye says with a smile suddenly: „The kid, must understand.” 秦石望着这悠远的沙漠,这一路走来转眼便是半月之久,同样外界也是过去了半月,在这期间,那血池上空,山脉组成的龟甲上,却仍是人群密集,老佛爷为首的众人都是在这里期待着望着下方,这时,那血池之内,突然出现些许波动,老佛爷突然笑道:“那小家伙,要参透了啊。” Qin Shi in sitting cross-legged, whatever the yellow sand of that desert sways, has covered the thick First Rank sandy soil his whole body, but, he seems and does not care, he seems sits in meditation to be the same, besides the breath, seems does not have any sound again, with deceased person not different, but at this time, he pointed at the hook to move gently, while pointed at hooking along with him, in that deserts was to cause the giant vortex unexpectedly. 秦石在盘坐中,任由那沙漠的黄沙吹拂,已经将他全身覆盖起厚厚的一层沙土,但是,他好似并不在意,他好似入定一样,除了呼吸以外,好似再无任何动静,与死人无异,而在这时,他手指轻轻钩动,在随着他手指钩动的同时,那沙漠间竟是引起巨大的漩涡。 At this time, the Qin Shi corners of the mouth revealed smiling, the black pupil opened clears the way the tiny slit to look to that vortex. 在这时,秦石嘴角露出浅浅的笑,黑眸张开道细小的缝隙望向那漩涡。 He he, guessed with me was really same.” “呵呵,跟我猜测的果然一样。” Suddenly, side that the Qin Shi body changes is light, but he not, because changes floats lightly, instead is starts slowly falls into the middle of that yellow sand unexpectedly, his body, bit by bit was buried under that yellow sand, along with body thorough yellow sand gradually, the Qin Shi surrounding world transforms gradually, is not that does not have the slight vitality wilderness withered, but starts to present the abundant green, with infinite vitality. 突然,秦石身躯变的极轻,但他并未因为变轻而漂浮起来,反而竟是开始缓缓的陷入那黄沙当中,他的身躯,一点一点被埋没在那黄沙之下,随着身躯渐渐的深入黄沙,秦石周围的世界渐渐转变,不在是那干枯无丝毫生机的荒漠,而是开始出现盎然绿色,和无限的生机。 Qin Shi final, under has sunk in yellow sand, when passed yellow Shahousuo to show, is a vast endless universe same place. 秦石最终,一直沉落下黄沙之内,当度过黄沙后所展现出来的,是一片浩瀚无尽的宇宙一样的地方。 Qin Shi here, finally is opening eyes slowly, he seems feels at the beginning of the world strength. 秦石在这里,终是缓缓的睁开眼,他好似感受到天地之初的力量。 „Is here, the genuine world?” “这里,才是真正的天地么?” Qin Shi shows the happy expression, but his personal appearance fluttered at this time slowly, in the most end of that vast space, a giant stele towered at this time high, the above glittering inscribed text attracted Qin Shi, the Qin Shi personal appearance fluttered, slowly approached toward that inscribed text, above to side of that inscribed text, Qin Shi saw clearly the character that carved, has one unexpectedly, was a giant Qin. 秦石露出笑意,而在这时他身形缓缓飘动,在那浩瀚空间的最尽头里,一座巨大的石碑在这时高高耸立,上面金光闪闪的碑文不由将秦石吸引住,秦石身形飘动,缓缓的朝那碑文靠近,一直到那碑文的旁边,秦石才看清楚上面所刻的字,竟是只有一个,是一个巨大的秦。 Qin! 秦! Under that Qin Word, Qin Shi felt the unequalled strength to pour into the whole body. 在那秦字之下,秦石感受到无与伦比的力量灌入全身。 Qin Shi suddenly one startled, his body changes is especially temperate. 秦石突然一惊,他身体变的格外温和。 At this time, the light empty shade, gradually fluttered together suddenly from that stele, when that empty shade appeared similar the world that this moved restlessly to submit, that empty shade, stood merely in that then to the race the unequalled constriction, Qin Shi seemed including the blood stops flowing being same, he was looking at that empty shade, feels inexplicable familiar unexpectedly. 在这时,一道淡薄的虚影,突然从那石碑当中缓缓飘出,当那虚影出现之际仿佛这躁动的天地都臣服下来,那虚影,仅仅是站立在那,便是给人种无与伦比的压迫感,秦石好似连血液都停止流动一样,他望着那虚影,竟是感受到莫名的熟悉。 He as if concludes that empty shade status comes to be the same, his voice is shivering said gently. 他似乎断定出,那虚影的身份来一样,他声音都是颤抖的轻轻道。 You, are you person emperor?” “你,你是人皇?” That empty shade hears, is light smiles: Really is a glorious name, the kid tens of thousands years, made me wait till finally, my Qin Clan arrived, Longxu that boy, has not disappointed me actually, the baby, came along with me, should you have the curious matter to inquire? He he, makes me know that in these tens of thousands years, actually in the world to turn into any appearance.” 那虚影听闻,却是淡淡一笑:“真是个悠久的名字啊,小家伙几万年啊,终于让我等到了,我秦族亲临的时候,龙须那小子,倒是没有辜负了我,小娃娃,随我来吧,你应该有很多好奇的事情想要询问吧?呵呵,也让我知道知道,这几万年里,天地间究竟变成了什么样子。” ---- ---- Three chapters of Lian Geng, establishes provisionally today these many, if will have free time to continue to write in the evening, the renewal will transmit the notice in the group, if not will renew on tomorrow. 三章连更,暂定今天就这么多,如果晚上有空会继续写,更新的话会在群里发送通知,如果不更就明天更新了。
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