PDL :: Volume #17

#1704: World blood pond

Hey, the kid, sees us, thinks very surprised?” The black dragon beast grins to say with a smile, at once cunning [say / way]: Initially, I intentionally turned on the water in the deep sea source pond, has not thought that your boy also was really greedy, east profound will cup one hand in the other across the chest to see somebody off unexpectedly spirit, my face of harming does not have.” “嘿嘿,小家伙,见到我们,是不是觉得很吃惊啊?”青龙兽咧嘴笑道,旋即狡黠道:“当初,我在深海源池可是故意放水的,没想到,你小子还真是贪心啊,竟然将东玄灵拱手送人,害的我一点面子都没有。” Bai Ze the staring black dragon beast, curls the lip saying: You clearly know that can be this, do not feel embarrassed this kid.” 白泽瞪了眼青龙兽,撇嘴道:“你明知道会是这样的,别为难这小家伙。” Qin Shi suddenly, suddenly finally why he understood, initially in the eastern profound zone time, black dragon beast that intentionally is struck to kill by him, with did not hesitate the life to rescue his reason in profound zone time Bai Ze, originally, were all these they intentionally? At this time, Qin Shi has thought that all these were certainly related with that nonsense life standard, he was also simply disinclined to investigate, the flea are many had not feared that but faced that Long old man Qin Shi still humbly saying: „Has senior, these tens of thousands years, you been waiting for me?” 秦石突然恍然,他终是明白为何,当初在东玄区时,青龙兽那故意被他击杀,和在中玄区时白泽不惜性命救他的缘故,原来,这一切都是他们故意的?这时,秦石已经想到,这一切一定是与那狗屁命格有关,索性,他也懒得去追究了,跳蚤多了不怕么,但面对那龙家老者秦石仍是谦卑道:“前辈,这几万年,你一直在等我?” Em, is, completes that fellow, finally entrusts my matter old man vicissitudes smiles, seems recalls for ten thousand years ago. “恩,算是吧,也算是完成那家伙,最后嘱托我的事”老者沧桑的一笑,好似追忆到万年之前。 Senior said that but referred to my older generation?” Qin Shi said that he guesses correctly the status of this old man at this time, mostly is Long Laofoye that in Long Yinkou often spoke , was also that he continuously curious person, although some expectations, that the status of Laofoye was early good, the strength was great, today sees, was still makes him feel shocking, from the body of this old man, making him feel the unprecedented pressure, his low voice asked in the moral nature: Evil Spirit , depending on you now, fights with this senior, how many stratagem which ensures success?” “前辈所言,可是指我的先辈?”秦石道,他此时已是猜出这老者的身份,多半便是龙印口中常提起的龙家老佛爷,也是那个,他一直好奇的人,只是尽管早有预料,那老佛爷的身份不俗,实力不浅,今日一见,仍是让他感到震惊,从这老者的身上,让他感受到前所未有的压力,他小声的在心底问道:“邪魔,凭你现在,与这位前辈交手,有多少的胜算?” Stratagem which ensures success? He he, the kid, you do not crack a joke, only if my most flourishing condition, otherwise is impossible to win his.” Under Evil Spirit stop, suddenly sneering sound: Has not thought really that tens of thousands years have not seen, this old dog is this degree unexpectedly, in the past followed, when person empress surface, I can also hang to hit him, now, he is that degree unexpectedly.” “胜算?呵呵,小家伙,你别开玩笑了,除非我全盛状态,否则是决不可能赢他的。”邪魔停顿下,突然冷笑声:“真没想到,几万年没见,这老狗竟然达到这种程度,当年跟在人皇后面的时候,我还能够吊打他呢,现在来看,他竟是达到那个程度。” „Do you know him?” “你知道他?” How can not know that a person emperor initially in the small snake that beast gave shelter, afterward gave people the emperor to work as the saddle horse, was the person of emperor subordinates, under the first people except for Fufeng three combat general, but has not expected, he has not fallen from the sky unexpectedly, I think that he should die with the person emperor together.” Evil Spirit said. “怎么会不知道,一条人皇当初在兽界收留的小蛇,后来给人皇当坐骑,是人皇麾下,除了扶风三战将之下的第一人,只是没料到,他竟然也没有陨落,我本以为,他应该与人皇共同陨落的。”邪魔道。 You, you said that he was my senior past saddle horse of?” Under Qin Shi corners of the mouth spasm, is in sight to be strange suddenly at once to the look of that old man. “你,你是说,他是我前辈当年的坐骑?”秦石嘴角突然抽动下,旋即在望向那老者的眼神古怪起来。 This before his body, lets existence that the heart of his war cannot raise now, in the ancient times, unexpectedly was only the saddle horse of his older generation? Suddenly, Qin Shi some do not dare to imagine, the past person emperor, was actually fearful. 这如今在他身前,让他连一战之心都提不起来的存在,在远古,竟只是他先辈的坐骑?突然,秦石有些不敢想象,当年的人皇,究竟有多么可怕。 He he, the Tun Tian demon Venerable, since, comes out to gather.” Laofoye said with a smile. “呵呵,吞天魔尊,既然在的话,就出来一聚吧。”老佛爷笑道。 Comes out to come out, who feared who!” Evil Spirit changes to Baleful Qi, Cheng Xuying appears in Qin Shi behind: He he, the old fogy, does not see for a long time.” “出来就出来,谁怕谁啊!”邪魔化作煞气,成虚影出现在秦石身后:“呵呵,老家伙,好久不见啊。” Truly for a long time does not see.” Laofoye is looking at Evil Spirit , under his look does not have the slight contradiction actually. “确实是好久不见呢。”老佛爷望着邪魔,他眼神下倒是没有丝毫的抵触。 Said that you have circled such big circle, finally is intentionally this boy injuring by cheating in your this Long Residence, is actually behavior what? Also is that nonsense life standard? I said that can you novel? Is that life standard, actually what? Why don't I know?” Evil Spirit faces Laofoye, negligent smiles, but Qin Shi can actually listen, from the Evil Spirit sound unexpectedly is somewhat joyful, seems many years of old friend meets to be the same. “说吧,你们绕了这么大的圈子,最后就是故意把这小子给坑骗到你这龙府里来,究竟是所为何事?又是那狗屁命格?我说,你们能不能新奇一点?那命格,究竟是什么?为何连我都不知道?”邪魔面对老佛爷,大咧咧的一笑,但秦石却能听出,从邪魔的声音里竟是有些喜悦,好似多年的故友相见一样。 Laofoye smiles: He he, the demon Venerable should not be anxious, you will sooner or later know.” 老佛爷一笑:“呵呵,魔尊别急,你迟早会知道的。” Snort! Plays tricks, but the baby, I then had urged in the past you, so long as you hired oneself in me, I will certainly entrust with heavy responsibility your, beast that you wanted, can I also to you, why you choose to follow side the person emperor?” Evil Spirit mentioned the story to say. “哼!装神弄鬼,不过小娃娃,当年我便是劝过你,只要你投靠于我的话,我一定会重用你的,你想要的兽界,我也能给你,为何你偏偏选择跟在人皇身边?”邪魔提起故事道。 At this time, under the Laofoye behind Long disciple, the corners of the mouth twitched with Bai Ze rank. 这时,在老佛爷身后的龙家弟子,和白泽等人嘴角都是不禁抽搐下。 He he, dares to call the Laofoye baby? This fellow dragon is strict, but said. “呵呵,敢称老佛爷小娃娃?这家伙”龙严无奈道。 Bai Ze smiles bitterly: If by the rank, our respect for elders Buddhas, Venerable the front in this demon, was not the baby one of the past ancient times two big demon Venerable, in addition the person emperor, three points of world, the person emperor falls from the sky now, this demon Venerable in the status in society, besides obstructing day, who can also discuss with his peer?” 白泽心里苦笑:“若是论辈分的话,咱们这尊老佛爷,在这位魔尊面前,可不就是小娃娃吗当年的远古两大魔尊之一,加上人皇,三分天下,如今人皇陨落,这位魔尊在世间的地位,除了遮天外,谁还能与其同辈而论?” Laofoye shook the head to say at this time with a smile: Does not have the means that the human is ambitious respectively.” 老佛爷这时笑着摇头道:“没办法啊,人各有志。” „, Does your spirit, the emperor mourn by the side of the coffin to the human?” “切,你的志气,就是给人皇守灵么?” Laofoye smiles not to speak, does not lie in Evil Spirit argues: Demon Venerable, you sooner or later know that on this day within something, may not be disobedient, circling is you, circling obstructs the day, same is not good, obstructs, then wants the disobedient this heaven that the day does now, but you also understand gradually that the world of human beings, or beast, does not look to be a person.” 老佛爷笑而不语,不在于邪魔争辩道:“魔尊,你迟早会知道的,这天地间有些事情,是不可忤逆的,绕是你,绕是遮天,一样不行,遮天现在所做的,便是想要忤逆这苍天,而你渐渐也会明白,无论是人界,亦或是兽界,都不看属于一个人。” Here, Laofoye strange looking to Qin Shi. 说到这,老佛爷古怪的望向秦石 The Laofoye moral nature said: Should the fluctuation that he he, felt a short time ago, not have the mistake? Evidently, already present world.” 老佛爷心底道:“呵呵,前不久感受到的波动,应该不会有错吧?看样子,已经现世了呢。” Kid, you quite have the origin with beast, if in the future will have the opportunity, if passed by beast might as well to go to the dragon clan, you will grasp this, perhaps will obtain the advantage that some of your opinions will unable to expect.” The Laofoye word, his big hand spreads out, is quite together ancient as if there is dragon tooth of supernatural power to give Qin Shi. “小家伙,你与兽界颇有渊源,将来若是有机会的话,若是路过兽界的话不妨去趟龙族,你手持这个,兴许会得到些你意料不到的好处。”老佛爷言罢,他的大手摊开,一块极为古老却仿佛拥有神力的龙牙递给秦石 This is, Long Shen tooth?” Evil Spirit is startled, at once says with a smile: He he, has not thought that Long Zuxun tens of thousands years of dragon god teeth, have hidden unexpectedly in your hands?” “这是,龙神牙?”邪魔一怔,旋即笑道:“呵呵,没想到,龙族寻了几万年的龙神牙,竟然藏在你的手中?” „It is not considered as conceal, in the past because of some past events, after hurried departure dragon clan, this Long Shenya then does not have the opportunity to send back, now looks like, similarly did not have that opportunity, this leg, the exhausted little friend did for somebody.” “也不算是藏,当年因为些旧事,匆忙的离开龙族以后,这龙神牙便是没有机会送回去,现在看来,同样是没有那个机会了,这一趟腿,就劳烦小友代劳了。” Boy, accepts quickly, this thing, is the faith token of head of the clan Long Clan, so long as this Long Shen tooth in your hands, how you are walk sideways in beast do not dare some people you.” Evil Spirit said. “小子,快收下,这东西,是龙族族长的信物,只要这龙神牙在你手中,你在兽界就算是横着走都不敢有人怎么样你。”邪魔道。 „The faith token of dragon clan?” Qin Shi has gawked, at once he was clearly became aware at this time finally, originally was this so-called Long beast Long Clan? “龙族的信物?”秦石愣了下,旋即他这时终是明悟,原来这所谓的龙家就是兽界龙族? He he, may be the dragon clan so is not only simple, in the past this baby was Long Clan few head of the clan, because afterward Long presented the accident, the Ocean Group meddled, wants to control beast, this baby was framed by the evildoer, afterward was the person emperor gets rid to rescue, he had the life to live, but his body, was flowing the purest real dragon bloodlines, was Long Clan is most honored, I can look that this fellow asked you to come, should have the matter to request, once he has opened the mouth, you wanted the pit his point, so long as can attain his drop Long Xue, your within the body. The dragon strength, then can change infinite pure.” “呵呵,可不光是龙族这么简单,当年这小娃娃是龙族的少族长,但后来因为龙家出现变故,溟组插手,想要主宰兽界,这小娃娃遭奸人陷害,后来是人皇出手相救,他才有命活下来,但他的身上,流淌着最为精纯的真龙血脉,是龙族最为尊贵的,我能看出来,这家伙找你来,应该是有事相求,一旦他开口了,你一定要坑他一点,只要能拿到他一滴龙血,你体内。的龙力,便会变的无限精纯。” The Qin Shi forced smile sound, always thought that Evil Spirit is teaching him probably some dubious things, but he likes. 秦石苦笑声,总觉得邪魔好像是在教他些不三不四的东西,但是他喜欢。 Has the small advantage not to occupy, that is not the Qin Shi disposition. 有便宜不占,那可不是秦石的性格。 But obviously, the dialog of Qin Shi Evil Spirit , that Laofoye as if all listens in the ear, the latter shameless becomes flushed, shaking the head that at once smiles bitterly said: He he, in the several years, actually you experienced anything, unexpectedly changes so shameless, several drops of Long Xue, although old man predestined time of death, in addition can give back, but, this is something to be talked about later, the present words, want the dragon blood of old man, he could not absorb.” 而显然,秦石邪魔的对话,那老佛爷似乎皆是听在耳中,后者老脸都是不禁涨红一下,旋即苦笑的摇摇头道:“呵呵,这十几年,你究竟是经历了什么,竟然变的如此无耻,不过也罢,几滴龙血而已,虽然老夫大限将至,尚且还给得起,不过,这是后话,现在的话,想要老夫的龙血,他可是吸收不了。” Senior, you shouted desirably younger generation comes, is actually so-called what?” Qin Shi said. “前辈,您刻意喊晚辈而来,究竟是所谓何事?”秦石道。 Laofoye deeply inspires, at this time presbyopia submersion slowly, fell in the middle of that endless blood pond. 老佛爷深吸口气,这时老眼缓缓的下沉,落在那无尽的血池当中。 Kid, should you also detect?” “小家伙,你应该也发觉到了吧?” Senior said that this strange blood pond?” Qin Shi has gawked staring, said curiously: This blood pond, is truly strange, probably the strength, is quite similar to my soul, like summoning me, the senior, this blood pond, is actually what?” “前辈是说,这诡异的血池?”秦石楞了愣,好奇道:“这血池,确实很奇怪,好像有一股力量,跟我的灵魂极为相似,像是在呼唤我一样,前辈,这血池,究竟是什么?” Laofoye caresses must smile, at this time he seemed recalls any very distant matter saying: This blood Chi Nei, load bearing this day , a final destiny!” 老佛爷抚须而笑,这时他好似回忆起什么十分悠远的事般道:“这血池内,承载着这天地之间,最后的一道天命!” Together destiny?” The Qin Shi black pupil is frantic. “一道天命?”秦石黑眸狂热。 Laofoye caresses must nod, says with a smile: In the past, the human the emperor before falling from the sky, he by the body abundant heaven, Yu Qingxiao fought, finally actually from that already on the vault of heaven that dried up infinitely, robbed together the secret, a piece in society purest strength, took own bloodlines as the medium, the seal when this blood pond, in other words, in the world under this blood pond, was at the beginning of ancient times chaos, the world inaugurated the world, there, foot a load bearing brand-new destiny, achievement together secret.” 老佛爷抚须点头,笑道:“当年,人皇在陨落前,他以身博苍天,于青霄作斗争,最终硬是从那已经无限枯竭的天穹上,抢夺一道天机,将一片世间最为精纯的力量,以自身血脉为媒介,封印在这血池当中,也就是说,这血池之下的世界里,是一片远古混沌之初,天地初开之时的世界,在那里,足矣承载一道全新的天命,成就一道天机。” Qin Shi is wild with joy, a brand-new destiny? That is not just he now or lacks? 秦石狂喜,一道全新的天命?那不正是他如今最为或缺的吗? Suddenly, his black pupil flood red, he as if can imagine, when that ten thousand years of predecessor emperor struggles the day appearance. 只是突然,他的黑眸泛红,他似乎能够想象到,在那万年前人皇争天时的样子。 Laofoye sees the Qin Shi thoughts, is the forced smile said: Kid, these years walks, perhaps you have many misunderstandings to him? Because of him, provokes the fatal disaster, because of him, makes extraordinary, making your destiny that you change rough, but, you may know, in the past he did, compared with you now difficult many!” 老佛爷看出秦石的心思,也是苦笑道:“小家伙,这些年走来,恐怕你对他也是有着很多误解吧?因为他,招惹来杀身之祸,因为他,让你变的不平凡,让你的命运坎坷不过,你可知道,他当年所做的,远比你现在更加的难的多!” In the past, the human the emperor has said that his Qin Family [lineage/vein], are at the beginning of a world, creates the beginning of end national policy, then must by the world thribble, the people recognize and develop one's being, this is your life, you want to run away, life that cannot escape.” “当年,人皇说过,他秦家一脉,乃天地之初,创国策之始端,便是必须要以天地立根,生民立命,这是你的命,你想逃,也逃不掉的命。” Qin Shi self-ridiculed suddenly that he is pinching the fist, shakes the head. 秦石突然自嘲,他捏着拳,摇摇头。 Truly is some misunderstandings “确实是有些误解呢” But, is good, my Qin Shi, is not a sage, perhaps does not have that high consciousness, but, the mission of old gentleman, my this, when junior looked like also can only carry, cannot, fall an unfilial name, let alone, I want to run away, could not escape.” “不过,也好,我秦石,不是圣人,或许是没有那么高的觉悟,不过,那老爷子的使命,我这当小辈的看来也只能背起来了,总不能,落个不孝之名,何况是啊,我想逃,也逃不掉的。” Laofoye satisfied smiles, caressing must say: „Did old fogy, see? In the past you said that now realizes.” 老佛爷满意而笑,抚须道:“老家伙,看见了吗?你当年所说的,现在都实现了啊。” He he, kid, before has not seen you, I also slightly have several points of puzzled, but sees your me to understand now finally.” Laofoye said. “呵呵,小家伙,在没见到你之前,我还略为带有几分不解,但现在看见你我终于明白了啊。”老佛爷道。 „Is puzzled of senior?” Qin Shi has gawked under. “前辈的不解是?”秦石愣了下。 Kid, you are not curious, why the human the emperor did not leave you own destiny in the past, can actually leave your one secret that needs your load bearing to get up?” “小家伙,你难道就不好奇,人皇当年为何不将自己的天命留给你,却是要留给你一条需要你自己承载起来的天机吗?”
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