PDL :: Volume #17

#1703: Goes to Long

When sees the Long four people, Ling Zhugong the people are hanging the heart then puts down, if is really three Yuan child arrives, Ling Zhugong this time is doomed, Ling then ordered vast, hinted Ling Yan and the others to relieve big. 当见到龙家四人,凌竹宫众人悬着的心这才放下,若真是三元子亲临的话,凌竹宫这次真的是在劫难逃,凌浩这才下令,示意凌岩等人解除大阵。 When big relieves, dragon strict four people of falling slowly in Ling Zhugong, Longqi have hesitated slightly, cannot bear palpitation of moral nature finally, gradually walks to go forward, the small hands surrounds the bear waist of Qin Shi, gently said in that ear bank respite: Qin Shi, you are all right really well.” 当大阵解除,龙严四人缓缓的落在凌竹宫内,龙崎稍微的迟疑了下,终还是没能忍住心底的悸动,缓步走上前,小手环抱住秦石的熊腰,轻轻的在那耳畔喘息道:“秦石,你没事真好。” When Qin Shi deeply inspires, grasps this initially the knowledge, feeling that but also very cunning and unreasonable small palace host, the Qin Shi moral nature does not say. 秦石深吸口气,抱住这个初识时,还十分刁蛮的小宫主,秦石心底也是说不上的感觉。 Boy, your 7000 sea palace one lines, the harvest is actually not small.” Evil Spirit teased. “小子,你这7000海宫一行,倒是收获不小么。”邪魔调侃道。 Qin Shi curls the lip, has not paid attention to Evil Spirit , at this time his vision rotation, printed several people to look toward the dragon, half a month time has not hoped to come to Sanqinggong, actually hoped Long Jia that he knows, the sudden appearance of Long, had certainly a point, he said: Dragon brother, he he, these does time need to ask me to go Long with you?” 秦石撇撇嘴,没有理会邪魔,这时他目光转动,朝着龙印几人望去,半个月的时间没有盼来三清宫,却是将龙家盼来,他知道,龙家的突然出现,一定是有所目地的,他道:“龙兄,呵呵,这一次可是要请我跟你们去龙家?” Long seal stares, nod of forced smile: Em, is, half a month matter, I heard, your boy is actually bold, dares to use the Yuan rosary beads unexpectedly really? You may know that your action, doing of how many Sanqinggong had killed? Burns the cloud present status, but is heavy, because Sanqinggong this matter has been angry, if not for my Long stops, now perhaps has deployed troops, coming to here to tidy up you.” 龙印一愣,苦笑的点点头:“恩,正是,半个月的事,我已经听说了,你小子倒是大胆,竟真的敢用元素珠?你可知道,你那一个举动,炸死了多少三清宫的干将么?燃云如今的地位可是不轻,三清宫因为这事已经大怒,若不是我龙家从中阻拦,现在恐怕已经调兵遣将,来这里收拾你了。” Might as well, since I dare to blatantly seek publicity, naturally has not feared them.” Qin Shi said. “无妨啊,我既然敢招摇过市,自然就没有怕过他们。”秦石道。 The dragon strict temperature rise, is startled smiles: He he, is the young bull does not fear the tiger actually seriously, but the baby, I can look, this quiet six months, you as if grasped one very strange strength, to be honest, that strength, making me feel some contradictions, but is truly strong, at your present degree, if all -out effort, perhaps really can make Sanqinggong pay some prices fully, but Ling Zhugong? Depending on you now, has confidence to protect Ling Zhugong from the Sanqinggong hand?” 龙严温升,不由怔愣的一笑:“呵呵,倒是当真是初生牛犊不怕虎啊,不过小娃娃,我能够看出来,这沉寂的半年里,你似乎掌握了一种很诡异的力量,说实话,那力量,让我觉得有些抵触,但确实很强,以你现在的程度,若是拼劲全力的话,兴许真的能让三清宫付出些代价,但是凌竹宫呢?凭你现在,有把握从三清宫手中护住凌竹宫吗?” Qin Shi silent, Long Yan the words truly are worth pondering, his present strength, he most understood, in situation that in Evil Spirit does not get rid, with the aid of many supernatural objects, although is not enough to strike to kill three Yuan, but fights to stand with one person is in the invincible position not to be actually difficult, in addition that huge god of thunder bead, he has the confidence to blow up Sanqinggong, but, Ling Zhugong will be very dangerous, three Yuan after all, any person, has the strength of going against heaven's will, especially sect Yuanzi, together the secret, half ultra boundary, that is the degree that he was unable to touch now. 秦石沉默下,龙严的话确实值得沉思,他如今的实力,他自己最为了解,在邪魔不出手的情况下,借助诸多神物,虽不足以击杀三元子,但与一人交手立处于不败之地倒是不难,加上那庞大的雷神珠,他有信心能够炸毁三清宫,但是,凌竹宫却会很危险,毕竟三元子,任何一人,都是拥有逆天之力的,特别是宗元子,一道天机,半步超界境,那是他现在还无法触及的程度。 I follow you, do you have the means to guarantee Ling Zhugong not to extinguish?” Qin Shi asked. “我跟你们走,你们有办法保凌竹宫不灭?”秦石问道。 Long seal said with a smile: Qin brother felt relieved that trades to make other sea palaces, perhaps we have not been able to guarantee, but this Ling Zhugong is actually different, in this Ling Zhugong, has the space networks of 7000 sea palaces, the book is 7000 sea palaces heavy, my Long appoints the soldier to guard, is fair.” 龙印笑道:“秦兄放心,换做其他海宫,或许我们还不敢保证,但是这凌竹宫却是不同,这凌竹宫内,有着7000海宫的空间网络,本就是7000海宫的重地,我龙家设兵把守,也是合情合理的。” Qin Shi has gawked, at once recalls initially, sect Yuanzi and Long Jia's dialog, initially he was also because has destroyed the deep sea source pond, Long is unable to get rid for him, nod that this, he felt relieved . Moreover, Long, this mysterious and ancient family, as if had the ancient tremendous strength, he was also curious for a long time, this time can go to Long to find out, might as well be a good deed. 秦石愣了下,旋即回想当初,宗元子与龙家的对话,当初他也是因为毁了深海源池,龙家才无法替他出手的,这样,他才放心的点点头,而且,龙家,这个神秘而古老的家族,似乎拥有亘古巨大的力量,他也是好奇许久,这一次能够去龙家一探究竟,也未尝不是件好事。 That Laofoye, actually Qin Shi is very curious is. 那老佛爷,秦石很好奇究竟是谁。 Good, I go with you.” “好,我跟你们去。” The Qin Shi nod complies with the sound, at once he turns around to go toward Ling Zhuwang, Ling Zhu somewhat worried with its looking at each other. 秦石点头答应声,旋即他转身朝凌竹望去,凌竹与其对视有些担忧。 Relax, I will come quickly then back, Ling Zhugong formerly had received the injury, I sooner or later will also help you ask.” Qin Shi has rubbed Ling Zhu the small face, at once his sunlight smiles: My this becomes the younger brother, after having grown up, must take care of the elder sister.” “放心,我很快便会回来,凌竹宫先前受过的伤害,我也迟早会帮你都讨回来的。”秦石揉了揉凌竹的小脸,旋即他阳光的一笑:“我这当弟弟的,长大了以后也是要照顾姐姐的么。” Ice bamboo warm smiles, hears the division of that sister and brother is actually very bitter and astringent. 凌竹温暖的一笑,听闻那姐弟之分却是十分苦涩。 Who can know, interest in the opposite sex that her moral nature that inaugurates? 谁又能知道,她心底那初开的情窦呢? Qin Shi turns around, to the Ling vast [say / way]: Grandpa Ling, Long will appoint the soldier to guard here, therefore you do not need to be worried about the harassment of Sanqinggong again.” 秦石转身,冲着凌浩道:“凌爷爷,龙家会设兵把守这里,所以你不必再担心三清宫的骚扰。” Nod of Ling vast forced smile: This time, my Ling Zhugong owes the little friend, is really more and more.” 凌浩苦笑的点头:“这一次,我凌竹宫欠小友的,真的是越来越多啊。” Ling Zhujie regards me to be the blood brother, looks after the good in the deep sea source pond to me, this matter is I should do . Moreover, Grandpa Ling, the initial matter, does not need to miss in the heart, later Ling Zhugong, will not have the matter again.” Qin Shi natural saying with a smile. “凌竹姐视我做亲弟弟,在深海源池对我照顾有佳,这点事是我应该做的,另外,凌爷爷,当初之事,不必在挂念在心,以后凌竹宫,不会再有事的。”秦石大方的笑道。 At this time Long Yindao: Was good, we also walk, if Sanqinggong knows that you in this, our Long will also be very awkward.” 这时龙印道:“行了,我们也走吧,若是三清宫知道你在这,我们龙家也会十分为难的。” Under Qin Shi, such enormous and powerful five people, fly high leaves from Ling Zhugong. 秦石点下头,这样浩荡五人,才凌空的从凌竹宫离开。 Long, dominates above 7000 sea palaces, in an extremely mysterious place diameter, five people of speeds is extremely quick, if some average men saw that certainly will feel surprised, five people of speeds, are similar to the meteor meteorite are the same, keeping the average man from throwing to seize the personal appearance, during this, dragon strict several stop lower parts of the body, inquired whether Qin Shi needs to rest, or slows down some speeds, but each time, Qin Shi calmly smiles, natural shaking the head. 龙家,凌驾于7000海宫之上,在一处极为玄奥的地径里,五人的速度极快,若是有常人见到,一定会感到惊讶,五人的速度,如同流星陨石一样,让常人根本无法扑捉到身形,这期间,龙严几次停顿下身,询问秦石是否需要歇息,或是放慢些速度,但每一次,秦石都是从容而笑,自然的摇头。 That breath steady appearance, making the dragon know strictly Qin Shi has not shown off power, this lets dragon strict moral nature shock, Long Jia has really Long Clan the inheritance strength, in the speed, has the blessed by heaven superiority, especially shuttles back and forth in void, Long Claw is broken, every step can go forward the kilometer, this speed, circling is the common boundary is complete , is extremely difficult to follow, but to Qin Shi, is very relaxed. 那呼吸平稳的样子,让龙严知道秦石没有逞强,这让龙严心底更加的震惊,龙家有着真龙族的传承力量,在速度上,有着得天独厚的优势,特别是穿梭在虚空中,龙爪碎空,每一步都能前进千米,这种速度,绕是寻常界境圆满,也是极难跟上的,但对秦石,却很轻松。 He he, is really an interesting kid, Laofoye so will be no wonder interested to him.” Long Yanxiao sound track. “呵呵,真是个有趣的小家伙,难怪老佛爷会对他都如此有兴趣。”龙严小声道。 Qin Shi does not know actually Long Yan thinks, he replies on the distortion void strength, every step can overlap the kilometer space similarly in the square inches, performs the formidable thunder attribute, this foot makes him in the speed not weak in Long. 秦石倒是不知龙严所想,他一路借助扭曲虚空的力量,每一步同样能将千米空间重叠在方寸间,加以强大的雷属性,这足矣让他在速度上丝毫不弱于龙家。 But circles so, arrived in Long also to consume of half a month, after half a month, a piece of Zhen's blue vortex float in him at present, that vortex such as a green real dragon circled to be the same, to human invisible shock, fully ten thousand meters, but the most central place, was a giant blood-stained mouth, looked by the blood-stained mouth, middle was the greatly strengthened strength. 但绕是这般,抵达龙家也是消耗了半月之久,当半月过后,一片湛蓝色的漩涡悬浮在他眼前,那漩涡如一条青色的真龙盘旋起来一样,给人一种无形的震撼,足有万米,而最中央处,是一张巨大血口,透过血口望去,当中是极强的力量。 Long Yandao: Walks, enters here, is our Long.” 龙严道:“走吧,进入这里,就是我们龙家。” Under Qin Shi, enters the blood-stained mouth along with it with four people, when enters in the blood-stained mouth, Qin Shi then feels the strong powerful wind vigor, when that green wind following his flesh flows, seems has a familiar strength, affects the dragon strength of his within the body, lets his whole body not independent raising Long Lin, he said with amazement: This is, real Long Li? Moreover, is good pure real Long Li.” 秦石点下头,随之跟着四人进入血口,当一进入血口之中,秦石便是感受到强劲有力的风劲,那青色的风顺着他肌肤流动时,好似有一股熟悉的力量,牵动起他体内的龙力,让他周身不自主的升起龙鳞,他惊讶道:“这是,真龙力?而且,是好精纯的真龙力。” Boy, you have not realized that what this Long is where?” “小子,你没察觉到,这龙家的是什么地方吗?” Em? Is where?” “恩?是什么地方?” You have a look carefully, is familiar.” Evil Spirit said. “你仔细看看,熟不熟悉。”邪魔道。 Qin Shi narrows the eye, this observes the situation, then he is looking under that continuous celestial mountain corners of the mouth suddenly spasm, although, is not completely same, but he truly can feel that these celestial mountains, such as colored beast void are quite similar to the donkey, his being startled [say / way]: You said that here is Long Clan beast is void?” 秦石眯眼,这才环视一圈,而后他望着那连绵不绝的仙山嘴角突然抽动下,虽然,不完全一样,但他确实能感觉到,那些仙山,与驴如花的兽界虚空极为相似,他惊道:“你是说,这里是龙族的兽界虚空?” Should right, but is not Long Clan, I think that this Laofoye of Long, should have the greatest connection with ancient times Long Clan.” Evil Spirit said. “应该没错,不过并非是龙族的,我想这龙家的老佛爷,应该是与远古真龙族有着莫大的关联。”邪魔道。 Qin Shi then min under the split lip, the moral nature rose to shock. 秦石这才抿了下干裂的嘴唇,心底升出震撼。 Qin Xiaoyou, you waited a bit first, I under notice Laofoye.” Enters Long, Lian Longyan change is especially humble. “秦小友,你先稍等一下,我去通知下老佛爷。”进入龙家,连龙严都变的格外谦卑。 Under Qin Shi, walks randomly in the middle of this mountain range simply, Longqi accompanies during this period throughout side him, walks randomly in the middle of the celestial mountain, Qin Shi surprisedly discovered that this seems like the chaotic celestial mountain, was occupies unexpectedly completely in fine weather and favorable geographical position, universe eight, flew high to look, unexpectedly when such as giant Gu Zhen was the same, but at this time, Qin Shi black pupil one startled, his vision fell on the place that innumerable celestial mountain connected finally, was a very strange blood deep pool, that blood deep pool was similar to the rock magma that seethed with excitement is the same, why did not know, Qin Shi looks at one merely, seemed the whole person is attracted unexpectedly. Has gone to be the same, seems has one type to come from the summon in soul. 秦石点下头,索性在这山脉当中游走,龙崎在这期间始终陪伴在他身边,在仙山当中游走一圈,秦石才惊奇发现,这看似杂乱无章的仙山,竟是占尽了天时地利,乾坤八门,凌空望下,竟时如一座巨大的古阵一样,而这时,秦石黑眸一惊,他目光落在那无数仙山最终交汇的地方,是一处十分古怪的血潭,那血潭如同沸腾的岩浆一样,不知为何,秦石仅仅是望去一眼,竟好似整个人都被吸。了进去一样,好似有一种来自于灵魂上的召唤。 This, this strength, what's the matter?” This feeling, is Qin Shi never has. “这,这股力量,是怎么回事?”这种感觉,是秦石从未有过的。 Bang!! Suddenly, a dry hand holds down the shoulder of Qin Shi, this has towed from that blood deep pool Qin Shi, the moment, Qin Shi actually sweats profusely merely, at once his vigilant turning round, the next second of body is actually stiffly lives. !突然,一只枯手按住秦石的肩膀,这才将秦石从那血潭中拖了出来,仅仅片刻,秦石却是大汗淋漓,旋即他警惕的回身,下一秒身躯却是僵硬住。 Sees only, in him behind, is enough ten meters high old men, the old man is similar to the giant is the same, the seventy years of age, in the top of the head of that old man, has the dragon angles of two ten points vicissitudes, the old man sees Qin Shi, the opacitas presbyopia is rare, caressing must the chuckle: He he, tens of thousands years, made the old man wait till you finally, Qin Xiaoyou.” 只见,在他身后的,是一名足足有十米高的老者,那老者如同巨人一样,古稀之年,在那老者的头顶上,有着两根十分沧桑的龙角,那老者见到秦石,浑浊的老眼罕见清澈,抚须轻笑:“呵呵,几万年之久,终于让老夫等到你了啊,秦小友。” Qin Shi before that old man body, has almost cleared all spiritual power, is not he has to this old man trusts, but before this old man body, making him have an misconception, is how regardless of he struggles, all-out effort fully, even if Evil Spirit comes, existence that cannot move, the old man, seems the trim vault of heaven before him, was he cannot win now absolutely. 秦石在那老者身前,几乎是散尽了所有的灵力,并非是他对这老者有多信任,而是在这老者身前,让他有种错觉,是无论他如何挣扎,拼劲全力,哪怕是邪魔现身,都触碰不得的存在,那老者,在他面前就好似整片天穹,是如今他绝对赢不了的。 „Before, senior!” “前,前辈!” Ha Ha! Ha! The good lifetime senior, the old man for this senior two characters, then to have barely managed to maintain a feeble existence in the middle of this deep sea for tens of thousands years, now looks like, pours is also worth.” The old man laughs wildly suddenly, but at this time from that old man behind, suddenly presented dozens forms, that dozens forms, all very respected to that old man, including Long Yan. “哈哈!哈哈哈!好一生前辈啊,老夫为了这前辈二字,便是在这深海当中苟延残喘了几万年呢,现在看来,倒也是值得的。”那老者突然狂笑,而在这时从那老者身后,突然出现数十道身影,那数十道身影,对那老者皆是十分尊敬,其中,包括龙严。 But what is most astonishing, from that dozens forms, Qin Shi sees several familiar forms unexpectedly. 而最为惊人的是,从那数十道身影中,秦石竟是见到几名熟悉的身影。 Is they?” Qin Shi has been startled the god. “是他们?”秦石不由怔了怔神。 Sees only in that old man behind, looking that two dry shades smile craftily to him, one, is a black clothing, two Longxu especially obvious, another, is all over the body the white, such as metal flesh, is not only actually, as long as has participated in deep sea source pond, at this time certainly surprised incomparable? Because, that both, are not just the deep sea source ponds, the black dragon beast of eastern profound area, Bai Ze with profound area? 只见在那老者身后,有两道枯影正诡笑的望向他,其中一名,是一席青衣,两根龙须格外的明显,另一名,则是通体白色,如金属般的肌肤,不光是其实,但凡是参加过深海源池者,此时一定会惊讶无比吧?因为,那两者,不正是深海源池,东玄区的青龙兽,和中玄区的白泽吗?
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