PDL :: Volume #17

#1702: Thin

In a flash, a sea area, complete silence. 一瞬间,一片海域,鸦雀无声。 At this time, the innumerable powerhouses, Ling Zhugong many elders, were shocked at this time by that startled day picture including Ling Hao Ling Yan, that was above the common sense greatly camouflaged Baleful Qi unexpectedly in the minutes and seconds, was massacred by the second by Qin Shi? 这时,无数强者,凌竹宫的诸多长老,包括凌浩凌岩这时都是被那惊天的画面所震撼住,那股超乎常理的巨大遮蔽煞气竟是在分秒间,被秦石被秒杀掉了? Burnt Yun Yanshen to stop, as if too was unable to believe that this was real, when he gripped the fist once more actually discovered these Totem, at this time was not turning over to him to use, he believes that he was almost fierce roaring: Bastard! Bastards! The brat, actually have you made what?” 燃云眼神停顿了下,似乎还不太敢相信这是真的,而当他再次攥拳时却发现那些图腾,此时都不在归他所用时,他才相信,他几乎是狰狞的怒吼:“混蛋!混蛋!臭小子,你究竟做了什么?” Shows off meager skills before an expert.” “班门弄斧。” Qin Shi cold Mie smiles, plays with Baleful Qi before him? He he, having no intention is moving Shi’tou to pound own foot. 秦石冷蔑的一笑,在他面前玩弄煞气?呵呵,无意是在搬起石头砸自己的脚。 The Qin Shi word, he deeply inspires suddenly, scatters the cut-throat ferocious light in his black pupil. 秦石言罢,他突然深吸口气,在他的黑眸中散射出凶狠狞光。 Didn't have other skill? That then changes me.” “没有别的本事了吗?那便换我吧。” ! Suddenly, Qin Shi such as the electric light flint, his arrow step direct appears before burning the cloud body. 咻!突然,秦石如电光火石,他一个箭步直接出现在燃云的身前。 When burns the cloud sees Qin Shi, the fear of his look twinkle limit: Good, the good quick boy, what you to make?” 当燃云见到秦石时,他眼神闪烁极限的恐惧:“好,好快小子,你要做什么?” „To do the same matter with you.” The Qin Shi light [say / way], he searches to get rid immediately, the right hand that holds reaching the clouds, instantaneous Qin Shi changes to the knife edge own spiritual power, falls from the sky from the sky, that burns the cloud the arm, then cut off under glare of the public eye. “和你想要做一样的事。”秦石淡淡道,随即他探出手,一把抓住凌云的右手,瞬间秦石将自身的灵力化作刀刃,从上空陨落,那燃云的手臂,便是在众目睽睽下被斩断。 When cuts off burns the cloud the arm, Qin Shi takes out nod of satisfied the [gold/metal] bone: „The [gold/metal] bone of right hand arm also attained, now lacks the [gold/metal] bone of both legs.” 当斩断燃云的手臂,秦石将金骨取出才满意的点点头:“右手臂的金骨也拿到了啊,现在就缺少双腿的金骨了。” „!” “啊!” Burns the cloud squeal, his cut-throat staring to Qin Shi: Boy, you dares to kill me, you will pay the serious price!” 燃云尖叫声,他凶狠的瞪向秦石:“小子,你敢杀我,你会付出惨重的代价的!” He he, I do not kill you, didn't need to pay the price?” Qin Shi indifferent shaking the head, burns cloud not to affect to his threat obviously. “呵呵,我不杀你,难道就不用付出代价了吗?”秦石冷漠的摇摇头,燃云对他的威胁显然是毫无作用。 Finished!” “结束了!” The Qin Shi hand imprint ejects, the flash will burn heart crushing of cloud. 秦石手印击出,一瞬间将燃云的心脏击碎。 Burns Yun Shenqu fiercely was struck to depart several thousand meters to go, such as a dead dog same was stunned immediately in the middle of void. 燃云身躯猛的被击飞出数万米去,如一条死狗一样当即被震晕在虚空当中。 When strikes to kill to burn saying that the Qin Shi vision slowly changes that several thousand powerhouses. 当击杀燃云,秦石的目光才缓缓转向那数千名强者。 Under the Qin Shi vision, a powerhouse is such as is all observed closely to be the same by the god of death, at this time Qin Shi suddenly crooked head, his personal appearance fierce facing forward treads one step. 秦石的目光下,一众强者皆是如被死神盯住一样,这时秦石突然歪了歪脑袋,他身形猛的朝前踏出一步。 Today, no one want to live is leaving this!” “今日,谁也别想活着离开这!” Damn! Run! This boy, simply is monstruous talent!” “该死的!快跑!这小子,简直就是个妖孽!” „To run?” “想跑?” Qin Shi rubbish, at this time he counted on the fingers a ball, a series of several god of thunder integuments he ejects. 秦石毫不废话,这时他屈指一弹,一连串的几颗雷神珠被他击出。 Bang! Bang! Bang! In the sea area of that distant place, initiates it extremely evil spirit immediately the strength, each god of thunder bead falls from the sky then changes into all over the sky the startling thunderclap, such as interweave unceasing Thunder dragon to be the same, at this time, that sea area, turns into the innumerable gulfs, that thousands of powerhouse, changed into the flying ash under bombing of god of thunder bead unexpectedly all. 砰!砰!砰!那远处的海域里,当即引发其极为凶煞的力量,每一道雷神珠陨落便是化为满天惊雷,如一条条交织不断的雷龙一样,在这时,那一片海域,都是变成无数深坑,那数以千计的强者,竟是在雷神珠的轰炸下尽数化为飞灰。 Entire in 3000, seemed at this time is startled however shivers. 整个内3000,在这时好似都是惊然颤抖。 Qin Shi loftily Yu Kong, he killed that several thousand powerhouses really all, that has the palaces in several sea palaces main. 秦石傲然于空,他真的将那数千名强者尽数炸死,那其中可是有着数座海宫的宫主在内。 However, Qin Shi looks at that to be destroyed the ruins by him the boundary, does not have slight pitying and sympathy, in his eyes, these people already were the deceased people, killed these powerhouses continuously all, he then turning around slowly, went toward Ling Zhugong all Renyue. 然而,秦石望着那被他摧毁成废墟的地境,却是没有丝毫的怜悯与同情,在他眼里,那些人早已是死人,一直将那些强者尽数炸死,他这才缓缓的转身,朝着凌竹宫的诸人跃去。 Grandpa Ling, finished.” Qin Shi respectful [say / way]. “凌爷爷,结束了。”秦石恭敬的道。 The Ling vast half sound, from being shocked to regain consciousness, at once he looks to Qin Shi smiles bitterly: Baby, your this time, but has made the big trouble, you kill here powerhouse completely, including much is the people of Sanqinggong entrusting with heavy responsibility, Sanqinggong feared how long could not want, will then realize news that you have not died.” 凌浩半响,才从惊呆中苏醒来,旋即他望向秦石不禁苦笑:“小娃娃,你这次,可是惹了大麻烦啊,你将这里的强者全部杀死,其中有不少都是三清宫重用之人,三清宫怕是要不了多久,便是会察觉到你没有死的消息。” Sanqinggong?” Qin Shi sneering sound: That comes along with them.” “三清宫么?”秦石冷笑声:“那就随他们来吧。” Ling is startled vast, at once he realizes anything suddenly, originally this youth already was not six months ago, that was chased down not to have the youth of strength to hit back by sect Yuanzi three people, his as if this return, had some confidence to come back, brought the foot to make Sanqinggong pay some price is the goal comes back, this youth, in the half year, changed was not so same. 凌浩一怔,旋即他突然意识到什么,原来这个少年早已不是半年前,那个被宗元子三人追杀到毫无还手之力的少年,他似乎这次回归,是带着某种信心回来的,是带着足矣让三清宫付出某种代价为目的而回来的,这个少年,这半年,变的不那么一样。 Although Qin Shi in many people's eyes, was still only the young fellow of being wet behind the ears, but Ling Hao saw from just Qin Shi that staunch cut-throat method excellent disciple, this youth, does not know that has experienced many, likely raised to let their fearful and apprehensive bloody battles, on the corpses, walked in bloodshed, this youth, these time came back, is doomed in 7000 sea palaces to cause the startled day to change. 尽管秦石在许多人眼里,仍只是个乳臭未干的毛头小子,但凌浩从刚刚秦石那刚烈凶狠的手段上足矣看出,这个少年,是不知道经历过多少,很可能提出来都要让他们胆战心惊的血战,在一具一具尸体上,在一片一片血海中走出来的,这个少年,这一次回来,注定要在7000海宫引起惊天变动。 At this time, in the Qin Shi hand gripped grasps the space jade to hesitate half sound, before he delivered to the Ling vast body, finally said: Senior, this space jade 这时,秦石手中攥握着空间玉迟疑半响,他终还是送到凌浩的身前道:“前辈,这空间玉” „Does little friend, you as if also very much regard as important to this space jade?” What is accidental, saying with a smile that Ling Hao has not gotten rid to receive. “小友,你似乎对这空间玉也很看重?”意外的是,凌浩并未出手接过的笑道。 Qin Shi is startled, at once actually sincere nod: Truly, I now am needing image space jade to have the treasure of strength of greatly strengthened space like this.” 秦石一怔,旋即倒是诚恳的点点头:“确实,我现在正需要一个像空间玉这样拥有极强空间之力的珍宝。” This is also good, that this space jade, then gives to the little friend.” “这样也好,那这空间玉,便是送给小友吧。” „Do this words take seriously?” The Qin Shi happy [say / way], this is happiness of the accident. “此话当真?”秦石喜道,这算是个意外之喜。 Ling vast kind nod: Is open about the facts the little friend, this space jade, will place my Ling Zhugong also only by the fatal disaster, this little friend has saved my Ling Zhugong, what my Ling Zhugong will not have to repay, but, this space jade, will be related to the connections of 7000 sea palace all space channels, if I have not remembered incorrectly, little friend within the body, should have one, to expert that the strength of space will be skilled in very? I think that can ask him, the space channels of 7000 sea palaces in stable?” 凌浩和蔼的点点头:“不瞒小友,这空间玉,放在我凌竹宫也只会遭来杀身之祸,这一次小友救了我凌竹宫,我凌竹宫也没有什么可以报答的,不过,这空间玉,事关7000海宫所有空间通道的连接,我若是没记错的话,小友体内,应该有一位,对空间之力十分精通的高手吧?我想,能不能拜托他,将7000海宫的空间通道在稳固一下?” Qin Shi silent, said in the moral nature: „Does blood sorcerer, have confidence?” 秦石沉默下,在心底道:“血巫师,有把握吗?” „, Who don't you have a look at me are? This minor matter, can difficult to me?” Blood sorcerer self-satisfied smiles. “切,你也不看看我是谁?这点小事,能难的到我吗?”血巫师得意的一笑。 Qin Shi then puts down the heart complies, Qin Shi in afterward half a month then keeps Ling Zhugong, in this half a month, the blood sorcerer gets rid personally, in addition Ling's vast coordination, is once more stable the space channels of 7000 sea palaces, what is worth mentioning is, in the past Ling Zhugong the ancestry seriously was fierce, in Ling Zhugong the underground, piece of huge space network, just one since, Lian Xue the sorcerers could not bear acclaim, that space network was connecting 7000 sea palace all space channels. 秦石这才放下心的答应下来,在随后的半月当中秦石便是留在凌竹宫,在这半月,血巫师亲自出手,加上凌浩的配合,将7000海宫的空间通道再次稳固,值得一提的是,当年凌竹宫的祖辈当真是厉害,在凌竹宫的地下,有一片巨大的空间网络,刚一进入时,连血巫师都忍不住赞叹,那空间网络连接着7000海宫所有的空间通道。 Simply, during this half a month, Qin Shi is actually idle, under Ling vast tacitly consenting, he has the status of opening access in Ling Zhugong, during this, he enters Ling Zhugong the strategy building, in that building, chose several good strategies to practice, as for other time, Qin Shi then followed side the ice crag, the ice crag learned from ice bamboo there that void strength of Qin Shi to twisting was interested, Ling Yanbian directed Qin Shi personally. 索性,这半月当中,秦石倒是清闲,在凌浩的默许下,他在凌竹宫拥有畅通无阻的身份,这期间,他进入凌竹宫的阵法楼,在那楼中,也是挑选了几个不错的阵法修行,至于其余的时间,秦石便是跟随在凌岩身旁,凌岩从凌竹那里得知,秦石对扭曲虚空的力量感兴趣,凌岩便是亲自指点秦石 Space overlaps!” “空间重叠!” In half a month, Qin Shi grasps finally afraid, before his body , a kilometer space of is the dislocation, he faces forward to tread one step, appears beyond the kilometer unexpectedly directly, when sees this, circling is Qin Shi mental, cannot bear show the self-satisfied smiling face, his satisfied said: This strength, seriously is fierce, can change into the kilometer unexpectedly invisible.” 终是在半月,秦石手心虚握,他身前千米的空间便是错位,他朝前踏出一步,竟是直接出现在千米之外,当见到这幕,绕是秦石的心智,都是忍不住露出得意笑容,他满意道:“这股力量,当真是厉害,竟是能将千米化为无形。” Naturally, what Qin Shi does not know, Ling Yan deeply was actually shocked in this half a month, although the strength of that distortion space is his Ling Zhugong secret, but circles is Ling Zhugong most has innate skill Ling Zhu, in the past had also used for enough three years, can achieve Qin Shi today's degree but Qin Shi, has actually used half a month, so innate skill, surpasses commonly. 当然,秦石不知道的是,凌岩在这半月却是被深深震惊,那扭曲空间的力量虽是他凌竹宫秘传,但绕是凌竹宫最为有天赋的凌竹,当年也是用了足足三年,才能达到秦石今日的程度但秦石,却只是用了半月,这般天赋,超出寻常啊。 This kid, future future, is unable to imagine.” Ling Yan exclaimed in surprise. “这小家伙,将来的前途,真的是无法想象啊。”凌岩惊叹。 But after half a month, Ling Hao and blood sorcerer are finally stable that space, Ling Zhugong incomplete gradually was also repaired to complete, night drops when the dusk arrives, the Ling vast book is to probably in the middle of the main hall give a banquet, gratitude Qin Shi well, however, the human gets together in the presence of everyone, in Ling Zhugong sky over, an enormous and powerful strength, such as the vault of heaven falls from the sky to be the same, very sincere covering on Ling Zhugong. 而半月过后,凌浩与血巫师终是将那空间稳固,凌竹宫的残缺也渐渐被修复完成,在黄昏降至夜晚到来之际,凌浩本是欲要在大殿当中设宴,好好的感激秦石一番,然而,当众人齐聚之时,在凌竹宫的正上空,一股浩荡之力,如天穹陨落下来一样,十分厚重的笼罩在凌竹宫上头。 Ling Hao and other people the moral nature sank at this time, takes a broad view at 7000 sea palaces to achieve this, feared that only had three Yuan child? 凌浩等众人这时心底都是一沉,放眼7000海宫能够达到这一步的,怕是唯有三元子了吧? Qin Shi also slightly narrowed eye at this time, he raises eyes to look, ice-cold saying with a smile: He he, can come finally?” 秦石这时也是微微眯眼,他举目望去,冰冷的笑道:“呵呵,终于要来了吗?” Suddenly, Ling Zhugong the people, concentrated all one's attention on at this time. 突然,凌竹宫众人,这时都是屏气凝神。 Ling vast also pinches tightly the fist, three Yuan child status finally is somewhat different. 凌浩也是捏紧拳,三元子的身份终是有些不同。 Three Yuan child get rid, in can 3000 middle some people keep off really? 三元子出手,内3000当中真的有人能够挡下吗? Qin Shi narrows the eye, suddenly outside the remote starry sky, the form maps his view together, but also is at the same time, he counts on the fingers a ball, golden Lei Guang, explodes to shoot from his fingertip together, a god of thunder bead instantaneously is since inspiring the endless crazy class. 秦石眯眼,突然在遥远星空之外,一道身影映入他的眼帘,而也是同一时间,他屈指一弹,一道金色雷光,从他指尖爆射而出,一颗雷神珠瞬间便是引动起无尽狂流。 Bang! 轰! On that day on arched, a startled however bang, that god of thunder bead blasted open at this time finally, became one group of dazzling golden photospheres such as just like the hot sun. 那天穹上,一声惊然巨响,那雷神珠终是在这时炸裂,成一团刺目的金色光球如正如烈日。 Ling Zhugong! Ties!” “凌竹宫!结阵!” Ling Yan, ordered! Prepares to meet the enemy!” Ling takes the bull by the horns vast. “凌岩,下令!准备迎敌!”凌浩当机立断。 Present Ling Zhugong, obviously also with Sanqinggong impossible in restoring such as beginning. 如今的凌竹宫,显然也是与三清宫不可能在恢复如初。 But suddenly, when god of thunder bead scrap, the face of Qin Shi actually changes, the next second of form penetrates from that thunder light together, when he sees clearly that form his black pupil changes countenance slightly, his hurried searching hand blocks Ling Hao and the others: Grandpa Ling, do not impulse first!” 但突然,当雷神珠炸碎时,秦石的面庞却是微变,下一秒一道身影从那雷光当中穿透而出,当他看清楚那身影时他黑眸微微动容,他急忙的探手拦住凌浩等人:“凌爷爷,先别冲动!” Ha Ha! Qin Xiaoyou, several day did not see, did you want to kill me?” “哈哈!秦小友,几日不见,你这是想要将我炸死么?” Suddenly, a crisp laughter, transmits from that upper air, reappears along with it that form in Ling Zhugong the place above, at this time, Ling vast was also sees clearly that form the appearance, said with amazement: Is Long?” 突然,一声朗爽笑声,从那高空当中传递,随之那身影浮现在凌竹宫的上方,这时,凌浩也是看清那身影的样子,惊讶道:“是龙家?” Sees only, form that presents, impressively is the dragon strict elder of Long, at this time the dragon seal three brother and sister were following in it behind, at this time, when Longqi saw Qin Shi, her jade surface flood blushed slightly, in the beautiful pupils glittered the happy expression of not being able to cover up, her low voice twittering: I know that my man, such easily will certainly not die.” 只见,那出现的身影,赫然是龙家的龙严长老,此时龙印三兄妹正跟随在其身后,这时,当龙崎见到秦石时,她的玉面微微泛起红晕,美眸间闪烁起遮掩不住的喜色,她小声的呢喃:“我就知道,我的男人,一定不会这么轻易死掉的。” Ha Ha, Qin the brother, did not see for a long time!” Long seal also lightly said with a smile at this time. “哈哈,秦兄,许久不见啊!”龙印这时也是淡淡笑道。 Sees Long, Qin Shi also relaxed, at once he welcomes the vision of Longqi, the moral nature feelings cannot bear change countenance finally. 见到龙家,秦石也是松了口气,旋即他迎上龙崎的目光,心底的情愫终是忍不住动容。 The girl, in the half year middle, was actually thin. 那女孩,这半年当中,却是消瘦了许多。
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