PDL :: Volume #17


When the self-destruction of space jade that terrifying by the stop , the innumerable powerhouses was the look was startled at this time. 当空间玉那恐怖的自毁被阻拦下,无数强者这时都是神色一怔。 This, this boy, real false? Getting down that just the strategy of that evil spirit, he can prevent?” A powerhouse at this time startled [say / way]. “这,这小子,真的假的?刚刚那种凶煞的阵法,他都能够阻挡的下来?”一名强者这时惊道。 „Is this boy, actually what background?” “这小子,究竟是什么来头?” At this time, many powerhouses have not recognized Qin Shi, or they have not thought toward that aspect. 这时,不少强者还没有认出秦石,亦或是他们根本就没有朝那个方面去想。 After all Qin Shi death, already past a half year. 毕竟秦石的死,已经过去半年之久。 The great strength that but Qin Shi gets rid, has truly alarmed many powerhouses, at this time the innumerable powerhouses slightly changed was dignified, was short some had faced Ling Zhugong such arrogance and arrogance a moment ago. 秦石出手的强大,确实是惊动了诸多强者,这时无数强者都是微微变的凝重起来,少了些许刚才面对凌竹宫那样的自大和傲慢。 Is Qin Shi! This boy, is Qin Shi!” “是秦石!这小子,是秦石!” Qin Shi?” When hears this both familiar when strange name, many powerhouses are startled first, was startled the color to occupy along with it pupil heart, frightened [say / way]: Qin Shi? Was six months ago, Qin Shi that in 3000 will subvert? Didn't he, he die? How did he resurrect?” 秦石?”当听到这个既熟悉又陌生的名字时,诸多强者先是一怔,随之眸心被骇色占据,一个一个惊悚道:“秦石?是半年前,那个将内3000颠覆的秦石?他,他不是死了吗?他怎么又复活了?” Qin Shi at this time turning around slowly, to burning cloud sneering sound: Burns Yun Gongzhu, how is it? Saw that I have not died, is very unhappy?” 秦石这时缓缓的转身,冲燃云冷笑声:“燃云宫主,怎么样啊?见到我没死,是不是很不开心啊?” When his vision falls on burning the cloud body, burns Yun Meng such as was hit to be the same by the startling thunderclap, in the eyegrounds raises the intense frightened color, but half sound, he looks at black Baleful Qi that in the hand is burning, the moral nature is relaxed some, he clenches teeth saying: He he, Qin Shi, has not expected, I personally see you to meet a cruel death obviously, you may really play clever, gave to hide the truth from us.” 当他目光落在燃云身上时,燃云猛的如被惊雷击中一样,眼底间升起强烈的恐惧之色,但是半响,他望着手中燃烧的黑色煞气,心底才轻松些许,他咬牙道:“呵呵,秦石,真没料到,我明明是亲眼看见你粉身碎骨的,你可真是玩了个偷天换日啊,把我们所有人都给瞒过去了。” If not, how can also leave half year time to me?” “若是不这样,又怎么能给我留出这半年的时间呢?” Burns Yun Meng the pinching fist: „Were you initially, intentionally?” 燃云猛的捏拳:“你当初,是故意的?” Qin Shi cannot set otherwise smiles, he truly intentionally dies, this lets burn the cloud complexion to be once more stiff, no matter what how the divine strategy who can calculate that Qin Shi with dies unexpectedly, trades six months? But half sound, burns the cloud to say with a smile: But, even if gives your half year time, how can also? You think that with six months, you can change the result that you must die?” 秦石不可置否的一笑,他确实是故意死的,这让燃云脸色再次僵硬,任如何神机妙算谁能算到秦石竟然用一死,来换半年时间?但半响,燃云笑道:“不过,就算给你这半年时间,又能如何?你以为,用半年时间,你就能改变你必死的结果吗?” Em, I truly think.” Qin Shi cracks into a smile. “恩,我确实是这么认为的。”秦石咧嘴一笑。 You!” Burns the cloud dead of suffocation by the Qin Shi words, he long breathes a sigh of relief, sneering sound: He he, I was as you like garrulous, but Qin Shi, you in the half year, truly were the progress are not perhaps young, but was you have the deity to assist, you thought in the half year , were you progressing? You think that we haven't progressed? He he, six months ago, Sanqinggong led to want you to assign, now, same, in the half year, the change of outside, was you cannot certainly imagine.” “你!”燃云被秦石的话堵死,他长舒口气,冷笑声:“呵呵,我随你伶牙俐齿,不过秦石,或许你这半年,确实是进步不小,但就算是你有天神相助,你以为这半年里,就只有你在进步吗?你以为,我们都没有进步吗?呵呵,半年前,三清宫带队能要你命,现在,一样可以,这半年,外界的变化,一定是你想象不到的。” The word, burns the cloud hand imprint suddenly changes, the bone-chilling cold flame superhuman hand explodes together toward the Qin Shi chest. 言罢,燃云手印突然一变,一道凛冽的火焰巨掌朝着秦石胸口炸去。 Six months ago, you took advantage of that supernatural object the strange environment to win, but that strange environment, I had not thought why now you won me!” Burns the cloud to get rid extremely quick and violent, like the lightning, that giant stoker such as a mountain depresses toward the Qin Shi overhead quickly equally. “半年前,你依仗那神物的古怪环境能取胜,但现在没有那古怪的环境,我看你凭什么赢我!”燃云出手极为迅猛,快如闪电,那巨大的火手如一座大山一样朝着秦石当头压下。 Qin Xiaoyou, be careful!” Ling Zhugong many elders shouted to clear the way. “秦小友,小心!”凌竹宫诸多长老喝道。 Saw that flame great hand falls from the sky, Qin Shi is also surprised several points of: Boundary great accomplishment peak?” 见到那火焰巨手陨落,秦石也是感到几分意外:“界境大成巅峰?” He he, little demon, I have said that in the half year, growth may not only be you, present I am half step step into the boundary to be complete, do not have that strange space, you are not my match!” Burns the cloud to laugh wildly the sound. “呵呵,小鬼,我说过,这半年里,成长的可不光是你,如今的我已是半步踏入界境圆满,没有那古怪的空间,你不是我的对手!”燃云狂笑声。 At this time, Ling Yanwang that was linking the flame great hand sinking sound track that he must change countenance: This burns saying that strength unexpectedly suddenly to increase such rapidness? That flame great hand, perhaps is also peerless martial arts, resists also to including me be very strenuous, this boy wants not to win easily.” 这时,凌岩望着那连他都要动容的火焰巨手沉声道:“这燃云,实力竟暴增的如此之快?那火焰巨手,恐怕也是绝世武学,连我抵挡起来也要十分吃力,这小子想赢不容易啊。” He will win, he has said that our Ling Zhugong will again not die, that will again certainly not die a person.” “他会赢的,他说过的,我们凌竹宫一人都不会再死,那一定不会再死一人。” Suddenly, Ling Zhu smiles, in her assured beautiful pupil flood is believing that this makes Ling Yan see that is startled slightly, at once his moral nature actually smiles bitterly, her daughter considers herself most to understand that he hesitant, said: Small girl, moved.” 突然,凌竹一笑,她那笃定的美眸中泛着相信,这让凌岩见状微微一怔,旋即他心底却是不禁苦笑,自己的女儿自当是自己最了解,他犹豫下,道:“小丫头,动心了啊。” The ice bamboo heart trembles lightly, the ruddy color spreads to her jade neck on all of a sudden, but half sound, she self-ridiculed suddenly smiles: Useless, she works as the elder sister me, among us is impossible, wants to enter his at heart, is no one.” 凌竹芳心轻颤,红润之色一下子蔓延到她的玉颈上,但半响,她突然自嘲而笑:“没用的,她只是把我当姐姐,我们之间不可能的,想要进入他的心里,不是谁都可以的。” Ling Yan silent, has not opened the mouth actually, although Qin Shi is very outstanding, but this , when father actually does not hope that Ling Zhu falls in love with Qin Shi, after all, falls in love with the hero, must pay the price, he hopes actually that the ice bamboo can grasp this criterion. 凌岩沉默下,倒是没有开口,虽然秦石十分优秀,但他这当爹的却是不希望凌竹爱上秦石,毕竟,爱上英雄,是要付出代价的,他倒是希望,凌竹能够把握这个尺度。 At this time, Qin Shi looked at that giant stoker to shake the head: He he, the progress is not truly small, but this degree may also insufficiently look.” 这时,秦石望着那巨大火手摇摇头:“呵呵,确实进步不小,不过这种程度可还不够看。” Qin Shi not warm is not hot, hand imprint congeals suddenly, afterward has the golden ocean current to roll up and push along in his under foot, that ocean current just appeared then earth-shaking, that piece of sea area direct evaporation, along with it, these ocean currents seems the arm of Qin Shi is the same, whatever Qin Shi wields, a Qin Shi revolution, turns into a huge golden great hand slightly, the size of that great hand, is three times of that flame great hand, Qin Shi grasps void, that giant flame palm then fell by the crumb. 秦石不温不热,手印突然凝结,随后在他的脚下有金色洋流卷动,那洋流刚一出现便是翻天覆地的,将那一片海域直接蒸发掉,随之,那些洋流好似秦石的手臂一样,任由秦石挥动,秦石稍微一转,变成一巨大的金色巨手,那巨手的大小,是那火焰巨手的三倍有余,秦石虚空一握,那巨大的火焰手掌便是被捏碎掉。 Bang! 砰! A startled day bang, that burns Yun Deyi the move then at the scene to be broken. 一声惊天巨响,那燃云得意的招数便是当场被破。 Bang! 轰隆隆! At this time, a series of bangs resounded along sea area, that burnt the cloud the complexion at this time slightly changes, why did not know, he and Qin Shi several junction under the hands / subordinates came, had the misconception of not planting with person of fighting unexpectedly, with Qin Shi to the bang, felt two completely different strengths each time unexpectedly, one, was normal spiritual power, but another, unexpectedly was extremely the evil spirit strength, every time had the cold wind to drill into within the body following his hand sleeve, was been icy cold by his within the body. 这时,一连串的巨响沿着海域中响起,那燃云的脸色这时微微一变,不知为何,他与秦石几次交手下来,竟是有种不是与一人交手的错觉,每次与秦石对轰,竟是都感受到两股完全不同的力量,一股,是正常的灵力,而另一股,竟是极为凶煞的力量,每一次都有阴风顺着他手袖钻入体内,让他体内冰凉。 This boy seriously is strange, it seems like he just had not lain, six months ago he had not used fully, but wants the false appearance receiving in exchange time that makes dead! It is not good, I cannot consume with him, otherwise, in this boy hand has many supernatural objects, especially that strange statue, I sooner or later will be consumed by him, it seems like must courageously be good!” “这小子当真是诡异,看来他刚刚没说谎,半年前他并没有用全力,只是想要做出死的假象换取时间!不行,我不能跟他消耗下去,不然,这小子手上有诸多神物,特别是那古怪的石像,我迟早会被他耗死的,看来要当机立断才行!” Burns Yun Xindi to say that he is suddenly crazy the moving sideways shape, spreads out with Qin Shi on own initiative. 燃云心底想道,他突然狂闪身形,主动与秦石拉开距离。 Em? What's wrong? To run?” Qin Shi is startled, burns the cloud the action to make him be surprised. “恩?怎么?想要跑么?”秦石一怔,燃云的举动让他感到意外。 At this time, burnt Yun Zuijiao to be fierce, he revealed to wipe the ice-cold smiling face suddenly: Runs? He he, little demon, you are really naive, I have said half year, growth may not only be you, I make you experience now, anything is called the true terrifying the strength, this strength, will certainly scare to death your.” 这时,燃云嘴角狰狞,他突然露出抹冰冷的笑容:“跑?呵呵,小鬼,你真是天真,我说过这半年,成长的可不光是你,我现在就让你见识一下,什么叫做真正恐怖的力量,这力量,一定会吓死你的。” The word, burns Yun to tuck up the hand sleeve suddenly, sees only has the innumerable tattoos on his arm unexpectedly, one after another interweaves very disgusting, such as poisonous snakes are the same, at this time, burnt Yun Yaopo the lip, the essence and blood drops, these Totem were rolls unexpectedly, seemed lives came to be the same, makes astonishing feeling sick that one looked, but at this time, these Totem sent out the rich black smoke, then camouflages ten thousand li (0.5km) vault of heaven instantaneously. 言罢,燃云突然撩开手袖,只见在他的手臂上竟是有无数刺青,一道一道交织的十分恶心,如一条条毒蛇一样,这时,燃云咬破嘴唇,精血滴落,那些图腾竟是滚动起来,好似活了过来一样,令人看的惊人作呕,而在这时,那些图腾散发出浓郁的黑烟,瞬间便是遮蔽住万里的天穹。 When sees that black smoke, Ling Hao sinks in the distant place presbyopia, his hoarse sound conveys rapidly: Qin Xiaoyou was careful that this strange strength can camouflage the world, our Ling Zhugong formerly strategy then by this strength breaking.” 当见到那黑烟,凌浩在远处老眼一沉,他沙哑的声音急促传来:“秦小友小心,这古怪的力量能遮蔽天地,我们凌竹宫先前的阵法便是被这力量给破掉的。” Qin Shi hear that is startled, at once he stares at that black carbon black pupil to be cold. 秦石闻言一怔,旋即他凝望那黑烟黑眸寒厉。 Obstructs day Baleful Qi?” That strength, feared that is 7000 sea palaces, some people will not be more familiar than him. “遮天煞气?”那力量,怕是7000海宫,都不会有人比他更加熟悉。 Evil Spirit said at this time: Em, has not thought that this burns the cloud the system, can integrate to obstruct day Baleful Qi unexpectedly, no wonder he will entrust with heavy responsibility.” 邪魔这时道:“恩,没想到,这燃云的体制,竟然能融入遮天煞气,难怪他会被重用。” This should Totem, be similar to our relations?” Qin Shi asked. “这种图腾,应该和我们的关系差不多吧?”秦石问道。 „Different, among us, does not have the rejection reaction, but this burns the cloud fusion obstructing day Baleful Qi, but obstructing day Baleful Qi changes to Totem, penetrates his within the body, once infects Baleful Qi, he lives is about 15 years.” Evil Spirit said. “不一样,我们之间,是没有排斥反应的,但是这燃云融合的遮天煞气,只不过是将遮天的煞气化作图腾,贯入进他的体内,一旦感染煞气,他活不过15年的。”邪魔道。 Qin Shi suddenly, at once look ice-cold: Damn Ocean Group, really suffices cruelly, this idiot but actually also is really stupid, had been used, not only does not know that now also works oneself to death for it unexpectedly.” 秦石恍然,旋即眼神冰冷:“该死的溟组,真是够残忍的啊,这白痴倒也真是笨的可以,被人利用了非但不知道,现在竟然还为其卖命。” When that Baleful Qi obstructs the day, burns Yun Xingfen laughing wildly, his look gradually was swallowed dark. 当那煞气遮天,燃云兴奋的狂笑,他眼神都渐渐的被黑暗吞噬。 Ha Ha, brat! What kind, was afraid? This strength, is you cannot imagine absolutely, little demon, the balls trembles, I then use this strength now, on two [gold/metal] bones you seizes!” “哈哈,臭小子!怎么样,害怕了没?这股力量,是你绝对想象不到的,小鬼,胆颤吧,我现在便用这股力量,将你身上的两块金骨夺来!” Burns Yun to calm down suddenly, he also sees the golden light twinkle from the Qin Shi chest place unexpectedly. 而言罢,燃云突然定了定神,他从秦石的胸口处竟也是见到金光闪烁。 Well, this is, three [gold/metal] bones?” Burns Yun Jingxi the scream. “咦,这是,三块金骨?”燃云惊喜的尖叫。 Truly is three.” Light saying that Qin Shi has not concealed. “确实是三块。”秦石没有隐瞒的淡淡道出。 Ha Ha! Really is the day helps me! I seek for several hundred years of golden body grace, besides my same place, really also has two on you! The boys, now look like, you do not die are not good!” Burns the cloud to laugh wildly excitedly, at this time his both arms lifted up high suddenly, that evil spirit Baleful Qi camouflage clouds, at this time savage changes to two great wing camouflage to go toward Qin Shi. “哈哈!真是天助我也!我寻找数百年的金身仙骨,除了我自己的那一块,在你身上竟然还有两块!小子,现在看来,你不死都不行了!”燃云兴奋狂笑,这时他双臂突然高举,那凶煞的煞气遮蔽云霄,这时凶残的朝着秦石化作两股巨翼遮蔽而去。 Ha Ha! The boys, all your, were my!” When that Baleful Qi falls from the sky, when must shortly Qin Shi surrounding, burns Yun almost to arrive at the acme excitedly, he believes that Qin Shi is impossible from obstructing day Baleful Qi lives, obstructs the day Baleful Qi might, he has asked for advice personally, that terrifying degree, has to destroy the day to extinguish the strength of place. “哈哈!小子,你的一切,都是我的了!”当那煞气陨落,眼看着要将秦石包围时,燃云几乎兴奋到极致,他坚信秦石是不可能从遮天煞气当中活下来的,遮天煞气的威力,他是亲自领教过的,那种恐怖的程度,是拥有毁天灭地之力的。 Sees this, Ling Zhugong the people are also the heartstrings tighten. 见到这幕,凌竹宫的众人也是心弦绷紧。 Good, good fearful strength!” “好,好可怕的力量!” This strength, even if sect Yuanzi, feared that is also mediocre? Can this boy, be good?” “这力量,就算是宗元子,怕是也不过如此吧?这小子,能行吗?” Does not know this strength, absolutely is not the strength of average man.” “不知道这力量,绝对不是常人之力。” Ling Hao fierce pinching tightly fist, his dry hand had intense spiritual power to burn the combustion when this time at this time, but he just wanted to lends a hand to assist Qin Shi on that latter's corners of the mouth, is actually raises wipes extremely ice-cold ridicule smiling face, this lets his body is also one stiff, that smiling face, seems one type plays with be the same, as if that incomparably powerful black air/Qi, in latter's eyeground, disdains. 凌浩这时猛的捏紧拳,他枯手在这时有强烈灵力燃燃烧,但他刚欲要出手相助秦石之时在那后者的嘴角上,却是扬起抹极为冰冷的嘲弄笑容,这让他的躯体也是一僵,那笑容,好似一种玩弄一样,似乎那无比强悍的黑气,在后者的眼底,十分不屑。 Really is the pitiful fellow!” “真是可悲的家伙!” Qin Shi sneers suddenly, but at this time his raising hand gently, in a palm had the darkness vortex to circle. 秦石突然冷笑,而在这时他轻轻的举手,一只手掌心内有黑暗的漩涡盘旋。 Broken!” “破!” Bang! Suddenly, in that vortex, inspires startled day the strength of swallowing unexpectedly, that strength, burns the strength of cloud murder is lightly trembles, but the next second, that burns the cloud very self-satisfied strength, was swallowed in the middle of that vortex unexpectedly all, on the vault of heaven, is once more bright, all seem never occur have been same, but remaining, have the vortex in Qin Shi control. 轰隆隆!突然,在那漩涡中,竟是引动起惊天的吞噬之力,那力量一出,燃云凶杀的力量皆是轻颤一下,而下一秒,那燃云十分得意的力量,竟是被尽数吞噬进那漩涡当中,天穹上,再次明亮,一切好似从未发生过一样,而剩下的,只有秦石手心里的漩涡。
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