PDL :: Volume #18

#1707: The gods assign the body

Qin Shi at this time, is especially lithe, slowly rose into that the personal appearance changed formerly to sit above stage. 秦石在这时,身形变的格外轻盈,缓缓的升入那先前坐台之上。 Qin Shi sits cross-legged to take a seat, spiritual Qi between world forms the cyclone from his sky, strength of unceasing pacing back and forth each cyclone, becomes a wisp of wisp of greatly strengthened strength, followed that tenth god pill's appearance, Qin Shi own world also multiplies at this time, curls up the invisible wind in his whole body, since making his black robe flutter at this time gently, in the past was covering the facial features sending silk also float, revealed that fine face. 秦石盘膝入座,天地间的灵气从他上空形成气旋,每一道气旋之力都不断的徘徊,成一缕一缕极强之力,伴随那第十颗神丹的出现,秦石的自身世界也是在这时倍增,在他周身都是卷起无形之风,令他的黑袍在这时轻轻飘动起,以往遮挡着面容的发丝也悬浮,露出那精致的面庞。 10,000 meters! 20,000 meters! 30,000 meters! 50,000 meters! 10000米!20000米!30000米!50000米! 100,000 meters! 100000米! At this time, if there are other people, certainly will be shocked by this institute, sees only Qin Shi own world, fearful is sweeping across to the crazy speed by one type extremely quickly, seems does not have the wild animal of natural enemy, breaks in the jungle, very arbitrary hunting, is seizing this territory, quick, Qin Shi that fills incredible, actually the vital world gradually replaces this originally spiritual power to the full space, that such as the stars spiritual power elf, at this time was also from the sky connection of Qin Shi, changed to the star axle, at this time, this piece of space, seemed such as a place galaxy is the same, Qin Shi Is situated in the midpoint, such as in a galaxy the most important star is the same, Sun. 此时,若是有旁人在,一定会被这一幕所震惊,只见秦石的自身世界,正以一种可怕到疯狂的速度极快席卷,好似一只没有天敌的野兽,冲入密林,十分蛮横的猎食,占领着这块领地,很快,秦石那充满荒诞,却又充满生机的世界渐渐代替掉这原本灵力冲盈的空间,那一颗颗如繁星的灵力精灵,在这时也是从秦石的上空连接,化作星轨,此时,这一片空间,好似如一座星系一样,秦石坐落在正中央,如一座星系里最为重要的恒星一样,太阳。 In this space, Qin Shi is Sun, all spiritual power must move around Qin Shi at this time. 在这空间里,秦石就是太阳,一切灵力此时都要围绕着秦石旋转。 100,000 meters, when that ugly incomparable half god pill changed to true God pill, god pill of Qin Shi within the body changes, is the Purple gold color, when time god pill forms, the Qin Shi heavenly palace is also bright, initially becomes 100,000 meters, this surpasses the past person emperor, but, 100,000 meters own world, had not stopped in the present, although the speed changes is slow, actually still in unceasingly toward eight side expansions. 100000米,当那颗本来丑陋无比的半颗神丹化作真神丹时,秦石体内的神丹都是发生变化,是紫金色的,当时刻神丹形成,秦石的天宫也明亮起来,初成100000米,这已是超出当年的人皇,但是,100000米的自身世界,在如今仍是没有停止,尽管速度变的缓慢起来,却仍是在不断朝八方扩张。 When sees this, that has brimmed with the proud smiling face to the acme empty shade light suddenly. 当见到这幕,那已经淡薄到极致的虚影突然洋溢起骄傲的笑容。 The person emperor caresses must the chuckle: He he, really has not expected, when my person emperor To rebuke Heaven and Earth life, the life comes to the end, a final big celebration, sees own later generation unexpectedly, is the happiness of this inheritance, 100,000 meters own world he he, this kid, the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo.” 人皇抚须轻笑:“呵呵,真是没料到啊,我人皇叱咤风云一生,人生走到尽头时,最后的一大喜事,竟是见到自己的后辈,是这种传承之喜,100000米的自身世界呵呵,这小家伙,青出于蓝而胜于蓝了。” The word, the human the emperor thinks suddenly anything's revealing smiles craftily: He he, forgets to tell this kid actually, the marriage matter, hopes that meets that big ritual he to like.” 言罢,人皇突然想到什么的露出诡笑:“呵呵,倒是忘记告诉这小家伙,那们亲事的事,希望,一会那一份大礼他能够喜欢吧。” Qin Shi does not know that the person emperor said that he continuously in condensation spiritual Qi of heart and soul, when own world was 100,000 meters his obvious feeling, his strength was limited, but, he does not want to stop in light of this, he thought that his within the body also had very big open area, at this time, his hand imprint turned over, the extremely tedious mark then appeared together, spiritual Qi of that outside once more crazy brave. 秦石并不知人皇所言,他一直在全心的凝聚灵气,当自身世界达到100000米时他自己明显的感觉到,他的力量受到局限,但是,他并不想就此停止,他觉得,他体内还有很大的空地,这时,他手印翻转,一道极为繁琐的印记便是出现,那外界的灵气再次狂勇。 110,000! 110000! 110,000 meters own world, so the degree surmounts many boundary great accomplishment. 110000米的自身世界,这般程度已是超越许多界境大成 But Qin Shi was still dissatisfied! 秦石仍是不满足! „!!!” The Qin Shi hesitation sound, his blue vein blew up at this time, sees only arched endless stars on that day such as to fall in torrents the rainstorm to be common unexpectedly, but alienation powerful gathering before the Qin Shi body, finally, in the Qin Shi mouth, forms an extremely mysterious Purple gold color god pill unexpectedly? The 11 th god pill? When sees this, the human the empty shade of emperor is also startled. “呃啊!!!”秦石沉吟声,这时他的青筋鼓起,只见那天穹上无尽的繁星竟如倾泻暴雨一般,狂乱而有力的汇聚向秦石身前,最终,在秦石的口中,竟是形成一枚极为玄奥的紫金色神丹?第11颗神丹?当见到这幕,人皇的虚影也是一惊。 11 god pill?” The person emperor narrows the eye, this is links him not to see. “11颗神丹?”人皇眯眼,这是连他都未曾见到过的。 Ten are the destiny, 11 ultra destiny? The life body of this boy, actually fearful?” Under the person emperor this time corners of the mouth of were twitch. “十颗为天命,11颗超天命?这小子的命体,究竟有多可怕?”人皇这时的嘴角都是抽搐下。 Bang! Bang! Bang! But what is more astonishing, after 11 god pill condense, Qin Shi as if not want to stop in light of this, he opens the pore of whole body unexpectedly once again, in all spiritual power absorptions this space, is only 11 god pill, in purest spiritual Qi this space had absorbed completely, now here, did not have spiritual Qi to supply swallows again to Qin Shi. 砰!砰!砰!而更惊人的是,11颗神丹凝聚后,秦石似乎并不想就此停止,他竟是再度张开全身的毛孔,将这空间里所有的灵力吸收,只是11颗神丹,已是将这空间里原本最为精纯的灵气全部吸收,如今这里,已是再无灵气可以供给给秦石吞噬。 The person emperor sees that knits the brows slightly: „Does the destiny body of this boy, surpass the world that this piece of I have robbed to be pure unexpectedly? It is not good, this way, the destiny of this boy must present the fault, once such, even if there is a destiny, is only the incomplete destiny, is impossible to achieve the ultra boundary!” 人皇见状微微皱眉:“这小子的天命体,竟是超过了这片我抢夺的天地纯灵?不好,这样下去,这小子的天命必会出现断层,一旦那样,就算有天命,也只是残缺的天命,不可能达到超界境的!” The person emperor reveals the worried look, but he was helpless at this time. 人皇露出忧色,但此时他却已无能为力。 Buzz!” “嗡!” But suddenly, sky over, the Qin Shi hand imprint changed to the thunder light cloud penetration on that day, pierces that desert unexpectedly at one fell swoop, then leaps to the blood pond outside? That Lei Guang, such as an eye-catching Sun is together same, was just born then illuminates the world, making world spiritual Qi submit, Lian Feng seemed at this time static, directly from blood pond. 而突然,那天地上空,秦石的手印化作雷光穿云而出,竟是一举刺穿那沙漠,然后跃出到血池之外?那一道雷光,如一颗夺目的太阳一样,刚一出世便是将天地照亮,令天地灵气都是不禁臣服,连风在这时好似都静止下来,直接从血池当中。 When that Lei Guang works loose blood pond, broke in Long at this time, blood Ikenohata saw that this Long Jia and the others all reveals the panic-stricken color. 当那雷光挣脱血池,冲入进龙家这时,血池之上见到这幕的龙家等人皆是露出惊骇之色。 Long Yinleng said: This strength, what's the matter?” 龙印愣了愣道:“这力量,是怎么回事?” Good, the good fearful life body I have the destiny obviously, why will feel that several constrictions, seems my destiny of Long, under this strength, can only bow the head to profess allegiance!” Long Yanjing said. “好,好可怕的命体我明明身怀天命,为何会感觉到几丝压迫感,好似我龙家的天命,在这力量下,只能俯首称臣!”龙严惊道。 At this time, Laofoye was also startled, his presbyopia glittered the none remaining that does not dare to believe that such as he so lived over ten thousand years of glorious person, the nature was clear, what this strength means that this strength, no longer is destiny this, was the god life? Dominates the god life above heaven? 这时,老佛爷也是一怔,他老眼闪烁起不敢置信的精光,如他这般活了上万年悠久的人,自然清楚,这股力量意味着什么,这力量,已经不再是天命这,是神命?是凌驾于苍天之上的神命? Evil Spirit curls the lip, looks at the strength laughter that is linking him to be dormant: He he, this boy really makes every effort to succeed, but causes such strong destiny, it seems like, wants to make me give him really to become the little brother?” 邪魔撇撇嘴,望着那连他都要蛰伏的力量笑声:“呵呵,这小子果然争气,不过弄出这么强的天命来,看来以后是真的想让我给他当小弟喽?” When that thunder light from out of the blue, bypasses Long finally unexpectedly, leaps forward to 7000 sea palaces at one fell swoop, Lei Guang the appearance, has almost alarmed the trim sea area, on that day the phenomenon, making all powerhouses unable to bear raise eyes at this time, circling was sect Yuanzi three people, at this time saw that strength, the moral nature also reveals the alarmed and afraid color, but this was also not most terrorist, what was most terrorist was when that Purple gold light beam stopped, such as of invisible huge swallowing was the same, in the endless sea area, all spiritual power unexpectedly were invisible within extremely quick welled up toward that light beam. 当那雷光破空,最终竟是绕过龙家,一举跃入到7000海宫当中,那雷光的出现,几乎惊动了整片海域,那天地异象,让所有强者这时都是忍不住举目,绕是宗元子三人,这时见到那股力量,心底也是露出惊惧之色,而这还不是最恐怖的,最恐怖的是当那紫金光束停顿下来,如一张无形的巨大的吞噬之口一样,无尽的海域里,一切灵力竟是无形间极快的朝着那光束涌去。 Will be shortly, thin that spiritual Qi of 7000 sea palaces changes. 仅仅是顷刻间,7000海宫的灵气变的稀薄。 That strength, is swallowing unexpectedly endless void, this condition has continued the less than half year. 那力量,竟是在吞噬无尽虚空,这种状态足足持续了小半年的时间。 During a half year, 7000 sea palaces are depletions that changes, that purple golden light then has not given full expression general, suddenly restraining slowly from vault of heaven, finally turns into a thorough god pill unexpectedly, but that god pill's midpoint, impressively, the god character, this slowly returns to Long, sinks in the middle of the blood pond, finally, stops before that youth body. 半年间,7000海宫都是变的枯竭,那紫色金光这才意犹未尽一般,突然从天穹之上缓缓的收敛,最终竟是变成一颗透彻的神丹,而那神丹的正中央,赫然,有一神字,这才缓缓的回归龙家,沉落进血池当中,最终,停顿在那少年身前。 12 god pill! 12颗神丹! That piece of space, the enough 300,000 meters own world, changes Qin Shi own world finally completely. 那一片空间,足足300000米的自身世界,最终全部是变化成秦石的自身世界。 Initially becomes the world, 300,000 meters broad. 初成世界,300000米之广。 The person emperor is looking at that he also reveals the frantic color, this is above his expectation many. 人皇望着那一幕,他也是露出狂热之色,这已是超乎出他的预料许多。 That 12 th god pill, has as if lacked anything, although completes actually and initially that half similar of Qin Shi, other god pill that type of god glow, at this time, the human the emperor had not knit the brows slightly: This god pill, thin spiritual power in the present world concentrates, although such as god pill in the strength is the same, does not have the means implication secret, he he, tens of thousands years, obsolete this last old mannish, is then helping this baby one time.” 只是,那第12神丹,似乎还是缺少了什么,尽管已是完成却与当初秦石的那半颗相似,并没有其余神丹那种神芒,这时,人皇微微皱眉:“这一颗神丹,是用如今天地间稀薄的灵力凝成,虽然在力量上如神丹相同,却是没办法蕴含天机,呵呵,也罢,几万年,老朽这最后一口老气,便是在成全这小娃娃一次吧。” Suddenly, the human the empty shade of emperor is gradually frail, the corners of the mouth reveal to wipe satisfied smiling. 突然,人皇的虚影渐渐单薄,嘴角露出抹惬意之笑。 He he, thinks, when you wake up, talked about old days with you again, the human was old, always wants to chat, my this old man, can chat with you, were not many, so as to avoid you shut out me to be wordy, this last secret, helped you!” Suddenly, the human the jade of emperor refers to the preferential motion, the tiny ray introduced among the Qin Shi 12 th god pill together at this time slowly. “呵呵,本来还想,待你醒来,再和你多叙叙旧的,人老了啊,总是想聊聊天,不过也罢,我这老头子,跟你能聊的,也不多,免得你嫌弃我啰嗦,这最后一道天机,成全你!”突然,人皇的玉指倾动,一道渺小的光芒这时缓缓引入进秦石第12颗神丹当中。 Finally, on that god pill, glitters the bright light. 终于,那一颗神丹上,闪烁起明亮之光。 Kid, parted forever, the name of Qin Family not must bring disgrace on!” But is also simultaneously, the human the empty shade of emperor vanishes on this day finally middle. “小家伙,永别了啊,莫要辱没的秦家之名啊!”而也是同时,人皇的虚影终是消失在这天地当中。 When the aura of person emperor dissipates thoroughly, that 12 th god pill finally has also drawn the sidereal revolution, finally calm and steady falling enters in the middle of the Qin Shi heavenly palace. 当人皇的气息彻底消散,那第12颗神丹也终是画过周天,最终安稳的落入进秦石天宫当中。 On that day in the palace, 12 god pill were connected, such as an extremely mysterious star axle. 那天宫之内,12颗神丹相连,如一极为玄奥的星轨。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Also is simultaneously, that trim sea area, causes huge alarming, the light of deity in ten thousand meters cloud layer falls from the sky together, has penetrated under the deep sea, penetrates Long again, the blood pond, finally, shines in the Qin Shi thin and small body, at that moment, 7000 sea palaces, are the complete silence that changes, all lives as if are dormant under that life. 也是同时,那整片海域,都是引起巨大的惊动,一道天神之光又万米云层中陨落,一直贯入进深海之下,再贯入进龙家,血池,最终,照射在秦石瘦小的身躯上,那一刻,7000海宫,都是变的鸦雀无声,一切生灵似乎都是在那生灵之下蛰伏。 On that day phenomenon, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering. 那天地异象,惊天动地 The god only appearance , has almost alarmed trim Desolate Spirit Continent, world of human beings demon, beast, three big, all powerhouses, all are raise eyes to look, that god of journeys light, is such as the god only shines, broad for a very long time is not loose, but almost in simultaneously, outside the demon Kitakyushu most sky over, in a space of nihility, the extremely frail empty shade, opens that together suddenly for a very long time the closed pupil eye, instantaneous, in that ten thousand meters, all turns into the nihility. 那神光的出现,几乎是惊动了整片荒灵大陆,人界魔界,兽界,三大界,所有强者,皆是举目望去,那一道神光,也是如神光普照,恢弘的久久不散,而几乎是在同时,在魔界九州之外的最上空,一片虚无的空间之内,一道极为单薄的虚影,突然睁开那久久闭合的眸眼,瞬间,那万米之内,皆是变成虚无。 Congealing element that empty shade pupil eye cold penetrating, he suddenly changes. 那虚影眸眼寒彻,他突然变的凝素。 „Does god assign the body? Damn! Finally appeared?” That empty shade fierce pinching fist, is tens of thousands li (0.5km) world is then covered up, all change the endless darkness, but after the moment, that empty shade the loosening control slowly, the corners of the mouth reveal to wipe the ice-cold smiling face: He he, pours might also as well, doesn't the human the emperor the person emperor, you want to struggle with me? We then wait and see, I to wanting to have a look, can actually I counter this vault of heaven! Has broken to pieces that so-called life standard!” “神命体?该死的!终于还是出现了吗?”那虚影猛的捏拳,便是几万里的天地被遮掩,一切皆是变化成无尽的黑暗,而片刻后,那虚影才缓缓的松开手心,嘴角露出抹冰冷的笑容来:“呵呵,倒也无妨,人皇啊人皇,你不是想与我争么?那我们便走着瞧,我到想要看看,我究竟能不能逆了这片苍穹!碎了那所谓的命格!” „To struggle with me? overestimate one's capabilities!” “想与我争?不自量力!” That empty shade word, suddenly closed black pupil once again, but along with it in the place of his top of the head, float a piece of very strange heavenly palace, but what is startled was in the middle of that day palace, the god pill interconnection, one, two, three, five, ten, 11, 12 impressively were, enough 12 god pill, assigned the body with the Qin Shi completely same god unexpectedly. 那虚影言罢,突然再度的闭合黑眸,而随之在他的头顶之处,悬浮出一片十分诡异的天宫,而惊起的是那天宫当中,一颗一颗神丹相互连接,一颗,两颗,三颗,五颗,十颗,11颗,12颗赫然是,足足12颗神丹,竟是与秦石完全相同的神命体。 All seem never occur to be the same, entire demon because of his action, soon will actually fall into unequalled sanguinary rule, but the spread that this blood rain, can be doomed finally the world of human beings, spreads to beast, including 7000 sea palaces that Qin Shi is. 一切好似从未发生一样,整个魔界却是因为他的举动,即将陷入一场无与伦比的腥风血雨,而这场血雨,最终也会注定的蔓延到人界,蔓延到兽界,包括秦石所在的7000海宫。
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