PDL :: Volume #11

#1053: what is cold

Everyone is unclear Fang azure saying that only Qin Xuexin at this moment, the tender body shivered suddenly, was wiped to make she extremely familiar aura invade, beautiful pupil unconscious looking back looks broken to spatial. 谁也不明方青所言,唯独沁雪心在这个时刻,娇躯突然间颤抖了一下,被一抹令她极为熟悉的气息所侵染,美眸不自觉的回首望向碎空。 Broken airborne, empty, her actually suddenly light nan leaves, makes eight territory all person shock two characters on the scene: Master.” 碎空中,空荡荡的,她却突然间轻喃出,令在场八域所有人都震惊的两个字:“师父。” Buzz!” “嗡!” On that day on arched, there is a mighty waves production, was in the air that fled in all directions to freeze suddenly, forms at the same time the extremely bright ice surface, from the midpoint of that ice surface, the opening disrupted slowly, very grave female went out together spookily, she wore the green Chinese dress, appeared has the graceful bearing, making all people be out of sorts. 那天穹上,有波澜产生,本来还处于流窜的空气骤然间冻结,形成一面极为剔透的冰面,从那冰面的正中央,有一个豁口缓缓碎裂,一道十分庄重的女子幽幽走出,她穿着青色的旗袍,显得十分有风韵,令所有人都不禁失神。 „Is that what is cold?” “那是何舒寒?” The appearance of that grave female, as if made in the world be frozen, the scenery leading of several eight territories were the corner of the eye jumped the beat, this female not, but common female. 那庄重女子的出现,仿佛令天地间都被冻结了,景才几名八域的领军都是眼角跳了跳动,这女子不可是寻常女子啊。 Um, in the world, feared that also only has her, can release cold meaning who the selling person so shocks.” “嗯,天地间,怕是也唯独有她,能释放出让人如此震撼的冷意了。” Sect Master!” The fog shade surprised tenderness drinks, in the jade eye cannot cover up that excitement. 宗主!”雾影吃惊的娇喝,玉眼中遮掩不去那份激动。 Because she knows that what appears coldly, that today's Qin Xuexin will not have an accident. 因为她知道,何舒寒出现,那今日沁雪心就不会出事了。 If discussed in the status of eight territories, during what cold that may above side azure, be eight territory various territory territory hosts and palms teaches qualifications deepest one. 若是论在八域的地位,何舒寒那可还是在方青之上的,是八域各域域主、掌教之中资历最深的一名。 Fang azure is also smiles in the distant place: Old fogy, how is it? Finally couldn't bear get rid?” 方青在远处也是轻轻一笑:“老家伙,怎么样?最终不还是忍不住出手了?” Is acquainted with Fang azure, what cold cannot set at nod otherwise: Does not have the means that the snow heart is my love person, I cannot visit her to have an accident.” 和方青相识,何舒寒不可置否的点点头:“没办法,雪心是我的爱徒,我也不能看着她出事啊。” At once she also looks at to Qin Shi the vision, has stopped for a half second from the Qin Shi black robe, said with a smile: „Are you champion of sacrifice of this god territory?” 旋即她也将目光冲秦石望去,从秦石的黑袍上停顿了半秒,才笑道:“你就是这次神域之祭的冠军?” When facing what is cold, in the Qin Shi heart crazily trembles, the given name of this woman, he has heard several years ago, but after witnessing, fills to be startled, from her body, indistinct, making Qin Shi feel that several points, Lian Fangqing and monster dusk wanted on a weak pressure, made he unconscious subduing: Returns to the senior, is the younger generation.” 在面对何舒寒时,秦石心中不禁狂颤,这个女人的名号,他早在几年前就听闻过,不过亲眼目睹之后,还是充满吃惊的,从她的身上,隐约之间,令秦石感觉到几分,连方青和妖暝都要弱上一节的压力,令他不自觉的折服:“回前辈,正是晚辈。” Ha Ha, interesting, the snow heart so will be no wonder rigid to you.” what gives birth for the first time to smile coldly, at once has not talked too much actually, but smiles to Qin Xuexin: Small girl, you are wish make a master several years of painstaking care have all efforts wasted.” “哈哈,有意思,难怪雪心会对你那么执着。”何舒寒开怀而笑,旋即倒是没有多言,只是冲着沁雪心轻轻一笑:“小丫头,你这是想要让师父十几年的心血付之东流啊。” Master!” The Qin Xuexin moral nature raises immediately guilty, the shade dance is also flustered in the distant place, said hastily: Sect Master, this matter I am also responsible, is I tacitly consented to that the snow heart such does, if you must punish, I together punish.” “师父!”沁雪心心底顿时升起愧疚,影舞在远处也是慌张起来,连忙道:“宗主,这件事我也有责任,是我默许雪心这么做的,若是您非要责罚的话,就连我一起责罚吧。” Master, this not Sister Guan's matter!” The snow was impatient. “师父,这不关姐姐的事!”雪心急了。 However looks rushing that they rush to be must first withstand the punishment, what smiles bitterly coldly: Your this is feeling embarrassed me.” 然而看着两人争先恐后的抢着要承受责罚,何舒寒不禁苦笑起来:“你们这是在为难我啊。” At once, she wields the white hands, the world as if static is suddenly same, freezes under the cold air of his whole body completely: Was good, I knew, has not thought must punish you.” 旋即,她才挥动玉手,顿然间天地仿佛都静止一样,全部在他周身的寒气下所冻结:“行了,我都知道了,也没想过要责罚你们。” hear that, several people squints, this reveals the wild with joy color. 闻言,几人相觑一眼,这才不禁的露出狂喜之色。 He he, what Sect Master, has not thought that linked you also personally to come, this year's god territory offers a sacrifice to be possible to really be lively.” However suddenly, the monster dusk rough laughter reverberation, made heartstrings fierce mentions of all people. “呵呵,何宗主,没想到连您也亲自现身了,今年的神域之祭到可真是热闹啊。”然而突然,妖暝粗犷的笑声回荡,令所有人的心弦都猛的提起。 what cold appearance truly was surprising, the territory hosts in three big territories to come one after another, this about hundred Nanli when the world of human beings was shocking, when they thought that all these sources, were only that youth, the eyelid beat several. 何舒寒的出现确实令人意外,接连三大域的域主都现身了,这在人界之中近百南里都是骇人听闻的,然而当他们想起来,这一切的源头,只是那个少年时,眼皮又是不禁跳动几下。 Jing Caijiao interested has caressed Bai Xu, laughs: Really was to where, where peaceful kid, this what coldly will not come, perhaps the monster dusk was wanting to begin, must think over own skill.” 景才较有兴趣的抚了抚白须,哈哈大笑:“真是个到了哪里,哪里都不会安生的小家伙啊,这一下何舒寒也现身了,恐怕妖暝在想要动手,也要掂量掂量自己的本事了。” Hears that incisive craftiness to smile, what cold indifferent relative: Without means that if I do not appear, feared that was I wants the white hair person to deliver the black hair person, monster dusk territory host?” 听闻那尖锐的诡笑,何舒寒冷眼相对:“没有办法啊,若是我再不出现,怕是我就要白发人送黑发人了吧,妖暝域主?” The corners of the mouth of monster dusk twitch several, but immediately restores naturally smiles: Where words what Sect Master this is, I do not injure the meaning of your blue snow sect disciple.” 妖暝的嘴角不禁抽搐几下,但马上恢复自然的一笑:“何宗主这是哪里话,我可没有要伤你青雪宗弟子的意思。” Was good, the monster dusk, everyone / influential family rubbish, since I appear here, that naturally is, the sacrifice of book that god territory clear here occurred is the custom that eight territory older generations set up, cannot break, your actions, are moving Tianwei, the matter of today relinquishes in light of this, we also no longer investigate in anyone, arrived here, dispersed.” what cold indifferent snort said: Sword sect Na the sacrifice of this god territory, is only their skills.” “行了,妖暝,大家也不废话,我既然出现在这里,那自然是清楚这里所发生的,神域之祭本就是八域先辈所设立的规矩,不可破,你的所作所为,已经是在触碰天威了,今日之事就此作罢吧,我们谁也不再去追究于谁,就到这里,散了吧。”何舒寒冷眼的哼道:“剑宗拿了这次神域之祭,也只是他们的本事。” Monster dusk complexion fierce sinks, what the cold this saying is clearly shielding Qin Shi, he sneers: He he, really lets my accident, what Sect Master, does your blue snow sect, when join up with the sword sect?” 妖暝脸色猛的一沉,何舒寒这话分明就是在袒护秦石,他冷笑起来:“呵呵,真是让我意外,何宗主,你们青雪宗,何时与剑宗联合起来?” „It is not the union, is only fact, today what if makes the mistake is the sword sect, I naturally also will speak for you.” Spreading out hand that what is watertight coldly, however under the beautiful pupil actually changes was cold and gloomy, to human an inviolable Venerable prestige. “不是联合,只是事实而已,如果今日做错的是剑宗,我自然也会替你说话的。”何舒寒滴水不漏的摊开手,然而美眸下却变的森冷了,给人一种不可侵犯的尊威。 Monster dusk fierce when grips tight fist, surface opposite party azure perhaps he can also the insolent several points, but in qualifications deepest the fellow regarding this eight territories, actually links him to dread. 妖暝猛的攥紧拳,面对方青之时他或许还能张狂几分,但对于这个八域中资历最深的家伙,却是连他都不得不忌惮起来的。 what cold strength, main is strongest in eight territory all territories, nobody knows that actually she has reached any altitude. 何舒寒的实力,是在八域所有域主之中最强的,没人知道她究竟达到了什么高度。 If what appears coldly, is only for Qin Xuexin one person, he naturally cannot care, Qin Xuexin is in itself not her goal, opposite because of just that phenomenon, instead made him know the Qin Xuexin status, even if what does not appear coldly, he will not make Qin Xuexin make the mistake decidedly. 只是,若是何舒寒出现,只是为了沁雪心一人,那他自然不会在意,沁雪心本身也不是她的目标,相反的因为刚刚那次异象,反而让他得知了沁雪心的身份,就算是何舒寒不出现的话,他也断然不会让沁雪心出现闪失。 However if said Qin Shi, he is impossible to relinquish in light of this, clenches teeth saying: What Sect Master, your this saying , was too rather arbitrary, this boy stingy virulent is eight territory unprecedented, I just am enforcing justice on behalf of Heaven, let alone homicide my Chaos Domain thousand disciples, I, if this easily lets off him, that perhaps not good and disciple confession of my Chaos Domain!” 不过若是说秦石,那他却不可能就此作罢,咬牙道:“何宗主,你这话,未免也太武断了些,这小子心狠之恶毒是八域前所未有的,我只不过是在替天行道而已,何况他杀了我乱域千名弟子,我若是就这样轻易的放过他,那恐怕不好和我乱域的弟子交代!” Confession?” what ridiculed to smile coldly, was very the strange satire: I looked that you have means and Chaos Domain disciple confessed that but does not know how should confess to that place?” “交代?”何舒寒讥讽而笑,很是古怪的讽刺道:“我看,你不是没办法和乱域弟子交代,而是不知该如何向那个地方交代吧?” You!” what cold implication is very clear, she seems also understood anything is the same, has enraged the monster dusk final bottom line at one fell swoop: Old fogy, you leaves goes too far, not must think that you are in eight territories the qualifications are deepest, here takes advantage of own seniority with me.” “你!”何舒寒的言外之意十分明确,她好似也了解其中什么一样,一举激怒了妖暝最后的底线:“老家伙,你别太过分,莫要以为你是八域中资历最深的,就和我在这里倚老卖老。” I have said that the matter of today, had ended, the kid and my blue snow sect also quite have the origin, perhaps, also will become my person son-in-law, therefore you, if in wanting to injure him, may try from my hand greatly.” When what Shuhan spoke this saying, the audiences are one startled, when she said this word again, beautiful pupil many gatherings actually to shade dance Zhuo Yao. “我说过,今日之事,到此结束了,那小家伙和我青雪宗也是颇有渊源,说不定以后还会成为我的徒婿,所以你要是在想要伤他,大可从我手中试一试。”何舒寒说这话时,全场都是一惊,然而她再说此言时,美眸更多的却汇聚向在影舞身旁的卓瑶身上。 In which the meaning of maternal love is quite clear, initially when rushing to the sacrifice of god territory, the Qin Shi actions she also listens to the sect the elder to mention. 其中的母爱之意极为明确,当初在赶往神域之祭之中时,秦石的所作所为她也是听宗内长老所提及的。 However under mark its word, their vision interweaves including Qin Shi and Qin Xuexin, is the happy expression and surprised that reveals unable to cover up. 然而纹其言,连秦石沁雪心两人目光交织下,都是露出遮掩不住的喜色和惊讶。 Person son-in-law, what cold this acknowledges Qin Shi?” “徒婿,何舒寒这是承认秦石了?” The bright moon also stared staring from the rear area, feels for Qin Shi wild with joy. 皓月从后方也是瞪了瞪眼,不由替秦石感到狂喜。 This is also Qin Shi unexpected, why this to Shu Handing can be that type is very old-fashioned, fellow who is very difficult to convince, has not thought that recognizes him unexpectedly on own initiative? However, his happiness has not continued to be too long, the great wild goose sound resounds from his ear bank together. 这也是秦石所不曾料到的,他本以为何舒寒定会是那种很古板,很难说服的家伙,没想到竟然主动认他?然而,他的高兴并未持续太久,一道鸿音从他的耳畔响起。 Kid, leaves excitedly is too early, you with the snow hearts, are not I who is away from truly, wants to arrive at the same place with her, you have very long road to need to go naturally, if you can succeed, I hope actually very much can drink one cup, your celebration drinks.” “小家伙,别激动的太早,你与雪心之间,真正隔着的并非是我,想要和她真的走到一起,你还有很长的路需要去走当然,若是你真的能成功,我倒是很希望能喝上一杯,你们两个人的喜酒呢。” hear that, Qin Shi fierce is startled, under raises eyes, he discovered that what is cold is in sight to him, the moral nature to this eight territory highest overlords felt that several points admire. 闻言,秦石猛的一怔,跟着举目之下,他才发现何舒寒正在望向于他,心底不禁对这位八域最高的霸主感到几分敬佩。 His fierce holding the fist in the other hand: My meeting.” 他猛的抱拳:“我会的。” Gets the affirmative response, what is coldly gratified smiles, however this seems like the optional movement, actually thorough has enraged the monster dusk. 得到肯定的回应,何舒寒这才欣慰一笑,然而这看似随意的动作,却彻底的激怒了妖暝。 Made his eyes pupil woods cold, stared is cold to what: Old fogy, you must start eight territory disputes really! I accompany you then am!” 令他眼眸森寒,瞪向何舒寒:“老家伙,你这是真的要掀起八域纷争啊!那我陪你便是!” Poor way flame demon flame!” “穷途炎魔炎!” The monster dusk palm finds out the Daoist robe, has the purple deficiency-fire to lift off, selects the point monster different to plunge what to be cold. 妖暝手掌探出道袍,跟着就有紫色虚火所升空,点点的妖异扑向何舒寒。 However, under his deficiency-fire, what is coldly completely at ease, has not had more than half point to be irritable, the ice crystal of First Rank level blooms from her, the billowing cold current has frozen ten thousand meters, on below dust the raising silver, in the world of as if entire world of ice and snow, is only she is Venerable is ordinary. 然而,在他的虚火下,何舒寒坦然自若,不曾有过半点急躁,一层层的冰晶从她背后绽放,滚滚的寒流将万米之内都是冻结了,下方的尘土上升起银色,仿佛整个冰天雪地的世界里,唯独她是尊者一般。 Nine quiet cold strength!” When the monster dusk fierce pinching tightly fist, that cold ice reappears, his monster fire suddenly completely was blocked, is unable to approach what cold near body: Worthily is the King in ice attribute, this cold strength truly is worth shockingly, perhaps but depending on your, wants to save the aspect today, indulged in fantasy!” “九幽寒力!”妖暝猛的捏紧拳,那寒冰浮现时,他的妖火顿然就全部被封锁住了,根本无法靠近何舒寒的近身:“不愧是冰属性中的王者,这份寒力确实是值得叫人震惊,不过今日光凭你一人,恐怕想要挽救局面,还是异想天开了些!” Pinnacle! Yuan white! Chu Deyu! The preparation begins!” “石峰!元皓!褚德宇!准备动手!” This time, the monster dusk has not been showing off power, when sets out to go forward, issues the instruction to, pinnacle three people of hear that braces oneself, in the presbyopia changes is fierce. 这一次,妖暝没在逞强,而是起身上前时,冲着下方下达指令,石峰三人闻言都是提起精神,老眼中变的狰狞起来。 Billowing thunderous, explodes from the vault of heaven. 滚滚雷动,从天穹爆裂。 Strength that sublimates, is asks all people dormant, these time is really on the eve of the war. 所升华的力量,是叫所有人都蛰伏的,这一次真的是大战前夕啊。 However suddenly, the sound of monster dusk has not fallen, in his pupil eye the shining startled color, is actually attracted by the void fluctuation that nobody realizes together, fierce sharply stops in the dim sky, the Daoist robe was curled in its wind, the complexion ten segregate under heavy sinking. 然而突然,妖暝的声响未落,他的眸眼中却忽闪惊色,被一道无人察觉的虚空波动所吸引,猛的急停在昏暗的天空中,道袍在其风中都是被卷了起来,脸色十分凝重的沉下。 He he, here may really be lively.” A vigorous sound resounds, splits together the opening with the sky of distant place, the old middle age goes out together slightly spookily, he crosses the hands behind the back to stand, is the auspicious observing the situation audience, the vision falls on the monster dusk body very much finally: Monster dusk territory host, you said that depending on what Sect Master one person, is not enough to change today's situation? Is that adding on me?” “呵呵,这里可真是热闹啊。”一声浑厚的声音响起,跟着远处的天空裂开一道豁口,一道略微年长的中年幽幽走出,他负手而立,很是祥和的环视全场,目光最终落在妖暝的身上:“妖暝域主,你说凭何宗主一人,不足以改变今日的情况?那在加上我呢?” That form, the audience starts the great unrest once again, the disciples in all eight territories in abundance shock, is the strength of that billowing unusual conditions, not just the boundary? 那身影一出,全场再度掀起轩然大波,所有八域的弟子都是纷纷震撼,那滚滚浑然天成之力,不正是界境? The will behind Qin Shi, the Kong Xianhui tender body shivers slightly, at once her almond eyes are out of sorts: Father?” 毅力于秦石后方,孔贤慧的娇躯微微颤抖一下,旋即她的杏眼都失神了:“父亲?”
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