PDL :: Volume #11

#1054: The powerhouses converge

Father?” “父亲?” hear that, these knows that the Kong Xianhui status the people of eight territory are one startled, at once looks at each other in blank diamay in the quiet forest, the startling color in look cannot cover up in any event. 闻言,那些知道孔贤慧身份的八域之人都是一惊,旋即在幽林之中面面相觑一眼,眼神中的骇色无论如何都是遮掩不去的。 Is Kong Xianhui father that not just the host of wild territory? 孔贤慧的父亲那不正是荒域之主? This, people were panic-stricken, short was not the hemiprism fragrant time, presented two big territory hosts at one fell swoop, in addition the monster dusk and side azure, this may be four big territory hosts, in eight territories, 50% territory hosts gathered in this, this in the world of human beings was in the thousand years have not presented the matter. 这一下,一众人都是惊骇了,短短不到半柱香的时间,一举出现了两大域主,加上妖暝与方青在内,这可就是四大域主了啊,八域之中,一半的域主都汇聚于此,这在人界都是千年中未曾出现过的事情。 Really must cloud over.” “真是要变天了啊。” The scenery feels that familiar aura is also the presbyopia slightly condenses, reveals to wipe the chuckle: „, This time closing up is very evidently successful.” 景才感受到那熟悉的气息也是老眼微微凝聚,露出抹浅浅的轻笑:“看样子,这次的闭关很是成功么。” Hole ghost? Has not thought that also acted including you?” “孔鬼?没想到,连你也出面了?” The look of monster dusk is unable to maintain again calm, simultaneously faces what to be cold and hole ghost they, circling is the powerhouses of his so boundary is unable to maintain calm. 妖暝的眼神再也无法保持冷静了,同时面对何舒寒和孔鬼两人,绕是他这般界境的强者都无法保持冷静。 What's wrong, wants to insert a foot including you?” Monster dusk look ice-cold [say / way]: I urged you, should better not and wild territory adds to annoy troublesome to oneself.” “怎么,连你也想要插上一足?”妖暝眼神冰冷的道:“我劝你,最好不要给自己和荒域添惹麻烦。” Has gawked, Kong Gui helpless shaking the head: He he, you do not need to frighten me, in the past Yuwen died young with the matter of my daughter, I had not gone to ask you to want a view.” 愣了下,孔鬼无奈的摇头:“呵呵,你也不用吓唬我,当年宇文殇与我女儿之事,我一直都还没有去找你要个说法。” Let alone, this kid and my wild territory quite have the origin, if must be, I also owe him not a small favour, therefore the matter of today, I can definitely manage.” “何况,这小家伙和我荒域颇有渊源,如果非要算下来的话,我也欠他个不小的人情,所以今日之事,我是肯定会管的。” You!” The monster dusk is wild with rage. “你!”妖暝狂怒。 But hear Qiyan, other eight territory people winks once more, vision strange looks to Qin Shi, actually did this boy experience what? In eight territories really has such many people to stand to speak for him. 而闻其言,其余的八域众人再次挤眉弄眼起来,目光古怪的冲着秦石望去,这小子究竟都经历了些什么啊?八域之中竟然有如此之多的人站出来替他说话。 To be honest, this is Qin Shi has not thought that looks to Kong Xianhui with the vision, Kong Xianhui responded his, was only the color of stability. 说实话,这也是秦石自己没有想到的,跟着目光冲孔贤慧望去,孔贤慧回应他的,只是安定之色。 Monster dusk territory host, everything keeps one, in the future will meet well, when your this breaks the god territory rule blatantly, after that is not perhaps good in eight territories.” Kong Gui directs to return to above the sacrifice of god territory the spear point, this makes all people be suddenly enlighted, they resembled have forgotten, all these beginnings. “妖暝域主,凡事留一线,日后好相见,你这样公然破坏神域之际的规矩,那以后在八域之中恐怕也不好吧。”孔鬼将矛头引回到神域之祭之上,这才让所有人都恍然大悟,他们似是都忘记了,这一切的开端。 Monster dusk complexion fierce gloomy, gripping of fist wind unwavebering is tight. 妖暝脸色猛的阴沉,拳风死死的攥紧。 If only one person, he is perhaps confident, can in paying the situation of enormous price kills Qin Shi, however simultaneously is facing two big territory hosts, that is he is decidedly is impossible to achieve. 若只是一人,他或许还有信心,能在付出极大代价的情况下将秦石击毙,然而在同时面对两大域主,那就是他也是断然不可能做到的。 Therefore, called him the look to be sinister at once, fist getting hold of maliciously in hand sleeve, made its periphery loose changed the direction, formed a strange vortex to be the same, Bang, fierce exploded. 因此,一时之间叫他眼神毒辣起来,拳头在手袖中狠狠的握紧,令其周围的风流都改变方向,形成一个诡异漩涡一样,砰一声,猛的就爆开。 How should territory host do?” The monster dusk does not dare in the general idea, let alone is the pinnacle three people, three people instant between reveal reluctantly. “域主该怎么做?”连妖暝都不敢在大意,何况是石峰三人,三人瞬时之间露出无奈。 The monster dusk look is ruthless, shouts to clear the way: If one year ago, keeps Chaos Domain him, where will have today's situation?” 妖暝眼神狠辣,喝道:“若是一年前,将他留在乱域,哪里会有今日的情况?” This!” Three people are lowering the head of remorse, although also wants tall Yaoming a point by the rank, but at this moment on their shamelessness only then flustered. “这!”三人都是自责的低下头,尽管论辈分还要高妖暝一分,但此时此刻在他们的老脸上只有慌张。 Monster dusk angry respite several times, vision staring Qin Shi maliciously, the present situation he cannot return to Chaos Domain its belt decidedly, otherwise perhaps linked him to have an accident, a he extremely vigilant and careful fellow, was impossible to make this matter. 妖暝愤怒的喘息几次,目光狠狠的凝视秦石,如今的情况他是断然不能在将其带回到乱域了,否则说不定连他都要出事,他一个极为警惕和小心的家伙,是不可能做出这种事的。 Good, the matter of today, my Chaos Domain took down to you.” Nod that therefore finally, he makes an effort, this unwilling extremely staring to Qin Shi, at once the waving gate pulse pinnacle several people are issuing the instruction: We walk!” “好,诸位,今日之事,我乱域给你们记下了。”因此最终,他用力的点点头,这才极为不甘的瞪向秦石,旋即挥手间冲着石峰几人下达指令:“我们走!” Territory host, this!” Pinnacle several people of complexions are very ugly: This fears, not good and does that place confess?” “域主,这!”石峰几人脸色都很是难看:“这恐怕,不好和那个地方交代吧?” First goes back, this matter, I am trying to find the solution afterward.” The monster dusk deep spout foul air, does not begin the sleeve in wielding of idle talk at once, shattered from his front space, set out to vanish during that piece was void. “先回去,这件事,我随后在想办法吧。”妖暝深深的吐出口浊气,旋即不在废话的挥动手袖,从他面前的空间就震裂开了,起身消失在那片虚空之中。 Stares at the monster dusk to leave, this makes the people who turns very quiet relax, if this monster dusk has not chosen to make concessions, perhaps that really can cause eight territories to fight? 盯着妖暝离开,这才让屏住呼吸的众人纷纷松了口气,这妖暝若是还不选择退让的话,那恐怕真的就要引起八域大战了吧? But no matter what, this time matter sufficed to shock, in eight territories the territory hosts in four big territories came, and three people fought mutually, in the ten thousand meters outside sacrifice of this god territory, could not find the place of least bit improvement at this time. 但不管怎么说,这一次的事情都够震撼了,八域之中四大域的域主现身,并且有三人相互交手,这神域之祭外的万米内,此时都是找不到半点完善之处。 Finished finally.” “总算是结束了。” Chanting in a low voice that one group of disciples have a lingering fear, however regarding these status noble elders, the complexion does not have the relaxedness of least bit, helpless squints, will this matter like this end really? 一群弟子心有余悸的低吟,然而对于那些地位高贵的长老来说,脸色却没有半点的轻松,一个一个无奈的相觑一眼,这件事情真的会就这样结束吗? By the disposition of monster dusk, feared after is this boy, in world of human beings, will not walk was too smooth, only if he can never have the sword sect.” “以妖暝的性格,怕是这小子以后在人界之中,都不会走的太顺利了,除非他能够永不出剑宗。” He?” Jing Caiwen said shaking the head of forced smile: „To let his honest staying in sword sect Li, that is not an easy matter.” “他?”景才闻言不禁苦笑的摇摇头:“想让他老老实实的呆在剑宗里啊,那可不是件容易的事情。” Walks to look, if this boy, can grows under the monster the retaliation of dusk and Chaos Domain, in the future surely will become the great character.” “走走看吧,如果这小子,能在妖暝和乱域的报复下成长起来,将来定会成为了不起的人物。” Perhaps, waited for that time, these ten thousand years of invariable patterns will modify, the entire eight territories must shiver several points because of him.” “说不定,等那个时候,这万年不变的格局都会有所改动,整个八域都要因他而颤动几分吧。” hear that, a disciple is startled in abundance, is this and so high appraisal? However at this time, people are in sight to Qin Shi, went through the innumerable stormy times after that can still maintain between the calm and indifferent looks, indistinct between feels for several points to well up really crazily. 闻言,一众弟子纷纷吃惊,这是和何等之高的评价?然而此时,一众人在望向秦石,从那经历了无数风雨后,仍是能保持从容与淡然的神色之间,真的隐约之间感受到几分狂涌。 The monster dusk departs, stands erect Yu Kong two big Venerable is also slightly loose, the hole ghost in especially wild territory, if to be honest lets the wild territory and Chaos Domain really encounters, he really not too big assurance. 妖暝离去,屹立于空的两大尊者也是微微疏松,特别是荒域的孔鬼,说实话若真的让荒域与乱域交锋,他真的没有太大的把握。 For these years the growth of Chaos Domain, was the matter that eight territories were obvious to all. 这几年乱域的成长,是八域有目共睹的事。 Finished?” “结束了么?” Kong Gui smiles, looks to Qin Shi with his presbyopia, with his vision acquaintance, holding the fist in the other hand of Qin Shi hastily respect: Many thanks senior, the graciousness of life-saving.” 孔鬼一笑,跟着他老眼冲秦石望去,与其目光相识之下,秦石连忙尊敬的抱拳:“多谢前辈,救命之恩。” Kong Guizheng being startled, caressing of satisfied must say: Ha Ha, is really a good kid, was only a pity that acted swiftly to get there first by the sword sect, otherwise I want to receive the hanger-on you.” 孔鬼怔了怔,满意的抚须道:“哈哈,真是个不错的小家伙,只可惜已经被剑宗捷足先登了,否则我真的想将你收入门下。” „The Confucius and Laozi ghost, that is not good, Qin Shi starting today, is the seat of honor of sword sect closes up the disciple.” “孔老鬼,那可不行,秦石从今日起,就是剑宗的首席闭关弟子。” However Fang azure is actually the vibration fragrant shoulder, does not know when reappears behind Qin Shi, like the strength of her boundary, among the short respites, enough she restored, although is not the most flourishing strength, but the pressure of that exclusive boundary, was still made the territory boundary completely scared. 然而方青却是抖动香肩,不知何时浮现到秦石背后,像她界境的这种实力,短短的喘息之间,已经足够她恢复了,虽然不是全盛之力,但那份专属界境的威压,仍是让域境圆满都要胆寒。 But hears under the word, the people in eight territories shock several points, the seat of honor of sword sect closes up the disciple, that is quite Yu Jianzong the fully deserving, without any reservations first person, this boy was promoted to this altitude unexpectedly directly. 而闻言之下,八域的众人都是震撼几分,剑宗的首席闭关弟子,那可是相当于剑宗当之无愧的第一人,这小子竟然直接被提升到这种高度了。 Fears is, he in eight territories, will decide will make not the small achievement. 怕是以后,他在八域之中,定会做出不小的成就吧。 I also said.” Very much Kong Gui is tactful smiles, at once clashes Qin Shi saying: Kid, you do not need to thank me, one year ago matter, I should thank you to be right, this time is only also your favour.” “我也只是说说。”孔鬼很识趣的一笑,旋即冲秦石道:“小家伙,你也不用谢我,一年前的事情,我应该谢你才对,这一次只是还你个人情而已。” Senior has considered thoroughly, before I and virtuous, is the friendship of our younger generation, I save her am the natural matter, even if no your relations, I certainly such will also do.” Qin Shi shakes the head. “前辈多虑了,我和贤惠之前,是我们晚辈的交情,我救她是理所应当的事,就算没有您的这层关系,我也一定会这么做的。”秦石摇摇头。 hear that stares, Kong Gui laughs: Young fellow, I was not collecting this to live it up, if later had the opportunity, remembers that my wild territory was a guest.” 闻言一愣,孔鬼哈哈大笑:“好小子,那我也就不在凑这个热闹了,以后若是有机会的话,记得来我荒域做客。” Certain.” Qin Shi nods. “一定。”秦石点点头。 Has been responded, hole wizard meaningful nod, he beckons to the scenery at once, Kong Xianhui is also being reluctant to part and Qin Shi said goodbye, thousand the elder disciples in wild territories from void, disappeared, in this piece already became in the ruins boundless forest. 得到回应,孔鬼才意味深长的点点头,旋即他冲着景才招招手,孔贤慧也是依依不舍的和秦石告别,千名荒域的长老弟子才从虚空之中,消失在这片已然成废墟的林海之中。 Looks at the wild territory to leave, other eight territories also squint, flaming the territory and wind territory, to ban the territories, purgatories and these four big territories to depart, when finally in this stretch of ruins, only remaining few some disciples, what coldly is also looking of smile to Qin Xuexin: We also walk.” 望着荒域离开,其余八域也纷纷相觑,炽域、风域、禁域、炼狱、这四大域率先离去,当最后这片废墟之中,只剩下少部分弟子时,何舒寒也是微笑的望向沁雪心:“我们也走吧。” Although in the heart full is to Qin Shi does not abandon, but finally in the hesitations, she is point gently the broad and handsome forehead: Yes.” 尽管心中满是对秦石的不舍,不过最后在犹豫之间,她还是轻轻的点动螓首:“是。” Then, she and Qin Shi four items look at each other. 然后,她和秦石四目相视。 Remembers our agreements.” The Qin Shi black pupil glitters looking of gloss to Qin Xuexin, he places the chest place the palm, but puts out two characters: I.” “记住我们的约定。”秦石黑眸闪烁起光泽的望向沁雪心,他将手掌放在胸口处,只是吐出两字:“等我。” My meeting.” “我会的。” Walks.” what awaits calmly them to say goodbye coldly, this from the sky provokes with the white hands, ice sludge of First Rank to space fissure reappears, the people of blue snow sect walk into slowly. “走吧。”何舒寒静候两人告别,这才用玉手在空中撩拨,一层通往空间裂痕的碎冰浮现,青雪宗的众人缓缓走入。 Vanishes to that beautiful figure in the ice mouth thoroughly, the Qin Shi vision has not rotated. 一直到那倩影彻底消失在冰口中,秦石的目光都是不曾转动。 Was good, later in eight territories, the opportunity of meeting are many, when your boy strength suffices the strong time, I believe that Sect Master naturally will go to the blue snow sect to discuss marriage for you.” The feather moon/month shot a look at Qin Shi ill-humoredly. “行了,以后在八域,见面的机会还多,等你小子实力够强的时候,我相信宗主自然会替你去青雪宗提亲的。”羽月没好气的瞥了眼秦石 Qin Shi shrugs, this under point. 秦石耸耸肩,这才点下头。 Discusses marriage?” But under the moral nature, Qin Shi is actually very helpless, perhaps only then he knows that between he and Qin Xuexin the barrier, at is not what Shu cold this First Rank, but together is very dark and long canyon, that canyon, is the Ocean Group. “提亲么?”而心底下,秦石却很是无奈,或许只有他自己知道,他和沁雪心之间所隔阂的,根本不是何舒寒这一层,而是一道十分黑暗并且悠长的峡谷,那个峡谷,就是溟组。 Only then overcomes this point, perhaps he can build the fruits of virtue with Qin Xuexin, but, thinks that of this road cannot see the end the end point, in the heart changes is also heavy. 只有克服这一点,他或许才能和沁雪心修成正果,只是,一想到这一条路的那看不见尽头的终点,心中不由间变的又沉重起来。 However, he immediately on spirit: Yes, persisted in being so long, now is not gives up.” 不过,他马上就精神起来:“是啊,都坚持这么久了,现在可不是放弃的时候。” Snow heart is waiting for me.” “雪心等着我吧。” He takes an oath in the moral nature silently, but before the sword sect must withdraw just before leaving, he actually, sacrifice the exit in god territory, delay. 他在心底默默起誓,而就在剑宗也要撤回的临行前,他却独自一人,在神域之祭的出口处,呆滞了下来。 How?” The feather moon/month knits the brows slightly. “怎么了?”羽月微微皱眉。 Qin Shi has not responded, but black pupil stares throughout to that Saint light opening place, in awaiting calmly anything is the same, in the look changes is deeply worried. 秦石没有回应,只是黑眸始终凝望向那个圣光裂口处,一直在静候着什么一样,眼神中不禁变的焦灼起来。 „Hasn't she come out?” “她还没有出来么?” Since Qin Shi had not given up throughout to the sensation in sacrifice of god territory, but did not have that beautiful figure that when he anticipates. 一直以来,秦石始终都没有放弃对神域之祭中的感知,但也一直没有等到他期待的那道倩影。 But in god territory list that suddenly, in that framed, the fourth position rocks unexpectedly slightly, made he very familiar name float off, this asked him to relax, black pupil continuously beat was wild with joy. 而突然,在那本已经定格的神域榜上,第四名的位置竟是微微晃动,一道令他十分熟悉的名字浮起,这才叫他不禁松了口气,黑眸连续跳动的狂喜起来。 „Doesn't she have the matter?” “她没有事?” Um?” Lian Yuyue knit the brows: „Wasn't god territory list, is blocked? To have how also the change?” “嗯?”连羽月都是皱起眉:“神域榜,不是已经被封锁了么?怎么还会出现变化?” „Is that the Qian mountain quiet female?” “那是千山幽女?”
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