PDL :: Volume #11

#1052: She will not receive to injure again

You?” “你?” Monster dusk will in ice-cold cold airborne, has smiling of profound meaning. 妖暝毅力于冰冷的寒空中,颇有深意的笑了笑。 The people in eight territories knit the brows, said reasonably, a territory boundary small accomplishment disciple, dares to challenge a side big energy on own initiative, a territory territory main dignity, was this how laughable matter? When Qin Xuexin with the firm tone puts out that several sonorous vibrato, the audience eliminates, does not have one person unexpectedly, reveals any contempt and taunt color, instead deep shocked. 八域的众人都是皱了皱眉,按理讲,一名域境小成的弟子,敢主动挑战一方大能,一域域主的威严,这是件多么可笑的事?只是,当沁雪心用坚定的口吻吐出那几个铿锵颤音时,全场肃清,竟是无一人,露出任何轻视与嘲讽之色,反而被深深的所震撼住了。 Because in their opinion, the Qin Xuexin behavior has not been does not have the brain impulsive, instead is view death as a return home decidedly, one type the respect that makes the human not say. 因为在他们看来,沁雪心的行为并未是冲动无脑,反而是种视死如归的决然,有一种让人说不上的尊敬。 Suddenly the monster dusk shakes the head, says with a smile: „To challenge my words, missed depending on your present strength, was inferior that was going back to close up for several years to come out to say again.” 突然妖暝摇摇头,笑道:“想要挑战我的话,凭你现在的实力还是差了一些,不如在回去闭关几年出来再说吧。” Let alone, this matter, you, perhaps added does not calculate, here after all you symbolize, is not you, did you say? Shade dance elder.” The monster dusk enchanting eye pupil will look to the shade dance. “何况,这种事,你一个人,恐怕还说的不算,毕竟你在这里所象征的,也不是你自己吧,你说呢?影舞长老。”妖暝将妖娆的眼眸冲影舞望去。 From the Qin Xuexin lift-off, the heartstrings of shade dance tightened, her white hands maliciously grips tightly drinks tenderly: Snow heart! Cannot, I order you, fast draws back to me!” 沁雪心升空起,影舞的心弦都绷紧了,她玉手狠狠的攥紧娇喝:“雪心!不可,我命令你,速速给我退回来!” Shade dance elder, the snow heart regard has decided that I am will not make him die decidedly, this point you are clearer than all people do not compel my me to know my this, may become blue snow sect the disciple of person condemned for all time but this at least blue snow sect, I do not want to lose this name in light of this.” “影舞长老,雪心心意已决,我是断然不会让他死的,这一点你比所有人都清楚不要逼我我知道我这样,或许会成为青雪宗的千古罪人但这样起码还是青雪宗的弟子,我不想就此失去这个名称。” ! The heart of shade dance vibrates once again, the Qin Xuexin implication was very clear, if she dares to compel again with hardship, feared that will be Qin Xuexin will draw back the sect decidedly. 咣啷!影舞的心再度震动一下,沁雪心的言外之意已经很明确了,如果她再敢苦苦相逼的话,怕是沁雪心会决然退宗。 That is not she wants to see. 那更不是她想看见的。 Your this girl!” The shade dance eye socket under was red, these years in the blue snow sect, she should be besides what cold, most understood that this seems like ice-cold, the innermost feelings were very no use and wretched girl. “你这丫头!”影舞眼圈唰下就红了,这些年在青雪宗中,她应该算是除了何舒寒外,最为了解这个看似冰冷,内心却十分无助与孤苦的女孩了。 Initially, what coldly his income hanger-on, that year was also my impoverished family snowy night, Qin Xuexin only ten years old over, actually on that immature small face, glitters ignoring that linked her to shock, that seemed to be to every world thorough disappointed look. 当初,何舒寒将其收入门下,那一年也是寒门雪夜,沁雪心仅有十岁出头,却在那稚嫩的小脸上,闪烁起连她都震撼的漠视,那是仿佛对凡世彻底失望的眼神。 That look, has continued the several years, alone leaves the sect to go informed and experienced to her, comes back once again, on ruins that however extinguishes, as if once again raising spark, is that spark, becomes fighting spirit that she goes on living. 那种眼神,一直持续了数年,一直到她独自离宗去历练,再度回来的时候,那份然灭的废墟上,才仿佛再度升起星星之火,也是那星星之火,成为她活下去的斗志。 But she knows, that spark, symbolizes is Qin Shi. 而她知道,那星星之火,所象征的就是秦石 Status of Qin Shi in her heart, is not only the share until death faithful love, is she lives final the belief and pinning in this world. 秦石在她心中的地位,不光是份至死不渝的爱,也是她活在这世上最后的信仰和寄托。 Shade dance elder, please Xu I, a war!” “影舞长老,请你许我,一战吧!” Looking of Qin Xuexin entreaty to shade dance. 沁雪心哀求的望向影舞。 The shade dance almond eyes are that the ache, loved dearly this to withstand the inhuman painful girl since childhood, but when she raised eyes after its looking at each other , the courage that all her wanted to stop was defeated, she does not know really she also did hold true by, can hinder this girl, pursued the final that hope. 影舞杏眼是那么疼痛,心疼这个从小就承受了非人痛苦的女孩,但当她举目与其对视之下后,她所有想要阻拦的勇气都被击败了,她真的不知道她还有什么理由,能够去妨碍这个女孩,追求最后的那点希冀。 I understood.” The shade dance smiles helplessly, her beautiful pupil suddenly reveals the warm feeling at once, is one type to younger generation willful tacitly consenting to: My, so long as you have no regret, bold does.” “我懂了。”影舞突然无奈一笑,旋即她美眸露出暖意,是一种对晚辈任性的默许:“我准了,只要你无悔,就大胆的去做吧。” Qin Xuexin one happy: Many thanks elder!” 沁雪心一喜:“多谢长老!” Cry elder sister, since you enter Sect , I bragged am your older sister, finally you are not always willing to recognize me, has made me very much not have the face in the sect.” The shade dance shows a faint smile. “叫声姐姐吧从你进宗门起,我就自诩是你的姐姐,结果你始终都不肯认我啊,一直让我在宗内都很没有面子呢。”影舞微微一笑。 The eye socket of Qin Xuexin was also suddenly red, how could she does not know the elder sister who this is called the shade dance, has had loves her? She has been made to fear by the Ocean Group institute, for fear that after has recognized the elder sister, must suffer that type the pain of losing the family member. 沁雪心的眼圈顿然又红了,她又何曾不知这个叫做影舞的姐姐,一直是有多么的疼爱她呢?只是她一直都被溟组所弄怕了,生怕自己认了姐姐以后,又要遭受那种失去亲人的痛苦。 At this moment, she unscrupulous. 只是此时此刻,她了无顾忌。 Elder sister!” “姐姐!” Shade dance satisfied light point broad and handsome forehead: Bold does.” 影舞满足的轻点螓首:“大胆的去做吧。” Qin Xuexin should, this turn round to look to the monster dusk. 沁雪心应下,这才回身冲妖暝望去。 However at this time, the monster dusk actually knit the brows, coldly drinks one \; Small innocent, big deliberately creating trouble, is this your blue snow sect?” 然而这时,妖暝却皱了皱眉,不禁冷喝一声\;“小的不懂事,大的跟着胡闹,这就是你们青雪宗么?” Her matter, always does not turn over to me to manage, you must have the words of opinion, that went to say with our Sect Master.” The shade dance smiles lightly. “她的事,向来不归我管,你要有意见的话,那就去和我们宗主说吧。”影舞淡淡一笑。 Monster dusk cold snort: Drinks, the good extremely arrogant fellow, did not see your progress to be actually many for these years, but you did not fear that I have abandoned you?” 妖暝冷哼:“喝,好一个狂妄的家伙,这几年不见你倒是长进不少,不过你就不怕我废了你们所有人?” You may try greatly.” Shade dance indifferent peak peak fragrant shoulder: I, since dares to promise her, that has not feared you.” “你大可试试。”影舞无所谓的耸耸香肩:“我既然敢答应她,那就没有怕过你。” Good not to have feared me!” “好一个没有怕过我!” Monster dusk look fierce is sinister, at once his palm empty vast, forms several remnant shades, then the winding to the direction of shade dance, suddenly in the top of the head of shade dance, presented a huge black wormhole, the billowing purple monster different jack-o '- lantern fell like a waterfall, making it tremble under. 妖暝眼神猛的毒辣起来,旋即他手掌虚渺,形成几道残影般,便缠绕向影舞的方向了,顿然影舞的头顶上,出现一个巨大的黑色虫洞,滚滚紫色妖异的鬼火如瀑布般落下,令其在下方都是不禁一颤。 Shade dance elder!” Blue snow sect many disciples are lose presence of mind. “影舞长老!”青雪宗不少弟子都是失措起来。 The shade dance white hands pinch tightly, she freely in eight territories is a powerhouse, but just likes under the strength of monster dusk the ants is ordinary, is the leeway that type struggles continually has not had. 影舞玉手捏紧,她尽管在八域之中都算是强者,但在妖暝的力量之下却犹如蝼蚁一般,是那种连挣扎的余地都不曾拥有的。 Unknowingly, she feels relaxed smiles: Perhaps, this is life 不经意间,她释然一笑:“或许,这就是命吧” Buzz!” “嗡!” However suddenly, that blue beautiful figure lifted off once again, in her beautiful pupil flood dense red, chin upwarping slightly, staring of loftily to monster dusk. 然而突然,那碧蓝色的倩影再度升空了,她美眸之中泛起森森红色,下巴微微的翘起,傲然的瞪向妖暝。 I have said that I am your match!” “我说过,我来做你的对手!” Volume!” Drinks the sound tenderly, at once her fierce opening white delicate arms, ice the cold aura fierce lift-off together, bumps into with that jack-o '- lantern directly. “额啊!”娇喝声,旋即她猛的张开玉臂,一道冰寒气息猛的升空,和那鬼火正面相撞。 Bang!!! 轰隆隆!!! Immediately from the world and sea days, forms the intense break feeling, Fang Binglan, a side is fiery red. 顿时从天地与海天之间,形成强烈的断裂感,一方冰蓝,一方火红。 Broken!” “破!” The tender body makes an effort shakes, explodes to shoot with her, crashes under that jack-o '- lantern by the strength of fleshly body unexpectedly, then the strange picture reappeared, that jack-o '- lantern freezes under the naked eye obvious speed unexpectedly. 娇躯用力的一震,跟着她才爆射起来,竟是以肉身之力冲进那鬼火下,然后诡异的画面浮现了,那鬼火竟然在肉眼可见的速度下冻结。 Finally changes into the deep blue ice crystal. 最终化为碧蓝冰晶。 Qin Xuexin such stands in ice crystal most peak, in the cloud layer. 沁雪心就那样站在冰晶的最顶端,云层上。 Her luxuriant flutters in the wind. 她的秀发在风中飘荡。 Rumble!” In a flash, all disciples panic-strickenly were tarried. “咕噜!”一瞬间,所有弟子都被惊骇的呆住了。 This, is this real? She, did she keep off unexpectedly?” “这,这是不是真的?她,她竟然挡下了?” The monster dusk is also quite accidental, then frames half sound from Qin Xuexin, suddenly is suddenly enlighted smiles: He he, does the real accident, in your within the body, actually have the so maneating strength?” 妖暝也是颇为意外,跟着从沁雪心身上定格半响,突然恍然大悟似的一笑:“呵呵,真实意外,在你体内,竟然还存有如此凶悍的力量?” Is only if I have not guessed that wrong, you should unable to control this strength?” Monster dusk indifferent hum. “只是如果我没猜错的话,你应该还无法控制住这股力量吧?”妖暝冷漠的哼声 Qin Xuexin elegantly beautiful relative, has not denied anything. 沁雪心冷艳相对,并没有否认什么。 This strength, is her institute is truly unstabilized, initially in the sacrifice of god territory, if not for Qin Shi suppresses, feared that was already the inexplicable combustion, but feared, the Qin Shi final stop that no one has imagined has not affected. 这股力量,确实是她所不能控制的,当初在神域之祭之中若不是秦石压制,怕是就已经莫名的燃烧起来了,只是恐怕谁都没有想象的到,秦石最终的阻拦还是没有作用。 Is beyond control, I will also block you.” “就算无法控制,我也会挡住你。” He he, keeps off me, as soon as strikes, you think that you really can block me?” Laughing wildly of monster dusk ridicule, his look has burnt at once suddenly ruthlessly, the palm searches once again to Qin Xuexin, the cloud layer that on the vault of heaven froze, was melted by the high temperature instantly suddenly, the penetration ice layer, is the raging flame. “呵呵,挡我一击,你以为你就真的能拦住我?”妖暝讥讽的狂笑,旋即他眼神突然狠辣了,手掌冲着沁雪心再度探去,天穹上本来冰冻的云层,在刹时间突然就被高温所融化了,跟着穿透冰层的,是熊熊烈火。 That raging fire, is away from the snow heart is only then square inch. 那烈火,距离雪心是只有方寸的。 The Qin Xuexin jade eye flashes through startled color slightly, when she when wants to move aside without enough time, that jack-o '- lantern has hit like fierce tiger in her chest. 沁雪心玉眼微微闪过惊色,当她在想躲闪之时就已经来不及了,那鬼火如猛虎般生生撞击在她的胸口。 Bang! 轰! Her tender body leaps however flutters, maliciously hit on the rock kilometer away, that rock, because cannot withstand that force, was broken the powder pink / white. 她娇躯腾然的就翻飞出去,狠狠撞击在千米外的岩石上,那岩石由于承受不住那股强力,都是生生的被震碎成齑粉。 Snow heart!” The shade dances all people crazily to drink. “雪心!”影舞诸人都是狂喝。 But immediately, Qin Xuexin crawls to set out, she was still very keeping off decidedly before the monster dusk body. 但马上,沁雪心爬起身,她仍是很决然的挡在妖暝身前。 I will not make you pass.” “我不会让你过去的。” Well? Really is a stubborn fellow.” Under monster dusk look fierce one cold, the palm leaps however outstretch, grasps to Qin Xuexin. “咦?真是个倔强的家伙。”妖暝眼神下猛的一寒,手掌腾然间的伸出,冲着沁雪心抓去。 Bang! 砰! Qin Xuexin was struck to fly again. 沁雪心再次被击飞了。 One time pays one time, but Qin Xuexin throughout that tenacious, although all people looked, she already was the spent force, the strength of continually coming to a stop did not have, rocking that the tender body kept, but she was still such firm. 一次付一次,不过沁雪心始终都是那么的顽强,尽管所有人都已经看出来,她早已是强弩之末,连站稳的力气都没有,娇躯不停的晃动,不过她仍是那样坚决。 Snow heart!” The people of blue snow sect love dearly drink lowly. “雪心!”青雪宗的众人都心疼低喝。 The monster dusk look is sinister, Qin Xuexin several relapses, were make him lose obviously were patient, his look flashed through the murderous intention immediately: Does not want to antagonize people, wants to forgive your life, but you such being the case are besotted, that no wonder my vicious and merciless.” 妖暝眼神毒辣,沁雪心的几次反复,显然是让他失去了耐心了,他眼神顿时闪过杀机:“本来不想树敌,想要饶你一命,但你既然如此执迷不悟,那就怪不得我心狠手辣了。” Dies.” “去死吧。” The monster dusk raises hand, the jack-o '- lantern winding lifts off, but also is that instant, has the difference to reappear suddenly, these jack-o '- lanterns are separated from his control unexpectedly suddenly, the flash are far away from the Qin Xuexin surroundings completely, as if said that anything is not willing to injure Qin Xuexin to be the same. 妖暝举手,鬼火缠绕升空,但也是那个刹那,突然间就有异样浮现,那些鬼火竟然突然间脱离他的操控,一瞬间全部都远离开沁雪心的周围,仿佛说什么都不肯去伤害沁雪心一样。 Um?” This, is Lian Yaoming is accidental, handshake of he attempts, but fierce in his palm, an enormous force shakes, makes a false counter-accusation to withdraw him unexpectedly. “嗯?”这一下,是连妖暝自己都意外的,他又试图的握了握手,但猛的在他手掌心里,一股巨大力量震出,竟是将他自己反噬退后。 Puff!” His blood spurts, in the look flashes through the scared look, looks to narrow the eyes the eye to Qin Xuexin: Small girl, has not thought that you unexpectedly are that person?” “噗!”他一口鲜血就喷出来,眼神之中闪过惧色,跟着望向沁雪心眯眯起眼:“小丫头,没想到,你竟然就是那个人?” Suddenly, he as if clearly becomes aware to be the same: No wonder, no wonder, in your within the body, will have that strength!” 突然,他仿佛明悟一样:“难怪,难怪啊,在你体内,会有那股力量!” He shakes the head, resenting in look can only turn reluctantly, no matter finally also puzzled of people, the palm makes an effort grasps, Qin Xuexin blockade firmly in shackles. 他摇摇头,眼神中的愤恨只能变成无奈,最后也不管众人的不解,手掌用力的一握,将沁雪心牢牢的封锁在牢笼里。 You gave up any idea of!” Qin Xuexin rocks drinks tenderly. “你休想!”沁雪心晃动的娇喝。 Also wants to show off power?” Monster dusk look one cold, however at this moment, from the direction kilometer away, a billowing fulmination resounds through suddenly, was alarmed including the highest heaven above. “还想逞强?”妖暝眼神一寒,然而就在这时,突然从千米外的方向,一声滚滚的爆鸣响彻,连九霄之上都被惊动了。 Bang! 轰隆隆! In frozen of that distant place, raises suddenly the wild strength, that is silent throughout even by the youth who the people neglect, exploded suddenly projects frozen in passes in the becoming a lay priest vault of heaven, he was fierce the countenance looking angrily at monster dusk. 那远处的冰封内,突然间升起狂野之力,那始终沉默甚至被众人忽视的少年,突然间就爆射出冰封之中传入道天穹上了,他狰狞着嘴脸的怒视妖暝。 Old bastard! I must tear to shreds you!” “老杂种!我一定要将你碎尸万段!” Qin Shi!” Qin Xuexin, as well as Fang azure and audience all people were shocked. 秦石!”沁雪心、以及方青和全场诸人都是惊呆了。 The whole body of Qin Shi, at this moment, has black Baleful Qi to wind around unexpectedly the lift-off. 秦石的全身,竟是在此时此刻,有黑色的煞气缭绕升空。 Fang Qingdi drinks: Qin Shi! Come back! Do not make senseless resistance!” 方青低喝:“秦石!回来!你不要做无谓的抵抗!” I will not make her be injured by least bit again! Even if I die!” The Qin Shi fierce craziness drinks. “我绝不会再让她受到半点伤害!哪怕我死!”秦石狰狞的狂喝。 However hear that, Fang azure stares suddenly, with the beautiful pupil rear, after revealing several wipe to shock, then forced smile: Dumb kid, relax, she will not be receiving the least bit to injure.” 然而闻言,方青突然一愣,跟着美眸侧后,露出几抹震撼后这才不禁的苦笑:“傻小子,放心吧,她不会在受到半点伤害了。”
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