PBS :: Volume #31

#3055: Unprecedented awakening

Rumbling! 轰轰轰! At this time, Qin Nan and the others murderous intention, have erupted from that in all directions, seemed peerless long Hong, attacked on the dark green body. 这时候,秦南等人的杀机已至,从那四面八方一齐爆发,好似一道道绝世长洪,冲击在了苍的身上。 Their jointly strikes, let alone was Immortal King, even true Immortal Sovereign, can strike to kill! 他们联手的一击,别说是仙王了,就算是一位真正的仙皇,都能够击杀! But now, in astral wind that in that wells up crazily, dark green stands in same place unexpectedly is quite the same as well, the footsteps have not moved slightly. 可是现在,在那狂涌的罡风之中,苍站在原地竟是浑然无恙,就连脚步都未挪动丝毫。 Ten 2-Rank lotuses does the most precious object that but the lord of Azure Vault suppresses with body, how could have it to have you to injure me?” Dark green looks to disdain. “十二品道莲可是青穹之主用身躯镇压的至宝,有它存在你们岂能伤我?”苍面露不屑。 „The light of twinkling!” However, in the meantime, in the Empress Fei Yue eye pupil released divine light, Spirit of the celestial poles list, Through Heavens Dao Tree, Ji Xuan, Gu Fe and Princess Miaomiao three female figure, in vanished completely same place does not see, arrived directly above the Heavenly Emperor gate disciple. “瞬息之光!”然而,就在此时,飞越女帝眼眸中释放出来了一道神光,天极榜之灵通天道树季玄古飞妙妙公主三女的身形,全部在原地消失不不见,直接降临在了天帝门的门人上方。 In addition, above vault of heaven, but also fell in torrents boundless vast world's strength, complete blessing on their bodies, making their aura again increase. 不但如此,上方天穹之中,还倾泻下来了一股股磅礴浩瀚的天地之力,全部加持在了他们的身上,令得他们的气息再度攀升。 Kills!” “杀!” Spirit of the celestial poles list and the others the slight hesitation, have not acted directly is most powerful killing move, must these over a hundred disciples, cut under the body completely. 天极榜之灵等人没有丝毫的犹豫,一出手直接是最为强大的杀招,要将这上百门人,全部斩于身下。 Qin Nan has long known, has these ten 2-Rank lotus guards, dark green is unable to shake, but when hundred disciples start to awaken, dark green cultivation level is increasing, Qin Nan realized, these hundred disciples regarding current dark green, especially will be important. 秦南早就知道,有这十二品道莲护身,苍根本无法撼动,但当百位门人开始觉醒,苍修为正在增加的时候,秦南就意识到,这百位门人对于目前的苍而言,将会格外重要。 Has very big possibility, the invincible might of ten 2-Rank lotuses, dark green cannot maintain, he needs hundred disciples to awaken immediately, can make him display many might ability. 有很大的可能,十二品道莲的这股神威,苍并不能一直维持下去,他需要有百位门人马上觉醒出来,才能够令他发挥出更多的威能 Even a very big possibility, he has not grasped ten 2-Rank lotuses truly, must change magically all living things immediately time, can grasp ten 2-Rank lotuses. 甚至还有一个很大的可能,他还没真正掌握十二品道莲,必须要马上点化一次众生,才能够掌握十二品道莲。 Otherwise, ten 2-Rank lotuses protect the body, dark green can definitely retreat temporarily, escapes to Great Upper Realm, changes magically in secret, when that day of situation thorough achievement, he is implementing his plan. 否则的话,有十二品道莲护体,苍完全可以暂时退去,逃到大上界之中,暗中进行点化,等到大势彻底成就的那一天,他在实施他的计划。 With the dark green character, comes out this matter that he can do absolutely, so long as can serve the purpose, he does not care about what face. 以苍的性格,他绝对能够做的出来这种事情,只要能够达到目的,他可不在乎什么面子。 Using diversionary tactics, is really keen.” Dark green not slightly flurried, smiles lightly, said: Pitifully, I have the protection early.” “声东击西,果然敏锐。”苍没有丝毫慌乱,淡淡一笑,道:“可惜,我早有防备。” Behind him that ten 2-Rank lotus rays of light flashes, the evolution becomes a 6-Rank lotus, in the above of that hundred disciple, appeared a 6-Rank lotus, bloomed repeatedly golden glow, covered in which all disciples completely. 他背后那十二品道莲光芒一闪,演化成为了六品道莲,在那百位门人的上方,同时也浮现出来了一尊六品道莲,绽放出来了屡屡金芒,将所有门人全部笼罩其中。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The attack that Spirit of the celestial poles list and the others made, falls on that 6-Rank lotus, merely its shaking sways, is unable to defeat. 天极榜之灵等人打出的攻击,落在那六品道莲上面,仅仅只是将其撼动的摇晃起来,根本就无法击破。 „The words of 6-Rank lotus, can that then defeat?” The Qin Nan drinking sound just like bright Heavenly Thunder, the infinite Blade Dao situation, gathers on his knife point. 六品道莲的话,那便能击破了吧?”秦南的喝声宛如煌煌天雷,无穷的刀道大势,在他刀尖上汇聚起来。 Can be the energy, but you cannot accomplish.” The dark green figure also moved, does not draw back counter-attacks, both hands tie seal, convenes to come the meaning of that boundless chaos, blessing on his body. “能是能,不过你们根本办不到。”苍的身形也动了,不退反攻,双手结印,将那无边混沌之意召集而来,加持在了他的身上。 „The Heavenly Emperor chaos decide!” In dark green back, 33 the Heavenly Emperor bead that is sending out chaos aura ascends, each Heavenly Emperor bead released the astonishing invincible might immediately. 天帝混沌决!”在苍的背后,三十三颗散发着混沌气息天帝珠升腾起来,每一颗天帝珠立即释放出来了惊人的神威。 Empress Fei Yue sees this situation, the light of twinkling displays again, Spirit of the celestial poles list and the others also fall Divine Weapon just like the day, killed to dark green. 飞越女帝见此情形,瞬息之光再度施展,天极榜之灵等人也宛如天降神兵,一齐杀向了苍。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! heavens-frightening moves the place the explosive sound, resounded through. 惊天动地的爆炸声,响彻了起来。 A dark green person of lotus, blocked Qin Nan, Empress Fei Yue, Spirit of the celestial poles list and the others unexpectedly completely, but falls in slightly leeward, the disparity are not many. 苍一人一莲,竟然完全挡住了秦南飞越女帝天极榜之灵等人,只是稍稍落于下风而已,并未差距太多。 A 6-Rank lotus can indeed shake, but dark green is not the sculpture, he will not stand there, whatever Qin Nan and the others acted, most attacks, he can with the law of Innate chaos blocking. 六品道莲的确能够撼动了,但是苍可不是雕塑,他不会站在那里任由秦南等人出手,大部分的攻击,他都能够用先天混沌之法给挡住。 However, at this time, less wonderful matter happened, among that over a hundred Heavenly Emperor disciples, god king Jing existence, the body sparkled suddenly more radiant divine light, aura increased successively, various phenomenon evolved in his body week. 然而,就在这个时候,更不妙的事情发生了,在那上百位天帝门人当中,有一位神王境的存在,身上陡然闪耀起来了更为璀璨的神光,一身气息节节攀升,各种异象于他身周演化出来。 During the so short time, he has awakened unexpectedly the god body! 如此短暂的时间之中,他竟是已经觉醒了神体! Such quickly?” Qin Nan and the others pupil simultaneously shrinks, this speed has far exceeded their expectation. “这么快?”秦南等人瞳仁齐齐一缩,这个速度已经远远超出了他们的预料。 In addition, only sees dark green aura, probably in the fire irrigated the kerosene to be the same, rose suddenly instantaneously a section, he was also only about the Immortal King boundary 8-layer level, now immediately arrives at Immortal King boundary peak. 不但如此,只见到苍一身气息,像是火中浇下了火油一样,瞬间暴涨了一截,刚才的他还只是仙王八重左右的层次,现在立刻到了仙王巅峰 To Dao Boundary Immortal King peak! 还是至道境仙王巅峰 Can give such big blessing unexpectedly?” Qin Nan and the others the mind shakes, this is only awakens a disciple, if all disciples awaken completely, what situation that dark green this Boundary will go to? “竟然能给这么大的加持?”秦南等人心神不由一震,这才只是觉醒一位门徒而已,如若所有门徒全部觉醒的话,那苍这一身境界将会达到什么地步? At least is peak Immortal Sovereign! 至少是巅峰仙皇 Moreover, awakened the Innate chaos body, wielded peak Immortal Sovereign of ten 2-Rank lotuses! 而且,还是觉醒了先天混沌体,执掌了十二品道莲的巅峰仙皇 Did not say exaggeratingly that time dark green, even seven big most precious object at it's peak, dark green can still suppress them, completely invincible in Great Upper Realm! 毫不夸张的说,那个时候的苍,即便是七大至宝巅峰时期,苍也能够将它们镇压,完全无敌于大上界 If certainly the emperor level...... 如果达到准帝层次的话…… Must fight a battle to force a quick decision!” “必须要速战速决!” If cannot cut to kill in Cang rapidly, that all defeat!” “如若不能迅速斩杀于苍,那一切皆败!” When the time comes, will have no opportunity again!” “到时候,就将再无任何机会!” In this moment, Qin Nan and the others in the hearts, almost flashed through the same thought simultaneously. 在这一刻,秦南等人的心中,几乎同时闪过了一样的念头。 But, how to fight a battle to force a quick decision? 但,怎么速战速决? To cut to kill this time dark green, they must display the absolute strength, the side can be successful! 要想斩杀此时的苍,那他们就得展现出绝对的力量,方能够成功! The Wu Di complexion fluctuates unceasingly, perhaps among breaths fluctuated over a hundred times, performed in this Great Upper Realm quickest turning hostile. 吴敌脸色不断变幻,一息之间恐怕变幻了上百次,上演了这大上界中最快的变脸。 The next breath, it seemed like the enormous determination, sent greetings exclaims: Where your seven do toward walk now? Can be able to escape? Has not acted together, dark green cutting to kill!” 下一息,它好像下了极大的决心,传音吼道:“你们七个现在往哪里走?能逃得掉吗?还不一起出手,将苍给斩杀!” The Eastern Bright Universe Chain seven big most precious objects that is preparing to wait for an opportunity to leave, the figure lives immediately, has not thought, Wu Di opened the mouth to them unexpectedly! 正准备伺机离开的东煌太虚链七大至宝们,身形立刻就顿住了,万万没有想到,吴敌竟然向它们开口了!
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