PBS :: Volume #31

#3054: Terrifying Great Upper Realm

This...... how possible?” “这……怎么可能?” In this flashes, Qin Nan, Spirit of the celestial poles list, Wu Di, Eastern Bright Universe Chain wait/etc. most precious objects, the people of that Heavenly Emperor gate, are out of sorts all. 在这一霎那间,秦南天极榜之灵吴敌东煌太虚链等等至宝,就连那天帝门的众人,都是无不失神。 stretch/open Xuanling is no exception. 张玄灵也不例外。 Cultivator of Great Upper Realm, so long as has certain natural talent, that can awaken absolutely the body and Hundred Big Divine Bodies Innate? 大上界修士,只要具备一定天资,那就绝对可以觉醒先天之体和百大神体 These words, are only think that picture, will think is terrifying! 这一句话,光是想想那个画面,就会觉得有多么恐怖! In All Heavens and Myriad Realms, with Qin Nan went to legal community certainly, so long as can think the inducing resuscitation body, can become a God's favored one of the side big influence, becomes one of the topest talents! 要知道,在诸天万界中,拿秦南去过的绝法界来说,只要能觉醒神体,便可成为一方大势力的天之骄子,成为这一界最为顶尖的天才之一! One, also has more than ten 20 god bodies, perhaps the body of Innate, ten thousand years will not present one not to mention! 一界之中,也不过有着十几二十个神体,先天之体更不必说了,恐怕万年都不会出现一个! stretch/open Xuanling experiences is broader, even in that ten big, in the most magnificent macrocosm, the god body and Innate body is not everywhere is, number certainly not thousand! 张玄灵见识更广,即使是在那十大界之中,最为辉煌的大世界里面,神体和先天之体也不是遍地都是,数目绝不过千! But, in the dark green mouth, Great Upper Realm has certain natural talent person, that how many people? 但,在苍口中,大上界具备一定天资的人,那有多少人? According to the Great Upper Realm standard, at least not under several tens of thousands people of Ah! 按照大上界的标准来看,至少不下于数万人啊! Can several tens of thousands people awaken the body and the god body Innate? 数万人都能够觉醒先天之体和神体? Is that what kind of exaggerating and terrifying? 那是何等的夸张和恐怖? This Great Upper Realm where is any barren world, clearly is one lets entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms for existence that it is overshadowed sufficiently! 大上界哪里是什么贫瘠的世界,分明是一个足以让整个诸天万界都为之黯然失色的存在! In locally born existence regarding stretch/open Xuanling this All Heavens and Myriad Realms, even if has become Immortal Emperor, but her world outlook has formed, she is almost subconscious wants to deny. 对于张玄灵这种诸天万界中土生土长的存在,纵使成为过仙帝,但她的世界观早已形成,她几乎是下意识就想否认。 But, she thinks Spirit of the celestial poles list, Xiang Zun and Qin Nan have dark green it, the thought that her denied, cannot rise again. 可是,她想到了天极榜之灵项尊秦南还有苍本身,她那否认的念头,就再也升不起来。 Moreover, is this, clarity that can explain, why lord of that great existence Azure Vault, this macrocosm prohibiting. 而且,只有是这样,才能够解释的清楚,为何青穹之主那么伟岸的存在,会将这个大世界给封禁。 Obviously, in this macrocosm, has the incomparable terrifying thing, the lords of Azure Vault dreaded, has to offer this bad plan! 很显然,在这个大世界之中,拥有着无比恐怖的东西,就连青穹之主都为之忌惮,不得不出此下策! Perhaps my these words, you do not believe, is not willing to believe that does not want to believe. However, doesn't matter, I then make you experience today, this Great Upper Realm true appearance.” “或许我这一番话,你们不相信,不愿相信,不想相信。不过,没关系,今天我便让你们见识见识,这大上界真正的面目。” A dark green magic seal knot, ten 2-Rank lotuses exude buzz the sound of cry immediately, reverberates in the entire world. 法印一结,十二品道莲立即发出嗡鸣之声,回响在整个天地之间。 gold lotus tian falls, all living things awaken!” “金莲天降,众生觉醒!” Only sees, in arched deep place of that day, presented an incomparably huge golden vortex, Qin Nan had once seen six petal golden lotus, eight petal golden lotus and ten petal golden lotus, is the same just like rain of golden lotus, below approached Heavenly Emperor seven child and Heavenly Emperor disciple. 只见到,在那天穹的深处,出现了一个无比庞大的金色旋涡,从中一朵朵秦南曾见过的六瓣金莲、八瓣金莲、十瓣金莲,宛如一场金莲之雨一样,下向了天帝七子和天帝门人。 My Heavenly Emperor disciple, this grants you for me the biggest chance, fast this golden lotus refining, thinks the inducing resuscitation body!” “我天帝门人,此为我赐予你们最大的机缘,速速将这金莲炼化,觉醒神体!” Dark green ordered, dignified incomparable, did not allow to reject. 苍下令道,威严无比,不容拒绝。 „Can the refining golden lotus think the inducing resuscitation body?” 炼化金莲便可觉醒神体?” Heavenly Emperor seven child and Heavenly Emperor disciples, simultaneously seemed to be awakening from a dream, looks at that golden lotus, in the eye was emitting thick fiery, they had understood that the body and Hundred Big Divine Bodies Innate mysterious, has yearned. 天帝七子和天帝门人们,齐齐如梦初醒,望着那一朵朵金莲,眼里都冒出了浓浓的火热,他们早已了解先天之体和百大神体玄妙,早就向往不已。 At present the good opportunity here, even without dark green orders, they will not miss. 眼下如此良机在此,哪怕不用苍下令,他们也绝不会错过。 At once, all of them moved, that golden lotus, integrates within the body in abundance completely. 一时之间,他们所有人都动了起来,纷纷将那一朵朵金莲们,全部纳入体内 Is only a breath, each of them's body, swung the profound light rapidly, the release unusual aura, made all around world, had the phenomenon gradually. 仅仅只是一息,他们每个人的身上,就迅速荡开了玄光,释放出来了一股奇特的气息,令得四周的天地,都渐渐发生异象。 Hundred disciples, start to awaken simultaneously! 百位门人,同时开始觉醒! This, really extremely shocks, looking like Heavenly Thunder is ordinary, hit in Qin Nan wait/etc. everyone's bodies. 这一幕,实在是太过震撼,就像是一道道天雷一般,击中在了秦南等等所有人的身上。 Especially Wu Di and other most precious objects, stretch/open Xuanling, their world outlooks in the incisiveness that this moment breaks. 尤其是吴敌等至宝们,还有张玄灵,它们的世界观在这一刻都破碎的淋漓尽致。 Qin Nan realized a point suddenly, no wonder dark green will establish the Heavenly Emperor gate initially, will discredit in entire Great Upper Realm in him, unceasing treating worthies and scholars with courtesy, seven child will look at Heavenly Emperor is so heavy. 秦南骤然意识到了一点,难怪苍当初会建立天帝门,会在整个大上界抹黑于他,会不断的礼贤下士,会将天帝七子看的那么重。 Originally, dark green previously knew this point, ahead of time arrange/cloth good brings a game to a conclusion! 原来,苍先前就知道了这一点,提前布好了局! Un?” “嗯?” Suddenly, Qin Nan detected, starts to awaken from hundred disciples, during is dark as if has strengths, is submerging dark green within the body continuously, making dark green aura gradually rise. 突然间,秦南发觉,从百位门人开始觉醒之时,冥冥之中就仿佛有着一股股力量,正源源不断的没入苍的体内,令得苍一身气息逐渐上扬。 could it be that, these disciples awaken through ten 2-Rank lotuses, dark green will benefit? 难道,这些门人通过十二品道莲觉醒,苍会得到好处? That sense of crisis that this thought emergence, the Qin Nan previous heart raises, exploded an unprecedented sense of crisis immediately, made his entire immortal body, his Immortal Soul trembled. 这个念头一出现,秦南先前心底升起的那股危机感,顿时炸成了一股前所未有的危机感,令他整个仙躯,还有他的仙魂都颤栗不已。 Qin Nan understands finally, dark green, is true Great Tribulation! 秦南终于明白,苍,才是真正的大劫 If cannot dark green cut in this place today, all of them want falls/dies here, entire Great Upper Realm will be hit by the total destruction! 如若今天不能将苍斩于此地,那他们所有人都要陨落在此,整个大上界都会遭受灭顶之灾! „! Does not need to manage seven big most precious objects again! We make a move together, today must dark green cut in this place!” “诸位!不必再管七大至宝!我们一起出手,今日一定要将苍斩在此地!” Qin Nan passed on spiritual thought rapidly, the whole person erupts the complete imposing manner, was ordinary just like the dragon of yellow and black, toward dark green rushes over. 秦南迅速传去神念,整个人爆发出来了全部的气势,宛如玄黄之龙一般,朝着苍冲了过去。 Kills!” “杀!” Wu Di awakens, roared, it ignored the division of what eldest son directly, commanded Qin Nan all most precious objects, followed. 吴敌惊醒过来,咆哮一声,它直接不顾什么主器之分,统领秦南所有的至宝,紧随其后。 How Empress Fei Yue, Spirit of the celestial poles list, Through Heavens Dao Tree, Ji Xuan, Gu Fe, Princess Miaomiao and Jiang Bilan can not understand meaning, killed completely to dark green. 飞越女帝天极榜之灵通天道树季玄古飞妙妙公主江碧兰怎么会不明白其中的含义,全部都杀向了苍。 Right spatial Old Ancestor(s) must swallow Mr. left Xuan, no longer stop. 就连右空老祖要吞噬左玄老人,也不再阻拦。 All Immortals Divine Tablet went well, that does not have the present dark green terrifying! 诸仙神碑被得手,那也没有现在的苍恐怖! The dark green present changes magically hundred disciples, if had/left the world of human beings, returns to Great Upper Realm, how many people will he change magically? 苍现在只是点化百位门徒,若是出了人界,回到大上界之中,他将点化多少人? Qin Nan, at this moment, pours also does not have any to discuss, among us is not you dies, was I perishes!” Dark green faces murderous intention that this is blotting out the sky to come, completely not empty, even in this is at a crucial moment, he also sent greetings to the Eastern Bright Universe Chain seven big most precious objects: Your seven actually good, why not to recognize me taking advantage of this situation for the lord, later along with me conquers All Heavens together?” 秦南,事到如今,倒也没有什么好谈的了,我们之间不是你死,便是我亡了!”苍面对着这铺天盖地而来的杀机,完全不虚,甚至在这千钧一发之际,他还传音给了东煌太虚链七大至宝们:“你们七个倒是不错,何不借着这股大势认我为主,以后随我一起征服诸天?” Recognizes you for the lord?” Eastern Bright Universe Chain and other most precious objects, first felt one to be absurd and angry, they regarded as existence of servant, now thinks unexpectedly, when their Master? “认你为主?”东煌太虚链等至宝们,第一时间就感受到了一股荒唐和愤怒,一个它们视为仆人的存在,如今竟想当它们的主人
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