PBS :: Volume #31

#3056: All Immortals strikes

The Eastern Bright Universe Chain seven big most precious objects that is preparing to wait for an opportunity to leave, the figure lives immediately, has not thought, Wu Di opened the mouth to them unexpectedly! 正准备伺机离开的东煌太虚链七大至宝们,身形立刻就顿住了,万万没有想到,吴敌竟然向它们开口了! This matter's shock, is as good awakens the body of Innate! 此事的震撼,不亚于觉醒先天之体! Helps you? Has a dream!” Eastern Bright Universe Chain wants not to think, rejected directly. “帮你?做梦!”东煌太虚链想也没想,就直接拒绝了。 „Were you head make the donkey kicking? Waits dark green invincible in Great Upper Realm, can he not give refining you? Can you recognize once servant are the lord?” The Wu Di roar, exploded directly in their bottom of the heart: You, although is the rebel, but you are really willing to see, dark green puts together completely a cutting flower painstaking care here to give to ruin My Lord?” “你们是不是脑袋让驴给踢了?等苍无敌于大上界,他会不把你们给炼化?你们要认曾经的仆人为主吗?”吴敌的吼声,直接炸在了它们的心尖:“你们虽然是叛徒,但你们就真的愿意看到,苍把吾主拼尽一切花在这里的心血都给毁掉吗?” The character character pearl, sends ear-spittingly deaf, Eastern Bright Universe Chain, Heaven Murdering Halberd, Primal Chaos Pagoda, Dawn Knife, Confer Sovereign Sword and Absolute Holy Light Book, burn witch ancient lamp these seven big most precious objects, was startled completely. 字字珠玑,震耳发聩,东煌太虚链弑天戟鸿蒙塔唤光刀赐皇剑绝白圣书、燃巫古灯这七大至宝,全部都怔住了。 They as if saw, dark green overawes entire Azure Vault and Great Upper Realm, their unceasing running away, fell into the dark green evil clutches finally. 它们仿佛见到,苍威震整个青穹大上界,它们不断的逃窜,最终还是落入了苍的魔爪之中。 They as if saw, treads to become a lay priest to revere Boundary My Lord, is staring at Great Upper Realm, finally consumes the innumerable methods, this Great Upper Realm prohibits, to isolate in All Heavens and Myriad Realms little, but the dark green rise, all prohibiting, breaks completely. 它们仿佛看到,踏入道尊境界吾主,凝视着大上界,最终耗费无数手段,将这大上界一点点封禁,隔绝于诸天万界,可苍的崛起,将所有的封禁,全部打破。 They think suddenly when the past years was young the lord of Azure Vault, in tumultuous times that in that outstanding heroes rose together simultaneously, scene that laughed brightly. 它们忽然想到了当年年少时的青穹之主,在那群雄并起的乱世中,灿烂大笑的场景。 They arrive today this step , because they pursue the freedom, is ambition that because they inflate day after day, but their freedom is shattered now, the ambition also broke, they cannot neglect their laughable face countenances, maintains finally proudly? 它们走到今天这一步,是因为它们追求自由,也是因为它们日渐膨胀的野心,但现在它们的自由破灭了,野心也破碎了,它们就不能忽略掉它们那可笑的颜面,去维持最后一点骄傲吗? Wu Di, my is not helping you, I am not helping the lord of Azure Vault, I for us!” Eastern Bright Universe Chain lowers roars, evolves the eastern sovereign true body, spans goes void. 吴敌,我这可不是在帮你,我也不是在帮青穹之主,我是为了我们自己!”东煌太虚链低吼一声,演化东皇真身,跨越虚空而去。 Murders day of true meaning, primordial chaos giant beast wait/etc. simultaneously across the sky, curls up the dreadful imposing manner! 弑天真意、鸿蒙巨兽等等齐齐横空,卷起滔天气势! Acts recklessly!” “不知死活!” Dark green complexion one cold, seven big most precious objects run away he to understand, but seven big most precious objects dare to turn around to act to him unexpectedly, this aroused his killing heart. 苍脸色一寒,七大至宝们遁去他可以理解,但七大至宝竟然胆敢掉过头来向他出手,这就激起了他的杀心。 Also at this moment, the disciple awakened the god body, but also Qin Nan Innate Martial body, making dark green aura rise again, was the Half Step Immortal Sovereign degree. 此时此刻,又有一位门人觉醒了神体,还正是秦南先天武体,让苍一身气息再次上涨,达到了半步仙皇的程度。 He that 6-Rank lotus, rays of light must be more radiant behind. 就连他身后那六品道莲,光芒都要更为璀璨一些。 The time is even more tight! 时间愈加紧迫! Seizes the time!” “抓住时机!” In this moment, the Empress Fei Yue chilly sound, made a sound in Qin Nan and so on everyone's hearts. 就在这一刻,飞越女帝清冷的声音,响在了秦南等等所有人的心中。 Afterward only sees, the golden light in Empress Fei Yue double pupil, burnt just like the flame, aura of incomparably ancient terrifying, erupts from her, is gives to compel unexpectedly forcefully that chaos meaning in all directions! 随后只见到,飞越女帝双眸中的金光,宛如火焰般燃烧了起来,一股无比古老恐怖的气息,从她身上爆发而出,竟是硬生生将那四面八方的混沌之意都给逼开! Her imposing manner, unexpectedly is suddenly the hurricane, broke through some type of shackles directly, sent out an enormous and powerful sovereign pressure! 她一身气势,竟是陡然狂飙,直接冲破了某种桎梏,散发出来了一股浩荡的皇者威压! Immortal Sovereign! 仙皇 Un?” “嗯?” The dark green pupil shrinks suddenly, in heart rare blasted out a chill in the air. 苍的瞳仁急剧一缩,心中罕见的炸开了一道寒意。 Emperor pupil executes evilly!” “帝瞳诛邪!” The Empress Fei Yue chilly sound, reverberated in the entire world, immediately in her double pupil left behind two lines of tears of blood, that terrifying aura released immediately completely, changes to incomparably radiant golden glow, the bang approached dark green! 飞越女帝清冷的声音,回响在了整个天地间,随即她的双眸中留下了两行血泪,那股恐怖的气息顿时完全释放,化作了一道无比璀璨的金芒,轰向了苍! What kind of golden glow is this? 这是怎样的一道金芒 As soon as it appears, gives to shine upon the world becomes a piece of golden splendor, even if some people in the North coast and south coast, they can see at this moment that covers entirely in the sea level of stars, as if raised slowly brilliant gold/metal day. 它一出现,就将天地都给映照成为了一片金辉,哪怕此刻有人在北海岸、南海岸,他们都能够看到,那布满星辰的海面上,仿佛冉冉升起了一颗绚烂金日。 Bang! 轰隆! Terrifying strength, directly a 6-Rank lotus wasting, that remaining strength, mountains were probably common, hit in the dark green chest, gave to shake his Innate chaos body directly, figure hit repetitive backing up, in the mouth spat blood. 恐怖的力量,直接将六品道莲给打飞出去,那残余的力量,像是一尊尊山岳一般,撞击在了苍的胸口,将他的先天混沌体直接给撼动,身形被打的连连倒退,口中吐血。 Qin Nan sees this, the mind trembles fiercely, he understood suddenly, that blind female who he saw in the past who is! 秦南见到这一幕,心神剧烈震颤,他陡然明白了,他当年见到的那位瞎眼女子是谁! That is Empress Fei Yue! 那是飞越女帝 Her eyes, because this struck to be blind a moment ago! 她的双眼,就因为刚才这一击而瞎! Qin Nan Xinru blade, but he is clear, this time is the opportunity that Empress Fei Yue makes recklessly! 秦南心如刀扎,但是他非常明白,此时是飞越女帝不顾一切挣来的机会! Very possibly, is their only opportunities! 很可能,就是他们唯一的机会! Must hold! 必须得抓住! Roar! 吼! Qin Nan face upwarded to roar, within the body all strengths erupts the pinnacle, that swept across the yellow and black air/Qi on blade edge, came under his will influence unexpectedly, started the shape like the flame combustion. 秦南仰天咆哮一声,体内所有的力量都爆发到了极致,那席卷在刀锋上的玄黄之气,竟是受到了他的意志影响,开始形如火焰般燃烧。 Bang! 轰! A blade cuts, blade aura soars to the heavens! 一刀斩下,刀气冲霄! Not only he, Spirit of the celestial poles list and the others, Wu Di and the others, Eastern Bright Universe Chain and other most precious objects, how will miss this chance of a lifetime, their all strengths, erupted the pinnacle completely, toward dark green cut! 不只是他,天极榜之灵等人、吴敌等人、东煌太虚链等至宝们,岂会错过这千载难逢的机会,他们所有的力量,全部都爆发到了极致,朝着苍斩了下去! Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The terrifying attack, falls in torrents, gives to shake the entire sea! 恐怖的攻击,倾泻而下,将整个大海都给撼动! Infinite astral wind, sweeps across the entire picture, various fearful will, burst out completely, making in the world be born many phenomenon! 无穷的罡风,席卷整个画面,各种可怕的意志,都完全迸发开来,令得天地间都诞生出来了诸多的异象! Died?” “死了没?” In everyone double pupil exuded divine light, pierced that chaotic all, the scene that however they saw, made in their hearts one cold. 所有人双瞳之中都泛起了神光,洞穿了那混乱的一切,然而他们看到的景象,不由令他们心中一冷。 Only saw, same place that dark green is, is towering the one piece of stele, is All Immortals Divine Tablet, by All Immortals Divine Tablet right spatial Old Ancestor(s), whole body dyed in blood, aura is impressively feeble. 只见到,苍所在的原地,耸立着一块石碑,赫然是诸仙神碑,诸仙神碑旁的右空老祖,浑身染血,气息衰弱。 Dark green does not exist, but the right spatial Old Ancestor(s) side, has together the jet black Mysterious flame, is sending out dark green aura. 苍不存在了,但右空老祖的身边,有着一道漆黑神秘的火焰,散发着苍的气息 Chaos...... fire!” “混沌……之火!” Wu Di quite difficult opens the mouth, complexion gloomy like water, it has not thought, in the past went on an expedition the All Heavens and Myriad Realms great power with it, now becomes the straw to grasp of life and death archenemy unexpectedly. 吴敌颇为艰难的开口,脸色阴沉如水,它怎么也不曾想到,当年与它征战诸天万界的强大力量,如今竟是成为了生死大敌的救命稻草。 Hehe!” Right spatial Old Ancestor(s) exuded the especially hoarse grating laughter: Emperor All Immortals the pupil might, seriously is the terrifying, almost makes us fall!” “嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿!”右空老祖发出了格外沙哑刺耳的笑声:“诸仙帝瞳的威力,当真是恐怖啊,差点就让我们栽了跟头!” The innumerable chaos meanings, were attracted by fire of chaos, comes completely, submerges in the fire of chaos. That wisp of flame, expands instantaneously, finally the evolution becomes the dark green figure. 无数的混沌之意,受到了混沌之火的吸引,全部汹涌而来,没入混沌之火中。那一缕火焰,也瞬间壮大起来,最后演化成为了苍的身形。 Qin Nan and the others so strike, has very major role, a dark green complexion paleness, lived obviously, actually carries the enormous wound. 秦南等人如此一击,还是有着很大的作用,苍的脸色一片惨白,显然活了下来,却身负极大的创伤。
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