PBS :: Volume #27

#2639: In pairs breakthrough ( Part 3 )

Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable exuded sad and shrill pitiful yell sounds immediately, various within the body Cultivation Technique revolved crazily. 杨灵天尊顿时发出了一道道凄厉的惨叫声,体内各种功法疯狂运转起来。 However, all these do not have any significance, his within the body vitality passes rapidly, that invisible death, covered him gradually, finally embezzled thoroughly. Big 但是,这一切都没有任何意义,他体内的生机迅速流逝,那股无形的死亡,将他渐渐笼罩,最终彻底吞没。大 Fights hence, first Heavenly Venerable falls/dies! But 战至此,第一位天尊陨落!而 And, is self- boundary Heavenly Venerable! Does not have 且,还是一位自我境界的天尊!无 Often the Heavenly Venerable three people see this one, only feels creepy feeling, cold air direct impact their minds. „ 天尊三人见此一幕,只感觉头皮发麻,一股寒气直冲他们的心灵。“ Sir leaf, the dark green Sir, Through Heavens Dao Tree is not I and others can resist, we walk one first! ” The variable Heavenly Venerable three people cannot give a thought to that many again, passed on spiritual thought rapidly, has dispersed formation, changed to three god of journeys rainbows, has charged into three directions separately. 叶大人,苍大人,通天道树不是我等能够抵抗的,我们先走一步!”无常天尊三人再也顾不了那么多,迅速传去了神念,散开了大阵,化作三道神虹,分别冲向了三个方向。 Dark green has not come under any influence with Ye Zhaoxian. Like 苍和叶昭仙则是没有受到任何影响。像 Alliance that because their this types benefit temporarily forms, only if the use special method, otherwise basic having no way makes others sacrifice the life for you. 他们这种因为‘利益’临时组建的联盟,除非是使用特殊的手段,否则根本没法让别人为你豁出性命。 „To run away? Before me, there are so good to run away?” Through Heavens Dao Tree takes root in void, the huge personal appearance simply has not moved, but that branch, is separated unceasingly from the big tree, changes to one peerless Divine Sword, cuts from out of the blue. Bang “想逃?在我面前,有那么好逃吗?”通天道树扎根于虚空之中,庞大的身形根本没有动弹,但是那一根根树枝,不断从大树上脱离下来,化作一把把绝世神剑,破空斩去。轰 Rumbles Bang! not to have 轰! Often the Heavenly Venerable three people at the same time deal with from rear murderous intention, but must deal in invisible murderous intention from world, runs away hastily, has added many injuries from top to bottom, blood incarnadine long gown and Battle Armor, looks like extremely distressed. 天尊三人一边应付来自后方的杀机,还要应付来自天地间的无形杀机,仓促逃遁之间,浑身上下添了不少伤势,鲜血染红了长袍和战甲,看起来极其的狼狈。 Gives me to break!” The variable Heavenly Venerable three people ran away quickly this stretch of world the place of edge, immediately face upwarded the long and loud cry, offered a sacrifice to the formidable method, shelled the barrier of this stretch of world. In addition “给我破!”无常天尊三人很快逃到了这片天地的边缘之处,当即仰天长啸,祭出强大手段,轰击这片天地的屏障。另 Outside two Heavenly Venerable, but has used 2-3 moves, successfully opened a gap, makes a getaway. Does not have 外两位天尊,只是动用了两三招,就成功打开了一个缺口,逃之夭夭。无 Often Heavenly Venerable continually has made 45 killing move, makes that void tremble unceasingly, whenever after there are the crack appears, quickly restores such as beginning, is unable to destroy it. 天尊一连打出了45个杀招,却只是让那虚空不断震颤,每当有裂缝出现之后,很快又恢复如初,根本无法将其打碎。 Qin Nan! All that formerly made, is my mistake! Waits for the matter to settle, I visit inevitably personally, carry a rod and ask for punishment! I also swore in this, from now on the future will not get rid variable Heavenly Venerable to face upward to bellow to you. 秦南!先前所做的一切,都是我的错!等事情了结,我必然亲自登门,负荆请罪!我也在此立誓,从今往后绝不会对你们出手”无常天尊仰天大吼。 However, his words have not said, only hears bang a heavens-frightening loud sound, the dragon-form red lightning, from that day arched in erupts together, pulls out toward him strikes to go. 然而,他的话还没说完,只听得轰隆一声惊天巨响,一道龙形的红色闪电,从那天穹之中爆发而出,朝他抽击而去。 Death!” Attack that Through Heavens Dao Tree dispersed, closes up suddenly, changed into incomparably dazzling green sword light, passed through the big piece to be void directly, cuts to the variable top of the head. “死!”通天道树原本分散开来的攻击,也骤然合拢起来,化为了一道无比耀眼的绿色剑光,直接穿越了大片虚空,斩向了无常无常的头顶。 Life and death variable merit!” The variable Heavenly Venerable fine hair is but actually vertical, immediately uses own all pressure bottom methods. “生死无常功!”无常天尊汗毛倒竖,立刻施展出自己的所有压箱底手段。 So after contending has struggled enough 2.5 minutes, variable Heavenly Venerable finally is having unwillingly, regret and fear, drops down thoroughly, was cut everywhere blood rain, at the scene falls/dies. No 如此抗衡挣扎了足足半柱香之后,无常天尊最终带着不甘、后悔、恐惧,彻底倒下,被斩成了漫天血雨,当场陨落。不 Resulted in did not say, this Tomb Sect Sect Master, the luck apparently did not have another two Heavenly Venerable to be better. Three 得不说,这位墓门门主,运气显然没有另外两位天尊要好。三 Position Heavenly Venerable must run away, Qin Nan and Through Heavens Dao Tree naturally are willing to put them to walk, because three people put together are also not a small strength, must cut to kill them thoroughly, needs consumption many times, this might as well saves to cope dark green with Ye Zhaoxian. 天尊要逃走,秦南通天道树自然是愿意放他们走的,因为三人加在一起也是一股不小的力量,要将他们彻底斩杀,需得耗费不少功夫,这还不如节省出来去对付苍和叶昭仙 Naturally, must put is impossible to put completely. Past 当然,要放绝不可能全部放。昔 day these four Heavenly Venerable, that may be clearly suppresses the Qin Nan alliance, Qin Nan must result in kills one person again, thus punishes one as a warning to others. 日这四位天尊,那可都是旗帜鲜明的打压过秦南联盟,秦南必须得再杀一人,从而杀鸡儆猴。 As for remaining that two Heavenly Venerable, surely must bide one's time for punishment with them in the future! 至于剩下的那两位天尊,未来也必定要和他们秋后算账! Leaf old dog! Past attacked the boundary of Supreme Heavenly Venerable, you routed in me, whether today you can also defeat me?” Through Heavens Dao Tree drinks like the thunder, complete Internal Qi, locked on the body of Ye Zhaoxian instantaneously. “叶老狗!昔日冲击无上天尊之境,你大败于我,今日你是否还能败我?”通天道树喝声如雷,全部的气机,瞬间锁定在了叶昭仙的身上。 Everywhere murderous intention, attacks immediately toward Ye Zhaoxian. 漫天杀机,立刻朝着叶昭仙攻去。 The Ye Zhaoxian complexion is solemn, only felt that a huge pressure feeling raids, making his shoulder have an incomparably serious feeling. 叶昭仙脸色冷峻,只感觉一股庞大的压力感袭来,令他肩头有股无比沉重的感觉。 However, in his both eyes had still not feared intent, instead changes is getting more and more sharp. 但是,他双眼中仍旧没有惧意,反而变的越来越锋利。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Wars between four people, become more and more intense, is getting more and more fearful. Along with 四人之间的大战,变得越来越激烈,越来越可怕。随 Time little passage, Qin Nan the stretch of world, the places of many edges, were made like the dragon crack, and was unable to restore. Almost all void, made into the chaos, floods various astral qi and martial arts remnant intent, without any complete place. Qin 着时间一点点的推移,秦南所化的这片天地,有不少边缘之处,都被打出了一条条如龙般的裂缝,并且还无法进行恢复。几乎所有的虚空,也都被打成了混沌,充斥各种罡气和武道残意,没有任何完整之地。秦 world's strength of south kinetic energy reassignment, started to weaken. Because 南所动能调动的天地之力,开始变弱了许多。因 For including this day badly-damaged, some where also that many world's strength? 为连这天地都残破不堪了,哪里还有那么多天地之力?相 Compared with, dark green is more distressed with Ye Zhaoxian. Qin 比之下,苍和叶昭仙更加狼狈。秦 south, sufficiently gives the suppression them, making them be at a disadvantage, now were also many Through Heavens Dao Tree this giant, that result can be imagined! 南独自一人,就足以将他们给压制,让他们处于下风,如今又多了通天道树这位巨头,那结果可想而知! Only sees, dark green with Ye Zhaoxian under that everywhere murderous intention, Battle Armor breaks, whole body dyed in blood, the complexion somewhat is pale. 只见到,苍和叶昭仙在那漫天杀机之下,战甲破开,浑身染血,脸色都有些苍白。 From the semblance, they are only distressed, has not received the multiple injuries, but in fact they broke many skeletons, Sea of Consciousness and soul received not the small injury. 从外表上来看,他们只是狼狈,并没有受到多重的伤势,但实际上他们已经破碎了诸多根骨骼,识海和灵魂均是收到了不小的伤势。 Qin Nan, in one vigorous effort, first dark green to the dozen remnants, Ye Zhaoxian extinguishing!” Through Heavens Dao Tree shouted loudly, did not mind dark green with Ye Zhaoxian hearing. 秦南,一鼓作气,先将苍给打残,把叶昭仙给灭了!”通天道树大声喝道,丝毫不介意被苍和叶昭仙给听到。 Although these fights, it also had many injuries, is its vigor, actually becomes more and more full, is getting more and more formidable. „ 虽然这一场大战下来,它也有了不少伤势,可是它的精气神,却变得越来越饱满,越来越强大。“ Fifty Holy Mountain ! ” Qin Nan fighting intent, is increases a fearful degree, immediately does not have any, because, with that endless world's strength, evolved two illusory mountains, separately toward dark green with the Ye Zhaoxian suppression under. 大衍圣山!”秦南一身战意,已是攀升到了一个可怕的程度,当下没有任何由于,用那无尽天地之力,演化出来了两座虚幻大山,分别朝着苍和叶昭仙镇压而下。 Bang! 轰隆! The chaos are void, trembles fiercely. Mountain 混沌虚空,剧烈战栗。山 Although, dark green actually has not felt that incomparably vast pure strength with Ye Zhaoxian, as well as that many mysterious, this made their flesh body, Sea of Consciousness and soul, had one type to be suppressed thoroughly, the feeling of never turning over/standing up. 虽未至,苍和叶昭仙却都感受到了那股无比浩瀚的纯粹力量,以及那诸多的玄妙,这令他们的肉身识海、灵魂,都有了一种将被彻底镇压,永不翻身的感觉。 Direct access to the highest authorities! Do my can it be that you want to extinguish can extinguish?” Ye Zhaoxian cried loud and long suddenly, will burst out. “通天!我岂是你想灭就能灭的?”叶昭仙猛然长啸,意志迸发。 Qin Nan! Then just started!” Dark green also shoots up to the sky, welcomed the mountain to go. 秦南!这才刚刚开始!”苍也是冲天而起,直迎大山而去。 This flash, two person likely has broken through some leaf of gateway, the imposing manner of low getting down, rises suddenly suddenly again and again. 这一刹那,两人均是像是冲破了某一扇门户,原本低迷下去的气势,陡然连连暴涨。
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