PBS :: Volume #27

#2638: In pairs breakthrough ( Part 2 )

At this moment, extreme south land, terrifying battlefield. 此时此刻,极南之地,恐怖战场。 Through Heavens Dao Tree realized that dark green with the Ye Zhaoxian condition, the heart has shaken. 通天道树察觉到了苍和叶昭仙的状况,心头不由一震。 Qin Nan suppressed these two giants, this was also representing, routed the opportunities of these two giants to come! 秦南压制住了这两位巨头,这也就代表着,击溃这两位巨头的机会来了! So long as completely solves the first that four chop suey of distant place, then it can set aside the hand completely, first helps Qin Nan cope with Ye Zhaoxian together, defeats one of them! 只要先将远处的那四个杂碎给彻底解决掉,那它就可以完全腾出手来,先帮着秦南一起去对付叶昭仙,打垮其中一人! Spelled with him!” The Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable four people bellow, the combustion respective inside story, gathers four people of strength, has made formidable Forbidden Technique, from that nihility, summoned certainly generation of Killing God directly, lived superhuman, killed to Through Heavens Dao Tree. „ “跟他拼了!”杨灵天尊四人大吼一声,纷纷燃烧各自的底蕴,聚集四人之力,打出了一门强大的禁术,直接从那虚无之中,召出了一尊绝代杀神,生有三头六臂,杀向了通天道树。“ On your combustion inside story? Old men I, although is the boundary of Heavenly Venerable, but the life actually may endure to compare Supreme Heavenly Venerable, there are 100,000 years! Now also remains for 70,000 years, first burns in 3000 to play to you! ” Passing 就你们会燃烧底蕴吗?老夫我虽是天尊之境,但寿命却可堪比无上天尊,共有100000年!现在还剩70000年,先给你们燃烧3000年玩玩!”通 Day Dao Tree sneered, whole body braves fabricated flame, unceasing combustion. 道树冷笑一声,浑身冒起了一层虚妄的火焰,不断的燃烧。 However, along with the combustion of this flame, the imposing manner that it sends out, becomes huge, the vein on that piece by piece green and lustrous leaf, unexpectedly is the transformation became the golden color, on innumerable branches, started to spread the purple color traces, just like the Grand Dao trace. 不过,也随着这火焰的燃烧,它所散发出来的气势,变得更为庞大,那一片片绿莹莹的树叶上的脉络,竟是蜕变成为了金色,无数的树枝上,也开始蔓延起来了一道道紫色的纹路,宛如大道痕迹。 Extinguishes the technique exceedingly high greatly!” Passing “通天大灭术!”通 Day Dao Tree displayed one of the he most formidable secret arts directly, enough 9999 branches, were separated automatically from the big tree, leaf also one after another was a on the branch under. Tight 道树直接施展出来了他最强大的绝学之一,足足9999根树枝,自动从大树上脱离开来,一片片树叶也相继在树枝上脱离而下。紧 Then, the swords of these branches, as if were displayed by an invisible sword God, cut neatly to the Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable four people. That innumerable leaves, is follows, blocks the sky, blooming dazzling white glow and golden glow. 接着,这些树枝之剑,仿佛被一位无形的剑神所施展,齐刷刷斩向了杨灵天尊四人。那无数的树叶们,也是紧随其后,遮天蔽日,绽放耀眼白芒和金芒 Looks from afar, this is incomparably chaotic strikes, does not have any methodicalness, but in fact, it contained Through Heavens Dao Tree regarding the sensibility of world, becomes, may extinguish the myriad things! This 远远看去,这是无比混乱的一击,毫无任何章法,但实际上,它却蕴含了通天道树对于天地的感悟,自成一阵,可灭万物!这 , Also is the Through Heavens Dao Tree formidable place. ,也就是通天道树的强大之处。 After all, its book is the God tree that world breeding becomes, afterward obtained the big good fortune, ascends to Heavenly Venerable step by step, then refine to melt the trees of two Heavenly Venerable, caused its itself essence, surmounted an extremely high level instantaneously, can definitely be known as the Nine Heavens first tree. Tree 毕竟,它本就是天地孕育而成的神树,后来得到了大造化,一步步登至天尊,然后又炼化了两颗天尊之树,使得它自身的本质,瞬间攀越到了一个极高的层次,完全可以号称九天第一树。树 , Tenacious, unyielding, but also is the vitality is quite at one's convenience exuberant! But ,坚韧,不屈,还有便是生命力极为旺盛!而 And, after the Through Heavens Dao Tree vitality consumes, it can also take root the world, from world absorption to pure strength, rapid restores. Big 且,通天道树的生命力消耗完之后,它还可以重新扎根天地,从天地吸取至纯的力量,迅速的进行恢复。大 Approximately only takes one month, it can restore 50,000 years of life. This 约只需要一个月,它就可以恢复50000年寿命。这 Why was also dark green with Ye Zhaoxian formerly not to the reason that Through Heavens Dao Tree started. 也就是为何苍和叶昭仙先前不对通天道树下手的缘故。 If unable to achieve strikes to kill, then their alliances, will face the old monster that momentarily insanely wild walks unceasingly. 如果无法做到一击必杀,那么他们的联盟,将会不断面临一个随时疯狂暴走的老怪物。 Bang! Bang! Bang!! 砰砰砰 Dense and numerous explosion sounds. 密密麻麻的爆炸声响了起来。 Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable four average per person retreat in defeat again and again, the resistance, their within the body vitality, was shaken with hardship fiercely turns wells up, the complexion gradually changes is pale. One 杨灵天尊四人均是节节败退,苦苦抵抗,他们体内的气血,都被震得剧烈翻涌,脸色都渐渐变的苍白起来。一 The stock fearful sense of crisis, appeared in their heart, making them smell the aura of death. 股可怕的危机感,浮现在了他们的心头,让他们嗅到了死亡的气息。 This time, is in 7000!” Passing “这一次,是7000年!”通 Day Dao Tree coldly drinks, the fabricated flame that body burns, expanded entire one time suddenly, words that looks at from afar, looks like a peerless God tree, bath hot rebirth in a sea of fire. „ 道树冷冷一喝,身上燃烧起来的虚妄火焰,陡然扩大了整整一倍,远远看去的话,就像是一颗绝世神树,正在一片火海之中浴火重生。“ The world executes the immortal sword! ” 天地诛仙剑!” Four absorb the person heart and soul purple light, has sparkled in all directions, four likely are by world end breeding, but the peerless sword, appeared gradually from void, swung an incomparably astonishing sharp meaning. 四道摄人心魄的紫光,闪耀了四面八方,四把像是由天地尽头孕育而出的绝世之剑,渐渐从虚空中浮现出来了,荡开了一股无比惊人的锋锐之意。 Brushes! Passing 刷刷刷!通 Day Dao Tree searches 12 branches, the winding above the sword hilts of swords of four purple color, then fiercely has stimulated separately to movement, cuts separately toward four people. 道树探来12根树枝,分别缠绕在了四把紫色之剑的剑柄之上,然后猛地催动,分别朝着四人斩下。 Bang! 轰! Four terrifying sword aura, alternately became a well character, gave to cut the smashing the big piece void. Yang 四道恐怖的剑气,交叉成为了一个井字,将大片虚空都给斩成了粉碎。杨 The spirit Heavenly Venerable four people of complexions change excitedly, the meaning of this fearful sharp glow, making their whole body fine hair but actually vertical, feeling that alarm bell erupts, the soul one type must be cut. 天尊四人脸色勃然大变,这可怕的锋芒之意,令他们浑身汗毛倒竖,警铃大作,就连灵魂都有一种要被切割的感觉。 Sir leaf, dark green Sir!” “叶大人,苍大人!” The Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable four people are to bellow one. But 杨灵天尊四人都是大吼一声。可 Yes, dark green with Ye Zhaoxian still suppressed stubbornly, simply is the itself difficult insurance, where has free time to help them? 是,苍和叶昭仙仍旧被压制的死死的,简直就是自身难保,哪里有空来帮他们? In the Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable four people of hearts has one's heart sink with disappointment immediately. „ 杨灵天尊四人心中立刻凉了半截。“ Protects the Heavenly God prison! ” 天神狱!” However, is what kind, in this crucial moment, four people are simultaneously bellows, does not dare to have any hiding contraband again, displayed the respective card in a hand, has made all kinds of magical powers, protected the whole body. Bang 不过,再怎么样,在这生死关头,四人都是齐齐大吼,不敢再有任何藏私,纷纷施展出来了各自的底牌,打出了各种各样的神通,护住了周身。轰 Rumbles Bang! four 轰! People, mouth spits the blood, the personal appearance was shaken again and again backs up. 人哇的一声,口吐鲜血,身形被震得连连倒退。 Gets sick while him, wants him to assign! 正所谓,趁他病,要他命! Through Heavens Dao Tree existed for several tens of thousands years, clear this point, erupted the extremely astonishing speed immediately, executed the immortal sword to give to brandish four world became the remnant shades of innumerable say/way, just like blooming a sword light world. 通天道树存在了数万年,声声明白这一点,当即爆发出来了极为惊人的速度,把四把天地诛仙剑都给挥舞成为了无数道的残影,宛如绽放开来了一个剑光世界。 Cuts......” one “斩斩斩斩斩……”一 Brilliant sword aura, blooms in the world. Yang 记记绚烂的剑气,绽放在天地之间。杨 Spirit Heavenly Venerable four people of hit retreating in defeat again and again, the blood spits crazily, is very distressed. „ 天尊四人被打的节节败退,鲜血狂吐,无比狼狈。“ What to do should? The words this way, sooner or later must die here! ” 该怎么办?这样下去的话,迟早要死在这里!” The Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable four people are burning with impatience, rack brains to try to find the solution. 杨灵天尊四人都是心急如焚,绞尽脑汁想着办法。到 This situation, so long as can run away, they will not have any hesitation. He 了这一地步,只要是能够逃走,那他们绝不会有任何犹豫。他 After all is the Heavenly Venerable giant, not dark green to thorough brainwashing, how to help again dark green, that at least must save the life. 们毕竟是天尊巨头,还没被苍给彻底洗脑,再怎么帮助苍,那至少也得保住性命。 Suddenly, Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable sees, in purple color blade aura of that everywhere, presented red glow suddenly. One 突然,杨灵天尊就看到,在那漫天的紫色刀气之中,忽而出现了一道红芒。一 The stock fierce incomparable sense of crisis, blasts out in his chest immediately. 股剧烈无比的危机感,顿时在他胸膛炸开。 „It is not good “不好” Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable whole face was panic-stricken, erupts the inconceivable speed, formed the seal law, made Forbidden Technique, resisted. 杨灵天尊满脸惊骇,爆发出了不可思议的速度,结成印法,打出禁术,进行抵抗。 Strikes exceedingly high!” One “通天一击!”一 The coldly sound resounds. 冷冷的声音响起。 That say/way red glow enlarges in Yang spirit Heavenly Venerable eye instantaneously, then by him is not knowing speed how should describe, tore into shreds his Forbidden Technique instantaneously, has infiltrated his chest. 那道红芒瞬间在杨灵天尊眼中放大,然后以着他不知该如何形容的速度,将他的禁术给瞬间撕碎,打入了他的胸膛。
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