PBS :: Volume #27

#2640: Re-enters Supreme Dao

Qin Nan and Through Heavens Dao Tree can feel, Ye Zhaoxian and dark green within the body, surged a very huge brand-new strength, enabling their itself to have some mysterious big transformation. 秦南通天道树都能够感受到,叶昭仙和苍的体内,涌起了一股非常庞大的崭新力量,使得他们自身发生了某种玄而又玄的大蜕变。 This is the Through Heavens Dao Tree pupil shrinks. “这是”通天道树瞳仁一缩。 Regarding such situation, it is not strange, when it initially from Heavenly Venerable of self- boundary, broke through to knowing boundary Heavenly Venerable, once had had similar change, but did not have Ye Zhaoxian and dark green is so astonishing. Very 对于这样的情形,它并不陌生,它当初从自我境界的天尊,突破到识地境界天尊之时,就曾发生过类似的变化,只是没有叶昭仙和苍这么惊人而已。很 Obviously, dark green broke through with Ye Zhaoxian! Dark green 显然,苍和叶昭仙都突破了!苍 Knew boundary Heavenly Venerable, now broke through the Answering Heaven boundary! 原本是识地境界的天尊,如今突破到了应天境界! Ye Zhaoxian is Answering Heaven boundary Heavenly Venerable, now broke through to Dao Boundary! 叶昭仙原本是应天境界的天尊,如今突破到了至道境界! Qin Nan, exceedingly high, I must thank you.” Ye Zhaoxian is feeling within the body that brand-new huge strength, the light opens the mouth said. 秦南,通天,我还得感谢你们。”叶昭仙感受着体内那股崭新的庞大力量,淡淡开口说道。 When antiquity time, he and dark green, Zhou Di and Huangfu Jue, is Answering Heaven boundary Heavenly Venerable. Volume 上古时代之时,他和苍、周帝皇甫绝,都是应天境界的天尊。卷 After earth comes again, he has used probably for five months, restored the Answering Heaven boundary. 土重来之后,他大概用了五个月时间,恢复到了应天境界。 Then, he starts to attempt to enter into Supreme Dao. According to 然后,他就开始尝试迈入至道。按 According to his rhythm originally, he at least also takes two years, can enter Supreme Dao, achieves the Heavenly Venerable pinnacle. But 照他原本的节奏,他至少还需要两年的时间,才能够进入至道,达到天尊的极致。但 Yes, these fights, that huge incomparable pressure feeling, the feeling of that invisible death, stimulated his potential thoroughly, making him enter into ahead of time. Dark green 是,这一场大战下来,那巨大无比的压力感,还有那无形的死亡之感,彻底激发了他的潜力,让他给提前迈入。苍 Also is so. 也是如此。 He restores the Answering Heaven boundary, at least takes three months, but now actually this time saving. „ 他重新恢复应天境界,至少需要三个多月,可是现在却将这个时间给节省了。“ ! ” In the Through Heavens Dao Tree heart scolded one. No 靠!”通天道树心中骂了一声。不 Results in did not acknowledge, dark green with Ye Zhaoxian natural talent is very terrifying, has gone far beyond it. „ 得不承认,苍和叶昭仙天资都是非常恐怖,远远超过了它。“ Space-Time refining up God! ” Leaf 时空炼神阵!”叶 The illustrious immortal has gotten rid immediately, only sees his magic seal knot, illusory shadow of tablets of that three Space-Time, formed antiquity formation, erupted an extremely intense fluctuation, caused the world rule in all directions, came under the enormous influence. 昭仙立刻出手了,只见到他法印一结,那三座时空之碑的虚影,重新结成一种上古大阵,爆发出来了一股极为强烈的波动,使得四面八方的天地规则,都受到了巨大影响。 The Ye Zhaoxian personal appearance in a flash, is Popular Front unites unexpectedly, shares everything. 叶昭仙身形一晃,竟是人阵合一,不分彼此。 In the Ye Zhaoxian hand the immortal sword cuts once again, that sword intent formerly was unexpectedly more terrorist, direct impact vault of heaven deep place, Ownerless Vault Chart and Heavenly Cycle Undying Mountain pressure, thorough anti-. 叶昭仙手中仙剑再度斩出,那一股股剑意竟是比先前更为恐怖,直冲天穹深处,将无主穹图周天不死山的威压,给彻彻底底的抗住。 Meanwhile his left hand ties seal, forward a racket, during that was void to summon personal appearance huge ghosts and gods, changed to an army, direct impact Through Heavens Dao Tree. „ 同时他左手结印,向前一拍,在那虚空之中召出了一尊尊身形庞大的鬼神,化作了一只大军,直冲通天道树。“ Exceedingly high formation! ” Passing 通天大阵!”通 Day Dao Tree explodes drinks one, all branches, all leaves, all dance in the air, green light sparkle. 道树爆喝一声,所有的树枝,所有的树叶,全部飞舞起来,绿光闪耀。 Meanwhile, the dark green personal appearance moved, lifts the hand to make a pagoda. 与此同时,苍身形一动,抬手打出了一座宝塔。 This tower about 30 zhang (3.33 m) high, there are ten, the whole body is swarthy, the aura is plain. It 此塔大约30丈之高,共有十层,浑身黝黑,气息古朴。它 After dark green to stimulation of movement, immediately erupted golden glow, changed into an ancient God likely, arrived at Qin Nan ten Avatar place above, released strength of the boundless suppression, making ten Avatar suffer the terrifying pressure, can only resist fully, is unable to continue to pursue Ye Zhaoxian. This 被苍给催动之后,立即爆发出来了一道道金芒,像是化为了一尊古老的神祗,来到了秦南十尊‘化身’上方,释放出来了一股磅礴的镇压之力,令得十尊‘化身’遭受到恐怖压力,只能全力抵抗,无法继续追击叶昭仙。这 The place pagoda, is dark green the most precious object that attains from Azure Vault. 座宝塔,乃是苍从青穹中所获的一件至宝。 Kills!” Qin Nan remains unmoved, on this day, evolved the thunder, flame, snow and ice wait/etc. is murderous intention, took away as many things as possible toward two person. “杀!”秦南不为所动,在这天地之间,演化出来了雷霆、火焰、冰雪等等是杀机,向着两人席卷而去。 Heavenly Emperor sword!” Dark green erupted the incomparably astonishing speed, changed to remnant shades in the world, avoided many murderous intention directly. 天帝剑经!”苍爆发出来了无比惊人的速度,在天地间化作了一道道残影,将诸多杀机直接避开。 Meanwhile, in his hand immortal sword cuts again and again, scarlet golden sword aura, soar to the heavens immediately. Has 与此同时,他手中仙剑连连斩出,一道道赤金色的剑气,顿时冲霄而起。有 sword aura, cut to break to pieces big piece murderous intention, some sword aura cut into the vault of heaven deep place directly, making the sky fiercely tremble! 剑气,斩碎了大片杀机,有的剑气直接斩入天穹深处,令得天空剧烈震颤! War originally, had the change in this moment quietly, is dark green is pressed hitting with Ye Zhaoxian likely, can only the passive defense, now actually probably in turn. 原本的战局,在这一刻悄然发生了变化,原本像是苍和叶昭仙被压着打,只能被动的防守,现在却好像反过来了。 In pairs after breakthrough boundary, dark green with Ye Zhaoxian battle strength, almost rose one time to continue. By 双双突破境界之后,苍和叶昭仙战力,几乎都上涨了一倍不止。以 Their battle strength, rise a time of that is very terrifying! Bang 他们的战力,上涨一倍那可是非常恐怖的!轰 Rumbles Bang! one 轰! Said that heavens-frightening moves the place explosive sound to resound again and again. In 道道惊天动地的爆炸声连连响起。在 Dark green kills under the technique with Ye Zhaoxian fearfully, the crack of place of trim world edge, becomes more and more, the words that looks at from afar, can see, this stretch of world became is badly-damaged, will be soon thorough shatter. 苍和叶昭仙一道道可怕杀术之下,整片天地边缘之处的裂缝,变得越来越多,远远看去的话,都已经能够看到,这片天地已经变得残破不堪,即将彻底破碎。 Qin Nan, do you also want to hide on this day in? could it be that have you feared?” Dark green drinks like the thunder: Does not leave ten breaths, I destroy your this stretch of world inevitably!” 秦南,你还要躲在这天地里面吗?难道你已经怕了?”苍喝声如雷:“不出十息,我必然打碎你这片天地!”“ Right? You try freely! ” The Qin Nan sound such as gold/metal, voice just fell, from arched deep place of that day, fiercely has found out ten giant palms, toward dark green has grasped. 是吗?那你尽管来试试!”秦南声如金戈,话音刚落,从那天穹深处,就猛地探出了十尊巨大的手掌,朝着苍抓了过去。 The dark green sword cuts, cuts the smashing that ten palms completely, simultaneously his personal appearance accelerates suddenly, has charged into the vault of heaven deep place straightly, greatest sword intent, surges to the four directions. „ 苍一剑斩出,将那十尊手掌全部斩成粉碎,同时他身形猛然加速,笔直冲向了天穹深处,一股莫大的剑意,向四方激荡开来。“ Dark green, Ye Zhaoxian, you have forgotten a point, you can break through itself taking advantage of this war, is it possible that can't I break through? ” The Qin Nan sound is loud and clear, resounds through each corner. 苍,叶昭仙,你们忘了一点,你们能够借着这一场大战突破自身,我莫非就不能突破吗?”秦南声音洪亮,响彻每一个角落。 Un?” Dark green with the Ye Zhaoxian personal appearance simultaneously, their complexion suddenly changes. “嗯?”苍和叶昭仙身形同时一顿,紧接着他们脸色就猛然一变。 Because they feel, this piece as if soon borders on the shatter world, the aura suddenly becomes tyrannical. 因为他们感受到,这片仿佛快要濒临破碎的天地,气息陡然变得强横起来。 Moreover, this surrounding area 1 million miles world, changed into a monster likely, unexpectedly to first Small Immortal Territory expands in all directions fiercely, swallows the domain. Winking 而且,这方圆1000000里的天地,像是化为了一尊怪兽,竟是向第一小仙域的四面八方剧烈扩张,吞噬地盘。眨 In eyes, Qin Nan the stretch of world, expanded the surrounding area 3.84 million miles! 眼之间,秦南所化的这片天地,扩张到了方圆3840000里! A rival in chess, the war of intense bad risk, it affects mutual! Qin 一场棋逢对手,激烈凶险的大战,它作用是相互的!秦 south when antiquity time, to Dao Boundary Heavenly Venerable, Answering Heaven boundary Supreme Heavenly Venerable, now after this war, his within the body potential also thoroughly stimulates, returns to Dao Boundary directly! „ 南在上古时代之时,就是至道境天尊,应天无上天尊,如今经此一战,他体内的潜力也彻底激发出来,直接就回归至道境界!“ How is this possible? ” Dark green Ye Zhaoxian is an item of dew is shocking, Through Heavens Dao Tree also at the scene. 这怎么可能?”苍叶昭仙都是目露震惊,通天道树也愣在当场。 Is this to Dao Boundary? Qin Nan said that the breakthrough did break through? Forest 这可是至道境界啊?秦南说突破就突破了?林 Dawn inheritance, is so fearful? 晓之的传承,有那么可怕吗?
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