PBS :: Volume #20

#1984: 16 the place of blood king

When Qin Nan fell in the blood stage floor, in entire islands, still complete silence. 秦南落到了血台台面上时,整个岛屿上,依然鸦雀无声。 Although some people understand the intention of Qin Nan, strength that but Qin Nan erupted a moment ago, was really too terrifying, is about to have surpassed their cognition to the Unparalleled Overlord this rank. 虽然有一些人明白秦南的用意,但是秦南刚才爆发出来的力量,实在是太恐怖了,都快超出了他们对盖世霸主这个级别的认知。 The Qin Nan standing firm footsteps, shot a look at one to pound Wan Li in big hole wait/etc. person, said lightly: From now on, I do not hope that some people get rid to me, otherwise, the consequence is proud.” 秦南站定脚步,瞥了一眼砸在大坑里的万立等等人,淡淡道:“从现在开始,我不希望有人对我出手,不然的话,后果自负。” A faint trace vague chill in the air, raises in many person hearts, makes their some thoughts originally, extinguished instantaneously. 一丝丝若有若无的寒意,在不少人心中升起,令得他们原本的一些心思,瞬间灭了下去。 All Immortals fifth person of Successor, if cuts to kill, the advantage that gains, will be hard to imagine...... 诸仙第五人的传人,如果一旦斩杀,那获得的好处,将是难以想象的…… But, they cannot provoke! 可是,他们根本招惹不起! Qin Nan takes back the vision, no longer pays attention to people, but looked to Supreme Blood Platform. 秦南收回目光,不再理会众人,而是看向了至尊血台 On this is sitting cross-legged more than 20 people that sits, majority is existences of Unparalleled Overlord peak, several within the body are fluctuating the tyrannical strength, even if not peerless talent, was unusual. 这上面正盘膝而坐的20余人,大部分都是盖世霸主巅峰的存在,还有几位体内波动着强横力量,即便不是绝世天才,也非同一般了。 Their look is tranquil, the mind sinks, does not know regarding the arrival of Qin Nan completely. 他们神色平静,心神沉入,对于秦南的到来完全不知。 Qin Nan is attempting the War God immortal pupil stimulation of movement pinnacle, but in Supreme Blood Platform, the strength of fluctuation was really too astonishing, he is unable to see through slightly. 秦南尝试着将战神仙瞳催动极致,但是至尊血台里,波动的力量实在是太惊人了,他根本无法看穿丝毫。 Properly speaking, after I am on this, if that blood of my previous generation, in inside, should induce is right, bad Ownerless Vault Chart also a little will respond again......” “按理来说,我登上此台之后,如果我前世的那一滴血液,就在里面的话,应该会有所感应才对,再不济无主穹图也会有点反应……” Qin Nan brow micro wrinkle. 秦南眉头微皱。 could it be that that blood, not in this place? 难道那一滴血液,并不在此地? Does not manage, since came, that must result in clarifies.” “不管了,既然都已经来了,那必须得弄清楚。” Qin Nan secret passage, releases white-blue flower in Sea of Consciousness, has placed on Supreme Blood Platform. 秦南暗道一声,将识海之中的白蓝之花释放出来,放在了至尊血台上面。 Eternal Flower in side \; first, can guarantee him under fully the sensibility, will not encounter the danger \; second, in this Supreme Blood Platform, if has any dust-laden thing, inherits the chance, ancient top secret wait/etc. and so on, will decide is awakened ahead of time. 永恒之花在旁,一是可以保证他在全力感悟之下,也不会遭遇危险,二是这至尊血台里面,若真有什么尘封的东西,传承机缘,古老秘辛等等之类的,定会被提前唤醒。 Qin Nan inspired gently, at once sits cross-legged to sit, both eyes close. 秦南轻轻吸了口气,旋即盘膝而坐,双眼闭上。 In this moment, an invisible mysterious strength, has passed through his body, emerged in his mind directly, making him achieve a spatial condition directly. 在这一刻,一股无形的玄妙力量,穿过了他的身体,直接涌入了他的心灵里面,让他直接达到了一种空的状态。 This spatial, with common blows off differently, but is Qin Nan itself, can feel this spatial feeling. 这种空,与寻常的放空不同,而是秦南自身,能够感受到这种空的感觉。 He seems a bystander, entered in the body of Qin Nan, can see his within the body all strengths, as well as innermost feelings and soul. 他就仿佛是一个外人,进入到了秦南的身体里,可以看到他体内的一切力量,以及内心和灵魂。 And, his thoughts are pure, do not have the distracting thoughts, but looks like this. 并且,他还心思纯粹,毫无杂念,只是这样看着。 War God's Spirit, Fight the Heavens fight the Earth, nothing which is not fights, nothing which is not wins!” 战神之魂,战天战地,无所不战,无所不胜!” Why between can Martial Ancestor's Tree, only have one on this day? Cannot have three, eight, nine?” “为何这天地之间的武祖之树,只能有一颗?不能拥有三颗,八颗,九颗?” Southern Heaven Gate, I and you have not ended!” 南天门,我和你没完!” How ascending immortal?” “如何升仙?” Ownerless Vault Chart, since has this ability, if I receive inside other Supreme Dao Lineage talents, how couldn't it be can practice their Asking Dao Technique?” 无主穹图既然有这个能力,那我若是将其他无上道统的天才们收入里面,岂不是可以修炼他们的问道之法?” „Is my previous generation, who?” “我的前世,到底是谁?” I will not suspect War God!” “我绝不会怀疑战神!” Some Qin Nan had experienced picture, in some of his hearts once idea, like is the mushroom growth, unceasing emitting. 一些秦南曾经经历过的画面,一些他心中曾经的想法,都像是雨后春笋一样,不断的冒出。 his oneself Avatar for outsider, such pure looks. 他自己化身为局外人,这样纯粹的看着。 The static boundary has two types, the first type is to put behind not to read, the second type has to read does not have to think. 静的境界有两种,第一种是忘却无念,第二种则是有念无所思。 What kind of peerless talent, is any Nine Heavens Supreme and Lord Realm such Powerhouse , generally in oneself close up practice, is unable to enter this second type. 无论是怎样的绝世天才,还是什么九天至尊主境这样的强者,一般在自己闭关修炼之时,都根本无法进入这第二种。 The Supreme Blood Platform strength, can help the person achieve this situation. 至尊血台的力量,就可以帮助人做到这一地步。 Time every little bit past. 时间一点一滴的过去。 Beside seventh World's Sacred Area, under the innumerable Cultivator vision, has Cultivator, formidable imposing manners, broke in the place of entrance, the sound of exclamation, once for a while resounds. 第七天地圣区之外,无数修士目光之下,有着一位位修士们,一道道强大气势,冲入了入口之处,惊叹之声,时不时响起。 The place of this islands, over a hundred Cultivator, mutually are encountering, intense incomparable. 这片岛屿之处,上百位修士们,则在相互交锋着,激烈无比。 Qin Nan formerly deterrent, played the huge role, nobody has dared to harass. 秦南先前的威慑,起了巨大的作用,一直都无人敢扰。 But his within the body, at this time, continuously nine color dao light, flowed from Dao Magic Tree, was pasting regarding his whole body meridians unceasingly. 而他的体内,在这个时候,一缕缕九色道光,从道法之树中流淌而出,围绕着他浑身经脉不断流转着。 immortal technique and dao technique that mystery 13 Asking Dao Technique, Qin Nan grasps, is similar to the picture is the same, appears in the heart, evolves unceasingly. 13门问道之法,还有秦南掌握的仙术道术的奥妙,如同画面一样,浮现在心中,不断演化。 Once ancient word, the name for the first boundary, looked at the mountain is the mountain, looked at the water is the water, the second boundary, looked at the mountain is not the mountain, looked at the water is not the water, the third boundary, looked at the mountain or the mountain, looked at the water or the water. 曾有一句古言,名为第一境界,看山是山,看水是水,第二境界,看山不是山,看水不是水,第三境界,看山还是山,看水还是水。 The meaning of these words, was saying that initially entering does not think, had to sense, big accomplishment gave up affectation. 这句话的意思,就是在说,初入者毫无所觉,有成者有所感悟,大成者返璞归真。 This giving up affectation, was not you had this idea, can achieve, only had the tip unceasing accumulations, achieved an apex, in breakthrough apex. 这种返璞归真,并不是你有了这个想法,就能达到的,唯有点点滴滴不断积累,达到一个顶点,在突破顶点。 If there is Buddha language that spreads widely, puts down the butcher knife, vertical achieves Buddhahood. 就如有句广为流传的佛语,放下屠刀,立地成佛。 An unparalleled big demon, has put down the blade in hand, can achieve Buddhahood really? 一个盖世大魔头,放下了手中的刀,真能成佛吗? That is impossible, only has in his heart all holds to read, once world outlooks as well as all ideas, the thorough avalanche, did not exist, only then achieved Buddhahood. 那根本不可能的,唯有他心中所有的执念,曾经的世界观以及一切想法,彻底崩塌,不复存在,方可成佛。 Now Qin Nan condition, a little this feeling. 现在秦南的状态,就有点这种感觉。 The innumerable accumulations, a dynasty turns over to spatially. 无数积累,一朝归空。 After five double-hour, both eyes of Qin Nan open slowly, the focal distance slowly restores. 五个时辰之后,秦南的双眼缓缓睁开,焦距慢慢恢复。 Buzz! 嗡! In his within the body, shoots up to the sky just like unparalleled rainbow blade aura together, snow white rays of light, has shone upon the entire islands. 在他体内,一道宛如盖世长虹般的刀气冲天而起,雪白的光芒,映照了整个岛屿。 „The Qin Nan imposing manner, from completely was formerly different!” 秦南的气势,与先前完全不同了!” Then passes ten double-hour, has he broken through unexpectedly?” “这才过去十个时辰啊,他竟然就有所突破了?” Cultivator, once more shock. 一位位修士们,都再次震惊。 This Supreme Blood Platform, but also is really good place Ah ! “这至尊血台,还真是一个好地方啊! Qin Nan felt the within the body brand-new change, the corners of the mouth is reappearing has wiped the smiling face. 秦南感受着体内全新的变化,嘴角不禁浮现了一抹笑容。 Under the influence of Eternal Flower, Supreme Blood Platform hasn't presented the response?” “在永恒之花的影响下,至尊血台还没出现反应么?” Qin Nan has swept one, then shook the head, prepares to sit cross-legged to sit once more. 秦南扫了一眼,便摇了摇头,准备再次盘膝而坐。 He has a feeling, if makes him in the time on Supreme Blood Platform treating longer, then he practice 13 Asking Dao Technique, will decide however will make the brand-new breakthrough. 他有种感觉,如果让他在至尊血台上待的时间更长,那么他所修炼的13门问道之法,定然会有全新的突破。 cultivation level, there are greatly possibly enters the Unparalleled Overlord peak boundary very much. 一身修为,也有很大可能进入盖世霸主巅峰境界。 However, in this time, big Supreme Blood Platform, suddenly rocked. 然而,就在此时,诺大的至尊血台,忽然晃动了起来。 Although is slight, Qin Nan also feeling very clear. 尽管非常细微,秦南也感受的非常清晰 Un?” “嗯?” The Qin Nan eyebrow selects, closely is staring. 秦南眉毛一挑,紧紧盯着。 The degree of rocking, starts to be getting bigger and bigger, are many are encountering Cultivator, felt that afterward Qin Nan then sees, the Supreme Blood Platform deep place, the extremely boundless strengths, at the astonishing speed, were flushing upwardly. 晃动的程度,开始越来越大,不少正在交锋中的修士,都有所感觉,随后秦南便见到,至尊血台的深处,有一股极为磅礴的力量,以着惊人的速度,向上冲了起来。 Bang! 轰隆! Entire Supreme Blood Platform, was defeated and dispersed fearful blood light, has shone all in all directions. 整个至尊血台,溃散出来了一道可怕血光,照耀了四面八方的所有一切。 Supreme Blood Platform is expanding unceasingly, when until 50,000 zhang (3.33 m), stops suddenly, simultaneously the place of that middle, exploded fiercely has projected extremely rich blood light, submerged the world deep place, illusory shadow of 16 giant chairs, evolution. 紧接着,至尊血台不断扩大着,直到50000丈之时,才戛然而止,同时那中间之处,猛地爆射出了一道极为浓郁的血光,没入天地更深处,16尊巨大座椅的虚影,演化而出。
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