PBS :: Volume #20

#1985: Ancient City in hideaway

Each chair, has 20 zhang (3.33 m) high, the width has 13 zhang (3.33 m), probability empty, is sending out an incomparably overbearing imposing manner, as if each, can suppress a stretch of world. 每个座椅,高有20丈,宽有13丈,似实似虚,散发着一股无比霸道的气势,仿佛它们每一个,都可以镇压住一片天地。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Presented this?” “怎么出现了这个?” All Cultivator on islands, including are closing up practice more than 30 Cultivator on Supreme Blood Platform, was alarmed completely, the whole face is surprised. 岛屿上的所有修士们,包括正在至尊血台上闭关修炼的30余位修士,全部都被惊动,满脸惊疑。 Since these several thousand years, they have never listened to some people saying that from Supreme Blood Platform, will present 16 blood places. 这几千年以来,他们从未听过有人说,从至尊血台里面,会出现16个血座。 Qin Nan looks up, in the heart has flashed through thoughts. 秦南抬头看着,心中闪过了一道道念头。 First comes up to have a look!” “先上去看看!” He takes back Eternal Flower, the personal appearance changes to together the azure glow, right the direct impact the first blood place, since the ancient times, takes right as Venerable. 他收回永恒之花,身形化作一道青芒,直冲右边第一个血座,自古以来,都是以右为尊。 We also pass!” “我们也过去!” Other Cultivator responded that simultaneously has had all trades magic seal, changed to all kinds of rays of light, shot up to the sky. 其他修士们反应过来,齐齐结出了一门门法印,化作各种各样的光芒,冲天而起。 Supreme Blood Platform had the unprecedented mutation, is very likely a big chance! 至尊血台发生了前所未有的异变,很有可能是一个大机缘! Naturally, is very likely one kills the bureau greatly. 当然了,也很有可能是一场大杀局。 However, this fully is worth giving it all, if is really the big chance, advantage that then can gain, will be very astonishing, even heaven-defying changes the fate, soars. 但是,这完全值得放手一搏,如果真是大机缘的话,那么能够获得的好处,将会无比惊人,甚至逆天改命,一飞冲天。 Qin Nan fell in the first blood place, fell instant, his heart, raised immediately a marvelous feeling, resembles present him, was a peerless King, in the world all Cultivator, was not his match. 秦南率先落在了第一个血座上,落下的刹那,他的心头,顿时升起了一种奇妙的感觉,就好像现在的他,是一位绝世王者,天地间所有的一切修士,都不是他的对手。 Fellow Daoist Qin Nan, admires for a long time, but also please be liberal to grant instruction!” 秦南道友,仰慕已久,还请不吝赐教!” peerless talent from Ancient Clan, killed the Qin Nan front, in the hand was holding an antique spear/gun, the spear/gun glow was extremely sharp, as if can pierce all. 一位来自一个古族绝世天才,杀到了秦南的面前,手中持着一杆太古之枪,枪芒极其锋锐,仿佛可以刺穿所有的一切。 However, Qin Nan has not gotten rid, hears Bang the sound to resound together, the spear/gun burr in the ten zhang (3.33 m) place of blood place front, punctured likely on a mountain , is difficult to enter slightly. 不过,秦南还没有出手,就听得一道砰的声音响起,枪芒刺在了血座前方的十丈之处,像是刺在了一座大山上,再也难进丝毫。 „After going, can rush on nobody!” “进去之后,就无人可以闯进来!” Other Cultivator detect this point, look is more fiery, the confrontation, changes is more intense, has resounded deafening explosive sounds. 其他修士们发觉这一点,眼神更为火热,彼此之间的交锋,变的更为激烈,响起了一道道震耳欲聋的爆炸声。 Must know, although on Supreme Blood Platform has to spread several thousand years of custom, but that custom after all empty, when is sensing, was assassinated by the personal enemy, that is not the common danger. 要知道,虽然至尊血台上有着流传了几千年的规矩,但那规矩毕竟是虚的,如果正在感悟之时,遭到仇人刺杀,那可不是一般的危险。 Now this blood place, completely is different. 现在这个血座,就完全不同了。 peerless talent of this holding a gun, corners of the mouth have pulled out pulling out, is somewhat depressed, Qin Nan sees this one to smile, said: Might as well, later the time is very long.” 这位持枪的绝世天才,嘴角抽了抽,有些郁闷,秦南见此一笑,道:“无妨,以后时间还很长。” peerless talent nodded, has arched cuping one hand in the other across the chest, turns around to depart. 绝世天才点了点头,拱了拱手,转身离去。 Other Cultivator, nobody is staring at Qin Nan. 其他的修士们,也无人在盯着秦南 Actually was then convenient.” “这下倒是方便了。” Qin Nan secret passage, starts carefully to observe this blood place. 秦南暗道一声,开始仔细观察这个血座。 Arrives from him now , the blood place has been very silent, does not have other changes, moreover on some traces, as if is a design, has recorded anything. 从他上来到现在为止,血座一直都很寂静,没有其他的变化,而且这上面的一些纹路,似乎是一副图案,记载了什么。 Watched a meeting, had not seen that any mystery comes, Qin Nan thinks that attempts to sit cross-legged to sit, both eyes close, mind dispersing. 看了一会,也没看出什么奥妙来,秦南想了想,尝试着盘膝而坐,双眼闭上,心神散开。 Thump! 咚! In his Sea of Consciousness, has resounded a bronze bell sound. 他的识海中,响起了一道铜钟声。 In his Sea of Consciousness, directly presented a picture, in the vast scarlet, huge to Ancient City that being hard to imagine, static float, eternal motionless. 他的识海中,就直接出现了一个画面,一望无际的血色之中,一尊庞大到难以想象的古城,静静悬浮在其中,永恒不动。 Just, all these incomparable illusory, likely was covered gauze, is unable to see clearly. 只不过,这一切都无比的虚幻,像是被蒙上了一层纱,根本无法看清楚。 „The places of 16 blood kings, 16 inheritance! Now in front of you have two roads, six pass/tests, do you elect about what Lu? Enters the different roads, is representing the different results, all are former law......” “16血王之座,16传承!如今你面前有两条路,共六关,你选左右何路?进入不同的路,代表着不同的结果,一切都是原法……” The old loud and clear sound, spread to the Qin Nan mind together. 一道苍老洪亮的声音,传入了秦南脑海。 A Qin Nan brow wrinkle, originally in Supreme Blood Platform, what hideaway is only 16 inheritance? 秦南眉头一皱,原来至尊血台里面,隐藏的只是16个传承? Whoosh ! 唰! At this moment, in Qin Nan Sea of Consciousness silent Ownerless Vault Chart, awakens came suddenly, erupts chaos rays of light, across the picture, entered in that blood city. 就在这时,秦南识海中寂静的无主穹图,猛然苏醒过来,爆发出了一道混沌般的光芒,穿过画面,直入那血城之中。 Immediately, Space-Time coagulated probably. 顿时之间,时空好像凝固了。 All in that picture, gradually change is clear, in double pupil of Qin Nan, revealed gradually has wiped to shock. 那副画面中的一切,逐渐变的清晰起来,秦南的双眸之中,也逐渐露出了一抹震撼。 Reaches to the sky, in the huge incomparable city wall, has leader dragon, phoenix wait/etc. Monster Beast statues, under in Baitou, each is not very huge, sends out is destroying the day to extinguish, looking disdainfully world terrifying imposing manner. 高耸入云,庞大无比的城墙上,有着一头头龙、凤等等妖兽雕像,不下于百头,每一头都无比庞大,散发着毁天灭地,睥睨天下的恐怖气势。 This is not by big stone carving, but is living Monster Beast refining up, moreover their before death cultivation level, have achieved inevitably Nine Heavens Supreme! 这不是由大石雕刻而成,而是活生生的妖兽炼化而成,而且它们生前的修为,必然都达到了九天至尊 Several hundred Nine Heavens Supreme big monsters, are used to make at the same time the city wall, is this scary writing skill? 数百位九天至尊的大妖,用来做一面城墙,这是何等骇人的手笔? Whish! 哗! Qin Nan mind, suddenly like watermark fluctuation. 秦南的心神,忽而如水纹般波动起来。 One type, kind, familiar wait/etc. complex mood, raises in his heart. 一种久违、亲切、熟悉等等复杂的情绪,在他心头升起。 He also feels that in the city of this incomparable terror, has same is his thing! 他同时还感觉到,就在这一座无比恐怖的城池之中,有着一样属于他的东西! That drop of blood, in this?” “那一滴血,就在这个里面么?” Qin Nan responded that inspiration of gently. 秦南反应过来,轻轻的吸了口气。 Why also does not know, his present mood was a little beyond description, with initially first time to bump into War God left pupil to be the same. 也不知道为何,他现在的心情有点难以形容,就和当初第一次碰到战神左瞳一样。 My Lord...... With...... With your complete will...... Going...... Stares at that city middle city...... On city plaque............ This city...... From Supreme Blood Platform...... Calls......” 吾主……用……用你的全部意志……去……去凝视那城中间的城……城匾上……将……将这座城……从至尊血台里面……唤出……” The Chart's Spirit off and on sound, produces from Ownerless Vault Chart, on Ownerless Vault Chart also continues in sparkling brilliance, submerges in that illusory picture. 图灵断断续续的声音,从无主穹图内产来,无主穹图上也继续在闪耀着光华,没入那虚幻的画面中。 Staring city plaque?” “凝视城匾么?” Qin Nan returned to normal rapidly the mind, all will, complete centralism same place, with total concentration looks. 秦南迅速平复了心神,将所有的意志,全部集中一起,聚精会神的看去。 Really, city middle, has the one piece of city plaque. 果然,城中间,有一块城匾。 Above writes three mature and powerful, large character with overpowering momentum. 上面书写着三个苍劲有力,气势磅礴的大字。 Next life! 来世都! Next life? Is referring to me? When the could it be that previous generation leaves behind this drop of blood, already did expect this?” “来世都?是在指我?难道前世留下这滴鲜血之时,早就料到了这一幕么?” The Qin Nan moral nature thought dodges, has not thought that but with total concentration, concentrating on integrated in that city plaque. 秦南心底念头一闪,并未多想,而是聚精会神,全神贯注的融入了那城匾里面。 His whole person, entered a mysterious condition immediately. 他的整个人,立刻进入了一种玄而又玄的状态。 He probably arrived in steps, is walking upwardly unceasingly, when until coming to end point, all fetters and seals, immediately thorough did not have. 他就好像是来到了一个阶梯上,向上不断走着,直到走到终点之时,所有的束缚和封印,便就彻底的没了。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” In Void Zero Heaven, Empress Fei Yue stopped footsteps, through that Three Lives Red Rope, is feeling Qin Nan carefully now the condition. 虚零天界里面,飞越女帝停下了脚步,通过那三生红绳,仔细感受着秦南现在所处的状态。 Since Qin Nan arrives at Supreme Blood Platform, she not behind tube continuously in quietly with her Lord Realm Powerhouse , but carefully is observing. 自从秦南来到至尊血台之后,她就没在管后面一直在悄悄跟着她的主境强者,而是仔细观察着。 Empress Fei Yue will note these, in the Qin Nan heart is understands that but Qin Nan does not know that in the place of his heart, wisp of mysterious Demon Qi, fluttered once again. 飞越女帝会注意到这些,秦南心中是明白的,但是秦南根本不知道,在他的心脏之处,一缕神秘的魔气,再度飘了出来。 With the first several differences, it transforms became the snake type, bends the body, eyes of nihility, as if with the Qin Nan mind, melt for a body, can see that terror big city, next life these three large characters. 与前几次不同,它幻化成为了蛇样,弓起身子,一双虚无的眼睛,似乎与秦南的心神,融为了一体,可以看到那一座恐怖大城,还有来世都这三个大字。
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