PBS :: Volume #20

#1983: Locks spatially

In Every Phenomenon Immortal Token, the Qin Nan portrait spreads widely, many people have looked. 万象仙令里面,秦南的画像广为流传,不少人看过。 White clothing man its one, therefore his eyes have recognized the Qin Nan true body. 白衣男子正是其一,所以他一眼就认出了秦南的真身。 Qin Nan?” 秦南?” All Immortals fifth Successor Qin Nan?” 诸仙第五的传人秦南?” This flash, in the islands all Cultivator vision, neatly looked to Qin Nan, the eyeground have filled amazed. 这一瞬间,岛屿上所有修士的目光,都齐刷刷看向了秦南,眼底充满了惊诧。 Qin Nan restored to the original condition simply, said with a smile lightly: fellow daoist, offended.” 秦南索性恢复了原貌,淡淡笑道:“道友,得罪了。” The boundless imposing manner, soars to the heavens. 磅礴气势,冲霄而起。 His personal appearance, changed to a remnant shade, points to the white clothing man. 他的身形,化作了一道残影,直指白衣男子。 „It is not good!” “不好!” The white clothing man complexion suddenly changes, in the hand the long sword pulled a sword to be colored, sword intent of innumerable say/way, centered on him, rushed the four directions. 白衣男子脸色陡然一变,手中长剑挽出了一朵剑花,无数道的剑意,以他为中心,涌向四方。 Although he responded rapidly, but was meaningless, many people only saw that white light dodged from that sword intent, the Qin Nan personal appearance, appeared in 30 ten feets away, in the hand was also taking a blood symbol. 虽然他反应迅速,但却毫无意义,不少人只见到白光从那剑意之中一闪,秦南的身形,就已出现在了30丈之外,手中还拿着一枚血符。 Good quick movement!” “好快的身法!” In many Cultivator hearts slightly shakes. 不少修士心中微震。 So movement, perhaps existences of some Unparalleled Overlord peak, is hard to achieve! 这般身法,恐怕一些盖世霸主巅峰的存在,也难以做到! That white clothing man, then stiff in same place, complexion slightly flood white. 那白衣男子,则僵在原地,脸色微微泛白。 If Qin Nan did not take symbol a moment ago, but is uses killing move to him directly, can he also live? 如果刚才秦南不是取符,而是直接对他动用杀招的话,他还能够活下来吗? Fierce, fierce, worthily is famous Qin Nan!” “厉害,厉害,不愧是鼎鼎大名的秦南!” At this moment, wears imperial crown, wears the bluish violet long gown, looks like has a dignified middle-aged man, claps saying: I, although is not peerless talent, but already wants to ask for advice 12.” 就在这时,一名头戴龙冠,身穿蓝紫长袍,看起来别有一番威严的中年男人,拍手道:“我虽不是什么绝世天才,但早就想领教12。” The voice falls, the middle-aged man has gotten rid, took out side Golden Seal from Storage Bag, toward the void racket, has resounded the deafening explosive sound immediately, boundless strength, crush under. 话音一落,中年男子出手了,从储物袋中取出了一方金印,朝着虚空一拍,顿时响起了震耳欲聋的爆炸声,磅礴之力,碾压而下。 Although Qin Nan does not know the status of this middle-aged man, but has swept one, detected after the opposite party is Extreme Life Sect Unparalleled Overlord peak, in the heart has understood clearly. 秦南虽然不知道这名中年男人的身份,但是扫了一眼,发觉对方乃是极生门的一名盖世霸主巅峰之后,心中就已了然。 Between he and Extreme Life Sect, early took advantage of a situation like the water and fire, the troops of opposite party to meet him, definitely will not let off his. 他和极生门之间,早就势如水火,对方的人马碰见了他,肯定不会放过他的。 Big Dragon Across the Skies!” 大龙横天!” Qin Nan within the body two Asking Dao Technique, revolve, the dragon claw of nihility, tears into shreds this boundless strength directly, the personal appearance just likes the peerless immortal blade is ordinary, direct impact middle-aged man. 秦南体内两门问道之法,同时运转,虚无的龙爪,直接撕碎这磅礴之力,身形犹如绝世仙刀一般,直冲中年男子。 The middle-aged man only felt that a tremendous pressure, heads on, making his mind sink, in his look, not slightly flurried. 中年男子只感觉一股巨大压力,扑面而来,令他心神一沉,不过他的眼神中,没有丝毫慌乱。 Qin Nan, looks to incur!” 秦南,看招!” Three drink the sound greatly, has almost simultaneously made a sound, Unparalleled Overlord peak, two Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment Cultivator, the within the body immortal strength ebullition, in the hand magic seal has, makes three entirely different dao technique. 三道大喝声,几乎同时响了起来,一名盖世霸主巅峰,两名盖世霸主大成修士,体内仙力沸腾,手中法印结出,打出三种截然不同的道术 This, is three Extreme Life Sect Cultivator! 这,也是三位极生门修士 Ming Wang afterward did not hope with Qin Nan , because Qin Nan within the body many things have not exposed, then had these many personal enemies, will bump into anytime and anywhere. 冥亡后来不愿跟着秦南,就是因为秦南体内的诸多东西还没有曝光出来,便已经有了这么多仇家,随时随地都会碰到。 If after and other exposures, that can also? 要是等曝光之后,那还得了? Melting Dao Immortal Flame, Shaking Dao Blade Arts!” 化道仙焰,震道刀诀!” Qin Nan within the body gushes out the innumerable white flame, the volume to the four directions, in the hand the blade, toward these four Unparalleled Overlord, cut such as rainbow astral qi. 秦南体内涌出无数白色火焰,卷向四方,手中之刀,朝着这四位盖世霸主,纷纷斩出了一道道如虹罡气 Presents fellow daoist, if your influences, are not willing to see Qin Nan to continue formidable, then gets rid on the present together! Otherwise, later the opportunity will be getting fewer and fewer!” “在场诸位道友,如果你们的势力,不愿看到秦南继续强大,那就现在一起出手!不然的话,以后机会将会越来越少!” Middle-aged man pupil light dodges, gives a loud shout. 中年男人眸光一闪,大喝一声。 Middle-aged man very clear, wants to cope with Qin Nan by their four people, that radically is impossible. 中年男人非常清楚,想要凭借他们四人对付秦南,那根本是不可能的。 However, he is very confident, the person who on the scene wants the Qin Nan life, is not infrequent absolutely. 但是,他很有信心,在场想要秦南性命的人,绝对不在少数。 Stands to reason!” “言之有理!” In some people hearts the thought dodges, the body blooms immediately attention immortal glow, displayed all sorts of killing move. 一些人心中念头一闪,身上立刻绽放出来了瞩目的仙芒,施展出来了种种杀招 At once, three Unparalleled Overlord peak, five Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment, as well as existences of seven Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage, Qin Nan encircling. 一时之间,共有三位盖世霸主巅峰,五位盖世霸主大成,以及七位盖世霸主初期的存在,将秦南给团团围住了。 11 people that behind joins, have Flame Manipulation Clan, there is Bodhi Ancient Temple Sect, Highest Evolution Lifeless Sect disciple and elder. 后面加入进来的11人,有弄焰一族的,也有菩提古刹宗,太衍无生宗的弟子、长老。 Roar! 吼! The beast roar resounds together. 一道兽吼声响起。 A whole body has been covered with sharp thorn, the whole body flood the white light colossus, goes out from void, its on, stands to wear Cultivator of black robe again. 一头浑身长满了尖刺,浑身泛着白光的庞然大物,从虚空中走出,再其头上,站着一名身穿黑袍的修士 Black robe Cultivator sleeve robe flings, this colossus has opened the big mouth immediately, toward Qin Nan tearing and biting. 黑袍修士袖袍一甩,这庞然大物立刻张开了血盆大口,朝着秦南撕咬而来。 Wan Li got rid!” 万立出手了!” Some Cultivator startled sounds said. 一些修士惊声说道。 Wan Li, is Controlling Beasts Clan young head of the clan, is peerless talent. 万立,乃是控兽一族少族长,是一名绝世天才 tsk! 切! Has several forms, in the eye reveals one to disdain. 有着几道身影,眼中露出了一丝不屑。 They are also peerless talent, is very interested to Qin Nan, wants to fight with it. 他们也是绝世天才,对秦南很有兴趣,想要与其交手。 However, saw after Qin Nan was besieged, they have not gotten rid, does not want to take advantage of a person of prestige. 但是,见到秦南被围攻之后,他们就没有出手了,不想趁人之威。 After all, between they and Qin Nan, without any conflicts of interest. 毕竟,他们和秦南之间,没有任何利益冲突。 Naturally, they, are other Cultivator, is staring at this confrontation, wants to experience the Qin Nan skill. 当然了,无论是他们,还是其他修士们,都在盯着这一场交锋,想要见识见识秦南的本事。 In Qin Nan eye white fire combustion, complexion motionless slightly. 秦南眼中白火燃烧,脸色不动丝毫。 Since he does not fear the status exposition, in the heart naturally already had prepared besieged. 他既然不怕身份暴露,心中自然早已做好了被围攻的准备。 „To kill my person, perhaps more than these, after particularly later mount Supreme Blood Platform, when they likely take advantage of me to sense, begins.” “想要杀我的人,恐怕远不止这些,尤其是待会登上至尊血台之后,他们很可能趁我感悟之时,进行动手。” Even if can deal, but will also be tired of extremely bothersomely.” “哪怕可以应对,但是也会烦不胜烦。” In the Qin Nan heart the thought dodges, had the decision instantaneously. 秦南心中念头一闪,瞬间有了决定。 Such being the case, that then sets up prestige!” “既然如此,那便立威!” A Qin Nan magic seal knot, an imposing manner, immediately hurricane. 秦南法印一结,一身气势,顿时狂飙。 Vast azure light, sparkles behind him, an ancient form, float. Also there is together incomparably great illusory shadow, is built on the place above of entire islands. 浩瀚的青光,在他背后闪耀,一尊古老的身影,悬浮而出。紧接着,又有一道无比伟岸的虚影,立于整个岛屿的上方。 War God's Spirit, Myriad Generations Lord Arrival, releases! 战神之魂,万世主临,同时释放! Bang! 轰! The incomparably vast pressure, just likes the invisible wild waves, fires into the four directions. 无比浩瀚的威压,犹如无形骇浪,冲向四方。 Named Wan Li peerless talent, the middle-aged man wait/etc. 15 Unparalleled Overlord, pupil simultaneously shrank, has encountered a greatest suppression, in addition their mind unceasingly shivered. 名为万立绝世天才,还有中年男子等等15位盖世霸主们,瞳仁齐齐一缩,遭到了一股莫大的压制,另他们心神都不断颤抖。 Dao Magic Tree!” 道法之树!” The Qin Nan big hand wields, a lofty tree, quickly is running out by potential, toward Wan Li wait/etc. Unparalleled Overlord towns. 秦南大手一挥,一颗参天大树,以着迅雷不及掩耳之势冲出,朝着万立等等盖世霸主们一镇。 The entire islands, are fierce tremble, during is dark, as if the handle day hammer knocks. 整个岛屿,都是剧烈一颤,冥冥之中,仿佛有一柄天锤敲下。 This is “这是” Wan Li wait/etc. Unparalleled Overlord, the complexion changed one after another, feels a giant sense of crisis, used rapidly all sorts of methods. 万立等等盖世霸主们,脸色接连大变,感受到了一股巨大的危机感,迅速将种种手段施展开来。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Explosive sounds resound through. 一道道爆炸声响彻起来。 All trades dao technique, Dao Item, were destroyed one after another. 一门门道术,一尊尊道器,接连被摧毁。 Wan Li wait/etc. Unparalleled Overlord, were simultaneously stuffy snort|hum, flying upside down, pounded in the distant place, received not the small injury. 万立等等盖世霸主们,同时闷哼了一声,倒飞而出,砸在了远处,受到了不小的伤势。 Fearful astral qi, then the volume to all around, seems unparalleled storm. 可怕的罡气,则卷向四周,好似一场盖世风暴。 This......” “这……” Presents other peerless talent and Cultivator, in the eye simultaneously revealed has wiped shocking look. 在场其他的绝世天才修士们,眼中齐齐露出了抹震惊之色 peerless talent, 16 were Unparalleled Overlord, like this defeated unexpectedly? 一位绝世天才,16位盖世霸主,竟然就这样被击败了? Moreover, was counted the Myriad Generations Lord Arrival words, Qin Nan left two moves of Ah ! merely 而且,算上万世主临的话,秦南仅仅才出了两招啊! Qin Nan takes back within the body Dao Magic Tree rapidly, put out a hand to stress two blood symbols, basic, no matter behind all, flew directly to Supreme Blood Platform. 秦南迅速将道法之树收回体内,伸手抓来了两道血符,根本不管后面的一切,直接飞向了至尊血台
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