PBS :: Volume #20

#1982: Nine mark Yun Lang

Your fast speed belt person goes to seventh World's Sacred Area, regardless of pays what kind of price, must cutting to kill Qin Nan, was sure to remember that must guard against Tomb Sect and Cuts Cang Sect person, when necessary, can collaborate with Murdering Dao Clan!” “你速速带人前往第七天地圣区,无论付出怎样的代价,都要将秦南给斩杀,切记要提防墓门斩苍宗的人,必要的时候,可以和弑道一族联手!” That side Antique Taboo, thinks that started to have the big movement, you must snatch before them, Qin Nan grasping. Remember, cannot make him die!” 太古禁忌那一边,想必开始有了大动作,你们必须要抢在他们之前,将秦南给拿住。记住,决不能让他死了!” All Immortals fifth person of Successor, a little meaning, then had a look on the past.” 诸仙第五人传人,有点意思,那就过去看看吧。” In a flash, that big influences, take an action in abundance. 一瞬之间,那一尊尊大势力们,纷纷有所行动。 Similarly, in Mysterious Existence that Qin Nan is interested, many have heard Qin Nan reputation peerless talent, is so. 同样,一些对秦南感兴趣的神秘存在,还有诸多听说过秦南名声的绝世天才们,也是如此。 Other Cultivator see that in heart some exclamation. 其他修士们见状,心中不禁有些惊叹。 In ten big peerless talent that Nine Palace Gold Immortal Sect comments, only has Qin Nan merely is only a news of appearance, can mix turmoil. 九宫金仙宗评的十大绝世天才里面,唯有秦南仅仅只是一个现身的消息,就能搅动风云 Other nine peerless talent influences in comparison, have missed very big one section completely. 其他九位绝世天才的影响力与之相比,完全差了很大一截。 As for Qin Nan, after entering World's Sacred Area, not cares a whoop own news, disclosed. 至于秦南,在进入天地圣区之后,就毫不在意自己的消息,是否走漏出去。 Present he, was attracted by the present picture completely. 现在的他,完全被眼前的景象所吸引了。 When Secret Heavenly Beast broke through that dusky sky, the present picture, thoroughly changed, has nine types of the clouds of traces, crowds around in together, has formed a sea of clouds. 隐天兽冲过那灰蒙蒙的天空之时,眼前的景象,彻底变了,一个个有着九种纹路的云朵,簇拥在一起,形成了一片云海。 The clouds are unreal, is not substantive, Qin Nan puts out a hand unable to move, four hooves of only this Secret Heavenly Beast, can steady stepping on above, quite mysterious. 云朵虚幻,毫无实质,秦南伸手根本无法触碰到,唯独这隐天兽的四蹄,可以稳稳的踩在上面,颇为玄妙 Incessantly so, this sea of clouds each breath, will have changed, if after rides Secret Heavenly Beast goes to Supreme Blood Platform, by route that formerly remembered, was still useless. 不止如此,这云海每过一息,就会变动一下,如果是乘坐隐天兽前往一次至尊血台之后,凭借先前记住的路线,是仍然无用的。 Un? This partial clouds sea, but also hid many murderous intention?” “嗯?这片云海上,还隐藏了不少杀机?” Qin Nan sees formation in secret, eyebrow selects slightly, shoots a finger, has covered immortal light and will to Secret Heavenly Beast on. 秦南看到暗中的阵法,眉毛微微一挑,屈指一弹,给隐天兽身上镀上了一层仙光意志 These murderous intention might are not too strong, Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage can calmly deal. 这些杀机威力并不算太强,盖世霸主初期都可以从容应对。 A moment later, does not have on a thing sea of clouds, left several forms, has Unparalleled Overlord initial-stage, there is Unparalleled Overlord peak, is riding Secret Heavenly Beast. 片刻之后,毫无一物的云海上,多出了几道身影,有盖世霸主初期,也有盖世霸主巅峰,都在乘坐着隐天兽 They shot a look at Qin Nan one, takes back the vision. 他们瞥了秦南一眼,就收回目光。 This has not known how long wants to arrive.” “这还不知道要多久才能抵达。” Qin Nan shook the head, closed eye simply, the mind has gotten down tranquilly. 秦南摇了摇头,索性闭上了眼,心神平静下去。 Time every little bit passing, after a double-hour. 时间一点一滴的流逝,一个时辰之后。 Secret Heavenly Beast above sea of clouds, had 70, each carries one, even is two Cultivator, words that looks at from afar, likely is a small army. 云海之上的隐天兽,已经有了70多头,每一头都背着一位,甚至是两位修士,远远看去的话,像是一支小军队。 What from was formerly different, about sea of clouds both sides no longer is vast boundless, mountain range, forest, Palace that but presented reaching to the sky gradually wait/etc., inside once for a while twinkle divine light. 与先前不同的是,云海左右两旁不再是浩瀚无边,而是逐渐出现了一座座高耸入云的山峦、森林、宫阙等等,里面时不时的闪烁神光 In this period after some Cultivator saw, slightly one hesitant, finally transferred the direction, entered. 期间有些修士见到之后,略一犹豫,最终调转方向,进入了其中。 This is also a seventh World's Sacred Area unique element, on going to the Supreme Blood Platform road, will have many fortuitous encounters and inheritance land. 这也算是第七天地圣区的一个特殊之处,在前往至尊血台的路上,会有诸多奇遇、传承之地 After once just, enters inside, Secret Heavenly Beast will die, Cultivator must return under the sky , to continue to seek for Secret Heavenly Beast, can go to Supreme Blood Platform. 只不过,一旦进入里面之后,隐天兽就会死亡,修士得重新回到天空下方,继续寻找隐天兽,才能前往至尊血台 Also passed two double-hour, all around Qin Nan also has many Cultivator, simultaneously has opened the eye. 又过去了两个时辰,秦南还有四周不少的修士们,同时睁开了眼睛。 Only sees, the front sea of clouds, was contaminated by the blood likely, turned into red. 只见到,前方的云海,像是被鲜血浸染,变成了一片红色。 Void, is fluttering meaning of the light Supreme, making the person mind micro tight. 虚空之中,飘荡着一丝淡淡的至尊之意,令人心神微紧。 Cluck! 咕咕咕! Finally, all Secret Heavenly Beast, simultaneously stopped the footsteps, has exuded cries. 终于,所有的隐天兽们,同时停下了脚步,发出了一道道叫声。 Presents all Cultivator , the feeling of very clear, in its front not far place, has a very terrifying thing, exists through ancient times. 在场所有的修士,也非常清晰的感受到,在其前方不远之处,有着一尊非常恐怖的东西,亘古存在。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! Qin Nan as well as other Cultivator, body erupted to focus attention on rays of light immediately, changed to rainbows, flew to the front. 秦南以及其他修士们,身上顿时爆发出来了瞩目光芒,化作了一道道长虹,飞向前方。 That...... Is Supreme Blood Platform?” “那……就是至尊血台?” After dozens breaths, the Qin Nan personal appearance stops. 数十息之后,秦南身形停下。 Only sees, in vast blood cloud, stands erect is being surrounding area 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) islands, above has not grown any flowers and plants trees, does not have any big stone of standing tall and erect, surface very smooth, is similar to natural training field. 只见到,浩瀚的血云之中,屹立着一座长达方圆100000丈的岛屿,上面没有生长任何花草树木,也没有任何高耸的大石,表面非常的光滑,如同一个天然道场 At this time above this islands, the 30 forms, erupted astonishing immortal light, each other confrontation, dao technique made, has exuded bang sounds, that intense degree, making one change countenance. 此时这岛屿之上,正有30多道身影,爆发出来了惊人仙光,彼此交锋,道术打出,发出了一道道巨响声,那激烈程度,令人动容。 In this islands former sky over, then float long is having enough 9999 zhang (3.33 m), has 2999 zhang (3.33 m) high, all over the body presents the garnet, is densely covered innumerable dense trace Platform. 在这岛屿的前上空,则悬浮着一座长有足足9999丈,高有2999丈,通体呈现出暗红色,密布着无数涉密纹路的道台 This, is Supreme Platform! 这,便是至尊道台 On it, more than 20 Cultivator, sit cross-legged to sit, carries on the sensibility. 在它上面,正有20余位修士,盘膝而坐,进行感悟。 But it, is sending out a continuously ancient vast pressure, plunged in all directions, the bonus was Qin Nan, the mind also slightly absent-minded. 而它,则散发着一缕缕古老浩瀚的威压,浸入了四面八方,饶是秦南,心神也微微恍惚了一下。 Other Cultivator, encountered was not small attacks. 其他的修士们,更是遭到了不小冲击。 The Platform pressure, was really too fearful, even if were Nine Heavens Supreme, is unable to achieve this situation. 道台的威压,实在是太可怕了,即便是一位九天至尊,也根本无法做到这种地步。 Ha, Supreme Blood Platform, Sir I finally found! That Asking Dao Technique, can comprehend finally!” “哈哈哈,至尊血台,大爷我终于找到了!那门问道之法,终于可以领悟了!” In the Qin Nan not far place, a robustness, the imposing manner vigorous middle age guy, has exuded a big laughter, the personal appearance toward the Supreme Blood Platform direct impact in the past. 秦南不远之处,一名虎背熊腰,气势雄浑的中年大汉,率先发出了一道大笑声,身形朝着至尊血台直冲过去。 Does not defend the well-mannered words, does not take it ill us to extinguish you together!” “不守规矩的话,休怪我们一起灭你!” The icy sound sound, was being encountered together more than 30 Cultivator, simultaneously coldly shot a look at his one eyes. 一道冷冰冰的声音响了起来,正在交锋中的30余位修士,齐齐冷冷的瞥了他一眼。 The bonus is this middle-aged guy, has Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment cultivation level, body also suddenly ties tight, the forehead cold sweat again and again, does not dare to go forward again one step. 饶是这中年大汉,有着盖世霸主大成修为,身躯也是骤然紧绷,额头冷汗连连,不敢再前进一步。 Qin Nan sees this, the vision sweeps toward islands, detects left bottom that is carving rows of mature and powerful, the imposing manner is broad, but also is printing the large character of scarlet hand imprint. 秦南见此,目光朝着岛屿一扫,就发觉在那左下角,刻着一排排苍劲有力,气势恢宏,还印着一个个血色手印的大字。 Initially meets Supreme Blood Platform, fully realizes its prestige, slaughters constantly mutually, competes for the position, meaningless, might as well mounts the islands, the waist concentrates a blood symbol, if obtains three blood symbol, then can enter Supreme Blood Platform, can not stop.” “初遇至尊血台,深知其威,一味互相厮杀,争夺位置,毫无意义,不妨登上岛屿,腰间凝出一枚血符,若取得三枚血符者,便能进入至尊血台,不得阻拦。” If some people want to rush, other people should get rid to block together, impenetrably thickheaded, cuts it.” “若有人想强闯其中,其他人应共同出手拦下,冥顽不灵者,斩之。” On after Supreme Blood Platform the person had 60 people, can not enter.” 至尊血台上面之人已有60人之后,就不得在进。” This is making of gentleman, does not need to swear that only looks at determination to observe, in order to avoid rivers of blood.” “此为君子之约,无需立誓,只望诸位自觉遵守,以免血流成河。” Qin Nan deep to be so. 秦南深以为然。 If really does not have a custom, unscrupulous competes, that brings finally, will certainly be a tragedy. 真要是没有一点规矩,肆无忌惮的争夺下去,那最后带来的,必将是一个惨剧。 Qin Nan and all around many Cultivator, entered above the islands immediately. 秦南和四周不少修士,立刻进入了岛屿之上。 In the middle of that line of Ancient [古] Character, erupted blood light, their waists, congealed has been hanging upside down the blood symbol. 在那一行古字当中,爆发出了一道道血光,他们的腰间,就凝出了一个倒挂着的血符。 Also must take two!” “还要拿下两枚!” In the Qin Nan double pupil the white fire ignites, sweeps to all around Cultivator. 秦南双瞳中白火燃起,扫向四周修士们。 Boy, calculates that your luck is not good!” “小子,算你运气不好!” Drank the sound together, a white clothing man, held the sword to point to Qin Nan, but sword light just cut, the complexion maliciously shook, blurted out: Qin Nan?” 一道喝声响了起来,一名白衣男子,持剑直指秦南,只是剑光刚刚斩出,脸色就是狠狠一震,脱口而出:“秦南?”
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