PBS :: Volume #20

#1981: First fight

A whole body is dressing the rusty stain stained, has contaminated many blood, is sending out the ancient imposing manners middle-aged men, carries crescent moon shape large blade, came from the distance. 一名浑身穿戴着锈迹斑斑,沾染了不少血液,散发着一股股古老气势的中年男子,扛着一把弯月状大刀,从远处走了过来。 Although Qin Nan as well as presents other people, does not know this person, imposing manner that but this person sends out, is very broad, is existence of Unparalleled Overlord peak! 虽然秦南以及在场其他人,都不认识此人,但是此人身上散发出来的气势,却无比恢宏,乃是一名盖世霸主巅峰的存在! A sword arrogant brow slightly wrinkle. 剑骄眉头微微一皱。 Facing a powerful enemy, he is not willing to collaborate with others. 面对一位强敌,他是不愿意和别人一起联手的。 However, he anything had not said finally that the left hand ties seal, the right hand brandishes a sword, in ground innumerable grass, immediately by invisible sword intent, was cut one to crush piece by piece. 不过,他最终什么也没说,左手结印,右手舞剑,地面上无数颗的小草,顿时被一股无形的剑意,斩成了一片片粉碎。 Sword Returning Nine Songs!” 剑回九曲!” The sword has gotten arrogantly again rid, personal appearance changed to the everywhere remnant shade, each say/way remnant shade cut a sword another sword toward Qin Nan. 剑骄再一次出手了,身形化作了漫天残影,每道残影都朝着秦南斩去了一剑又一剑。 Moreover, his each sword, as if has represented this stretch of world the executive rule, has trial will. 而且,他的每一剑,都仿佛是代表了这片天地来执行规则,有着一丝审判的意志 The middle-aged man sees that shrugs, is grinning to say with a smile to Qin Nan: Little brother, is later best to hand over on own initiative Secret Heavenly Beast, otherwise I am excited, that needs dyed in blood!” 中年男子见状,耸了耸肩,又对着秦南咧嘴笑道:“小兄弟,待会最好主动把隐天兽交出来,不然我兴奋起来,那可是必须要染血的!” The voice falls, he has gotten rid, on crescent moon large blade knife, shone one after another various gold/metal blue color mark. 话音一落,他出手了,弯月大刀的刀身上,亮起了一道又一道各不相同的金蓝色符号。 Brushes! 刷刷刷! Void in all directions, reappeared bodies to ride the warhorse suddenly, grasped the illusory form of long blade, the arrangement was neat, murderous aura was steaming. 四面八方的虚空中,骤然浮现出来了一尊尊身骑战马,手持长刀的虚幻身影,排列整齐,杀气腾腾。 The imposing manner of middle-aged man, suddenly changes, as if became the invincible handsome in antiquity chaotic big time. 中年男子的一身气势,也骤然一变,仿佛成为了上古混乱大时代之中的无敌之帅。 dao technique, Myriad Generals Cutting the Enemies Incantation! 道术,万将伐敌咒 Heavy features bald guy , a magic seal knot, displays dao technique. 浓眉大眼的光头大汉,也法印一结,施展道术 If generally, their three people will not collaborate, but Qin Nan has gone bad some type custom, so long as Qin Nan also rides breath time on Secret Heavenly Beast, then they will not be forgiving. 如果是一般情况下,他们绝不会三人联手,但秦南坏了某种‘规矩’,只要秦南还骑在隐天兽身上一息时间,那么他们就绝不会留情。 Only that black hair old person, deeps frown, was still thinking. 唯独那黑发老人,眉头紧锁,仍然在想着。 This face, he was too familiar, moreover he has to plant very intense intuition, the youth of this azure-red color hair, is not simple! 这张面孔,他太熟悉了,而且他有种非常强烈的直觉,这个青红色头发的青年,绝不简单! This person, definitely ended......” “此人,肯定完了……” All around in secret Cultivator, a moment ago defeated that four Unparalleled Overlord, saw at present this, shook the head. 四周暗中修士,还有刚才被击败的那四位盖世霸主,见到了眼前这一幕,都摇了摇头。 They looked, at present this youth, only has Unparalleled Overlord big accomplishment cultivation level at most, even if is also peerless talent, radically irresistibly these three people slightly. 他们已经看了出来,眼前这名青年,顶多只有盖世霸主大成修为,即便也是一位绝世天才,也根本无法抵抗这三人丝毫。 Big Dragon Across the Skies!” 大龙横天!” At this moment, Qin Nan has gotten rid, within the body two Asking Dao Technique, revolve, his entire personal appearance, transforms became a big dragon, shoots up to the sky, tears into shreds sword intent. 就在这时,秦南出手了,体内两门问道之法,同时运转,他的整个身形,也幻化成为了一头巨龙,冲天而起,撕碎剑意 Shaking Dao Blade Arts!” 震道刀诀!” The great big dragon claw, holds Breaking Heavens Blade, cuts innumerable blade aura, condenses the astonishing situation. 大龙爪,抓住断天刀,斩出无数刀气,凝聚惊人大势。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! Astonishing explosive sounds resound. 一道道惊人爆炸声响起。 Qin Nan fights three people, has not been at a disadvantage unexpectedly completely. 秦南独自一人战三人,竟然完全没有处于下风。 Sword Comes Sword Goes, Sword Rises Sword Falls!” 剑来剑往,剑起剑落!” The sword arrogant technique suddenly changes, sets upright the immortal sword in front of oneself, double refers to gathering, from the place of sword hilt, delimits to the sword upwardly is sharp. 剑骄手法忽而一变,将仙剑竖在自己面前,双指并拢,从剑柄之处,向上划至剑尖。 Void in all directions, in the entire process, trembles unceasingly fiercely, when until delimiting sword point, void loudly shatter. 四面八方的虚空,在整个过程之中,不断剧烈震颤,直到划过剑尖之时,虚空轰然破碎。 An invisible Sword Dao situation, concentrates thoroughly, during is dark, is similar the unsurpassed sword king, bridges over the Space-Time river, cuts toward Qin Nan. 一道无形的剑道大势,彻底凝成,冥冥之中,就仿佛有一位无上剑王,跨过时空长河,朝着秦南斩下。 That bald guy, is bellows one, the body rises suddenly unceasingly, finally changed into ten zhang (3.33 m) high golden light giant, on the fist point stored up innumerable runes, the bang to Qin Nan. 那光头大汉,也是大吼一声,身体不断暴涨,最终化为了十丈之高的金光巨人,拳尖上蓄积了无数的符文,轰向秦南 Collection ten thousand the strength, will traverse everything! “集万将之力,横断一切! Existence of that Unparalleled Overlord peak, the personal appearance with that illusory form, fused instantaneously in one, an imposing manner, rose dramatically one after another, eventually went to an incomparably fearful situation. 那位盖世霸主巅峰的存在,身形瞬间与那一道道虚幻身影,融合在了一起,一身气势,接连飙升,最终达到了一个无比可怕的地步。 These three people used killing move!” “这三人都动用杀招了!” This person does not draw back, that may not have the opportunity to draw back Ah ! “此人再不退,那可就没机会退了啊! All around Cultivator and these Unparalleled Overlord, the complexion slightly changes countenance. 四周修士和那些盖世霸主们,脸色都微微动容。 Has saying that these three people use killing move, might really out of the ordinary, particularly the sword is arrogant, the Sword Dao situation of releasing, almost quickly compared favorably with that Unparalleled Overlord peak to exist. 不得不说,这三人动用杀招,威力真的非同凡响,尤其是剑骄,释放出来的剑道大势,几乎都快媲美那位盖世霸主巅峰存在了。 However, when this is at a crucial moment, even if Secret Heavenly Beast has exuded hum the sound unceasingly, in the look filled fearing, Qin Nan suppressed it as before, has not made it retreat slightly. 但是,这千钧一发之际,哪怕隐天兽不断发出了呜呜呜声,眼神中充满了惧怕,秦南依旧压住了它,没让它退走丝毫。 These three people get rid together, is truly extraordinary, lets his War Blood, slightly had the response! 这三人一起出手,确实非凡,让他一身战血,都微微有了反应! Vault Universe War Dao, a Blade burns the world!” 穹宇战道,一刀焚世!” Qin Nan cuts forward, focuses attention on blade light together, has shone all people. 秦南向前一斩,一道瞩目刀光,照耀了所有人。 This blade light, integrated two big Asking Dao Technique will, but also integrated some blade potential as well as the Melting Dao Immortal Flame of Shaking Dao Blade Arts strength, causes its might, immediately has been a terrifying degree. 这道刀光,融入了两大问道之法意志,还融入了震道刀诀的一些刀势以及化道仙焰的力量,使得它的威力,立刻达到了一个恐怖的程度。 Bang! 轰隆! The Sword Dao situation and fist vigor prestige, ten thousand the strength, in this instant, will be cut a piece of smashing completely. 剑道大势、拳劲之威、万将之力,在这刹那,全部都被斩成了一片粉碎。 Incessantly so, other blade intent, still the incomparable broadness, the pupil of sword arrogant and bald guy and middle-aged man, slightly shrank, displayed to deal rapidly, dealt. 不止如此,余下的刀意,仍旧无比的恢宏,剑骄和光头大汉、中年男子的瞳仁,都微微一缩,迅速施展应对,进行应对。 Broke unexpectedly?” “竟然破开了?” All around Cultivator, the mind vibrates all. 四周修士,心神无不震动。 This person is not simple, three of us, must coordinate closely, cannot operate independently, otherwise, to deal with this person, must consume very big price!” “此人非常不简单,我们三人,要密切配合,不能各自为战,不然的话,要想对付此人,就得耗费很大的代价了!” The smiling face on middle-aged male face, absolutely did not have, the rapid sinking sound passes message. 中年男人脸上的笑容,完全没有了,迅速沉声传音。 In the sword arrogant eye sword light is even more rich, but had still not spoken, is agreed that bald guy, naturally cannot have any comment. 剑骄眼中剑光越发浓郁,不过仍旧没有吭声,算是已经同意,那光头大汉,自然不会有任何意见。 I start the deceptive attack from the left, your two start from the right! Start “我从左边开始佯攻,你们两个从右边下手!开始” The middle-aged man shouted to clear the way, within the body immortal strength, seethed with excitement once more, prepares to attack brutally. 中年男人喝道,体内仙力,再次沸腾,准备大打出手。 However, when this key, they then sees the Qin Nan back, the incomparably great form, rises straight from the ground together, the enormous and powerful pressure, just liked the ancient celestial mountain hit on them. 然而,就在这关键之时,他们便见到秦南的背后,一道无比伟岸的身影,拔地而起,浩荡威压,犹如古老仙山般撞击在了他们身上。 The middle-aged man and sword are arrogant, is the complexion drastic change, the personal appearance again and again retrocedes, the within the body vitality turns wells up, was suppressed greatest, that bald guy, was stuffy snort|hum one, the corners of the mouth overflowed a blood. 中年男人和剑骄,都是脸色剧变,身形连连后退,体内气血翻涌,受到莫大压制,那光头大汉,更是闷哼一声,嘴角溢出了一道鲜血。 This is...... Myriad Generations Lord Arrival?” “这是……万世主临?” All around Cultivator, the complexion changed countenance instantaneously. 四周修士们,脸色瞬间动容了。 Must know that in peerless talent, can display Myriad Generations Lord Arrival, that has very big difference. 要知道,在绝世天才里面,能不能施展万世主临,那可是有着很大的区别。 Although said that cannot display Myriad Generations Lord Arrival, not necessarily is not strong, but can display, is absolutely formidable! 虽然说不能施展万世主临的,并不一定就不强,但能够施展的,绝对强大! After all, with is peerless talent, has a Lord Realm giant is the teacher, or is the family member and so on, that may not be completely different. 毕竟,同为绝世天才,有着一位主境巨头为师尊,或者是亲人之类,那可完全不一样。 You unexpectedly......” “你竟然……” Sword arrogant three people, was under not the small impact. 剑骄三人,也是受到了不小的冲击。 I thought that you were, you were......” “我想起来了,你是,你是……” A black hair old person item of dew is shocking, as if a little cannot believe. 黑发老人目露震惊,似乎有点不敢相信。 Everybody, receiving let.” “各位,承让了。” Qin Nan smiled lightly, has restrained all, has patted Secret Heavenly Beast, the latter cluck, flew toward the sky. 秦南淡淡一笑,收敛了一切,拍了一下隐天兽,后者咕咕咕一声,就朝着天空飞去。 Sword arrogant three people see this, the former wants to pursue, but Qin Nan did not have the trace, can only , but cancels the thought that other two, then absolutely did not have to read thinks. 剑骄三人见此,前者本想去追,但秦南已经没了踪影,只能无奈打消念头,剩余的两个,则是完全没有了念想。 Even if their three people collaborates, slaughters truly, no one can guarantee the result. 即便他们三人联手,真正厮杀下去,谁也不能保证结局。 As for that black hair old man, anything had not said finally that the look left excitedly same place, left seventh World's Sacred Area. 至于那黑发老者,最终什么也没说,神色激动的离开了原地,离开了第七天地圣区 Soon , a news, vibration Venerable the left and right two boundaries, vanishes several months Qin Nan, finally comes! 不久之后,一条消息,震动化尊左、右两境,消失数月的秦南,终于现身!
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