PTB :: Volume #4

#378: About the information of antique dragon

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The information of Chapter 378 about antique dragon 第378章关于太古龙的情报 ( Chapter name sent mistakenly, should be 377 chapters) (章节名发错了,应该是377章) Murphy opens the eye, at present is the spacious bedroom of dragon war casualty knight group regimental commander. 墨非睁开眼睛,眼前是龙殇骑士团团长的宽敞卧室。 Since comes back from violent Wind City, Murphy established the place of winding here. 自从从暴风城回来,墨非就把下线的地点设定在了这里。 Original north wind castle, present dragon war casualty castle. 原来的北风城堡,如今的龙殇城堡。 Opens the door to walk, arrives in hall that the knight rolls, immediately then has is waiting for the dragon war casualty guard to come the notification. 推开门走出去,来到骑士团的大厅之中,立刻便有等待着的龙殇卫士过来通报。 Regimental commander Sir, the dragon thunder knight requests to meet with you, he said that completes task that the regimental commander delivered......” “团长大人,有一名龙雷骑士要求与你见面,他说完成了团长交付的任务……” Un, making him come.” “嗯,让他进来吧。” A moment later, then dragon thunder Qishi walked. 片刻之后,便有一个龙雷骑士走了进来。 Lancelot( dragon thunder knight): „ Regimental commander Sir, I collected the information that you wanted, I discovered in the Ankarlou crater the trail of antique dragon, it is said was a build surpasses hundred meters terrifying monster, but I have not seen the true body of that dragon, but listened to the local dinosaur hunter to raise. 兰斯洛特(龙雷骑士):“团长大人,我收集到你要的情报了,我在安卡洛环形山发现了太古龙的踪迹,据说是一只体型超过百米的恐怖怪物,不过我没有见到那龙的真身,只是听当地的恐龙猎手提起过。 They manage this dragon to call devourer Amkha Rad, it is said it can swallow an demon tyrannosaurus, is terrifying, is the overlord of Ankarlou crater. ” 他们管这只龙叫‘吞噬者’安卡拉德,据说其能一口吞下一只魔暴龙,非常恐怖,是安卡洛环形山的霸主。” Hesdin( dragon war casualty knight regimental commander): Does the brave adventurer well, the information that you provide is useful to me, taking, these 500 gold coins give the reward of you . Moreover, you can go to assistant regimental commander Lolan there to study dragon thunder Zhanji free.” 艾丹(龙殇骑士团长):“干得好勇敢的冒险者,你提供的情报对我非常有用,拿着吧,这500金币是给与伱的奖励,另外,你可以去罗兰副团长那里免费学习一个龙雷战技。” System prompt: You completed a professional task, you achieved the respect in the prestige that the dragon war casualty knight rolled, Commander Aidan to promote to your good sensitivity, the present is 50.】 【系统提示:你完成了一个职业任务,你在龙殇骑士团的声望达到了尊敬,艾丹团长对你的好感度提升了,现在是50。】 Hears the sound of system prompt, Lancelot excited receiving gold coin, turned around to leave. 听到系统提示的声音,兰斯洛特一脸兴奋的接过金币,转身离开了。 So long as can brush belt/bring 100 the good sensitivity, can study ultimate skill- Aidan Delon's dragon thunder Tianfa, he expected for a long time. 只要能把好感度刷带100,就可以学终极技能-艾丹德隆的龙雷天罚了,他对此可是期待已久了。 Murphy looks at Lancelot to depart, the heart said that this group of adventurers also are really easy-to-use. 墨非看着兰斯洛特离去,心说这帮冒险者还真是好用啊。 As of late he gave all dragon thunder knights to issue professional duty that sought for the antique dragon, so long as found the trail and hearsay of antique dragon can exchange the reward, so far the adventurers have succeeded helped him find the trails of three antique dragons. 最近这段时间他给所有龙雷骑士们都发布了寻找太古龙的职业任务,只要找到太古龙的踪迹和传闻都可以来兑换奖励,到目前为止冒险者们已经成功的帮他找到了三只太古龙的踪迹了。 Respectively ‚the disaster of sea appears and disappears in the hidden rock sea Rayne, it is said is the river system big dragon that can control the ocean current. 分别是在暗礁海出没的‘海洋之灾’乌雷恩,据说是一只能够操控海流的水系巨龙。 In crushing land that’ the yawn appears and disappears Suoerzi, it is said can control the soil series big dragon of rock and land. 在大裂口出没的‘击碎大地’索尔兹,据说是能够操控岩石和大地的土系巨龙。 Finally was this only calls devourer Amkha Rad's fellow. 最后就是这只叫‘吞噬者’安卡拉德的家伙了。 However so far, Murphy had not decided that which good to look to break a meatless fast. 不过到目前为止,墨非还没决定好到底要去找哪一只来开荤。 Although Murphy the strength has promoted at present, the rank raised 70 levels, the person the shape life value surpassed 10,000, changes the dragon later volume of blood achieved astonishingly 130,000 +. 墨非虽然目前实力已经提升了很多,等级足足提升到了70级,人形态生命值超过了一万,变龙之后的血量更是达到了惊人的十三万+。 But must to fighting the antique dragon, he is a point grasps does not have, these antique dragon can/but are transform by ancient dragon, with the powerhouse of wing of same time death, the strength was quite terrifying. 可是要对战太古龙,他还是一点把握都没有,那些太古龙可都是由古龙转化而成,和死亡之翼同一时代的强者,实力相当恐怖。 Copes with Ranney Cousse previous time, Murphy depends on the coordinate combat teamwork of four heroes bears, wins. 上一次对付伊兰尼库斯,墨非还是靠着背上的四个英雄的配合协同作战,才战而胜之。 Let him come up to select only, he absolutely does not have this energy. 让他上去单挑,他是绝对没这个底气的。 Therefore Murphy has the similar plan regarding this action, first in the group several heroes, then recruit his several hundred adventurers, hit the bandage the dragon war casualty knight group while convenient again in the past, when the time comes together how could it not be an entire only army came up to gang up to surround and beat up beautifully. 所以墨非对于这一次的行动有着同样的打算,先组上几个英雄,再招募他几百个冒险者,顺便再把龙殇骑士团打包带过去,到时候一整只大军一起上去围殴岂不美哉。 Our solemn parliament member Otte Rank, the dragon war casualty knight group regimental commander, the great person in alliance high level, does not use stupidly these status. 咱堂堂奥特兰克国会议员,龙殇骑士团团长,联盟高层中的大人物,不把这些身份利用起来岂不是傻。 However leads troops to go to battle also has the trouble, no matter hidden rock marine terrifying sea beast and evil reef. 不过带兵出征也有麻烦,不管是暗礁海上的恐怖海兽和邪恶礁石。 Hot element and earth element lifeform that the complex landform near yawn and there is in flood. 还是大裂口附近的复杂地貌和那里泛滥的火元素、土元素生物。 In the Ankarlou crater everywhere is various dinosaur, and dangerous landform, these to oneself are not the issue, but regarding these adventurer and dragon war casualty knights is very troublesome. 还是安卡洛环形山里遍地都是的各种恐龙,以及险恶地貌,这些对自己不是什么问题,但对于那些冒险者和龙殇骑士们都是非常麻烦的。 He did not fear actually, the adventurers but who he takes away perhaps, have not gone to the place to want the buckle more than half. 他本人倒是不怕,但他带去的冒险者们,恐怕还没到地方就要折损过半了。 Must the plan be able to act clearly. 必须得计划清楚才能行动。 Just thinking, the dragon war casualty guard of guarding a gate is actually notifying. 正想着呢,守门的龙殇卫士却又来通报了。 Sir Aidan, some people looks for you, is the person of explorer association.” “艾丹大人,有人来找你,是探险家协会的人。” Explorer association? Un, making him come.” “探险家协会?嗯,让他进来吧。” In Murphy heart quite anticipated to this meeting, to seek for the trail of antique dragon, he not only gave subordinate dragon thunder knights to issue the duty, similarly the Houde manor, the explorer association and other major neutral organizations issued the duty to Lavin, depended on the specialty of rich and powerful family prince, relaxed and these neutral organizations make the contacts, so long as spent to enjoy the service. 墨非心中对这次会面颇为期待,为了寻找太古龙的踪迹,他不仅给麾下的龙雷骑士们发布了任务,同样给拉文霍德庄园、探险家协会等各大中立组织发布了任务,靠着豪门王子的专长,轻松的和这些中立组织搭上了线,只要花钱就可以享受服务。 In order to seek for the antique dragon he was also ready for any sacrifice, spending how much money was not the issue. 为了找寻太古龙他也算是豁出去了,砸多少钱都不是问题。 The dwarf of quick wear black formal clothes walked. 很快一个穿着黑色礼服的矮人就走了进来。 Decent of appearance, even also wears unilateral eyeglasses, looks at some manner 打扮的像模像样,甚至还戴着一副单边眼镜,看着很有些派头 However sees Murphy, the present dwarf is actually currying favor with face. 不过见到墨非,眼前的矮人却是一脸的献媚。 secure Grunwald( explorer): „, Hello Prince Aidan, Mladin copper must the crown prince make me lead him to give regards to you.” 安威瓦尔德(勘探员):“啊,你好啊艾丹王子,穆拉丁・铜须亲王让我带他向你问好。” Hesdin( dragon war casualty knight regimental commander): Also gave regards to him for me, therefore- the information that I wanted had the clue.” 艾丹(龙殇骑士团长):“也替我向他问好,所以-我要的情报有线索了。” Yes, we dispatch the explorers in the world to encounter various strange things, naturally also includes these dragon clan, since your previous time gave us to seek for the duty of antique dragon trail, we have been compiling the information in this aspect, now has reorganized a lot of materials.” “是的,我们派往世界各地的探险家会遭遇各种奇奇怪怪的事情,当然也包括那些龙族,自从你上次交给了我们寻找太古龙踪迹的任务,我们就一直在汇总这方面的情报,如今已经整理好了大量的资料。” Looks in the short person hand thick one stack of materials, Murphy immediately a pleasant surprise. 看着矮人手中厚厚的一沓资料,墨非顿时一阵惊喜。 So many.” “这么多。” Yes, according to our ecological research to the dragon clan, and record of dragon clan related ancient times vestige, the legend of all over the world indigenous inhabitant, we at least locked 11 antique dragons.” “是的,根据我们对龙族的生态研究,以及龙族相关古代遗迹的记载,还有世界各地土著居民的神话传说,我们至少锁定了十一只太古龙。” Is the nest grass, so flamboyant? 窝草,这么牛逼? 11, this fellow can complete the road of ancient dragon directly. 十一只,这家伙直接可以完成古龙之路了啊。 Please say.” “请讲。” According to a research to Red Dragon clan, we believes, in the ruby temple, exists to have three antique dragons at least. “根据对红龙一族的研究,我们相信,在红玉圣殿中,最少存在有三只太古龙。 According to a research to Black Dragon clan, in the obsidian temple, has at least three antique dragons. 根据对黑龙一族的研究,在黑曜石圣殿中,同样存在至少三只太古龙。 But in emerald temple...... ” 而在翡翠圣殿中……” Stops stops from time to time!” Murphy quickly stops, antique dragons in five big dragon clans you let alone, this I knew, emerald temple, demon pivot shaft, but also the hole of light, has antique dragon guarding sometimes, but the antique dragon of that several place I may have no interest in bumping, said that to me is not the antique dragon of big dragon treaty of alliance.” “停停停!”墨非急忙打住,“五大龙族里的太古龙你就别说了,这个我都知道了,翡翠圣殿,魔枢,还有时光之穴,都有太古龙驻守,但那几个地方的太古龙我可没兴趣碰,还是给我说说不属于巨龙盟约的太古龙吧。” „- This, good.” The dwarves are very obviously disappointed, in a big way picked off one to pile the information directly, finally was only left over several. “啊-这样啊,那好吧。”矮人显然十分失望,直接拿掉了一大摞情报,最后只剩下了几张。 In yawn......” “在大裂口……” ‚The anger of land Suoerzi, this I have known.” “‘大地之怒’索尔兹是吧,这个我已经知道了。” The dwarf moved one. 哦,矮人又揭掉了一张。 In the Ankarlou crater......” “在安卡洛环形山……” Phagotroph Amkha Rad is right......” “‘吞噬者’安卡拉德对吧……” Eh- good,” dwarf moved one, was covered with on the face of full beard to start to sweat. “额-好吧,”矮人又揭掉了一张,长满了大胡子的脸上开始冒汗。 In Northern dragon bone|keel wilderness, the white antique dragons......” dwarf was saying raised the head to look like Murphy one eyes, saw Murphy not to prevent, this relaxes to continue saying that „the local person called it freeze flame Bolivian row of colored glaze, it is said its dragon breath of emitting was exceptionally cold, the flame can be frozen, it can also summon the ice fog, camouflaged the figure, hid the whereabouts, Bolivian row of colored glaze takes the local mammoth as the food, frequently attacked nearby storehouse person village and mammoth person living area, its lair, should in the frost mountain range. In some cavern.” “在诺森德的龙骨荒野中,有一只白色的太古龙……”矮人说着抬头看来了墨非一眼,见墨非没有阻止,这才松了口气继续道,“当地的维库人称其为‘冻结火焰’玻列琉斯,据说其喷吐的龙息异常寒冷,就连火焰都能够被冻住,它还能召唤冰雾,遮蔽身形,掩藏行踪,玻列琉斯以当地的猛犸为食,经常攻击附近的维库人村落和猛犸人聚居点,它的巢穴,应该就在冰霜山脉上的某个洞穴里。” Murphy nods, good, finally had the new material. 墨非点了点头,不错,终于有了新的资料。 Then?” “然后呢?” Eh, then did not have.” “额,然后就没有了。” Murphy greatly speechless, this, this, owed oneself also to anticipate for quite a while. 墨非一阵大无语,就这,就这,亏自己还期待了半天。 However good, at least new acquisitions. 不过好吧,至少有一个新收获。 This words it seems like, altogether four optional goals, which then from first starts? 这样看来的话,一共就有四个可选目标了,那么从哪个先下手呢? Prince Aidan, Prince Aidan, this...... you to the matter that the explorer association invests......” “艾丹王子,艾丹王子,这个……您对探险家协会投资的事情……” Information are too few, I most can only first subsidize your 5000 gold coins, if later had more information to say again.” “情报太少,我最多只能先资助你们5000金币,以后如果有更多的情报再说吧。” „, Good.” The dwarves to this money obviously are not very satisfied, but without the means that who makes the effective information too few. “啊,好吧。”矮人对这点钱显然不是很满意,不过没办法,谁让有效情报太少呢。 5000 gold coins are actually a much less, but is good to invest, the luck good words can return this even make money, ancient vestige that later the explorer association discovers, as the investment also has the opportunity to participate in the excavation. 5000金币其实还是有点多,不过好在是投资,运气好的话还是能回本甚至赚钱的,以后探险家协会发现的古代遗迹,身为投资则也是有机会参与挖掘的。 Just sent off the dwarf, the gate was actually sounded. 刚把矮人送走,门却又被敲响了。 Sir Aidan, the envoys from storm kingdom arrived.” “艾丹大人,来自暴风王国的使者到了。” Un? Does the envoy in storm kingdom, look for me? 嗯?暴风王国的使者,找我? Murphy is somewhat strange, but nods, making him come. 墨非有些奇怪,不过还是点了点头,让他进来了。 The quick travel-worn messenger walked, Murphy looked at one that person unexpectedly is an acquaintance. 很快一个风尘仆仆的信使就走了进来,墨非看了一眼那人竟然还是个熟人。 Van Cleve( Special Envoy suddenly/violently Wind City): Hello Prince Aidan, in the name of violent Wind City- salutes to you.” 范克里夫(暴风城特使):“你好艾丹王子,以暴风城的名义-向你致敬。” Hesdin( dragon war casualty knight regimental commander): Un? Is Van Cleve, how you?” 艾丹(龙殇骑士团长):“嗯?范克里夫,怎么是你?” Murphy has seen with this Van Cleve, initially when the dagger range ambush hell roared, the workers of mason association Van Cleve led, constructed an arrow tower defense line to seal up the entrance of mountain valley fast, successfully annihilated that wolf cavalry army. 墨非跟这个范克里夫是见过的,当初在匕首岭埋伏地狱咆哮的时候,正是范克里夫率领的石匠公会的工人们,快速修建了一道箭塔防线封住了山谷的入口,成功围歼了那只狼骑兵大军。 Said that was also the ally who went to war together. 说起来也算是一起打过仗的战友了。 Van Cleve smiles, now I am an aristocrat, because of the relations of military exploit, I was sealed for the Baron, was right, our mason association also received the work of reconstruction violent Wind City, if not this mission is extremely important, I have started to direct the artisans to rebuild violent Wind City now.” 范克里夫笑了笑,“现在我已经是贵族了,因为军功的关系,我被封为了男爵,哦对了,我们石匠公会还接到了重建暴风城的工作,如果不是这一次使命太过重要,我现在已经开始指挥工匠们重建暴风城了。” Speaking of reconstruction violent Wind City, Van Cleve one excitement, the eye is shining, obviously this was a reward rich and has the work of honor. 提起重建暴风城,范克里夫就一阵兴奋,眼睛都在放光,显然这是一份报酬丰厚而又带有荣誉的工作。 Murphy nods, said the sound congratulates. 墨非点了点头,说了声恭喜。 In the heart actually thinks that this buddy luck is good, originally in the history the mason association rebuilt violent Wind City later the result aristocrat masters embezzling the wages, causing the mason association unable to attain the remuneration for services rendered, Van Cleve was in a rage initiates the rebellion directly, after raising a disturbance, went into the western wilderness to become an outlaw, became afterward the notorious Duphil fraternity. 心中却想这哥们运气不错啊,原来历史上石匠公会重建了暴风城之后结果贵族老爷们把工钱给贪污了,导致石匠公会拿不到酬金,范克里夫一怒之下直接发起暴动,大闹一场后跑到西部荒野落草,成了后来臭名昭著的迪菲亚兄弟会。 Still opened a transcription in the death mine pit. This Edwin Van Cleve, is transcription final BOSS. 还在死亡矿井里开了个副本。这个艾德温・范克里夫,正是副本的最终BOSS。 Naturally, afterward discovered original all are the evil Black Dragon Princess Aoni Kouhia's conspiracy...... 当然,后来发现原来一切都是邪恶的黑龙公主奥妮克希亚的阴谋…… However this Aoni Kouhia has not infiltrated to the violent Wind City leadership , should the mason association not fall behind the wages again? 不过这一世奥妮克希亚没有渗透到暴风城高层之中,石匠公会应该不会再被拖欠工资了吧? Is Duke Rosa sends you to come?” “是洛萨公爵派你来的?” Yes, Duke Rosa has a letter/believes to make me give the prince.” “是的,洛萨公爵有一封信让我交给王子殿下。” Van Cleve was saying puts out the letter, Murphy looked at one, demonstration is actually Rosa's confidential letter( duty goods)】. 范克里夫说着拿出信件来,墨非看了一眼,显示的却是【洛萨的密信(任务物品)】。 Un? How is the duty goods? 嗯?怎么是任务物品? Murphy received the letter/believes to look, inside content makes Murphy somewhat surprised. 墨非接过信就看了起来,里面的内容却让墨非有些吃惊。 The content of letter/believes is not long, first was the smalltalk, the friendship that recalled Prince Aidan to subdue violent Wind City creates when the help storm Kingdom People. 信的内容不长,先是客套了一下,追忆了一下艾丹王子在帮助暴风王国子民收服暴风城时建立的友谊。 Then mentioned the proper business. 接着就说起了正事。 Originally although violent Wind City starts to reconstruct, had a vital problem- did not have the successor to the throne. 原来暴风城虽然开始重建,却出现了一个重大的问题-没有王位继承人了。 Properly speaking the throne should inherit by Varian Ryan, after all is a crown prince, but Varian ran Northern to look for the divine tool to go, causes now the throne hovering flight. 按理说王位应该是由瓦里安・乌瑞恩继承的,毕竟是王储,但是瓦里安跑去诺森德找神器去了,导致现在王位空悬。 Originally if merely is this, Rosa is the prince regent is not good, the issue left in some present people came out to rob the throne to come. 本来如果仅仅是这样的话,洛萨当摄政王也不是不行,问题就出在现在有人出来抢夺王位来了。 Initially King Ryan had seven sons, remaining six besides Varian was a player, because Varian extremely dazzling relations that group of player princes had nothing to have the feeling mostly, four princes invaded when the beast person died in battle one after another. 当初莱恩国王有七个儿子,除了瓦里安之外剩下六个都是玩家,因为瓦里安太过耀眼的关系那帮玩家王子大都没什么存在感,其中四个王子在兽人入侵期间陆续战死。 Had a half year of guerrilla warfare to live on dishonorably in the western wilderness, ran up to the concealed treasure bay, when the pirate went, now heard that had the throne to inherit, both princes ran came back to rob the throne. 一个在西部荒野打了半年游击苟活了下来,还有一个跑到藏宝海湾当海盗去了,现在听说有王位要继承,两个王子都跑了回来想要抢夺王位。 All day is restless in violent Wind City, but also seeks the support of these aristocrats respectively, claimed oneself are the rightful heir in storm kingdom. 整天在暴风城闹腾,还各自寻求那些贵族的支持,声称自己才是暴风王国的合法继承人。 Does Rosa first two big. 搞得洛萨一个头两个大。 At the same time must regain these by the land castle that the beast person occupies, must rebuild violent Wind City, while must with these two princes empty and winding. 一边还要收复那些被兽人占据的土地城堡,一边还要重建暴风城,一边还要跟这两个王子虚与委蛇。 However Rosa big duke status is aloof, is the brother-in-law of King Ryan, is the Arasji empire final bloodlines, therefore can also be able to blow the field. 不过洛萨大公爵身份超然,是莱恩国王的连襟,又是阿拉希帝国最后的血脉,因此还能镇得住场。 But definitely cannot delay endlessly. 但肯定不能无休止的拖延下去。 Therefore gives Murphy to deliver a letter specially, wants to make him help Northern looking to succeed to the throne Varian. 所以特意给墨非送信,想让他帮忙去诺森德把瓦里安给找回来继承王位。 Obviously Rosa knows Prince Aidan and special friendship between Prince Varian. 显然洛萨是知道艾丹王子跟瓦里安王子之间的特殊情谊的。 The letter/believes looked, the duty was also triggered. 信看完了,任务也被触发了。 System prompt: Triggers the plot dutyLooks for storm king, Goes to Northern mainland to look for Varian Ryan, and leads him to return to homeland to succeed to the throne. 【系统提示:触发剧情任务【寻找暴风国王】,去诺森德大陆寻找瓦里安・乌瑞恩,并带他回国继承王位。 Duty reward: You increase 20000 points in the prestige of storm kingdom, gold coin 10000, obtains one randomly Storm kingdom country ritual. 任务奖励:你在暴风王国的声望提升20000点,金币10000,随机获得一件【暴风王国国礼】。 Accepts, yes / no. 】 是否接受,是/否。】 I go, the reward are many, this storm kingdom country ritual does not know is anything, inferiorly is also the epic level equipment, preparing to be some type of special goods, will have any special use. 我去,奖励还不少呢,这个暴风王国国礼不知道是什么,最次也得是史诗级装备吧,备不住会是某种特殊物品,会有什么特殊用处呢。 Since depends on ancient Longyan stone carving likely this Ancient relics After triggering the source plot duty, Murphy is very interested to these goods attribute special things. 自从靠着古老龙岩石雕像这件【古代遗物】触发了本源剧情任务之后,墨非就对这些物品属性特别的东西很有兴趣。 This duty does absolutely, moreover happen to Northern has an antique dragon. 这任务绝对做的,而且正好诺森德有一条太古龙。 Good, Murphy heart said that do not intertwine, was you freeze flame Bolivian row of colored glaze, happen to Brother slaughter dragon Zhao without hampering the other. 好吧,墨非心说那就别纠结了,就是你了‘冻结火焰’玻列琉斯,正好屠龙找兄弟两不误。 At that moment righteousness expression said to Van Cleve, please help me pass on to Rosa, as one of the alliance , helping the ally, the stability and order of maintenance alliance various countries, my Hesdin is bounden, this duty I met.” 当下义正言辞的对范克里夫说道,“请帮我转告洛萨阁下,身为联盟的一员,帮助盟友,维护联盟各国的稳定与秩序,我艾丹义不容辞,这个任务我接了。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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