PTB :: Volume #4

#377: New material piece 【The dispute of row of kings】

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Chapter 377 new material piece 【The dispute of row of kings 第377章新资料片【列王的纷争】 Delano- hell hot mountain range- devil throne: 德拉诺-地狱火山脉-恶魔王座: Here once was sacred place of beast person, five years ago, beast people drank the blood of devil here, started the war of clean entire Delano world, here, the beast person degenerated thoroughly, became the vanguard in destruction world. 这里曾经是兽人的圣地,五年前,兽人们就是在这里饮下了恶魔之血,发起了清洗整个德拉诺世界的战争,也正是在这里,兽人彻底堕落,成为毁灭世界的先锋。 Now quiet many years later, the devil throne welcomed the new visitor again. 如今在沉寂了多年之后,恶魔王座再一次迎来了了新的访客。 The flare of beast person illuminated the dim light of night, in devil throne the bleak mountain ranges, the soldiers of each clan almost encircled here completely. 兽人的火把照亮了夜色,在恶魔王座周围的的荒凉山峦间,各个氏族的战士们几乎将这里围满了起来。 Returned to various Delano later beast person clans to hit out in all directions, held massive domains, as now the summon, these clan chiefs also led they most loyal soldier to gather here. 回归德拉诺之后兽人各氏族四面出击,占据了大量地盘,如今随着召唤,这些氏族酋长们又带着他们最忠诚的战士聚拢到了这里。 Beast people are waiting and seeing, because will have a great ceremony to hold it is said today here. 兽人们都在观望着,因为据说今日将会有一场伟大的仪式在这里举行。 The tribe big chiefs dominate the blade to be brutal, with high rank military governor Gorog of evil beast person regiment evil eye, will decide the future of tribe here. 部落大酋长霸刀无情,和邪兽人军团的高阶督军格罗戈・邪眼,将在这里决定部落的未来。 Beast person infantry A: Heard, Gorog evil eye successfully summoned an abyss fiendish person, he invited the chiefs to beast to drink the blood of devil again.” 兽人步兵A:“听说了吗,格罗戈・邪眼成功召唤了一名深渊魔王,他邀请酋长们是要让兽人再次喝下恶魔之血。” Beast person infantry B: „Were this goods COSPLAY Gourdain become addicted, but also played this.” 兽人步兵B:“这货是不是COSPLAY古尔丹上瘾了啊,还玩这一出。” Wolf knight: „The blood of devil is good, initially just arrived at Zellars our tribe to be fierce, hangs to hit the alliance, Gourdain travelled not to have the blood of supply devil afterward, we are also insufficient to lose is so miserable.” 狼骑士:“恶魔之血多好啊,当初刚到艾泽拉斯咱们部落多猛啊,把联盟吊起来打,要不是后来古尔丹跑路没了恶魔之血供应,咱们也不至于输的那么惨啊。” Wilderness hunter: Drinks the blood of devil to be controlled.” 荒野猎手:“可是喝恶魔之血会被控制唉。” Beast person master: Fears anything, serves as a petty government official not to work as to whom, can hold the combustion regiment thigh is also good, the combustion regiment is cool.” 兽人术士:“怕什么,给谁当差不是当,能抱上燃烧军团大腿也不错啊,燃烧军团多酷啊。” Some adventurer: „, Came.” 某冒险者:“嘘,来了来了。” The crowd separates slowly, tribe big chief Tyrant blade brutally leads an numerous Cucalon guard to walk toward the devil throne on. 人群缓缓分开,部落大酋长霸刀无情带着一众库卡隆卫士朝着恶魔王座上走去。 But Gorog evil eye, then has waited there. 而格罗戈・邪眼,则早就等在那里了。 The rock of standing tall and erect just like the seat back cushion of throne to tower generally, in stone platform of platform, in Gorog evil eyes hand takes the bone cup, in nearby cauldron, is seething the blood of green devil, is lending the stench sulfur aura. 高耸的岩石犹如王座的靠背一般耸立着,平台的石台上,格罗戈邪眼手中拿着骨杯,一旁的大锅里面,翻腾着绿色的恶魔之血,散发着腥臭的硫磺气息。 Tyrant blade brutally stopped before the altar, with Gorog evil eye is looking at each other. 霸刀无情在祭坛前停了下来,和格罗戈・邪眼对视着。 Big chief, you came finally.” Gorog evil eye is saying, reveals smile that measures Yin. “大酋长,你终于来了。”格罗戈・邪眼说着,露出一个阴测测的笑容来。 Dominating a blade face is brutally speechless, nest grass, which Gorog is your entire? You invited me to come to here to meet with, thought this to me?” 霸刀无情却一脸无语,“窝草,格罗戈你丫这是整的哪一出啊?你邀请我来这里会面,就是给我看这个么?” Naturally, this is the blood of oleo stock devil, I abandoned the big strength to get so far as, had its our beast person to obtain the strength again, come the tyrant blade was brutal, drinks the blood of devil, making us make the tribe again great together.” “当然,这可是恶魔之血原浆,我废了好大力气才弄到的,有了它我们兽人就可以再次获得力量,来吧霸刀无情,喝下恶魔之血,让我们一起让部落再次伟大。” Dominates the blade actually is not brutally convinced, ha, cracks a joke, do not think that I do not know what idea that you has, is not looked that I did draw the investment to want a cent of money? Captures the control of tribe with the blood of devil, what fine deeds do you think?” 霸刀无情却不买账,“哈哈哈,开什么玩笑,不要以为我不知道伱打的什么主意,不就是看我拉到了投资想要分钱么?用恶魔之血来夺取部落的控制权,你想什么美事呢?” Gorog evil eye pointed out frankly the goal, is not annoyed, instead hehe smiles. 格罗戈・邪眼被道破了目的,却也并不恼火,反而呵呵一笑。 Right, I want to divide invest, that is three hundred million, ending that so many investments your one person spend, what investors is the entire tribe, is not your polished rod big chief, what the investment wants is the tribe again male, reopens the door of darkness, rather than the nest works as the local despot in the star that this bird does not defecate. “没错,我是想分一些投资,那可是三个亿啊,这么多的投资你一个人花的完么,人家投资者投资的是整个部落,又不是你一个光杆大酋长,投资则要的是部落重新雄起,重开黑暗之门,而不是窝在这个鸟不拉屎的星球当土皇帝。 But must reopen the door of darkness, the blood of my devil is key, wants gains the strength also to have anything compared with holding the thigh simply, had did not limit the quantity supply the blood of devil, our tribe can certainly rise. 而要重开黑暗之门,我的恶魔之血正是其中的关键,想要获取力量还有什么比抱大腿更简单的呢,有了不限量供应的恶魔之血,我们部落一定可以崛起的。 Initially you became the big chief to depend on my support the high-rank, how, now does the position just sit firmly forgot the youngest brother? ” 况且当初你当上大酋长可是靠着我的支持才上位的,怎么,现在位置刚坐稳就忘了老兄弟了?” Dominates blade brutal cold snort/hum one, what's the big deal, I may give you to divide the domain a lot, the entire shadow rill apportioned you, the dark temple gave you, but how also wants, cultivating the behavior should not be too greedy.” 霸刀无情冷哼一声,“那又如何,我可没少给你分地盘,整个影月谷都分给你了,黑暗神殿都给你了,还想怎么样,做人不要太贪婪啊。” How that can calculate that you give me, the dark temple is I brings the evil beast person regiment to hit with great difficulty, moreover cannot the realization big domain also be useful, my words put in this may, if today you under drinking the blood of devil, our good brothers, otherwise-” “那怎么能算你给我的呢,黑暗神殿可是我带着邪兽人军团好不容易才打下来的,况且不能变现再大的地盘又有什么用,我话就搁在这可,今天你若是喝下恶魔之血,咱们就还是好兄弟,否则的话-” Gorog evil eye beckons fiercely, gushes out many beast person soldiers to come immediately, the masters and their devil retinue mixtures and in which numerous shadow parliament. 格罗戈・邪眼猛地一招手,身后顿时涌出许多兽人士兵来,更有一众暗影议会的术士和他们的恶魔仆从夹杂与其中。 Ahem, can make war? Come, I accompany.” Was saying the tyrant blade brutally lifts the hand similarly, when numerous Cucalon Weston encircled, both sides play out, just like the organized crime to negotiate general, is actually who does not dare first to act. “哼哼,要开战么?来啊,我奉陪啊。”说着霸刀无情同样一抬手,身后一众库卡隆卫士顿时围了上来,双方剑拔弩张,犹如黑社会谈判一般,却是谁也不敢先出手。 That the chiefs of help/gang watching the fun bring to surround under all around, is actually who does not help, instead creates a clamor. 那帮看热闹的酋长们带着手下围拢在四周,却是谁也不帮,反而鼓噪起来。 On, do not instigate.” “上啊,别怂啊。” Did ends.” “干就完了。” Is the man on Mark Gera!” “是男人就玛克戈拉!” Right, Mark Gera! Both of you selected only.” “对,玛克戈拉!你们俩单挑得了。” Brutally turns a deaf ear to regarding surrounding creating a clamor sound Tyrant blade, the soldier plays Mark Gera that is not delivers, but we big chief, are worthwhile take risk. 对于周围的鼓噪声霸刀无情充耳不闻,战士玩玛克戈拉那不是送吗,咱可是大酋长,犯得着冒这个险吗。 „Can my brothers in this, how you fight with me?” “我的兄弟们可都在这了,你怎么跟我斗啊?” Ahem, light/only by the brothers may useless- Barr, looked your.” “哼哼,光靠兄弟可没用-巴尔,看你的了。” Bang! 轰! The heavy sound of footsteps is slowly imminent, behind the altar, a height more than ten meters huge devil walked slowly. 沉重的脚步声缓缓迫近,祭坛后面,一个身高十几米的巨大恶魔缓缓的走了出来。 The sturdy four feet, the majestic both arms, the big dragon pair of wings and tail, the aggressive semblance felt the constriction. 粗壮的四足,雄壮的双臂,巨龙般的双翼和尾巴,霸气的外表充满了压迫感。 Barr( abyss feudal lord): World first-order BOSS, rank 84. Life value 185000. 巴尔(深渊领主):世界一阶BOSS,等级84。生命值185000。 The appearance of abyss fiendish person immediately caused the tumult of beast people, that huge build and whole body sending out powerful can make beast people feel the great stress evilly, instinct after retreats. 深渊魔王的出现顿时引起了兽人们的一阵骚动,那巨大的体型和浑身散发的强大邪能让兽人们感到压力巨大,本能的朝后退去。 This has then drunk the side effect of blood of devil, will have the dread of instinct facing the high rank devil. 这便是喝过恶魔之血的副作用了,面对高阶恶魔会有本能的恐惧心理。 Retroceded several steps on the repeated champion blade brutal Cucalon guards, speculation Tyrant blade brutally gave coolly. 就连霸刀无情的库卡隆卫士们都后退了几步,倒把霸刀无情给凉了出来。 Gorog evil eye happily laughed immediately. 格罗戈・邪眼顿时得意的大笑了起来。 He scooped up blood of one cup of devil from the pot, handed the tyrant blade brutal front slowly. 他从锅里舀了一杯恶魔之血,缓缓的递到了霸刀无情的面前。 Drinking the tyrant blade is brutal, this is the destiny of beast person.” “喝吧霸刀无情,这是兽人的命运。” Receiving cup that Tyrant blade brutally clenches jaws, when the people think he must drink, suddenly shows a faint smile, dumps the blood of devil conveniently. 霸刀无情咬牙切齿的接过杯子,就在众人以为他要喝下去的时候,忽然微微一笑,将恶魔之血随手倒掉。 Gorog evil eye got angry finally. 格罗戈・邪眼终于怒了。 Dominating the blade is brutal, has saying that you are really stupid enough, since you do not coordinate, I extinguished you, oneself are the big chief!- Barr, begins!” “霸刀无情,不得不说,你还真是有够蠢啊,既然你不配合,那我就灭了你,自己来当大酋长!-巴尔,动手!” Titter! 噗嗤! The giant war lance in abyss feudal lord hand deeply passed through the chest of Gorog evil eyes, lifted the hand to select him gently. 深渊领主手中的巨大战矛深深贯穿了格罗戈邪眼的胸口,轻轻一抬手就将他挑了起来。 Gorog evil eye is covering chest front unbelievable of lance blade face, anything, Barr- why!” 格罗戈・邪眼捂着胸前的矛刃一脸的难以置信,“什么,巴尔-为什么!” On Barr that fierce face actually reveals a apology. 巴尔那狰狞的脸上却露出一丝歉意来。 Barr( abyss feudal lord): Is sorry the brother, Tyrant blade brutally gives were too many.” 巴尔(深渊领主):“抱歉老弟,霸刀无情给的实在太多了。” My day mother!” “我日尼玛!” Tittered, dominated the blade brutal blade edge from Gorog in evil eye top of the head a blade has divided, Gorog the head of evil eye tumbled unrequitedly. 噗嗤,霸刀无情的刀锋从格罗戈・邪眼头顶上一刀劈过,格罗戈・邪眼的头颅死不瞑目的滚落了下来。 Tyrant blade brutally looks that the head of ground laughs, „ father is grasping three hundred million investments now, but also fears you? 霸刀无情看着地上的脑袋哈哈大笑起来,“老子现在手里握着三个亿的投资,还怕你? The abyss feudal lord how, the father pounded 5 million to give to buy, said that also wanted many thanks you to help me summon the abyss feudal lord, happen to made the tribe add a great general. 深渊领主又如何,老子砸了五百万就给收买了,说起来还要多谢你帮我把深渊领主召唤过来,正好让部落又添一员大将。 The matter you said actually right, obtained the strength simplest way is to hold the thigh, later will have infinitude the blood of supply of devil, the battle efficiency of tribe will certainly further promote. 有一件事情你倒是说对了,获得力量最简单的方式就是抱大腿,以后有了无限量的恶魔之血供应,部落的战斗力必将进一步提升。 However the blood of this devil cannot drink randomly, must drink itself to be able to control. ” 不过这恶魔之血可不能乱喝,一定要喝自己能控制得住的。” He was saying looks at to these Gorog the subordinates who evil eye, wave fiercely, kills off completely!” 他说着看向那些格罗戈・邪眼的手下们,猛地一挥手,“全部杀光!” The fight is very short, saw that Gorog evil eye was killed, the chiefs the faithful soldier of incarnation big chief, rush quack one to massacre immediately, all extinguished Gorog instantaneously the section numerous of evil eye. 战斗十分短暂,看到格罗戈・邪眼被干掉,众酋长立刻化身大酋长的忠实战士,冲上去嘎嘎一顿乱杀,瞬间全灭了格罗戈・邪眼的部众。 Dominates the blade brutally to stand on the devil throne, fellow clan chiefs, Gorog evil eye intention rebels, now had been cut to kill by me, passes on me to order, to attack the dark temple, from now henceforth, Delano can only have a big chief voice.” 霸刀无情站在恶魔王座上,“各位氏族酋长,格罗戈・邪眼意图作乱,如今已经被我斩杀,传我命令,攻打黑暗神殿,从今以后,德拉诺只能有本大酋长一个声音。” Said that suddenly a brow wrinkle, felt strange, killed Gorog hasn't evil eye given the plot points? 说完忽然眉头一皱,奇了怪了,杀了格罗戈・邪眼怎么没给剧情点数呢? Meanwhile--- 与此同时--- Shadow rill- dark temple: 影月谷-黑暗神殿: The most deep place of dark temple, in a pray room, is exhibiting a skeleton altar. 黑暗神殿的最深处,一座祈祷室中,陈列着一座骸骨祭坛。 Around the altar, the blood outlined giant rune/symbol writing, but center altar, corpse static lying down of human there. 祭坛四周,鲜血勾勒出巨大的符文,而在祭坛正中,一具人类的尸体则静静的躺在那里。 Ryan Ryan- King suddenly/violently Wind City, was killed by the beast person in a violent Wind City war, when leads the evil beast person regiment to retreat, Gorog evil eye deliberately brought this corpse. 莱恩・乌瑞恩-暴风城国王,在暴风城一战中被兽人杀死,当带领邪兽人军团撤退的时候,格罗戈・邪眼刻意将这具尸体带了出来。 At this moment, in the hand of corpse actually tight is holding together soul stone- Gorog the soul stone of evil eye. 此时此刻,尸体的手中却紧紧的抱着一块灵魂石-格罗戈・邪眼的灵魂石。 Suddenly, the soul stone jumps suddenly projects the dazzling ray. 忽然间,灵魂石猛然迸射出耀眼的光芒。 A moment later, spirit strength gather Gorog the form of evil eye, Gorog the image of evil eye then presented in the soul stone. 片刻之后,一道道灵力汇聚成格罗戈・邪眼的身影,格罗戈・邪眼的影像便出现了灵魂石之中。 The surrounding several beast person masters encircle immediately. 周围几个兽人术士立刻围了上来。 Quickly, conducts the reincarnation ceremony for the master quickly!” “快,快为主人进行转生仪式!” Five beast person master skilled starts of use the evil law, but in the one side, the beast person master is actually watching critically all these. 五个兽人术士熟练的开始施展邪法,而在一旁,却有一个兽人术士冷眼旁观着这一切。 The soul stone gradually splits, the strength of soul spews out, flooded into corpse within the body of King Ryan from the five senses seven orifices, when the ceremony completed, the next second, King Ryan opened the eye fiercely. 灵魂石逐渐裂开,灵魂之力其中喷涌而出,从五官七窍涌入到了莱恩国王的尸体体内,当仪式完成,下一秒,莱恩国王猛地睁开了眼睛。 Naturally, on strict said that at this time this corpse has become Gorog the body of evil eye. 当然,严格上讲,此时这具尸体已经成为了格罗戈・邪眼的躯壳。 Gorog evil eye from the altar, was getting own new physical exam, Gorog evil eyes satisfied nod. 格罗戈・邪眼从祭坛上走了下来,检查着自己的新身体,格罗戈邪眼满意的点了点头。 Gorog evil eye( death knight) golden fifth-order hero, rank 72, life value 8450. 格罗戈・邪眼(死亡骑士)黄金五阶英雄,等级72,生命值8450。 Then some lingering fear. 转而又有些后怕。 Mother, was been almost cloudy, damn Barr, dares to betray me unexpectedly! “妈的,差点就被阴死了,该死的巴尔,竟然敢背叛我! Good father initially promotion hero skill time, chose the promotion soul stone, but also learned the technology of manufacture death knight from Gourdain hand, otherwise these really must send time. ” 还好老子当初升级英雄技能的时候,选择了升级灵魂石,还从古尔丹手里学到了制造死亡骑士的技术,要不然这一次真的要寄了。” Right, in original historical, the first-generation death knight was created by Gourdain, unlike that death knight who afterward most people knew very well, first group of the death knights who were created by Gourdain is more like the clever master, and by the body union of soul and human of beast person. 没错,在原来的历史上,第一代死亡骑士是由古尔丹创造出来的,与后来大多数人所熟知的那一款死亡骑士不同,第一批由古尔丹创造的死亡骑士更像是通灵法师,并且是由兽人的灵魂与人类的身体结合而成的。 In which first death knight was Talon blood demon, was coming by beast person master Talon Gore's a body union of soul with violent Wind City human knight. 其中的首位死亡骑士就是塔隆・血魔,是由兽人术士塔隆戈尔的灵魂与一位暴风城人类骑士的身体结合而来。 This Gourdain has not used this technology with enough time, lets Gorog actually evil eye enjoying. 这一世古尔丹并没有来得及使用这门技术,倒是让格罗戈・邪眼给享用了。 Metempsychosis's later death knight's the body relations of strength with use was very big, therefore Gorog evil eye made the body of King Ryan to work as the vessel specially. 转生之后的死亡骑士的实力跟使用的躯壳关系很大,因此格罗戈・邪眼特意弄了莱恩国王的尸体来当容器。 Provides against contingencies, has not thought that really applied. 以防万一,没想到真的派上用场了。 The beast person master who that has watched critically from the darkness, walked every time one step, his body increases, when close to Gorog evil eye time, had turned into the appearance of frightened fiendish person. 那个一直冷眼旁观的兽人术士从黑暗中走了出来,每走一步,他的身体就变大一些,等到接近格罗戈・邪眼的时候,已经变成了恐惧魔王的样子。 Mars Ganis( frightened fiendish person): It seems like your action failed, master.” 玛尔加尼斯(恐惧魔王):“看来你的行动失败了啊,术士。” Gorog evil eye quickly lowers the head to salute, Sir Mars Ganis, blames that abyss feudal lord Barr, actually betrayed me, turning to the tyrant blade was brutal, you may probably take responsibility for me.” 格罗戈・邪眼急忙低头施礼,“玛尔加尼斯大人,都怪那个深渊领主巴尔,竟然背叛了我,投靠了霸刀无情,你可要为我做主啊。” Mars Ganis( frightened fiendish person): What, really has this matter, the regiment does not allow the betrayal, snort/hum, good, it seems like I must make a move personally, will dominate the blade brutally then certainly to attack the dark temple, how will you plan to do?” 玛尔加尼斯(恐惧魔王):“什么,竟然有这种事情,军团绝不容许背叛,哼,也好,看来我必须亲自出手了,霸刀无情接下来一定会攻打黑暗神殿,你打算如何做?” Had nothing saying that the evil fire clan starting today, made war with the tyrant blade clan! I must capture the tribe to be legitimate.” “没什么可说的了,邪火氏族从今天开始,与霸刀氏族开战!我要夺取部落正统。” --- --- Vault of heaven world new material piece 【The dispute of row of kings Gets online officially. 苍穹世界新资料片【列王的纷争】正式上线。 Material piece introduction: With being repulsed of tribe, lost the alliance internal contradictions of common enemy gradually to emerge, among the leaders gradually to fight for power and profit to have the gap, although cannot use force directly, but struggled actually inevitably. 资料片介绍:随着部落的败退,失去了共同敌人的联盟内部矛盾逐渐涌现,各国领袖之间逐渐为了争权夺利而产生了间隙,尽管不能直接诉诸武力,但明争暗斗却不可避免。 Meanwhile, the tribe also because of the failure of war presented the fissure, but in remote Carrim many mainland, dark night union same seemingly agreed but actually at variance. 与此同时,部落内部也因为战争的失败而出现了裂痕,而在遥远的卡里姆多大陆,暗夜同盟的同样貌合神离。 The entire vault of heaven world, fell into from this 【The dispute of row of kings. 整个苍穹世界,由此陷入了【列王的纷争】。 Material piece new content: 资料片新内容: Content 1: Joined called the king function. The feudal lord player can after having the sufficient strength announces the king, announced that the king has the enormous probability to trigger one time Putting down a rebellion plot, Suffers declaring war of original respective influence, obtains the victory then to obtain official king. 内容一:加入了称王功能。领主玩家可以在拥有足够实力后宣布称王,宣布称王有极大概率触发一次【平叛剧情】,遭受原来所属势力的宣战,获得战争胜利即可获得正式的王号。 Content 2: Joined the civil war system. The attached faction in same influence can launch the civil war to the ruling faction, successfully defeats the leading faction to succeed the high-rank, becomes the camp orthodox faction, and obtains the title and territory of correspondence. 内容二:加入了内战系统。同一势力内的附属派系可以向执政派系发动内战,成功击败主导派系可成功上位,成为阵营正统派系,并获得对应的爵位与领地。 Content 3: Joined for the first time extinguished world plot event- 【The summon of abyss, Anti- Auzoux led the god of abyss beast people's desires chart excavation seal antiquity in place bottom deep place, once made him succeed, the world will fall to enter nirvana the world the crisis, this event for extinguished the world plot event for the first time, participates in this/should event and heroic player who prevented to extinguish the world will obtain Savior The title, and legend level specialty of correspondence, this/should event for the open style plot event, can jointly complete by many people. 内容三:加入了第一次灭世剧情事件-【深渊的召唤】,耐奥祖率领深渊兽人意图挖掘封印在地底深处的上古之神,一旦让他成功,世界将陷入灭世的危机,本次事件为第一次灭世剧情事件,参与该事件并阻止灭世的英雄玩家将获得【救世主】称号,以及对应的传说级专长,该事件为开放式剧情事件,可以由多人共同完成。 Content 4: Joined new commercial city payment content- unlocking love movement mold train. 内容四:加入了新的商城付费内容-解锁爱情动作模组。 The players can through an expenditure ticket comes the unlocking love movement mold train, after unlocking mold train, the player can with the good sensitivity achieve 100 opposite sex NPC to conduct the depth exchange...... 玩家可以通过花费点券来解锁爱情动作模组,解锁该模组后,玩家可以与好感度达到100的异性NPC进行深度交流…… Murphy looks at the introduction of new material piece, is somewhat speechless, what this renewed, front is quite normal, behind love movement mold train...... words saying that the gizmondo did not fear has the lawsuit? 墨非看着新资料片的介绍,有些无语,这都更新了些什么啊,前面的还比较正常,后面这个爱情动作模组……话说游戏公司就不怕惹官司么? However also really let alone, this thing also really may attract a large numbers of new player. 不过还真别说,这玩意还真有可能吸引一大批新玩家。 Looked at the introduction of new material piece, he picked up the phone, dialed that familiar number. 看完了新资料片的介绍,他拿起电话,拨通了那个熟悉的号码。 Hey, shadow, what kind of, the thing sells how?” “喂,影子啊,怎么样,东西卖的如何了?” I go into action you not to feel relieved, the last batch of equipment have acted successfully, your I called in the account you, flame demon that I also called him, remembers that searched and collected.” “我出马你还不放心,最后一批装备已经成功出手啦,你那笔我给你打账户上了,炎魔那一份我也给他打过去了,记得查收啊。” Good.” “好的。” Later had this good deed not to forget the brothers.” “以后有这好事别忘了兄弟啊。” Relax, will definitely not forget you.” “放心吧,肯定不会忘了你的。” Murphy hangs the power failure words, opened bankcard APP to examine to receive, looks that a series of numbers cannot help but blew a whistling. 墨非挂掉电话,打开银行卡APP查看了一下收入,看着一连串的数字不由得吹了声口哨。 Those who look for the black shadow help to sell is breaks Maofeng flame demon feudal lord Ragoli Awes from exploding that wave of equipment, at that time enough seven heroes were killed, making Murphy pick full, but this matter many some are not quite honored, is not naturally good to act personally, therefore looked for the old friend black shadow help as usual. 找黑色影子帮忙卖的是断矛峰炎魔领主拉格里奥斯自爆炸出来的那一波装备,当时足足七名英雄被炸死,让墨非捡了个盆满钵满,不过这种事情多少有些不太光彩,自然不好亲自出手,于是照例找了老朋友黑色影子帮忙。 Also good, altogether sold 20 million, removes Ragoli Awes's that half, gives deducting a percentage of black shadow, gained 10 million. 还不错,一共卖了两千万,去掉拉格里奥斯的那一半,还有给黑色影子的提成,足足赚了一千万。 However the gizmondo estimated gains are more, if that seven unlucky ghost rebuilds the number, similar template + background several million estimates could not have gotten down. 不过游戏公司估计赚的更多,那七个倒霉鬼如果重建号的话,同样的模板+背景没有几千万估计下不来呢。 In the pocket rich is at heart unhurried, was the time does the antique dragon. 兜里有钱心里不慌,是时候去搞一搞太古龙了。 Murphy is thinking, entered the game. 墨非想着,进入了游戏。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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