PTB :: Volume #4

#376: My big chief takes up a collection

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Chapter 376 I- big chief- takes up a collection 第376章我-大酋长-打钱 Receives the fourth letter/believes is actually Redd steel regiment that evil behind-the-scenes manipulator commands. 收到第四封信的却是雷德・黑手所统帅的钢铁军团。 Receives a letter, Redd under evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is beginning the beast person to attack this giant fort that is constructed by the black iron dwarf in the Heishishan director, although hits the alliance not to be victorious, but deals with these black iron dwarves is quite simple. 收到信的时候,雷德・黑手正在黑石山脚下指挥着手下的兽人进攻这座由黑铁矮人建造的巨大要塞,虽然打联盟打不过,但对付这些黑铁矮人还是比较简单的。 After all the black iron dwarf is the monster influence, has not resulted in alliance official camp completely compares. 毕竟黑铁矮人是怪物势力,跟联盟这种官方阵营完全没得比。 Does not have the adventurer to work as the cannon fodder, fighting the battle of attrition is completely not the opponent of beast person. 没有冒险者当炮灰,打消耗战完全不是兽人的对手。 Redd although evil behind-the-scenes manipulator wields shortly after the regiment, but the good and evil has also made several wars with the alliance, regarding utilizing the skill of adventurer is very adept, sends out over a thousand adventurers to investigate the terrain directly, pries the information, assassinates small BOSS of black iron dwarf. 雷德・黑手虽然执掌军团不久,但好歹也是跟联盟干过几仗的,对于运用冒险者的技巧还是很娴熟的,直接派出上千冒险者去侦查地形,刺探情报,刺杀黑铁矮人的小BOSS。 A wave operates, black stone fort the information made immediately 7788. 一波操作下来,黑石要塞的的情报顿时弄了个七七八八。 Heishishan situation is complex, the place bottom deep place situated in Heishishan is the heart of melt fire, king of Laghos Nurrows's flame demon den in material world. 黑石山一带形势非常复杂,位于黑石山的地底深处是熔火之心,炎魔之王拉格纳罗斯位于物质世界的老巢。 The interior of black stone is the black stone abyss, is constructed the giant underground city that by the black iron dwarf. 黑石的内部则是黑石深渊,由黑铁矮人建造的巨大地下城市。 On the black stone abyss is the black stone tower fort, similarly is having the part of military of black iron dwarf, but in the uppermost layer of black stone tower fort, is the nest of black wing, Lyan's once den. 黑石深渊上面是黑石塔要塞,同样驻扎着黑铁矮人的一部分兵力,而在黑石塔要塞的最上层,则是黑翼之巢,奈法利安曾经的老巢。 It may be said that is complex. 可谓是复杂至极。 However Redd evil behind-the-scenes manipulator ambition is not big, does not prepare to take the entire Heishishan, he prepares first to take the black stone fort, first established a main base to say again. 不过雷德・黑手野心没那么大,并不准备拿下整个黑石山,他准备先拿下黑石要塞,先建立个主基地再说。 When he prepares to command the army to the black stone tower launches the attack, actually receives the letter that the tyrant blade brutally sent. 就在他准备率军对黑石塔发起进攻的时候,却接到了霸刀无情发来的信件。 Looks at content Redd in letter/believes evil behind-the-scenes manipulator is shocked. 看完信里的内容雷德・黑手大为震惊。 What! The big chief actually died in battle- did tyrant blade brutally become the new big chief?” “什么!大酋长竟然战死了-霸刀无情成了新任大酋长?” From said at heart, he is very respectable to Aogerui, can relinquish difference the larger part military of Blackstone clan hands over in his hand, said that is reconstructs the parents is not overrated. 从心里说,他对奥格瑞姆还是很尊敬的,能够不计前嫌将黑石氏族的一大半兵力交到他的手里,说是再造父母也不为过。 Changed other heart evil behind-the-scenes manipulator spicily, stamps out the source of trouble regarding the descendant of former big chief directly is also the common operation. 换了别的心黑手辣一点的,对于前任大酋长的后代直接斩草除根也是寻常操作。 Pondered the moment, Redd evil behind-the-scenes manipulator made the resolution quickly. 思考了片刻,雷德・黑手很快做出了决断。 Although brutal cannot have a liking to the tyrant blade, but this after all is the last wish of big chief. 虽然对霸刀无情不怎么看得上,但这毕竟是大酋长的遗愿。 Moreover the steel regiment is not suitable at present sets up the enemy. 而且钢铁军团目前不宜树立敌人。 Redd evil behind-the-scenes manipulator( Blackstone chief): Telling the tyrant blade is brutal, my Blackstone regiment is willing to continue to give loyalty to the big chief, but here leaves the gate of darkness is too far, the enemy who must face are too many, therefore is unable to take orders directly, hopes that the big chief can understand.” 雷德・黑手(黑石酋长):“告诉霸刀无情,我黑石军团愿意继续效忠大酋长,只是我们这里离黑暗之门太远,所要面对的敌人太多,所以无法直接听命,希望大酋长能够理解。” Simple a few words, listen to proclaim do not listen to the accent, in name of tribe, but wants to order the father, without the advantage is not good. 简单一句话,听宣不听调,名义上还是部落的一员,不过想要命令老子,没好处可不行。 【The world announced: Chief Redd of Blackstone clan evil behind-the-scenes manipulator announced that the steel regiment brutally gave loyalty to the tyrant blade, dominates the blade brutal big chief to strengthen authoritatively.】 【世界公告:黑石氏族的酋长雷德・黑手宣布钢铁军团向霸刀无情效忠,霸刀无情的大酋长权威增强了。】 Receives this message, Tyrant blade brutally relaxes slightly. 收到这个消息,霸刀无情微微松了口气。 Fortunately, Redd evil behind-the-scenes manipulator knows the cardinal principle, as for listening to proclaim does not listen to adjust this matter, he actually can also accept, turn head must explode the gate of darkness in any case, liked listening. 还好,雷德・黑手还是识大体的,至于听宣不听调这种事情,他却也能够接受,反正回头就要炸黑暗之门了,爱听不听吧。 However regarding the last big dragon regiment, he actually lacked self-confidence completely. 不过对于最后一支巨龙军团,他却是完全没底了。 How many connections dominates the blade clan and dragon throat clan really does not have . Moreover the big dragon regiment could be said as in six regiments most powerful, will Nike Luse give loyalty to oneself? The feeling is completely impossible. 霸刀氏族和龙喉氏族实在没有多少瓜葛,而且巨龙军团可以说是六支军团中最为强大的一支了,耐克鲁斯会向自己效忠么?感觉完全不可能啊。 However what makes his unexpected is, the quick new world announcement made a sound. 然而让他意想不到的是,很快新的世界公告就响了起来。 【The world announced: Chief Nike Luse of dragon throat clan announced that brutally gave loyalty to the tyrant blade, dominates the blade brutal big chief to strengthen authoritatively.】 【世界公告:龙喉氏族的酋长耐克鲁斯宣布向霸刀无情效忠,霸刀无情的大酋长权威增强了。】 【The world announced: Because Tyrant blade brutally earns the support of strength most regiments, succeeds for the tribe's third largest chief officially, from this- tyrant blade clan becomes the tribe to be legitimate.】 【世界公告:由于霸刀无情获得力量大多数军团的支持,正式继任为部落第三任大酋长,由此-霸刀氏族成为部落正统。】 System prompt: Because you completed the plot task 【 The road of big chief, You obtained 3850 plot points, your level was raised, you obtained the new heroic specialty...... 【系统提示:由于你完成了剧情任务【大酋长之路】,你获得了3850点剧情点数,你的位阶提升了,伱获得了新的英雄专长…… You obtained camp leader the special template, your life value upper limit promoted 1000. 你获得了‘阵营领袖’的特殊模板,你的生命值上限提升了1000。 You opened the camp to construct the system...... 】 你开启了阵营建设系统……】 A series of system prompts directly tyrant blade brutal pounding the Mongolian circle, immediately during fell into to be wild with joy. 一连串的系统提示直接把霸刀无情给砸蒙圈了,顿时陷入到了狂喜之中。 Has not thought, I dominate the blade brutally really really to have to become one day of big chief. 没想到啊没想到,我霸刀无情竟然真的有成为大酋长的一天。 But this announced one, the player in entire game all fell into the shock. 而此公告一出,整个游戏中的玩家更是全都陷入到了震惊当中。 This tyrant blade also too damn was brutally in luck. 这个霸刀无情也太他妈的走运了吧。 Before although also had the player to become the camp leader, but the supernatural might Great Emperor, Ge German, spent several hundred million magnanimous money, spent the huge manpower financial resource, but also wanted various plots to plan to be able the reluctant high-rank. 之前虽然也有玩家成为阵营领袖,但无论是神武大帝、还是葛德文,都是砸了几个亿的海量金钱,花费了巨大人力财力,还要各种阴谋算计才能勉强上位的。 Moreover the supernatural might Great Emperor is only one of the dark night union camp leaders, eldest child or Ma Fario. 而且神武大帝只是暗夜同盟的阵营领袖之一,老大还是玛法里奥。 Ge German, although mixed the position of alliance hegemon, but the alliance is the loose treaty of alliance group, his hegemon is also similar to the Sacred Mountains of China hegemons, the name does not have the power of effective and influential word of pleasant to hear, even he must face resistance of one group of not obedient younger brother younger sisters in pill kingdom. 葛德文虽然混了个联盟盟主的地位,但联盟是个松散的盟约团体,他这个盟主也就跟五岳盟主差不多,名字好听却并没有一言九鼎的权力,甚至在洛丹伦王国他都要面对一堆不怎么听话的弟弟妹妹的对抗。 In comparison, this tribe big chief may really be effective and influential word monopolized the power in a place, the key is the tyrant blade has not brutally put in how much money in the game from the start, initially established the tyrant blade clan, conducts activity taking advantage of the game official- recharges 500,000 to deliver the beast person clan. 相比之下,这部落大酋长可就真的是一言九鼎独霸一方了,关键是霸刀无情压根就没有在游戏里投入多少钱,当初建立霸刀氏族,还是借着游戏官方搞活动-充值五十万送兽人氏族。 His presence background is a silver beast person chief. 他出场背景不过是个白银一的兽人酋长罢了。 Without thinking to mix is mixing the blending big chief, where on this reasoned things out. 没想到混着混着混成大酋长了,这上哪说理去。 It seems like burns cold Zao also to have a temperature cold Zao the advantage, tribe camp many krypton gold/metal big shot, have not made one false unexpectedly local tyrant successful high-rank. 看来烧冷灶也有烧冷灶的好处啊,部落阵营没有多少氪金大佬,竟然让一个‘伪’土豪成功上位了。 This makes these pound the local tyrants big feeling that several million several million result kings had not mixed to lose in the alliance- knows early I also mixed the tribe. 这让那些在联盟砸了几百万几千万结果连个国王都没混上的土豪们大感失落-早知道我也去混部落了。 Murphy does not have to care to this result actually. 墨非对这种结果倒是没有太在意。 The king is also good, the big chief is also good, but sounds the power and prestige, own strength that is worth pursuing truly. 国王也好,大酋长也好,不过是听起来威风罢了,真正值得追求的还是属于自身的力量。 Said that this period of time depends on kills fast, oneself who the beast person rank rises have risen 66 levels, the level also promoted the gold third-order, the strength could also be is very strong. 说起来这段时间靠着杀兽人等级升的飞快,自己已经升到了六十六级,位阶也提升到了黄金三阶,实力也算得上很强了。 Now violent Wind City has regained, since the alliance tribe could not hit in a short time, oneself were also the time hunts and kills more antique dragons, completed the task of road of ancient dragon. 现在暴风城已经收复,既然联盟部落短时间内打不起来了,自己也是时候去猎杀更多的太古龙,完成古龙之路的任务了。 Therefore after the glee feast of violent Wind City ended, Murphy then said goodbye with Rosa and the others, leading the army to return to Augrain. 于是在暴风城的庆功宴结束后,墨非便跟洛萨等人告辞,率领军队返回奥格兰克去了。 However Murphy has not actually broken regarding tribe that side attention. 不过墨非对于部落那边的关注却始终没断。 In the following several days, in game uneventful, the tribe disintegrates, the alliance lost the archenemy, also lost the goal of war. 接下来的几天里,游戏中风平浪静,部落分崩离析,联盟失去了大敌,也随之失去了战争的目标。 However in the forum, is actually blustery. 但是在论坛中,却是风起云涌。 Tyrant blade has not brutally wasted these obviously time astonishing news that becomes the big chief. 霸刀无情显然没有浪费这一次成为大酋长的惊人消息。 Quick online did the matter. 很快就在网上搞起了事情。 First issued one Considers tribe to play letter. 首先是发布了一封【告部落玩家书】。 The content of this open letter is a lot. 这封公开信的内容很多。 Introduced oneself, has to explain oneself became the legitimacy of tribe big chief, had to introduce that he then must encircle the development plan that sprouted in Delano, had to warn that the alliance do not attempt to attack Delano, otherwise blasted declaration of gate of darkness directly. 有自我介绍,有说明自己成为部落大酋长的正统性,有介绍他接下来要在德拉诺圈地自萌的发展计划,有警告联盟不要妄图攻打德拉诺,否则直接炸掉黑暗之门的宣称。 In final of this letter/believes, Tyrant blade brutally also summoned that the tribe old players return, even advertisement of attracting investments. 在这封信的最后,霸刀无情还号召部落老玩家回归,甚至还有招商引资的广告。 The content of advertisement can summarize a few words probably. 广告的内容大概可以概括成一句话。 I brutally dominate the blade- tribe big chiefs- takes up a collection. 我霸刀无情-部落大酋长-打钱。 This letter/believes once were withdrawn immediately evoked much discussions. 这封信一经退出立刻引起了大量的讨论。 According to tyrant blade brutal view, after his tribe big chief, is Delano's ball is long, although Delano by unbearable of beast man-made disaster calamity, but the good and evil is also an entire star, some can live in the place of person. 按照霸刀无情的说法,他这个部落大酋长以后就是德拉诺的球长啦,德拉诺虽然被兽人祸祸的够呛,但好歹也是一整颗星球,还是有一些能住人的地方的。 Gland, sand tower, to praise add the swamp and law Ranron...... 纳格兰、沙塔斯、赞加沼泽、法兰伦…… Moreover these are looked by the barren mountains and untamed rivers that can pollute evilly very bad, is actually renovates the high-grade monster the practicing level to hit the valuable the treasure trove. 另外那些被邪能污染的穷山恶水看着挺糟糕,其实都是刷新高等级怪物的练级打宝的宝地。 Good that so long as develops, absolutely big money-making. 只要开发的好,绝对大大的赚钱。 Dominates the blade brutally to invite the major game work rooms to move into Delano directly, so long as is willing to invest, Chief, military governor, domain, clan, wants anything to anything and ensure can make money. 霸刀无情直接邀请各大游戏工作室入驻德拉诺,只要愿意投资,酋长啊、督军啊、地盘啊、氏族啊、要啥给啥,保证能赚大钱。 Also invited to move bricks the party, the resource material in this game was very valuable, although Delano the environment was worse, but the player were few, the competition is not fierce, was worth moving absolutely. 同时也邀请搬砖党,这个游戏里的资源材料可是很值钱的,德拉诺虽然环境恶劣了些,但是玩家少,竞争没那么激烈,绝对值得一搬。 Also really let alone, this letter/believes also really attracted many players. 还真别说,这封信还真就吸引到了不少玩家。 Not only there is a game work room and moves bricks the party, the tribe old players in many past demon beast world...... 不仅有游戏工作室和搬砖党,还有不少当年魔兽世界的部落老玩家…… - -- Considers the tribe to play the letter: 【告部落玩家书: Everyone had known, our tribe makes the alliance bullying. 想必大家都已经知道了,我们部落让联盟给欺负啦。 The big chiefs let person ga, cannot endure, cannot endure absolutely. 大酋长都让人噶了,不能忍啊,绝对不能忍。 How did the men of our tribe instigate? Cannot, our tribe want the knife edge to get up. 咱们部落的爷们怎么就怂了呢?不能够啊,咱们部落一定要支棱起来啊。 Why the second beast person war will lose , because our soldiers aren't fierce? Not is very wise because of the strategy of our big chief? 为啥第二次兽人战争会输,是因为我们的战士不勇猛么?是因为我们大酋长的谋略不够高明么? It is not, absolutely is not, reason that loses is because the alliance people are many, moreover was earlier than for two years to enter the game us, can this win? Definitely cannot win. 不是,绝对不是,之所以输都是因为联盟人多啊,而且比我们早了两年进游戏,这能打赢么?肯定打不赢啊。 Aogerui does not understand these, therefore he sent, is good knows the person with outstanding ability because of his mental perception, appointed me to dominate the blade brutally to replace the position of big chief. 奥格瑞姆是不懂这些的,所以他寄了,好在他慧眼识英才,任命了我霸刀无情来接替大酋长的职位。 Many people are not convinced I to be the big chief, you- tyrant blade is brutal, who? Has not heard completely. 很多人是不服气我当大酋长的,你-霸刀无情,谁啊?完全没听说过啊。 I told you that is because you do not understand the war. 我跟你们说,那是因为你们不了解战争。 The chief as tyrant blade clan, arrives at the battlefield and alliance fights more than ten, that absolutely is the meritorious military service illustrious. 身为霸刀氏族的酋长,亲临战阵与联盟大战十几场,那绝对是战功赫赫。 The war of dagger range, I and old roar attack the western wilderness together, this hell roared does not listen to my urging, a wave of headstrong past was almost rolled to extinguish, I cleaned up the aftermath, saved the remaining beast people to go back, the alliance hundreds of thousands armies ambushed I, was killed seven to enter seven by me obstinately. 匕首岭之战,我和老吼一起攻打西部荒野,这个地狱咆哮不听我的劝,一波莽过去差点被团灭,还是我收拾残局,救了剩下的兽人回去,联盟十几万大军埋伏我,愣是被我杀了个七进七出。 The war of violent Wind City, I arrive at the battlefield, commands troops to attack a city, and participated to strike to kill King Ryan. 暴风城之战,我亲临战阵,率兵攻城,并且参与击杀了莱恩国王。 The war of wetland, I got rid of the feudal lord generals of several alliances, but also cut to kill King Gill personally. 湿地之战,我干掉了好几个联盟的领主将军,还亲手斩杀了吉尔尼斯国王。 Asked that the chiefs of tribe who has my merit to be big, I am not the big chief who works as? 就问部落的酋长谁有我的功劳大,我不当大酋长谁当? Therefore these questioned that my person, pattern Tucson broken. 所以那些质疑我的人啊,图样图森破。 Now I became the big chief, I am must do the tribe. 现在我成了大酋长,我是一定要把部落搞起来的。 I have sent people to install the gold metallurgy bomb in the gate of darkness, turn head exploded the gate of darkness, we must develop in Delano well, one year later opens the door, starts the third beast person war, when the time comes must fall face down the alliance dry/does may not. 我已经派人在黑暗之门安装了炼金炸弹,回头就炸了黑暗之门,我们要在德拉诺好好发展,一年之后再开门,发起第三次兽人战争,到时候非得把联盟干趴下不可。 The adventurers of our tribe should not be discouraged, although my tribe main force retreated Delano, but the elder brother in the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes still did not have elder brother's legend, the dragon throat clan and Blackstone clan were support my, the frost wolf clan, is still not persisting in fighting. 我们部落的冒险者们也不要气馁,虽然我部落主力退守德拉诺了,但哥不在江湖,江湖依然有哥的传说,龙喉氏族和黑石氏族都是支持我的,还有霜狼氏族,不是依然在坚持战斗么。 We have many footholds in Zellars, if you need to supply, needs to study the skill, does not need to be worried. 我们在艾泽拉斯还有很多据点,你们要是需要补给,需要学技能,都不用担心。 Everyone promotes slowly, first careless, one year later opens the door to welcome king master. 大家慢慢升级,先苟着,一年之后开门喜迎王师。 These past demon beast old players, the past tribe obviously was the superior camp, are the present tribe people so why few? 还有那些当年的魔兽老玩家们,当年的部落明明是优势阵营,为什么现在的部落人却这么少呢? The old players, now where are you at? In your hearts hot blooded is cold? 老玩家们,你们现在都在哪呢?难道你们心中的热血都已经冷了吗? Is youth that the time retrieves you to elapse, dream that has completed. 是时候找回你们逝去的青春,完成未完成的梦想啦。 Come, joins us, joins the tribe, we make the tribe again great together! 来吧,加入我们,加入部落,我们一起让部落再次伟大! For tribe! 为了部落! Tribe big chiefs- tyrant blade is brutal. 】 部落大酋长-霸刀无情。】 Lin Hao looks at the content on computer screen, the old facial features showed the look of recollection. 林浩看着电脑屏幕上的内容,苍老的面容不禁露出了回忆的神色。 The former days recollection appeared again in the mind, that was he once the hot blooded youth. 旧日的回忆再次浮现在脑海之中,那是他曾经热血的青春。 The demon beast world, that is how remote memory, that time he was also only a 30-year-old youth, wallowed in the mysterious world in that computer screen, opened up wasteland for the transcription with the good friends of association engages in fierce battle all night, after successfully defeated finally BOSS cheered the call in the voice. 魔兽世界吗,那是多么遥远的记忆啊,那个时候的他还只是个30多岁的青年,沉迷在那个电脑屏幕中的神秘世界中,为了副本开荒和公会的好友们彻夜鏖战,在成功击败最终BOSS后在语音中欢呼呐喊。 Also once felt dejected because of AFK of friend. 也曾因为朋友的AFK而黯然神伤。 That was were many happy years. 那是多了美好的岁月啊。 But now are actually the 60-year- old person. 可如今自己却已经是60多岁的老人了。 The mood of nostalgia braved then unable to stop again. 怀旧的情绪一冒出来便再也止不住了。 Lin Hao could not bear open the storage, turned out a small box from the deep place of cabinet, box above is printing three lines of characters. 林浩忍不住打开了储物柜,从柜子的深处翻出了一个小盒子来,盒子上面印着三行字。 Demon beast world 【魔兽世界 Expedition of combustion 燃烧的远征 Old world classics 旧世经典】 Opens, inside is actually a metal sign. 打开来,里面却是一个金属牌子。 This is the commemorating ID that the past demon beast world promoted, above is carving the role name of each player, the occupation, the race. 这是当年魔兽世界推出的纪念身份牌,上面刻着每个玩家的角色名字,职业,种族。 He looks at that sign, what above records being he elapses the youth. 他看着那牌子,上面记录的是他逝去的青春。 Laughs wildly the life 狂笑一生 Beast person- soldier 兽人-战士 Expedition five area Patsch Vick of combustion 燃烧的远征五区帕奇维克 Serves for 12 years five months 服役12年五个月 NO. 081121955 NO。081121955 Lin Hao's finger has stroked on the sign gently. 林浩的手指在牌子上轻轻拂过。 Is really good to fondly remember. 啊,真的好怀念啊。 Looked at the ID in hand, Lin Hao cannot help but remembering in the past the experience in game again, in the heart cannot help but moved, what a pity oneself no longer are that young people. 看着手中的身份牌,林浩不由得再次想起了当年在游戏中的经历,心中不由得一阵伤感,可惜自己已经不再是那个年轻人了。 In order to live, for the family, for the child, he many years has not played the game. 为了生活,为了家庭,为了孩子,他已经好多年没玩游戏了。 Hehe, but also thinks anything, oneself are old, even to play the response unable to follow. 呵呵,还想什么呢,自己已经老了啊,就算想玩反应也跟不上了。 His memory stay is also using the age of mouse keyboard operation. 他的记忆还停留在用鼠标键盘操作的年代。 Although thinks, Lin Hao actually could not bear open the game official site of vault of heaven world, examined this game introduction that took the demon beast as the background. 然而虽然这么想,林浩却还是忍不住打开了苍穹世界的游戏官网,查看起了这个以魔兽为背景的游戏介绍。 What? Game helmet, virtual solid boundary? 什么?游戏头盔,虚拟实境? Were so many years have not played the game, game developed so advanced? 这么多年没玩游戏,游戏已经发展的这么先进了么? One that Lin Hao looks. 林浩看的一愣愣的。 More looked that more is the heart is hard to take itchy. 越看越是心痒难耐。 If really can enter Zellars who that is lost in a reverie, Delano, the foreign territory, that should be a how happy matter. 如果真的能亲身进入那魂牵梦绕的艾泽拉斯,德拉诺,外域,那该是多么幸福的一件事情啊。 Finally, Lin Hao could not bear buy a game helmet. 终于,林浩还是忍不住买下了一个游戏头盔。 It is not 80,000 dollars. 不就是八万块钱吗。 One day later- 一天后- In looks to begin the game helmet, in Lin Hao heart full is excited, somewhat is simultaneously disturbed, if plays has not described what to do is so good? 看着手里的游戏头盔,林浩心中满是激动,同时又有些忐忑,万一游戏并没有描述的那么好怎么办? Goods non- gauge block matter, in the reality experiences were too many. 货不对板这种事情,现实中经历的太多了。 The youth to retrieve elapsing, gives a try in brief. 但是为了找回逝去的青春,总之试试看吧。 With the disturbed mood, Lin Hao lay on the bed, put on the helmet. 怀着忐忑的心情,林浩躺在了床上,戴上了头盔。 A dizziness feeling when with first use game helmet, Lin Hao entered the game. 随着一阵第一次使用游戏头盔时的眩晕感,林浩进入了游戏。 Chooses the template to let Lin Hao very vacant, has not thought that this plays so many art, can play the monster unexpectedly? Small creature? Civilians? Also can work as the hero and feudal lord? 选择模板让林浩很是一阵茫然,没想到这游戏这么多讲究,竟然还可以玩怪物?小动物?平民?还可以当英雄、领主? However Lin Hao has no interest regarding these at sixes and sevens templates, as the old player, naturally must work as a greedy adventurer. 不过林浩对于这些乱七八糟的模板没什么兴趣,身为老玩家,当然是要当一名贪婪的冒险者了。 Chooses the adventurer template, really has three optional camps. 选择冒险者模板,竟然有三个可选阵营。 Human alliance: Alliance comprised of human, elf, dwarf and dwarf, is the ruler in east mainland, under the justice and glory name unites, after beating tribe, alliance's rule to the east mainland even more becomes stable. 人类联盟:由人类、精灵、矮人、侏儒组成的联盟,是东部大陆的统治者,在正义与荣耀的名义下团结在一起,在击败了部落之后,联盟对东部大陆的统治越发变得稳固。 Dark night union: The ancient union comprised of the dark night elf, centaur, the ox head person and tree monster, guards the orders and securities of Carrim many mainland together, although the union had had a series of conflicts, however in the face of the serious external threat, each race closely united day after day. 暗夜同盟:由暗夜精灵、半人马、牛头人、树妖组成的古老同盟,共同捍卫卡里姆多大陆的秩序与安全,尽管同盟内部曾经发生过一系列的冲突,然而在日渐严重的外部威胁面前,各个种族紧密的团结了起来。 Beast person tribe: War union comprised of the beast person and food person demon, the great demon and goblin, to obtain the new homeland, beast people from Delano star started to the east mainland conquered the war, although was defeated by the alliance, but the beast person tribe strength still saved, might stage a comeback anytime. 兽人部落:由兽人、食人魔、巨魔、地精组成的战争同盟,为了获得新家园,来自德拉诺星球的兽人们对东部大陆发动了征服战争,尽管被联盟击败,但兽人部落实力犹存,随时都有可能卷土重来。 This may really feel strange, has not thought the dark night elf can also form the official camp with the centaur ox head, this is also different from the plot of demon beast world. 这可真是奇了怪了,没想到暗夜精灵跟半人马牛头还能组成官方阵营,这跟魔兽世界的剧情也不一样啊。 At this time he discovered that this game had a vault of heaven annal function, can inquire in the game a series of big. 这时他发现这个游戏有一个苍穹编年史功能,可以查询游戏中发生的一系列大事件。 The curious point comes, this looked to be startled immediately. 不由好奇点开来,这一看顿时惊到了。 My God, the player can also participate in the plot unexpectedly, changes the history, but can also become the camp leader! 我的天,玩家竟然还可以参与剧情,改变历史,还可以成为阵营领袖! Originally current game the present situations of three big camps are because player's influence causes. 原来当前游戏的三大阵营的现状都是因为玩家的影响所导致的。 A Lin Hao cannot help but exclamation. 林浩不由得一阵惊叹。 He was interested more and more. 他越来越感兴趣了。 However although heat, when the hero sounds very happy, but he decides first to give a try with the adventurer template. 不过虽热当英雄听起来很美好,但他还是决定先用冒险者模板试试看。 Chose the beast person tribe without hesitation. 毫不犹豫的选择了兽人部落。 Race beast person- professional soldier- role name: Laughs wildly the life. 种族兽人-职业战士-角色名:狂笑一生。 With a white light, the beast person laughed wildly entered the game his entire life. 随着一道白光,兽人狂笑一生进入了游戏。 When Lin Hao opens the eye, what seen is one makes him be familiar with and strange scene. 当林浩睁开眼睛,看到的是一副让他熟悉而又陌生的景象。 The scarlet red mountain range and open wilderness, the crude railing and animal skin tent, the rough beast person architectural style is exceptionally familiar and kind. 赤红色的山峦和开阔的荒野,简陋的围栏和兽皮帐篷,粗犷的兽人建筑风格异常的熟悉和亲切。 Here is- hell hot peninsula! Right, his past AFK time what plays is demon beast nostalgia clothing/taking expedition of serodynamic combustion, was too familiar with hell hot peninsula place. 这里是-地狱火半岛!没错,他当年AFK的时候玩的是魔兽怀旧服-燃烧的远征,对于地狱火半岛这地方太熟悉了。 Has not thought that here actually will become the new village of beast person. 只是没想到这里竟然会成为兽人的新手村。 In him behind, stripped only puts on the beast person new player of animal skin shorts to emit like mushrooms after a spring rainfall unceasingly. 在他身后,光着膀子只穿着兽皮短裤的兽人新玩家如雨后春笋般不断冒出。 Lin Hao stamped the ground with the foot, walked several steps, jumped two. 林浩用脚跺了跺地面,又走了几步,跳了两下。 In the reality the 60-year- old body, in the game is actually the whole body muscle strong tall and strong beast person soldier. 现实中60多岁的苍老身躯,游戏中却是浑身肌肉强壮魁梧的兽人战士。 So powerful strength! He got hold of the fist, looks on the arm a stock muscle excitement. 如此强大的力量!他握紧了拳头,看着胳膊上股楞楞的肌肉一阵兴奋。 Too real, shocked, he cannot bear face upward to bellow, sends out beast person unique roaring. 太真实了,太震撼了,他忍不住仰天大吼,发出一声兽人特有的咆哮。 Feels dry hot blast that the front surface is blowing, feels in the air are filling the aura of sulfur and soil. 感受着迎面吹来的干燥的热风,感受着空气中弥漫着的硫磺和泥土的气息。 The flash as if really passed through Delano star. 一瞬间仿佛真的穿越到了德拉诺星球。 No, this not only retrieved the youth of elapsing, but completes the dream that had not completed. 不,这不仅仅是找回了逝去的青春,而是完成了那未完成的梦想啊。 At this time a rough sound from conveyed suddenly behind. 这时一个粗犷的声音忽然从身后传来。 Kaltuk( Chiyan village head): „ You come finally- laughs wildly the life, I guess that you experienced certainly many dangers and difficulties to arrive here. 卡尔图克(赤岩村长):“你终于来啦-狂笑一生,我猜你一定经历了许多艰难险阻才走到了这里的吧。 Did not need to be worried about anything again, you have arrived home. 不用再担心什么了,你已经到家了。 Now you come just in time, the tribe just experienced a disastrous defeat, is under the huge threat, needs the fiercest soldier to save the situation. 如今你来的正是时候,部落刚刚经历了一场惨败,正面临着巨大的威胁,需要最勇猛的战士来挽救局势。 You prepared to fight the warrior for the tribe! Did you prepare to bleed to sacrifice for the glory of tribe again? ” 你准备好为部落而战了吗勇士!你准备好再一次为了部落的荣耀而流血牺牲了吗?” Lin Hao listens to the words of that beast person, in the heart cannot help but one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 林浩听着那兽人的话语,心中不由得一阵热血沸腾。 Right, I am the warrior of tribe, I must fight for the glory of tribe! 没错,我是部落的勇士,我要为部落的荣耀而战! For tribe! 为了部落! ( Vol. 8 ends) (第八卷完) ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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