Chapter 376I- bigchief- takes up a collection
第376章我-大酋长-打钱Receives the fourthletter/believes is actually Reddsteelregiment that evil behind-the-scenes manipulatorcommands.
收到第四封信的却是雷德・黑手所统帅的钢铁军团。Receives a letter, Redd under evil behind-the-scenes manipulatoris beginning the beastpersonto attackthisgiantfort that is constructedby the black irondwarfin the Heishishandirector, althoughhits the alliancenot to be victorious, butdeals withtheseblack irondwarvesisquitesimple.
收到信的时候,雷德・黑手正在黑石山脚下指挥着手下的兽人进攻这座由黑铁矮人建造的巨大要塞,虽然打联盟打不过,但对付这些黑铁矮人还是比较简单的。After all the black irondwarfis the monsterinfluence, has not resulted in allianceofficialcampcompletelycompares.
毕竟黑铁矮人是怪物势力,跟联盟这种官方阵营完全没得比。Does not have the adventurerto work as the cannon fodder, fighting the battle of attrition is completely not the opponent of beastperson.
没有冒险者当炮灰,打消耗战完全不是兽人的对手。Reddalthoughevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorwieldsshortly after the regiment, but the good and evilhas also madeseveralwarswith the alliance, regardingutilizing the skill of adventurerisveryadept, sends outover a thousandadventurersto investigate the terraindirectly, pries the information, assassinatessmallBOSS of black irondwarf.
A waveoperates, black stonefort the informationmadeimmediately7788.
一波操作下来,黑石要塞的的情报顿时弄了个七七八八。Heishishansituationis complex, the placebottomdeep placesituated inHeishishanis the heart of meltfire, king of LaghosNurrows'sflamedemondeninmaterial world.
The interior of black stoneis the black stoneabyss, is constructed the giantundergroundcity that by the black irondwarf.
黑石的内部则是黑石深渊,由黑铁矮人建造的巨大地下城市。On the black stoneabyssis the black stonetowerfort, similarlyis having the part of military of black irondwarf, butin the uppermost layer of black stonetowerfort, is the nest of blackwing, Lyan'sonceden.
黑石深渊上面是黑石塔要塞,同样驻扎着黑铁矮人的一部分兵力,而在黑石塔要塞的最上层,则是黑翼之巢,奈法利安曾经的老巢。It may be said thatiscomplex.
可谓是复杂至极。HoweverReddevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorambitionis not big, does not prepareto take the entireHeishishan, hepreparesfirstto take the black stonefort, firstestablished a main baseto sayagain.
不过雷德・黑手野心没那么大,并不准备拿下整个黑石山,他准备先拿下黑石要塞,先建立个主基地再说。Whenhepreparesto command the armyto the black stonetowerlaunches the attack, actuallyreceives the letter that the tyrantbladebrutallysent.
就在他准备率军对黑石塔发起进攻的时候,却接到了霸刀无情发来的信件。Looks atcontentRedd in letter/believesevil behind-the-scenes manipulatoris shocked.
看完信里的内容雷德・黑手大为震惊。„What! The bigchiefactuallydied in battle- did tyrantbladebrutallybecome the newbigchief?”
“什么!大酋长竟然战死了-霸刀无情成了新任大酋长?”Fromsaidat heart,he is very respectabletoAogerui, canrelinquish difference the larger partmilitary of Blackstoneclanhands overinhishand, said that isreconstructs the parents is not overrated.
从心里说,他对奥格瑞姆还是很尊敬的,能够不计前嫌将黑石氏族的一大半兵力交到他的手里,说是再造父母也不为过。Changedotherheartevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorspicily, stamps out the source of troubleregarding the descendant of formerbigchiefdirectly is also the commonoperation.
换了别的心黑手辣一点的,对于前任大酋长的后代直接斩草除根也是寻常操作。Pondered the moment, Reddevil behind-the-scenes manipulatormade the resolutionquickly.
思考了片刻,雷德・黑手很快做出了决断。Althoughbrutalcannot have a liking to the tyrantblade, butthisafter all is the last wish of bigchief.
虽然对霸刀无情不怎么看得上,但这毕竟是大酋长的遗愿。Moreover the steelregimentis not suitableat presentsets up the enemy.
而且钢铁军团目前不宜树立敌人。Reddevil behind-the-scenes manipulator( Blackstonechief): „Telling the tyrantbladeis brutal, myBlackstoneregimentis willingto continueto give loyalty to the bigchief, buthereleaves the gate of darkness is too far, the enemy who mustfaceare too many, thereforeis unable to take ordersdirectly, hopes that the bigchiefcanunderstand.”
雷德・黑手(黑石酋长):“告诉霸刀无情,我黑石军团愿意继续效忠大酋长,只是我们这里离黑暗之门太远,所要面对的敌人太多,所以无法直接听命,希望大酋长能够理解。”Simplea few words, listento proclaimdo not listen to the accent, in name of tribe, butwantsto order the father, without the advantageis not good.
简单一句话,听宣不听调,名义上还是部落的一员,不过想要命令老子,没好处可不行。【The worldannounced: ChiefRedd of Blackstoneclanevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorannounced that the steelregimentbrutallygave loyalty to the tyrantblade, dominates the bladebrutalbigchiefto strengthenauthoritatively.】
【世界公告:黑石氏族的酋长雷德・黑手宣布钢铁军团向霸刀无情效忠,霸刀无情的大酋长权威增强了。】Receivesthismessage, Tyrantbladebrutallyrelaxesslightly.
收到这个消息,霸刀无情微微松了口气。Fortunately, Reddevil behind-the-scenes manipulatorknows the cardinal principle, as forlisteningto proclaimdoes not listento adjustthismatter, heactually can also accept, turn headmustexplode the gate of darknessin any case, likedlistening.
还好,雷德・黑手还是识大体的,至于听宣不听调这种事情,他却也能够接受,反正回头就要炸黑暗之门了,爱听不听吧。Howeverregarding the lastbig dragonregiment, heactuallylacked self-confidencecompletely.
不过对于最后一支巨龙军团,他却是完全没底了。How manyconnectionsdominates the bladeclan and dragonthroatclanreallydoes not have . Moreover the big dragonregimentcould be said asinsixregimentsmost powerful, will NikeLusegive loyalty to oneself? The feelingis completely impossible.
霸刀氏族和龙喉氏族实在没有多少瓜葛,而且巨龙军团可以说是六支军团中最为强大的一支了,耐克鲁斯会向自己效忠么?感觉完全不可能啊。Howeverwhatmakeshisunexpectedis, the quicknewworldannouncementmade a sound.
然而让他意想不到的是,很快新的世界公告就响了起来。【The worldannounced: ChiefNikeLuse of dragonthroatclanannounced that brutallygave loyalty to the tyrantblade, dominates the bladebrutalbigchiefto strengthenauthoritatively.】
【世界公告:龙喉氏族的酋长耐克鲁斯宣布向霸刀无情效忠,霸刀无情的大酋长权威增强了。】【The worldannounced: BecauseTyrantbladebrutallyearns the support of strengthmostregiments, succeedsfor the tribe's third largest chiefofficially, from this- tyrantbladeclanbecomes the tribeto be legitimate.】
【世界公告:由于霸刀无情获得力量大多数军团的支持,正式继任为部落第三任大酋长,由此-霸刀氏族成为部落正统。】【System prompt: Becauseyoucompleted the plottask 【 The road of bigchief】, Youobtained3850plotpoints, yourlevelwas raised, youobtained the newheroicspecialty......
【系统提示:由于你完成了剧情任务【大酋长之路】,你获得了3850点剧情点数,你的位阶提升了,伱获得了新的英雄专长……Youobtained‚campleader’ the specialtemplate, yourlifevalueupper limitpromoted1000.
你获得了‘阵营领袖’的特殊模板,你的生命值上限提升了1000。Youopened the campto construct the system...... 】
你开启了阵营建设系统……】A series ofsystem promptsdirectlytyrantbladebrutalpounding the Mongoliancircle, immediately during fell intoto be wild with joy.
一连串的系统提示直接把霸刀无情给砸蒙圈了,顿时陷入到了狂喜之中。Has not thought,Idominate the bladebrutallyreallyreallyto haveto becomeoneday of bigchief.
没想到啊没想到,我霸刀无情竟然真的有成为大酋长的一天。Butthisannouncedone, the player in entiregameallfell into the shock.
而此公告一出,整个游戏中的玩家更是全都陷入到了震惊当中。Thistyrantbladealsotoodamnwas brutally in luck.
这个霸刀无情也太他妈的走运了吧。Beforealthoughalsohad the playerto become the campleader, but the supernatural mightGreat Emperor, GeGerman, spentseveralhundred millionmagnanimousmoney, spent the hugemanpowerfinancial resource, but alsowantedvariousplotsto planto be able the reluctanthigh-rank.
之前虽然也有玩家成为阵营领袖,但无论是神武大帝、还是葛德文,都是砸了几个亿的海量金钱,花费了巨大人力财力,还要各种阴谋算计才能勉强上位的。Moreover the supernatural mightGreat Emperoris only one of the darknightunioncampleaders, eldest childorMaFario.
而且神武大帝只是暗夜同盟的阵营领袖之一,老大还是玛法里奥。GeGerman, althoughmixed the position of alliancehegemon, but the allianceis the loosetreaty of alliancegroup, his hegemonis also similar to the Sacred Mountains of Chinahegemons, the namedoes not have the power of effective and influential wordof pleasant to hear, evenhemustfaceresistance of onegroup of notobedientyounger brotheryounger sistersinpillkingdom.
葛德文虽然混了个联盟盟主的地位,但联盟是个松散的盟约团体,他这个盟主也就跟五岳盟主差不多,名字好听却并没有一言九鼎的权力,甚至在洛丹伦王国他都要面对一堆不怎么听话的弟弟妹妹的对抗。In comparison, thistribebigchiefmayreallybeeffective and influential wordmonopolized the power in a place, the keyis the tyrantbladehas not brutally put inhow muchmoneyin the gamefrom the start, initiallyestablished the tyrantbladeclan, conducts activitytaking advantage of the gameofficial- recharges500,000to deliver the beastpersonclan.
相比之下,这部落大酋长可就真的是一言九鼎独霸一方了,关键是霸刀无情压根就没有在游戏里投入多少钱,当初建立霸刀氏族,还是借着游戏官方搞活动-充值五十万送兽人氏族。Hispresencebackgroundis a silverbeastpersonchief.
他出场背景不过是个白银一的兽人酋长罢了。Withoutthinkingto mixis mixing the blendingbigchief, whereonthisreasoned things out.
没想到混着混着混成大酋长了,这上哪说理去。It seems likeburnscoldZaoalsoto have a temperaturecoldZao the advantage, tribecampmanykryptongold/metalbig shot, have not madeone‚false’unexpectedlylocal tyrantsuccessfulhigh-rank.
看来烧冷灶也有烧冷灶的好处啊,部落阵营没有多少氪金大佬,竟然让一个‘伪’土豪成功上位了。Thismakesthesepound the local tyrantsbigfeeling that several million several millionresultkingshad not mixedto losein the alliance- knowsearlyIalsomixed the tribe.
这让那些在联盟砸了几百万几千万结果连个国王都没混上的土豪们大感失落-早知道我也去混部落了。Murphydoes not haveto caretothisresultactually.
The kingis also good, the bigchiefis also good, butsounds the power and prestige, ownstrength that is worthpursuingtruly.
国王也好,大酋长也好,不过是听起来威风罢了,真正值得追求的还是属于自身的力量。Said that this period of timedepends onkillsfast, oneself who the beastpersonrankriseshave risen66levels, the levelalsopromoted the goldthird-order, the strength could also beis very strong.
说起来这段时间靠着杀兽人等级升的飞快,自己已经升到了六十六级,位阶也提升到了黄金三阶,实力也算得上很强了。NowviolentWind Cityhas regained, since the alliancetribecould not hitin a short time, oneself were also the timehunts and killsmoreantiquedragons, completed the task of road of ancientdragon.
现在暴风城已经收复,既然联盟部落短时间内打不起来了,自己也是时候去猎杀更多的太古龙,完成古龙之路的任务了。Thereforeafter the glee feast of violentWind Cityended, Murphythensaid goodbyewithRosaand the others, leading the armyto return toAugrain.
于是在暴风城的庆功宴结束后,墨非便跟洛萨等人告辞,率领军队返回奥格兰克去了。HoweverMurphyhas not actually brokenregardingtribethat sideattention.
不过墨非对于部落那边的关注却始终没断。In the following several days, ingameuneventful, the tribedisintegrates, the alliancelost the archenemy, alsolost the goal of war.
接下来的几天里,游戏中风平浪静,部落分崩离析,联盟失去了大敌,也随之失去了战争的目标。Howeverin the forum, is actually blustery.
但是在论坛中,却是风起云涌。Tyrantbladehas not brutally wastedtheseobviouslytimeastonishingnews that becomes the bigchief.
霸刀无情显然没有浪费这一次成为大酋长的惊人消息。Quickonlinedid the matter.
很快就在网上搞起了事情。Firstissuedone【Considerstribeto playletter】.
The content of thisopen letter is a lot.
这封公开信的内容很多。Introduced oneself, hasto explainoneselfbecame the legitimacy of tribebigchief, hadto introduce that hethenmustencircle the development plan that sproutedinDelano, hadto warn that the alliancedo not attemptto attackDelano, otherwiseblasteddeclaration of gate of darknessdirectly.
有自我介绍,有说明自己成为部落大酋长的正统性,有介绍他接下来要在德拉诺圈地自萌的发展计划,有警告联盟不要妄图攻打德拉诺,否则直接炸掉黑暗之门的宣称。Infinal of thisletter/believes, Tyrantbladebrutallyalsosummoned that the tribeoldplayersreturn, evenadvertisement of attracting investments.
The content of advertisementcansummarizea few wordsprobably.
广告的内容大概可以概括成一句话。Ibrutallydominate the blade- tribebigchiefs- takes up a collection.
我霸刀无情-部落大酋长-打钱。Thisletter/believesoncewere withdrawnimmediatelyevokedmuchdiscussions.
这封信一经退出立刻引起了大量的讨论。According totyrantbladebrutalview, after his tribebigchief, isDelano'sballis long, althoughDelanobyunbearable of beastman-made disastercalamity, but the good and evil is also an entirestar, some canlive in the place of person.
按照霸刀无情的说法,他这个部落大酋长以后就是德拉诺的球长啦,德拉诺虽然被兽人祸祸的够呛,但好歹也是一整颗星球,还是有一些能住人的地方的。Gland, sand tower, to praiseadd the swampandlawRanron......
纳格兰、沙塔斯、赞加沼泽、法兰伦……Moreovertheseare lookedby the barren mountains and untamed rivers that canpolluteevillyverybad, is actually renovates the high-grademonster the practicinglevelto hit the valuable the treasure trove.
另外那些被邪能污染的穷山恶水看着挺糟糕,其实都是刷新高等级怪物的练级打宝的宝地。Good that so long asdevelops, absolutelybigmoney-making.
只要开发的好,绝对大大的赚钱。Dominates the bladebrutallyto invite the majorgamework roomsto move intoDelanodirectly, so long asis willingto invest, Chief, military governor, domain, clan, wantsanythingtoanything and ensure canmake money.
霸刀无情直接邀请各大游戏工作室入驻德拉诺,只要愿意投资,酋长啊、督军啊、地盘啊、氏族啊、要啥给啥,保证能赚大钱。Alsoinvitedto move bricks the party, the resource material in thisgame was very valuable, althoughDelano the environmentwas worse, but the playerwere few, the competitionis not fierce, was worthmovingabsolutely.
同时也邀请搬砖党,这个游戏里的资源材料可是很值钱的,德拉诺虽然环境恶劣了些,但是玩家少,竞争没那么激烈,绝对值得一搬。Alsoreallylet alone, thisletter/believesalsoreallyattractedmanyplayers.
还真别说,这封信还真就吸引到了不少玩家。Not onlythere is a gamework roomandmoves bricks the party, the tribeoldplayers in manypastdemonbeastworld......
【 Considers the tribeto play the letter:
【告部落玩家书:Everyonehad known, ourtribemakes the alliancebullying.
The bigchiefsletpersonga, cannotendure, cannotendureabsolutely.
大酋长都让人噶了,不能忍啊,绝对不能忍。How did the men of ourtribeinstigate? Cannot, ourtribewant the knife edgeto get up.
咱们部落的爷们怎么就怂了呢?不能够啊,咱们部落一定要支棱起来啊。Why the secondbeastpersonwarwill lose , because oursoldiersaren't fierce? Not is very wisebecause of the strategy of ourbigchief?
It is not, absolutelyis not, reason thatlosesisbecause the alliancepeopleare many, moreoverwas earlier than for twoyearsto enter the gameus, can thiswin? Definitelycannot win.
不是,绝对不是,之所以输都是因为联盟人多啊,而且比我们早了两年进游戏,这能打赢么?肯定打不赢啊。Aogeruidoes not understandthese, thereforehesent, is goodknows the person with outstanding abilitybecause ofhismental perception, appointedmeto dominate the bladebrutallyto replace the position of bigchief.
奥格瑞姆是不懂这些的,所以他寄了,好在他慧眼识英才,任命了我霸刀无情来接替大酋长的职位。Manypeopleare not convincedIto be the bigchief, you- tyrantbladeis brutal, who? Has not heardcompletely.
很多人是不服气我当大酋长的,你-霸刀无情,谁啊?完全没听说过啊。Itoldyou that isbecauseyoudo not understand the war.
The chiefastyrantbladeclan, arrives at the battlefield and alliancefightsmore than ten, thatabsolutelyis the meritorious military serviceillustrious.
The war of daggerrange, Iandoldroarattack the westernwildernesstogether, thishellroareddoes not listen tomyurging, a wave of headstrongpastwas almost rolledto extinguish, Icleaned up the aftermath, saved the remainingbeastpeopleto go back, the alliancehundreds of thousandsarmiesambushedI, was killedsevento entersevenbymeobstinately.
The war of violentWind City, Iarrive at the battlefield, commands troopsto attack a city, andparticipatedto striketo killKingRyan.
The war of wetland, Igot rid of the feudal lordgenerals of severalalliances, but alsocutto killKingGillpersonally.
湿地之战,我干掉了好几个联盟的领主将军,还亲手斩杀了吉尔尼斯国王。Asked that the chiefs of tribewhohasmymeritto be big, Iam not the bigchiefwhoworks as?
就问部落的酋长谁有我的功劳大,我不当大酋长谁当?Thereforethesequestioned that myperson, patternTucsonbroken.
所以那些质疑我的人啊,图样图森破。NowIbecame the bigchief, Iammustdo the tribe.
现在我成了大酋长,我是一定要把部落搞起来的。Ihave sent peopleto install the gold metallurgybombin the gate of darkness, turn headexploded the gate of darkness, wemustdevelopinDelanowell, oneyearlateropens the door, starts the thirdbeastpersonwar, when the time comesmustfall face down the alliancedry/doesmay not.
The adventurers of ourtribe should not be discouraged, althoughmytribemain forceretreatedDelano, but the elder brotherin the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakesstilldid not haveelder brother'slegend, the dragonthroatclan and Blackstoneclanweresupportmy, the frostwolfclan, is still not persisting infighting.
我们部落的冒险者们也不要气馁,虽然我部落主力退守德拉诺了,但哥不在江湖,江湖依然有哥的传说,龙喉氏族和黑石氏族都是支持我的,还有霜狼氏族,不是依然在坚持战斗么。We have manyfootholdsinZellars, ifyouneedto supply, needsto study the skill, does not needto be worried.
我们在艾泽拉斯还有很多据点,你们要是需要补给,需要学技能,都不用担心。Everyonepromotesslowly, firstcareless, oneyearlateropens the doorto welcomekingmaster.
大家慢慢升级,先苟着,一年之后开门喜迎王师。Thesepastdemonbeastoldplayers, the pasttribeobviouslywas the superiorcamp, are the presenttribepeoplesowhy few?
The oldplayers, nowwhere are youat? Inyourheartshot bloodedis cold?
老玩家们,你们现在都在哪呢?难道你们心中的热血都已经冷了吗?Isyouth that the timeretrievesyouto elapse, dream that has completed.
是时候找回你们逝去的青春,完成未完成的梦想啦。Come, joinsus, joins the tribe, wemake the tribeagaingreattogether!
为了部落!Tribebigchiefs- tyrantbladeis brutal. 】
部落大酋长-霸刀无情。】Lin Haolooks at the content on computerscreen, the oldfacial featuresshowed the look of recollection.
The former daysrecollectionappearedagainin the mind, thatwasheonce the hot bloodedyouth.
The demonbeastworld, thatis how remotememory, that timehe was also only a 30-year-oldyouth, wallowedin the mysteriousworld in thatcomputerscreen, opened up wastelandfor the transcriptionwith the good friends of associationengages in fierce battleall night, aftersuccessfullydefeatedfinallyBOSScheered the callin the voice.
魔兽世界吗,那是多么遥远的记忆啊,那个时候的他还只是个30多岁的青年,沉迷在那个电脑屏幕中的神秘世界中,为了副本开荒和公会的好友们彻夜鏖战,在成功击败最终BOSS后在语音中欢呼呐喊。Alsooncefelt dejectedbecause ofAFK of friend.
也曾因为朋友的AFK而黯然神伤。Thatwaswere many happyyears.
那是多了美好的岁月啊。Butnow are actually the 60-year- old person.
The mood of nostalgiabravedthen unable to stopagain.
怀旧的情绪一冒出来便再也止不住了。Lin Haocould not bearopen the storage, turned out a smallboxfrom the deep place of cabinet, boxaboveis printingthreelines of characters.
【 Demonbeastworld
【魔兽世界Expedition of combustion
燃烧的远征Oldworldclassics 】
旧世经典】Opens, inside is actually a metalsign.
打开来,里面却是一个金属牌子。Thisis the commemoratingID that the pastdemonbeastworldpromoted, aboveis carving the rolename of eachplayer, the occupation, the race.
这是当年魔兽世界推出的纪念身份牌,上面刻着每个玩家的角色名字,职业,种族。Helooks atthatsign, whataboverecordsbeingheelapses the youth.
他看着那牌子,上面记录的是他逝去的青春。Laughs wildly the life
狂笑一生Beastperson- soldier
兽人-战士ExpeditionfiveareaPatschVick of combustion
燃烧的远征五区帕奇维克Serves for 12yearsfivemonths
服役12年五个月NO. 081121955
NO。081121955Lin Hao'sfingerhas strokedon the signgently.
林浩的手指在牌子上轻轻拂过。Is really goodto fondly remember.
啊,真的好怀念啊。Looked at the ID in hand, Lin Hao cannot help but rememberingin the past the experienceingameagain, in the heartcannot help butmoved, what a pityoneselfno longerarethatyoung people.
看着手中的身份牌,林浩不由得再次想起了当年在游戏中的经历,心中不由得一阵伤感,可惜自己已经不再是那个年轻人了。In order tolive, for the family, for the child, hemanyyearshas not played the game.
为了生活,为了家庭,为了孩子,他已经好多年没玩游戏了。Hehe, but alsothinksanything, oneselfare old, even to play the response unable to follow.
呵呵,还想什么呢,自己已经老了啊,就算想玩反应也跟不上了。Hismemorystayis also using the age of mousekeyboard operation.
他的记忆还停留在用鼠标键盘操作的年代。Althoughthinks,Lin Haoactuallycould not bearopen the gameofficial site of vault of heavenworld, examinedthisgameintroduction that took the demonbeastas the background.
然而虽然这么想,林浩却还是忍不住打开了苍穹世界的游戏官网,查看起了这个以魔兽为背景的游戏介绍。What? Gamehelmet, virtualsolidboundary?
Were so manyyearshave not played the game, gamedevelopedso advanced?
这么多年没玩游戏,游戏已经发展的这么先进了么?One that Lin Haolooks.
林浩看的一愣愣的。Morelooked that moreis the heartis hard to takeitchy.
越看越是心痒难耐。IfreallycanenterZellars who thatis lost in a reverie, Delano, the foreign territory, thatshouldbe a howhappymatter.
如果真的能亲身进入那魂牵梦绕的艾泽拉斯,德拉诺,外域,那该是多么幸福的一件事情啊。Finally, Lin Haocould not bearbuy a gamehelmet.
It is not 80,000dollars.
In looksto begin the gamehelmet, inLin Haoheartfullisexcited, somewhatis simultaneously disturbed, ifplayshas not describedwhat to dois so good?
看着手里的游戏头盔,林浩心中满是激动,同时又有些忐忑,万一游戏并没有描述的那么好怎么办?Goodsnon-gauge blockmatter, in the realityexperienceswere too many.
The youth to retrieveelapsing, gives a tryin brief.
但是为了找回逝去的青春,总之试试看吧。With the disturbedmood, Lin Haolayon the bed, put on the helmet.
A dizzinessfeeling when withfirstusegamehelmet, Lin Haoentered the game.
随着一阵第一次使用游戏头盔时的眩晕感,林浩进入了游戏。Chooses the templateto letLin Haoveryvacant, has not thought that thisplaysso manyart, canplay the monsterunexpectedly? Small creature? Civilians? Alsocanwork as the heroandfeudal lord?
选择模板让林浩很是一阵茫然,没想到这游戏这么多讲究,竟然还可以玩怪物?小动物?平民?还可以当英雄、领主?HoweverLin Haohas no interestregardingtheseat sixes and sevenstemplates, as the oldplayer, naturallymustwork as a greedyadventurer.
不过林浩对于这些乱七八糟的模板没什么兴趣,身为老玩家,当然是要当一名贪婪的冒险者了。Chooses the adventurertemplate, reallyhasthreeoptionalcamps.
选择冒险者模板,竟然有三个可选阵营。Humanalliance: Alliance comprised ofhuman, elf, dwarfanddwarf, is the ruler in eastmainland, under the justice and glorynameunites, afterbeatingtribe, alliance'sruleto the eastmainlandeven morebecomesstable.
人类联盟:由人类、精灵、矮人、侏儒组成的联盟,是东部大陆的统治者,在正义与荣耀的名义下团结在一起,在击败了部落之后,联盟对东部大陆的统治越发变得稳固。Darknightunion: The ancientunion comprised of the darknightelf, centaur, the ox headperson and treemonster, guards the orders and securities of Carrimmanymainlandtogether, although the unionhad hada series ofconflicts, howeverin the face of the seriousexternal threat, eachracecloselyunitedday after day.
暗夜同盟:由暗夜精灵、半人马、牛头人、树妖组成的古老同盟,共同捍卫卡里姆多大陆的秩序与安全,尽管同盟内部曾经发生过一系列的冲突,然而在日渐严重的外部威胁面前,各个种族紧密的团结了起来。Beastpersontribe: Warunion comprised of the beastperson and foodpersondemon, the greatdemonandgoblin, toobtain the newhomeland, beastpeoplefromDelanostarstartedto the eastmainlandconquered the war, althoughwas defeatedby the alliance, but the beastpersontribestrengthstillsaved, mightstage a comebackanytime.
兽人部落:由兽人、食人魔、巨魔、地精组成的战争同盟,为了获得新家园,来自德拉诺星球的兽人们对东部大陆发动了征服战争,尽管被联盟击败,但兽人部落实力犹存,随时都有可能卷土重来。Thismayreallyfeel strange,has not thought the darknightelf can also form the officialcampwith the centaurox head, thisis also differentfrom the plot of demonbeastworld.
这可真是奇了怪了,没想到暗夜精灵跟半人马牛头还能组成官方阵营,这跟魔兽世界的剧情也不一样啊。At this timehediscovered that thisgamehad a vault of heavenannalfunction, caninquirein the gamea series ofbig.
The curiouspointcomes, thislookedto be startledimmediately.
不由好奇点开来,这一看顿时惊到了。My God, the player can also participate in the plotunexpectedly, changes the history, but can also become the campleader!
我的天,玩家竟然还可以参与剧情,改变历史,还可以成为阵营领袖!Originallycurrentgame the present situations of threebigcampsarebecauseplayer'sinfluencecauses.
A Lin Haocannot help butexclamation.
林浩不由得一阵惊叹。Hewas interestedmore and more.
他越来越感兴趣了。Howeveralthoughheat, when the herosoundsveryhappy, buthedecidesfirstto give a trywith the adventurertemplate.
不过虽热当英雄听起来很美好,但他还是决定先用冒险者模板试试看。Chose the beastpersontribewithout hesitation.
毫不犹豫的选择了兽人部落。Racebeastperson- professionalsoldier- rolename: Laughs wildly the life.
种族兽人-职业战士-角色名:狂笑一生。With a white light, the beastpersonlaughed wildlyentered the gamehis entire life.
随着一道白光,兽人狂笑一生进入了游戏。WhenLin Haoopens the eye, whatseenisonemakeshimbe familiar with and strangescene.
The scarletredmountain range and openwilderness, the cruderailing and animal skintent, the roughbeastpersonarchitectural styleis exceptionally familiarandkind.
赤红色的山峦和开阔的荒野,简陋的围栏和兽皮帐篷,粗犷的兽人建筑风格异常的熟悉和亲切。Hereis- hellhotpeninsula! Right, hispastAFKtimewhatplaysisdemonbeastnostalgiaclothing/takingexpedition of serodynamic combustion, was too familiarwithhellhotpeninsulaplace.
这里是-地狱火半岛!没错,他当年AFK的时候玩的是魔兽怀旧服-燃烧的远征,对于地狱火半岛这地方太熟悉了。Has not thought that hereactuallywill become the newvillage of beastperson.
只是没想到这里竟然会成为兽人的新手村。Inhimbehind, strippedonlyputs on the beastpersonnewplayer of animal skinshortsto emitlike mushrooms after a spring rainfallunceasingly.
在他身后,光着膀子只穿着兽皮短裤的兽人新玩家如雨后春笋般不断冒出。Lin Haostamped the groundwith the foot, walkedseveralsteps, jumpedtwo.
林浩用脚跺了跺地面,又走了几步,跳了两下。In the reality the 60-year- old body, in the game is actually the whole bodymusclestrongtall and strongbeastpersonsoldier.
现实中60多岁的苍老身躯,游戏中却是浑身肌肉强壮魁梧的兽人战士。Sopowerfulstrength! Hegot hold of the fist, looks on the arm a stockmuscleexcitement.
如此强大的力量!他握紧了拳头,看着胳膊上股楞楞的肌肉一阵兴奋。Tooreal, shocked, hecannot bearface upwardto bellow, sends outbeastpersonuniqueroaring.
太真实了,太震撼了,他忍不住仰天大吼,发出一声兽人特有的咆哮。Feelsdryhot blast that the front surfaceis blowing, feelsin the airare filling the aura of sulfurandsoil.
The flashas ifreallypassed throughDelanostar.
一瞬间仿佛真的穿越到了德拉诺星球。No, thisnot onlyretrieved the youth of elapsing, butcompletes the dream that had not completed.
不,这不仅仅是找回了逝去的青春,而是完成了那未完成的梦想啊。At this time a roughsoundfromconveyedsuddenlybehind.
这时一个粗犷的声音忽然从身后传来。Kaltuk( Chiyanvillage head): „ Youcomefinally- laughs wildly the life, Iguess that youexperienced certainlymanydangers and difficultiesto arrivehere.
卡尔图克(赤岩村长):“你终于来啦-狂笑一生,我猜你一定经历了许多艰难险阻才走到了这里的吧。Did not needto be worried aboutanythingagain, youhave arrivedhome.
不用再担心什么了,你已经到家了。Nowyoucome just in time, the tribejustexperienced a disastrous defeat, is under the hugethreat, needs the fiercestsoldierto save the situation.
如今你来的正是时候,部落刚刚经历了一场惨败,正面临着巨大的威胁,需要最勇猛的战士来挽救局势。Youpreparedto fight the warriorfor the tribe! Did youprepareto bleedto sacrificefor the glory of tribeagain? ”
你准备好为部落而战了吗勇士!你准备好再一次为了部落的荣耀而流血牺牲了吗?”Lin Haolistens to the words of thatbeastperson, in the heartcannot help butone's blood bubbles up to the brim.
林浩听着那兽人的话语,心中不由得一阵热血沸腾。Right, Iam the warrior of tribe, Imustfightfor the glory of tribe!
( Vol. 8ends)
( This chapterends)
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