PTB :: Volume #4

#375: New big chief

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Chapter 375 new big chief 第375章新的大酋长 【 The world announced: The vault of heaven era in 1439, the alliance allied armies successfully regained violent Wind City. 【世界公告:苍穹纪元1439年,联盟联军成功收复暴风城。 Tribe big chief Aogerui the before the front door of hammer and storm fort destruction, died in battle heroically, was struck to kill by the alliance heroes jointly. 部落大酋长奥格瑞姆・毁灭之锤与暴风要塞的大门前英勇战死,被联盟众英雄联手击杀。 Aogerui death announced tribe's comprehensive being defeated in second beast person war. 奥格瑞姆的死亡宣告了部落在第二次兽人战争中的全面落败。 With recovering of violent Wind City, storm kingdom success duplicate/restores country, but the alliance also gained this war final victory. 随着暴风城的光复,暴风王国成功复国,而联盟也取得了这场战争最终的胜利。 Although still some beast person clans dispersed in the all over the world, but was unable to pose the threat to the alliance, the victory and peace dawn as if arrived finally. 尽管仍然有一些兽人氏族分散在世界各地,但已经无法对联盟造成威胁,胜利与和平的曙光似乎终于降临了。 However under the brilliance of victory, actually hidden the crisis that people cannot be seeing, but that will be the future matter. 然而在胜利的光辉下,却隐藏着人们看不见的危机,只不过那就是未来的事情了。 This event had been recorded and in the middle of the vault of heaven annal. 】 该事件已经被记录与苍穹编年史当中。】 Is hearing the sound of the world announcement, the people on the scene responded that actually varies. 听着世界公告的声音,在场众人反应却是各异。 Ge Dewen looks that Aogerui corpse whole body trembles, wishes one could to cut two swords again. 葛德文看着奥格瑞姆的尸体浑身发抖,恨不得上去再砍上两剑。 What a pity he knows, if really did will only throw the share. 可惜他知道,如果真的这么干了只会更加丢份。 Makes a mistake, my King showdown, Aogerui, you dies quite miserable, why cannot help me cross two moves with you to walk again, ended ended, did not have one to be able again with the person of my King showdown. 有没有搞错啊,我的王者对决啊,奥格瑞姆啊,你死的好惨啊,为什么就不能让我跟你过两招再走呢,完了完了,再也没有一个能跟我王者对决的人了。 Shaking the head of the sword traceless is somewhat a pity, he is shouted ‚your this evil monster has no need for justice that person, this thinks to fish in troubled waters, snatches a head/number of people, without thinking or falling short, the figure then hidden entered in the crowd in a flash. 剑无痕有些可惜的摇了摇头,他便是喊出‘个你这种邪恶怪物用不着将公平正义’的那个人,本以为可以浑水摸鱼,抢个人头,没想到还是功亏一篑,身形一晃便隐入了人群之中。 Murphy looks oneself obtain the plot points in this plot campaign, 1750, but also is good, has not only gone up steps pitifully. 墨非看着自己在这次剧情战役中获得剧情点数,1750,还不错,只可惜没有升阶。 These 1750 plot points majorities are close right up against brush the beast person infantry to brush, kills the darkness from the morning, today in this day he killed 5,000-6,000 beast people, all depended on brushes the soldier to brush more than 1000 plot points, in addition mixed the Aogerui secondary attack, but was inferior to the performance bright eyes of beforehand several wars eventually. 这1750剧情点数大部分都是靠着刷兽人步兵刷出来的,从早上杀到天黑,今天这一天里他足足杀了5,000-6,000兽人,全靠着刷小兵刷了一千多剧情点数,另外还混了个奥格瑞姆的助攻,但终究还是不如之前几场大战的表现亮眼了。 That adventurer face an indignation of named nameless King, the head/number of people that father takes, why what rewards? 那个叫无名王者的冒险者一脸的愤愤,老子拿的人头,为什么啥奖励都没有? The equipment that Aogerui explodes, only snatched one. 就连奥格瑞姆爆出来的装备,都只抢到了一件。 However without the means that the adventurer does not have the human rights, in story background he does not exist from the start, although was he made up the last blade, but was actually the heroes strikes to kill Aogerui in the plot jointly, everyone has not attained the head/number of people, that ganged up to surround and beat up even lethal. 不过没办法,冒险者没人权啊,故事背景里他压根就不存在,虽然是他补了最后一刀,但在剧情上却是众英雄联手击杀了奥格瑞姆,大家谁也没拿到人头,那就算围殴致死吧。 First responded from the silence is actually Rosa. 第一个从沉默中反应过来的却是洛萨。 Compared to hatred to Aogerui, what he cares regained violent Wind City this cause. 相对于对奥格瑞姆的仇恨,他更在意的是收复了暴风城这件伟业。 Rosa jumping up stair, „the officers of alliance, the warriors in violent Wind City, cheer, we regained the native land finally, makes Ryan rest sufficiently......” 洛萨跳上台阶,“联盟的将士们,暴风城的勇士们啊,欢呼吧,我们终于收复了故土,足以让莱恩陛下安息……” With a Rosa's fervent speech, the cheers resound through the skies immediately. 随着洛萨的一番慷慨激昂的演讲,欢呼声顿时响彻云霄。 Under the setting sun, almost destroyed city of this in the flames of war, finally won the hope again. 夕阳之下,这座在战火中几乎被毁灭的城市,终于再次赢来了希望。 However Aogerui dying in battle influence was extremely profound, not only and limited to violent Wind City. 然而奥格瑞姆的战死影响是极其深远的,并不仅仅局限于在暴风城。 In following a long time, is affecting the story trend of vault of heaven world profoundly. 在接下来的很长一段时间里,深刻的影响着苍穹世界的故事走向。 The place of curse- 诅咒之地- Teams of beast people are going through the gate of darkness, returns to their star that borders on the destruction. 一队队兽人正穿过黑暗之门,回归他们那个濒临毁灭的星球。 Dominates the blade brutally to stand by the gate of darkness front door, gazes after own regiment to cross the gate of darkness, returns to Delano. 霸刀无情就站在黑暗之门的大门旁,目送着自己的军团越过黑暗之门,回归德拉诺。 Hears that moment that the world announced he to stare immediately. 听到世界公告的那一刻他顿时一愣。 What! Did the big chief die? 什么!大酋长死了? Ha! It is not right, wū wū wū wū. How big chief you died. 哈哈哈哈哈!不对,呜呜呜呜。大酋长伱怎么就死了啊。 Tyrant blade brutally first smiled three, cried three. 霸刀无情先是笑了三声,紧接着又哭了三声。 He puts on airs actually not, after all followed Aogerui to mix was so long, many sentiments. 他倒不是装模作样,毕竟跟着奥格瑞姆混了这么久了,多少还是有些感情的。 Especially Aogerui accepts fate he for the successor finally, making the tyrant blade brutally feel, Aogerui with him is some special friendship. 尤其是奥格瑞姆最后认命他为继任者,让霸刀无情觉得,奥格瑞姆跟他还是有一些特殊情分的。 At this time Tyrant blade is brutally also cannot help but sighing, big chief the big chief, I do not know why you will choose me to succeed, but since you elected me, gave back to my so many armies, I will certainly not disappoint your, you relieved going, I dominate the blade brutally certainly to make the tribe again great!” 此时霸刀无情也不由得感叹着,“大酋长啊大酋长,我不知道你为什么会选择我继任,但既然你选了我,还给了我这么多军队,我一定不会辜负你的,你就安心的去吧,我霸刀无情一定会让部落变得再次伟大的!” At this moment, other player chiefs also heard the sound of the world announcement in abundance, immediately surrounded excitedly. 此时此刻,其它玩家酋长也纷纷听到了世界公告的声音,顿时激动的围拢了过来。 With the complex vision looks that the tyrant blade is brutal. 用复杂的目光看着霸刀无情。 Although Tyrant blade brutally obtained the status of successor before, however in everyone opinion, Aogerui surely does not have is so easy dead, even if violent Wind City cannot defend, ran can still run, otherwise was captured alive also has possibly, after all historically Aogerui was captured alive in the black stone tower, afterward successfully escaped from prison. 虽然之前霸刀无情获得了继任者的身份,但是在大家看来,奥格瑞姆肯定没那么容易死的,就算暴风城守不住,跑也能跑了,再不然被活捉也不是没有可能,毕竟历史上奥格瑞姆就是在黑石塔被活捉的,后来又成功越狱。 Actually without thinking really said definitely dead. 却没想到真的说死就死了。 Then defended for day, was attacked unexpectedly. 这才守了一天啊,竟然就这么被攻下来了。 Right now dominates the blade brutally really to be the big chief? The feeling is very real. 这下子难道霸刀无情真的要当大酋长了?感觉好不真实啊。 The people look the tyrant blade is brutal, the envier has it, envy has it, has the mind flexibly has prepared to hold the thigh to turn to urge somebody to ascend the throne. 众人一个个看着霸刀无情,羡慕者有之,嫉妒者有之,有心眼活泛的已经准备抱大腿投靠劝进了。 Tyrant blade is brutal, since were the big chief, do these advantage that then he promised before need to carry out immediately? 霸刀无情既然当了大酋长,那么之前他许诺的那些好处岂不是立刻就要落实了? Inherited tribe's orthodox words, what to do that following and war of alliance should, depends on their group of player chiefs to withstand/top? Felt that the pressure is big. 只是继承了部落正统的话,那接下来和联盟的战争又该怎么办呢,就靠他们这帮玩家酋长来顶?感觉压力好大啊。 Dominates some blade brutally regarding this actually early considerations, must continue to fight with the alliance is definitely incorrect. 霸刀无情对此却早有考虑,要跟联盟继续战斗下去是肯定不行的。 Aogerui this dead tribe must certainly split, originally the tribe strength compared with the alliance, has no way to hit now. 奥格瑞姆这一死部落肯定要分裂,本来部落实力就比不过联盟,现在更没法打了。 He was also looks this period of time, the tribe compared the biggest weakness with the alliance is the overall strength of player was too weak, from the adventurer to the hero, from the beast person mixed soldier to the chief military governor, the average ranks generally fell behind a big truncation, equipped badly was not a tiny bit, this did not have the means that after all the tribe was too short as the official camp open time. 他这段时间也算是看出来了,部落跟联盟比起来最大的弱点就是玩家的整体实力太弱了,从冒险者到英雄,从兽人杂兵到酋长督军,平均等级普遍落后了一大截,装备差的更不是一星半点,这也没办法,毕竟部落作为官方阵营开放的时间太短了。 This is equivalent to the alliance player two years to enter the game early, others edition graduated, the players of tribe are still promoting to brush the equipment diligently, does that have to hit? 这就相当于联盟玩家早两年进入游戏,人家都版本毕业了,部落的玩家还在努力升级刷装备呢,那还有个打? Moreover in the population does not occupy superiorly, the kings of alliance can live greatly, 350 prince princesses are also common, others go to war is a nest nest on, which enough looks on tribe person. 而且人数上也不占优,联盟的国王一个个都巨能生,三五十个王子公主也属寻常,人家打仗都是一窝一窝的上,就部落这点人哪够瞧的啊。 Therefore dominates the blade brutal plan is very simple, after returning to Delano, blasts the gate of darkness directly, the entire tribe collective in Delano careless last one year or so, waits for the rank and level of player promotes, considered again opens the gate of darkness to initiate the matter of third beast person war. 所以霸刀无情的计划也很简单,回到德拉诺之后直接炸掉黑暗之门,全部落集体在德拉诺苟上一年半载,等把玩家的等级和位阶都提升上去,再考虑开启黑暗之门发起第三次兽人战争的事情。 In addition must summon that some players join the tribe, particularly the local tyrant krypton gold/metal big shot, the more better. 另外还得多号召一些玩家加入部落,尤其是土豪氪金大佬,越多越好。 In the past the demon beast world was so hot, tribe player so many, propagandized much can draw a group of people to enter the game. 当年魔兽世界那么火,部落玩家那么多,多宣传宣传怎么也能拉一批人进游戏吧。 However urgent matter, first gave the status of oneself this big chief solid. 不过当务之急,还是先把自己这个大酋长的身份给坐实了。 The point operates the duty column 【The road of big chief This duty really also had the change. 点开任务栏【大酋长之路】这个任务果然又有了变化。 Task definition: The road of second step big chief, gives the inaugural address, announced that succeeds the position of big chief. 任务内容:大酋长之路第二步,发表就职演讲,宣布继任大酋长之位。 Note: According to your speech content may trigger the different plot changes, please choose discretely. 提示:根据你的演讲内容可能会引发不同的剧情变化,请谨慎选择。 Dominates the blade brutally( chief Tyrant blade): „ The warriors of tribe! I just received the message, our big chief Aogerui the hammer of destruction had died in battle in violent Wind City heroically, according to the big chief appointed, now will brutally be the new big chief by my Tyrant blade, my Delano Regiment officially became the tribe to be legitimate starting today. 霸刀无情(霸刀酋长):“部落的勇士们!我刚刚收到消息,我们的大酋长奥格瑞姆・毁灭之锤已经在暴风城英勇战死,根据大酋长生前的任命,现在将由我霸刀无情担任新的大酋长,我德拉诺军团从今天开始正式成为部落正统。 Fellow chiefs and military governor, I order you to give loyalty to as big chief with me, we return to Delano to go together, will regroup after a defeat there us, restores the ancient tradition of tribe, we must make the tribe again great- for tribe! ” 各位酋长、督军,我以大酋长的身份命令你们效忠与我,我们一起回到德拉诺去,在那里我们将重整旗鼓,恢复部落的古老传统,我们要让部落再次伟大-为了部落!” For tribe!” “为了部落!” Roqueta!” “洛克塔欧嘎!” For Aogerui!” “为了奥格瑞姆!” Is brutal for the tyrant blade!” “为了霸刀无情!” Has saying that this group of players support very much, takes the lead to roar immediately, these soldiers naturally also follow to roar, therefore roaring acoustic shock day. 不得不说这帮玩家还是很捧场的,一个个立刻带头吼了起来,那些小兵自然也跟着吼,于是呼吼声震天。 System prompt: Completes the plot character 【The road of big chief The second step, triggers the third duty. 系统提示:完成剧情人物【大酋长之路】第二步,触发第三步任务。 Task definition: Sends out the big chief's order to other regiments, obtains giving loyalty to of other regiments. 任务内容:向其它军团送出大酋长的命令,获得其它军团的效忠。 Note: You earn a support of regiment every time, your big chief authority will be promoted, you lose a support of regiment every time, your big chief authority will drop. 提示:你每获得一个军团的支持,你的大酋长权威都会获得提升,你每失去一个军团的支持,你的大酋长权威都会下降。 Looks chiefs who cheer, dominates the blade brutally actually not to forget other regiments, the strength of Delano Regiment was too weak, the only tens of thousands beast person armies, how developed the efficiency is also limited again. 看着欢呼的酋长们,霸刀无情却也没有忘记其它军团,德拉诺军团的实力还是太弱了,区区几万兽人军队,再怎么发展也效率有限。 Should better be able to obtain giving loyalty to of other regiments, first determined the rulers and ministers status said again. 最好还是能取得其它军团的效忠,先把君臣名分确定了再说。 Therefore dominates the blade brutal earliest possible time to send out the wyvern cavalry, has not exploded while the gate of darkness, first issued the succeeding imperial edict of big chief said again. 因此霸刀无情第一时间派出飞龙骑兵,趁着黑暗之门还没炸,先把大酋长的继任诏书发布了再说。 The content of imperial edict is also very simple. 诏书的内容也很简单。 I- Tyrant blade brutally starting today is the tribe big chiefs, you must give loyalty to me, although everyone drifts apart the dispersion development, but this status must first determine, if gives loyalty to me, sends out the ambassador to come to me to serve as a petty government official, regardless of military many, more importantly this attitude. 我-霸刀无情从今天开始就是部落大酋长啦,你们都得效忠于我,虽然大家各奔东西分散发展,但这个名分必须先确定下来,要是效忠我,就派出大使过来给我当差,兵力多少不论,重要的是这个态度。 Brutally dominates the blade really not to have many confidence to the effect of this order, other five groups of regiments is a side big shot, how possibly to take orders in his talent gold third-order chief, he in the middle of powerhouse to beast person society to revere the mentality understands very much. 霸刀无情对这份命令的效果还真就没有多少信心可言,其它五路军团都是一方大佬,怎么可能听命于他这种才黄金三阶的酋长,他对兽人社会当中强者为尊的心态还是很来了解的。 Especially anti- Auzoux, others, but in beast person rare legendary hero-, although anti- Auzoux possibly does not know. 尤其是耐奥祖,人家可是兽人中少有的传奇英雄啊-虽然耐奥祖自己可能不知道。 If by some chance goes ahead of one's turn with oneself seizes power, Tyrant blade brutally really did not have many assurance. 万一跟自己抢班夺权,霸刀无情还真就没有多少把握。 However bamboo pole hits the jujube, some jujubes did not have the jujube to hit three bamboo poles to say again, if were effective. 不过竹竿子打枣,有枣没枣打三竿子再说,万一有效呢。 What first receives the order is the evil beast person regiment focusing on evil fire clan. 第一个接到命令的是以邪火氏族为主的邪兽人军团。 The destination of evil beast person regiment is the place of curse, builds the base in this, attempts to summon more devils. 邪兽人军团的目的地是诅咒之地,在这建立基地,尝试召唤更多的恶魔。 The position of gate of darkness is a huge space and time node, because of this Gourdain and Maitri chose initially constructs the gate of darkness here. 黑暗之门的位置是一个巨大的时空节点,正因为如此古尔丹和麦迪文当初才选择在这里建造黑暗之门。 Also because of this, summons the efficiency of devil to be higher here. 也正因为如此,在这里召唤恶魔的效率会更高。 Therefore evil beast person regiment at this time in gate of not far place construction camp darkness. 因此邪兽人军团此时就在黑暗之门不远的地方建造营地。 After receiving the letter, Gorog evil eye indicates immediately, our evil fire clan is willing to support the last wish of big chief, is willing to give loyalty to the tyrant blade brutal big chief. 接到信件之后格罗戈・邪眼立刻表示,我们邪火氏族愿意支持大酋长的遗愿,愿意向霸刀无情大酋长效忠。 The next day at noon Gorog evil eye personally led one team of people to arrive at the gate of darkness, expressed willingness to give loyalty, moreover is willing also to deliver to Delano to go part of evil beast person regiment, accepted the tyrant blade brutal direction. 第二天中午格罗戈・邪眼就亲自率领一队人来到了黑暗之门,表示愿意效忠,而且愿意把邪兽人军团的一部分也送到德拉诺去,接受霸刀无情的指挥。 The remaining half guard the gate of darkness, prevents the military threat of alliance. 剩下一半则驻守黑暗之门,防止联盟的军事威胁。 Naturally, now evil beast person regiment altogether few evil beast people, have not transformed with enough time. 当然,现在邪兽人军团一共也没几个邪兽人,都还没来得及改造呢。 The blood of devil after all is not the sour plum drink, without is so easy to do. 恶魔之血毕竟不是酸梅汤,没那么容易搞。 Brutally dominates the blade to offer services to be surprised to this, this Gorog under evil eye good and evil also did tens of thousands armies, turn? The feeling is very real. 霸刀无情对这份投效大感意外,这个格罗戈・邪眼好歹手底下也有几万大军,就这么投靠了?感觉好不真实啊。 Dominates the blade brutally( big chief): You determined that can follow I to mix? Do not summon the devil?” 霸刀无情(大酋长):“你确定要跟着我混?你不是要召唤恶魔么?” Gorog evil eye( evil fire chief): Which summon devil in cannot summon, after the key is, you are the big chief, we are the players, naturally must look after mutually, you said right big chief?” 格罗戈・邪眼(邪火酋长):“召唤恶魔在哪不能召,关键是以后你就是大酋长啦,我们都是玩家,当然要互相关照啦,你说对吧大酋长?” Dominates the blade brutally( big chief): Haha, said right, but our offensive talk said in front, since I am the big chief you, must listen my, but cannot comply in public but oppose in private.” 霸刀无情(大酋长):“哈哈,说得对,不过咱丑话说在前头,既然我是大酋长你以后就得听我的啦,可不许阳奉阴违。” Ganis Mars( beast person master): Big chief does not need to worry, our evil fire clan is certainly willing to accept the big chief's direction.” 加尼斯・玛尔(兽人术士):“大酋长不必担心,我们邪火氏族当然愿意接受大酋长的指挥。” Well, this person who? 咦,这人谁啊? Tyrant blade brutally looks at present this has never seen green skin Shouren, Ganis Mars( beast person master). 霸刀无情看着眼前这个从未见过的绿皮兽人,加尼斯・玛尔(兽人术士)。 This person, how felt not so right. 这人谁啊,怎么感觉这么不对劲呢。 Tyrant blade brutally has the heroic specialty, dangerous sensation, can feel that anyone has to kill intent to him, at this time he obviously can feel that this Ganis Mars has the hostility to him. 霸刀无情有个英雄专长,危险感知者,能够感觉到什么人对他有杀意,此时他就明显能够感觉到这个加尼斯・玛尔对他有敌意。 Ganis Mars? Garney Smart? Mars Ganis- I depend, won't be frightened fiendish person Mars Ganis? 加尼斯・玛尔?加尼斯玛尔?玛尔加尼斯-我靠,不会是恐惧魔王玛尔加尼斯吧? In Tyrant blade the brutal heart pit-a-pat, on the face actually maintains composure. 霸刀无情心中一个突突,脸上却不动声色。 Haha, that is good, later has Brother Gorog to help me, we build new tribe together.” “哈哈,那就好,以后有格罗戈老兄帮我,咱们一同建设新部落。” Gorog evil eye( evil fire chief): Right, I will assist with every effort your, big chief.” 格罗戈・邪眼(邪火酋长):“对对对,我会尽力辅佐你的,大酋长。” Two beast people looked at each other to laugh. 两个兽人相视大笑了起来。 【The world announced: Evil fire clan chief Gorog evil eye announced that brutally gives loyalty to the tyrant blade, Tyrant blade brutally earned the support of evil beast person regiment, dominated the blade brutal big chief to strengthen authoritatively.】 【世界公告:邪火氏族酋长格罗戈・邪眼宣布向霸刀无情效忠,霸刀无情获得了邪兽人军团的支持,霸刀无情的大酋长权威增强了。】 Although had the support, in Tyrant blade the brutal heart is actually secretly vigilant, if this goods were really frightened fiendish person that may trouble, the frightened fiendish person most was good at poisoning people's minds, good father watched the game to capture/raid. 虽然得到了支持,霸刀无情心中却是暗自警惕,这货如果真的是恐惧魔王那可就麻烦了,恐惧魔王最擅长蛊惑人心,还好老子看过游戏攻略。 It is not good, turn head must ask the person to find the way doing this old boy. 不行,回头得找人把这老小子想办法给干了。 What second receives the order is the blood god regiment. 第二个接到命令的是血神军团。 Kiel Rogge obstinate may have no respect regarding this order. 基尔罗格・死眼对于这个命令可就没什么敬意了。 Aogerui died, I know, dominated the blade brutal this waste to dare to say the big chief unexpectedly, ahem, really did not consider resources bite off more than can chew, the tribe degenerated eventually, told your family the chief, the blood link clan withdraws from the tribe starting today, from now no one can order me again.” “奥格瑞姆还是死了么,我就知道,霸刀无情这个废物竟然敢自称大酋长,哼哼,真是自不量力,部落终究是堕落了啊,告诉你家酋长,血环氏族从今日起退出部落,从此以后无人可以再命令我了。” Kiel Rogge expelled obstinate wyvern cavalry who delivers the heart, greedy looks at the surrounding cover jungle, the tropical jungle of thorn valley length and breadth, is suiting to become the new homeland of blood link beast person. 基尔罗格・死眼赶走了送心的飞龙骑兵,贪婪的看着周围的茂密丛林,荆棘谷这片广袤的热带丛林,正适合成为血环兽人的新家园。 Now also has great demon ally, he can definitely integrate oneself rule this lands. 如今又有巨魔这个盟友,他完全可以将这片土地纳入自己的统治。 The war of alliance and tribe, damn. 联盟和部落的战争,见鬼去吧。 【 The world announced: Kiel Rogge announced obstinate the blood link clan withdraws from the tribe, dominated the blade brutal authority to be weakened, the strength of tribe dropped, the present is invincible. 【世界公告:基尔罗格・死眼宣布血环氏族退出部落,霸刀无情的权威被削弱了,部落的实力下降了,现在是‘不可战胜的’。 Because the blood link clan withdraws from the tribe, transforms by the official camp as the monster influence automatically, Kiel Rogge obstinate transforms by the epic first-order hero as world-class first-order BOSS, for final BOSS of this/should monster influence. 由于血环氏族退出部落,由官方阵营自动转化为怪物势力,基尔罗格・死眼由史诗一阶英雄转化为世界级一阶BOSS,为该怪物势力的最终BOSS。 The blood god beast person transforms as the monster the BOSS level of template and correspondence automatically. 血神兽人自动转化为怪物模板和对应的BOSS位阶。 Monster influence: Blood god's hand. 怪物势力:血神之手。 Influence introduction: Once subordinated in one of the tribe, by the blood god regiment of blood link beast artificial head, betrays the tribe now, became monster influence that occupied with the thorn valley jungle deep place, they said that as the blood god's hand, believed in blood god Harcar, they conducted the blood sacrifice cruelly, and tried to summon the realistic potential surface this ancient evil god, therefore becomes the potential threat of this world. 势力介绍:曾经隶属于部落的一支,以血环兽人为首的血神军团,如今背叛了部落,成为盘踞与荆棘谷丛林深处的怪物势力,他们自称为血神之手,信奉血神哈卡,他们残忍的进行血祭,并试图将这个古老邪神召唤到现实位面,因此成为了这个世界的潜在威胁。 Waits for the brave adventurer to conduct the punitive expedition. 等待着勇敢的冒险者对其进行讨伐。 Influence transcription: Blood god fortress. By Kiel Rogge the giant fort that ordered to construct obstinate, the jungle deep place situated in thorn valley, in the altar in fortress is holding a memorial service for ancient blood god Harcar, once this fearful evil god were summoned successfully, definitely will bring the fearful disaster to this world. 势力副本:血神堡垒。由基尔罗格・死眼下令建造的巨大要塞,位于荆棘谷的丛林深处,堡垒的祭坛之中祭奠着古老的血神哈卡,一旦这个可怕的邪神被成功召唤,必然会给这个世界带来可怕的灾难。 Transcription difficulty: 40 people of team transcriptions. 】 副本难度:40人团队副本。】 Third receives the order bears Auzoux. 第三个接到命令的则是耐奥祖。 At this time he is leading the abyss regiment in the concealed treasure bay purchase ships, the preparation to go to sea to seek for the vestige of god of antiquity. 此时他正率领深渊军团在藏宝海湾购买船只,准备出海去寻找上古之神的遗迹呢。 After reading the precept, bears Auzoux is also somewhat surprised. 看完命令书后耐奥祖也是有些惊讶。 What, Aogerui did die unexpectedly? Really unexpected, dominates the blade brutal that idiot actually to request me to give loyalty to him, rolls, told your family the chief, he simply did not have the qualifications to become the big chief, my shadow moon/month clan was the tribe is legitimate, dominating the blade was brutal, if a little self-knowledge gives up the title of big chief giving loyalty to me even if immediately, when I have ancient God the strength return, must first operate with him.” “什么,奥格瑞姆竟然死了?真是意想不到,霸刀无情那个蠢货竟然要求我效忠于他,滚回去,告诉你家酋长,他根本没有资格成为大酋长,我影月氏族才是部落正统,霸刀无情如果哪怕有一点自知之明的话就立刻放弃大酋长的称号向我效忠,否则等我带着古神的力量归来之时,第一个就要拿他开刀。” 【 The world announced: Anti- Auzoux announced that the abyss regiment withdraws from the tribe, dominated the blade brutal authority to be weakened, the strength of tribe dropped, the present is is powerful. 【世界公告:耐奥祖宣布深渊军团退出部落,霸刀无情的权威被削弱了,部落的实力下降了,现在是‘非常强大’。 Because the abyss regiment withdraws from the tribe, transforms by the official camp as the monster influence automatically, bears Auzoux to transform by the legendary second-order hero to extinguish world second-order BOSS, for final BOSS of this/should monster influence. 由于深渊军团退出部落,由官方阵营自动转化为怪物势力,耐奥祖由传奇二阶英雄转化为灭世二阶BOSS,为该怪物势力的最终BOSS。 The abyss regiment beast people transform as the monster the BOSS level of template and correspondence automatically. 深渊军团兽人自动转化为怪物模板和对应的BOSS位阶。 Monster influence: Abyss regiment. 怪物势力:深渊军团。 Influence introduction: Once of tribe, the abyss regiment that was commanded by anti- Auzoux, now betrayed the tribe, to look for legend the god of antiquity initiated expedites. 势力介绍:曾经部落的一支,由耐奥祖所统领的深渊军团,如今背叛了部落,为了寻找传说中的上古之神而发起远征。 Anti- Auzoux oneself as a result of suffering the corrosion of ancient god strength gradually fall into crazily, its powerful destruction strength will be doomed to bring the terrifying disaster for this world. 耐奥祖本人由于遭受古神力量的腐蚀而逐渐陷入疯狂,其强大的毁灭力量注定将为这个世界带来恐怖的灾难。 Influence transcription: Does not have. This monster influence be at the flow regime, still did not have the transcription. 】 势力副本:无。该怪物势力处于流动状态,尚无副本。】 The first even/including twice world announced, makes the tyrant blade brutal mood fall into the valley directly. 一连两次世界公告,直接让霸刀无情的心情跌入谷底。 I am so how simple by this group of people, the most basic scene does not maintain. 我靠这帮人怎么都这么干脆啊,连个最基本的场面都不维持了。 Really one group of rebels. 真是一群叛逆。 The tribe influence value dropped for successive two times, now is is powerful, if drops again, that was ‚is quite powerful, that tribe must drop from the official camp. 部落连续两次势力值下降,现在已经是‘非常强大’了,要是再下降的话,那就是‘比较强大’了,那部落就要从官方阵营跌落了啊。 His heart said that oneself this big chief feared that must unable to work as. 他心说完了,自己这个大酋长怕是要当不下去了啊。 In his disturbed mood, the fourth letter/believes was also delivered. 就在他忐忑的心情之中,第四封信也被送到了。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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