PTB :: Volume #4

#379: The country the king, must have the chaotic matter

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Chapter 379 country the king, must have the chaotic matter 第379章国之将王,必有乱事 The arrangement waits on convoy Van Cleve to rest, Murphy acts immediately, must go to Northern mainland to have the ship to be good, moreover cannot be the common ship, must make a small-scale fleet, after all must lead so many people to go, 35 large battleships could not have planted, in addition the sea will meet the sea beast, sea-nymph and Ka, North Sea to blame anything unavoidably greatly, the ship small was also easy to have an accident. 安排侍卫送范克里夫去休息,墨非立刻行动了起来,要去诺森德大陆必须有船才行,而且还不能是一般的船,怎么也得弄支小型舰队吧,毕竟要带这么多人去,没有三五艘大型战舰是栽不了的,再加上海上难免会遇到海兽、海妖、娜迦、北海巨怪什么的,船小了也容易出事。 Is good has the fleet because of Otte Rank kingdom, initially the princes branch family the fleet was also carved up, probably apportioned Victor and Siegle, happen to asked the brothers to help. 好在奥特兰克王国是有自己舰队的,当初王子们分家的时候舰队也被瓜分了,好像是分给维克多和西格莱特了,正好去找兄弟们帮帮忙。 Goes out of the dragon war casualty fort, Murphy turn head looks, in the grand castle is hanging two flags, on a flag a big dragon, the surroundings encircled the knight, in the sky the startling thunderclap fell completely together, thunder light is covering the big dragon and knights, war flag that the dragon war casualty knight rolled, 走出龙殇要塞,墨非回头望去,宏伟的城堡上挂着两面旗帜,一面旗帜上一只巨龙,周围围满了骑士,天空中一道惊雷落下,雷光笼罩着巨龙和骑士们,正是龙殇骑士团的战旗、 Flag named- the glory of dragon thunder knight. 旗帜名为-龙雷骑士的荣耀。 On other aspect flag is one flies high to stand, the surroundings are surrounding the big dragon of storm. 另一面旗帜上则是一只凌空而立,周围环绕着风暴的巨龙。 Flag named- Aidan Delon's will. 旗帜名为-艾丹德隆的意志。 Walks, can see that are massive the dragon war casualty knight recruit who trains, because several astonishing performance in second beast person war, the dragon war casualty knight rolls the fame to rise sharply now- this rose sharply is rising sharply in literal sense, the fame value increased several hundred points, was next to the hand of knight group silver, the knight recruit number of therefore every week recruiting also turned several. 一路走来,可以看到大量正在训练的龙殇骑士新兵,因为在第二次兽人战争中的几次惊人表现,龙殇骑士团如今名气大涨-这个大涨是字面意义上的大涨,名气值足足提升了几百点,仅次于白银之手骑士团,因此每个星期招募的骑士新兵数量也翻了几番。 On the material actually a little could not follow, without the means that in the game brushes the dragon is map such several of monster, the material that brushes must be used to make the equipment, now adds on Murphy's involvement again, causing the dragon in auction room to be the material price rises sharply, the quantity is fewer and fewer, is very difficult to enter the arrival of shipment. 只是材料上却有点跟不上了,没办法,游戏中刷龙系怪物的地图就那么几块,刷出来的材料还要被用来做装备,如今再加上墨非的介入,导致拍卖行里的龙系材料价格大涨,数量更是越来越少,已经很难进到货了。 Made the worth of dragon thunder knight appreciate actually again a wave. 倒是让龙雷骑士的身价再一次升值了一波。 Walks, often had the revolutions duty the adventurer of dragon thunder knight to inking the ADB knight ritual. 一路走来,不时的有转职了龙雷骑士的冒险者冲着墨非行骑士礼。 Had/Left the front door of castle, Murphy summoned the frost wolf mount. Arrived at Otte Rank city. 出了城堡的大门,墨非召唤出霜狼坐骑。一路来到了奥特兰克城。 Enters a city Murphy somewhat to be surprised, the big Otte Rank city is deserted, on the avenue almost cannot see several adventurers, this situation may be rarely seen, even if in the past were the war of alliance and tribe, attracted large numbers of adventurers to enter the war, should still have many low-grade adventurers to stay in the city. 一进城墨非就有些惊讶,偌大的奥特兰克城门庭冷落,大街上几乎看不到几个冒险者,这情况可不多见,过去哪怕是联盟与部落的战争,吸引了大批冒险者参战,仍然会有很多低等级的冒险者留在城里。 Now actually almost cannot see the person. 如今却几乎看不到人了。 What situation? Which did the players go? Murphy somewhat is curious. 什么情况?玩家都去哪了呢?墨非不免有些好奇。 He has entrained one conveniently in the adventurer who the gold metallurgy store buys the medicine, „did words say the people in city?” 他随手拽过一个正在炼金商店买药的冒险者,“话说城里的人呢?” That person starts a little is also angry, looks is Prince Aidan, immediately traded an attitude. 那人开始还有点生气,一看是艾丹王子,顿时换了一副态度。 Ah, is Commander Aidan, but can also go, ran Quayle Salas to brush the elf the prestige to go, one crowd licked the dog.” “啊呀,是艾丹团长啊,还能去哪,都跑奎尔萨拉斯刷精灵的声望去了呗,一群舔狗。” Un? What do you mean?” “嗯?什么意思?” Because of the relations of that love movement mold train......” “都是因为那个爱情动作模组的关系啊……” Murphy understands immediately, the player only then to achieve 100 NPC to interact with the NPC good sensitivity, certainly must look for the pretty younger sister and handsome handsome fellow brushes the sensitivity. 墨非立刻就明白了,玩家只有跟NPC好感度达到100的NPC才能互动,肯定要找漂亮妹子和英俊帅哥刷好感度了。 But attractive younger sister handsome handsome fellow where many? Naturally is Quayle Salas elf kingdom, after all in face value, but the strong point of elf, but...... thinks tens of thousands of adventurers flood into the elf kingdom to have the relations with the local good-looking man beautiful woman, always felt a little strange. 而漂亮妹子英俊帅哥哪里多?当然是奎尔萨拉斯精灵王国啊,毕竟在颜值这一块可是精灵的强项,只是……一想到成千上万的冒险者涌入精灵王国就为了和当地的俊男美女发生关系,总感觉有点怪怪的。 This was works as the nightclub the elf kingdom. 这是把精灵王国当夜总会了啊。 Murphy somewhat is immediately speechless, but good, pours can also understand. 墨非顿时有些无语,不过好吧,倒也可以理解。 It seems like the gizmondo must gain greatly gains especially, Murphy has also examined the unlocking price of love movement mold train in the commercial city. 看来游戏公司要大赚特赚了啊,墨非也在商城查看过爱情动作模组的解锁价格。 The most preliminary mold train coverall also takes 500 tickets, can only shake hand, hug and other simple movements. 最低级的模组套装也要500点券,只能拉手、拥抱等几个简单动作而已。 Intermediate joined the caress and kissing, takes 5000 tickets. 中级的加入了爱抚和接吻,要5000点券。 The highest-quality movement mold train coverall, can with the NPC lost/carrying distance contact, does not have any limit, actually take 50,000 tickets. 最高级的动作模组套装,可以和NPC负距离接触,没有任何限制的,竟然要五万点券。 Amasses money simply, he has the free edition to use fortunately, is picks up a bargain white/in vain. 简直抢钱,还好他有免费的版本可以用,算是白捡了便宜。 He expresses gratitude, rode the wolf to enter the royal palace. 他道了声谢,骑着狼进了王宫。 The guard in royal palace sees is Murphy, immediately salutes to him. 王宫的守卫看到是墨非,立刻冲着他行礼。 Prince Aidan, you are attend the prince conference? Conference also a half hours must start.” “艾丹王子,你是来参加王子会议的么?会议还有半个小时才要开始呢。” Murphy taps the head, was, today is Monday, each Monday prince the parliament will hold the conference, discussed the national affairs, the matter that but in several conferences discussed recently talked nonsense very much. 墨非一拍脑袋,是了,今天是星期一啊,每个星期一王子议会都会召开会议,商谈国事,不过最近几次会议上讨论的事情都很扯淡。 Nothing but is, raises the business tax to make the money of adventurer together, enhances the agricultural tax expansion earning together, someone wants to sell the castle to sell the fiefdom, opened many pricetags. 无非是,一起提高商税赚冒险者的钱,一起提高农税扩大营收,谁谁谁想要卖城堡卖封地,开了多少价码。 Someone wants to win over everyone to make war to contend for the domain in neighboring country together. 谁谁谁又想要拉拢大家一起开战抢邻国的地盘。 In any case is some things of fighting for power and profit. 反正都是些争权夺利的事情。 Everyone had not as if considered from the start the governing idea, how makes money in any case how. 大家似乎压根就没考虑过治国理念,反正是怎么赚钱怎么来。 Murphy is also disinclined to participate, but looked like cannot avoid today. 墨非也懒得参与,不过今天看来是避免不了了。 Enters the conference room, Murphy felt the dignity of atmosphere. 一进会议室,墨非就感受到了气氛的凝重。 Several princes who ahead of time arrive, 3322 accumulations, serious are whispering low voice anything. 提前到来的几个王子,三三两两的聚集着,一个个神情严肃的小声的嘀咕着什么。 Murphy arrives at Talat to collapse, pats shoulder that Talat collapsed. 墨非走到达拉崩吧跟前,拍了拍达拉崩吧的肩膀。 What happened?” “发生什么事情了?” Old 19 by ga.” “老十九被噶了。” Teacher horse?” “马老师?” Right, is he, it is said is beast person assassin does.” “没错,就是他,据说是‘兽人刺客’干的。” In Murphy heart immediately one cold, because King Tyner Reyes was assassinated by beast person assassin relations, beast person assassin the present has become a famous stem in player, at that time the discerning person almost can see trick comes, Tyner Reyes's death must say that does not have the relational ghosts not to believe with the player. 墨非心中顿时一凛,因为泰纳瑞斯国王被‘兽人刺客’刺杀了的关系,‘兽人刺客’如今已经成了玩家之中的一个名梗了,当时明眼人几乎都能看出其中的猫腻来,泰纳瑞斯的死要说跟玩家没有关系鬼都不信。 Causes beast person assassin also to be the synonym that these players entrapped mutually. 导致‘兽人刺客’也成了那些玩家们互相坑害的代名词。 If horse teacher by beast person assassin assassination, that meaning some people were done the matter. 马老师如果是被‘兽人刺客’刺杀的,那意思就是有人搞事啊。 Murphy to consider slightly, immediately focuses on the key of issue. 墨非微微以思量,立刻就抓住了问题的关键。 How did the fiefdom of Teacher horse process?” “马老师的封地怎么处理了?” Teacher horse newly-built a son number, inherited the fiefdom, then sold to Ducker Sa'id.” “马老师新建了一个儿子号,继承了封地,然后卖给达克赛德了。” Murphy touches the chin, really has the issue. 墨非摸了摸下巴,果然有问题。 Before Ducker Sa'id, has bought the manors of two princes, now the fiefdom of additional starting teacher, the domain expands all of a sudden, almost occupied the Otte Rank kingdom 1/5 territories, is his must do? Does crack earth confer the title of prince upon? 达克赛德之前已经买下了两个王子的封地,现在加上马老师的封地,地盘一下子扩大了许多,几乎占据了奥特兰克王国五分之一的领地,他这是要干什么?裂土封王? However this matter relates not in a big way with him, his goal looked for the antique dragon, Murphy found with Siegle who the person discussed that said own goal. 不过这事跟他关系不大,他的目标还是找太古龙,墨非找到了正在跟人讨论的西格莱特,说出了自己的目的。 Siegle expression is somewhat awkward, brother do you want to borrow the fleet? This may really not be the time, the fleet has made me give to sell.” 西格莱特表情有些尴尬,“老弟你要借用舰队?这个可真不是时候,舰队已经让我给卖了啊。” „? Sold?” Murphy somewhat compels ignorant, the fleet can also sell. “啊?卖了?”墨非有些懵逼,舰队也可以卖的。 Yes, had the pirate association to contact with us before, said that must buy our fleets, had/left 18 million, I discussed with Victor, felt the price is also good, gave to sell, sold money our half, I divided 9 million, removed the system to pull out also 8 million, withdrew cash directly, then I played this game am also see the kitty “是啊,之前有个海盗公会联系我们,说要买我们的舰队,出了一千八百万,我跟维克多商量了一下,感觉价格也不错,就给卖了,卖的钱我们一人一半,我分了九百万,去掉系统抽成还有八百万,直接提现了,这下我玩这游戏也算是见到回头钱啦” Murphy listened almost to spit blood, this was Otte Rank's Wang Family/prince fleet, although Otte Rank's fleet same was quite poor with the national strength, but that also good and evil was a regular navy, said that sold sold, after Otte Rank, didn't have the navy? 墨非听了差点吐血,这可是奥特兰克的王家舰队啊,虽说奥特兰克的舰队跟国力一样都比较寒酸,但那也好歹是一支正规海军啊,说卖就卖了,那奥特兰克以后就没有海军啦? Murphy is speechless for a while, actually did not know to say anything, without the means blamed, after all branch family, whose minute/share of arriving whose was, others processed own virtual asset not to have the qualifications blame are not. 墨非一时无语,却又不知道说什么,也没办法责怪,毕竟都分家了,谁分到的就是谁的,人家处理自己的虚拟资产自己也没资格责怪不是。 You an influence does not have now.” “那你现在岂不是一点势力都没有了。” Initially branch family Siegle only divided half fleet, a fiefdom has not wanted, now becomes the polished rod prince directly. 当初分家的时候西格莱特只分了半支舰队,一点封地都没要,现在直接成了光杆王子了。 Hi, has money also to want what influence, said again does not have the influence also to mix the association, in any case is the benefits of prince background supplementary, even did not have the background I is still the golden first-order hero.” Siegle but actually also free and easy, it seems like these 8 million pairs of he truly is a big income. “嗨,有了钱还要什么势力啊,再说没势力还可以混公会啊,反正都是王子背景附带的福利,就算没了背景我好歹也是黄金一阶的英雄啊。”西格莱特倒也洒脱,看来这八百万对他确实是一笔不小的收入。 Thinks is also, he was most in this number also invested 12 million, this both capital and interest gained all of a sudden, but also turned several times, even if the number hangs now did not owe. 想想也是,他在这个号上最多也就投资了一两百万而已,这一下子连本带利都赚回来了,还翻了几倍,就算现在号挂了都不亏了。 Murphy actually some doubts, „, since sells, how you didn't sell to the brothers?” 墨非却又有些疑惑,“既然卖的话,伱怎么不卖给兄弟们啊?” Hehe, you think that they will buy? Now everyone is thinking competes for the throne, contends for the domain, stresses the military power, the navy cannot arrive on the land, naturally first strengthens the army military force, you have not looked, everyone present is thinking the independence. “呵呵,你以为他们会买么?现在大家都想着争夺王位,抢地盘,抓兵权,海军又开不到陆地上,当然是优先增强陆军军力啊,你还没看出来么,大家现在都想着独立呢。 I thought that gets down to have an accident sooner or later, might as well sell the leverage ahead of time to the field, I thought that you also the morning make the plan to wonderfully, the brothers some people must call the king sooner or later, I looked that this Otte Lemko Republic can also support at most again for several months, after all can be the king more flamboyant than the parliament members. ” 我就是觉得这么下去早晚要出事,不如提前卖了套现离场,我觉得你也得早做打算为妙,兄弟们早晚有人要称王,我看啊这个奥特兰克共和国顶多也就能再支撑几个月吧,毕竟能当国王怎么也比议会成员要牛逼啊。” Murphy listened to finish also cannot help but a sigh, the dispute that arranged in order the king...... also was really the dispute of row of kings. 墨非听了却也不由得一阵叹息,列王的纷争……还真是列王的纷争啊。 The quick person arrived one after another, the conference also started, Murphy sits on the seat, took a fast look around on a board, only has 13 princes to attend. 很快人就陆续到来了,会议也开始了,墨非坐在座位上,扫视了一眼会议桌上,只有十三个王子与会。 Remaining ga or, either sold the domain, did not join in the fun. 剩下的要么噶了,要么卖了地盘,不来凑热闹了。 The princes are in power in turn, these is time to actually be one's turn catches Genbao to be the speaker. 王子们轮流执政,这一次却是轮到抓根宝当议长。 Catches Genbao stern-faced, „ everyone, we domestic incident frequency lived recently, the political situation is unstable, the aristocrats are flustered, the royal family is also contradictory layer on layer/heavily, I think that was the time clearly recognizes the reality, everyone did not want to retain the parliament obviously, wants branch family to live alone, happen to now the material piece is 【The dispute of row of kings, So long as there are above city three castles to call the king. 抓根宝一脸的严肃,“各位,我们最近国内事端频生,政局动荡不安,贵族们人心惶惶,王室内部也是矛盾重重,我认为是时候认清现实了,大家显然都不希望保留议会,都想分家单过,正好现在资料片是【列王的纷争】,只要有一座城市三座城堡以上就可以称王。 I looked that was inferior everyone divides one point to say the domain together the king considers as finished. ” 我看不如大家把地盘分一分一起称王算了。” Leaf with the wind: Said that king called the king, said that your younger sister's king, you first that matter spoke horse teacher were clear said again, was you do, your domain by the domain of horse teacher, I may hear that you must buy the castle of Teacher horse couple days ago, Teacher horse has not sold, both of you made part on bad terms, have this matter not to have.” 叶随风:“称王称王,称你妹的王,你先把马老师那事讲清楚了再说,是不是你干的,你的地盘就在马老师的地盘旁边,我可听说你前几天要买马老师的城堡,马老师没卖,你们俩闹得不欢而散,有这回事没有。” Catches Genbao quickly to shake the head, cracks a joke, the words cannot speak irresponsibly, everyone is brothers, I am such person, did not say, was the beast person assassin does, perhaps was odd/surplus evil of frost wolf clan.” 抓根宝急忙摇头,“开什么玩笑,话可不能乱说,大家都是兄弟,我是那样的人么,不是都说了么,是兽人刺客干的,没准是霜狼氏族的余孽呢。” Hey......!” “噫……!” The people start the taunt in abundance. 众人纷纷开启嘲讽。 Stresses Genbao complexion slightly red, actually did not flinch, coughs to continue to say. 抓根宝脸色微红,却毫不退缩,咳嗽了一声继续道。 Everyone do not create a disturbance randomly, has what opinion to raise.” “大家不要乱起哄,有什么意见就提吗。” Has humanity: But our Otte Rank kingdom altogether only has five cities, who called the king?” 有人道:“可我们奥特兰克王国一共只有五座城市,谁来称王?” Naturally called the king richly, everyone collected the domain, this/should selling sold, a city with three forts, collected five kings to come out, composition king fraternity, the group of additional Alliance, later alliance high-level voting time, our brothers were five tickets, to be wonderful.” “当然是有钱的称王了,大家把地盘归拢归拢,该卖的就卖,一座城配三座堡,凑五个国王出来,组成个国王兄弟会,都加联盟的群,以后联盟高层投票的时候,咱们兄弟就是五票啦,岂不是妙。” I thought that these five ticket might as well tickets are perhaps effective, city three castles, this small broken country can have what right to speak.” “我看这五票恐怕还不如一票管用呢,一座城三座城堡,这种小破国家能有什么话语权。” Words cannot say, after dividing family property, everyone can hit out in all directions, conquers the new domain, reason that before no one did, to put it bluntly because of the mess, not contending for the domain is also everyone, waited to divide family property, that contended for the domain to be own, the frost great demon that big domain, the storm giant occupied the northern mountain range, the place of islands pirate occupied, I looked that can hit.” “话不能这么说,分了家之后大家就可以四面出击,征服新的地盘啦,以前之所以没人干,说白了还不是因为大锅饭,抢了地盘也是大家的,等分了家,那抢了地盘可就是自己的啦,冰霜巨魔那么大的地盘,风暴巨人占据了北方的山脉,还有维库海盗占据的群岛之地,我看都可以打一打的嘛。” This saying makes the people be ready to make trouble, mainly puts down a rebellion the dozen of aristocrat allied armies and second beast person wars is the running free bureaus, does everyone to feel own war-god is reincarnated, the tribe let our dry run, bullied the wild strange community with not playing. 这话让众人蠢蠢欲动,主要是平叛打贵族联军和第二次兽人战争都是顺风局,搞得大家都觉得自己战神转世,部落都让俺们干跑了,欺负欺负野怪群落还不跟玩似的。 However in the people on the scene truly has the capital establishes the country also such several, in most manpower too much money, have not been insufficient to be reincarnated to Otte Rank this remote place otherwise. 不过在场众人里真正有资本建立国家的也就那么几个,大部分人手里都没太多钱,要不然也不至于托生到奥特兰克这穷乡僻壤来。 All depended on King Eden to pass away ahead of time makes everyone eat a wave of dividend, several princes leveraged to the field ahead of time, now also retains in the person in domain, there are much is waiting for the real estate appreciation. 全靠着艾登国王提前驾崩才让大家吃了一波红利,好几个王子都提前套现离场了,现在还保留地盘的人里,也有不少只是在等着房地产升值罢了。 Actually who can work as the king is very at present obvious, that several big city has to advocate, obviously was these cities Lord works as the king, looked that they were willing to put up the cash the peripheral castle to buy. 其实谁能当王目前已经很明显了,那几座大城都已经有主了,明显就是这几位城主来当王了,就看他们舍不舍得砸钱把周边的城堡买下来了。 Only then Otte Rank city, because is special, but also in parliamentary joint administration under. 只有奥特兰克城因为特殊,还处于议会共同管理之下。 In other words, the family property of Otte Rank kingdom, the remaining this cities had not been carved up. 换句话说,奥特兰克王国的这点家底,就剩下这座城市还没被瓜分啦。 I want Otte Rank city!” Ducker Sa'id pounds on the table to shout fiercely. “我要奥特兰克城!”达克赛德猛地一拍桌子喊道。 „, Why, you had a city.” “靠,凭什么,你都有一座城了。” Has 10 million depending on me!” “凭我出一千万!” Audience immediately a silence. 全场顿时一阵寂静。 Everyone was sighing, is quite rich. 大家都在感叹,好有钱啊。 Murphy actually does not know whether to laugh or cry, 10 million must buy the capital, but also really controlling to look at others, has saying that Otte Rank this place is not really valuable, if changed pill, hundred million. 墨非却哭笑不得,也才一千万啊就要买首都,还真的把其他人给镇住看了,不得不说奥特兰克这地方是真不值钱啊,要是换了洛丹伦,怎么也得一个亿吧。 The words saying , or do pound a sum of money to buy Otte Rank city? Makes a king ding-dong? 话说要不自己砸一笔钱把奥特兰克城买下来?弄个国王当当? It is not good, this young broken king has anything to be good to work as, completes the road of ancient dragon is the correct path, Paoua, had Paoua to have all, when the time comes wants to be the king to snatch ends. 不行不行,这小破国王有什么好当的,还是完成古龙之路才是正道,帕瓦啊,有了帕瓦就有了一切,到时候想当国王抢就完了。 In Murphy heart is thinking, speechless watches the present farce, never expected that the parliament established must divide family property shortly after noisily. 墨非心中想着,无语的看着眼前的这场闹剧,没想到议会建立才没多久就要闹分家了。 Is the troubles that the throne causes, after does not overpraise the king, will bring in external forces armed intervention, if everyone sticking together heating alliance various countries have no excuse, now one crowd of small broken countries, cannot prepare to want some people to annex, this fellows have self-confidently are planned. 都是王位惹的祸啊,不过称王之后是会引来外部势力武装干涉的,大家要是抱团取暖联盟各国还没什么借口,现在一群小破国家,备不住就要有人来吞并啦,这帮家伙就这么有自信不被算计。 At this time Ducker Sa'id actually looked to Murphy, Brother Aidan, or you joined my kingdom to consider as finished, we were the brothers, how I sealed you to be a character shoulder to shoulder king.” 这时达克赛德却看向了墨非,“艾丹老弟,要不你加入我的王国算了,咱们都是兄弟,我封你做一字并肩王怎么样。” Catching Genbao was anxious immediately, depends, Brother Aidan affirms with me, I seal you to be the kingdom soldiers and horses grand marshal, how the governor nation soldiers and horses.” 抓根宝顿时急了,“靠,艾丹老弟肯定得跟我啊,我封你做王国兵马大元帅,总督全国兵马怎么样。” War-god Lu Bu ji said: Brother brother, we before together group team, you cannot forget the brothers.” 战神吕布急道:“老弟老弟,咱们以前可是一起组过队的呀,你可不能忘了兄弟啊。” Murphy is speechless, the sentiment is puts this to wait, asks itself to work as the goon. 墨非无语,感情是搁这等着呢,找自己当打手。 However also truly, the dragon war casualty knight rolled should be now a Otte Rank strongest military force, after all was one of the four big unusual knight groups. 不过也确实,龙殇骑士团现在应该是奥特兰克最强的一支武力了吧,毕竟是四大超凡骑士团之一。 Murphy is also disinclined to gather with their ginseng/partake. 墨非也懒得跟他们参合。 My fiefdom in the dragon war casualty castle, leaves such nearly with Otte Rank city, therefore I definitely follow Otte Rank kingdom to mix, anyone of you are the king I, no matter, so long as does not affect my knight to roll the recruitment of students to expand manpower on the line, if the price is appropriate, I can also provide the military force protection.” “我的封地就在龙殇城堡,跟奥特兰克城离得这么近,所以我肯定跟着奥特兰克王国混啦,你们谁当国王我不管,只要不影响我的骑士团招生扩编就行,如果价钱合适的话,我也可以提供武力保护。” I have 12 million!” “我出一千两百万!” 13 million!” “一千三百万!” 15 million!” “一千五百万!” Has the dragon war casualty knight group to do to add the head, the value of Otte Rank city rises sharply immediately, after all the security was higher, moreover Otte Rank city, but Otte Rank kingdom capital, founded a nation by this city is equivalent inherits legitimate and dynasty name of Otte Rank kingdom. 有了龙殇骑士团做添头,奥特兰克城的价值立刻大涨,毕竟安全性更高,而且奥特兰克城可是奥特兰克王国首都,以这座城立国就相当于继承奥特兰克王国的正统和国号了。 Murphy was also disinclined to continue rubbish. 墨非也懒得继续废话了。 Greets then left the parliament. 打了声招呼便离开了议会。 Without the fleet, I produced a fleet to consider as finished simply. 既然没有舰队了,那我就干脆自己造一支舰队算了。 It is not the material and blueprint, and engineer, put up the cash to end. 不就是材料、图纸、和工程师么,砸钱就完了。 Murphy looks at 20 million in account number, in the heart thinks. 墨非看着账号上的两千万,心中想到。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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