PTB :: Volume #3

#284: The anger of thunder clouds

The anger of Chapter 284 thunder clouds 第284章雷云之怒 Then looked that you have not died! Near kilometer altitude, fell also plunges to death you. 这下看你还不死!近千米的高度,摔也摔死你了。 Murphy looks that not far away Du Longtan who falls toward, exudes the insolent big laughter. 墨非看着不远处正朝着下方坠去的杜隆坦,发出张狂的大笑声。 However although Du Longtan complexion shocks, has not actually shown the desperate facial expression. 然而杜隆坦脸色虽然震惊,却并没有露出绝望的神情。 Deceitful Evil Dragon, all had not finished!” He exudes one to angrily roar, one pulled out a spell that from the pocket is sending out the strange energy- Wind erosion mark, This is Drake Tull for the consumables that he prepares, the use later can summon a small-scale wind element specially, originally is used to communicate or investigates use at crucial moments, but at this moment, actually just can apply. “奸诈的恶龙,一切还没结束呢!”他发出一声怒吼,一把从口袋里掏出了一枚散发着奇异能量的符咒-【风蚀印记】,这是德雷克塔尔特意为他准备的消耗品,使用之后可以召唤一个小型风元素,本来是用来在关键时刻通信或者侦查用的,但是此时此刻,却刚好可以派上用场。 Summon wind element! 召唤风元素! Du Longtan the wind erosion mark crumb, with a white light, in the air a two meters high small-scale wind element is summoned immediately. 杜隆坦将风蚀印记捏碎,随着一道白光,空气中一个两米多高的小型风元素立刻就被召唤了出来。 The body of wind element is the strong winds that one group revolves, not four limbs in the strict sense, bringing flying ability. 风元素的身体是一团旋转的狂风,并没有严格意义上的四肢,自带飞行能力。 Supports me!” Du Longtan orders to say immediately. “托住我!”杜隆坦立刻命令道。 The wind element flies under his body immediately, just like the tornado to wrap him generally, the wind element cannot the complete carrying/sustaining Du Longtan strength, but actually slowed down the momentum that he fell sufficiently, poured is a bit like the parachute general effect. 风元素立刻飞到了他的身下,犹如旋风一般包裹住了他,风元素并不能完全承载杜隆坦的力量,但却足以减缓他下坠的势头,倒有点像是降落伞一般的效果。 Murphy saw somewhat was also accidental, unexpectedly this move. 墨非见了也有些意外,竟然还有这招。 The thunder spits the breath! 雷霆吐息! Du Longtan holds up the battle axe, directly absorbed the injury. 杜隆坦举起战斧,直接吸收了伤害。 As for the wind element, is the immunity lightning injury. 至于风元素,是免疫闪电伤害的。 Murphy somewhat is immediately speechless, he is circling around Du Longtan, prepares to come to suppress to him with the Aranza Delphi's pure flame. 墨非顿时有些无语,他在杜隆坦周围盘旋着,准备用亚兰德尔的纯净火焰给他来一下狠得。 However Du Longtan actually took the lead to launch the attack, when Murphy close to his 30-40 meters away, Du Longtan leapt toward him suddenly. 然而那杜隆坦却率先发动了进攻,就在墨非靠近他30-40米远的时候,杜隆坦忽然朝他飞跃而来。 The wolf raids! 狼袭! His figure just like a hungry wolf to soar generally the leap, plunges the present storm big dragon, Murphy is startled, has not thought that this goods can also launch the counter-attack in this case. 他的身形犹如一头饿狼一般腾空飞跃,扑向眼前的风暴巨龙,墨非吃了一惊,没想到这货在这种情况下还能发动反击。 His hurried being sideways has let the strategic point, tittered! A Du Longtan axe cut on the left shoulder, deep inlaying above. 他急忙一侧身让过要害,噗嗤!杜隆坦一斧子砍在了左肩上,深深的嵌在了上面。 …… …… 4970( armor piercing attack)! 4970(破甲攻击)! Before Du Longtan, folded several BUFF, in addition the speed injury addition, this strikes to rush to cut to kill, but because in the midair is hard to borrow the strength, makes about 5000 injuries. 杜隆坦之前叠了几层BUFF,再加上速度伤害加成,这一击本来是奔着斩杀去的,但由于半空中难以借力,堪堪打出五千左右的伤害而已。 But the bonus is so, made Murphy eat a pain, must know that he altogether also on 50,000 many volumes of blood, this struck to get rid of he 10 volumes of blood. 但饶是如此,也让墨非吃了一痛,要知道他一共也就五万多的血量,这一击干掉了他十的血量。 He is swaying from side to side the neck furiously, wants to fall Du Longtan, this position is quite awkward, the claw enough, bites and does not nip. 他奋力的扭动着脖子,想要将杜隆坦摔下去,这个位置颇为尴尬,爪子够不到,咬又咬不到。 Du Longtan seizes the opportunity with great difficulty, where can drop, stubbornly grasps on the nape of the neck of big dragon that smooth scale, draws out the battle axe furiously, prepares to make up again strikes ruthlessly. 杜隆坦好不容易抓住机会,哪能放手,死死的抱住巨龙的脖颈上那光滑的鳞片,奋力拔出战斧,准备再补上一击狠的。 Murphy quickly puts forth the thunder clouds incarnation again! 墨非急忙再次使出雷云化身! Bang! The big dragon changes into the thunder clouds again, Du Longtan this axe actually wields fiercely spatially. 轰!巨龙再次化为雷云,杜隆坦这一斧子却猛地挥空。 However this has not ended, just this struck thoroughly enraged Murphy, originally also wants to play the graceful sixth child operation, but now- Murphy decided no longer to keep the hand. 然而这还没完呢,刚刚这一击已经彻底的激怒了墨非,本来还想玩点优雅的老六操作,但是现在-墨非决定不再留手了。 The anger of thunder clouds! 雷云之怒! This is the two skills of thunder clouds incarnation. 这是雷云化身的二段技能。 Is vertical in the thunder clouds shape falls to the ground, landing changes the prototype instantaneously, simultaneously releases within the body the strength of thunder, creates to strike to fly to the enemy in enemy point of descent with the thunder and lightning dual injuries. 以雷云形态垂直落向地面,落地的瞬间变回原型,同时释放体内的雷霆之力,对敌人落点的敌人造成击飞和雷电双重伤害。 This move generally speaking said that is equivalent to a displacement + impact skill, but this time, Murphy regarded it threw the technique to use. 这一招一般来说说相当于一个位移+冲击技能,但是这一次,墨非把它当成了投技来用。 You do not want to crash, I help you crash! 你不想坠落,那我就帮伱坠落! He is holding Du Longtan, falls toward the ground straight bang. 他抱着杜隆坦,朝着地面直直的轰落下去。 Above battlefield at this moment, human and beast person are slaughtering one piece, a beast person infantry just hacked to death a human infantry, raised the head, saw scarlet thunder clouds that distant place one group flip-flop makes noise, straight falls toward the ground, just like together the radiant meteor. 此时此刻的战场之上,人类和兽人正厮杀成一片,一名兽人步兵刚砍死了一个人类步兵,一抬头,就看到远处一团噼啪作响的赤红雷云,直直的朝着地面坠去,犹如一道璀璨流星。 Bang! 轰! One group of thunder light loudly crack. 一团雷光轰然炸响。 …… …… 6192( speed injury addition 375)! 6192(速度伤害加成375)! The explosion raised thunder light who the giant shock-wave and four shot, when the thunder light diffusion completely, the storm scattered, left behind a giant round hole in the ground, but storm Dragon King then with the arrival stance that the pair of wings spread the wings, stood erect in this round hole Center. 爆炸掀起了巨大的冲击波和四射的雷光,当雷光散尽,风暴流散,在地面上留下了一个巨大的圆坑,而风暴龙王便以双翼展翅的降临姿态,矗立在这圆坑中心。 In its dozens meters away place, is lying down impressively a beast person, is Du Longtan. 在它数十米远的地方,赫然躺着一个兽人,正是杜隆坦。 Ate my move of super speculation, then looked that you have not died! Murphy happily looks at the present beast person chief, has not once thought that Du Longtan unexpectedly staggering and stood, he has been in a state of being on the verge of death at this time, the whole body armor disruption, the relations that because explodes, the whole body by the dragon thunder burn, was almost stood could not come to a stop, but as the glory of frost wolf chief lets him to drop down. 吃了我这招超级投机,这下看你还不死!墨非得意的看着眼前的兽人酋长,没曾想,杜隆坦竟然踉踉跄跄的又站了起来,他此时已经陷入到了濒死状态,浑身铠甲碎裂,由于爆炸的关系,浑身都被龙雷灼伤,几乎站都站不稳了,但身为霜狼酋长的荣耀让他不能倒下。 He stares at the present storm Dragon King stubbornly, the battle axe in hand is grasping tight. 他死死的盯着眼前的风暴龙王,手中的战斧握的紧紧的。 Murphy cannot help but exclaims in surprise at present the tenacity of tiny beast person. 墨非不由得惊叹于眼前渺小兽人的坚韧。 Aidan Delon( storm Dragon King): You very tenacious tiny beast person, although this does not have the significance, all had finished.” 艾丹德隆(风暴龙王):“你很顽强渺小的兽人,尽管这毫无意义,一切都已经结束了。” Du Longtan( frost wolf chief): I am the chief of frost wolf clan, I am the warrior of tribe, so long as I have the one breath, all had not finished- for tribe!” 杜隆坦(霜狼酋长):“我是霜狼氏族的酋长,我是部落的勇士,只要我还有一口气,一切就不没有结束-为了部落!” He bellows the flying to jump, initiates jumping of life and death to divide with the final strength. 他大吼着飞身跃起,用最后的力量发起决死的跳劈。 However this struck actually cut spatial, the present big dragon disappears to disappear suddenly, Du Longtan only thought that the chest was oppressed a while ago, at this time he has not actually been able to receive the strength, an axe divided in the ground, the plump fell down. 然而这一击却砍了个空,眼前的巨龙忽然就消失不见了,杜隆坦只觉得胸前一阵憋闷,此时他却已经无法收力,咔嚓一斧子劈在地面上,扑通一声摔倒在地。 A Du Longtan consciousness fuzziness, he knows that oneself is not good, hateful! This Evil Dragon why so strange, he has an opportunity of powerful strength obstinately few display spatially, hit each time probably on the cotton. 杜隆坦的意识一阵模糊,他知道自己已经不行了,可恶啊!这只恶龙为什么这么诡异,他空有一阵强悍战力愣是没有几次发挥的机会,每次都好像打在了棉花上。 He also wants to crawl again, but a foot that fights the boots stepped on after him conducted the back, making him lie on the ground all of a sudden. 他还想再爬起来,但一只战靴的脚踩在了他的后背上,让他一下子趴在了地上。 Hesdin( Prince Otte Rank): I have said that all had finished- Du Longtan!” 艾丹(奥特兰克王子):“我说过,一切都已经结束了-杜隆坦!” In Du Longtan heart is very shocking, he has turned the head difficultly, looks at behind strange human, you are- that dragon? But this is how possible, I-” 杜隆坦心中无比震惊,他艰难的转过头去,看着身后的陌生人类,“你是-那只龙?但这怎么可能,我-” Titter! The great sword passed through his back of the body directly, across chest, his nail firmly in ground. 噗嗤!巨剑直接贯穿了他的后心,穿过胸口,将他牢牢的钉在了地面上。 …… …… 1768 fatal strike( 1034 point excessive injuries)! 1768致命一击(1034点过量伤害)! Du Longtan closed the eye finally. 杜隆坦终于闭上了眼睛。 【The world announced: Frost wolf chief Du Longtan fights bravely in the ice wolf original war heroically, finally Hesdin was cut to kill by Prince Otte Rank personally, this/should event is the plot campaignOtte Rank war Related plot. 【世界公告:霜狼酋长杜隆坦在冰狼原之战中英勇奋战,最终被奥特兰克王子艾丹亲手斩杀,该事件是剧情战役【奥特兰克战争】的相关剧情。 Du Longtan dying in battle to the result of this campaign will have the drastic effect without doubt, this/should event had been recorded and in the vault of heaven annal. 】 杜隆坦的阵亡无疑将对这场战役的结果造成巨大的影响,该事件已经被记录与苍穹编年史之中。】 This announcement resounds, immediately shocked everyone. 这声公告一响起,顿时震惊了所有人。 Is leading the frost wolf left wing regiment to fiercely attack the few wolf advocating peace cold wolf owlet of human aristocrat allied armies to be startled, their has not then fired off, did the father make one cutting? 正在率领霜狼左路军团猛攻人类贵族联军的少狼主和寒狼枭都是大吃一惊,他们这便还没打完呢,老子怎么都让人给砍了? Especially few wolf lords, he think unclear winterberry euonymus grand Tan will be killed, Du Longtan good and evil is also the epic level hero, the side also has Sarru Farr, Drake Tull, Samouth and other epic level hero to be auxiliary, did this also pull? 尤其是少狼主,他怎么也想不明白杜隆坦怎么会被人干掉的,杜隆坦好歹也是史诗级英雄啊,身边还有老萨鲁法尔、德雷克塔尔、萨穆罗等一众史诗级英雄辅助,这也太扯了吧? This all of a sudden was of beastly the morale person to suffer the huge blow immediately, they may not have An army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win This offering sacrifices teammate enhances the battle efficiency the heroic specialty. 这一下子兽人的士气顿时遭受了巨大打击,他们可没有【哀兵必胜】这种献祭队友提升战斗力的英雄专长。 A cold wolf owlet face is tight: What to do Big brother?” 寒狼枭一脸紧张:“怎么办大哥?” Few wolves Lord clench teeth, steps up to attack, must hurry to defeat the left wing of alliance, then the army of converging attack enemy, such we have the opportunity!” 少狼主一咬牙,“加紧进攻,必须赶紧打垮联盟的左翼,然后夹击敌人的中军,那样我们就还有机会!” Meanwhile, the right wing that Alsace leads also had the enormous superiority, pill Reinforcements are elite, the strength is more intrepid than the king leading team of middle of the mill, as at this time the despondency of beast person, is easily accomplished faces forward to advance generally. 与此同时,阿尔萨斯率领的右翼同样取得了巨大优势,洛丹伦援军本来就是精锐,战力比中路的王领军队还要强悍,此时随着兽人的士气低落,更是摧枯拉朽一般朝前推进。 At this time beast person the right wing of left-wing fierce pressure alliance, but the left wing of alliance fiercely attacks the right wing of tribe, the entire battlefield, just like a Merry-Go-Round, looked that which one side first right wing of opposite party hits to collapse. 此时兽人的左翼猛压联盟的右翼,而联盟的左翼则猛攻部落的右翼,整个战场,犹如一个旋转木马,就看哪一边先把对方的右翼打崩。 Meanwhile- 与此同时- Murphy quickly Du Longtan body touching. 墨非急忙把杜隆坦的尸体给摸了。 This is the epic level hero, the plot kills, falling that may really not be general many. 这可是史诗级英雄,还是剧情杀,掉落那可真不是一般的多。 This fishes out more than ten to equip all of a sudden, is only the epic level equipment has several. 这一下子摸出十几件装备来,光是史诗级装备就有好几件。 He has not examined carefully, puts in the bag completely, compared to picking equipment, he is instead more excited to the result that this fights. 他并没有细看,全部收入囊中,相对于捡到的装备,他反而对这一战的结果更加兴奋。 Did not give this number to spend so much money in vain, pounded so many resources, now this number was realizes thoroughly overflows Q, jumped the ranks the hero of challenge epic level so is also relaxed, time this he used was not wing of official death external, but was truly own strength. 不枉得自己给这个号花了这么多钱,砸了这么多资源,如今自己这个号算是彻底练成滥强号了,越级挑战史诗级的英雄也这般轻松,这一次他用的可不是什么死亡之翼这种官方外挂,而是真正属于自己的力量。 Has the so powerful strength, what worries the hegemony to be inadequate, godship not. 有如此强大的力量,何愁霸业不成,神格不就。 PS: The cold is good, tomorrow starts every day two. PS:感冒已好,明天开始每日两更。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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