PDG :: Volume #10

#935: Seizes the sword

Above the desert, King of Fear these gets rid, the frightened spiritual energy just like is moves mountains equally toward the dragon vein Daoist assault, gathered one to the extreme frightened emotion crowded, just like forming the solid qualitative numerous latent evils. 沙漠之上,恐惧之王这一下出手,恐惧灵气宛如是排山倒海一样朝着龙脉道人袭去,密集到了极点的恐惧情感汇聚到了一起,宛如形成了实质的重重魔影。 Quickest 最快 Frightened, is the instinct of biology, he hides in the heart of biology, frequently teaches the biology to learn to awe, helping them avoid the natural defenses. 恐惧,乃是生物的本能,他隐藏在生物的心中,时时刻刻教生物们学会敬畏,帮助他们躲避天险。 Frightened , helping the human avoidance danger, helping humanity survive in the nature, but the excessive fear, will make humanity be hesitant to advance, loses overcomes the difficult courage. 恐惧,帮助人类躲避危险,帮助人类在自然界中生存下来,但过度的恐惧,却会让人类裹足不前,失去克服困难的勇气。 ‚The heart of fear, is to the awe of world, the instinct of myriad things. Under Tiandao, who can evade?’ ‘恐惧之心,乃是对天地之敬畏,万物之本能。天道之下,谁人可以逃避?’ Then sees King of Fear big hand one, the spiritual energy changes into huge latent evils, then swallows toward dragon vein Daoist one. 便看到恐惧之王大手一张,灵气化为一个巨大的魔影,便朝着龙脉道人一口吞下。 The so fierce frightened spiritual energy, that fear in inspiring any person heart, turns into the spiritless villain the blood and iron general sufficiently, one spreads only recklessly, frightens the idiot city common people sufficiently. 如此剧烈的恐惧灵气,足以引动任何人心中的那一丝恐惧,将铁血将军变成懦弱小人,一单肆意扩散,更足以将一城百姓都吓成白痴。 In the latent evils the instance that the dragon vein Daoist swallowed, regiment chief of green regiment, green Longsword in Deep King hand also arrives. 就在魔影将龙脉道人吞下的瞬间,绿色军团的军团长,冥王手中的绿色长剑也到了。 Green regiment, what grasps is the ability of duplication, they can duplicate any has seen the thing, naturally also has included the Thunder Calamity sword in dragon vein Daoist hand. 绿色军团,掌握的是复制的能力,他们可以复制任何看到过的东西,自然也包括了龙脉道人手中的雷劫剑。 But a sword of this duplication punctures, bright King Bian is the complexion changes, he felt that the energy consumption of this replica, has far exceeded his estimate, even if by his ring margin of energy, can continue unexpectedly for short several seconds. 但这复制的一剑刺出,明王便是脸色一变,他感觉到这复制品的能量消耗,远远超出了他的估计,就算以他的戒指能量储备,竟然也不过能持续短短十几秒钟。 However then, makes him set firm resolve, must capture this sword. 不过如此一来,却是更加让他下定决心,一定要夺得此剑。 Then sees a green Thunder Calamity sword replica in the sky thorn, has broken that numerous latent evils directly. 便看到绿色的雷劫剑复制品当空一刺,直接破开了那重重魔影。 King of Fear gets angry: Bright king, you courts death!” 恐惧之王怒道:“明王,你找死!” The bright king actually disregards, Longsword punctures continually, changes into a cold brightness to cover the dragon vein Daoist. 明王却是不管不顾,长剑连刺,化为道道寒光将龙脉道人笼罩起来。 The dragon vein Daoist is Zuo Zhiyou is clumsy, he was besieged, the strength consumes greatly, seized the chance to launch a psychological attack with King of Fear in the mystique by the purple spirit, the energetic will shakes violently, resists the offensive of bright king is actually even more difficult. 龙脉道人却是左支右拙,他本来就遭到围攻,力量大耗,又被紫灵和恐惧之王趁机以秘法攻心,精神意志猛烈震荡,招架起明王的攻势却是越发艰难。 Another side railroad person wants to rescue, has actually encountered Grey Crane, the purple spirit and other besieging of people. 另一边的铁道人想要救援,却也遭到了灰鹤、紫灵等其他人的围攻。 Thus and such and such, as Jessica is defeated, the surplus dragon veins and railroad people cannot support too for a long time, the Thunder Calamity sword and Abyss sword were taken away by the bright King Hefa brightness monk respectively. 如此这般,随着杰西卡落败,剩余的龙脉和铁道人也未能撑得太久,雷劫剑和深渊剑分别被明王和法慧和尚夺去。 Then, regiment chief scarlet Dragon Jushiro of red regiment obtained the plate micro sword, the regiment chief bright kings of green regiment obtained the Thunder Calamity sword, the regiment chief method brightness monks of orange regiment obtained the Abyss sword. 如此一来,红色军团的军团长赤龙十四郎得到了盘微剑,绿色军团的军团长明王得到了雷劫剑,橙色军团的军团长法慧和尚却是得到了深渊剑。 As for other Grey Crane, purple spirits, King of Fear and the others, actually has gained nothing. 至于其他灰鹤、紫灵、恐惧之王等人,却是一无所得。 But after having won three Divine sword, Jessica and the others just about to at risk of life seize the sword, in the heart has actually broadcast the Fang Xingjian sound, after hesitant moment, then immediately the flying apsaras escapes. 而夺走了三把神剑之后,杰西卡等人刚要拼死夺剑,心中却传来了方星剑的声音,犹豫片刻后,便立即飞天而遁。 The entire process, actually also nobody prevents them, because of regiment chief of present seven colors of the spectrum regiment, already attention as centralized as three Divine sword above. 整个过程,却是也没有人阻止他们,因为现在七色军团的军团长们,已经把注意力都集中到了三把神剑之上。 After scarlet Dragon Jushiro since has won the plate micro sword, then has stood in void, both hands grasp the sword, the will as if exchanges in unceasing and plate micro sword, flame ring energies wrap unceasingly toward Longsword, as if with sword blade communicates in the energy. 赤龙十四郎自从夺走了盘微剑之后,便一直站立在虚空之中,双手握剑,意志似乎在不断和盘微剑进行交流,一道道火红色的戒指能量不断朝着长剑包裹过去,似乎在和剑身之中的能量进行沟通。 The strength that the plate micro sword contains has gone far beyond his beforehand estimate, he only felt that his will enters, just like entered a world of sword, all kinds of sword light in back and forth glitters, he feels the infinite mystery and knowledge concealment. 盘微剑蕴含的力量远远超过了他之前的估计,他只感觉到自己的意志进入其中,就宛如是进入了一个剑的世界,各种各样的剑光在其中来回闪烁,他感受到无穷的奥妙与知识隐含在其中。 ‚The strength of woman is too weak, is unable to display the true prestige energy of this Divine sword. Now this sword in my hands, is genuine even more powerful.’ In scarlet Dragon Jushiro heart great happiness, in heart secret passage: This Kennosuke, I may reach the sky in a single bound, steps the peak truly. Even...... Even exceeds that person.’ ‘那女人的实力太弱,无法发挥这神剑的真正威能。如今此剑在我手中,才是真正的如虎添翼。’赤龙十四郎心中大喜,心中暗道:‘得此剑之助,我却是有可能一步登天,真正踏上巅峰。甚至……甚至超越那个人。’ Saw the fight to finish, the white regiment three people the form that ran away to go, in the scarlet Dragon Jushiro's heart flashed through one to disdain, saw vision that Grey Crane and the others looked, he grasped the plate micro sword, swept in the sky, myriad sword light exploded to shoot, the surrounding area kilometer desert plow, evaporated directly instantaneously several million tons silt. 看到战斗结束,白色军团三人逃遁而去的身影,赤龙十四郎的心中闪过一丝不屑,又看到灰鹤等人看过来的目光,他手持盘微剑,当空一扫,万千剑光爆射而出,直接将方圆千米的沙漠犁了一遍,瞬间蒸发了数百万吨的泥沙。 One type is unstoppable, the heroic feelings that among the world who may fight surges in the scarlet Dragon Jushiro's heart, in addition he is the red regiment, is fastidious conceitedly, thought understanding, this frame of mind is to conform to his disposition, even including ring energy turbulent several points. 一种无可抵挡,天下间谁可争锋的豪情在赤龙十四郎的心中涌起,加上他本来就是红色军团,讲究唯我独尊,念头通达,这种心气更是符合他的心性,甚至连戒指能量都汹涌了几分。 Seriously is the good magical instrument.’ ‘当真是好神器。’ Sees Grey Crane and the others the dignified and shocking expressions, in the scarlet Dragon Jushiro heart is happier, coldly said: White regiment defeats, the dragon vein runs away, doesn't pursue?” 看到灰鹤等人的凝重、震惊的表情,赤龙十四郎心中更喜,冷冷说道:“白色军团战败,龙脉逃窜,诸位不追么?” The words that hears scarlet Dragon Jushiro, that wore the middle-aged person of blue uniform to stand, he was the leader of blue regiment, Bruce. 听到赤龙十四郎的话语,那名身穿蓝色制服的中年人站了出来,他乃是蓝色军团的领袖,布鲁斯 Looks in scarlet Dragon Jushiro and opposite party hand the Divine sword, Bruce said directly: „, These three Divine sword origin fishy, the prestige can be vast, that Fang Xingjian perhaps is the day foreign visitor. 看着赤龙十四郎和对方手中神剑,布鲁斯直接说道:“诸位,这三把神剑来历蹊跷,威能浩大,那方星剑更说不定是天外来客。 These three swords cannot use lightly, should seal respectively, the careful research, determined after not having the harm, considers issue that again whether uses. ” 这三把剑不可轻用,还是应该各自封存,仔细研究,确定没了害处以后,再考虑是否使用的问题。” Good.” King of Fear stares at green regiment the Thunder Calamity sword in bright King He his hand stubbornly, coldly was saying: This weapon is strange, receives first, otherwise was careful that Fang Xingjian [say / way].” “不错。”恐惧之王死死盯着绿色军团的明王和他手中的雷劫剑,冷冷道:“这兵器诡异,还是先收起来,不然小心着了那方星剑的道。” But be that as it may, but scarlet Dragon Jushiro of sword feels the great power and knowledge that in the sword contained, how is also willing to drop easily, cups one hand in the other across the chest to resign. 可是话虽如此,但得剑的赤龙十四郎感受到了剑中蕴含的强大力量与知识,又怎么肯轻易放手,拱手让出。 The bright king smiled saying: This sword I examined checked, on the passive hands and feet, in which strength I such as the arm have not pulled strings, is not unusual.” 明王笑了笑说道:“此剑我已经检查过,并没有被动上手脚,其中的力量我已如臂指使,毫无异常。” Scarlet Dragon Jushiro speaks is more impolite: This sword is I seizes, anyone of you wants, oneself snatch.” During the speeches, the whole person body flees, vanished does not see, is starts unexpectedly unbounded leaps, walked directly. 赤龙十四郎说起话来更不客气:“此剑乃是我夺来的,你们谁想要,就自己来抢吧。”说话间,整个人身体一窜,已经消失不见,竟是发动无界跃,直接走了。 Obviously after he obtained this micro sword, is not willing to mix any battle again, but must find a quiet place well to comprehend mystery, in order to does to break through again. 显然他是得到了这盘微剑以后,根本不愿意再掺和什么争斗,而是要找个清静的地方独自一人好好领悟其中的奥妙,以求再做突破了。 But these leaps along with scarlet Dragon Jushiro, the bright king he he smiles, the body does not know when gets up scatters unexpectedly slowly, left behind avatar of replisome unexpectedly, the true body early withdrew. 而随着赤龙十四郎这一下跃走,明王呵呵一笑,身体不知道什么时候起竟然缓缓飘散,竟然只是留下一具复制体的分身,真身早已经撤走了。 Saw this, the scene flickers the intercool, in both eyes of King of Fear was glittering the dangerous ray, obviously is quite angry regarding the matter that a oneself Divine sword has not seized. 看到这一幕,场面瞬间冷了下来,恐惧之王的双目之中闪烁着危险的光芒,显然对于自己一把神剑都没有夺到的事情颇为愤慨。 Amitabha.” “阿弥陀佛。” At this moment, a law brightness monk of orange frock stands saying: „, if wants, may study this handle Divine sword with me together, although in this sword contained the formidable strength, but the origin is mystical, has saying that with that Fang Xingjian does not scavenge the unclear relations, cannot do without observing.” 就在这时,一身橙色僧袍的法慧和尚站出来说道:“诸位如果愿意,可与我一同研究这柄神剑,此剑之中虽然蕴含了强大的力量,但来历神秘,更与那方星剑有着说不清道不明的关系,不可不察。”
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