PDG :: Volume #10

#934: Arrangement

Scarlet Dragon Jushiro this jumps, obviously pursued to Jessica. 赤龙十四郎这一跳,显然是追向了杰西卡 Several other people have looked at each other one, changed into six Daoguang classes instantaneously, pursues in the direction that Jessica vanished. 其他几人对视了一眼,瞬间化为六道光流,朝着杰西卡消失的方向追去。 In the Grey Crane heart sighed slightly, knows that Fang Xingjian demonstrated on own initiative such a Divine sword, then made among the people present the fissure, but this was actually the open intrigue, he is unable to prevent. 灰鹤心中微微一叹,知道方星剑主动显示出这么一把神剑,便使得众人之间出现了裂痕,但这却是阳谋,他也无法阻止。 After all sees the prestige energy of this sword, even if Grey Crane is the heart is also fiery, if there is an opportunity, must this Divine sword income hand. 毕竟看到这剑的威能,就算是灰鹤也是心头火热,如果有机会,必然要将这把神剑收入手中。 You think that this shoulders the contradiction, can increase the odds of success?’ In the Grey Crane heart sneers: Is goes for wool and comes back shorn.’ ‘不过你以为这一手挑起矛盾,就能增加胜算么?’灰鹤心中冷笑:‘不过是偷鸡不成蚀把米而已。’ Another side, scarlet Dragon Jushiro actually instantaneously surmounts several thousand kilometers, the direct boxing leaves, the flame fist was printing in an instant above the Jessica vest. 另一边,赤龙十四郎却是瞬间跨越数千公里,直接一拳击出,火红色的拳头在刹那之间印在了杰西卡的背心之上。 Bang, the critical moment, sword light exploded to dodge, keeps off this fist, Jessica actually still under this fist, the whole person tumbled to crash, hits above a desert, spluttered everywhere sand dust, pounded a piece of sand dune. 轰隆一声,关键时刻,剑光爆闪,挡下了这一拳,杰西卡却仍旧在这一拳之下,整个人翻滚坠落,撞击在一片沙漠之上,溅射出漫天沙尘,砸出了一片沙丘。 Jessica stuffy snort|hum, then realized that epidermises on their vest were extinguished by the ocean thoroughly, dorsal one covered with blood of whole person. 杰西卡闷哼一声,便察觉到自己背心上的一片表皮彻底被溟灭了,整个人的后背一片血肉模糊。 This was scarlet Dragon Jushiro by unbounded leaps has disregarded impediment between both, even has disregarded the protection of sword light, shelled directly on her vest. 这是赤龙十四郎以无界跃无视了两者之间的阻隔,甚至无视了剑光的保护,直接轰击在了她的背心上。 If after is not the sword light protection failure, protected automatically in hypodermic, that Jessica incessantly was extinguished the epidermis by the ocean, perhaps was the whole person is killed by a fist bang. 如果不是剑光防护失败后,又自动防护在了皮下,那杰西卡就不止是被溟灭了表皮了,恐怕是整个人被一拳轰杀。 Really is a Divine sword.” “果然是一把神剑。” Scarlet Dragon Jushiro Bang descended on the sand dune, coldly looks that present Jessica said: Hands over the Divine sword, I keep your entire corpse.” 赤龙十四郎砰的一声降落在了沙丘上,冷冷看着眼前的杰西卡说道:“交出神剑,我留你全尸。” ...... …… But when seven regiment chief pursue Jessica, in the Saint white crack, Fang Xingjian actually looking pensive, extends refers to a ball, then saw that two sword light project from his fingertip, changes into two silver Longsword, has flown the front of dragon vein Daoist and railroad person. 而就在七位军团长追击杰西卡的时候,圣白之隙中,方星剑却是若有所思,伸指一弹,便看到两道剑光从他指尖射出,化为两把银色长剑,飞到了龙脉道人和铁道人的面前。 Besides plate micro, Fang Xingjian Thunder Calamity sword and Abyss sword. 正是除了盘微以外,方星剑雷劫剑和深渊剑。 Sees two swords that this departs, the dragon vein Daoist and railroad people are the vision one bright, looks that the sword blade shows the look that is in a stew. 看到这飞出的两剑,龙脉道人和铁道人都是目光一亮,看着剑身露出着迷的神色。 For serveral days after Jessica grasped plate micro the prestige energy, they already looked envy. 这些天杰西卡手持盘微后的威能,他们早就看得羡慕了。 Actually listens to Fang Xingjian to tell: Jessica was besieged, you hold a sword respectively, goes to help in the fighting.” 却听方星剑吩咐道:“杰西卡遭到围攻,你们二人各持一剑,前去助战吧。” Compliant.” “遵命。” Looks that they hold the sword to draw back, Fang Xingjian nodded, leaves soon, together sword light cuts slightly from void in them, is actually the White Bone sword that immortal Son of God takes possession. 看着两人持剑退下,方星剑微微点头,就在他们离开不久之后,一道剑光从虚空之中斩出,却是不朽圣子所附身的白骨剑。 Then saw that Longsword shakes, transformed for the appearance of immortal Son of God: „Won't this plan, extremely take risk? Your that three Divine sword, each sufficiently shakes the eternity, has the epoch-making prestige energy, if loses......” 便看到长剑一震,已经幻化为不朽圣子的样貌:“这番计划,不会太过冒险么?你那三把神剑,每一把都足以名震千古,拥有开天辟地之威能,若是遗失……” Might as well, this sword with my body, other people had given up any idea of that takes away truly.” Fang Xingjian said: Actually immortal Son of God, this time many thanks to you had also discovered that otherwise we, as soon as does not have to think, but may also really by that person of to become Shi.” “无妨,此剑已经与我一体,他人休想真正夺去。”方星剑说道:“倒是不朽圣子,这次还多亏你有所发现,不然我们一无所觉,还真有可能被那人成势。” „The strength of this person under Divine Level 6th layer, is not concurs this special strength, has blended with Space-Time, the light mentions its given name, will induce.” Immortal Son of God sighed: Cannot think in this small side world, will have such character.” “此人的实力不下于神级六重,更是身兼这一界的特别力量,已经与时空有所融汇,光是提及其名讳,都会有所感应。”不朽圣子叹了口气:“想不到这小小一方天地内,也会有如此人物。” The Earth size compared with Miracle World, indeed was small. 地球的大小比起奇迹世界来说,的确是小了很多。 Fang Xingjian hesitates, said: Perhaps that person of god clear, the light prepares depending on this 1st stratum, still slightly obviously insufficient.” 方星剑沉吟一声,说道:“不过那人神通太强,恐怕光是凭此这一层准备,仍旧稍显不足。” My two people collaborate to overcome an obstacle, is a Rong Jurong suffers if either one suffers, I when the time comes naturally can emit White Emperor Aurora Sword, Fang the brother can this sword cut to kill that person.” Immortal Son of God said: This Cultivation history was still fortunately short, the energy of that person of not being prompted by a sudden impulse. White Emperor Aurora Sword first strikes, must be possible unexpectedly.” “我二人联手闯关,乃是一荣俱荣一损俱损,我到时候自然会放出白帝极光剑,方兄可以此剑斩杀那人。”不朽圣子说道:“还好此界修炼历史尚短,那人并无心血来潮之能。白帝极光剑的第一击,必可出其不意。” Fang Xingjian has selected nodded, this world the history of unusual strength eventually was too short, the force system naturally did not have the Knights martial arts to be so complete in various aspects. 方星剑点了点头,这个世界的超凡力量的历史终究还是太短了,力量体系在各方面自然没有骑士武道那么完备。 The true goal of Fang Xingjian and immortal Son of God, is that hides in one person of hidden place, but at present regardless of Grey Crane or the dragon vein, in their opinion, most is the board game piece. 方星剑和不朽圣子的真正目标,便是那躲在暗处的一人,而眼前不论灰鹤还是龙脉,在他们看来,最多算是棋子罢了。 ...... …… Another side, above the desert, Sword Qi soars to the heavens, then sees the scarlet Dragon Jushiro extremely fast twinkle, unbounded leaps regarding Jessica back and forth attacks, every time moves, can have a big blood splash. 另一边,沙漠之上,剑气冲霄,便看到赤龙十四郎极速闪烁,也无界跃围绕着杰西卡来回攻击,每一次碰触,都会带起一大片血花。 His unbounded leaps is keeps off not to be possible to keep off, can only meet by the mortal body hardly, even if sword light protects the body, will be eliminated most outer layer the epidermis, then can defend under the epidermis instantaneously. 他的无界跃可谓是挡无可挡,只能凭借肉身硬接,就算是剑光护体,也会被消去最外层的表皮,然后才能在表皮之下瞬间防御。 Almost is in an instant, on Jessica is the dripping with blood, scarlet Dragon Jushiro noticed that this is instead more excited, has licked the scarlet lip, said: Woman, I continually warms up now is not, but how long can you also support now?” 几乎是转眼之间,杰西卡身上已经是鲜血淋漓,赤龙十四郎看到这一幕反而是更加兴奋起来,舔了舔猩红的嘴唇,说道:“女人,我现在可是连热身都算不上,而你现在还能支撑多久?” Jessica closes tightly the lip, does not say a word, but gets hold of the both hands of plate micro sword one tightly, a sword cuts once more. 杰西卡咬紧嘴唇,不发一言,只是握紧盘微剑的双手一紧,再次一剑斩出。 sword light soars to the heavens, cuts to kill toward scarlet Dragon Jushiro, but by unbounded was actually leapt by the opposite party puts on directly, has a blood splash on the shoulder of Jessica once more. 剑光冲霄,朝着赤龙十四郎斩杀过去,但却被对方以无界跃直接一穿而过,再次在杰西卡的肩膀上带起一片血花。 Obviously takes the experience of Jessica, to cultivate, and is unable to display to offer to sell completely the might of micro sword, even faintly was also restrained by scarlet Dragon Jushiro. 显然以杰西卡的经验、修为,并无法完全发挥出盘微剑的威力,甚至还被赤龙十四郎隐隐克制。 After the moment, Grey Crane and the others are also 11 felt that stands above the sky, will have surrounded in all directions, looks that with Jessica that the scarlet Dragon Jushiro trapped|sleepy beast fights, in the look reveals various types to plan. 片刻后,灰鹤等人亦是11感到,站立于天空之上,将四面八方都包围了起来,看着和赤龙十四郎困兽之斗的杰西卡,眼神之中都露出了各种算计。 In their opinion, this moment Jessica is a dead end, then competition about that Divine sword. 在他们看来,此刻杰西卡已经是穷途末路,接下来就是关于那神剑的争夺了。 At this moment, in the sky actually is also two sword light, this is the dragon vein Daoist and railroad person. 就在这时,天空中却是又有两道剑光袭来,这是龙脉道人和铁道人。 Purple spirit giggle smiles, said: „, Begins together.” 紫灵咯咯一笑,说道:“诸位,一起动手吧。” At this moment, along with the dragon vein the support of Daoist and railroad person, the fight flash turned during the superheating. 这一刻,随着龙脉道人和铁道人的支援,战斗一瞬间进入了白热化之中。 However although has the Divine sword to assist, three powerhouses of white regiments are actually not able to display the true power of Divine sword, but Jessica is early already the severe wound, did not have any strength. 不过虽然有着神剑相助,三名白色军团的强者却无法发挥出神剑的真正力量,而杰西卡更是早已经重伤,没了什么战力。 Instead is seven regiment chief coordinates adeptly, the ability is supplementary, hits three people to retreat in defeat again and again. 反而是七名军团长配合娴熟,能力互补,打得三人节节败退。 After more than ten minutes, Jessica called out pitifully, directly had actually been won the plate micro sword by scarlet Dragon Jushiro, he excited was looking in the hand Longsword, only thought that as if overflowed from top to bottom completely the inexhaustible strength. 十多分钟后,杰西卡惨叫一声,却是被赤龙十四郎直接夺走了盘微剑,他一脸兴奋地看着手中长剑,只觉得浑身上下似乎溢满了无穷无尽的力量。 A dragon vein Daoist brow wrinkle, in hand Thunder Calamity cuts toward a Jushiro sword, does not have the thing not to cut, does not have Thunder Calamity that the thing does not cut actually directly to keep off by the plate micro sword. 龙脉道人眉头一皱,手中雷劫朝着十四郎一剑斩去,无物不切,无物不斩的雷劫却是被盘微剑正面挡下。 But in flash that he diverts attention, Grey Crane outrageously gets rid, the world is started by the heart, imprisoned his personal appearance instantaneously. 而就在他分心的一刹那,灰鹤悍然出手,天地由心发动,瞬间禁锢住了他的身形。 By Grey Crane the body of severe wound, this imprisonment also can only maintain the flash now, but to numerous regiment chief on the scene is enough. 灰鹤如今重伤之躯,这种禁锢也只能维持一瞬间,但是对在场众多军团长来说已经是足够。 Then sees this flash, yellow color regiment regiment chief King of Fear and green regiment regiment chief bright king also gets rid. 便看到这一瞬间,黄色军团军团长恐惧之王和绿色军团军团长明王同时出手。 The limitless frightened spiritual energy erupts outrageously, a exactly the same green Thunder Calamity sword appeared in the bright king hand. 无边无际的恐惧灵气悍然爆发,一把一模一样的绿色雷劫剑则是出现在了明王手中。 ...... …… In Saint white crack, Fang Xingjian vision suddenly one bright, said lightly: Has become, then my this then.” 圣白之隙中,方星剑的目光陡然一亮,淡淡道:“成了,那么我这便出发了。” During the speeches, he has stood slowly, the books of 12 pages of wisdom gather slowly in the same place, had put in Divine domain by him. 说话间,他缓缓站了起来,身旁的12页智慧之书缓缓合在一起,被他放入了神国之中。 Nearby immortal Son of God said: Fang brother felt relieved that they have not known my existence, when the time comes I then in secretly assist from side, the critical moment emits White Emperor Aurora Sword to help you.” 一旁的不朽圣子说道:“方兄放心,他们还不知道我的存在,到时候我便在暗中从旁协助,关键时刻放出白帝极光剑助你。” Fang Xingjian has selected nodded, one step treads, the whole person then thoroughly disappears to disappear. 方星剑点了点头,一步踏出,整个人便彻底消失不见了。
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