PDG :: Volume #10

#933: Pursuit

Light beam of dropping from the clouds in an instant surrounding area ten li (0.5km) all material evaporations completely, after the white ray vanishes slowly, only leaves behind scorched earth. 从天而降的光柱刹那间将方圆十里的一切物质蒸发殆尽,当白色的光芒缓缓消失后,只留下一片焦土。 The renewal is quickest 更新最快 Above the smooth land, almost cannot see again any other surmounts physical existence of horizon, the entire earth probably is one black cloth is been same by the iron has burnt. 平整的土地之上,几乎再也看不到任何其他超越地平线的物质存在,整个大地就好像是一块被熨斗烫过的黑布一样。 As for the supreme headquarters of ash-gray regiment, the exceedingly high tower in world first tall building, is root hair has not stayed behind continually. 至于灰色军团的大本营,世界第一高楼的通天塔,更是连一根毛都没有留下。 Meanwhile, then can see Jessica to grasp the plate micro sword, stands in void, the facial color with deep veneration, coldly shouted to clear the way: Reminded, your also two hours decided whether surrendered.” 与此同时,便能看到杰西卡手持盘微剑,站在虚空之中,面色肃然,冷冷喝道:“提醒一下诸位,你们还有两个小时来决定是否投降。” The surrounding area ten li (0.5km) were evaporated completely, but seven regiment chief naturally were various Shi Shouduan lived, red, blue color, orange and other seven colors of the spectrum rays have wrapped their bodies, making them float in the midair. 方圆十里被蒸发殆尽,但七名军团长自然是各施手段活了下来,红色、蓝色、橙色等七色光芒包裹了他们的身体,让他们漂浮在半空之中。 Sees the present scorched earth, the ear is listening to the threat of Jessica, Grey Crane is a zi eye of desire cracks simply, in brain violent angers. 看到眼前的焦土,耳边听着杰西卡的威胁,灰鹤简直是眦目欲裂,脑中一片暴怒。 Cheap person courts death!” “贱人找死!” Sonic boom drinks, then saw that a Grey Crane palm lays out, the ash-gray energy changes to a piece of mountain, depresses toward Jessica maliciously. 一声爆喝,便看到灰鹤一掌拍出,灰色的能量化作一片大山,朝着杰西卡狠狠压下。 Mountain that in an instant forms under flooding of ash-gray energy, rises suddenly rapidly, then blocks the sky quickly, changes into a piece of huge shadow. 转眼形成的大山在灰色能量的充斥下,飞速暴涨,很快便遮天蔽日,化为一片巨大的阴影。 Can see indistinctly, in the overlapping mountain range, seems on Earth Kunlun Mountain, Alps, Tianshan, the Mount Kilimanjaro wait / etc. mountain range of the shadows, just like links up into a single stretch the mountain range on entire Star, explodes to press directly. 更是能隐隐约约地看出,层层叠叠的山脉之中,似乎是地球上昆仑山,阿尔卑斯山,天山,乞力马扎罗山等等山脉的影子,就宛如是将整个星辰上的山脉连成一片,直接爆压下来。 Strikes, the astral wind surges, is under foot earth the strength of back and forth cross coupling of Yuan magnetism, erupts the earthshaking prestige energy. 一击之间,罡风激荡,更是和脚下大地的元磁之力来回交感,爆发出惊天动地之威能。 This is Grey Crane is also mad results in the violent anger, came up then to show the unique skill. 这也是灰鹤被气得暴怒,一上来便施展了绝招。 The might in this move of theory unit area, although was inferior before him , the fist of rule displays, zero degree seal, but discussed the kill zone, the imposing manner power and influence, was actually far in excess, to the person big of world, nowhere may the shock feeling in conceal. 这一招论单位面积内的威力,虽然不如他以前施展的统治之拳,还有零度封印,但论起杀伤范围,气势威势,却是远远超越,给人一种天下之大,无处可藏的震撼感。 If runs into the ordinary match, perhaps early was seized by this imposing manner, responded without enough time was ground into dust, a strength cannot display 30%. 如果遇到普通对手,恐怕早已经被这气势所夺,来不及反应就被碾成齑粉,一身战力发挥不出三成来。 This is also Grey Crane, although violent anger, actually still maintained a calmness, has used this move in view of Jessica such new military recruits. 这也是灰鹤虽然暴怒,却仍旧保持了一丝冷静,针对杰西卡这样的菜鸟才用了这招。 However blocks the sky facing that the mountain shade of dropping from the clouds, Jessica is actually calm, grasps the plate micro sword to cut toward Tian Yi, is a strip width approximately kilometer Sword Qi of shoots up to the sky, just like is the galaxy rewinds to be the same, in the mountain shade toward sky cuts maliciously. 不过面对那遮天蔽日,从天而降的山影,杰西卡却是神情自若,手持盘微剑朝天一斩,便是一条宽约千米的剑气冲天而起,宛如是星河倒卷一样,朝着天空中的山影狠狠斩去。 Bang the sound resounds, the Sword Qi hit above the mountain shade, the soil and stone chip flutters about in an instant, innumerable mountain range tearing and smashing, the residual crashes. 轰隆隆的声音响起,剑气撞击在山影之上,刹那间泥土、石屑纷飞,无数山脉撕裂、粉碎,残渣坠落下去。 Only one sword, then divides into two Pang Dashan shade in sky, Sword Qi is unprecedented , to continue to go forward, vanishes in the horizon end. 只一剑,便将天空中的庞大山影一分为二,剑气一往无前,继续前进,消失在天际尽头。 But divided into two mountain shade was similar to had actually insisted after several seconds, then gradually collapsed, changes into the innumerable fragment to fall toward the ground, just like was myriad meteors is the same, strokes in the ground, hit the earth to shake, the silt flew upwards, the terrain was the big change, has left behind a hill and big hole of big piece of fluctuating. 而被一分为二的山影却如同是坚持了几秒钟后,便逐渐崩溃,化为了无数的碎块朝地面落去,宛如是万千流星一样,击打在地面上,打得大地震荡,泥沙飞扬,地形更是大变,留下了一大片起伏的山丘、大坑。 Sees this regiment chief, on the face is the facial expression one cold, both eyes stares at the plate micro sword in Jessica hand stubbornly, on the face is reappearing curiously, doubts, dignified color. 看到这一幕的诸位军团长,脸上都是神情一凛,双眼死死盯着杰西卡手中的盘微之剑,脸上浮现出好奇,疑惑,凝重之色。 After a Jessica sword cuts, again has not actually stayed, the whole person changes to sword light to fly together, in an instant vanishes in the field of vision of people. 杰西卡一剑斩出之后,却是没有再停留,整个人化作一道剑光飞去,转眼间消失在众人的视野之中。 The eye of Grey Crane narrows the eyes, cleanness that the face color on violent anger vanishes, instead is in both eyes sheet ice is cold, reveals the infinite calmness. 灰鹤的眼睛眯起,脸上的暴怒之色消失的干干净净,反而是双眼之中一片冰寒,显露出无穷的冷静。 „Did you feel?” “你们感觉到了吧?” In the eyes of red hair youth flashes through a blazing color: You hadn't discovered in the meeting hall?” This red hair youth is the leader of red regiment, scarlet Dragon Jushiro. 红发少年的眼中闪过一丝炽热之色:“在会堂的时候难道你没有发现?”这名红发青年便是红色军团的领袖,赤龙十四郎了。 Grey Crane shook the head saying: I think that sword is the Fang Xingjian strength, uses the ring to separate the spatial thousand li(500 km) transmission strength to be the same with us, but now looks like......” 灰鹤摇了摇头说道:“我原本以为,那剑乃是方星剑力量所化,就和我们用戒指隔空千里传递力量一样,但现在看来……” Before the meeting hall, he had not clearly felt that Jessica and Longsword had the slight relations, all strengths were Longsword start. 之前在大会堂的时候,他分明没有感觉到杰西卡长剑有丝毫关系,所有的力量都是长剑自己发动的。 Several moves that but just fought, he clearly induces to the white energy of Jessica within the body stimulates to movement Longsword unceasingly, erupts startled day Sword Qi. 但刚刚交手的几招,他分明感应到杰西卡体内的白色能量不断催动长剑,爆发出惊天剑气 So looks like, that Longsword unexpectedly is not the Fang Xingjian strength, but clearly is some type of powerful weapon. 如此看来,那长剑竟然不是方星剑力量所化,而分明是某种强悍武器。 A senior monk of orange frock said slowly: This Jessica just joined the white regiment a few days after dogface, can actually urge round of Longsword Sword Qi at the ring energy, displays so the prestige energy, who everybody knows that what origin this sword is?” 一身橙色僧袍的老和尚缓缓说道:“这杰西卡不过一个刚刚加入白色军团没几日的小兵,却能以戒指能量催发长剑剑气,施展出如此威能,各位有谁知道此剑到底是什么来历么?” This old monk is actually regiment chief of orange regiment, the bright law monk. 这老僧却是橙色军团的军团长,慧法和尚。 He is a monk. What because orange ring need was user has to sacrifice self- achievement other people the consciousness, was too high regarding individual disposition request, its influence strength was the white regiment is always same, but he was actually genuine one generation of eminent monks, can the strength of very good display orange ring. 他本来乃是一名和尚。因为橙色戒指需要的是使用者拥有牺牲自我成就他人之觉悟,对于个人心性的要求实在太高,其势力实力一向是和白色军团半斤八两,但他本人却是真正的一代高僧,能够很好的发挥橙色戒指的力量。 Hears the bright law the issue, nearby purple spirit giggle smiles, said: „ Few days ago, the white and silver also had my purple regiment to have a ring to be missing respectively, was the resonance of heart, selected the Lord automatically. 听到慧法的问题,一旁的紫灵咯咯一笑,说道:“前些日子,白色、银色还有我紫色军团各自有一枚戒指失踪,乃是情感共鸣,自动择主。 But this Fang Xingjian in also never listens to the person to mention before this, resembles in the stone to jump is the same. This Divine sword also suddenly appears, cannot see slightly the root foot. 而这方星剑在此前也从未听人提起过,就好像石头里蹦出来的一样。还有这神剑也是突然出现,看不出丝毫根脚。 Thinks carefully, Fang Xingjian displays isn't the ring energy? ” 仔细想想,方星剑施展的也不是戒指能量吧?” Is bringing non- frame eyeglasses, wears the shirt western-style clothing, the man who a successful public figure dresses up held his eyeglasses, said: You were said that this Fang Xingjian automatically was recognized the main person by the ring? He braves suddenly, possibly is not this Star indigenous, even is this weapon also he brings?” 一名带着无框眼镜,穿着衬衫西装,一副成功人士打扮的男子扶了扶自己的眼镜,说道:“你是说这个方星剑就是被戒指自动认主的人?他突然冒出来,可能不是这颗星辰的土著,甚至这武器也是他带来的?” Man who this successful public figure dresses up, seems is actually seven people on the scene most normal, but he is actually the leader bright king of green regiment. 这一副成功人士打扮的男人,看上去却是在场七人中最正常的一名,但他其实是绿色军团的领袖明王。 Manages his these many.” Scarlet Dragon Jushiro who a red hair flutters with the wind said wickedly: „ First snatched that to say sword again. The might no small matter of this sword, if uses to us, is even more powerful. “管他这么多。”一头红发随风飘扬的赤龙十四郎恶狠狠地说道:“先抢了那把剑再说。这剑的威力非同小可,如果给我们使用,更是如虎添翼。 You do not want, I first took. ” 你们不要,我就先拿了。” Saying, his body under squats slightly, is the foot pedal is obviously void, actually probably really stepped on the thing to be the same, the under foot erupted Bang a light sound, ascended with the under foot air wave, the whole person fled fiercely, was almost a blink then vanishes to disappear. 说着,他的身体微微下蹲,明明是脚踏虚空,却好像是真的踩了东西一样,脚下爆发出砰的一声轻响,伴随着脚下气浪升腾,整个人猛地窜了出去,几乎是一眨眼便消失不见了。 The unique ability of red ring, unbounded leaps. 正是红色戒指的独有能力,无界跃。 The disposition request of red regiment is conceited, disregards all external rules and etiquette, even is the objective reality, all take in their heart to want for the foundation, only sought a thought to understand. This request is to cross the threshold simply one has planted, but also is so-called being easy to learn at first but hard to master. 红色军团的心性要求乃是唯我独尊,无视一切外在的规则、礼法,甚至是客观现实,一切以自己的心中所想为根基,只求一个念头通达。这种要求可谓是入门最简单的一种了,但也是所谓的易学难精。 After all bullies small and weakly, selfish is very simple, but faces tyrannical existence, the revolution of surface entire world, facing own whole body relatives and friends and gratitude and grudges rival in love dispute, can cut the gordian knot, only sought a thought to understand, that was not everybody can achieve. 毕竟欺负弱小、自私自利很简单,可是面对比自己强横的存在,面度整个天地的运转,面对自己周身亲朋好友、恩怨情仇的纠葛,也能快刀斩乱麻,只求一个念头通达,那就不是人人都能做到了。 So long as the disposition and will are enough, unbounded leaps then can disregard any barrier between user and goal, leader scarlet Dragon Jushiro of red regiment is splendor. 而只要心性和意志足够,无界跃便能无视使用者和目标之间的任何障碍,红色军团的领袖赤龙十四郎更是其中最为出色者。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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