PDG :: Volume #10

#936: Chasing down

The orange regiment, the request had the offer and sacrifice disposition, therefore the law brightness in most selfless person on the scene, these proposed that immediately caused Grey Crane and the others approved. Zero nine small said net 橙色军团,要求拥有奉献、牺牲之心性,所以法慧可谓在场之中最无私之人,这一下提议,立刻就引得灰鹤等人赞同。【零↑九小↓說網】 Quickest 最快 But the law brightness also directly threw the Abyss sword in the midair, in an instant presents five big powerhouses to branch out a strength to well up immediately toward Longsword. 而法慧也直接将深渊剑抛在了半空,刹那间在场五大强者立刻分出一股力量朝着长剑涌去。 This, strength mutual cross coupling in ring energy and Divine sword, five people on the scene feel tyrannical strength immediately. 就这一下,戒指能量和神剑之中的力量相互交感,在场五人立刻都感觉到了其中的强横力量。 Like Grey Crane and in the King of Fear eye, revealed the complex look. 灰鹤恐惧之王的眼中,都流露出了复杂的神色。 This strength, must grasp in my hands.’ ‘这股力量,必须掌握在我的手中。’ In their hearts raised the same thought. 两人的心中升起了同一个念头。 But in this time, in the sky together sword light was void just like tearing, arrived at the scene. 而就在此时,天空中一道剑光宛如撕裂虚空,来到了现场。 That is a black hair flutters, a white long gown throws over at will on the body, man who reveals a capable mortal body indistinctly. 那是一名黑发飘扬,一身白色长袍随意披在身上,隐隐约约显露出一身精干肉身的男子。 But the most appealing attention, is male that black gem same eye, just like is the black hole in universe is the same, constantly is not sending out fatal attracting gravity, just like must the soul of person inhale is the same. 但最吸引人注意的,还是男子那一双黑宝石一样的眼睛,宛如是宇宙之中的黑洞一样,无时无刻不在散发出致命的吸引力,宛如是要将人的魂魄都吸入其中一样。 Almost is the instance that Fang Xingjian enters the stage, then caused has presented the attention of all people, even if took cultivating of several big regiment chief as, actually has gawked staring, with great difficulty got rid from this attracting gravity. 几乎是方星剑出场的瞬间,便引起了在场所有人的注意力,就算以几大军团长的修为,都硬是愣了愣,才从这种吸引力里好不容易摆脱出来。 In the purple gingko flashes through the faint trace heterochrosis: Who are you? What strength was just that?” This letting person was attracted, the love ability that the paid attention feeling, simply and purple regiment masters is extremely similar. 紫灵眼中闪过丝丝异色:“你是谁?刚刚那是什么力量?”这种让人被吸引,被关注的感觉,简直和紫色军团掌握的爱情能力太过相似。 Fang Xingjian actually shows a faint smile, looks that five regiment chief said: Your five snatched my sword, had not actually known that who I am?” 方星剑却是微微一笑,看着五位军团长说道:“你们五个抢了我的剑,却还不认识我是谁么?” The King of Fear facial color moves: „Are you Fang Xingjian?” 恐惧之王面色一动:“你就是方星剑?” Other four people also fiercely propose the ring energy, five people of top to bottom spectra rise suddenly, is similar to is five small Sun flies in the midair. 其他四人也是猛提戒指能量,五人都是浑身上下光谱暴涨,如同是五颗小太阳飞在半空之中。 Grey Crane said directly: Law brightness master, trouble first is grasped this Divine sword by you, such one if will fight, may use fully.” 灰鹤更是直接说道:“法慧大师,就麻烦先由你来掌握这神剑,这样一会如果大战起来,才可动用全力。” Other person of hear word, are actually the facial expression slightly moves, had not opposed. 其他人闻言,却是神情微微一动,也没有反对。 They know good that Grey Crane said perhaps, five people on the scene, who grasps the Divine sword, other people will not feel relieved, even fight time perhaps also will plan to hold sword. 他们知道灰鹤说的不错,在场五人之中,恐怕谁掌握神剑,其他人都不会放心,甚至战斗的时候说不定还会算计持剑者。 Only had the orange regiment to take sacrificing, offer as the selected condition, the personality of law brightness monk is he will not accept bribes the biggest safeguard of Divine sword afterward. 唯有橙色军团以牺牲、奉献为入选条件,法慧和尚的性情也是他在事后不会贪墨神剑的最大保障。 The law brightness has selected nodded, does not pass on responsibilities to take carry back the Abyss sword. 法慧点了点头,也当仁不让拿回来深渊剑。 Grey Crane said: Fang Xingjian, you slaughter regiment member, endangers the Earth safety, attempts to provoke the world war. But you after all are white regiment regiment chief, a school of person of high skill, so long as acknowledges guilt to confess now, was still not late.” 灰鹤说道:“方星剑,你滥杀军团成员,危及地球安危,妄图挑起世界大战。但你毕竟是白色军团军团长,一派高人,只要现在认罪忏悔,却仍旧不晚。” He naturally really does not want with the Fang Xingjian reconciliation, but is the strength and origin of Divine sword is extremely strange, but Divine sword from white regiment, therefore before has not gotten to the bottom, he also wants to delay the time, best was they completely grasped the mystery of Divine sword, clarified the Fang Xingjian details to begin again. 他自然不是真的想和方星剑和解,而是神剑的力量和来历太过诡异,而神剑又是来自于白色军团,所以没有摸清底细之前,他还想拖延时间,最好是他们完全掌握了神剑的奥秘,弄清楚了方星剑的底细再动手。 In the King of Fear eye flashes through wipes heterochrosis, said: „ Good, Fang Xingjian, among regiments, brothers, you going too far that somewhat, although makes, but is not cannot recall, so long as you are willing to admit mistakes, we not necessarily cannot forgive you, even gives back to you this sword. 恐惧之王眼中闪过一抹异色,说道:“不错,方星剑,军团之间,同气连枝,你虽然做的有些过火,但也不是不可以挽回,只要你愿意低头认错,我们未必不能原谅你,甚至将这剑还给你。 Acknowledged guilt to engage in introspection when you, this sword was extremely dangerous, considered as finished for you by us certainly. ” 至于你认罪反省期间,这剑太过危险,还是由我们替你保管算了。” Several other people had not opposed, but has the vision of carefully examining to look to Fang Xingjian, seems waiting for his answer. 其余几人也没有反对,只是带着审视的目光看向方星剑,似乎在等待着他的答复。 On the scene after is five regiment chief, and has the mysterious ability respectively, although dreads Fang Xingjian, really will not actually be afraid him. 在场毕竟是五名军团长,而且各有神奇能力,虽然忌惮方星剑,却不会真的害怕他。 However Fang Xingjian will not wait for them obviously, then saw that on his face shows a brutal smiling face, said lightly: Said?” 但是方星剑明显不会等他们,便看到他的脸上露出一丝残酷的笑容,淡淡道:“说完了?” You......” Grey Crane also treated said again. “你……”灰鹤还待再说。 Bang! Moves with the Fang Xingjian personal appearance gently, just like is the day broken clouds opens, the surrounding area thousand li(500 km) atmosphere turns wells up, the serious pressure heads on, almost makes people simultaneously on the scene suffocate, looks the panic-stricken color. 轰隆!伴随着方星剑的身形轻轻一动,宛如是天破云开,方圆千里大气翻涌,沉重的压力扑面而来,几乎让在场众人齐齐窒息,面露惊骇之色。 The next quarter, Fang Xingjian directs, the invisible strength as if in an instant the contraction is a point, explodes presses on Grey Crane. 下一刻,方星剑一指点出,无形的力量似乎在刹那间收缩为一点,爆压在灰鹤身上。 Titter! Similar to is a finger being run over and dying ant is the same, with Fang Xingjian the finger, the Grey Crane body is exploding the powder in an instant, changed into one group of blood fog. 噗嗤!如同是一根手指碾死蚂蚁一样,伴随着方星剑的这一指,灰鹤的身躯在刹那间爆散,化为了一团血雾。 With a pitiful yell, loses mortal body Grey Crane to change into one group of pure ash-gray energies, has composed fuzzy. 伴随着一声惨叫,失去肉身的灰鹤化为一团纯净的灰色能量,组成了一个模糊的自己。 At this moment his mortal body was destroyed, from now on can only come the load bearing at the ash-gray energy his will, these, although has not died, however the destruction of mortal body made him lose on the later all mortal bodies to obtain joyfully, let alone the mortal body of dozens years of use, itself has expressed his many sentiments, let this moment violent anger to the extreme. 此刻他肉身被毁,今后都只能以灰色能量来承载他的意志了,这一下虽然没死,但是肉身的毁灭却让他失去了以后所有肉身上所能得到了快乐,何况数十年使用的肉身,本身就寄托了他许许多多的感情,让他这一刻暴怒到了极点。 But the next quarter, Fang Xingjian movement probably trough cold water is the same, extinguishes his filled with fury thoroughly. 但下一刻,方星剑的动作就好像一盆冷水一样,将他的满腔怒火彻底熄灭。 Because Fang Xingjian selected the second finger. 因为方星剑又点出了第二指。 Bang rumble! Atmospheric tearing, Yun empty/sky the explosive, was extruded by the strength with the air, the invisible vacuum as if revealed that an appearance of finger, goes toward the King of Fear head point directly. 轰隆隆隆!大气撕裂,云空爆响,伴随着空气被力量挤压,无形的真空似乎显露出一根手指的模样,直接朝着恐惧之王的脑袋点去。 Roar! 吼! Saw that this finger selects, King of Fear sonic boom drinks, myriad latent evils ascension, hits toward the finger. 看到这一指头点来,恐惧之王一声爆喝,身后万千魔影升腾而起,朝着指头撞去。 Simultaneously the purple spirit, Bruce and law brightness closes also begins, the purple, blue color and orange three rays rise suddenly, are coordinating Abyss Longsword, goes toward the referring to strength bang of dropping from the clouds together. 同时紫灵、布鲁斯、法慧合上也同时动手,紫色、蓝色、橙色三道光芒暴涨,配合着深渊长剑,一起朝着从天而降的指力轰去。 However two strengths intersect, three people in an instant were ripped with joint forces actually the smashing, the King of Fear myriad latent evils during a piece whins vanishes into thin air. 但是两股力量相交,三人合力却是刹那间被撕成粉碎,恐惧之王的万千魔影更是在一片哀嚎之中化为乌有。 Then refers to the strength not staying, according to the body of King of Fear, has exploded one group of flesh and blood his mortal body directly, then under presses, pressed directly in the desert, was startled ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) crazy sand. 接着指力一路毫不停留,直接按在了恐惧之王的身上,将他的肉身爆成一团血肉,然后接着一路下压,直接压在了沙漠之中,惊起了万丈狂沙。 How possible!” Sees this, where in the Grey Crane mind anything anger, looks that King of Fear grinds the mosquito to be pressed probably equally on the ground, did not have the mortal body obviously, thought that from top to bottom is the cold sweat. “怎么可能!”看到这一幕,灰鹤的脑海中哪里什么愤怒,看着恐惧之王好像碾蚊子一样被压在地上,明明已经没了肉身,却也觉得浑身上下都是冷汗。 Runs away!” “逃!” Run, the strength of this person by far is above our imagination, must collect the strengths of all regiments him to defeat, everybody disperses escapes.” “快跑,此人的力量远远超乎我们的想象,必须要汇集所有军团的力量才可以将他击败,大家分散逃开。” The next quarter, then saw that five brilliance cuts the expansive sky, flew respectively in five directions. 下一刻,便看到五道光华划破长空,已经分别朝着五个方向飞去。 Sees this Fang Xingjian, actually shows a faint smile, the footsteps tread, vanished once more does not see. 看到这一幕的方星剑,却是微微一笑,脚步踏出,已经再次消失不见。 ...... …… Mediterranean Sea, sky over some well-known peninsula. 地中海,某个知名半岛上空。 On the beach, countless tourists in revelry, the beautiful woman of assorted wear bikini or are spreading the suntan oil, or suns, reads the magazine, is playing the volleyball, demonstrates own young blood unceasingly, moving stance. 海滩上,无数游人正在狂欢,各色穿着比基尼的美女或是涂着防晒油,或是晒着太阳,看着杂志,玩着排球,不断展现出自己的青春活力,动人姿态。 At this moment, a blue ray actually penetrates the horizon, bang a hit on the sand beach, has cut a several hundred meters gully directly, spluttered everywhere sand dust. 就在这时,一道蓝色光芒却是穿透天际,轰隆一声撞击在沙滩上面,直接划开了一条数百米长的沟壑,溅射出了漫天沙尘。 Countless people dumbfounded looks at this, some people were screaming running away, some people the courage were looking greatly to the crash place. 无数人目瞪口呆的看着这一幕,有人尖叫着逃走,也有人大着胆子看向坠落的地方。 Then saw that regiment chief Bruce of blue regiment was being grabbed the head by a man of black becoming dark eye, raises in the midair. 便看到蓝色军团的军团长布鲁斯正被一名黑发黑眼的男子抓着脑袋,提在半空。
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