OEM :: Volume #10

#911: Heavenly Saint Palace

These four people of movement technique quickly, toward the southeast the line, altogether are about several days, dashed about wildly several thousand miles. For these days, four people had not spoken. 这四人的身法何等快捷,一路往东南而行,一共也不过几天的时间,就已经狂奔出了几千里。这几天里,四个人都没怎么说话。 Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui two people also compare to see through, but Qiao Ying is actually all the way heavyhearted, was worrying Heaven Seizing War success or failure result, in several days were unexpectedly thin and pale, originally by her skill achievement, are insufficient this absolutely, but worry the heart, are really hard to dispel. 成吟啸曲勿回两人还比较看得开一些,但乔影却是一路上忧心忡忡,担忧着夺天之战的成败结果,几天里竟然憔悴了许多,本来以她的功力成就,断断不至于此,但愁上心头,委实难以消解。 Four people of one line, the increasingly estranged, gradual being far away habitation, more walks obviously bleakly. So proceeded for several days, reached summit of the mountain, took a broad view to look, the front was a piece of mountain range is continuous, as if until ends of the earth. 四人一行,渐行渐远,逐渐的远离人烟,越走越显荒凉。如此又往前走了几天,登上一座高山之巅,放眼看去,前方却是一片山脉连绵,仿佛直到天尽头。 Turns head to look, the picturesque landscape, may see near cities faintly, although was also slurred. 回头望,江山如画,隐隐还可见到较近的城镇,虽然也已经模糊不清了。 Jun Moxie, the name of this mountain, is called ‚the world! The meaning is, the north of this mountain, is the world world, but south, actually completely is a desolated area!” Qiao Ying concentrates the item to look at the north that faint habitation, indifferently said. 君莫邪,这座山的名字,就叫做‘人间’!意思是,这座山的北面,就是人间世,而南面,却尽是一片荒芜地区!”乔影凝目看着北面那隐隐的人烟,淡淡地道 World? Good strange name.” Say/Way that Jun Moxie deals with. In the heart pondered over secretly, Qiao Ying this has ignored to oneself all the way, now actually suddenly looks for itself to speak, why is actually? “人间?好古怪的名字。”君莫邪应付的道。心中暗暗思忖,乔影这一路上一直对自己不理不睬,现在却突然找自己说话,却是为何? „Did you see? This mountain Wangbei, the more North Vietnam is the crowded habitation. But the most inheritance of human, centralized there \; Several thousand years of development and multiplication, finally form the lively prosperous times of now saying!” “你看到了吗?此山往北,越北越是密集的人烟。而人类的大多数传承,都集中在那里\;前后数万年的发展、繁衍,才终于形成今曰的繁华盛世!” Qiao Ying coldly looks at Jun Moxie: However guarantees all these, is Heaven Seizing War! Saw, from here toward south, most was also the highest that mountain, was Heaven Pillar Mountain! But Heaven Seizing War, will carry on there!” 乔影冷冷的看着君莫邪:“而保证这一切的,就是夺天之战!看到了吗,从这里往南,最远也是最高的那座山,就是天柱山!而夺天之战,就会在那里进行!” Jun Moxie looks as far as the eye can see, only saw that during fog wind around, grand mountain straight rising straight from the ground, enters the upper air, above cloud layer, the mountain massif of also that mountain...... Unexpectedly where cannot see the summit, leisure such as in-line horizon! 君莫邪极目远望,只看到一片云雾缭绕之中,一座雄伟的高山直直的拔地而起,直入高空,在云层之上,还有那座山的山体……竟然看不到山巅在哪里,遑如直插天际! Heaven Seizing War , if failed finally, the alien race person will then invade the world, several tens of thousands years of human is lively, or a dynasty completely will destroy! Present all lively, completely will melt the living hell! Even, all human, will degenerate into the slave and food of alien race person!” 夺天之战若是最终失败,异族人便会入侵人世,数万年的人类繁华,或者就会一朝尽毁!眼前的一切繁华,都将尽化人间地狱!甚至,所有人类,都会沦为异族人的奴隶、食物!” Qiao Ying coldly, heavily say/way: However several days ago, that 30 people that you slaughter personally, will then be soon must throw the head to sprinkle for the entire human warm-blooded participates in Heaven Seizing War expert! You know that what these people have meant?” 乔影冷冷地、重重的道:“而就在几天之前,你亲手屠杀的那30人,便是即将要为整个人类抛头颅洒热血参加夺天之战高手!你知道死了那些人意味着什么吗?” What means?” Jun Moxie crooked tilting the head. “意味着什么?”君莫邪歪了歪头。 Means, this time Heaven Seizing War, Xuan Xuan Continent to be defeated to end! The invasion of alien race person, soon became the foregone conclusion, becomes the fact! Mainland loss of life, sores all over the eye at present!” The Qiao Ying heavily say/way, in the eye spurts to catch fire: However creates all these chief criminals, is that war that because you launch! Jun Moxie, your could it be will not think that the conscience does have the shame?” “意味着,这一次的夺天之战,玄玄大陆这边将以失败收场!异族人的入侵,已经即将成为定局、成为事实!大陆生灵涂炭,满目疮痍就在眼前!”乔影重重的道,眼睛里喷着火:“而造成这一切的罪魁祸首,就是因为你发动的那一战!君莫邪,你难道就不会觉得良心有愧吗?” „Does conscience have the shame? Why I must feel that the conscience does have shame?” Jun Moxie indifferently said: These that you said...... Any loss of life, the alien race invades...... That...... none of my business?” “良心有愧?我为什么要感到良心有愧?”君莫邪淡淡地道:“你说的那些……什么生灵涂炭,异族入侵……那……关我屁事啊?” You!” Qiao Ying could not expect absolutely controlled so formidable strength youngster hero to say such irresponsible words to come unexpectedly, air/Qi the elegant face blanch, long time could not speak. “你!”乔影万万料想不到掌控了如此强大力量的少年英雄竟然能说出这么不负责任的话来,气得俏脸发白,半晌说不出话来。 Jun Moxie not Qiao Ying looks disappointedly in in the eye, still has left the face , to continue the heartless said/tunnel: Any world common people mainland safety, I already heard to tire of! Later does not want to hear anybody saying that these eight characters, particularly faces this Young Master to mention, because I, as soon as listens to hurt on the egg! Pulls these have a strong sense of righteousness thing and this Young Master in the same place, relations of these thing and this Young Master simply not penny!” 君莫邪可没把乔影的失望看在眼内,兀自别过了脸,继续无情地道:“什么天下苍生大陆安危,我早就听得厌了!以后再也不想听到任何人说这八个字,尤其是面对本少爷提起,因为我一听就蛋疼!更不要把这些大义凛然的玩意和本少爷扯在一起,这些玩意和本少爷根本就没有一文钱的关系!” You said that you don't want to listen? But you have actually been infringing the benefit of world common people!” Qiao Ying said fierce: Heaven Seizing War, because soon you alone are defeated! Soon because of your loss of life! You do not kill the uncle Jin/benevolent, the uncle Jin/benevolent actually die because of you! What qualifications you had saying that you don't want to listen? How to have related with you? You know that because of you alone, how many lives the world some innocently perishes?” “你说你不想听?但你却在损害了天下苍生的利益!”乔影厉声道:“夺天之战,即将因为你一个人失败!即将因为你一个人生灵涂炭!你不杀伯仁,伯仁却因你而死!你有什么资格说你不想听?怎么就跟你没关系?你知道就因为你一个人,天下将有多少生灵无辜殒命?” Fart! Does the world life die for me? The matter gets up is always predestined friends, reason that the calm not uprise, I will kill people, because the person wants to kill me!” “放屁!天下生灵为我而死?事起总有缘,无风不起浪,我之所以会杀人,只是因为人想杀我!” Jun Moxie angrily said: Father has not provoked your Three Great Sacred Lands on own initiative! The father has not even offended you! But you damn lift the affectedly virtuous face to do the matter of behaving like scoundrels, ceaseless looks for my trouble, the quack remedy cannot throw off generally! Now unexpectedly does the also face call to account me? Even if takes seriously many people therefore dead, is your nonsense Sacred Land responsibility, has the nonsense to relate with the father!” 君莫邪愤怒地道:“老子从来就没有主动招惹过你们三大圣地!老子甚至没得罪过你们!可你们他妈的举着道貌岸然的脸干着男盗女娼的事,一次次一波波无休无止的来找我的麻烦,狗皮膏药一般甩不掉!现在居然还有脸来责问我?就算当真有许多人因此而死,也是你们那狗屁圣地的责任,跟老子有狗屁关系!” „After father is in Tianxiang City duke, high position and great wealth, the sumptuous lifestyle, endures the lifetime riches and honor fully! May be ruthless by you, has to throw the dwellings industry, has fallen back on Heavenly Punishment Forest, is a companion with myriad Profound Beast!” “老子原本是天香城里公爵之后,荣华富贵,锦衣玉食,足堪一生富贵!可生生地被你们赶尽杀绝,不得不抛家舍业,退到了天罚森林之中,与万千玄兽为伍!” Father made concessions this situation, you are not willing to give up, is still unforgiving deals with my family member, copes with the friend of mine, those have the relations with my Jun Family, you totally do not let off...... Even must run up to Heavenly Punishment Forest to assassinate me, if not the father a little ability, still had the card in a hand not to have completely, was already planned dead 800 chapters by your this crowd of bastard plots!! This simply is a scoundrel!” “老子已经退让成这地步,你们仍不肯善罢甘休,兀自不依不饶地对付我的亲人,对付我的朋友,凡是跟我君家有关系的,你们一概都不放过……甚至还要跑到天罚森林里面去刺杀我,若非老子有点能耐,尚有底牌没有出尽,早就被你们这群混蛋阴谋算计死800回了!!这简直就是混账!” Mainland Divine Protector? Three Great Sacred Lands, in is one group of scoundrels! Including your three! Now unexpectedly also feels all right with me discussed that the principle of righteousness justice did discuss the world common people with me? You ask you, do you match?! Couldn't kill me instead to be killed by me blamed me to kill the world common people unexpectedly? Does the paralysis have this algorithm?” “大陆守护神三大圣地,内中全是一群混账!包括你们三个在内!现在居然还好意思跟我谈大义公道跟我谈天下苍生?你们问问你们自己,你们配吗?!杀不了我反而被我杀了居然来责怪我害死了天下苍生?麻痹有这种算法吗?” You, since moved killing intent, to get down assassin to me, I must one step kill you first! The matter is so simple. Even if you are also seriously what kind of the world common people? Even if you for the universe peace, is supporting-heaven pillar that in world only saves, killed your day to collapse...... So long as you want to kill me, my photo kills does not harm! At the worst pats two powder, everybody was finished together!” “你们既然对我动了杀机、下了杀手,我就要先一步干掉你们!事情就是如此简单。就算你们当真是为了天下苍生又怎样?就算是你们为了宇宙和平,是世间仅存的擎天柱,杀了你们天就塌了……只要你们想要杀我,我还是照杀不误!大不了一拍两散,大家一起完蛋!” Jun Moxie callous smiling, said: Everybody his mother is a life, person dead bird toward on, does not die continues to damage! loss of life how? These thing on father's heart, do not want to make the father have a strong sense of righteousness, is impossible, the father never thinks oneself are any heroes, the kind-heartedness chivalrous person, to father talked that any world common people, has thought mistakenly your heart! How even if this mainland collapsed really! Tens of thousands years several 100,000 years, not have been a new world! But anyone, please do not pose as the appearance of Savior. That is very disgusting!” 君莫邪冷酷的笑了笑,道:“大家都他妈是一条命,人死鸟朝上,不死就继续祸害!生灵涂炭又如何?这些玩意都不在老子的心上,想让老子大义凛然,不可能,老子从来也不认为自己是什么英雄豪杰,仁心义士,跟老子谈什么天下苍生,想错了你的心!纵然这片大陆真个崩溃了又如何!过个几万年几十万年,还不又是一个新的世界!但无论是谁,请不要以救世主的面目自居。那很恶心!” Young Master Jun vicious smiled, looks at Qiao Ying: Has to listen to one to be called worthless person in imposing attireidiom! Does a monkey, put on royal crown with for oneself is a king? You said that your Three Great Sacred Lands is laughable? compares, you at best are only one flock of quite strong monkeys, why also to represent the world? Why to boast of being the Savior? ok, even if you boast of being the Savior, has not related, but do not say first incomparably nobly then actually nobly attack others with this! You do not have that qualifications! Those words, you do not match!” 君大少爷恶毒地笑了笑,看着乔影:“有没有听过一个叫做沐猴而冠’成语!一只猴子,戴上王冠就以为自己是国王吗?你说你们三大圣地可笑不可笑?相比较来说,你们充其量不过只是一群比较强壮的猴子而已,又凭什么代表天下?凭什么自诩为救世主?ok,就算你们自诩为救世主,也没有关系,但你们不要先将自己说得无比高尚然后却用这份高尚来打击别人!你们没那种资格!还是那句话,你们不配!” Jun Moxie said reads smoothly, read smoothly to say including ok came out oneself actually completely not to realize...... drew back again 10,000 steps, you can something that because did, but has carried in itself the spirit table of Savior, this nobody managed, but actually do not count on that others will repay to thank you! Three year Gaud truly, thinks that can distinguish this initiative and passive difference! You do these matters, is actually because you want, seemingly always nobody compelled you to sacrifice on your necks the tool rest! You can definitely not do! This is not your duties...... Understands?! Told you, this world has lacked anyone, will not have any influence! Even if no your Three Great Sacred Lands, alien race person also not necessarily is any great thing. Understands?! Really is really laughable!” 君莫邪说得顺嘴,连ok也顺嘴说了出来自己却完全没有察觉……“再退10000步,你们可以因为自己做的一些事,而把自己捧上了救世主的神台,这没人管,但你们却不要指望别人会报答感激你们!三位年高德洵,想必能分辨出这主动与被动的区别吧!你们做那些事,却是因为你们自己愿意的,貌似就从来没人将刀架在你们脖子上逼你们去牺牲吧!你们完全可以不做!这不是你们的义务……懂吗?!告诉你,这个世界缺了谁,都不会有任何影响!就算没有你们三大圣地,异族人也未必就是什么了不起的玩意。懂?!真真是可笑之极!” A lengthy speech, Jun Moxie scolded one carefree dripping. 一番长篇大论,君莫邪骂了一个畅快淋漓。 But after he said that discovery three people have not actually said a word, instead is a heaviness of face, looking pensive. 但当他说完之后,却发现身边的三个人都没有做声,反而是一脸的沉重,若有所思。 Stands in this ‚the world summit, long time, Qu Wuhui long sighed, said: Walks. Proceeds from here, but must walk three days of distances......” 站在这‘人间’山巅,良久,曲勿回才长长叹了一口气,道:“走吧。从这里往前,还要走三天的路程……” The whole face is successively angry, transfers over the face dignified Qiao Ying actually again not to accuse Jun Moxie, four people speed along silently, such as four meteor passing over gently and swiftly earth...... Looks at mountain run the dead horse, these words are really good. Summit has been able to see the Heaven Pillar Mountain peak from „the world obviously, even if by these four extremely expert strengths of legs, sped along fully for two days, has not actually arrived at the foot...... Jun Moxie is very strange, is away from several thousand miles road, how can see Heaven Pillar Mountain? Even if own eyesight is good , can be very in that degree not necessarily? After all was away from is too far...... As if saw the doubts of Jun Moxie, Qu Wuhui has shown a faint smile, said: wait for you arrived, understood.” 先后满脸愤怒,又转为满面凝重的乔影却也再没指责君莫邪,四人默默飞驰,如四道流星掠过大地……望山跑死马,这句话果然是不错的。从“人间”山巅明明已经能看到天柱山峰了,但即使以这四位绝顶高手的脚力,足足全力飞驰了两天,却还是没有到达山脚……君莫邪很奇怪,隔着数千里路,怎么能看到天柱山的?就算自己的眼力好,也不见得能好不到那种程度吧?毕竟距离太远了……似乎看出了君莫邪的疑惑,曲勿回微微一笑,道:“等你到了,也就明白了。” Mentioned strangely, since Jun Moxie shouted abuse in public also said after that words, the three people's manner to Jun Moxie were instead better, this let in the Jun Moxie heart some doubts: Are could it be these three fellows owe to scold directly? Also or is simply in legend being abused? Which type is the model all right to look to repay to pull out the insufficient? Wants this Young Master regularly crazily scolded? Talked forget it, did not spend any matter! 说来奇怪,自从君莫邪骂街也似地说了那番话之后,三个人对君莫邪的态度反而好了很多,这让君莫邪心中有些疑惑:难道这三个家伙直接就是欠骂?又或者根本就传说中“受虐者”?典型没事找抽还抽不够的哪一类型?要不要本少爷隔三差五的就狂骂一顿?就动动嘴罢了,也不费什么事! Was considering that this idea the feasible surname, suddenly discovered Qu Wuhui and other people completely stopped. In the heart moves, instant receives the footsteps, only hears in the Qiao Ying tone to have a heartfelt relaxation tone, muttered: On the front mountain, was the Heavenly Saint Palace site......” 正在考虑这个想法的可行姓,突然发现曲勿回等三人尽都停了下来。心中一动,也瞬时收住脚步,只听见乔影的口气中带着一种由衷的放松的口气,喃喃地道:“前面山上,就是天圣宫的所在地了……” In the expression, is bringing a joy of going home. 语气之中,带着一股回家的喜悦。 Jun Moxie raises eyes to look, sees only locates in front dozens miles, a palatial mountain rises straight from the ground, in summit place, snow gleams white faintly visible several houses. More walks is nearer, Jun Moxie suddenly discovered, there clearly is dozens thatched huts! Several green and luxuriant boughs have haunched the main body, but also braves the green bud, on the roof full is the vine...... Crude cannot the crude construction! 君莫邪举目看去,只见就在前方数十里处,一座巍峨大山拔地而起,在山巅处,白雪皑皑中隐隐可见几栋房屋。越走越近,君莫邪才突然发现,那里分明就是数十间茅草屋!几根郁郁葱葱的树干撑起了主体,还冒着绿芽,房顶上满是藤蔓……简陋的不能再简陋的建筑! „Is this Heavenly Saint Palace in legend?” Jun Moxie looks, suddenly incredible turning head. In his heart, Heavenly Saint Palace in legend, how should also be resplendent in gold and jade green, is similar to Imperial Palace is ordinary, where thinks that can be unexpectedly front the so ruined picture? “这就是传说中的天圣宫?”君莫邪怔怔地看着,突然不可置信的回头。在他心中,传说中的天圣宫,怎地也应该是金碧辉煌,如同皇宫一般,哪里想到竟会是面前这般破败的景象? Qiao Ying proud smiling, said: This, is Heavenly Saint Palace!” 乔影骄傲的笑了笑,道:“这,就是天圣宫!” Admire!” Jun Moxie heartfelt said/tunnel. As mainland most expert, is actually resigned in such place, for anything, sufficiently makes the person admire! “佩服!”君莫邪由衷地道。身为大陆最强者,却甘心住在这样的地方,无论是为了什么,都足以让人佩服! Many thanks.” Qiao Ying light smiling, to Jun Moxie these words, feels very satisfied. “多谢。”乔影淡淡的笑了笑,对君莫邪这句话,感到很满足。 She can hear, Jun Moxie this admiring is actually the words from the bottom of the heart, cannot help but also slightly has the new face to the bad impression of Jun Moxie. Then is directing the say/way: 300 miles east of Heavenly Saint Palace, is the mountain peak that Fleeing World Immortal Palace is. Again slantingly more than 1000 miles road, is Supreme Gold City! As for is about 2000 miles away toward the west, is Dream Blood Sea. The mountain of place of Heavenly Saint Palace being situated, was presented by Three Great Sacred Lands for Heavenly Saint Mountain. But merely one of the thousand li (500 km) Heavenly Saint Mountain south is, is decided that mainland destiny place Heaven Pillar Peak, Heaven Pillar Peak jolts for some reason collapse is, is extremely vast! But Heaven Seizing War, here carries on!” 她能听得出来,君莫邪这句“佩服”却是由衷之言,不由得对君莫邪的坏印象也稍有改观。便指点着道:“在天圣宫以东300里,就是遁世仙宫所在的山峰。再斜偏1000多里路,乃是至尊金城!至于往西面大约2000里外的,则是梦幻血海天圣宫坐落之地的这座山,被三大圣地奉为‘天圣山’。而天圣山之南仅仅一千里的所在,就是决定大陆命运的地点天柱峰,天柱峰颠有一处因故塌陷的所在,极之辽阔!而夺天之战,就在这里进行!” Originally is here...... This place sufficing is difficult to look!” Jun Moxie smacked the lips, asks: „Are that three places, similar to Heavenly Saint Palace this?” “原来是在这里……这地方够难找的!”君莫邪咂了咂嘴,问道:“那三个地方,都如同天圣宫这样子吗?” On the Qiao Ying face appears an awkwardness, the say/way of stammering: That three places...... cough cough, compared with here...... Must slightly for magnificent.” 乔影脸上现出一丝尴尬,期期艾艾的道:“那三个地方……咳咳,比这里……要稍为华丽一点。” Jun Moxie meaningful Oh, said: Is slightly magnificent? This is any view! Unexpectedly lived in this by own ancestor crudely the place, if they so are also simple but actually also excusable, what a pity, the fact has discrepancies inevitably very much......” 君莫邪意味深长的‘’了一声,道:“稍微华丽一点吗?这算什么说法!居然就让自己的老祖宗住这等简陋地地方,若他们本身也如此简朴倒也情有可原,可惜,事实必然很有出入吧……” Diligent and thrifty, is Heavenly Saint Palace tradition always!” Cheng Yinxiao at the same time said one lightly. As if disputes. “勤俭,乃是天圣宫一向的传统!”一边的成吟啸淡淡的说了一句。似乎是辩驳。 Really is the good tradition...... Has not frozen to death to starve to death you, is not very really easy. Has been lucky Profound Qi...... Profound Qi is really the good thing! At least cannot the starving to death person!” Say/Way that Young Master Jun sighed. “真是好传统……没冻死饿死你们,真的很不容易。多亏了一身玄气啊……玄气真是好东西啊!至少不会饿死人!”君大少感叹的道。 Three people of complexions in a twinkling black...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ originally is really so diligent and thrifty!” Jun Moxie got up Heavenly Saint Mountain finally, tch tch expressed admiration: Damn, like this diligent and thrifty, father has a dream thinks! Can you damn be not so false! Did Sir, this also call diligently and thriftily? I am diligent and thrifty your face! I wished your whole family riches and honor!” 三人的脸色霎时间都黑了起来……~~~~~~~~~~~~~“原来真是这般的勤俭啊!”君莫邪终于上了天圣山,啧啧称奇:“他妈的,这样的勤俭,老子做梦都想!你们他妈的能不能不那么虚伪!大爷的,这还叫勤俭?我勤俭你一脸!我祝你们全家都富贵!” Young Master Jun finally in the short distance saw clearly Heavenly Saint Palace thoroughly thatched hut. Cannot help but the instant fire gets up, the hemp a rheumatism, has deceived the father heartfeltly to admire a meeting, unexpectedly is such a matter. 君大少终于在近距离彻底看清楚了天圣宫的‘茅屋’。不由得瞬时火起,麻了个痹的,骗得老子衷心敬佩了一会,居然是这么回事。 Trim summit flat land, Spiritual Qi rich almost forms the essence, although still in Spiritual Qi compared with Hongjun Pagoda did not come crowded and pure and succinct, but were many air/Qi of prosperous vegetation essence! 整片山巅平地,灵气浓郁的几乎形成实质,虽然尚不比鸿钧塔中的灵气来得密集和纯净、精粹,但却多了一份欣欣向荣的草木精华之气! Heavenly Saint Palace, total 110 houses constitute, the column of each house, performs still grows the big tree! But this trees, Jun Moxie recognizes: Profound Spirit Wood! 天圣宫,共计有110间房屋构成,每一间房屋的立柱,尽都是兀自生长中的大树!而这种树木,君莫邪认得:玄灵木 Profound Spirit Wood, the tree age may amount to for over ten thousand years, truncation becomes the wood chip, wears on the body, can have the effect of rapt attention calming the mind, undergoes for hundred years to be immortal. Live Profound Spirit Wood itself, is similar to one small gathers spirit general existence, can gather Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi spontaneously! 玄灵木,树龄可达万年以上,削之成木片,佩戴在身上,可以起凝神静心的效果,历百年而不朽。活的玄灵木本身,更是类似于一处小型聚灵阵一般的存在,可以自发地聚拢天地灵气 This each house, needs least over six Profound Spirit Wood...... cultivation Profound Qi in such environment, will never overstate with the worry mind disorder! 这次每间房屋,都需要最少六棵以上的玄灵木……在这样的环境之中修炼玄气,永远不用担心心神紊乱走火入魔! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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