OEM :: Volume #10

#910: Digs the earthworm and eats the earthworm...

Your wars have come to the end, our gambling stakes have not actually been completed...... Em, was we a moment ago five people of Battle Formation time has hit a gambling. Person who loses must by not need the Profound Force way to dig out 1000 earthworms...... He lost, is this, now is fulfilling the gambling stake.” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master takes great pains answered. “你们的战局算是告一段落了,我们的赌注却还没完成呢……恩,就是我们刚才五人战阵的时候打了一个赌。输的人要以不用玄力的方式挖出1000条蚯蚓……他赌输了,就是这样,现在正在履行赌注呢。”九幽十四少不厌其烦的解释道。 „? The gambling stake digs the earthworm...... Although does not need Profound Force to dig the buttocks to dig the earthworm to be quite awkward, but this place soil is fertile, in addition the sound was enormous a moment ago, has alarmed inevitably the earthworm of this place, believes that is digs 1000 earthworms is not the difficult matter...... How to worry that him this has traced the type? If Qiao Ying as the woman is afraid disgustingly, passable, what Qu Wuhui his Great Master do worry?!” Jun Moxie funny at the same time, but also is puzzled. “啊?赌注挖蚯蚓啊……虽然不用玄力撅屁股挖蚯蚓比较尴尬一点,但此地土壤肥沃,再加上刚才动静极大,必然把此地的蚯蚓都惊动了,相信就算是挖1000条蚯蚓也不是什么难事啊……怎地将他愁成了这副摸样?若是乔影身为女人害怕、恶心还说得过去,曲勿回他一个大老爷们愁什么?!”君莫邪好笑的同时,还在大惑不解。 This your little brat also has not to know...... When your third game of seven people of Battle Formation showdowns, we have hit a gambling. If who lost, eats uncooked these 1000 earthworms. Very unfortunate, he lost, he had the opportunity drop of victory, I very much magnanimous gave him......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master the first option with a self-satisfied tone, was explaining own success. “这你小子就又有所不知了……在你们第三局七人战阵对决的时候,我们又打了一个赌。谁若是赌输了,就将这1000条蚯蚓生吃下去。很不幸,他又赌输了,本来他有胜利的机会滴,我可是很大度地将优先选择权给他了……”九幽十四少用一种得意的口气,解释着自己的战绩。 ......” Jun Moxie loudly laughed: That...... The tune senior may really be too bad luck! This! Who makes you not have confidence to me? Detains the chip on my enemy, you do not lose are strange!” “噗……”君莫邪哈哈大笑:“那么……曲前辈可真是太倒霉了!该!谁让你对我没信心?将筹码押在我的敌人身上,你不输才怪!” Qu Wuhui wanted the immortal to want Deathland to groan, flipped the eyelid, has not spoken, excavating earth that continued to sweat profusely. 曲勿回欲仙欲死地呻吟了一声,翻了翻眼皮,没有说话,继续挥汗如雨的挖土。 Earthworm! I want the black earthworm, red does not want! Right, is of most disgusting person......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master in one side, strict supervision, meticulous...... In the ground, the earthworm are getting more and more...... A big group twines in together, often raising one's head dew tail, slowly creeping motion...... Jun Moxie thinks suddenly that these things later seemingly must get into the stomach by the Qu Wuhui swallow alive...... Cannot help but retches...... pretty boy is instantaneous! “蚯蚓!我要黑的蚯蚓,红的不要!对,就是最恶心人的那种……”九幽十四少在一边,严格监督,一丝不苟……地面上,蚯蚓越来越多……一大团缠绕在一起,不时的伸头露尾,缓缓蠕动……君莫邪突然想到,这些东西待会儿貌似还要被曲勿回生吞下肚去……不由得一声干呕……小白脸瞬间煞白! That situation seemingly too terrifying! 那情形貌似太恐怖了! It seems like this place soil is truly fertile, although Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master many requests, still stopped a night of scene then to dig enough 1000 colors swarthily and most disgusting earthworm. 貌似此地的土壤确实很肥沃,虽然九幽十四少诸多要求,仍止一夜光景便挖够了1000条颜色黝黑、最最恶心的蚯蚓。 Completed the work Qu Wuhui is actually face like the dying embers, the whole body mud crawled from the earth pit, the appearance that sorrowful greatest in the heart died, was having a final hope, begged: Brother 14......” 完成工作的曲勿回却是脸如死灰,浑身泥巴从土坑之中爬了出来,一副哀莫大于心死的样子,带着最后的一丝希望,乞求道:“十四兄……” On the face of Qu Wuhui reveals to the utmost flatters the flattering smiling face of strong point, stands in front of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, felt sorry for really, that also least bit present age extremely does the expert bearing...... do?” The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master nostril faces upwards, haughty asking. 曲勿回的脸上露出极尽阿谀奉承之能事的拍马屁笑容,站在九幽十四少面前,真真可怜极了,那还有半点当世绝顶强者的气度……“干嘛?”九幽十四少鼻孔朝天,大模大样的问道。 Brother 14, you looked that I dug fully 1000 earthworms, I do not want to hit the sound that depended on......” flatters. 十四兄,您看,我挖足了1000条蚯蚓,我不是想打赖地……”讨好的声音。 Does not want to hit to depend quickly eats, the eye shuts, the nose terminated the breath temporarily, quick solves!” Somebody's gloomy voice. “不想打赖就快吃,眼一闭,鼻子暂时终止呼吸,很快就解决了!”某人阴森森的声音。 That, my recent appetite is not good, I...... Can I not eat the smiling face of...... flattering...... not to be good! Wish to bet must concede!” Categorical, hard two characters. “那个,我最近胃口不好,我……我可不可以不吃……”讨好的笑容……“不行!愿赌就要服输!”斩钉截铁,硬邦邦的两个字。 You! Do not go too far!” Qu Wuhui anger from heart. “你!你不要欺人太甚!”曲勿回怒从心头起。 „Did I go too far? Really is Sacred Land unsurpassed expert, this grade of to confuse right and wrong and to invert black and white words can say, you said me to go too far, I have gone too far, how? This is yourself loses, wants to act shamelessly?” In Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master nose snort|hum. “我怎么欺人太甚了?果然是圣地无上高手,这等混淆是非颠倒黑白的话都能说得出来,你说我欺人太甚,我就欺人太甚了,怎地?这是你自己赌输的,想耍赖吗?”九幽十四少鼻中哼了一声。 I do not want to act shamelessly, I have not dug 1000 earthworms, the say|way that is photo your request digs the black earthworm that...... Qu Wuhui gets flushed in the face with anger fully, but next actually lowered the sound, grabbed the arm of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to swing swinging: Ten ~~ four ~~ brother ~~~......” sound soft glutinous, is similar to a female is acting like a spoiled brat to the boyfriend simply...... Jun Moxie at the same time always doing nothing but startled hits one to tremble spirit, even if was Young Master Jun calm calm seemingly could not withstand...... Another side Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao but are actually also vertical for it fine hair, more than thousand years of exquisite skills also consider unable to resist...... you to be called me 14 masters are also useless! Wish the gambling to concede, divulges big day, you must eat! Cannot be few!” Although Qu Wuhui concubine intent like the wadding, curries favor, but Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is actually Lang Xinsi the iron, is unwavering! “我没想耍赖,我不是挖了1000条蚯蚓嘛,都是照足你的要求挖的黑蚯蚓……”曲勿回脸红脖子粗的道,但下一句却又放低了声音,抓着九幽十四少的胳膊摇了摇:“十~~四~~兄~~~……”声音之软之糯,简直如同一个女子在向情郎撒娇……一边的君莫邪竟自激灵灵打了一个寒颤,就算是君大少爷的沉稳冷静貌似也顶不住了……另一边的乔影成吟啸也为之汗毛倒竖,千多年的精湛功力也告无从抵御……“就算你叫我14爷也是没用!愿赌服输,说破大天,你也得吃了!一条也不能少!”曲勿回虽然妾意如绵,曲意逢迎,但九幽十四少却是郎心似铁,毫不动摇! Your you...... You are make me die......” Qu Wuhui to stamp the feet to bellow, in the sound is having the weeping voice unexpectedly, in the eyes with tears, the body rustle shivers. “你你……你这是让我死啊……”曲勿回跺脚大吼,声音里居然带着哭腔,眼中含着泪,身躯簌簌颤抖。 Cries?! Do you cry? You cry actually...... If you cry, I put your horse! How you have not cried!?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master impassively say|way. He calculates that Qu Wuhui this extremely expert, inevitably from giving a thought to the status, currently side also others, has the junior to present especially, cannot lag behind the figure to cry absolutely loudly...... Also, has eaten the earthworm is not the important matter, this Young Master by seal time has eaten...... Although is not delicious, but does not have the toxin, if has not experienced, this Young Master can propose this gambling stake? Any matter has drops accidentally...... But he absolutely had actually underestimated eats uncooked earthworm the threat degree of this matter to average person...... The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master voice has not fallen, sees only Qu Wuhui to sit on the ground suddenly, the old mouth twists the mouth sidewise, pats the tread, uttering cry cries loudly, the tears rolling flow off, was really laments extreme...... Cries certainly to sing in good voice and with feeling, cries deep sorrow to want, cries earthshakingly, cries the tears tears crossflow...... Instantly, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, Jun Moxie, Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao four people are the same expression: Dumbfounded, eyebrow frame jumps crazily, eight eyeballs almost fell in the ground completely...... I...... fuck your Sir! You also really cry......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to visit him breathless, blurted to scold one. Really too accidental/surprised...... This is the Heavenly Saint Palace protector...... cries two to avoid eating the earthworm, why don't I cry? You ask those present, how will they elect?” The Qu Wuhui suspension weeping sound, lifts the eye of tearful to look at Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master: Said that you also do want to make me cry? Stands is crying or sits cries? Lies is crying or face upwards cry? Runs is crying or is jumping crying? Even if turns the buttocks to dance to cry, the old man has been ready for any sacrifice today, with your mao in...... So long as does not eat the earthworm on the line!” “哭?!你哭啊?你倒是哭啊……你要是真的哭出来,我就放你一马!你怎么还不哭呢!?”九幽十四少老神在在的道。他算准了曲勿回这等绝顶高手,必然自顾身份,尤其现在身边还有别人,更有小辈在场,绝对拉不下身段放声大哭的……再说了,吃蚯蚓也不是什么大事,本公子被封印的时候就吃过……虽然不好吃,但也没毒哇,要是没经历,本公子能提出这赌注?什么事都是有万一滴……但他却是绝对低估了‘生吃蚯蚓’这件事对普通人的恐吓程度……九幽十四少的话音未落,只见曲勿回突然一屁股坐在地上,老嘴咧开,拍着地面,呼天抢地的放声大哭起来,眼泪滚滚流下,委实是哀恸到了极处……哭得声情并茂,哭得哀哀欲绝,哭得惊天动地,哭得涕泪横流……刹时间,九幽十四少君莫邪乔影成吟啸四个人都是一样的表情:目瞪口呆、眉框狂跳,八个眼珠子几乎全部跌到了地面上……“我……我艹你大爷!你还真哭啊……”九幽十四少气急败坏的看着他,脱口骂了一句。实在太意外了……这可是天圣宫的守护者啊……“哭两声可以避免吃蚯蚓,我为啥不哭?你问问在场的人,他们会怎么选?”曲勿回暂停哭声,抬起泪汪汪的眼睛看着九幽十四少:“说吧,你还想让我怎么哭?是站着哭还是坐着哭?是趴着哭还是仰天哭?是跑着哭还是跳着哭?哪怕是扭着屁股跳着舞哭,老夫今天豁出去了,跟你卯上了……只要不吃蚯蚓就行!” face in world common person completely is one side the First Layer skin, but your Sacred Land Expert is actually not applying, performs that matter Pi Tie arrived at another side, as the matter stands while turned impudently, another side is not concerned about face, such talent, how our generation can, thinks, only then Zhan Mubai, Hai Wuya and other talented people are so, actually the original senior is in true the eminent, Junior admires!” Jun Moxie deeply made to bow with hands clasped, a face admiring say|way. “世间寻常人的脸面尽皆是一边一层皮,而你们圣地高人却在不在此限之中,尽都将其中一边的那层皮贴到了另一边,这样一来一边变成了二皮脸,另一边则是不要脸,此等天赋,我辈如何能及,原本还以为只有展慕白海无涯等人才是如此,却原来前辈才是真正的个中翘楚,晚辈拜服!”君莫邪深深地作了个揖,一脸钦佩的道。 Does not refuse to accept truly good, too overbearing, such cheek too has really resulted in! 真正不服不行啊,太霸道了,这样的面皮实在太了得了! forget it, is unexpectedly earnest with your this grade of goods, this Young Master was crazily is absurd! The shameless people deals with your this and other again, only meets for no reason to damage this Young Master face countenance.” 罢了,居然跟你这等货色叫真,本公子却是痴妄了!再跟你这等无耻之人打交道,就只会平白损本公子的颜面。” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master heaved a deep sigh, did not know whether to laugh or cry shook the head, suddenly the body fluttered, „” then vanished without a trace, only then a few words came: Little brat Jun, you felt relieved that takes Exquisite Lotus boldly \; If your accident sentiment, this Young Master decides as you to investigate in the end as the arbitration, then thoroughly utterly destroys Three Great Sacred Lands! To me is not the too difficult matter, haha......” 九幽十四少长叹一声,哭笑不得地摇了摇头,突然身子飘了起来,“咻”地一声便消失得无影无踪,惟有一句话飘然而至:“君小子,你放心大胆地去拿玲珑莲\;若是你出了什么事情,本公子作为仲裁定为你追究到底,便是将三大圣地彻底斩尽杀绝!对我而言也不是什么太困难的事情,哈哈……” The residual sound curls, comfortable airborne flutters especially, is the thorough trace disappears as for Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master. 余音袅袅,尤自在空中飘荡,至于九幽十四少则已是彻底的踪影不见了。 But Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master just before leaving commitment, has actually exceeded all! Some these words, are equal to giving the charm amulet that Jun Moxie hundred have not invaded evilly! How even if Sacred Land wants to act shamelessly again, or wants to cope with Jun Moxie...... That does not dare! 九幽十四少临走的这一句承诺,却胜过了一切!有这一句话在,等于是给了君莫邪一个百邪不侵的护身符!就算圣地再怎么想要耍赖,或者想要对付君莫邪……那也不敢了! Although Jun Moxie has 100% self-confident not to have the matter, but listened to these words, thinks somewhat with emotion. Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, crazy also good, insane, but...... Absolutely is a temperament people! Is one friend who is worth becoming friends with! 虽然君莫邪百分百的自信自己不会有事,但听了这句话,还是觉得有些感动。九幽十四少,狂也好,疯也罢,但……绝对是一个姓情中人!是一个值得结交的朋友! The complexions of Sacred Land three protectors, somewhat changed. The threat of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, was not meaning plays...... Saw with own eyes that the disaster tribulation crosses finally, Qu Wuhui hurried to crawl, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master walked, he is not certainly willing to cry again. Two look at Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao maliciously, the say|way of devils: What do you smile? Has the skill really...... Do you eat the fresh earthworm to look?” 圣地三位守护者的脸色,都有些变了。九幽十四少的恐吓,可绝不是说着玩的……眼见灾劫终过,曲勿回赶紧爬了起来,九幽十四少已经走了,他当然不肯再哭了。两眼狠狠地看着乔影成吟啸,凶神恶煞的道:“你们俩笑什么?真有本事……你们去吃吃生蚯蚓看?” Cheng Yinxiao loudly laughed, said: What eats? Both of us have not made a bet!” 成吟啸哈哈大笑,道:“吃什么?我们俩又没有打赌!” Qu Wuhui snort|hum, changed Jun Moxie: Little brat Jun, today's matter, does not permit to reveal the least bit! Otherwise, I could not forgive you!” 曲勿回哼了一声,转向君莫邪:“君小子,今天的事,不准泄露出去半点!要不然,我饶不了你!” Simple and honest of Jun Moxie face, said: Today's matter that tune senior, you said that concrete is that refers, on the one hand? Refers to the fighting aspect? Refers to confession? Also or is feared that Junior to other people explained Sacred Land how losing wins to want, to break a promise greatly gangs up to surround and beats up below to work? You must explain specifically, you do not explain, Junior there knows that what matter you did say in the end are?” 君莫邪一脸的憨厚,道:“曲前辈,您说的今天的事,具体是指的那一方面呢?是指打斗方面?还是指交代方面?又或者是怕晚辈向其他人说明圣地如何的输大赢要,背信围殴的下作事?你得具体说明白啊,您不说明白,晚辈又那里知道你说得到底是什么事呢?” You...... Your little brat dares to install silly to the father!” Qu Wuhui becomes angry out of shame, is ready to fight, whole face sinister aspect, greatly the word at earliest convenience do not hit the make a move trend greatly. “你……你小子敢给老子装糊涂!”曲勿回老羞成怒,摩拳擦掌,满脸凶相,大有一言不合就要大打出手的趋势。 ehhhh, Junior understands now. What you refer to is you cries the matter that.” The appearance that Jun Moxie being suddenly enlighted, to praise sighed: Has saying that the weeping sound of tune senior, seriously was a moment ago melodious, sings in good voice and with feeling, the residual sound curls, circles Liang three saying that but aftertaste unceasing...... Can cry this level, Junior admires also without enough time, how can also...... That what?” 呃呃呃,晚辈现在明白了。您是指的是您哭的这件事。”君莫邪一副恍然大悟的样子,啧啧赞叹道:“不得不说,刚才曲前辈的哭声,当真是抑扬顿挫,声情并茂,余音袅袅,绕梁三曰而余韵不绝……能哭出这种水平,晚辈佩服还来不及,又怎么会……那啥呢?” A Qu Wuhui face rose the liver colored, eats could not speak. But nearby Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao have actually smiled. 曲勿回一张脸涨成了猪肝色,吃吃的说不出话来。而一旁的乔影成吟啸却是笑了起来。 We walk.” Cheng Yinxiao looked at Jun Moxie: Thinks that Young Master Jun could not wait to attain that Exquisite Lotus.” “咱们走吧。”成吟啸看了一眼君莫邪:“想必君公子已经等不及要拿到那玲珑莲了。” „It is not anxious, I was very recently idle, the comparison has the time drop. Even if accompanies three to chat to chat next year here...... I have the time to accompany, can multi-direction several consult, is actually the good.” Say|Way that Jun Moxie smiles. “不急,我最近很闲,还是比较有时间滴。哪怕是陪着三位在这里聊天聊到明年……我也有时间奉陪,能多向几位请教,却是善事。”君莫邪笑眯眯的道。 You have the time...... But we do not have the time!” Qu Wuhui ill-humored say|way. Suddenly raises a palm, near the location, that giant stele is away from several feet far, suddenly does not have the sound to disperse place stone powder. “你有时间……可我们却没时间!”曲勿回没好气的道。突然扬起一掌,场地边上,那一块巨大的石碑隔着十几丈远,突然全无声息地散成一地石粉。 Lets their peaceful burying here...... Do not make the bystander disturb them.” Qu Wuhui sighed. Looked at a ground in confusion, turns around to go...... Jun Moxie touches the nose, the heart said that you destroy me to make the strange stele laboriously, unexpectedly asked continually has not asked me, simply is absurd, the fist is the truth is greatly big, his mother...... Does not have the means that follows after the Qu Wuhui three people, speeds away to go...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “就让他们安静的埋在这里吧……不要让外人来打搅他们了。”曲勿回叹了口气。看了看一片狼藉的地面,转身而去……君莫邪摸了摸鼻子,心道你丫地毁灭我辛辛苦苦制造出来离奇的石碑,居然连问也没问我,简直是岂有此理,还是拳头大就是道理大啊,他娘的……没办法,跟在曲勿回三人身后,一路疾驰而去……~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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