OEM :: Volume #10

#912: Are you, actually who?!

Chapter 171, two chapters unite. 第171章,两章合一。 As for thatched hut wall, then is quiet bamboos, dense and numerous neat arrangements, constitution wall. This quiet bamboo not too rare thing, itself does not have any too big use but actually, but, so long as there is this thing, nearby poisonous insect anything, does not dare to assemble to here completely. 至于茅屋的‘墙壁’,则全是一株株的清静竹,密密麻麻的整齐排列,构成墙壁。这清静竹倒不算太难得之物,本身也没什么太大的用处,但,只要有这玩意在,附近的毒虫什么的,完全不敢到这里来凑合。 But this thing there is still one biggest advantage is warm in winter and cool in summer, is actually the natural temperature air conditioning tool! Moreover year to year the beam energy spread sends out a quiet profound flavor, coordinates this place Profound Spirit Wood, this small thatched hut, directly is the cultivation heaven! 而这玩意还有一个最大的好处冬暖夏凉,却是天然的温度空调工具!而且常年能散发出一种清静幽深的味道,配合此地的玄灵木,这一间间的小小茅屋,直接就是修炼的天堂! This his mother is more useful than electricity mosquito-repellent incense! 这他妈比电蚊香有用多了! In the Young Master Jun heart is envying, the naked envy! 君大少心中在嫉妒、赤裸裸的嫉妒! When sees the roof and winding again when the vine on Profound Spirit Wood, the eyeball of Young Master Jun turned into the wolf general green! Phoenix Bito, pilgrimage cane \; Purple Luo Teng, vine of polygonum multiflorum...... Eight precious ingredients, immortal vine...... The Young Master Jun toothache is pulling out the cold air...... This is the rare rarely heard of genius treasure! The mother, you were too diligent and thrifty...... Although the father now the richest in the world, has been possible not to dare such luxurious...... Heavenly Saint Palace this group of bastards, live in this deity the place that is difficult to ask, unexpectedly has a face in front of oneself installs poor, said that anything diligent and thrifty, is the Heavenly Saint Palace fine tradition diligent and thrifty your younger sister! How you felt all right saying that how you did not die...... This saying, very with no conscience! 等再看到房顶和缠绕在玄灵木上的藤蔓时,君大少的眼珠子变成了狼一般的绿色!凤尾藤,朝圣藤\;紫罗藤,首乌藤……八宝枝,长生蔓……君大少牙疼似地抽着凉气……这全是罕见罕闻的天才地宝啊!妈的,你们太勤俭了吧……老子现在虽说已经富甲天下,可也不敢这么的奢侈啊……天圣宫这帮王八蛋,住在这种神仙难求的地方,居然有脸在自己面前装寒酸,说什么“勤俭,乃是天圣宫的优良传统”勤俭你妹!你们咋好意思说呢,你们咋不去死啊……这话,忒昧良心了! What kind of? Young Master Jun, lives in seclusion crudely, please do not blame that neglects is.” Say|Way that Qu Wuhui acts with constraint. “怎么样?君公子,山居简陋,尚请不要怪责怠慢才是。”曲勿回矜持的道。 Jun Moxie hit to tremble, suddenly capture of eye tearful hand of Qu Wuhui: Tune old seniors, the tune old seniors, diligent and thrifty simple are the human biggest moral excellence, my I...... My his mother also wants to learn from you, saying child who a little later will be industrious and thrifty, is good to recall past suffering...... Let me move out several here thatched hut...... Does not need to be many, among 5-6 on the line, makes Junior imitate the moral excellence of senior......” 君莫邪打了个哆嗦,突然眼泪汪汪的抓住曲勿回的手:“曲老前辈,曲老前辈,勤俭朴素乃是人类最大的美德,我我……我他妈也想跟着你们学习,过一过勤俭节约的曰子,也好忆苦思甜……让我把这里的茅屋搬走几间吧……不需要多,五六间就行,就让晚辈效仿一下前辈的美德吧……” Go away! Your little brat thinks but actually beautifully!” Qu Wuhui opened mouth scolded. This fellow also met lion big opened mouth! Unexpectedly opens mouth is among 5-6...... He thinks that what this is? Fleeing World Immortal Palace Mo Wudao strove for several hundred years also taking several...... So far seemingly also just gave him half is less than number...... Qiao Ying...... Did you come back? Un, but also has the honored guest one and arrives? Why not to come in a to chat?” Resounding of temperate sound long-drawn-out Youran (leisurely), does not have the slight smoke and fire aura. “滚!你小子想得倒美!”曲勿回张口就骂。这家伙也太会狮子大张口了!居然一张嘴就是五六间……他以为这是什么?遁世仙宫莫无道求了几百年了也就只是要几株而已……貌似到目前也才刚刚给了他一半不到的数目呢……“乔影……你回来了?嗯,还另有贵客一并到来吗?何不进来一叙?”一个温和的声音悠悠然的响起,不带丝毫烟火气息。 The facial expressions of three people somewhat were serious, replied in a low voice: Yes.” 三个人的神情都有些郑重了起来,低声答道:“是。” Then said to Jun Moxie: Young Master Jun, please!” 这才向君莫邪道:“君公子,请吧!” That Young Master is impolite.” Jun Moxie laughed, takes a step to take the lead, asking of talking without saying anything specific: Here total 136 such houses, but does not know...... Has been whether filled up with the person?” “那本少爷就不客气了。”君莫邪呵呵一笑,迈步走在前面,有一搭无一搭的问道:“这里共计有136间这样的房屋,但不知……是否是都住满了人?” Has been filled up with the person? How possible.” Qu Wuhui shook the head, said: Similar half are spatial. Since ten thousand years, have only had are promoted the Saint Emperor person successfully, have to move here qualifications! A while ago, in Heaven Punishment Forest , the buckle several people, this time had also been killed one by you! At present here, only then less than 60 people......” “都住满了人?怎么可能。”曲勿回摇了摇头,道:“差不多一半都是空的。万年以来,唯有成功晋级圣皇的人,才有入住这里的资格!前段时间,在天罚森林里,又折损了好几个人,这次还被你杀了一个!目前这里,就只有不到60人了……” 60 people! expert above 60 Saint Emperor or Saint Emperor......” Jun Moxie sucks in an cold air/Qi. Asking of contorting one's face in agony: „Can two seniors here, what position probably in?” “60人!60个圣皇或者圣皇之上的强者……”君莫邪倒抽一口冷气。呲牙咧嘴的问道:“两位前辈在这里,大概能在什么位置?” Old man two people are about Protector, is only an unwarranted reputation \; Strength...... Approximately in several high and low. Is nothing to speak of!” Although on Qu Wuhui mouth being nothing to speak of, but the smug look on face is actually appointed everyone can look. “老夫两人身为左右护法,只是一个虚名\;实力……大致在十几名上下。不值一提!”曲勿回嘴上虽说是‘不值一提’,但脸上的得色却是任谁都看得出来。 Admire, is really my vomiting looks like.” A Jun Moxie face admires, Qu Wuhui truly is Young Master Jun recently the biggest vomitive object, so long as thinks that this old little brat whole face nasal mucus, weeps bitterly the welldoing of crying, thinks that does not vomit seemingly the misery! “佩服佩服,真是我的呕像。”君莫邪一脸仰慕,曲勿回确实是君大少爷近来最大的呕吐对象,只要一想到这老小子满脸鼻涕、痛哭落泪的德行,想不呕吐貌似都很苦难! Speaks, before four people have arrived among a biggest thatched hut gate. The thatched hut occupying land area has probably a 5-6 zhang (3.33 m) surrounding area , the age limit of all around Profound Spirit Wood and quiet bamboo as well as assorted spirit flowered different grass obviously is quite remote, looked that is the Heavenly Saint Palace most central place...... comes.” Inside spreads a kind gentle polite sound. But resounds along with this sound, the gate of thatched hut suddenly silently opened...... By Jun Moxie cultivation base, actually has not perceived the Profound Qi fluctuation of least bit...... Three people have not left, passes on a astonishment sound on hearing in suddenly: Well?!” The sound is extremely low, but meaning of that astonishment, is actually clear. 说着话,四人已经走到了中间最大的一间茅屋门前。此间茅屋占地大约有五六丈的方圆,四周的玄灵木和清静竹以及各色灵花异草的年限显然都是比较久远的,一看就是天圣宫的最中心位置……“进来吧。”里面传出一个亲切平和的温文声音。而随着这个声音响起,茅屋的门突然无声无息的打开了……以君莫邪修为,竟然也没有觉察到半点的玄气波动……三人还未曾动身,就听见里面突然传出来一声惊讶的声音:“咦?!”声音极低,但其中的那股惊讶之意,却是明明白白。 Cheng Yinxiao Qu Wuhui and Qiao Ying sudden complexion big change! 成吟啸曲勿回乔影突然脸色大变! This is the Palace Lord sound! 这是宫主的声音! More than 1000 years, Palace Lord not astonishment anything, but said now that suddenly has actually made this sound! 1000多年了,宫主从未曾惊讶过什么,但今曰,却突然发出了这种声音! Is could it be and Jun Moxie is unexpectedly related? 难道竟是与君莫邪有关吗? Was seemingly silent has flickered, then saw that the person's shadow fluttered carelessly a meeting, waited for three people to walk, saw that in the room about the minute was placing ten chairs, only then three chairs were emptying, other completely has actually been filled with the person. 紧接着貌似沉默了一瞬,接着就见到人影忽忽的飘了一会,等三人走进去的时候,见到房中分左右摆着十把椅子,其中就只有三张椅子是空着的,其他的却尽都坐满了人。 Here elevation, according to the Jun Moxie estimate, must have the 7-8 kilometer, but completely does not have the feeling of that oxygen deficit, the outside ice layer stands in great numbers, snow gleams white, ancient not, but this seven leak out in eight air leakages halls, is as warm as in spring unexpectedly! 此处的海拔,据君莫邪估计,怎么也得有七八千米,但却全然没有那种缺氧的感觉,外面冰层林立,白雪皑皑,亘古不化,但这个七漏风八漏气的大厅中,竟然是温暖如春! Four people come, in room eight person 16 vision, actually already as if by prior agreement all centralized to the body of Jun Moxie. 四人一进来,房中八个人16道目光,却已不约而同地尽数集中到了君莫邪的身上。 The seemingly genial indifferent vision, in the bone are similar to the precisest searchlight are ordinary, Jun Moxie only felt one like naked body to provide the human body visit generally. 一道道貌似和煦的淡然目光,骨子里却如同最精密的探照灯一般,君莫邪只感觉自己有如赤身[***]一般提供人体参观。 However confident of his actually place: In any case is the men, looks looked that opens wide looks, indifferent, our qualification is abundant, so long as after you have looked, does not feel inferior on the line...... Naturally, even if you feel inferior that to have no way, who asked you not to have Young Master such good dna...... Qiao Ying and other people do not know when has sat down silently, three chairs of that reservation give them. Jun Moxie paid attention, Qiao Ying sat in the left five chair middle positions, but Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui sat in the both sides most side two positions, at the same time. 不过他倒是处之坦然:反正都是男人,看就看吧,敞开看吧,无所谓的,咱本钱雄厚,只要你们看过之后不自卑就行……当然,就算你们自卑那也没法,谁叫你们没有本少爷这么好的dna呢……乔影等三人不知何时已经无声无息的坐下了,那预留的三张椅子正是给他们的。君莫邪留意了一下,乔影坐在左边五张椅子最中间的位置上,而成吟啸曲勿回则是坐在两侧最靠边的两个位置上,一边一个。 No wonder called Protector, originally was this...... The standing out of the way goods, did not have the woman status to be high...... Young Master Jun wantonly unstated criticism. He does not know that Qiao Ying because of the All-seeing Eye reason, is extremely special in the Heavenly Saint Palace status, the status, is only not as good in the Heavenly Saint Palace Lord, but Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui, although status is not really high, but also under the people, is Three Great Sacred Lands City Lord and Palace Lord sees them, wants to be respectful, third points respect, seventh points fear! 怪不得叫护法,原来是这样……靠边站的货色啊,还没有个女人地位高呢……君大少大肆腹诽。他可不知道,乔影因为慧眼的缘故,在天圣宫的地位极之特殊,地位,就只稍逊于天圣宫主而已,而成吟啸曲勿回虽然在此间的地位委实不高,但也就在此间众人之下,便是三大圣地城主宫主见到他们,也要恭敬有加,敬之三分,畏之七分! The person of presenting, performing is white clothing like the snow, completely several hundred years ago characters, do not have one obviously are that white hair full head old people, drills seems, these completely are the healthiest mature people, each one black hair full head, the flesh like the jade, seemingly is most standard middle-aged handsome man is all coming...... Jun Moxie unstated criticism: Does the old monster who the middle-aged handsome man, my embryo, one group always results in the dregs, want to deceive this Young Master?! 在座之人,尽是白衣如雪,明明此间尽都数百年以前的人物,偏偏就没有一个是那种白发满头的老人,打眼看上去,这些个尽都是最健康的壮年人,个个黑发盈头,肌肤如玉,貌似全都是最标准的中年美男子来着……君莫邪腹诽一声:中年美男子,我胚,一帮老得掉渣的老妖怪,想糊弄本少爷吗?! Jun Moxie had not forgotten that at present this crowd middle-aged person, believes casual must have the 1800-year-old age, absolutely is one group of out-and-out old monsters...... Sharp vision, spread across on Jun Moxie, actually nobody first starts talking, suddenly in room unexpectedly especially silent, does the complexion of people, perform more and more appears prudent...... how this child?” Beforehand that say|way mild sound, acoustic source from directly opposite upper extreme. Several other people who is actually held responsible. 君莫邪可从来没有忘记,眼前这群‘中年人’,相信随便一个都要有1800岁的年纪了,绝对是一群不折不扣的老妖怪……一道道犀利目光,在君莫邪身上纵横交错,却没有一个人首先开口说话,一时间房间中的竟是格外的寂静,此间中人的脸色,尽都是越来越显得慎重……“此子如何?”还是之前那道温润的声音,声源来自正对面上端。却是问的其他几个人。 In the Jun Moxie heart feels some astonishment, although a moment ago everybody's vision on him, he only felt 16 vision . Moreover, also has not discovered the above other also other people. 君莫邪心中不禁感到有些惊讶,刚才虽然大家的目光都在他身上,他却只感到了16道目光,而且,也并没有发现上面另外还有他人。 Now this sound sends once again, Young Master Jun seemingly realized that in own directly opposite, the person is smiling is looking at itself. Although confirmed that person of existence at this moment, but actually still feeling of not seeing clearly. 现在这个声音再度发出来,君大少爷貌似才察觉,就在自己正对面,正有一个人在微笑着看着自己。虽然是此刻已经确认了那人的存在,但却仍然有一股看不清楚的感觉。 This person clearly at present, but Jun Moxie actually felt that is illusory, as if this is only one in phantom that the person of another space and time projects...... This feeling, seemingly only had also felt on the body of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master before! Without a doubt, Realm of this person, went to shatter void ultra wonderful Realm obviously! Only feared that distance that so-called breaks the last step that goes , is also only difference that is in front of the goal a foot...... This person of cultivation base, only fears only under Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, moreover still had certain disparity, this disparity will not be big, is not as good at most! 这个人分明就在眼前,但君莫邪却感觉是虚幻的,似乎这只是一个在另一个时空的人所投射过来的虚影……这种感觉,之前貌似也就只在九幽十四少的身上感到过!毫无疑问,这个人的境界,显然也已经去到了破碎虚空的超妙境界!只怕距离那所谓破碎而去的最后一步,也只是差那临门一脚而已……这人的修为,只怕仅在九幽十四少之下吧,而且就算仍有一定差距,这个差距也绝不会太大,至多稍逊一筹而已! Had such cognition, causes Jun Moxie also to be absolutely terrified! Cannot think that is a Sacred Land side, unexpectedly existence of also such ultra expert! 有了这样的认知,不禁令到君莫邪也要为之毛骨悚然!想不到属于圣地的一方,竟然还有这样超强者的存在! Since has such expert exists...... Why they also want, whatever Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master did run amuck these many years? One to one or did not beat, but both sides were the enmity were already dreadful, under the Realm suitable situation, so long as many several strengths and Realm endured the boost that fought again fully, made the enemy doom sufficiently, even Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master only feared the opportunity that withdrew to escape continually was very uncertain! 既然拥有如此强者的存在……那他们为何还要任由九幽十四少横行了这么多年?一对一或者仍是不敌,但双方早已是仇怨滔天,在境界相当的情况之下,只要再多几名实力、境界足堪一战的助力,足以制敌死命,甚至于九幽十四少只怕连脱身逃命的机会都很渺茫! Jun Moxie is being considered, only hears under the right the first person of simple and elegant say|way: This...... Without doubt then through ancient times to fall unique rare genius!” 君莫邪正在考虑中,只听见右边下首第一人清雅的道:“此子……无疑便是亘古以降绝无仅有的罕有天才!” The left side second person sighed to sigh one, said: Good, if the to ignore develops, believes that this child future achievement, on was not necessarily inferior in the past Nine Nether First Young Master, even was high!” 左面第二人喟叹一声,道:“不错,若是放任发展下去,相信此子将来的成就,未必就逊色于当年的九幽第一少,甚至还高!” These two open the mouth then to make the approval of maximum limit to Jun Moxie! 这两人一开口便对君莫邪做出最大极限的认可! Other people after these two said that in abundance nod. On the right fourth face has together the light birthmark, only listens to him saying: „This child age is extremely really young, observes the identification according to the old man over and over, his hair transforms without any Profound Arts, on the face the skin texture is also the natural production, not Ying of jade color trace feeling rejuvenated. Near the ear under the cheek, has the young wool not to shed...... I can confirm that this child real age, does not count certainly over 20 years old!” 其余众人在这两人说完之后,纷纷点头。右面第四人脸上有一块淡淡的胎记,只听他道:“此子委实年纪极轻,据老夫再三观察辨认,他的毛发未经任何玄功蜕变,脸上肌理亦是天然生成,并无返老还童之莹玉色彩痕迹。耳边腮下,更有乳毛未褪……我可以确认,此子的真实年龄,绝计不会超过20岁!” Other people are once more consistent the nod approval. 其余人再次一致点头认可。 The left side first person of eye such as falcon is common, looks at the eye of Jun Moxie, long time, said lightly: Besides said a moment ago, what is more commendable is...... Generally if youth so achievement, even if surname again how steady, temperament can also be totally different from the common youth! But at present this child actually not in this row! This child listens to me and others to praise, although happy, whole face is complacent, the regulations actually completely are the camouflage!” 左面第一人眼睛如鹰隼一般锋锐,看着君莫邪的眼睛,良久,淡淡道:“除刚才所说的之外,更难能可贵的是……一般少年若是如此成就,就算个姓再如何稳重,心姓也会与寻常少年迥然不同!但眼前此子却是绝不在此列!此子听着我等夸奖,虽喜形于色、满脸得意洋洋,实则却尽属伪装!” His gently snort|hum, said: His in the eyes no doubt has happy expression, has the contentment, even is the proud meaning, but is actually slightly some classes in the surface, in the eyes true Divine Light, completely was actually covered up solid...... This child calm dignified, above common Saint Emperor expert, is the old man , said when reaches hence the child now Realm, mental state also difference really far!” 他轻轻的哼了一声,道:“他的眼中固然有笑意,有自得,甚至是自傲之意,但却是略有些流于表面,眼中真正的神光,却尽被遮掩得严严实实……此子的沉稳凝重,远在寻常圣皇高手之上,便是老夫当曰臻至此子如今境界之时,心境也差之甚远!” This word greatly is rational! This child temperament is extremely firm and resolute, at present achievement already so outstanding, from slightly had not actually satisfied, asking the heart to roast, although he looks the Youran (leisurely) happy expression, but the lip and cheeks only, only have together under curved curve. This is actually acquired desirably forms, non- is innate appearance originally. This was explaining that this child temperament very ruthless renounces, heartless callous, treats the enemy, decides however resorts to all means! In the common people heart will have some to in any event the pity, the unusual exception, only in this child heart, is actually the intravenous drip not saves! This is the heart of expert an extreme brutal, endures!” The right second person carefully is observing, leisure giving conclusion. “此言大是有理!此子姓情极之坚毅,目前之成就已然如此超卓,却仍自丝毫也未满足,求进之心仍炙,他虽面露悠然笑意,但嘴唇与脸颊只间,却仅有一道下弯的弧度。这却是后天刻意形成,非是原本的先天形貌。这正说明此子心姓狠辣决绝,无情冷酷,对待敌人,定然是不择手段!世人心中无论如何都会存在些须怜悯之心,少有例外,惟此子心中,却是点滴无存!这正是一颗极端残酷、坚忍的强者之心!”右面第二人仔仔细细的观察着,慢悠悠的给出结论。 The right third person is sitting well, body straight like javelin, a speech is actually such as metal collision strikes: It is! now, he stands here, appointed we made remarks, but on the face the expression throughout maintained invariable, even expression in pupil did not have any fluctuation throughout, the clothes robe was steady, such as the water of Jing Lake, both hands both feet, did not have a movement, actually naturally 右面第三人端坐着,身躯笔直如标枪,一说话却是如金铁交击:“正是!如今,他就站在这里,任我们评头论足,但脸上表情始终保持不变,甚至眸子中的神色也始终没有任何波动,衣袍平稳,如镜湖之水,双手双脚,全无一丝动作,却又自然而然” Or he has the assurance that absolute escapes! This is actually beyond comprehension, if this child strength the list by the age theory, is really shocking, unthinkable, but still non- was I and other person of enemies, confidence what to come who he can the whole body draw back? Meanwhile facing me and other people, even if Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, breaks does not have any vitality! I unexpectedly have approved his confidence, that proceeds from heart, the self-confidence that nobody can vacillate!” “或者说,他有绝对逃生的把握!这点却是令人费解,此子实力若单以年纪论,委实已经是骇人听闻,匪夷所思,但仍旧非是我等任何一人之敌,他能全身而退的信心何来?同时面对我等11人,就算是九幽十四少,也断无任何生机!偏偏我竟认可了他的信心,那份发自心底,无人可以动摇的自信!” This, is very fearful! True fearful!” This is six people who the above has spoken in speech, silent a meeting, a conclusion that gives with one voice! “此子,很可怕!真正可怕!”这是以上说过话的六个人在说完话之后,沉默了一会,异口同声地给出的一个结论! The Jun Moxie casting down one's eyes nose view heart, is smiling indifferent to fame or gain, as if not cares a whoop, but in the heart is actually shocks extremely! These people, are blazing with anger seriously, only feared on one has several fine hair unable to leave their eyes to go, was really the old spirit in legend, the power of observation unexpectedly is worthily careful to this grade of situation! 君莫邪眼观鼻鼻观心,恬淡的微笑着,似乎毫不在意,但心中却是震撼万分!这几个人,当真是目光如炬,只怕自己身上有几根汗毛也未能脱出他们的眼去,果然不愧是传说中的老妖精,观察力竟然细致到了这等地步! Was only a pity that they no doubt looked through oneself confidence, does not have the ability to raise own genuine card in a hand! Also except that or Nine Nether First Young Master that said, in this world no one knows that own genuine card in a hand was anything! 只可惜,他们固然看破了自己的信心,却还是没有能力掀出自己的真正底牌!又或者说,除了当曰的九幽第一少,这个世界上谁也不会知道,自己的真正底牌是什么! Everybody have actually neglected a point, the most important point.” At this time sat on most white-clothes man of head was speaking, his speech forever was gentle kind, such as the ravine spring, gladdened the heart: Our 11 people observed this moment ago together, during this observation, everybody or does not observe, actually was still met intentionally or otherwise to release own unique Inner Qi. Even if accidentally the revelation little some, but the sum totals of 11 people, believe that you in present any person stands his position, is not necessarily able to withstand, must release the itself imposing manner to contend relatively, only then so may guarantee in the mind is insufficient to leave behind the flaw!” “大伙却还忽略了一点,最重要的一点。”这时坐在最上首的白衣人在说话了,他的说话永远是平和亲切,如山间清泉,沁人心脾:“刚才我们11个人一起观察此子,在这个观察之中,大家或者不察,却仍是会有意无意地释放出属于自己的独特气机。纵然是无意中泄露的一点点一些些,但11个人的总和,相信就算在座的你们之中的任何一人站到他的位置,也未必能承受得起,必须要释放出本身气势才能相对抗衡,惟有如此才可保证在心神之中不至于留下破绽!” But he does not have! Absolutely does not have!” Sat is saying on most the person of head softly, but these words made the following seven people also change color! “但他却没有!完全没有!”坐在最上首的这人轻言细语地说着,但这一句话却让下面的七个人同时变色! Sits on most that person of head, light smiling, light gaining ground, looked at Jun Moxie one lightly. But is this, makes Young Master Jun feel that own eye was similar to by two heat steel needles is gripped maliciously! 坐在最上首的那人,淡淡的笑着,淡淡的抬头,淡淡的看了君莫邪一眼。但就是这一眼,却让君大少爷感觉自己的眼睛如同被两只烧红的钢针狠狠扎了下去! Jun Moxie is unconscious eye narrows the eyes unexpectedly, immediately two cold brightness eye-catchingly, to that pair of indifferent look! 君莫邪竟是不自觉的眼睛一眯,随即两道寒光夺目而出,对上那双淡然的眼神! This is actually Young Master Jun after entering, the first time initiative makes the movement! 这却是君大少爷自进入此间之后,第一次主动的作出动作! Under vision looking at each other, the eyes of that person, look like the limitless sea are equally vast, after from Jun Moxie sharp Divine Light looks, actually likely saw the vast starry sky and endless universe! 目光对视之下,那个人的眼睛,就像是无边无际的大海一样浩渺,来自君莫邪的犀利神光看进去之后,却像是看到了浩瀚的星空、无尽的宇宙! But regardless of sea how deep endless, starry sky mysterious is how boundless, but Jun Moxie look, throughout such as two handle parallel startled day long swords, straight, tenacious, following direction not any hesitant not any prick that in disguised form oneself project! 但无论大海如何深沉无尽,星空如何神秘无涯,但君莫邪的眼神,就始终如两柄平行的惊天长剑,直直的,固执的,顺着自己射出的方向没有任何犹豫没有任何变相的刺入! Presents other ten people, felt difficult situation general killing intent unexpectedly as if by prior agreement! 在座其余的十个人,竟是不约而同地感到了一道惊涛骇浪一般的杀气 This killing intent to the person of presence, although is not very strong, but that feeling is actually sharp! This sharp killing intent, one type faces pinnacle that various deity Buddha can also push onward firmly able to move unhindered to be staunchly and incomparable! 这股杀气对在场之人而言虽然不算很强,但那感觉却是锐利之极!这道犀利杀气,有一种就算面对诸天神佛也能坚决挺进的极致刚烈、纵横无匹! Other ten people, simultaneously startled! 其余的十个人,同时大吃一惊 This is actually an alternative contest of rare forms of combat! 这却是一场超乎寻常战斗方式的另类较量! Contest of mental force! 精神力的较量! But...... Ten people could not record, already does not know when from starts, in this world seemingly has not dared with the person who the Boss disputes! Do not say that challenges mental force that the Boss himself most excels, even if other skill/effort, seemingly also few people dare to call a number! 但……十个人都已经记不起来,早已不知道从什么时候开始,这个世上貌似已经没有敢与跟老大较量的人了!不要说是挑战老大本身最擅长的精神力,就算是其他功夫,貌似也没有几人敢叫号! In this life, the also qualifications and Boss dispute, the considering everything also only has three people! 当今世上,还有资格与老大较量的,满打满算也就只有三个人而已! One naturally is Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, another is Misty Imaginary Palace old ancestor Luo Fuyun. As for third, is actually the alien race person that mysterious first leader Chuang Shang Bei Dao. 一个自然是九幽十四少,另一个则是飘渺幻府的老祖罗浮云。至于第三个,却是异族人那神秘莫测的第一领头人‘创尚北捣’。 However, that disgusting alien race person is the joined bodies person, quite therefore has average man two times of mental force, is the exceptional case, cannot be true strength. 不过,那恶心的异族人乃是连体人,相当于是拥有常人两倍精神力,算是特例,不能算是本身的真正实力。 Has not thought that now presented another person unexpectedly, a lawless outstanding youth! 怎么也没想到,如今竟又出现了另一人,一个如此无法无天的超卓少年! in the eyes of ten people reveal expression that regrets instantaneously: A such genius youth, only feared but therefore loses thoroughly in the Boss blurred starry sky in therefore receives the spirit/mind wound, lifelong halts in this! Such result rather some have been a pity, but this result actually resembles is being doomed...... Two people are only away from the short 45 zhang (3.33 m) distance each other to look. 十个人的眼中瞬间流露出惋惜的神色:如此的一个天才少年,只怕会因此而彻底迷失在老大的‘迷离星空’之中而因此受到精神创伤,终身止步于此吧!这样的结果未免有些太可惜了,但这个结果却似已经是注定的了……两个人只隔着短短的45丈距离彼此对望。 The feeling of Jun Moxie is: One rushed in others' domain suddenly! 君莫邪的感觉是:自己突然闯进了别人的领域之中! Resembles, that endless void completely is others' domains, but oneself, are only an intruder! 就好像,那无尽的虚空尽都是别人的地盘,而自己,只是一个入侵者! But any mental force, has its exhausting! Draws sea on for example you, although completely is the appearance of sea, but actually it, was still a narrow canvas! The limit of canvas, but is that person itself the limit! 但任何精神力,均有其穷尽!就比如你画出一个大海,虽然完全是大海的样子,但却其本质上,仍就是一幅窄窄的画布!画布之极限,不过是其人本身之极限而已! Only is just like this. 就只如此而已。 Therefore Jun Moxie disregards, proceeds rude and unreasonable to pass through constantly! Even if front is really blue sky one piece, I must select a hole! 所以君莫邪不管不顾,一味往前蛮横穿越!就算面前真的是青天一片,我也要掘出一个窟窿来! The time calmly passes, approached stick of incense time. 时间静静地流逝,前后已经接近一炷香的时间。 On ten faces that surrounds expression by regretting to be turned into with amazement! 围观的十个人脸上表情已经由惋惜变成了骇然! Panic-strickenly to the extreme! 惊骇到了极点! This youth, is could it be a monster? Unexpectedly under the mental force attack of Boss, living that not only can support, even outrageously is still counterattacking, and until did not drop the wind at this moment! This simply is the unthinkable matter! 这个少年,难道是一个妖怪吗?竟然在老大的精神力攻击之下,非但能支持的住,甚至还在悍然还击,且直到此刻仍是不落下风!这简直是匪夷所思的事情! This success is seriously incredible! 这份战绩当真是令人难以置信的! Jun Moxie Divine Sense has worn out successively a blue sky, blue seas, puts from one crowd of millions of High Rank Profound Beast, then breakthrough from a sea of fire...... These, naturally all are the ghosts that the opposite party arranges, therefore Jun Moxie not cares a whoop, the direct selection rushes to breakthrough hardly! My goal, in the other shore, will not stop in the midway absolutely! 君莫邪神念先后穿破了一片青天,一片碧海,又从一群千千万万的高阶玄兽之中穿出,而后更从一片火海之中突破……这些,自然全是对方布置的幻像,所以君莫邪毫不在意,直接选择硬闯突破!我的目标,在彼岸,绝对不会在中途停下! Slowly, on the face of Jun Moxie somewhat turned white finally, on forehead, has seeped out the tip beads of sweat quietly. Slowly downward flows, forms big one drop in tip of the nose...... Then, calmly...... Fall! 慢慢的,君莫邪的脸上终于有些发白了,额头上,也悄悄地渗出了点滴汗珠。慢慢的往下流,在鼻尖汇成好大的一滴……然后,静静地……落下! The beads of sweat fall to the ground, a pa micro sound! 汗珠落地,的一声微响! Jun Moxie felt suddenly he contacted a piece of wall also thick thing, according to breakthrough that forcefully the former law disregarded in the past, will think suddenly, the instantaneous nowhere stress, withdrew from the Sea of Consciousness category of opposite party unexpectedly! 君莫邪突然感觉到自己接触到了一片墙壁也似地厚实东西,正要依照前法不管不顾的强行突破过去,却觉得突然间一空,瞬间无处受力,原来自己竟然已经退出了对方的识海范畴! Opens the eye suddenly, actually saw opposite middle-aged person still from be with smile on the face looks at itself, does not have an unusual form, all, probably have had a dream! 豁然睁开眼睛,却见到对面的中年人仍自面带微笑的看着自己,全无一丝异状,刚才的一切,就好像是做了一个梦而已! In front of one, the tip of the toe front, has drop of sweat stain to be clear. 自己面前,脚尖前方,惟有一滴汗渍清清楚楚。 Who are you?” The opposite middle-aged person is smiling, asked to the Jun Moxie round. “你是谁?”对面的中年人微笑着,向君莫邪发问道。 Although he happily chatted as usual, even including tone manner also not tiny bit change, but the both sides several people accompanied his nearly millenniums years, how could also unable to see in the clue: They saw clearly Boss in the eyes dodges one that passes startled to palpitate! 他虽然言笑如常,甚至连口气神态也并无一丝一毫的变化,但两侧数人都已经陪了他近千年的岁月,又岂能看不出个中端倪:他们都清楚的看到了老大眼中一闪而逝的一丝惊悸! In an instant, people mind vibrates! 刹那间,众人心神震动! Today is really one says the child specially, shocks then one! 今天真是一个特别的曰子,一个震撼接着一个! I? I am Jun Moxie!” Jun Moxie light smiling. “我?我是君莫邪!”君莫邪淡淡的笑了笑。 Old man naturally knows that you are Jun Moxie. When you just arrived at Heavenly Saint Mountain, knows. But what I asked was......” the expression on that middle-aged face becomes dignified with deep veneration, a say|way of character character: You...... Actually is who?!” “老夫自然知道你是君莫邪。在你们刚刚到天圣山的时候,就已经知道。但我问的是……”那中年人脸上的表情变得凝重肃然,一字一字的道:“你……究竟是谁?!” Knew at present the person is Jun Moxie, is still actually insisting on closely examining actually you are who, this is very seemingly contradictory. But ten people on the scene simultaneously have actually straightened up the back, ten both eyes eyeballs, becomes especially proper serious! 已经知道了眼前人是君莫邪,却还在执意追问‘你究竟是谁’,这貌似很矛盾。但在场的十个人却同时挺直了背脊,十双眼睛,也同时变得格外的正经严肃! Who I am not.” Jun Moxie evil smiles, said: I understand what you asked was anything...... But I really am only...... Jun Moxie! It is not other who!” “我不是谁。”君莫邪邪邪一笑,道:“我明白你问的是什么……但我真的只是……君莫邪!不是什么其他的谁!” When on him spoke of me is Jun Moxie, below had 5-6 individual eyebrow fiercely raised, appearance that some do not dare to believe. They early heard Three Great Sacred Lands has provoked an exceptionally hard to deal with match, seemingly called Jun Moxie, but clearly understood at this moment that what Three Great Sacred Lands this time provoked was what freak! 在他上一句说到‘我是君莫邪’的时候,下面就有五六个人眉毛猛的一扬,有些不敢置信的样子。他们早已经听说了三大圣地招惹了一个异常难缠的对手,貌似就叫君莫邪,但此刻才清楚了解,三大圣地这次招惹到的乃是一个什么样的怪胎 Cannot help but in the heart to the Three Great Sacred Lands decision-making strata scolded 10,000: Such anomaly, are you all right to provoke him to do? Isn't this looks uncomfortably? Heard that this child there is still one Master mysterious, the apprentice had such strength, how could it not be the master fearful! 不由得心中对三大圣地的决策层骂了10000遍:这样的变态,你们没事招惹他干什么?这不是自己找难受么?听说此子还有一个神秘师傅,徒弟已有如此实力,师傅岂非更加的可怕! But now accidental/surprised hears this ‚I am only Jun Moxie, is not other who time, ten people simultaneously staring of astonishment in a big way the eye, near the right hand the fourth person blurted out: This is impossible!” 但如今意外听到这一句‘我只是君莫邪,不是什么其他的谁’的时候,十个人却同时惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,右手边第四人脱口而出道:“这不可能!” Although several other people have not spoken, but the meaning in look, actually clearly is also ` impossible ` these three characters! 其他的几个人虽然没有说话,、但眼神中的意思,却分明也是‘不可能‘这三个字! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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