OEM :: Volume #10

#904: Three Great Sacred Lands basic crisis!

He wants to call, he wants to say one leave alone I...... Revenges for me...... So long as can say, during his brothers still possibly recover, are insufficient to fall into at the scene are excessively sad, or will give him to bring back the suitable price! 他想叫,他想说一声‘别管我’……或者‘为我报仇’……只要能说出口,他的兄弟们依然可能回过神来,不至于当场陷入过度伤悲之中,或者会给他取回相当的代价! But he opens mouth, another handle bright as snow long blade inserted his throat from his mouth like lightning! The full mouth tooth and throat also crush, instantaneously changes to pile of mince meat including the tongue...... Simultaneously the handle blade around the middle cuts off him, originally shatter non- additional body suddenly thorough dismemberment...... Also is blade light dodges, an incomplete head turning round flies! 但他一张嘴,又一柄雪亮的长刀已经闪电般从他的嘴巴插进了他的咽喉!满口牙齿和喉管同时粉碎,连舌头也瞬间化作一堆肉末……同时又有一柄刀将他拦腰斩断,本就破碎的无以附加的躯体顿时彻底肢解……又是刀光一闪,一个残缺不全的头颅滴溜溜的飞起! In midair, the eye of this head also in maliciously is staring, in the item, full is desperate and anxious! Because he saw, oneself brothers, because of oneself death, lost control thoroughly! Everyone is looking at himself, dull, full is the heartache, if dies, had already forgotten is where...... The head still from the sky rotates, his eyeball weak transferred several revolutions, when changes his brothers, reveals the entreaty expression: Do not be too sorrowful! At this moment you should pay attention to the enemy first! Aaaaah...... But fell into absolutely the sorrowful six younger brothers, no one has seen his meaningful glance, from his final urge...... Finally, god of evil fortune Boss is bringing infinite resenting and worrying, this lost body the eye of head...... Also is incapable of rotating...... Two eyeballs frame in worrying too much expression, permanent stiff! 半空中,这个头颅的眼睛还在狠狠的瞪着,目中,满是绝望和焦急!因为他已经看到,自己的兄弟们,因为自己的死亡,已经彻底失控了!每个人都在看着自己,呆呆的,满是心伤若死,早已忘记了身在何处……头颅兀自在空中转动,他的眼珠无力的转了几转,在转向他的兄弟的时候,露出哀求的神色:不要太悲痛!此刻你们应该先注意敌人!啊啊啊……但已经陷入了绝对悲恸的六个弟弟,谁也没有看到他的眼色,来自他的最后叮咛……终于,七煞老大带着无限的愤恨和牵挂,这个已经失去身体的头颅的眼睛……再也无力转动……两个眼球定格在忧心如焚的神色,恒久僵硬! All these mentioned seem like the words are long, in fact, since Seven Stars Battle Array attacked on own initiative, projected the scabbard, to cut the midair this person of head finally, all time, most not half time of breath...... Even, half of half breath...... Also must be less! 这一切说来貌似话长,实际上,自从七星战阵主动出击,射出刀鞘,到最后将这人的头颅斩上半空,所有的时间,最多也不会过半个呼吸的时间……甚至,半个呼吸的一半……还要更少! But this blinks time in without enough time, matter that occurred, unexpectedly was brutal to the extreme! 但这眨眨眼都来不及的时间里,所发生的事情,竟然是残酷到了极点! The god of evil fortune Boss, this Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array battle formation core, sends from whole body without the wound to is dismembered to turn into everywhere broken fleshly body different place body separation suddenly...... All person as if by prior agreement dumbfounded of Sacred Land aspect! 七煞老大,这位七煞战阵的阵势核心,从浑身毫发无伤到被突然分尸变成漫天碎肉身首异处肢体分离……圣地方面的所有人不约而同地呆住了! All people had realized that the war had the unexpected transition, but anybody has not thought, this time transition, comes unexpectedly so rapidly, so thorough, so cruel! 所有人都已经察觉战局发生了出人意料的转折,但任何人都没有想到,这一次的转折,来得竟是如此的迅速,如此的彻底,更是如此的残忍! Before that body of two departure from the sky flew as before, at this moment had not fallen to the ground unexpectedly, one full was the head of blood also still in airborne slowly rotated...... All people fell into delay condition, his six brothers, several nearly not awfully threw toward the god of evil fortune Boss body shatter place...... But, Seven Stars Big Dipper Array does not have the delay! Not only does not have the delay, they when the enemy falls into sorrowfully, immediately started was sharper, fatal vicious attack! 之前那两片飞出的躯体依旧在空中飞行,此刻竟仍还未落地,一个满是鲜血的头颅也仍然在空中徐徐转动……所有人都陷入了呆滞状态之中,他的六位兄弟们,几近不要命的向着七煞老大身躯破碎的地方扑了过来……但,七星北斗阵却没有呆滞!非但没有呆滞,他们更在敌人陷入悲痛的时候,立即发动了更加犀利,更加致命狠毒的进攻! In them has two people, because god of evil fortune Boss counter-attacks certainly has been injured, the internal injury flesh wound is very serious, after all from strikes in being on the verge of death of Second Level Saint, there is so easy to enjoy! But they actually still compose this battle formation, the potential such as the insane tiger, wallops fully! 他们中有两个人因为七煞老大的绝地反扑已经受伤,内伤外伤都很严重,毕竟是来自于二级圣者的濒死一击,那里是那么容易消受的!但他们却依然组成这阵势,势如疯虎,全力猛冲! The six people in Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array almost cannot believe that own eye, being constantly together life, the 5-6 hundred years has not had the moment separated Boss! One's own elder brother, children of the same mother, in own at present, by dismembering of while still alive! 七煞战阵之中的六人几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛,朝夕相处一生,前后五六百年都未曾有须臾分开的老大!亲生兄长,一母同胞,就在自己的眼前,被活活的分了尸! This is the huge attack! 这是何等巨大的打击! In a twinkling, in the eyes of everybody completely is blood red, in the mind an only blank! In the heart, pulls out is painful in the extreme, as if this dies...... Is oneself! They had almost forgotten the time has forgotten all, as if entire world, in this moment static! 霎时间,人人的眼中尽是一片血红,脑海中只余一片空白!心脏之中,抽痛得无以复加,似乎这死的……就是自己!他们几乎忘记了时间忘记了一切,似乎整个世界,都在这一刻静止! They were calling out pitifully, was yelling crazily Big Brother’s name, went forward toward that pile of hashed meat...... Unexpectedly slightly gorgeous blade light that has not noted enemy already vicious near body...... In the Sacred Land camp, He Zhiqiu and Hai Wuya simultaneously circulate cultivation loudly shouted: Be careful!” 他们惨叫着,疯狂地叫喊着大哥的名字,向着那一堆碎肉前进……竟是丝毫没有注意到敌人的绚丽的刀光已经狠毒的近身……圣地阵营之中,何知秋海无涯同时运功大呼:“小心啊!” Two Saint Emperor skills are astonishing, but the god of evil fortune six brothers actually as if completely cannot hear, even if were the body is shaken shivered, was almost shaken from the ground, but they have still not realized! 两位圣皇的功力何等惊人,但七煞六兄弟却似乎完全听不到,纵然是身躯被震得颤抖了一下,几乎从地面被震了起来,但他们依然没有醒觉过来! At this moment, in their heart mesencephala, completely did not have other! Even...... even/including Choubao the thought with enough time has not risen, floods in the heart, only then grief! 这一刻,他们心中脑中,已经全然没有了其他!甚至……连仇报的思想都没有来得及升起来,充斥心中的,只有伤痛而已! Grief! 至极的伤痛! Then at this time, seven handle broadswords, was having the howling sound of the wind, crazy falling! Anxiously like sudden downpour! 便在这时,七柄大刀,带着呼啸的风声,疯狂的落下!急如骤雨! Blood rain splattering! Be relentless! But withstands all these six people just likes has not thought that in blade light blood rain dull looks, is standing dull, even...... Not using the Profound Arts guard! 血雨喷溅!毫不留情!但承受这一切的六个人恍如未觉,就在刀光血雨中呆呆的看着,呆呆地站着,甚至……没有运用玄功护身! Hai Wuya bellows: Stop!” Suddenly the personal appearance moves, such as grazes, the person , a handle long sword has not swayed ten thousand sword light...... If were hit by this sword light seriously, even if seven Saint, will experience personally the heavy losses unavoidably, even, some people at the scene falling lives! 海无涯大吼一声:“住手!”突然身形一动,如飞掠来,人未至,一柄长剑已经挥洒出万道剑光……若是当真被他这剑光击中,就算是七位圣者,也难免会身受重创,甚至,会有人当场陨命! After all, they have fought the so long time, Profound Force early lost money to being inferior to usually half, more wounded! 毕竟,他们已经搏斗了如此长的时间,玄力早已经亏损至不及平时一半,其中更不乏伤者! To the area array , the Mei Xueyan white clothing wins the snow, such as white clouds depart generally, along with grazing, a handle majestically such as the King common long sword display, flies high wields, indifferently said: Sea Saint Emperor, this is the life and death decisive battle! Destroys to meddle, rather has to lose your excellency Saint Emperor status!” 对面阵中,梅雪烟白衣胜雪,如一朵白云一般飞出,随着飞掠,一柄堂皇如王者一般的长剑展出,凌空一挥,淡淡地道:“海圣皇,这是生死决战!毁诺插手,未免有失阁下圣皇身份!” Hai Wuya sword light, is similar to the star light is ordinary, but Mei Xueyan sword light, is actually similar to the heavy snow shades said, obstructs sufficiently magnificently completely all! 海无涯剑光,如同星光一般灿烂,但梅雪烟剑光,却如同大雪蔽曰,足以遮尽一切辉煌! Suddenly, two people sky over the battlefield to, star light direct impact Ninth Heaven, the snowflake have sprinkled the vault of heaven instantly floating! Zheng clank several light sounds, two people performs is a white clothing, formed snow white one group...... to stop in the midair unexpectedly!” Qu Wuhui violent anger big drinks. 眨眼间,两人已经在战场上空对上,刹时间星光直冲九重天,雪花飘洒满苍穹!铮铮铮几声轻响,两人尽都是一身白衣,竟然在半空中汇成了雪白的一团……“住手!”曲勿回暴怒的大喝。 The airborne two people long sword intersected one finally, a Hai Wuya somersault turned, flew high to stand. But Mei Xueyan is actually facing Hai Wuya, holds a sword to point , the look locks Hai Wuya, the gentle and charming body gradually backward flutters, the white clothing is floating, the black hair such as the waterfall flies upwards, in this pitiful battlefield, added has wiped the supple graceful character and style...... This short fighting, is Mei Xueyan was in the upper hand unexpectedly! 空中两人长剑最后相交一记,海无涯一个跟头翻了回去,凌空而立。但梅雪烟却是面对着海无涯,仗剑直指,眼神锁定海无涯,娇柔的身子缓缓向后飘去,白衣飘飘,黑发如瀑飞扬,在这凄惨的战场上,平添了一抹柔婉风情……这短促的交手,竟然是梅雪烟占了上风! Won wins, has defeated, defeated! Hai Wuya, are you unexpectedly not being able to lose so?” Qu Wuhui two somewhat red, drinks fierce greatly: This originally is the war of life and death, even if you do not endure, must bear! The people died must also endure! This war, what war is Three Great Sacred Lands face! Is your arbitrarily make a move involvement, what matter? Sacred Land ten thousand years of prestige, but is makes you such ruin?” “赢就是赢,败了,就是败了!海无涯,你竟是这般的输不起吗?”曲勿回两眼有些红,厉声大喝:“这本就是生死之战,就算你再不忍,也必须忍住!人死光了也得忍!这一战,战的是三大圣地脸面!你擅自出手介入,算什么回事?圣地万年声誉,可就是让你们这么糟践的?” Hai Wuya clenches teeth, grief and indignation say/way: But...... They too are but vicious......” 海无涯咬着牙,悲愤的道:“可是……可是他们实在太狠毒……” Vicious? The viciousness is the duty of match! The war of life and death, originally stops at nothing, vicious is the most correct procedure!” Qu Wuhui snort/hum, said: Coming up both sides on setting the rule, have died until a side, fights the end for this reason! This is, opening by the live person, by the meaning of deceased person result! Your isn't could it be clear? The Sacred Land person died, the old man is similarly uncomfortable! However is uncomfortable, must endure, the custom is the custom! The life can not want, but face, has no alternative but to want!” “狠毒?狠毒是对手的本份!生死之战,本就是无所不用其极,狠毒才是最正确的做法!”曲勿回哼了一声,道:“一上来双方就订好了规则,直至一方死光了,是为此战终结!这便是,以活人开局,以死人结局的意思!你难道不明白吗?圣地人死了,老夫同样难受!但是再难受,也要忍着,规矩就是规矩!命可以不要,但脸,不能不要!” The stern voice and appearance that Qu Wuhui said that whole face angry look, the beard and hair halberd opens! 曲勿回说的声色俱厉,满脸怒色,须发戟张! Hai Wuya falls slowly comes, to look in the field the pitiful condition, cannot bear the tears...... In this moment, six Sacred Land Second Level Saint in field, does not remain, was slaughtered the local area all! Several people, almost completely do not hit back was killed, until dying, on the face is still one piece sorrowful...... Jun Moxie looks in the field, sighed silently, in the heart resounded the words that Mei Xueyan spoke: The blood relative brothers, coexist from morning until evening for several hundred years, has not left, tacit coordination already to the apex in world...... But, sentimental depth, no doubt is the advantage, actually is also the biggest fault...... A person bursts oneself, six people are sad \; A person dies, six will of the people die! 海无涯缓缓落下地来,看着场中惨状,忍不住老泪纵横……就在这一刻之间,场中的六位圣地二级圣者,一个不留,尽数被屠戮当地!更有几人,几乎就是完全不还手的被杀,直到死去,脸上依然是一片悲痛……君莫邪看着场中,默默地叹了口气,心中响起了梅雪烟说的话:嫡亲兄弟,朝夕共处数百年,未曾离开,默契配合已经是到了世间的顶点……但,感情深,固然是好处,却也是最大的坏处……一人伤身,六人伤心\;一人身死,六人心死! This seven brothers, is really so! 兄弟七人,果然是如此! Qu Wuhui at this moment may say somewhat sadly, is somewhat angry! 此刻的曲勿回可说有些伤心,又是有些愤怒! In his opinion, the action of Hai Wuya make a move involvement decisive battle, is loses face suddenly simply! Not only makes him lose face, Three Great Sacred Lands must be shamed. 在他看来,海无涯突然出手介入决战的举动,简直就是丢脸之极!不仅让他自己丢脸,连带的三大圣地也要蒙羞。 In addition he just lost two games, the mood depressed incomparable, suddenly heart in all depressed has manifested suddenly all. 再加上他刚刚赌输了两局,心情正是郁闷无比,顿时将心中所有的郁闷尽数发作了起来。 The nature, the there is still one main reason lies in...... Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master at the same time is still looking that master may also sees one of the notary publics! If he once finds an excuse to manifest suddenly...... Perhaps Hai Wuya must in these seven people with the field be the same, lies down here...... Where Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao complexion is also good unable to see goes. Has the Sacred Land topmost levels and Heavenly Saint Palace three protectors here, but must add on Number One Under the Heaven madman Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to make the arbitration again, unexpectedly will have this at the scene regret, the behavior of being perfidious, if and the others not on the scene...... How this group of people work will be unscrupulous, it can be imagined, the beforehand all sorts of hearsay, the rumor, not necessarily does not have, because...... Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is watching critically all these, coldly said: „Since ten thousand years conceitedness, Three Great Sacred Lands was already decayed to extreme...... Works but likes depending on oneself, only the knowledge does one's best to guard a oneself side benefit, regarding other, early has not cared, in their in the eyes, oneself is a just side, the matter of good justice, what arrests the section. At present this, is the evident proof!” 自然,还有一个最主要的原因在于……九幽十四少还在一边看着,那位爷可也是见公证人之一!若是他一旦借故发作起来……恐怕海无涯也要跟场中这七个人一样,躺在了这里……乔影成吟啸脸色也好看不到哪里去。有圣地最高层、天圣宫三位守护者在这里,还要再加上天下第一狂人九幽十四少做仲裁,居然还会发生这种当场悔诺,背信弃义的行为,若是自己等人不在场……这帮人做事将会如何肆无忌惮,可想而知,之前的种种传闻,空穴来风,未必无因……九幽十四少冷眼旁观着这一切,冷冷道:“万余年以来的唯我独尊,三大圣地早已腐朽到了极处……做事但凭自己喜好,只知尽心尽力卫护自己一方利益,对于其他的,早已经不在乎了,在他们眼中,自己乃是正义的一方,行正义之事,何拘小节。眼前这一幕,就是明证!” His gloomy has smiled one, said: „If the common custom person, disregards the law and discipline, unavoidably falls into the prison, or beheads to expose to the public and punish properly according to law. But Jiang Hu, is actually one relatively loose is at...... The loose place, lacks some Jiang Hu lawmen! A person in Jiang Hu and involuntary, disregards all! Everybody stick to one's own way of doing things, is all lawless! But actually some moral rules, ancient hand down, the person all does not dare to violate lightly! Even if the unpardonably wicked generation, is the quite a lot scruples......” 他阴森森的笑了一声,道:“若是身为世俗人,无视法纪,不免身陷大牢之中,又或者砍头示众、明正典刑。但江湖,却是一个相对宽松的所在……宽松之处,就是缺少一些江湖执法者!一句人在江湖、身不由己,就将一切无视!人人我行我素,个个无法无天!但却总有一些道义规则,古老相传,人皆不敢轻犯!纵然是十恶不赦之辈,也是颇多顾忌……” He long breathed a sigh of relief, then said: But since present Three Great Sacred Lands, ten thousand years has removed the dissident, stop at nothing, already did not have the match in now world! Once did not have the match, did not have the restriction. Therefore present Three Great Sacred Lands, deteriorated thoroughly! The conduct more and more is wildly arrogant, already did not place in the eyes so-called Jiang Hu morality and justice and custom, if met with the itself benefit conflicts the time, so-called Jiang Hu morality and justice, on shape with scrap paper one! But who once had thought that continue like this...... You must be bigger than the harm of alien race person inevitably! Alien race person after all not my clan, even if enters profoundly, waited for that their also can only destroy finally, but you, are actually destroying this piece of Heaven and Earth, Heaven and Earth that your wild talk must protect!” 他长长舒了一口气,接着道:“但现在的三大圣地,万年以来排除异己,无所不用其极,在当今之世早已没有了对手!一旦没有了对手,也就没有了制约。所以现在的三大圣地,已经彻底变质!行事越来越是骄狂,早已不将所谓江湖道义、规矩放在眼中,若是遇到与本身利益相冲突的时候,所谓的江湖道义,就形同废纸一张!但谁曾想过,如此下去……你们势必比异族人的危害还要更大!异族人毕竟非我族类,就算进入玄玄,等待他们的最终也只能毁灭,而你们,却在毁灭这片天地,你们妄言要守护的天地!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master desolate looks at Hai Wuya: Like you and others so, as the Jiang Hu person, if the minimum Jiang Hu custom and promise, can cast behind in blinking continually all, then, is shouldering the how great mission, became the malignant tumor that has to eliminate! The ignores gets down, only meets the entire erosion! But Three Great Sacred Lands, already erosion ten thousand years of years! Qu Wuhui, your three, but also is considered as is the different kind that the sludge does not dye, may celebrate seriously encouraging!” 九幽十四少冷森森的看着海无涯:“就像你等这般,身为江湖人,若是连起码的江湖规矩、信诺,都能够在眨眼之间尽数抛在脑后,那么,无论是肩负着多么伟大的使命,都已经成为一个不得不除的毒瘤!放任下去,只会整个儿糜烂!而三大圣地,已经糜烂了万年岁月!曲勿回,你们三个,还算得上是出污泥而不染的异类,当真可喜可贺!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master these words said, Qiao Ying, Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui three people are startled suddenly! 九幽十四少这番话说完,乔影成吟啸曲勿回三个人突然怔住! Immediately, sweats profusely! 随即,大汗淋漓! Since ten thousand years, Three Great Sacred Lands has been devoting to subjugating the dissident, the ultimate goal is conceited. But Three Great Sacred Lands is also the Xuan Xuan Continent protector, top/withstand the just reputation to work, the nature unscrupulous, stops at nothing. 万年以来,三大圣地一直都在致力于征讨异己,最终的目的就是唯我独尊。而三大圣地也本来就是玄玄大陆的守护者,顶着正义的名头做事,自然肆无忌惮、无所顾忌。 But Heavenly Saint Palace had not thought that the Three Great Sacred Lands conduct procedure has anything not to be right, instead when its difficulty, everywhere gives to support and even is vigorously support \; The anticipation will happen one day, the Sacred Land true control world, that was the gospel of entire mainland to...... Nature, if according to the ten thousand years ago Three Great Sacred Lands standard, even is 5-6 millennium ago Three Great Sacred Lands, like this said that is not unreasonable. But along with opposition forces unravelling, Three Great Sacred Lands also finally mounts right peak of this mainland . Moreover the alone lead(er) wind scratches with the finger! 天圣宫也从来没有觉得三大圣地的行事做法有什么不对,反而在其困难时,处处予以支持、甚至是倾力支援\;期待终有一天,圣地真正掌控天下,那便是整个大陆的福音到了……自然,若是按照万年前的三大圣地的标准,甚至是五六千年前的三大圣地,这样说未尝没有道理。但随着反对势力一家一家的灰飞烟灭,三大圣地也终于登上这片大陆的权利巅峰,而且还是独领风搔! Qiao Ying and Cheng Yinxiao Qu Wuhui and other people, thought from the heart, the present Three Great Sacred Lands achievement, really shakes the bright past and present, far ultra generation, in heart gratified! The control mainland, rules the world, Sacred Land, does not have to fight! This without doubt is the peak glory! 就连乔影成吟啸曲勿回等三人,也从心中觉得,如今的三大圣地的成就,实在是震烁古今,远超列祖列宗,心中欣慰不已!掌控大陆,君临天下,圣地一出,无可争锋!这无疑是巅峰的荣耀! But three people were reminded by Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master now, this with amazement discovered: If so did not have the match seriously, after is alone big, faced with, can only be absolutely own interior putrefies...... Deteriorated thoroughly! 但三人现在被九幽十四少点醒,这才骇然发现:若然当真没有了对手,一家独大之后,面临的,绝对只会是自己的内部腐化了……彻底变质了! People, always combative \; Fights with the enemy, frequently struggles in life and death online, instead will arouse the person infinite fighting spirit, superego, sublimations...... But, if absolutely didn't have existence of enemy? 人,总是好斗的\;与敌人斗,时时刻刻挣扎在生死线上,反而会激起人无限的斗志,一次次超越自我,一次次的升华……但,若是完全没有了敌人的存在呢? The whole world is torrential, an enemy does not have, flatters everywhere, everywhere is the flatter flatters...... The people, naturally changed. 举世滔滔,一个敌人也没有,到处是阿谀奉承,处处是马屁吹捧……人,自然而然就会变了。 A there is still one more difficult issue is, if did not have the enemy truly...... Also can fight with whom? Therefore must fight with oneself, in the desire for fame and fortune with own heart fights, but ultimately defeats own, how many people can have? Therefore everybody was controlled by fame and fortune grass, therefore in starts to fight...... Fights for power and profit, among Three Great Sacred Lands, complete mutual understanding originally also has existed in name only now, in the surface smiles, stays on good terms with everyone, is manipulating secretly actually strategically...... Even in same Sacred Land, must fall over one another, stops at nothing...... This for a long time, also who will care about the Jiang Hu custom? also who will follow Jiang Hu morality and justice? Because of these, originally is these people formulates! Who will pay attention to? But...... Did not have the Jiang Hu of custom and morality and justice...... What Jiang Hu? 还有一个更加严峻的问题就是,若是真正没有了敌人……还能跟谁斗?于是就要跟自己斗,跟自己心中的名利思想斗,但最终战胜自己的,能有几人?于是大家都被名利艹控,于是就开始内斗……争权夺利,三大圣地之间,原本的融洽无间现在也已经形同虚设了,表面上满脸笑容,一团和气,暗地里却在勾心斗角……甚至是在同一处圣地之中,也要你争我夺,无所不用其极……这样长久以来,还有谁会在乎江湖规矩?还有谁会遵循江湖道义?因为这些,本就是这些人制定的!谁会放在眼里?但……没有了规矩和道义的江湖……还是什么江湖 More wants to get down, three people feel afraid on more: Continuously for a long time hence, Three Great Sacred Lands does not need rival, oneself can collapse thoroughly! 越是想下去,三人就越觉得害怕:长此以往,三大圣地不需要有敌手,自己就能够彻底崩溃! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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