OEM :: Volume #10

#903: Cuts the god of evil fortune!

As for before then and or the later situation, after this strikes, will become no longer important! 至于在此之前、又或者之后的局势,在这一击之后,都将变得不再重要! Seven Stars Big Dipper Array that the present situation, the Sky Razing Soul Devourers subordinate revolves although had superiority in the true sense, but is the superiority is big, is not equal to winning the potential, does not win the potential absolutely! But Jun Moxie, what wants ends the victory, is not the hard victory! But at present is actually preying between Second Level Saint, both sides have extremely tenacious vitality! 现在的局势,残天噬魂部属所运转的七星北斗阵虽然占据了真正意义上的优势,但就算是优势再大,也不等于胜势,更不是绝对胜势!而君莫邪,要的是完胜,并不是惨胜!但眼下却是二级圣者之间的搏杀,双方都有极其顽强的生命力! Even if is in the absolute adverse circumstance a side, so long as steels one's heart, can put together a mutual wounds! 就算是处于绝对逆境的一方,只要横下心来,也能够拼一个两败俱伤! Reason that Jun Moxie can a sword extinguish kills Saint, first because of the stealth sneak attack, unexpectedly, when because second his make a move itself skill has gone far beyond Xia Dongting, when can strike goes well, again with being higher than Profound Qi of opposite party several fold thoroughly burns down Xia Dongting meridians, making him miss last opportunity of putting up a last-ditch struggle radically! 君莫邪之所以能够一剑灭杀圣者,一来是因为隐身偷袭,出其不意,二来是因为他出手之时的本身功力已经远远超过了夏东亭,才能在一击得手之余,再用高出对方数倍的玄气彻底焚毁夏东亭经脉,让他根本丧失了最后一点垂死挣扎的机会! Otherwise, by the Xia Dongting Saint Third Level tyrannical strength, powerful self- repair capability, as for dying silently! 要不然,以夏东亭圣者三级的强横实力,强悍的自我修复能力,绝不至于死得那么的无声无息! So long as were not dismembered at the scene! Even if expert stabbing atrium vital point, even broke the heart engine'knock', Saint can still seal up the chest cavity organ to revolve with itself Profound Qi forcefully, stagnates own blood circulation, placed least over one day this situation, at least is insufficient to lose one's life immediately...... But carves Sky Razing Soul Devourers and other people of group institutes to face, is such dangerous situation. Facing opposite party brothers' affectionate seven people, if simultaneously fights tooth and nail the dying war, the battle efficiency that the opposite party erupts, can draw Seven Stars Battle Array absolutely is being buried along with the dead together, goes to nether world Yellow Spring! 只要不是被当场分尸!就算高手刺中心房要害,甚至已经将心脏震爆震碎,圣者仍然可以用本身玄气强行封住胸腔器官运转,停滞自身血液循环,将这种情形维持至少一天以上的时间,起码不至于即时送命……但刻下残天噬魂等七人组所要面临的,正是这样的危险局面。面对对方兄弟情深的七个人,若是同时搏命死战,对方爆发出的战斗力,绝对可以将七星战阵拉着一起陪葬,同赴幽冥黄泉 Therefore Jun Moxie like this arranges from the beginning: Wound its ten fingers, are inferior to its one finger! 所以君莫邪一开始就是这样安排的:伤其十指,不如断其一指! Comes up to be at the strictest defensive counter-attack condition, does not attack on own initiative \; Slowly controls the aspect, saves superiority, then transfers the superiority again wins the potential absolutely, then, attacks again suddenly, is putting together injury, seven people well up, but on simultaneously deals with one person! Strives under strikes, dismembers that person of chaotic blade, extinguishes at the scene kills! 一上来就处于最严密的防守反击状态,绝不主动出击\;慢慢地控制局面,积蓄优势,再进而将优势转为绝对胜势,然后,再突然出击,拼着受伤,七个人一涌而上同时对付一人!力争在一击之下,将那人乱刀分尸,当场灭杀! Only then kills one person first, broke the Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array seven people to collaborate, making the opposite party offensive again not developed to the most tyrannical condition \; Even if opposite party, because the brothers were killed, but erupts once again, launches the craziest retaliation attack, so long as one's own side changes over to the strict defensive defense condition once more, can guarantee the no worries, until the opposite party offensive failure, then can counter-attack on a large scale...... Naturally, the most ideal situation is actually, when a opposite party person was killed, because other six people brothers concentric, falls entirely Shang, the grief wants certainly, not to have the words of strength again, that may follow up a victory with hot pursuit directly, kills off other six people completely! 惟有先杀一人,破了七煞战阵的七人联手,使得对方攻势再无发达到最强横的状况\;即使对方因为兄弟丧命而再度爆发,发动最疯狂的报复攻击,只要己方再次转入严密防守防守状态,便可保无虞,直到对方攻势衰竭,便可以大举反击……当然,最理想的情况却是,对方一人丧命之余,其余六人因为兄弟同心,一陨俱伤,伤痛欲绝,再无战力的话,那就可直接乘胜追击,将其余六人全部杀光! These two types of situation variables are large, but the result is only, must achieve, wipes out the enemies, but one's own side does not damage one person! 这两种情况变数颇大,但结果唯一,就是务必要做到,全歼敌人,而己方不损一人! But the present war, is carrying on the direction that Jun Moxie anticipates...... sword light like Rainstorm general swaying, Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array everybody is still the air/Qi calms down idly, although made war until now is by their main attack, lost the suitable physical strength, but they were always not irritable. 而现在的战局,正在向着君莫邪所预期的方向进行……剑光有如暴雨一般的挥洒而下,七煞战阵人人依然是气定神闲,虽然开战到如今一直是由他们主攻,损耗了相当的体力,但他们却是始终不急不躁。 The opposite party strength no doubt stemmed from them to be unexpected, but they in they several hundred years of fight professions, were not strange to such deadlock, so long as during the offensive still grasped oneself, then, even if the present war initiative in the opposite party hand, was not affected much! 对方的实力固然出乎了他们预料之外,但他们在他们数百年的战斗生涯中,对这样的僵持局面并不陌生,只要攻势仍在自己这边的掌握之中,那么,就算是现在战局的主动权在对方手中,也无大碍! The truth that defending the long time must lose wants is top-level Martial Artist will not be then strange, oneself and the others the continuing combat forces are very considerable, formerly had the person to plan that consumed but actually with the tactic of battle of attrition and other brothers, but was consumed finally but actually actually instead was they, and looked at opposite that seven, itself cultivation base and skill must be inferior in us, can be the only exception?! 守久必失的道理只要是高层次武者便不会陌生,自己等人的持续战斗力可是很可观,从前不是没有人打算用消耗战的战术耗倒自己等七兄弟,但最终被耗倒的却反而是他们本身,且看对面那七个,本身修为、功力还要逊色于我们,会否是唯一的例外?! The blade light is similar to leaves of screens, the camouflage results in the wind and rain to be airtight, the speeds of seven black forms also more and more are the quick, position transform also more and more are frequent...... Often here person jumps, has not arrived at itself to assign that moment of position, but other six people jumped in turn, transforms in the midair, but the blade light like the curtain, actually throughout does not see the least bit to idle...... Broadminded within, during inundates to be spatial completely is the white light, that black form originally, completely disappears unexpectedly does not see! Only silver-white star light crazy classes, back and forth flying on the scene curls together! 刀光如同一扇扇屏幕,遮蔽得风雨不透,七条黑色身影的速度也越来越是快捷,彼此之间方位转换得也越来越是频繁……往往这边一人跃起,还未到自己指定位置的那一刻,但其余的六个人已经依次跃起,在半空中转换,但刀光如幕,却始终不见半点懈怠……豁然间,漫空之中尽是白光,那原本的黑色身影,竟然完全消失不见!只余一道银白色的星光狂流,在场中来回飞卷! In movement rapidly, with the Big Dipper big strength, Big Dipper sword borrowed successfully sky stars strength, will transform together the gods and ghosts white light...... On the scene surrounds the time that the people call out in alarm...... Good-looking blade glow rises crazily, suddenly the violent disperses the riotous seven colors, intensely bright! This moment blade light, is similar to the sky fierce positive general, magnificent may not unexpectedly visual! 在急速的运动中,借着北斗七星大阵之力,七星剑阵成功地借取了天空星辰的力量,将自己幻化成一道神异的白光……在场围观众人惊呼的时刻……悦目刀芒一阵狂涨,突然暴散出缤纷七彩,耀眼夺目!这一刻的刀光,竟然如同天空烈阳一般,辉煌不可目视! despicable!” In Battle Formation, spreads one to curse angrily, then suddenly sound of to erupt metal collision cry! 卑鄙!”战阵之中,传出一声怒骂,接着突然金铁交鸣之声大作 The Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array seven people when saw that so the marvelous sight just appeared, seven people of having dealt a long time with powerful enemies immediate have hit 12 attention and alert! But what they have not thought that the opposite party seven people actually defer to strict order one by one to plunder, suddenly raises the arm the brandishing a sword straight thrust! 七煞战阵的七个人在见到这般奇景刚刚出现的时候,久经大敌的七人即时已经打起了12分的注意和戒备!但他们万万没有想到的是,对方七人却按照严密的次序一一掠起,突然振臂挥刀直刺! At this moment, the broadsword in their hands unexpectedly is similar to the long sword same straight thrust! 这一刻,大刀在他们手中竟然是如同长剑一样的直刺! This without doubt is quite strange one move. Moreover, between both sides is also away from one zhang (3.33 m) many distance obviously...... could it be, does their strategic place come? In the time that this thought dodged, Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array simultaneously prepares for greeted that the opposite party charged. 这无疑是相当古怪的一招。而且,双方之间明明还隔着一丈多的距离……难道,他们要冲过来?就在这个念头一闪的时刻,七煞战阵同时做好了迎接对方冲锋的准备。 At this moment, most made one unable to believe that is also seemingly a despicable move, suddenly appeared in light of this: On the broadsword in that seven black clothed guy hands, simultaneously projects together the blade glow suddenly, such as the meteor lightning, has been separated from the knife, simultaneously flies to cut toward seven people! 就在这时,最令人无法置信、也是貌似很卑鄙的一招,就此突然出现:那七个黑衣大汉手中的大刀身上,突然同时射出一道刀芒,如流星闪电,脱离了刀身,向着七个人同时飞斩! In sheath sheath, in blade blade, fairy, but altogether miserable howling \; Since old times the non-toxic non- husband, cut completely the personal enemy not to bend the waist! 鞘中鞘,刀中刀,神鬼无奈共惨嚎\;自古无毒不丈夫,斩尽仇人不弯腰! A blade that fairy not measures! 正是那神鬼莫测的一刀! Seven people simultaneously horizontal sword standard keeps off, the strength that but opposite party universe throws is too big, hits seven person tigers mouths faintly to tingle with numbness unexpectedly. But at this moment, seven rows of blade wave afflux make a mountain of sword, turned toward Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array that person in central location simultaneously to divide loudly! 七个人同时横剑格挡,但对方这乾坤一掷的力道实在太大,竟然撞得七个人虎口隐隐发麻。而就在这时,七排刀浪汇流化做一座刀山,轰然向着七煞战阵的中央位置的那一个人同时劈了下去! This moment blade light, chilly colorful exceptionally, unexpectedly by far surpassed blade light glittering! The discerning people looked that knows, these seven handles just left the blade of sheath definitely to have the strangeness! 这一刻的刀光,凄艳异常,竟然远远超出了刚才的刀光闪烁!明眼人一看,就知道,这七柄刚刚出鞘的刀绝对有古怪! Yes, has the strangeness, moreover is not small strange! 是的,有古怪,而且还不是小古怪! This, is true trump card! 这,才是真正的杀手锏 Divine Weapon that the blade in blade, had not made an appearance! Such Divine Weapon, is not only then Qu Wuhui said merely three handles, but is...... More than a 300 people of every handle! 刀中的刀,正是一直未曾露面的神兵利器!这样的神兵利器,并不是只有曲勿回所说的‘仅仅’三柄,而是……300多人人手一柄! The victory and defeat beginning that this fights, decides under this blade! 这一战的胜负起点,就决定在这一刀之下! Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array in this moment, made three sufficiently fatal mistakes. First has not thought that the opposite party leaves the blade also First Layer scabbard of sheath! Second has not thought that the blade of opposite party is Divine Weapon! Third has not thought that the opposite party meets the storm Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array core! 七煞战阵在这一刻,犯下了三个足以致命的错误。第一没有想到对方出鞘的刀还有一层刀鞘!第二没有想到对方的刀是神兵利器!第三没有想到对方会强攻七煞战阵的核心! Regardless of attacks the head and tail, be better to deal with than the battle formation core. Therefore they have been paying attention to the defensive counter-attack of opposite party, looks airtight to the head and tail. But in this moment, discovery own estimate completely is wrong! 无论攻击首尾,都要比阵势核心要好应付一些。所以他们一直在注意对方的防守反击,对首尾看得密不透风。但在这一刻,却发现自己的估计完全错误! The blade light such as flamings, bright as snow, brilliant, looks like Devil of hell, has opened the mouth, has revealed the fierce tooth! 刀光如炽,雪亮,绚烂、就像是地狱的恶魔,张开了嘴巴,露出了狰狞的牙齿! The Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array Boss of heart put together completely the whole body skill, the standard operated the scabbard that just shot, the first trap welcomed, working as a resounding, First Blade illness, if the thunder general, cut maliciously above his long sword. 阵心的七煞战阵老大拼尽了全身功力,格开刚刚射来的刀鞘,抢先封堵迎上,“当”的一声脆响,第一刀疾若雷霆一般、狠狠斩在他的长剑之上。 The opposite party this strikes, actually arranged not to know a how long fully blade, being outspoken must kill a blade! 对方这一击,却是筹备了不知多久的全力一刀,毫无保留的必杀一刀! But he actually hastily deals. 而他却是仓促应对。 Although the blade in his hand may also be rare Divine Weapon, but compares to Jun Moxie with Divine Weapon of immortal law forging, differs is actually not a scale! After the Profound Qi junction hits, a blade sword point contacts directly, has a light sound, the long sword breaks off on the blade! 他手中的刀虽然也可算是罕见的利器,但比起君莫邪用仙法锻造的神兵,相差却不是一个档次而已!玄气的交撞之后,一刀一剑锋芒正面接触,只得一声轻响,长剑应刀折断! The broadsword does not have the stay to continue to divide! 大刀全无停留地持续劈下! Blood light splash! 血光飞溅! This blade, was chopping into the god of evil fortune Boss' shoulder, the strong fierce blade potential, almost divided the chest position! Meanwhile, strong fierce, completely has pressed vigorously his whole person, the complete knee submerges underground! 这一刀,正正砍入了七煞老大的肩膀,强猛的刀势,几乎劈到胸膛位置!同时,强猛的大力,更将他的整个人尽都压了下去,齐膝没入地下! His rave, lays out easily, Bang an acoustic shock in the chest of this black-clothed man, under his tyrannical Profound Qi counter-attack, this black-clothed man grunt, the long sword strap was dripping blood the light to mention from his shoulder, flies high to be shaken to fly, two people simultaneously were in the mouth together the blood sword have spurted. 他狂吼一声,反掌拍出,“砰”地一声击在这黑衣人的胸膛,在他强横的玄气反击之下,这个黑衣人闷哼一声,长刀带着一溜血光从他肩头提起,凌空被震飞了出去,两个人同时都是口中一道血剑喷了出来。 But almost without distinction, the second blade chopped on his left shoulder, shoulder blade suddenly was chopped to put on, divided, similarly has not arrived at the chest position! God of evil fortune Boss rave, a foot kicks on the lower abdomen of this black-clothed man, has kicked with the blade him unexpectedly! Is leading on dripping blood...... Simultaneously the Profound Qi crazy revolution, instantaneous already almost the entire left shoulder that wants departs from the body to depart rapid to returning to draw, unexpectedly probably automatic cicatrization general...... But on his face, already an only piece desperate...... Because, the third blade fourth blade also falls, divided unexpectedly accurately in the second blade same position in! 但紧接着几乎毫无差别的,第二刀砍在了他的左肩上,琵琶骨顿时被剁穿,直直劈下,同样是直没到胸口位置!七煞老大狂吼一声,一脚踢在这个黑衣人的小腹上,竟将他连人带刀踢飞了出去!带着自己身上淋漓的鲜血……同时玄气疯狂运转,瞬间已经几乎要离体飞出的整个左肩膀迅速的向回收拢,竟然好像自动愈合一般……但他的脸上,已经只余一片绝望……因为,第三刀第四刀同时落下,竟是准确地劈在了与第二刀同一个位置上! Left half body that brushes, has not drawn in enough time, finally pa flew! 刷的一声,尚未来得及收拢回去的左边半边身子,终于“”的一声飞了出去! This has not calculated that the fifth blade, the sixth blade also falling like lightning, actually chops the cutting edge of First Blade! This time god of evil fortune Boss does not have any strength of resisting again, face upwards the pitiful yell, the pitiful yell of sounds of people, does not look right helplessly one less than half side body linked the shoulder arm to fly on the blade! In right hand that flies, but also dead Deathland grabs own long sword! 这还不算完,第五刀,第六刀也已闪电般的落下,却是劈进了第一刀的刀口!此时的七煞老大再也没有任何的招架之力,仰天惨叫,不似人声的惨叫,眼睁睁地看着自己右边小半边身子连着肩膀胳膊应刀飞了出去!飞出去的右手中,还死死地抓着自己的长剑! His eye looks at own long sword, reveals does not abandon the unwilling color...... By his body, clearly reveals the internal organs! 他的眼睛看着自己的长剑,露出不舍不甘之色……他的身体两边,都清晰地露出内脏! Dripping with blood...... Steaming hot! 鲜血淋漓……热气腾腾! But his both feet was still drawing back! He understands one already maintained a livelihood hopelessly, but he is an Boss, then has as Boss responsibility completely, he clearly knows if one died immediately at the scene, what attack will create to own brothers, therefore, even if he must die, must detain the final one breath! 但他双脚仍在退!他何尝不明白自己已然活命无望,但他是老大,便有身为老大该尽的责任,他清楚知道自己若是即时当场死了,会对自己的兄弟造成什么样的打击,所以,就算他要死,也要留住最后一口气! At least, must speak a few words again! That a few words can help other six brothers leave behind final a slim chance of survival! 起码,要再说一句话!那一句话或者能帮其他六个兄弟留下最后一线生机! What a pity, the day does not hope from the person, he forever lost this opportunity! 可惜,天不从人愿,他永远失去了这个机会! The seventh person and seventh blade, to! Body that exposes from him in internal organs straight advance, from another side comes a section of bright as snow knife point prominently! Simultaneously stirred one pile of powder dust his five main internal organs (entrails) and Dantian...... 第七人、第七刀、到了!从他裸露出的身体右侧内脏中直直的突进,从另一边突出来一截雪亮的刀锋!将他的五脏六腑和丹田同时搅成了一堆碎末…… ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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