OEM :: Volume #10

#902: Depressed ‚maid’!

Initiative passive...... Hosts and visitors transposition...... Hissing ~~~ Qu Wuhui has sucked in one breath, stares looks to fight the circle that winks does not wink, incredible say/way: How can like this? Is this possible? Seriously damn?” “主动被动……主客易位……嘶~~~”曲勿回倒抽了一口气,瞪着眼睛一眨也不眨的看着战圈,不可置信的道:“怎会这样?这怎么可能?当真见鬼了吗?” Remains deadlocked Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array in war is similar to is the rushing Heaven and Earth ocean waves, along with the fluctuation of sea tide, surges wave upon wave, but that has composed the strange shape in a narrow and small range, able to move unhindered leaps seven black-clothed person who plunders, looks like the reef of shore, throughout stands one's ground steadfastly! 处于僵持状态战局之中的七煞战阵就如同是奔涌天地的海浪,随着大海潮汐之涨落,一浪高过一浪,而那一直在一个狭小的范围内组成古怪形状,纵横腾掠的七个黑衣人,就像是岸边的礁石,始终岿然不动! Also should say, is more like an exceptionally broad mountain range endless is surrounded vastly, but hard sharp corner/horn dew outside, had not been submerged throughout throughout completely! 又或者应该说,更像是一座异常恢弘的山脉被无尽汪洋所包围,但始终有一个坚硬的尖角露在外面,始终也不曾被完全淹没过! But if carefully looked that can look, although Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array truly occupied over 90% offensive, as if has pressed the opposite party has not gasped for breath, momentarily can submerge seven people of Malian thoroughly, but the opposite party is always actually as secure as Mount Taishan! simply does not have the least bit crisis \; Moreover, along with the uninterrupted attack of Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array, that Seven Stars Battle Array the attacks of seven people often is attacks the enemy to rescue, making the Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array attack move only use half to retract to defend oneself...... The opposite party actually does not take advantage of the crack attack, is only defending constantly, as if planned that must such permanent drag...... As the matter stands, both sides are attacking opposite party vital point, actually at the same time defends \; Has been causing seven handle long swords and seven broadswords never has contacted unexpectedly a time strange scene since battle. 但若仔细看去就能看得出来,虽然七煞战阵确实占据了九成以上的攻势,似乎已经将对方压得喘不过气来,随时可以彻底淹没七人联阵,但对方却始终安如泰山!根本就没有半点危机\;而且,随着七煞战阵的不间断进攻,那七星战阵的七个人的攻击往往都是攻敌之必救,令七煞战阵的攻击招数只使用出一半就不得不缩回防守自身……偏偏对方却又不趁隙进攻,只是一味的稳守,似乎打算要这样恒久地拖下去……这样一来,双方都在攻击对方的要害,却又都是在同一时间防守\;正导致了七柄长剑和七把大刀从开战以来竟是从未接触过一次的离奇场面。 But if carefully observes seriously, will let however discover with amazement: Occupies actively, is not similar to Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array that the raging waves monstrous waves fiercely attack generally, but is that seven is occupying the that seven black-clothed person of strange position and composition strange lineup! 但若是当真仔细地一路观察下来,却会让然骇然发现:占据主动的,绝不是如同狂涛巨浪一般猛攻的七煞战阵,而是那七个占着古怪的方位、组成古怪阵形的那七名黑衣人! Also should say like this, time from the beginning, fiercely attacking of Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array truly occupied on own initiative, but waits till Seven Stars Big Dipper Array expansion of opposite party slowly, the aspect was impartial \; Then with step by step the war change, on own initiative was falling in the hand of opposite party...... The opposite party actually never launches the attack, is only guarding constantly, making all people have an misconception...... Therefore speaking of the result, these three processes were still completely same, performs will defeat the undefeated, turned defeat into victory, complete being exactly the same, not fresh idea! 又或者应该这样说,一开始的时候,七煞战阵的猛攻确实是占据了主动的,但等到对方的七星北斗阵慢慢的展开,局面就已经持平了\;而后随着一步步战局变化,主动就在不知不觉之间落到了对方的手里……只是对方却从未展开进攻,只是一味的据守,让所有人都产生了一种错觉……所以就结果而论,这三阵的过程仍旧是完全一样的,尽都将败不败,反败为胜,完全的如出一辙,并无新意! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looks at Jun Moxie, chuckled said: These strange formation that surname Jun little brat, where your little brat makes? This Young Master guessed, is your Master mysterious teaches for your?” 九幽十四少看着君莫邪,嘿嘿笑道:“姓君小子,你小子到底从哪里弄来的这些古怪的阵法?本公子猜测,是你那神秘师父传授给你的吧?” Such remarks, let just fall into the three protectors in huge shock, was big being startled of! 此言一出,让刚刚陷入巨大震惊之中的三位守护者,又均是大大的吃了一惊! Fourteenth Brother, could it be you know that who his Master is? Also or you actually know his Master?” Cheng Yinxiao eyes flashed, light asking. 十四兄,难道你知道他的师父是谁?又或者说,你其实是认识他师父的?”成吟啸目光一闪,淡淡的问道。 The Jun Moxie Master, is a giant riddle! Even if person again genius, was impossible to be self-taught so the situation! The Jun Moxie Master, can definitely be an earthshaking character, is only...... Everybody know this point, but was actually everybody wants to break the head unable to think, will refine these mysterious Medicinal Pill, but can also train such a miracle common disciple, now also possibly is these mysterious formation genuine owners, which big energy was this? 君莫邪的师傅,一直是一个巨大的谜团!就算一个人再天才,也不可能无师自通到了这般地步!君莫邪的师傅,必然会是一位惊天动地的人物,只是……人人都知道这一点,但却是人人都是想破了脑袋也想不出来,又会炼制那些神奇丹药,还能够调教出这么一个奇迹一般的弟子,现在还可能是这些神奇阵法的真正拥有者,这到底是哪一位大能呢? These days, since Heavenly Saint Palace almost completely has analyzed 3000 all expert materials, denied, this inside story is inexhaustible, was too powerful, to has not endured the person of match intrepidly completely fully...... At this moment listens to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master tone, actually probably knows general, how could aren't three people big curious heart? 这段时间里,天圣宫几乎将3000年以来的所有高手资料尽都分析了一遍,却都一个个的否定了,这位的底蕴无穷无尽,实在太强悍了,强悍到完全没有足堪匹配之人……此刻听九幽十四少的口气,竟然好像知道一般,三人岂能不大起好奇之心? Whether smiling of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master does not know, indifferently said: This little brat Master...... Let me owe a big favor, actually could not find also his opportunity, depressed, can let this Young Master depressed existence, you deliberately considered that who that person can be......” 九幽十四少不知可否的笑了笑,淡淡地道:“这小子的师傅……让我欠了一个大大的人情,却偏偏找不到还他的机会,郁闷啊,能让本公子都郁闷的存在,你寻思那人会是什么人……” Three people suck in an cold air/Qi: Can make Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master owe the favor, but must be in the degree that is unable to repay...... What character can be? Looks at Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to be insufficiently detailed, appearance that does not want to say obviously, three people are the curiosity greatly flaming. 三人倒抽一口冷气:能让九幽十四少欠下人情,还要到无法偿还的程度……到底会是什么样的人物呢?看九幽十四少语焉不详,明显不想多说的样子,三人均是好奇心大炽。 Fourteenth Brother, this Evil Monarch Master...... Unknown can amount to Fourteenth Brother several tenths, compared with various our generation how?” The Qu Wuhui character pours out careful asking that the character thinks. 十四兄,这位邪之君主的师傅……未知能达十四兄的几成,较诸我辈又如何?”曲勿回字斟字酌的小心问道。 This asked, makes Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master hesitant, probably because previous time sees in a hurry, he did not understand that Nine Heaven First Master the details, the strength to any level, but a little can affirm that not under oneself! 这一问,却让九幽十四少犹豫起来,盖因上次匆匆一见,连他也不明白那位‘九霄第一爷’地底细,实力又到底是到了什么层次,但有一点是可以肯定的,绝不在自己之下! He hesitated for a long time, said: Compared with your several is the affirmation, regarding and my comparison, that has not said, that person of strength is as deep as a well, deeply does not see the bottom...... I did not have really can exceed him self-confidently! Even if life and death preying, irreconcilable...... I have not grasped similarly kill him!” 他沉吟了好久,才道:“比你们几个强是肯定的,至于说和我比较,那还真不好说,那人实力高深莫测,深不见底……我还真没自信可以胜过他!就算是生死搏杀,不死不休……我也同样没把握杀得了他!” What Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said is the frank talk, this point, three people completely listened, he said that absolutely is the heart-to-heart talk. But also because of this, three big protectors with amazement change color! 九幽十四少说的是大实话,这一点,三人尽都听了出来,他说的,绝对是肺腑之言。但也正因为如此,三大守护者才骇然变色! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master does not have existence that the confidence can defeat...... That said, the strength of this person possibly can also be stronger than Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master? In addition his pill concocting craftsmanship, also today looks in in the eye mysterious formation, what Expert is this?! 九幽十四少也没信心可以战胜的存在么……那岂不是说,此人的实力可能比九幽十四少还要更强?再加上他的炼丹手艺,还有今天看在眼内的神奇阵法,这得是什么样的高人啊?! This this...... Does in world have such character unexpectedly? How did we live for more than 1000 years actually never to hear? 这这这……世间竟有如此人物?怎地我们都活了1000多年却从未听说? No wonder the Jun Moxie cultivation speed is similar to flies the general advance, originally has such a Master of going against heaven's will really! 怪不得君莫邪修炼速度如同飞一般的前进,原来真的有这么一位逆天的师傅! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is not willing to reveal that the specific name of that mysterious person, it can be said that has increased Jun Moxie the mysterious surname of Master! 偏偏九幽十四少又坚决不肯吐露那神秘人的具体姓名,可说是又更加增添了君莫邪的师傅的神秘姓! At this moment, Young Master Jun just right asked one: „Does senior, you know my Master? Have you seen him?” 恰在这时,君大少恰到好处的问了一句:“前辈,你知道我师父?你见过他了?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master coldly snorted, said: Not only has seen, your scoundrel Master gives back to me to leave behind a big mess, I have not asked him to keep a promise! Plays tricks, does intentionally mysterious, sufficient big petal garlic! This Young Master mocks really! Disdains! Be ashamed to associate with! Said to you honestly, this Young Master runs into your bad luck Master, had bad luck! The unluckiness of real his mother, bah......” 九幽十四少冷哼一声,道:“岂止见过,你那个混账师傅还给我留下一大笔的糊涂账,我还未找他算数呢!装神弄鬼,故作神秘,充大瓣蒜!本公子甚是齿冷!更是不屑!羞与为伍!老实给你说,本公子遇到你那个倒霉师傅,算是倒了血霉了!真他娘的晦气,呸……” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master said that to call a resentment to soar to the heavens, even meaning of some also hidden bitterness...... Just like is a Yang Bailao pressed for payment tone...... But his such saying, Jun Moxie immediately apparent say/way fellow seemingly misunderstood...... Nine Heaven First Master recognized that has been own Master, truly has not actually seen through oneself inside story. 九幽十四少说得那叫一个怨气冲天,甚至还有些幽怨的意味……活脱脱就是一副杨白劳被逼债的口气……但他这么一说,君莫邪立即便知道这家伙貌似误会了……将那位‘九霄第一爷’认做了自己的师傅,却不是真正识破了自己底蕴。 This is a wonderful misunderstanding! This is in legend wrong has the mistake, making all completely score a lucky hit! 这是一个美妙的误会!这就是传说中的“错有错着”吧,令一切尽都歪打正着! Through this exchange, Young Master Jun also instantaneously understood the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master resentment origin...... In fact, since Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master had tracked Jun Moxie, then, naturally is looks familiar to movement technique that he mysteriously appears and disappears very much, therefore, follows up a clue naturally, on association to that mysterious Nine Heaven First Master. 通过这番交流,君大少爷也瞬间明了了九幽十四少的怨气由来……实际上,九幽十四少既然曾经跟踪过君莫邪,那么,对他神出鬼没的身法自然是眼熟得很,于是,顺藤摸瓜、理所当然的就联想到了那位神秘莫测的‘九霄第一爷’身上。 The Jun Moxie age too is in addition light, moreover itself cultivation base is also hard into the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master discernment, in in the eyes of this big madman, that Nine Heaven First Master generally is the same standard is even high a point certainly generation of expert , can there have trivial Saint Emperor cultivation base? Thereupon natural Young Master Jun recognizes for that mysterious Expert apprentice! 再加上君莫邪年岁实在太轻,而且本身修为也难以入得九幽十四少的法眼,在这位大狂人的眼中,那位“九霄第一爷”大抵是和自己是同一水准甚至还高一点的绝代强者,又那里会只得“区区”圣皇修为?于是乎理所应当的将君大少爷认定为那位“神秘高人”的徒弟! It spoke the truth, if calculated according to conventional, this was really the fairest logical inference! Generally speaking, runs into 1000 10,000 individuals, an observation thus and such and such, transits the discipling from the school not to be absolutely able to be inescapable one...... But Young Master Jun is actually inborn freak, that in trillion does not have one that! 其实说起来,若是按照常规来推算,这实在是最合情合理的逻辑推断!一般来说,遇到1000个10000个人,如此这般的一观察,师承门派绝对跑不了一个……但君大少却是一个天生怪胎,正是那亿万中也无一的那一个! This wonderful misunderstanding...... Jun Moxie definitely does not plan to explain drop...... Misunderstood? Happen to! How to say again, that Nine Heaven First Master , said that also has helped busy of Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, this was a huge favor! 这个美妙的误会……君莫邪肯定是不打算解释滴……误会了?正好!再怎么说,那位‘九霄第一爷’当曰也算是帮了九幽十四少的大忙,这可是一份天大的人情! By Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master this and other stubborn to the extreme madman, owes people the favor is a very uncomfortably very uncomfortable matter...... Although, if Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master saw Nine Heaven First Master, even if there is graciousness in him, could not say also to with his theory theory chatty the origin of nickname...... But, saw that Jun Moxie is not good, but Jun Moxie junior...... Moreover the disciple of benefactor, said that anything cannot look he is bullied in himself at present is not, was a guest performer a maid not to have the means that especially this little brat enemy seemingly was own enemy is also coming...... Therefore now said that had Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master is the aspect that Jun Moxie supported...... Moreover what is more interesting, once there is this to misunderstand again, Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looked after Jun Moxie instead is heartlessly does not have the share, natural...... Looked after did not have the favor, oneself also embarrassed took to be overly proud, did not look after itself unable to pass at heart, seemingly said, met Nine Heaven First Master again time must unable to gain ground...... Therefore Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has acted as one time today aggrievedly maid! 九幽十四少这等桀骜到了极点的狂人来说,欠人人情乃是一件很难受很难受的事情……虽然,若是九幽十四少见到了‘九霄第一爷’,纵然是有恩于他,说不得也要和他理论理论这个“腻歪”绰号的由来……但,见到君莫邪却不行,君莫邪可是小辈……而且还是恩人之徒,说啥也不能看着他在自己眼前受欺负不是,客串一回保姆也没办法了,尤其这小子的敌人貌似也是自己的敌人来着……所以今曰就有了九幽十四少君莫邪撑腰的局面……而且更有趣的是,一旦有了这重误会,九幽十四少照拂君莫邪反而是无情无份,理所应当……照顾了没有人情,自己还不好意思拿出来表功,不照顾自己心里又过不去,貌似曰后再遇‘九霄第一爷’的时候也要抬不起头……所以九幽十四少今天就充当了一次憋屈的‘保姆’! Naturally, if he knows the truth, Jun Moxie is that so-called Nine Heaven First Master, hold/container Bao will make into the pig head this little brat immediately! But was a pity very much, he does not know, this whole life is also not necessarily able to know...... Naturally, if the Young Master Jun aware own strength rose to with Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master with a First Layer time time, perhaps will tell him this truth, which time because, Jun Moxie had not feared oneself will make into pig...... Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master no doubt is feels suffocated to add on does not would rather but also obtain the strength...... But Jun Moxie is actually in the heart dark crisp and joyful, is Mount Tai is more assured! 当然,若是他知道真相,君莫邪就是那个所谓的‘九霄第一爷’的话,包保会立即将这小子打成猪头!但很可惜,他不知道,这辈子也未必能知道……当然了,若是君大少爷自觉自己的实力已经上升到与九幽十四少一层次的时候,没准会告诉他这个真相,因为哪个时候,君莫邪已经不怕自己会被打成猪头了……九幽十四少固然是憋气加上不情愿但还得出力……但君莫邪却是心中暗爽兼快乐,更是泰山笃定! Then in the time that two people talked, the complexions of three protectors were getting more and more ugly, the reason did not have him, because only the situation in field, was turning toward a Sacred Land disadvantageous side to transform gradually...... Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looked at Qu Wuhui, the in the heart sentiment was finally better: Qu Wuhui complexion at this moment, there can also find the beforehand self-satisfied facial expression, became is similar to the bottom of the pot was already ordinary! 便在两人谈话的时间里,三位守护者的脸色越来越难看,原因无他,只因为场中的局势,正在逐渐向着圣地不利的一方转换着……九幽十四少看了看曲勿回,终于心情好了一些:曲勿回此刻的脸色,那里还能找到之前的得意神情,早已变得如同锅底一般! Swallow alive live earthworm, entire 1000, moreover these earthworms are also one after another dig, heavens! Thinks that this gambling stake, Qu Wuhui somewhat lives the feeling that might as well die and want to cry but have no tears!...... Jun Moxie looks to the field, a heart slightly has also picked up. The present condition, as before is on the side of main attack by Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array, but Seven Stars Big Dipper Array that the Sky Razing Soul Devourers respective that seven members compose revolves the even more skillful nature . Moreover, every time dodges the revolutions to organize, has the light star light transgression, the form also more and more has the illusory indistinct flavor/smell...... Obviously, decided that the key of victory and loss victory and defeat and life and death struck will soon arrive! 生吞活蚯蚓,整整1000条,而且这些蚯蚓还都是自己一条一条挖出来的,天哪!一想到这个赌注,曲勿回就有些生不如死、欲哭无泪的感觉!……君莫邪看向场中,一颗心也稍稍提了起来。现在的状况,依旧是由七煞战阵一边主攻,而残天噬魂所属的那七名队员所组成的七星北斗阵运转得愈发纯熟自然,而且,每一次闪转腾挪,均有淡淡的星光逸出,身影也越来越有虚幻缥缈的味道……显然,决定输赢胜负、生死存亡的关键一击即将到来了! ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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