OEM :: Volume #10

#901: The Big Dipper fights the god of evil fortune

Jun Moxie said with a smile: If Three Great Sacred Lands other people here, Junior naturally must sneak attack to plot carefully, but this place is actually becomes, tune and Qiao three seniors, if three Heavenly Saint Palace protectors do not want the cheek...... That Junior seriously compensates this poor life, does not have anything at the worst.” 君莫邪微笑道:“若是三大圣地的其他人在此,晚辈自然要小心偷袭暗算,但此地的却是成、曲、乔三位前辈,若是三位天圣宫的守护者连面皮都不要了……那晚辈就算当真赔上这一条小命,却也没什么大不了的。” Good little brat! Haha......” the Cheng Yinxiao heart is happy, Jun Moxie these words clearly censure the reality to praise, explained his trusts three protectors actually. Trust between this enemies is actually rarest, therefore in Cheng Yinxiao hear of hearts of comfortable, cannot help but beams with joy. “好小子哈哈……”成吟啸心头大悦,君莫邪这一句话明贬实褒,实际却是说明了他对三位守护者的信任。这份敌人之间的信任却是最难得的,所以成吟啸听的心中舒服,不由得眉花眼笑。 Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looks at Jun Moxie, cloudy sound said: surname Jun little brat, this Young Master this time has gotten down the heavy note on your body. Do not implicate this Young Master to lose, this war, how many assurances your does little brat have?” 九幽十四少看着君莫邪,阴声道:“姓君小子,本公子这次可是在你的身上下了重注的。你可不要连累本公子赌输了,这一战,你小子有多少把握?” Jun Moxie said stunned: Three Great Sacred Lands each generation produces talented people, the strength is as deep as a well, first two games of we win quite luckily, now the third game of war has not started, my there knows how many assurances has? Eh...... We go all out in that side, are you taking our life and death gambling here? This...... Many a little cannot be justified!” 君莫邪愕然道:“三大圣地人才辈出,实力高深莫测,前两局我方胜得颇为侥幸,如今第三局战局尚未开始,我那里会知道有多少把握?额……我们在那边拼命,你们却在这里拿着我们的生死赌博?这个……多少有点说不过去吧!” What may not to bet, but is trivial several life, how can't bring a gambling?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master snort/hum, said: Since comes out to hit to live to kill, that must be prepared kill momentarily! However is dies several people...... What also has been worth? Also, what we bet is the victory and defeat, does not die specifically many people...... These life, in this Young Master in the eyes, but also not necessarily has the gambling qualifications seriously!” “何事不可为赌,不过是区区几条姓命而已,怎地就不能拿来一赌?”九幽十四少哼了一声,道:“既然出来打生打死,那就要有随时被人干掉的准备!不过是死几个人……又值得了什么?再说,我们赌的是胜负,又不是具体死多少人……这几条姓命,在本公子眼中,还当真未必有赌的资格!” In the Jun Moxie surface smiles bitterly, but heart somewhat has doubts flood: Since Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master has come, his every word and deeds as if are helping themselves, even there are for the trend that oneself support...... Why is this? could it be has he recognized me? 君莫邪面上苦笑,但心头却是有些疑惑泛起:自从九幽十四少现身以来,他的一言一行都似乎在帮着自己,甚至有为自己撑腰的趋势……这是为什么?难道他认出了我? Jun Moxie, your hand/surbordinate revolution the methods of that several Battle Formation were very marvelous......” Qu Wuhui snort/hum two, said: These people are the techniques of jointly attacking, train by your training?” 君莫邪,你手下运转的那几个战阵之法可是奇妙得很啊……”曲勿回哼了两声,道:“这些人的合击之术,都是由你一手调教训练出来的?” Jun Moxie shows an ashamed smiling face, chuckled said: Senior thought highly of me, that big skill where Junior came......” 君莫邪露出一个惭愧的笑容,嘿嘿笑道:“前辈太看得起我了,晚辈哪里来的那么大的本事……” Oh? That where does Expert design formation that this waited for resulting in?” The Cheng Yinxiao connection asked. ?那又是何方高人设计出了这等了得的阵法?”成吟啸接口问道。 Naturally has someone else.” Jun Moxie attended to about him saying: Does not know that what the gambling stakes of several seniors are?” “当然另有其人。”君莫邪顾左右而言他道:“不知几位前辈的赌注又是什么呢?” No matter bets is anything, your this war, must lose without doubt!” Qu Wuhui changes the topic to be somewhat discontented to Jun Moxie obviously, rolled the eyes, has turned the head. “不管赌得是什么,你这一战,都将是必输无疑的!”曲勿回显然对君莫邪岔开话题有些不满,翻了翻白眼,转过头去。 Jun Moxie indifferently said: This moment victory and defeat has not divided, how we must lose without doubt, since senior so assured, that Junior wanted wait and see seriously. However, seemed like Junior won two, if this fought won again, that Exquisite Lotus, but was equal to my hand half.” 君莫邪淡淡地道:“此刻胜负未分,怎地我方就是必输无疑,既然前辈如此的笃定,那晚辈当真要拭目以待了。不过,貌似晚辈这边已经胜了两场,若是这一战再胜了,那玲珑莲,可就等于到了我手里面一半了。” You could rest assured that since three of us already approved, if lost really to you, that will not act shamelessly!” Cheng Yinxiao indifferently said: We lived for more than thousand years, this credit has, you do not need to be worried.” “你放心,既然我们三人已然认可,若是真的输了给你,那就不会耍赖的!”成吟啸淡淡地道:“我们都活了千多年,这点信用还是有的,你不必担心。” I naturally did not worry that......” Jun Moxie reveals a ridicule the happy expression: Was a pity, in Three Great Sacred Lands, can have such prestige person, is actually few, few......” “我自然不担心……”君莫邪露出一个讥讽的笑意:“可惜,三大圣地之中,能够有这样的信誉的人,却是屈指可数,寥寥无几……” Your little brat also said a moment ago, this moment victory and defeat has not divided, discussed that gambling stake has what use! You said that the advantage of argument can make you turn around the situation?” Qu Wuhui snort/hum, said: Truth told you little brat, your seven subordinates, half foot has stepped into the nether world! Thanks to you also leisure boastful, hurries to prepare the coffin here is proper!” “你小子刚才也说了,此刻胜负未分,谈那赌注有何用处!你道口舌之利能让你扭转战局吗?”曲勿回哼了一声,道:“实话告诉你小子,你那七个属下,半只脚已经踏入阴司了!亏你还有闲暇在这里大言不惭,赶紧去准备棺材才是正经!” Life and death has the life, the riches and honor depend on the appointment of heaven! The Fourteenth Young Master senior said a moment ago well, since came out to hit to live to kill, must budget the consciousness of having momentarily kill, this point, I or my hand/surbordinate can actually be able to see through, how didn't know Sacred Land?!” Jun Moxie coldly smiles, in the words does not have the slight concessions again, has the potential of being in sharp opposition greatly. “生死有命,富贵在天!刚才十四少前辈说得好,既然出来打生打死,就要预算到有随时被人杀死的觉悟,这一点,我又或者我的手下却是能看得开的,就不知道圣地又如何?!”君莫邪冷冷一笑,言辞上再也无丝毫让步,大有针锋相对之势。 In the time that the people spoke, in the field, 14 people have fought in one. 就在众人说话的时间里,场中,14个人已经战在一处。 Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array 1 st comes up to reveal that nearly has crushed the surname the powerful advantage. Seven people the formidable power and influence that collaborates the battle formation to form almost press seven Sky Razing Soul Devourers members to hit, a contact, aspect already badly to situation in the extreme! 七煞战阵初一上来就显露出了近乎压倒姓的强大优势。七人联手阵势所形成的强大威势几乎就是压着七名残天噬魂队员来打,才一接触,局面就已经恶劣到了无以复加的地步! The people who observes, look almost cannot breathe. 就连观战的众人,也看的几乎不能呼吸了。 Looked at one, Qu Wuhui has smiled to grin with ear to ear, at present this circumstance, was really good, had victory in the hand absolutely, if this grade of superiority were unwinnable, yes damn! Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, the old man acknowledged that strength is inferior to you, fights not to hit you, but if can compel you to eat uncooked the earthworm, but also eats 1000, the old man will have a dream will also smile to awake...... The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master look looks in dust filling the heavens field, unexpectedly is appears the rare dignified facial expression. Qu Wuhui looks in in the eyes, is ecstatic, grins to say with a smile: Fourteenth Brother does not need to worry, you always did not say that has the gambling to not to lose? At present this war just now starts, perhaps a black-clothed person side also great power can also be able to know.” 就只是看了一眼,曲勿回就已经笑得合不拢嘴来,眼下这情势,实在是太好了,绝对是胜券在握,若是这等优势还不能取胜,才是真见鬼了呢!九幽十四少九幽十四少,老夫承认实力不如你,打架也打不过你,但若是能逼得你生吃蚯蚓,还一吃就1000条,老夫做梦也会笑醒的……九幽十四少眼神看着尘土弥天的场中,竟是现出罕有的凝重神情。曲勿回看在眼中,更是心花怒放,咧着嘴笑道:“十四兄不必着急,你不总说有赌未为输吗?眼下这战局才刚开始,说不定黑衣人一方还有回天之能也未可知呢。” This clarifies in good that to take joy in other people's misfortunes...... said that so long as has not arrived at the last minute, the victory and defeat was still the unknown......” the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master faint smile looked at his one eyes, the lesson said: If you can your this provoke the plans the thoughts total to use in cultivation, but does not use at the argument struggles, perhaps your achievement has surpassed this Young Master also to know......” 这摆明就是在幸灾乐祸了……“说的不错,只要还未到最后一刻,胜负仍是未知数……”九幽十四少似笑非笑看了他一眼,教训道:“若是你能将你这番拨弄心机的心思全数用在修炼中而不是用在口舌之争上,你的成就或许已经超过了本公子也未可知……” Qu Wuhui stagnates, resentful bah, turned the head to look at the war. 曲勿回一滞,悻悻的呸了一声,转头去看战局。 Without doubt, this war attracted has presented the complete attention of all people, the attention degree, went beyond compared with first two! 无疑,这一战吸引了在场所有人的全部注意力,关注程度,比前两阵有过之而无不及! The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master brow wrinkles slightly, watched a meeting, actually resembles has to become aware, the gloomy atmosphere that covers from top to bottom also as if there is institute slightly slow...... Cheng Yinxiao has been paying attention to the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master manner movement. He actually knows, all people on the scene, the eyesight is wisest, will be Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, this point nobody will doubt absolutely. 九幽十四少眉头微微皱起,看了一会,却似是另有所悟,浑身上下笼罩的阴森气氛也似乎有所稍缓……成吟啸一直都在注意着九幽十四少的神态动作。他却是知道,在场的所有人之中,眼力最为高明的,绝对就是九幽十四少,这一点没有人会置疑。 At this moment, he felt sensitively the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master manner movement resembles suddenly some signs of relaxation unexpectedly, in the heart one tight, asked: „The Fourteenth Brother discernment is wise, comes by the Fourteenth Brother view, winner who this fights for whom?” 此刻,他敏感的感到了九幽十四少的神态动作竟似突然有些放松的迹象,心中不由一紧,问道:“十四兄法眼高明,以十四兄观来,这一战的赢家为谁?” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master sighed shook the head with a smile, said: Victory that this fights very strange!” 九幽十四少叹笑着摇了摇头,道:“这一战的战果将会非常的古怪!” Strange?” Several other people look at him the vision. In the heart somewhat felt strange: At present is the Sacred Land victory has clearly decided that why will he say strangely? also what may supply strangely leeway? “古怪?”其余几人都将目光看着他。心中有些奇怪:眼前分明是圣地胜局已定,为何他会说古怪?还有什么可供‘古怪’的余地? This war, this Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array had the overwhelming superiority, compressed one group seven black-clothed person, organizes to dodge continually is also quite difficult. If the list analyzes from this point, Sacred Land as if had victory in the hand......” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master to smile: But looks like by this Young Master, the final success or failure actually was still not necessarily!” “这一战,这七煞战阵占据了绝对优势,更已经将七个黑衣人压缩成一团,连腾挪闪避也颇为艰难。若单从这一点上分析,圣地似乎已是胜券在握了……”九幽十四少笑了笑:“但以本公子看来,最终的成败却仍是未必!” Makes one think so?” “何以见得?” This war projects on the present, three questionable points, are extremely unsolvable, has not thought through including this Young Master, until still so...... Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looking pensive looked at Jun Moxie at this moment, has not said. “这一战打到现在,共有三处疑点,殊不可解,连本公子也没想通,直到此刻仍是如此……”九幽十四少若有所思的看了看君莫邪,没有说下去。 Three questionable points?......” Cheng Yinxiao and other people all are the facial expression one tight, looks once again with rapt attention to the field. “三处疑点?……”成吟啸等三人俱是神情一紧,再度凝神看向场中。 But sees in the field the white light such as to flaming, Sword Qi soars to the heavens, Seven Evil Spirit Battle Array seven handle long swords interweave piece of dense and numerous big net, all has actually covered the match, Jun Moxie while the war circle of that seven black-clothed person was reduced small one group, as if will have anytime the destruction danger, then such as harnesses the small boat to struggle to walk randomly in the difficult situation of most rushing, although is surrounded by perils, actually throughout can maintain is swallowed by the monstrous waves. 但见场中白光如炽,剑气冲霄,七煞战阵一边七柄长剑交织成一片密密麻麻的大网,却已将对手尽数笼罩在其中,君莫邪一边的那七名黑衣人的战圈已经被压缩成小小的一团,似乎随时都会有覆灭的危险,便如一驾小舟在最澎湃的惊涛骇浪中挣扎游走,虽然险象环生,却始终能保持不会被巨浪吞噬。 Qu Wuhui looked at the long time, this suddenly a racket forehead, gets angry: Damn, unexpectedly is a strange battle formation! A moment ago was three-people formation and five-people formation, now causes seven-people formation, how can like this?!” 曲勿回看了半晌,这才突然一拍额头,怒道:“他妈的,竟然又是一个古怪的阵势!刚才是三人阵五人阵,现在又弄出一个七人阵,怎么会这样?!” Listened to this saying, Cheng Yinxiao and Qiao Ying also one after another saw Profound Principle, on the side of Jun Moxie that seven people the avoidance resisted, seven people were always maintaining a strange battle formation, seven people able to move unhindered jumped, back and forth shuttle, but changing , but staying the same, throughout in that seven fixed point! 听他这一说,成吟啸乔影也都陆续看出了个中的玄机,君莫邪一边的那七个人无论是躲避招架,七个人始终都维持着一个古怪的阵势,七个人纵横跳跃,来回穿梭,但万变不离其宗,始终都在那七个固定的点上! The so strange position, is really unprecedented, seems the formation as if is very sloppy, but considered carefully, is actually the head and tail interlocking, echoes mutually, entire just like a body, although does not have to attack the strength of enemy, but defends can actually achieve to be airtight and flawless! 这般古怪的站位,委实是前所未见,看上去队形似乎很是散漫,但仔细考虑,却是首尾相接,相互呼应,整个宛若一体,虽似全无攻敌之力,但防守却能作到密不透风、天衣无缝! Looks, the complexion of people somewhat is serious, these people of eyesight completely are the present age are top, how not to know that the perfect defense, is then equal to be in an impregnable position! 看着看着,众人的脸色都有些沉重起来,这几人的眼力尽都是当世顶尖的,如何不知完美的防守,便等同立于不败之地! „The first questionable point, this war makes war now, both sides are holding the treasured sword sharp blade, early had indicated is the war of life and death, especially at present organizes the battle in that narrow and small range, does not have any person injured throughout! This is actually enormous strangeness!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looks in the field intense war, has raised up a finger. “第一个疑点,此战开战到现在,双方都持着宝刀利刃,又早早的表明了是生死之战,尤其眼下在那么狭小的范围内腾挪交战,却始终没有任何一个人受伤!这点却是极大的古怪!”九幽十四少看着场中激烈的战局,竖起了一根手指头。 He is slowly typical: So under the fierce combat, both sides actually completely sends does not damage...... Such result, what even if trades to make the battle is your I and the others...... Also is not necessarily able to achieve......” 他缓缓地道:“如此激战之下,双方却尽都毫发不损……这样的结果,纵然换做交战的是你我等人……也未必能够作到……” Cheng Yinxiao and Qu Wuhui nod slowly, frowned, careful thinking. 成吟啸曲勿回缓缓点头,皱了眉头,细细思索。 Comes again is the second questionable point, is a strangest point...... Both sides since make war now, unexpectedly does not have the sound that any pointed weapons junction strikes to resound! In other words...... Everyone at least attacked over several hundred moves, in the hand the weapon at least wielded several thousand, but nobody contacted the weapon of match unexpectedly!” “再来是第二个疑点,也是最古怪的一点……双方自从开战到现在,居然没有任何一声兵刃交击的声音响起!也就是说……每个人都至少攻出了数百招以上,手中兵器更起码挥出了数千下,但居然没有一个人接触到对手的兵器!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master gloomy sneers: How could it not be is this huge strange event? If the matter unusual is the monster, this present matter is insufficient monster?” 九幽十四少阴森森的一声冷笑:“这岂非就是天大的怪事?事若反常即为妖,这现在的事还不够‘妖’吗?” Listened to a Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master such saying, three protectors also immediately realized that was not right, in a twinkling complexion big changes! 九幽十四少这么一说,三位守护者也即时察觉到了不对,霎时间一个个脸色大变! This is not good sign, such extraordinary peace, really looked like tranquility before the storm gather! Once so long as starts, is the Violent Wind sudden downpour and thunder! 这并不是什么好兆头,这样出奇的安静,实在象极了暴风雨来临之前的平静!只要一旦开始,就是狂风骤雨、电闪雷鸣! But this war, perhaps also so, once so long as has the sound that the pointed weapons junction strikes to resound, is not necessarily able to present the wounded, because will only have the dead!! 而这一战,恐怕也将会如此,只要一旦有兵刃交击的声音响起,未必会出现伤者,因为只会有死者!! Both sides as if are fermenting the strongest offensive! 双方似乎都是在酝酿最强的攻势! At present once breaks the aspect that this refuses to compromise relatively, immediately is the reactionary reign of terror! 一旦打破眼下这个相对僵持的局面,立即就是血雨腥风! As for the third questionable point...... Resembles secure Shiwei, resembles danger solid secure, initiative passive, the hosts and visitors transpose...... This war, intentionally thinks seriously very much!” Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master looks at Jun Moxie, strange has smiled. “至于第三个疑点……似安实危,似危实安,主动被动,主客易位……这一战,当真很有意思啊!”九幽十四少看着君莫邪,怪异的笑了起来。 ( to be continued ) (未完待续)
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